Muhammad Adib Imran Bin Noor Hakim (2019260214) (MLG1205C) Final Year Project Portfolio

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STUDENT’S ID: 2019260214




31st JANUARY 2022



Video games have become more acceptable by our norms nowadays that you can even
make a profit just by playing them. As stated by Kurt (2019), over the past few decades,
the gaming industry has grown and become one of the profitable forms of entertainment all
over the world. Companies such as Nintendo and Ubisoft have produced many great
franchises over the years. For example, Metroid and Legend of Zelda franchises which are
under Nintendo’s management and Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry are franchises under
Ubisoft’s management. The gaming industry has become such a cultural phenomenon in
entertainment that franchises, like Nintendo’s Pokémon, have multiple movie adaptations
up until today with the latest one being Detective Pikachu, which came out back in 2019.
This project began with the idea of combining education and entertainment to make the
learning process more engaging for students. Since the start of MCO (Movement Control
Order), all physical classes in all levels must be done online to avoid any risks of COVID-
19 spreading. As classes are done through the online meet, there are bounds to have few
problems such as Internet connection problem, which not only proved to be a problem for
students as they are not able to take notes, but also make classes much less engaging
compared to physical classes, hence the idea is born. There are multiple different types of
video games available at stores nowadays which are easily accessible. Knowing that it is
important to choose the type of video game that is suitable to make it engaging for the
players while also learning (Gee, 2006).
The subject that has been implemented in this project, Video game: Jump & Dash, is
Introduction to Intercultural Communication (ELS255) which can be seen on the notes in-
between levels in the video game. This subject has introduced us to the elements that make
up a culture and barriers that existed in intercultural communication, which are both
important to acquire as an English communication student. I think that this is the perfect
subject from our Diploma in English Professional Communication (LG120) course to be
implemented in a video game as it will help students to not only learn, but also understand
the subject while enjoying the video game.
This project has opened my interest in creating and designing video games and I plan
to use the knowledge I have gained during the development of this project for a future
personal video game project as a way for me to polish the skills further. To proceed with
the project, it is necessary to do extensive research on designing and coding for a video
game which can be found as tutorials on YouTube.


The purpose of this project is to introduce intercultural communication and its

importance of it to people, especially students. As an English communication student,
Introduction to Intercultural Communication (ELS255) is an important subject as it helps
us to have a better understanding of communicating with people from different cultures.
Thus, the project is created to help students to have a better understanding of the importance
of this subject in daily conversation with people of different cultures.

Next, another purpose for this project is to help students in academics. In the time of
MCO, students are faced with multiple problems studying online and one of them is the
demotivation of focusing on classes. There are features of video games that will boost good
learning among students such as video games able to simulate experience to make it
immersive for players and able to distribute knowledge from a real-life person to a digitally
rendered character in video games (Gee, 2006).


The objective of this project is to introduce the method of learning through video games.
Educators are able to use video games as a medium to improve the learning experience in
classes which can be done by setting goals or challenges for students to complete. With that
in mind, this project might be the catalyst in education in the future.

Kurt (2019) asserts that the advancements in technology in the gaming industry have
progressed which enabled game designers to implement a better digital world that includes
improved sound and graphics. Due to these advancements, it is possible for software
companies, such as Nintendo and Ubisoft, able to produce and market video games with
educational elements, also can be known as “edutainment”, to contribute to education
systems globally.

The gaming industry becoming one of the profitable entertainment industries

nowadays. In 2019, by March 31 st, Sony Corporation managed to make a profit of
¥2,224,622 from game and network services alone (Sony Corporate website, 2020). Due to
that, the possibility of generating income via producing games is possible.
Originally, at the start of this project, the idea of generating income from the game I
created did come across my mind and I am intrigued to do it. As time goes by, the project
turned into a non-profit project as I thought it is a poorly thought plan as this is the first
game I created, thus the game might not be perfect for players to enjoy. Hence, it is not
suitable to charge players who want to play it.
Even so, there are many opportunities available for this project to go much further. For
example, this video game can be in collaboration with any company to not only improve
the gaming experience for players, but it will also be able to popularize the idea of
“edutainment” into the entertainment mainstream.
Lastly, on the website I have chosen, named, to upload the game, some
options can be included in uploading the game on the said website such as web
monetization and tip jar features. As mentioned on the website, by using the web
monetization feature, I can generate income just by posting my work on the website, while
the tip jar feature, as the name suggests, is a method to collect tips given from players to
the creators as a form of appreciation.

