An Essay On Birth of India

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About fourteen years ago, two men named Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya did unimaginable

work in mathematics. There were not many people in the world who could understand the
equations that these two mathematicians of India wrote at that time. They were born, long before
their time.Their activities were not lost , otherwise the world would have been deprived.
Civilization would be deprived. In modern mathematics, the contribution of Indian mathematicians
is immense.

Indian mathematicians introduced zero fourteen years ago. They invented trigonometry.
Bhaskaracharya has written a book on mathematics in verse. One of his books is called
"Mahavaskaracharya". In that book he gives equations about mathematical astronomy. Indian
mathematicians thought about astronomy. The moon thought about the distance of the earth from
the sun. He thought about the cycle of day and night. With that thought, they would come to a
conclusion through mathematics.

Brahmagupta began to calculate with zero. He did all the addition and subtraction multiplication
with zero. But got stuck when he went to divide with zero. What happens if you divide a number by
zero? - Brahmagupta could not give that answer then. Hundreds of years later, another twelfth-
century mathematician, Bhaskar, came up with that solution. These Indian mathematicians proved
that dividing a number by zero is infinite. One of the books of Brahmagupta is called
"Brahmashfutsiddhanta". What a wonderful name! If Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya had been
born in a European country during the European Renaissance, they would have been read in
textbooks all over the world with their pictures.

India is a fertile ground for mathematics. Arab scholars were the first to realize this in the Middle
Ages. They started translating books of Indian mathematicians. Baghdad was then the "House of
Wisdom" - Bait-il-Hikma. Muhammad Fazari, the best translator of the time, translated
Brahmagupta's book under the direction of the eighth-century Caliph al-Mansur. Books by
Brahmagupta and Bhaskaracharya were translated into Arabic. Al-Khwarizmi, the famous
mathematician of that time, wrote all the famous books. The impression of Indian mathematicians
in his book is clear! Al-Khwarizmi invented a new mathematical algebra using the Hindu number
system. Al-Khwarizmi is considered by many to be the father of algebra. The word "algorithm" is
derived from the Latin name of al-Khwarizmi algoritmi.

Al-Khwarizmi introduced a new numbering system. His book was translated into Latin: Liber
Algorismi de Numero Indorum! That number system is known as Hindu-Arabic or Indo-Arabic
numerical system. Roman numerals are still used in Europe. The Europeans realized that there were
considerable limitations in the use of Roman numerals. But the alternative was not known. Just
then, the famous European mathematician Fibonacci came in contact with Arab mathematicians and
took initiation from them. At the age of thirty-two, in 1202, he wrote Liber Abaci (Book of
calculations), in which he used Hindu-Arabic numbers. From the source of that book, for the first
time in Europe, Europe got a new number system. Algebra and algebra spread in Europe. European
mathematicians then once gave the gift of calculus. Without algebra and calculus, the European
renaissance in science would have been impossible!
Knowledge is never someone's property. In the course of time it goes from one nation to another.
The nation that consumes knowledge, constantly strives for the development and spread of
knowledge, is also a leader as a nation. Today's Europe-America, China-Japan-Korea are excellent
examples. For the development, spread and creation of knowledge, we want the value of
knowledge in the society. Respect for the wise beyond caste-religion-belief. And selection of
qualifications through intense competition.

Otherwise, that society can never develop. Never.

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