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The diagram illustrates, in retrospect, the complex process of making carbonated drinks. We can also
see that the diagram presents all the stages of establishing carbonated water, from raw water and all the
stages of preparation to the packaging and sell of the finished product to Supermarkets.

Firstly, after deeply analyzing, we discovered that the process of making carbonated water is quite hard
and is consists in five stages. In the first stage, water is been cleaned and filtered through sophisticated
machines (Filter; Water softener; Chemicals; Pump). After this process the machine that introduces the
next stage is the Electric Heaters. This machine, after heating the water, sands the water through a
cooling pipe to a carbon dioxide container. This stage is called Heating evaporation and carbonation.
Then the water is sent to a mixing tank. This complex device is mixing the water with Coloring, Syrup and
Flavor. Immediately, after this stage, the water is being filtered and filled to bottles and cans, ready to be
transported to Supermarkets.

The main idea of this diagram is that making carbonated water is very complicated and is a time-
consuming process, but in the end is worth waiting.


A large group of people are the opinion that doing activities outside are more vital for children's
knowledge and evolvement whereas computer games that are played by children and destroying their
mental and physical health. I think that computer games played by children are very harmful and I
strongly believe outdoor activities are more beneficial for them.

To begin to, outdoor activities force the children to socialize and this can lead to more social skills and
more self-confidence. If you socialize, your personality is being developed drastically in a beneficial way.
By doing so you will meet new people and you will make an idea about their way of thinking and often
steal from their personality, if they show interesting and good way of judgement in different situations.
Another advantage of doing outdoor activities is that you will have a healthier life. Take football for
example. You will run after the ball and you will do sport. This activity is very healthy and you develop
connection between the people from your team and build strategies. This led to more social connection
and will certain develop your physical and mental state.

If you stay home and play on the computer you will waste your time doing something that is not even
real. You will destroy your eyes and you will become fat and unhealthy. This couch-potato-life-style can
lead to diseases in the future. Another disadvantage is that you will develop a shyness whenever you will
go outside of your comfort place (computer games) and you will not have that many friends. The only
thing that you can find good in playing computer games is that you can choose to play learning games
and you can develop your knowledge, but you will destroy your eyes. Furthermore, computer games can
be addictive.

In conclusion, the most beneficial activities for children's development is to do outdoor activities and
stay away from computer games because, after all those disadvantages, they can also be addicted.

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