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Blended Learning and Online Learning Lesson Plan

Title of the Lesson:

Cell Organization


Grade Level(s):
8th Grade

Standards Assessed:
GSE: S7L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how cell structures, cells, tissues, organs, and or-
gan systems interact to maintain the basic needs of organisms. a. Develop and use a conceptual model of how cells are or-
ganized into tissues, tissues into organs, organs into systems, and systems into organisms.
1.1c – Students understand the fundamental concepts of technology operations, demonstrate the ability to choose, use and
troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
1.3d – Students build knowledge by actively exploring real-world issues and problems, developing ideas and theories and
pursuing answers and solutions.
1.5b – Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools to analyze them, and represent data in various
ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-making.
1.6b – Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources into new creations
Throughout the nearpod presentation students will have multiple activities to complete. In the video students have to
answer questions throughout to keep engagement levels up. They also will have multiple fun assessments throughout such
as open ended questions, class discussions, matching pair activities and fill in the blank acticities. Students will be using
this product to learn all about the levels of cell organization. In the end students will be able to show their knowledge of
cell organization and name an example of each by creating a model. Technology is used throughout this whole lesson and
is interactive, and students will be assessed on their responses and productivity.

Learner Objectives:
Students will Explain the different levels of organization in cells. Students will Create their own models a model of organ
Students will Understand how each level of cells create the next level of cells by the various activities throughout the
neared such as matching and fill in the blank.

Time Frame:
This lesson will take 3 class periods for students to complete. There will be a teacher led instruction showing students how
their models of cell organization should be set up and created, and then the neared will be completed online. Students will
have a couple days after the lesson to finish their model and turn it in

ITEC 3200, Kennesaw State University

Blended Learning and Online Learning Lesson Plan
The “hook” or Introduction:
To begin the lesson I will be reminding students that we have cells. I will then ask the students what they think cells
create, and ask them if any of them know an example of what cells can come together to create. I will then explain to them
how each part of their body is made up of cells working together to function, and how they are the most basic function of

The process will go as following
1. The hook of the lesson will be introduced to students
2. students will then go off on their own for the rest of the class period and complete the neared lesson online
3. Students will be assessed on the activities completed throughout the neared
4. The next class period we will be going over creating models and how to create one. Students will have the rest of the
period after instruction to begin their models. Students will have two days after this class to finish and turn in their model
of cell organization on Google Classroom.
5. Students will have access to the nearpod at home while completing their models as a reminder of each level of organiza-

Materials and Technology Use:

Nearpod: to review the presentation and complete online activities
Google classroom: to turn in the models students have created
Youtube: videos within nearpod
Textbook: Glencoe Physical Iscience Grade 8

References and Supporting Material:

Nearpod would have to be made for students to complete activities
- The video linked within the nearpod
The class textbook and online websites explaining cell organization
Textbook: Glencoe Physicwl Iscience Grade 8

ITEC 3200, Kennesaw State University

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