Djebaili Saleh School / Third Term Exam / 1st Year Literary Streams / 2 Hours

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Djebaili Saleh School / Third Term Exam / 1st Year Literary Streams / 2 Hours

1/ Part One :Reading: (15pts)

A/Comprehension (8pts)
Read the text carefully then do the following activities:

Fresh rain is a welcome thing because it supplies our water and makes the crops and
the flowers grow. But, another kind of rain is not welcome. It is called acid rain. It poisons
water, kills the fish and destroys trees and crops. Besides, acid rain water is not drinkable.
Acid rain is rain and snow that has been polluted by acids .The acids are made when
the sun and water vapour in the air act on the fumes of cars and coal burning of factories as
well as power plants. Many people are worried about the damage caused by acid rain .In
some places ,people are angry because they think that acid rain is harming all living
creatures. In Arzew, a small industrial town in the west of Algeria, the air is polluted. The
sea water is poisoned by factories’ wastes. A high number of people are affected by
dangerous diseases related to the respiratory system. The town does not know real green
plant’s life.
Factories should be forced to clean up the smoke before it goes into the atmosphere.
Researches and tests are needed to find the best solution because people hope to have a
healthy life with fresh water, pure air and good food.

1-The text is about : a-Fresh Rain and Acid Rain

b-Acid rain
C-Air pollution

2-Say Whether these statements are true or false.

a-Fresh rain is harmless.
b-People can use acid rain in drinking and cooking.
c-Asthma and Pneumonia are the major effects of acid rain.
d-The writer enjoys living in Arzew.

3-Copy this table then fill it in :

Definition Causes Effects

Acid Rain ………………………… …………………………… ……………………….
………………………… …………………………… ……………………….

4-Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to:

Damages= (§1) / contaminated =(§2)

B/Text Exploration (7pts)

1-Complete the chart as shown in the example:

Adjectives Verbs
example pure to purify
drinkable …………………………………..
………………………. To pollute
harmful …………………………………
2-Reorder the following words into a coherent sentence:
Because / release / factories / The / is / atmosphere / contaminated / gases.

3-Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form:

a-If Earth gets hotter, the sea level (to rise).
b-If you to throw waste in the sea, fish will die.

4-Report the following sentences:

a-He said:”Acid rain contaminates water, plants and animals.”
b-He said that………………………………………………………………………
a-People asked:”How can we live in a healthy and good life?
b-People asked how…………………………………………………………..

5-Underline the silent letter :

high/ know/ when / should / harming

2/Part Two:Writing (5pts)

Choose one of the following topics
Topic 01:Write a composition on the following topic:

Write a notice in which you give solutions ,advice and warnings to people in order to
protect nature.

To protect nature
You should ……………………………………………….

Or Topic 02 :Complete the following dialogue :

B:There are three types of pollution.
A:Mention them.
B:The aquatic pollution affects rivers and seas.
B:The major effect of aquatic pollution is the death of fish.
B:Yes , there are other types of pollution .
A:Can you mention them?
B:Well,there is ...................................................
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1/ Part One :Reading: (15pts)

A/Comprehension (7pts):

1-The text is about: b-Acid Rain.(1)

2-Say Whether these statements are true or false: (2)

a-true. b- false. c –true. d- false.
3-Copy this table then fill it in : (3)
Definition Causes Effects
Acid Rain Acid rain is rain and the fumes of cars, -poisons water/ --
snow that has been coal burning of kills the fish - -
polluted by acids. factories as well as destroys trees and
power plants. crops.
- harms all living
creatures.Air is
diseases related to
the respiratory

4-Find in the text words which are closest in meaning to: (2)
Damages=destroys / contaminated =polluted(§2)

B/Text Exploration (7pts)

1-Complete the following chart with the missing word category: (1.5)
Adjectives Verbs
pure to purify
drinkable To drink
polluted To pollute
harmful To harm
2-Reorder the following words into a coherent sentence: (1.5)
The atmosphere is contaminated because factories release gases.
3-Put the verbs in brackets in their correct form: (1)
a- (will rise). / b- (do not throw )
4-Report the following sentences: (2)
b-He said that acid rains contaminated water, plants and animals.
b-People asked how they lived in a healthy and good life.
5-Underline the silent letter : (1) high/ know/ when / should / harming
2/Part Two:Writing (5pts)
Topic 01: form (2) /content(3) Topic 02: (5)
How many types of pollution are there? Air pollution,earth,water pollution
What does aquatic pollution affect?What’s the major effect of aquatic pollution?
Are there other types of pollution?/ Well,there is noise pollution.

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