Project management and development are essential as it is a record of progress made

for any project. Not only that but the progress of the project would also be done much more
smoothly with little difficulties, depending on the situations, which would not stop the
project abruptly. Below are the project management and development to ensure this project,
Video game: Jump & Dash, would be a success. The areas that will be focused on in this
section are the costings, project scheduling, and the Gantt Chart.

This project began at the beginning of this semester in October where I discussed with
my supervisor among other ideas for my final year project. Aside from this project, in the
first week of the semester, the other ideas that I have presented to my supervisor are creating
a YouTube channel and also creating a business, which is to sell cakes, and have submitted
a rough draft for each idea presented. Out of the three ideas for my final year project, my
supervisor agreed with the video game project as it will be the first project done by LG120
students in the gaming area, which can be used as a benchmark for any students who want
to do the same for their final year project. On week 2, I have submitted another rough draft
for this project, which has been approved by my supervisor. At the same time, I spent my
time learning how to design a video game through tutorials available on YouTube. The
development of this project officially started on week 3 by producing a prototype version
of the end product. By the time of week 6, after finishing the prototype version and
receiving inputs from peers, I started developing the final product based on the prototype
and made improvements as suggested by my peers, such as adding levels. With that, the
process is repeated from week 6 until week 13.


Number Types of Usages Cost

1. Internet connection (Wi-Fi) RM60/month

2. Laptop (Lenovo Ideapad 330) RM2800



Week 1 until Week 2 were spent on planning the project and finalizing the ideas with
the supervisor. At the same time, these two weeks were also spent on researching and
testing different methods of game designing to create a prototype as a trial run to note
if the methods used are working perfectly or the opposite.


Week 3 was spent trying out the methods I have chosen to start designing the game. In
the same week, I have acquired a few assets which are free and can be accessed on the
Unity Asset Store. After that, in Week 4, I have finished creating and designing a level
and have tested it out myself. I also have added obstacles such as spikes and saws to
make the game more challenging. Fortunately, it worked in the way I have expected. In
Week 5, I have continued to proceed with another level for the prototype. At the end of
the week, I shared a link for Google Meet with some of my peers for any inputs they
might have for improvements.


In Week 6, after sharing the gameplay via Google Meet and receiving good inputs and
suggestions from my peers, I began to redesign the video game based on the suggestions
received. At the end of Week 6, I have managed to add one more level to complete the
end product. Initially, I have planned for five levels for the finished product, but due to
the shortening amount of time, I might not be able to accomplish it, thus, I only added
one more level to make it a total of three levels when the video game is finished. In
Week 7, I have planned to incorporate a health system into the game but have not found
the best way possible to accomplish it. Due to that, I have resorted to the next best thing
which is, every time the player received any damage either by falling off the platform
or accidentally touching hazardous objects, such as spikes and saws, the player will
have to restart the at the starting point of each level.

Week 8 was spent by including cherries as collectibles and a counter to count every
cherry that has been collected on each level. By the end of the week, I have tested out
every new feature incorporated within the game to avoid any problems when the game
is ready to be shared with the target audience.

WEEK 9 – WEEK 10

During Week 9, I proceed to make screenshots as a record and evidence of the project
to be included in the portfolio which includes the process of game designing and coding
scripts. Week 10 was spent by starting to write the portfolio for this project.

WEEK 11 – WEEK 13

Week 11 and Week 12 were spent by continuing to write the portfolio. During Week
13, I started researching and trying different methods of uploading the game to have
people play it online. At the same time, I have prepared a Google Form to receive and
collect feedback for the game. At the end of the week, I have managed to upload the
game I created on the website.


I have submitted my portfolio to my supervisor on Week 14. After submitting, I have

also begun to create a poster and record my presentation for the symposium


The symposium will start on Week 15, and I will be presenting my project to the

For this project, the feedback is received and collected via a Google Form that I have
prepared which can be seen in the appendices below. From the questionnaire, the majority
of the respondents do feel the lack of motivation in studying during the MCO with 92.9%
answering yes, and all of them are interested in learning through video games. Based on
the feedback, the majority of the target audience rated highly for a few aspects of the game,
such as the player movement, collecting cherries as collectibles, animation (for idle,
running, jumping, falling, and death), and also the notes. In terms of the difficulty of the
said game, the majority of the target audience rated the game as slightly difficult. Many of
the respondents are highly satisfied with the game with a percentage of 64.3% respondents.
With this, it is safe to say that the target audience is happy with Video game: Jump & Dash
and the content shared with this method.

