The Law

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9th November 2021


- obey the law=do what the law tells you to do

- breakdown=the failure of a relationship or system
– turn a blind eye to something=pretend not to notice that something bad or illegal is
happening so that they will not do anything about it
– let someone off with a caution-warn someone who has broken the law not to do it
again and not punish them
– take the law into your own hands=punish someone or do something to put a situation
right instead of waiting for the police or the legal system to take action
– update=make something more modern , add the most recent information to
– tighten the rules=make the rules stricter and more efficient
– a crackdown= strong official action that is taken to punish people who break the law
– toughen the law=make a law stricter than the one it replaces
– convicted=found guilty in a court of law
– overturn a decision/verdict=change a decision or result so that it becomes the
opposite of what it was before

tweezers= a small tool used for picking up small objects or pulling out hairs
stab= push a knife or sharp object into someone s body
hassle=a situation that is difficult and involves problems , effort or arguments with people
an offensive weapon=a dangerous weapon
over-the-top= excessive and therefore unacceptable
make a scene=make a fuss about something in a public space
guard against something=prevent something from happening
an infringement=an action or situation that interferes with your rights and the freedom you are
entitled to
go into something=explain or elaborate on something
a palaver=unnecessary fuss about the way something is done
kick up a fuss=become angry and excited about something and complain
fingerprints=marks made by a person s fingers which show the lines on the skin
catch 22= a dilemma or difficult circumstance from which there is no escape because of
conflicting or dependent conditions

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