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My expectation from prior to going to court were very much like how they portray it in

movies. I thought I would go straight in, and there would be specifically one huge room filled

with people. The room would be filled with people, a lot of aggression, swearing and the accused

would not be complying with anyone, and drama going on. I thought there would be a clerk

sitting there typing out every word the accused would be saying, but now I know that’s actually

not the case anymore since they are up to date with technology, it’s actually getting recorded

now. I expected the case would be done within a couple of hours but as we now know that a case

can last for weeks. As I entered the courtroom it was nothing like how I had expected because

everyone, especially the accused was talking in polite manner with the lawyer. The overall

environment of the courtroom was very quiet and up to date with technology.

Being my first time at court my experience was really good and totally exiting. The court

that I went to was located on Hurontario Street at County Court in Brampton called A Grenville

& William Davis Courthouse Ontario Court of Justice. It was nothing like what I had expected

because to begin with entering in the building I was not expecting to go through

security/screening. After I went through security I met Margaret Goodwin and we walked

straight ahead to a board where they had the cases listed. We noticed there is a Trial happening

in room 406 so we both went up stairs. As we were about to enter the room, the lady sitting

beside the door came out and made sure that our phone was turned off or on silent so it does not

interrupt the lawyer and people in the court. She also told us where to be seated as we were

entering the room.

As we entered the courtroom the case had already started and we had missed some of the

information in the beginning. As the case went on we got to know what the case was about and
who was the defendant and plaintiff. This is what was going on in into the trial as me and

Margaret entered inside of the room.

The Trial that I attended involved a girl named Riyaha who gives marijuana to customers

and one of them was Kevin. He had paid Riayaha seventeen – twenty thousand for the

marijuana, which he claims to not have received. Riyaha get her marijuana supply from Steve

who was not present at the court while the trial was in progress. Kevin kept asking Riyaha for the

Marijuana, unable to provide it Kevin asked her to return his money. After a couple of days

Riyaha states that she actually got robbed and she does not know how to give him the money

back. During her previous trials she pleaded guilty so I guess she can serve less sentence. We

stayed in the room for about half an hour then the judge called out for a 15 minute break. We

left the room during the break. I observed the case carefully and enjoyed learning about the case.

This was not what I had in mind, My experience there has been nothing short of

phenomenal. I guess there is a vast difference in reality and television.

While I was inside the courtroom it was interesting to see the lawyer’s side of things. I got to see

how lawyers work and in what manners they can ask questions. I also got to see how a Judge,

Clerk, Reporter, and Security have to behave in the court. I really enjoyed my experience and am

definitely considering becoming a Lawyer as my future career.

In conclusion, I wanted to be a part of the judicial system in my future. Today was the

first step towards it and it was a really good experience filled with surprises. I actually got a lot

to learn about the court system, how secure the security is, and what happens in the courtroom

can be totally different from how they represent it in movies. I also noticed that it’s taken very

seriously since the decision is about and individuals life. I believe the court system should be
stricter because even if a person is probation or house arrest, he can still get the drugs from his

friends or a family member. To teach the accused a lesson he/she should be given a strict penalty

so if next time he/she thinks about doing the same mistake again he/she would remember what

they went through while they were serving their sentence.

your feelings and opinion about the court system

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