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Thomas Aubrey 2012

Efficient Markets?

EMH expounds the view that all relevant information is already priced into a security

today and that the information from yesterday’s price has no impact on today’s price. This

means that the price of a time series are priced independently of each other and that they only

change with respect to changes in underlying fundamentals. Moreover, it asserts that it is not

possible to predict future returns, thus returns both positive and negative (losses) are

distributed normally. These ideas have always remained traditionally contested by market

participants who felt that EMH was contradicting the fact that they were smart enough to beat

the market. Despite this fact EMH still became a central plank of derivative pricing. Other

opponents included a small band of behavioural economists, who in particular have cautioned

against some of EMH’s wilder claims and the fact it ignores human behaviour. For instance

in October 1987 when the stock market crashed, an economist posed the question as to

whether, ‘the present value of the US economy really fell more than 20 per cent on that

Monday and then rose over 9 per cent on Wednesday?’i Robert Shiller in his excellent book

Irrational Exuberance also attacked the ideas around efficient markets arguing that,

‘investors, their confidence and expectations buoyed by past price increases, bid up stock

prices further, thereby enticing more investors to do the same, so that the cycle repeats again

and again, resulting in an amplified response to the original precipitating factors.’ii

Since the onset of the recent financial crisis the level of criticism of EMH has gone up

several notches particularly given that such dramatic changes in asset prices in 2008 suggest

that there was indeed a period of mispricing before the crisis rather than a sudden jump in

fundamentals within such a short space of time. Moreover, the idea that there was a credit

bubble leading up the crisis is widely accepted which is of course contrary to EMH and

rational expectations which argues that asset bubbles cannot exist. Finally, assumptions of the

normal distributions of returns meant that investors remained generally unconcerned about

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large unexpected events as from a probabilistic perspective such events were so remote they

could be discounted. To a large extent most of the criticisms of EMH have been made against

the simplest model of EMH which assumes independence of observations and normal

distributions. However, it is worth pointing out that most recent testing for EMH has been

done on a weaker version of the random walk where the condition for price independence and

normal distributions are relaxed.iii

The results in general are mixed with no real consensus developing with perhaps one

exception as highlighted by the great economist Paul Samuelson. Samuelson believed that

markets are generally micro efficient but certainly not macro efficient.iv At the micro level,

EMH is arguing that there is no point in constructing sophisticated models to project an

individual company’s future valuation, as markets do a reasonably good job at synthesizing

the information relevant to that company. It is only when insider information is disclosed that

prices move and this can move in both ways. The fact that it is very hard for stock pickers to

consistently beat the market suggests that this is potentially a good proxy. However, the idea

that EMH is useful at the market level is clearly counter intuitive given there is a great deal of

evidence that asset bubbles do exist. Moreover, the investors who have been able to

consistently been able to beat the market have been global macro investors and not stock


The problem with EMH at the macro level is that it makes the huge assumption that

investors are able to digest all the relevant information available to make sense of the

trajectory of an economy. Given the complexity of the system this is an almost impossible

task, hence, most investors have been using the assumptions filtered by the intellectual

background of general equilibrium. In reality this amounts to assessing the relationship

between output and inflation and what it can tell us about the future direction of these

variables. If the relationship between output and inflation did hold through time as Fisher,

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Friedman and the new neoclassical synthesis have led us to believe, then EMH at the macro

level would be more plausible.

This issue challenges the nature of rational expectations when it comes to

macroeconomics, as it assumes investors know what information is the right information to

be looking at. If that information has been sending misleading signals to investors then we

should have expected to have seen periodically large unexpected losses, which we clearly did

in 2000 and 2008. This also suggests that at the macro level data series are less likely to be

independent of each other, with yesterday’s price having more in common with today’s price

and tomorrow’s price; a process described as long term memory. This is in keeping with

Shiller’s analysis of human behaviour and of course explains asset bubbles too. Such an

approach to analysing macro data also suggests that the behaviour of markets changes

through time. It is perfectly possible for markets to display linear and random behaviour for a

time generating a stream of data validating EMH, however, there are also likely to be to

periods when markets display a non-linear and deterministic trajectory which refutes EMH.

Indeed, such a trajectory is more in line with the nature of complex, dynamical systems, and

an economy is one of the most complex systems that can be analysed.