At the start of this project, knowing that this project is outside of my skills, problems
are bound to occur throughout the development of this video game. Firstly, as this is the
first video game I created, I have to acquire the skills need such as coding and designing
the levels. I spend two weeks at the start of this semester learning and creating a prototype
version of the video game using tutorials available online on YouTube.

Secondly, there are much available downloadable software and online game-making
courses, such as Gamemaker and Code Monkey online courses. Due to insufficient funds,
I instead choose a software named Unity and tutorials online as mentioned above. Not only
Unity is a free-to-download software, but game creators are able to check Unity’s online
store to get available free assets to be used in-game designing process.

Thirdly, the features mentioned on entrepreneurial opportunities, web monetization,

and a tip jar, could not be fully utilized as I require to signup for a wallet for
cryptocurrencies and also use PayPal, a service specialised in online money transfer. Due
to a lack of knowledge in this area, as mentioned on entrepreneurial opportunities, I have
decided to turn this project into a non-profit project.

Lastly, the video game cannot be installed and played by other people if they did not
install the same software, which is Unity. It is possible to share it with other people are by
uploading it on a website so it can be played and accessed through any computer by anyone
without downloading the video game and the Unity software. Hence, I have successfully
uploaded the game on a website named, which the link to the game will be
provided below.

Video game: Jump & Dash will be improved based on comments given via Google
Form. There are many positive suggestions by the respondents to further enhance my
project in the future.

Firstly, the introduction section of the game will be animated. Not only that but the
section will also be improved in terms of the structure and the colour combination to make
it more attractive to the players.

Secondly, a few additional features can be incorporated into the game to make it more
player-friendly. Bonus levels might be included in the game which will reward the players
with bonus buffs, such as invincibility for a limited time, to help players to complete each
level much easier. Not only that but a much-improved health system will also be included
to replace the current one in the game. The reason for this is that the respondents are not
excited with the idea of restarting at the beginning of any level when the players received
damage from the obstacles. Another feature that can be added is to include checkpoints in
every level so that the players will not restart the level from the beginning even with the
improved health system mentioned before.

Thirdly, to make the game more immersive, it will be much better to include a storyline
that can be related to the subject I have chosen, ELS255 (Introduction to Intercultural
Communication). Additional aspects such as interactable non-playable characters (NPC)
and enemy characters will also be included as a way to convey the story much more clearer.
Aside from that, the notes provided at the end of each level will be implemented in the
game, either by interacting with NPCs or by defeating enemy characters, and much more
detailed as suggested by one of the respondents.

Lastly, another respondent mentioned on the feedback form that the game is too
difficult due to the lack of instructions in the game. Hence, the game’s difficulty will be
lowered and more instructions will be included to help players.

Throughout the process of this project, every new knowledge, and skills I have acquired
are valuable to me as I have a great time in discovering and researching everything that I
am able to with the given time that is related to game designing. Due to that, I have come
to realise the scale of the difficulty in the gaming industry to produce video games and have
come to appreciate the developers more even if their announced projects’ release date might
be postponed much further than the initial release date. The development stage of any game
is hard, especially if only one person is developing it.

Aside from widening my sets of skills, the personal experience I have gained in
developing this project can be used to promote myself in the industry for possible future
jobs. All in all, I agree that this project is a good way for me to start in game designing and
be able to improve myself to produce a much better video game.

Besides that, using this project, I hope to introduce ELS255 (Introduction in

Intercultural Communication) to the public via the website I have used to upload my
project. On top of that, from the results of the feedback form that has been prepared, I
believe that the target audience can benefit from the notes shared and familiarize
themselves with this method of learning.

In conclusion, the majority of the audience are satisfied with the video game I have
created and provided their comments to the game for enhancement. I am truly grateful for
all of the structural comments given to provide a much more polished game to the public.

Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah SWT which, without His guidance,
this project would not have come to mind nor been completed.

Next, I would love to thank my supervisor for this project, Madam Mimihayu Binti Md
Yusof, for always giving me the support in completing this project. This is my first time
creating and designing a video game and without her help and guidance, this project might
come to a halt much earlier. With that, I am grateful to her from the start of this project
until it finished.

I would also use this opportunity to thank my family throughout this semester for all
the support they gave for this project. Even though they have their schedule, I appreciate
that they spend some time to give useful advice for this project in any aspect.

Lastly, I am grateful to have peers for their support, encouragement, and input
throughout the process of this project. I am very indebted to everyone, and I am delighted
to share this project with them.

