Kelly Deary Lesson Plan 1 PDF

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TMATE Lesson Plan

Part 1
(A) Lesson Title: Sorting
(B) Standards: TEKS: Pre-Kindergarten V. Mathematics Domain 1. Classification Patterns
V.E.1. Child sorts objects that are the same and different into groups and
uses language to describe how the groups are similar and different.

ELPS Mathematics (1) (A) use prior knowledge and experiences to

understand meanings in English

CCR Cross-Disciplinary Standards II. Foundational Standards D. Use of data

1. Identify patterns or departures from patterns among data

(C) Learning Students will sort objects by color, shapes, and size with 80% mastery.
Objective: New*Student will choose groups of objects sorted by color or shape with
50% mastery.
(D) Prior Learning: Vocabulary to identify shapes, colors, and animals. Counting 0-10

(E) Materials: Sorting materials. Elephants in different colors and sizes. Wooden block set
to include square, rectangle and triangle. Various animals to include
multiples of the same animal. Sorting read aloud.

Lesson Cycle
(F) Focus (Hook):
How is the teacher introducing the learning topic? Involving the learner in a relevant way? Connecting to prior
& future learning?

Students are seated in a semi-circle on the floor.

Teacher: Today I have farm with lots of different animals. They have all wandered out of their pens. We
need to put them back in their right place. How do we know which animals go together and why?

Teacher asks questions to the students about where the animals belong, talk about what each animal
has in common and their differences.
Teacher: Teacher states that we are learning about sorting. Will model sorting various items by colors,
shapes, and sizes. We will talk about what are the similarities and the differences between the objects.

Possible Questions: What is sorting? What are groups? What do these objects have in common? Why
are the objects different?

What is the student doing?

The student is participating in a group activity, sorting various objects into groups, by shape,
color, size, texture, etc. The student is using prior knowledge by using descriptive vocabulary.
(G) Instructional Delivery (Teacher Input):
How is the teacher delivering content related to the central focus and objective? What are the key teaching
points, key vocabulary, and elements of the content? How is the teacher relating content to the learners’
world? What varied instructional strategies are being used? Is the instruction learner centered?

Students are still in seated on the floor.

Teacher reads a book about sorting.

Teacher: We have reviewed how we can sort objects by color, size, and shape. We need to think of
different ways we can sort other objects.

Teacher takes out a set of objects and asks students to describe different attributes, what words
describe each object. Calling on a variety of students.

Teacher: Great job, let’s practice sorting..

What is the student doing?

Responding to teacher’s questions, giving examples of attributes or animals or other objects discussed.

(H) Guided Practice:

How are the students practicing the skill/knowledge they just learned? How is the teacher providing
individual and whole-class feedback? Is the practice directly related to the standards, objectives, and
content? Does this activity allow students to model the behavior/skills being evaluated in the Independent

Teacher: Now that we have discussed the many ways to sort objects, I am going to give you a variety
of items for you to sort 4 different ways. Then students will tell me how you decided to group the items.
You have 7 minutes
Teacher will monitor students as they work.
At the end of the 7 minutes teacher asks students to share. As the students share, I will ask about
attributes and how many items were in each group.

What is the student doing?

Working in groups, brainstorming different ways to sort a variety of objects given to them by the

(I) Independent Practice:

Does the activity described in this section directly relate to the Learning Objective? Does this activity
reinforce the learning of the lesson? Is the assessment authentic? How will this assessment be scored?
Remember that you must create the assessment, including full instructions, an answer key, rubric, and/or
grading guide.

I want us to work alone. I will walk around to each student and observe them sorting objects by color,
size and shape. The student will need to get the groups correct at least 80% of the time.
What is the student doing?

The student is sorting groups of objects by size, shape, and color.

(J) Closure:
Does the closure summarize the learning? Does it involve the learner? Does it connect to future learning?
It is time for our next activity, but I want you to tell me different ways we can sort objects.
What is the student doing?

The students are sharing ideas of how to sort objects into a variety of groups

(K) Enrichment: (L) Reteach:

What learning opportunities will you offer to Describe different instructional strategies you will
students who have already mastered or quickly use to reteach the material if students do not
master the objective? master the objective?

I will have multiple sets of objects already sorted; I will review matching objects. Check for any
the students will need to tell me what attributes missing vocabulary for colors, shapes, and sizes.
the group has in common. Then revisit sorting objects in two groups at a
time, example using sorting bears, but only sorting
With a partner the students have a group of 5 the yellow and green bears at one time.
objects on the table. Student A will describe one
object by stating 3 attributes and Student B will try
and guess which object Student A is describing.

(M) Modifications: (N) Accommodations:

(IEP) Extended time on assignments: Sorting (IEP) Extended time on assignments: Takes
opportunities are ongoing during the year as frequent breaks during activity. Comes back to
student moves through themes/units. Teacher will activity later in the day
provide sorting activities with each unit. Student
will visit this activity multiple times a day/week as (IEP) Reduced number of questions on
needed assessments (50%): Student will sort objects in
two categories that they are most knowledgeable
(IEP) Reduced number of questions on about such as, colors, shapes, or cars/trucks
assessments (50%): Student will use premade
folder to match pictures to exact pictures with two (IEP) Offer fewer choices on multiple choice
choices. (ex. row of cats, row of dogs) questions (2 instead of 4): Student will sort by two
attributes. (ex. sort blue and red bears) Student
(IEP) Offer fewer choices on multiple choice could also utilize computer program/app that has
questions (2 instead of 4): Student will be shown them sort objects into two categories.
sorted objects and asked if they are sorted
correctly. (ex. sorting colors, blue bear on a piece
of green paper or red bear on red piece of paper.

You must attach a copy of your assessment from the Independent Practice section,
along with an answer sheet, grading guide, checklist, or rubric. Be sure that specific
instructions are included.

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