The implication that the streams of data through time at the macro level are constantly

changing has a bearing on the distribution of returns. When the streams of data are generated

from a simple, linear and random process then a normal distribution (Gaussian) is

appropriate. However, if the process is non-linear and displaying long term memory, then a

different distribution of returns can be expected. Any process with an extended long term

memory is likely to have an increasing probability of extreme values. Indeed, the idea that the

probability of heavy losses can increase and decrease through time depending on the extent of

long term memory is critical for investors to take note of. These ideas are however not new,

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they were introduced into financial theory decades ago by the mathematician Benoit


In the early 1960’s Mandelbrot in an analysis of cotton prices found that values might

persist for some time and then suddenly change, but that there were also periods where

sudden discontinuous changes can occur. This insight can be broadly applied to financial data

whereby in an asset boom, the way in which markets develop owes more to the reflexive or

self-referential information of investors believing in the boom as described by Shiller. Thus

tomorrow’s value is more related to today’s value. Given that asset price bubbles are

unsustainable, at some stage this leads to a sudden jump or fall. This in turn induces a period

of volatility where prices jump around violently. Mandelbrot labeled these two effects as

Noah and Joseph.v The Joseph effect describes the upward movement of an asset bubble or

general trend akin to the Biblical story about seven continuous years of abundant harvests.

The Noah effect describes sudden discontinuous changes which generally describe a highly

volatile period with a great deal of uncertainty akin to God’s attempt in Genesis to purify the

world with a catastrophic flood.

For an asset bubble to exist, the market would by definition be increasing along a

predictable trend line, which implies stored long term memory. This of course means that

signals emanating from current monetary policy as deployed by central banks are not

efficient and therefore investors should stop using them. Interestingly, Shiller and Jung have

empirically looked at Samuelson’s famous statement and provided a strong argument to

support Such an approach also means that non-linear trajectories are far more likely to

explain an economy than a linear one. As John Kay argued in the FT, ‘economic systems are

typically dynamic and non-linear. This means that outcomes are likely to be very sensitive to

small changes in the parameters that determine their evolution. These systems are also

reflexive in the sense that beliefs about what will happen influence what does happen.’vii

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Buiter also highlighted the reality of the non-linear relationships in an economy which are

complex to model which resulted the new neoclassical contingent, ‘stripping the model of its

non-linearities and by achieving the trans-substantiation of complex convolutions of random

variables and non-linear mappings into well-behaved additive stochastic disturbances.’viii

Modeling non-linear systems is hard in the natural sciences as well as they generally

have multiple solutions many of which are impossible to calculate. Linearising any non-

linearities eliminates any understanding of the dynamism of the non-linear system. Hence it is

interesting to note that the natural sciences have been moving away from attempting to model

complex systems towards looking at streams of data as being the most effective way of

understanding the nature of a complex, dynamical system. For example, the way in which a

drop of water drips from a tap highlights not only the challenge of modeling non-linear

systems but also the way scientists have fundamentally changed the way they now approach

these kind of problems. Science has increasingly moved away from attempting to construct

complex models towards analysing streams of data. This change came about in the 1970’s

and was the result of the development of chaos theory. James Gleick’s book on Chaos recalls

the research by Robert Shaw, one of the pioneers of chaos theory that is worth repeating. The

ability to predict when the drop might actually drip would require a very complicated model

of the physical processes. After identifying the main variables including the flow of water,

the viscosity of the fluid and the surface tension, the challenge comes with predicting the

behaviour of the process. As the drop fills with water oscillating in multiple directions, it

eventually reaches a critical point and snaps off. As Gleick writes; ‘A physicist trying to

model the drip problem completely – writing down sets of coupled non-linear partial

differential equations with appropriate boundary conditions and then trying to solve them –

would find himself lost in a deep, deep thicket.’ix

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The solution was of course to abandon the modeling and analyse the output of streams

of data instead. This is no different to the handful of investors who were able to make sense

of the direction of an economy by ignoring the current economic modeling paradigm

analysing streams of data instead. So how can the collected and on-going data be used to

understand the behaviour of a system? Shaw in the late 1970’s used his data from the

dripping tap to plot a graph of the relationship between a single drop and its subsequent drop.

If the dripping was regular and predictable it would always fall on the same spot. If it was

random, dots would be scattered all over the graph. What Shaw found was that there was a

deterministic pattern to the dripping that resembled a chaotic attractor, including elements of

unpredictability. The challenge was then how to generate simple equations that would then

explain the chaotic system through time.

