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My favourite dessert

1. Complete the sentences with the words:

Slice flour sugar spoon sweets

a. How many spoons do you want in your cup of tea?

b. Tommy wants to eat a of pizza.
c. My grandma needs some to make a cake.
d. You eat with a .
e. can be bad for your teeth.

2. Look and read

Mum, how many apples do we need for the apple pie?
Not many. Only ten. I also need sugar and a lot of flour.
How much sugar do we need?
Not much. I only need eight spoon.

3. Fill in: how much, how many, not much, a lot.

Jenny: Look, this is my grandma’s cookbook. Let’s make some doughnuts.
Christie: Great idea! eggs do we need?
Jenny: . Only three. But we need
of flour!
Christie: Here’s a bag of sugar.

sugar do we need ?

Jenny: . Ten spoons. And we need some milk, too.

Doughnuts are my favourite!

4. Complete the sentences with the words:

a. You’re cold. You should drink
1. Soup 2. A cup of tea 3. Cold water
b. Let’s open the window! I’m
1. Thisty 2. Happy 3. hot
c. Can I go to bad now? I’m
1. Fat 2. Hungry 3. Tired

5. Listen, repeat and translate:

A packet of biscuts, a jar of honey, a cup of tea, a loaf of bread, a bottle of water, a bar
of chocolate

6. Complete grandma salad recipe with the ingredients:

Bowl salt vegetables cabbage olive oil

First, wash the . Cut them into small pieces and put them in
a big . Cut the
and put it in the bowl. Put some , then add

7. Complete the sentences with some / any

a. Please put cheese on the pizza.
b. Is there lemonade ?
c. I don’t need oranges.
d. Are there eggs ?
e. I want grapes.

8. Circle the right answer.

We are havind a party! We neeed a lot of drinks: 20 glasses of ice cream / honey / orange
juice, 20 cup of water/ olive oil / tea and 10 bottle of water / jam/ yoghurt. We need a lot of food,
too: 20 packets of bread / biscuts / cheese, 40 slices of pizza / cabbage/ mushrooms and 20 slices of
cereals / butter/ strawberry cake for dessert.

Cooking is fun!
1. Helping your parents in the kitchen is fun! You can make simple things like
sandwiches, or try interesting recipes from your grandmother’s cookbook! You learn
about fruit and vegetables, meat and other ingredients.
2. Cooking can help you improve your maths result! When you cook, you need to count
and measure your ingredients. You also learn how to cut the ingredients into
different shapes and sizes.
3. Cooking can also help your brain! When you cook, you use all your senses: you smell
and taste the food, you look at the ingredients, you prepare everything using your

9. Read and complete.

1. There are many in your grandma’s cookbook.
2. Cooking can help your .
3. When you cook, you learn how to cut the ingredients into different

10. Tell your friend how to make a super sandwich. (add ingredients)
11. Draw your favourite food! Tell the class how to make it!

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