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with In-House Recruiters, Best Practices

Do you get frustrated when you submit your interest for an open position and you hear
NOTHING – crickets??? What is Human Resources (HR) doing? What is really goes on behind the
(HR) curtain? Let’s demystify this process.

1. What is one question you would like to have answered during our discussion today?

2. What really goes on behind the HR and hiring manager curtain?
a. Approval
i. Can be put on hold or stopped at anytime in the process

b. Post job internally and potentially externally (at the same time)
i. High likelihood you are competing with internal talent too

c. External candidates express interest via LinkedIn (LI), Indeed, etc.
i. Key words are critical
ii. LI is the #1 recruiting tool
iii. HR does search via LI and/or their resume bank
iv. You: Get your profiles and resumes ready during this downturn
v. You: Use your network! Have someone in your network submit your
resume or give you a recommendation
vi. You: Do not expect a response unless it is system generated

d. HR forwards resume/LI profiles to hiring manager to chose top candidates
i. You: Patience, Patience, Patience (can take weeks to months)

e. HR does an initial screen interview and provides results to hiring manager
i. HR will not know technical details
ii. HR will ask basic qualification questions and consider ‘fit’
iii. You: Be prepared
iv. You: Connect with recruiter on LI
v. You: Know your expected compensation range (this will most likely be
vi. You: Short appreciation email or LI message to recruiter

f. Hiring manager determines who to interview
i. You: Patience (could take weeks)
ii. You: Short email to recruiter and ask if they need anything else from you

g. In person or virtual interviews with hiring manager, etc.
i. HR generally provides an assessment: Be Nice!
ii. If you don’t hear back shortly, that’s a good sign you are still being
iii. You: Connect with hiring manager or interview team on LI
iv. You: Follow up with an appreciative email to Hiring Manager and HR
v. You: Patience

h. Hiring manager makes hiring decision

i. Hiring manager or HR makes verbal offer
i. You: Don’t have to answer in the spot

The staffing process can from two to six months (sometimes even a year)!

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