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big – bigger / small – smaller / tall – taller / short – shorter / strong – stronger / weak –
weaker / fast – faster / slow – slower / good – better / bad – worse

Tigers are bigger than lions.

Cats are better runners than mice.


1. Apples are ___________ than chips. (healthy)

2. Elephants are ________ (big) than bears.
3. Gold is ____________________- than silver. (expensive)
4. Bikes are ___________ than cars. (slow)  
5. I am __________ at English than my brother. (good) 
6. My friend is ____________ than me. (tall)
7. Sandy is ___________ than Tamara. (thin)
8. My father is ______________ than Tom's father. (strong)
9. "Harry Potter "books are ________________________ than "The Book of the Jungle".
10. The tiger is _____________ than a fox. (heavy)
11. The weather is ____________ than yesterday. (hot)
12. The girls are ______________ than the boys. (happy)
13. Berta is _______________________ than Debby. (beautiful)
14.French is  ___________________ than English. (difficult)
15. Tina is 5 years old. Sandra is 10 years old. Sandra is _________ than Tina. (old)
16. Russia is ______________ than France. (large)
17. I am ______________ at maths than my best friend. (bad) 
18. Love is _______________________ than money. (important)
19. His car is _______________ than mine. (cheap)
20. The first movie is __________________ than the second. I don't recommend it.  (boring) 
21. My brother has a _________________________ (tidy) room than me.
22. Australia is _________________________ (big) than England.
23. I'm_________________________ (good) now than yesterday.
24. London is _________________________ (busy) than Glasgow.
25. Julie is _________________________ (quiet) than her sister.
26. Amanda is _________________________ (ambitious) than her classmates.

II. Describe your best friend.

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