Gee, J. P. (2006). Are Video Games Good for Learning? Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy.
Retrieved 2022, from

Sony Corporation. (2019, April 26). Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial
Results for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2020. Retrieved 2022, from

Squire, K. (2003). Video Games in Education. Games & Simulation. Retrieved 2022, from


Figure 1: Creating background, terrains, adding moving platforms, add a player sprite, and
Figure 2 and 3: Adding obstacles (spikes and saws) to make the game more challenging.
Figures 4 and 5: Polish the background more.

Figure 6: Add spikes below the terrains to avoid players falling much further than intended.
Figure 7: Add a finishing line.

Figure 8: Add cherry counter.

Figure 9: Add background music.

Figure 10: Add moving platform.

Figure 11: Add the progress to the prefabs folder to use without redoing the process. With it, I
only need to drag the items from the folder onto the game.
Figures 12 and 13: Add the title of the game, a player sprite, my name, and a start button on
the Start Screen. Add an Audio Listener on the camera on Start Screen

Figure 14: Repeat the process from figure 12 and 13 for End Screen.
Figures 15 and 16: Add animation and animator for the player sprite such as idle animation,
running animation, jumping animation, falling animation, and death animation.

Figures 17, 18, and 19: A script for player movements which include moving and jumping.

Figure 20: A script for collecting cherries as collectibles.

Figures 21 and 22: A script for the player’s life.
Figure 23: A script for waypoints, which move the moving platform.

Figure 24: A script to make the player can ride the platform by jumping on top of it instead of
getting close to the platform from both sides.
Figure 25: A script for rotating the saws.

Figure 26: A script for finishing line and moving on to the next level.
Figure 27: A script for the start buttons to move on to the next scenes/levels.

Figure 28: A script for the quit button at the end of the game.
Figure 29: A script for putting the camera to always stay with the player sprite. Without the
script, the players might not be able to see the player sprite on the screen.


Figure 30
Figure 31

Figure 32

Figure 33
Figure 34
STUDENT ID: 2019260214

30/9/2021 2:53 Self-introduction to the -
p.m. supervisor.
5/10/2021 12:00 Sharing two projects idea Proceed to prepare the
p.m. with the supervisor. third project idea as the
first two ideas have already
been handled by other
students from previous
and current batches. The
second idea (business
project) is plausible to the
15/10/2021 2:42 Reporting to the supervisor Continuing to learn
p.m. about the progress of the through tutorials on
week, learning to create YouTube.
game based on tutorials on
22/10/2021 4:29 Share the project planning -
p.m. for the third idea with the
Gantt chart for the project
23/10/2021 8:08 The supervisor approves of Proceed with making
a.m. the layout of the plan, with a corrections needed for the
need for few adjustments, layout of the idea.
and the Gantt chart.
29/10/2021 11:41 Reporting to the supervisor Proceed with the project.
a.m. about the progress on the
prototype version of the
5/11/2021 2:09 Report the progress, Take two days of rest
p.m. manage to add sound before proceeding with the
effects into the prototype. next part of the process.
19/11/2021 4:11 Report to the supervisor of Waiting for fellow friends
p.m. the completion of the to download the game in
prototype version of the order to test it out. Proceed
game. with creating a Google
Meet to showcase the
prototype to fellow friends.
3/12/2021 3:13 Mentioning the aftermath of Implementing the
p.m. the Google Meet session. suggestions received from
the Google Meet session.
14/1/2022 2:55 Report the final product Further making the said
p.m. needs a few adjustments adjustments on the final
before it is ready to be project and writing the
shown to the supervisor. At portfolio.
the same week, the progress
for writing the portfolio has
17/1/2022 11:07 Requesting for a meet The request is accepted.
a.m. session with the supervisor
on Wednesday at 2 p.m.
19/1/2022 1:07 Sharing the link for the meet During the meet, due to
p.m. session at 2 p.m. During the the limitation on my
meet, the final product has hardware, the supervisor
been shared with the asked to do recording to
supervisor. showcase the final product
to her.
28/1/2022 11:52 Informed the supervisor on -
a.m. the good news of being able
to share and upload the
game on a website called for people to play
the game without
downloading it. At the same
time, I have shared the link
to the game, the link for the
Google Form, and a video
showcasing the game as
31/1/2022 4:34 Submitting the finalized Proceed with creating the
p.m. version of the portfolio. poster and record a video
for the symposium.
1/2/2022 10:08 The portfolio is approved by -
a.m. the supervisor.
3/2/2022 4:42 Submit the poster and the Cut the video to make it
p.m. video. exactly five minutes long.
9/2/2022 9:00 Present the project at the -
a.m. symposium.

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