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Daily Prompts for Coping with
Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

Meagan at Okay Now Breathe

Copyright © 2020 by Meagan at Okay Now Breathe

All rights reserved. This journal guide or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever
without the express written permission of the publisher. /

I am not a therapist nor a medical professional. This journal
guide is not meant to diagnosis or treat any condition. Please
seek the professional help you deserve.

You can find affordable online therapy at  BetterHelp , which

offers counseling through chat, phone call, and video.

This journal guide also contains affiliate links, which means I

may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. This
allows Okay Now Breathe to remain up and running.
Table of Contents
Introduction 4

How to Use These Journal Prompts 6

Daily Reflection 8

Preparing for Anxiety 18

During Anxiety 34

Recovery 48

Self-Care 62

Self-Love 76

Gratitude 89

Resources 100
Hi there!

I’m so incredibly happy that you decided to take a step forward

in trying to understand and overcome your anxiety.

I know first hand how incredibly tough and draining it is to live

with anxiety, day in and day out.

In all honesty, I can’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t

have anxiety. I have been living with anxiety since my earliest

I’ve struggled with a lot of different types of anxiety.

Generalized anxiety. Social anxiety. Panic attacks. Relationship
OCD. Separation anxiety. Health anxiety. Agoraphobia.

My anxiety has manifested itself in many forms, such as a

racing heartbeat, crying, panic and anxiety attacks, numbness,
anger, and even self-harm.

Anxiety is excruciating. It’s all encompassing.

I believe your struggles. I also believe that there is another way

to live.

I’ve always loved writing. There’s something about putting a
pen to paper that takes me away from everything going on
around me and inside me.

A lot of people use writing as a way to cope ー an outlet for

thoughts trapped inside. It’s a way to get all the gory, horrible,
heartbreaking feelings out in a healthy way.

For years, I struggled with a self-harm addiction. For years, it

was the only way I coped with my mental illnesses. It
consumed my life.

But finding peace in writing helped heal a part of my soul.

Now, I use journaling as a way to cope with my anxiety, as well

as my other mental illnesses in a much healthier way.

My hope is that it will do the same for you.

Thank you.

How to Use These Journal Prompts
If you’re new to journal guides, you might be feeling
overwhelmed right now. That is okay.

The good news is there are no rules to follow.

When writing, it’s not about judging yourself, and it’s certainly
not about writing perfectly. You are not graded on what you
write. It doesn’t matter if you spell things right or use correct

You don’t have to share your words with anyone else. This
means you shouldn’t feel ashamed or embarrassed when you
express yourself.

However, to get the most benefits from these journal prompts,

it is best to explore your thoughts and feelings thoroughly. 

When you respond to these journal prompts, you can write as

much or as little as you’d like. You can write anywhere from a
couple sentences to entire pages. You can even use the same
journal prompt over and over again.

You’ll benefit the most if you’re honest with yourself. If you

don’t sugarcoat yourself. Be honest and thorough.

Keep in mind that you can also answer any of these prompts as
often as you’d like. You can even choose to answer one of the
“Daily Reflection” prompts every day if you so choose.

If you decide to use this journal guide on your computer, I

made it so you can click on the designated box and type your
thoughts and feelings directly on there.

If you find you need more space, you can use an online word
document, like Google Docs. You can even buy a separate
journal just for this journal guide.

However you decide to use this journal guide, it is up to you.

This is your journal guide, and this is your recovery.

I hope the topics in this journal guide will spark a bit of healing
within you.

Daily Reflection
Welcome to the Daily Reflection section of this
journal guide.

In this section, you’ll find prompts encouraging you

to look at the day ahead of you. It’s important to get
into the habit of setting the intention for your day.
Your intention helps set the tone for the day, and it
helps you become more thoughtful and determined.

You’ll also find prompts that will require you to weigh

in on how your day was. Reflecting on your day is a
great way to gain perspective. 

Oftentimes, we overanalyze our situations and our

mistakes and blow them up into something that
seems like the end of the world. But if we take a step
back, we can reflect on these problems. 

In the grand scheme of things, they don’t mean all

that much. We gain perspective, and it can help calm
us down and lower our stress levels.
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
Today, I choose to let go of all the things
I can’t control, including...

How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
Pick a single positive word that you want
to focus on today – such as joy, gratitude,
love, or courage. Why do you choose this

- 10 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
If things don't go as planned today, how
will you react? How will you cope?

- 11 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
What went well today? Can you name at
least three things?

- 12 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
What was your overall feeling or mood
today? What happened to make you feel
this way?

- 13 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
How did you take care of yourself today?

- 14 -
How are you feeling? ✔

Daily Reflection
Name a situation that made you feel
anxious today.