Chaotic attractors were first discovered by the meteorologist, Edward Lorenz, back in

1962. Lorenz found that by inputting the same data into a weather prediction computer

programme at different stages of the programme led to different outcomes. This formed the

basis of the now well-known concept in chaos theory of the sensitivity to initial conditions or

the butterfly effect. The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the

system which then causes a chain of events leading to large scale of phenomena. Had the

butterfly not flapped its wings the trajectory of the system might have been significantly

different. Such an approach however rejects the notion of any natural tendency towards

equilibrium. Indeed, as biologists have begun to study the brain in more detail, they have

found it is one of the most chaotic organs in existence. This has led the scientific community

away from the traditional view of equilibrium as being a natural state. According to one

leading neuroscientist, ‘when you reach an equilibrium in biology, you’re dead.’x Given that

an economy is a function of the decisions that millions of chaotic brains make, it should not

be surprising that an economy does not naturally tend towards an equilibrium state.

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Moreover, the idea that an economy might follow a deterministic but unpredictable trajectory

is also highly plausible given the arguments of Shiller and the behavioural psychology


This begins to resemble our problem with economic modeling and to an extent

validates the Fed’s paper on forecasting and Lucas’ views on EMH. Given that there is

determinism in the system, short term forecasts in economics are still valid, however, any

medium term predictions become redundant due to the sensitivity of the system to any

changes in initial conditions. This suggests that investors need to stop modeling and focus on

the analysis of streams of data if they are to generate returns for their clients. This approach is

supported by Mandelbrot who stated that, ‘we cannot know everything. Physicists abandoned

that pipedream during the twentieth century after quantum theory and in a different way after

chaos theory. Instead they learned to think of the world in the second way as a black box. We

can see what goes into the box and what comes out but not what is happening inside.’xi

An economy does not function in a random way at all, but is rather the outcome of the

individual decisions made by the hundreds of millions of economic agents across the globe.

Research has highlighted that deterministic non-linear systems can generate apparent random

behaviour, which is why empirical studies of the random walk even at the macro level can

hold in certain periods of time.xii This determinism is complemented by unexpected outcomes

supporting the notion that observing inputs and outcomes is more likely to be of use than

trying to understand what is going on inside the system. In a recent paper two economists

highlight much of this thinking posing the question that if, ‘business cycles are caused by

non-linear dynamics, how appropriate a scientific approach is to base our analysis on linear

considerations?’ xiii

Thomas Aubrey 2012

Appendix A

The chart shows the relationship between the Wicksellian Differential which

measures the distance from equilibrium in an economy and the volatility of the US equity

market as measured by the VIX. The distance from equilibrium describes an increase in the

amount of credit being pumped into an economy that in turn causes the destabilisation of the

economy. The extent of the cumulative process of credit creation is also related to the

magnitude of the volatility which follows.

The chart demonstrates how investors get misled by market signals with volatility

jumping only when investors realise that the expansion has not been sustainable. Using the

Wicksellian Differential it is possible to estimate more appropriate distributions of returns

every year based on the Wicksellian Differential or distance from equilibrium and the extent

of the cumulative process. Thus in January 2007 when volatility was at all-time lows, using a

credit-based disequilibrium approach the distributions would have highlighted fat tails with

extreme values due the cumulative process from 2002 and the fact that the economy was at a

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high level of disequilibrium. The jump in volatility that came in 2008 is purely a function of

the growth in credit as described by the Wicksellian Differential.

R. Thaler (1998) ‘Giving Markets a Human Dimension’ in Mastering Finance (Financial

Times) p.193
R. Shiller (2000) Irrational Exuberance (Princeton University Press) p.44
J. Campbell, A. Lo, C. Mackinlay (1997) The Econometrics of Financial Markets

(Princeton University Press) p.33

P. Samuelson (1998) ‘Summing up on Business Cycles: Opening Address’
B. Mandelbrot and R. Hudson (2004) The (Mis)behaviour of Markets (Basic Books) p.200-

J. Jung and R. Shiller (2006) ‘Samuelson’s Dictum and the Stock Market’
J. Kay (2011) ‘Economics: Rituals of Rigour’
W. Buiter (2009) ‘The unfortunate uselessness of most state of the art academic monetary

J. Gleick (1988) Chaos: Making a New Science (Viking) p.263
Gleick Chaos p.298 quoting Arnold Mandell
Mandelbrot & Hudson (Mis)behaviour p.28
W. Barnett, R. Gallant, M Hinich, M. Jensen, J Jungeilges (1996) ‘Comparisons of the

available tests for non-linearity and chaos’ in W. Barnett, G. Gandolfo, C. Hillinger (eds.)

Dynamic Disequilibrium Modeling (Cambridge University Press) P.313

C. Kyrtsou and C. Vorlow (2009) ‘Modelling Non-Linear Co-movements Between Time

Series’ p.3 Journal of Macroeconomics Vol 31.1 pp. 200-211

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