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10 – 8.7 8.6 – 7.7 7.6 – 6.7 6.6 – 6.0 < 6.0

Details of the given The article is fully The article is described A simple description of the A very basic description Not really addressed.
Case with described. All areas are but one or two areas industry is provided. Some of the industry. Very little Limited details shown.
explanations for the full and descriptive and could be more detailed. additional research shown additional research No additional research
choice. show evidence of Evidence of additional and sources are referenced shown. Very few shown. No references or
extensive in depth research evident. references or referencing incorrect referencing.
additional research Correctly referenced is incorrect. Needs more
completed. Correctly where necessary. depth to show
10 marks referenced where understanding of the
necessary. organization.

Details of the chosen The The organization/country A simple description of the A very basic description Not really addressed.
organization/ organization/country is is described but one or organization/country is of the Limited details shown.
country including fully described. All two areas could be more provided. Some additional organization/country. No additional research
sector, type, size areas are full and detailed. Evidence of research shown and Very little additional shown. No references or
activities. descriptive and show additional research sources are referenced research shown. Very few incorrect referencing.
evidence of extensive evident. Correctly references or referencing
10 marks in depth additional referenced where is incorrect. Needs more
research completed. necessary. depth to show
Correctly referenced understanding of the
where necessary. organization.

A SWOT analysis Detailed SWOT SWOT analysis is A simple analysis is A very basic analysis. Not really addressed.
highlighting issues or analysis provided. All complete but one or two provided. Some additional Very little additional Limited details shown.
challenges that lead areas are full and areas could be more research shown and research shown. Very few No additional research
descriptive and show detailed. Evidence of sources are referenced references or referencing
evidence of extensive additional research is incorrect. Needs more

ECF 351 (Updated 27/10/2020) TASK 1

to the proposed in depth additional evident. Correctly depth to show shown. No references or
research objective research completed. referenced where understanding of the incorrect referencing.
Correctly referenced necessary. organization.
10 marks where necessary.

Identification of at At least THREE At least THREE suitable At least THREE suitable Only ONE or TWO CLOs Not really addressed.
least three relevant suitable CLOs CLOs identified. CLOs identified but identified and the Limited details shown.
CLOs from Sem’.7 identified with full and Explanation could be explanation is not very explanation is very basic.
and 8 descriptive explanation more detailed. clear and there are one or Needs more depth to
of how they are two small omissions show understanding.
10 marks relevant.

Identification of the Chosen issue or Chosen issue or Chosen issue or challenge Chosen issue or challenge Not really addressed.
chosen issue or challenge is very clear. challenge is reasonably is stated with simple stated but very basic with Limited details shown.
challenge with a Explanations for choice clear. One or two areas explanation but it could be not much detail. Very No additional research
clear objective are full and descriptive. could be more detailed. more detailed. Some little additional research shown. No references or
(research question) There is evidence of Evidence of additional additional research shown shown. Very few incorrect referencing.
or problem extensive in depth research shown. and sources are referenced references or referencing
statement and at additional research Correctly referenced is incorrect. Needs more
least two research completed. Correctly where necessary. depth to show
objectives referenced where understanding
10 marks

10 – 8.7 8.6 – 7.7 7.6 – 6.7 6.6 – 6.0 < 6.0

Details of the Methods and types of Methods and types of Methods and types of Some attempt made to list Not really addressed.
research activities proposed research proposed research proposed research the types of research that Limited details shown.
including the activities are fully activities are described activities are listed with will be completed but
proposed described with full and with some descriptive basic descriptive descriptions are simple
methodology descriptive explanation explanation of how they explanation of how they and timescales not always
of how they are are relevant and are relevant and including

ECF 351 (Updated 27/10/2020) TASK 1

relevant and including including some some simple timescales clear. Needs more depth
timescales timescales One or two One or two areas not to show understanding.
10 marks areas could be more addressed and there are
detailed. one or two small omissions

A detailed plan of A detailed plan A reasonable plan A basic plan provided that Plan is very simple with Not really addressed.
action including provided. All areas are provided but one or two shows simple tasks with very little detail. It is not Limited details shown.
deadlines full and descriptive and areas could be more some deadlines. Not much always possible to see the
deadlines are realistic. detailed. There are detail. One or two areas deadlines Several areas
10 marks deadlines for most tasks. not addressed and there are not addressed. Needs
one or two small more depth.

Case Study/plan Case study/plan is Case study/plan is Case study/plan is Case Study/plan is not Case study/plan is not
structure and format professionally professionally formatted formatted to an acceptable formatted using the formatted using the
formatted using the using the Gelisim standard using the Gelisim Gelisim guidelines Gelisim guidelines and
Gelism guidelines with guidelines but one of the guidelines but two of the and three of the following more than three of the
10 marks all of the requirements following is missing; following are missing; are missing; following are missing;
 Cover Page  Cover page  Cover Page  Cover Page
 Cover Page  Introduction  Introduction  Introduction  Introduction
 Introduction  Headings and sub-  Headings and sub-  Headings and sub-  Headings and sub-
 Headings and sub- headings headings headings headings
headings  Conclusion  Conclusion  Conclusion  Conclusion
 Conclusion  References page  References page  References page  References page
 References page

English language Uses formal writing, Well written, flows Well written, flows Written to an acceptable Many omissions that
logical flow and logically with between 9 logically with not more level, is easy to follow but seriously affect the flow.
appropriate vocabulary. and 5 spelling or than 10 spelling or more than 10 spelling and
10 marks Up to five minor typos. grammar omissions. grammar omissions grammar omissions.

ECF 351 (Updated 27/10/2020) TASK 1

APA style Fully accurate APA Mostly accurate APA APA formatting used Some attempt made to use APA formatting not used
referencing and Safe formatting used formatting used including in-text citations APA formatting including and no in-text citations.
Assign including in-text including in-text with occasional omissions in-text citations although
citations. Safe Assign citations. Safe Assign or omissions. Safe Assign omissions are often Proposal/plan not checked
not more than 10% - not more than 15% - not more than 20% - no evident. Safe Assign is using Safe Assign.
10 marks Safe Assign. Safe Assign. Safe Assign. Proposal/plan more than 25% - no safe
Proposal/plan attached. Proposal/plan attached. attached. Assign. Proposal/plan

Student Name/ID/Section Total Final Grade / 100 %

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ECF 351 (Updated 27/10/2020) TASK 1

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