- 15 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
How did you surprise yourself this week?
Did you do something the old you would
have never been able to do?

- 16 -
How are you feeling?

Daily Reflection
If today was your last day, how would you
spend it? What would you do? Who
would you see?

- 17 -
Preparing for Anxiety

Use the Preparing for Anxiety section for times

when you are experiencing anxiety for upcoming
events and situations. 

These journal prompts are fantastic when you’re

needing to ground yourself. 

For example, you know you’re going to be facing

anxiety for a speech you have to give soon. Use these
prompts to help you cope with this impending
anxiety you’ll face.

Sometimes, the best way to prepare for anxiety is

knowing the right tools to cope and manage.

- 18 -
How are you feeling? ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Preparing for Anxiety

In regards to your anxiety, what things
scare you the most?

- 19 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

I enjoy doing when I am anxious,

- 20 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

What are 10 songs that help calm you

- 21 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Write a pep talk to give your future self
the next time you feel scared, upset, or
full of doubt.

- 22 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

What items would you put in your
anxiety kit?
Examples: chamomile tea, weighted blanket,
favorite Disney movie

- 23 -
How are you feeling? ✔

Preparing for Anxiety

What quotes inspire you during difficult

- 24 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

What subtle signs do you see when
you’re starting to really struggle with

- 25 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

I want to try to see if it helps my

- 26 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Describe a difficult situation you’ve
encountered with anxiety. How did you
cope with it, and what did you learn
from the experience?

- 27 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Ten things that bring me peace are...

- 28 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Write at least 10 coping statements.
Tolerating anxiety decreases it
Anxiety is a natural process and won’t hurt me

- 29 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Instead of writing all the ways something
could go wrong, write about all the ways
something could go right.

- 30 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

Make a list of all of your coping
mechanisms in the order of how much
they help you.

- 31 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

What is your typical reaction when you
get overwhelmed by negative thoughts?
What can you do to react differently?

- 32 -
How are you feeling?

Preparing for Anxiety

What are the three things that scare you
the most, and why?

- 33 -
During Anxiety
In the During Anxiety section, you can use these
prompts for when you’re experiencing feelings of

Sometimes with anxiety, it’s hard to put into words

what you’re thinking and how you’re feeling.
Sometimes, it can feel like everything is a jumbled

These prompts will help get your thoughts and

feelings out in a constructive way.

- 34 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Brain dump everything that is going on
in your head. Don’t stop writing until
you’ve gotten every emotion and thought

- 35 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
What words do you wish someone would
say to you when you’re having a tough
time? Write them down, and then say
them out loud to yourself.

- 36 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
I know I am stronger than this emotion

- 37 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
I know I’m strong enough to handle
whatever comes at me, because I’ve
survived a lot, including...

- 38 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Write out your emotions like a grocery

- 39 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Write about how you would help your
friend who has anxiety. What would you
do and say? What would you not do?

- 40 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Imagine your anxiety as a monster, and
write a story about it. What would it look
like and sound like? How could you
defeat it?

- 41 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
How would your favorite movie/TV
character handle your current situation?

- 42 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
On days like this, I prefer to...

- 43 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
My safe space is...

- 44 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Imagine yourself free of anxiety. Write
out all the details.

- 45 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Write a letter to your anxiety as if it were
an enemy. What would you say to it?

- 46 -
How are you feeling?

During Anxiety
Write a letter to your anxiety as if it were
a loved one.

- 47 -
In the Recovery section, you’ll be focusing on your
recovery from anxiety.

Remember, recovery isn’t linear.

You will rise, and you will fall.

But you will always get back up again.

I am so proud of you.

- 48 -
How are you feeling?

How long does it take you to emotionally
recover from an anxiety or panic attack?

- 49 -
How are you feeling?

The biggest lessons I’ve learned from
anxiety are...

- 50 -
How are you feeling?

Are there any things your anxiety stops
you from doing? How can work through

- 51 -
How are you feeling?

What is the biggest struggle you face
with your anxiety?

- 52 -
How are you feeling?

What would your life be like if you didn’t
have anxiety? What things would you be
able to do that you currently can't do?

- 53 -
How are you feeling?

Write a letter to yourself about why
getting help is a strength, not a

- 54 -
How are you feeling?

What is something you need to let go of?
What steps are you going to take to let it

- 55 -
How are you feeling?

Write down five things that trigger
feelings of anxiety in you, and identify 1-3
strategies you can use to combat each of

- 56 -
How are you feeling?

Do you feel like you have enough
support? If the answer is no, what are
some ways you can start building up your
support system?

- 57 -
How are you feeling?

If I didn’t have any fear, I would...

- 58 -
How are you feeling?

A fear I would like to overcome is .
I can do that by doing .

- 59 -
How are you feeling?

