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Exercise 1: Place the correct word in the gaps. Choose from this list: at the same
level, gender, around 33%, 4% for, the least, at only 5%, is exactly, bar chart
illustrates, percentages, more than, at approximately 8%, equal, school children,
in percentages, are familiar.
The 1 bar chart illustrates  information on the quantity of drugs 2 school children
in New Zealand take, divided by 3 gender and measured 4 in percentage. Overall,
it is immediately apparent that hashish or marijuana is used 5 more than any of the
other drugs, whereas LSD and medical drugs are used 6 the least. At first glance
we can see that boys take more drugs than girls for 6 out of 7 of the drugs listed,
however an 7 equal number of boys and girls take cocaine.

To begin with, boys use more hashish or marijuana than girls at 8 around 33% and
29% respectively. Following this, boys take heroin, opium or morphine 9 at
approximately 8% but girls 10 at only 5%.

On the other hand, the 11 percentages amphetamines and solvents 12 are

similar for both boys and girls at 2% and 3% for girls and 13 4% for both drugs for
boys. Next, the pattern for LSD and medical drugs 14 is exactly the same for both
genders at 1% for girls and 3% for boys. Finally, boys and girls take cocaine 15 at
the same level, 4%.

Exercise 2: Write an introduction and overview for these 5 questions:

1. The line graph shows the percentage of Internet users in Canada, Mexico and the
USA from 1999 to 2009.
Introduction: the given line charts illustrate the percentage that internet users in
Canada, Mexico, and the USA from 1999 to 2009.

Overview: It is clear that the percentage of the population who used the Internet
increased in each country over the period shown. At the same time, a much larger
proportion of Canadians and Americans had access to the Internet in comparison
with Mexicans, and Canada experienced the fastest growth in internet usage.

Introduction: the given graph illustrates the percentage that UK acid rain
emissions, measured in millions of tones, from four different sectors between 1990
and 2007

Overview: overall, as can be seen from the line chart most of the acid rain
emissions in these sectors diminished over this period. Additionally, a notice of the
fluctuation in transport and communication.

Introduction: the given graph illustrates the percentage that information about car
ownership in Britain from 1971 to 2007

Overview: overall, as can be seen from the line graph, the percentage of car owners
in Britain increased. At the same time, the number of households with two cars
rose, while the number of households without a car fell.

Introduction: the given bar chart illustrates the percentage that the sector
contributed to India’s gross domestic product from 1960 to 2000.

Overview: overall, as can be seen from the bar chart, the agriculture sector
experienced a downward trend. Additionally, there was a steady increase in the
services sector throughout the period, similarly, industry rose rapidly and remained
the same for the last three decades.

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