Draw a picture of yourself free from
anxiety. What would your day look like?

- 60 -
How are you feeling?

What unhealthy coping mechanisms do
you use? How could you replace them?
Example: The use of alcohol to “loosen up” in
social situations

- 61 -
In the Self-Care section, you’ll focus on taking care of

Self-care is super, super important for so many


It helps reset a negative, anxious mood. It relaxes

your body. And it helps heal a part of your soul.

Practicing self-care on a daily basis is a great way to

help manage and cope with your anxiety!

- 62 -
How are you feeling?

What does self-care mean to you, and
how can you incorporate it into your
daily routine?

- 63 -
How are you feeling?

When I isolate for too long, I...

- 64 -
How are you feeling?

Explain a habit or activity you do that
improves your mood or stress level
without fail.

- 65 -
How are you feeling?

Where in your life do you need to slow
down and take your time?

- 66 -
How are you feeling?

What are your favorite ways to self-

- 67 -
How are you feeling?

What are three things you can start
doing that will benefit your mental

- 68 -
How are you feeling?

Today, I will enjoy nature by...

- 69 -
How are you feeling?

Think of your favorite song. Hum it
quietly to yourself or belt out the lyrics.
Which words speak to you the most?

- 70 -
How are you feeling?

When I notice myself getting burned out,

- 71 -
How are you feeling?

What is “enough” for you?

- 72 -
How are you feeling?

Describe a recent time when you truly
felt at peace with yourself and your

- 73 -
How are you feeling?

What activity do you enjoy the most
when you are alone?

- 74 -
How are you feeling?

How can you set better boundaries in
your life?

- 75 -
This Self-Love section is my favorite section in this
whole journal guide. I find the best way to manage
anxiety is by having compassion towards yourself.

Forgiving yourself is crucial for recovery.

If you’re looking to dive deeper into the journey of

self-love, you can get your free Self-Love Guide

Without further ado, here are the self-love prompts.

- 76 -
How are you feeling?

Take a selfie just as you are. Describe
yourself in positive, loving words.

- 77 -
How are you feeling?

I forgive myself for...

- 78 -
How are you feeling?

If I could tell my teenage self any advice,
I would tell them...

- 79 -
How are you feeling?

Write a list of 10 things that you make
you unique.

- 80 -
How are you feeling?

Make a list of 10 of your best character

- 81 -
How are you feeling?

I will no longer blame myself for...

- 82 -
How are you feeling?

How are you making the world a better

- 83 -
How are you feeling?

My inner critic always focus on
everything I’m doing wrong. However, I
know I’m doing a lot right, including...

- 84 -
How are you feeling?

What’s the most loving thing you’ve done
for yourself?

- 85 -
How are you feeling?

Evaluate yourself and your mental
health. Give yourself some loving advice
and suggestions.

- 86 -
How are you feeling?

What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever

- 87 -
How are you feeling?

What makes you beautiful? Express it in a
creative way, like a poem or short story.

- 88 -
In the Gratitude section of this journal guide, you'll
find prompts that will inspire you to see the world in
a different way.

Practicing gratitude is the best way to ground

yourself and appreciate the little things in life.

Additionally, anxiety can make you a more

empathetic, compassionate person. It can also make
you a more understanding and patient person.

- 89 -
How are you feeling?

Write a list of 10 things you are grateful
for today.

- 90 -
How are you feeling?

What positive lessons have your mental
health struggles taught you?

- 91 -
How are you feeling?

What things have you achieved in spite
of your mental health struggles?

- 92 -
How are you feeling?

Write about a person in your life that
you’re especially grateful for, and why?

- 93 -
How are you feeling?

Ten things that make me smile are...

- 94 -
How are you feeling?

I’m grateful for my anxiety, because...

- 95 -
How are you feeling?

I’m grateful for the strengths I possess,

- 96 -
How are you feeling?

I'm so proud of myself for overcoming...

- 97 -
How are you feeling?

Describe something positive in your life
that you didn’t have a year ago.

- 98 -
How are you feeling?

What is a mistake you've made, which
ultimately led to something positive?

- 99 -
In addition to journaling for your anxiety, I
recommend having a variety of other resources to
help manage and cope with your anxiety.

Anti-Anxiety Checklist
A downloadable PDF that you can print out that features 10
items and actions I recommend you have in your anxiety

Self-Love Guide for Newbies

A free PDF eBook where I offer all the inside knowledge I
personally use on my self-love journey.

Better Help
The largest online counseling platform worldwide. It
makes professional counseling available anytime, anywhere,
through a computer, tablet or smartphone.

For even more resources I recommend, go to

Okay Now Breathe's Resource Library.
The password to the library is peace. I recommend you
copy and paste, as the password is case senstive.

- 100 -

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