Gary S Lost - Oxford Storyland Readers L6

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we » Oxford Storyland Readers Enhanced edition OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS (Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford, It furthers the University’s objective of excellence in research, scholarship, ‘and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi New Delhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in ‘Argentina Austria Brazil Chile Czech Republic France Greece Guatemala Hungary Italy’Japan South Korea Poland Portugal Singapore Switzerland Thailand Turkey Ukraine Vietnam (Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press © Oxford University Press 2004 First published 1995 ‘This enhanced edition 2004 This impression (lowest digit) 5791086 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored ina retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by Law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction ‘outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, ‘Oxford University Press, at the address below ‘You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose the same condition on any acquirer Illustrated by Bernd Wong, ISBN-13: 978-0-19-596967-2 ISBN-10: 0-19-596967-7 Printed in Hong Kong, Published by Oxford University Press (China) Ltd 18th Floor, Warwick House East, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay ‘Hong Kong Gary opens the curtains. He looks outside. It’s my birthday on Sunday. Can | buy my birthday present today? Daddy is looking for his watch. | can’t find my watch. Can you see it, Gary? Oh, my watch says a quarter past three. j Yes, Daddy. Look! — |t’s under the table. It’s on the floor. The bus comes at nine o'clock. Come on. Let’s go. | 2a | Puzztes |. Look at the pictures. Write the right words. Hs cloudy ae cold <——_ Itis 2. Where are the watches? Write the right words. outside under on a) Daddy’s watch is the box. b) Mummy's watch is the box. c) Gary’s watch is the box. ee Daddy, Mummy and Gary are at the bus-stop. Daddy is going to his office. Mummy and Gary are going to the toy shop. aclock, a robot and a game? Gary, it’s your birthday. Foil can buy one toy, but not three. — Inside the toy shop Gary looks at all the toys. There are dolls, robots, aeroplanes, bicycles, cars, rugby balls, footballs, basketballs, skateboards and games. That's four hundred dollars, please. : Now Mummy, Gary and Rob are outside a cake shop. Gary is very happy. He likes his robot. Mummy goes into the cake shop. She cannot hear Gary. | a | Puztes _ What are they? Write the right words. a) You can ride a = and drive a —_ 0 are round bu > — are not. 2. Find these words in the word square. robot alw hundred B i jame | y Ck | office i Q|R birthday } ¥ | clock g | H|O | H|U R|o What time is it, Rob? Gary is in the park. He is playing on a swing. Mummy is outside the park. She cannot see Gary. & Gary was outside the cake shop. Now he is not there. Mummy looks in the toy shop. Gary is not there. Where is Gary? Can you see him? Gary and Rob like the park. They like the tunnels and the climbing frame. What time is it, Rob? Your Mummy was here, = but now she’s not. | a | Puzzes Read the sentences. Finish the clocks. It is ten past one. e) What time do you go to school? & | go to school at Gary and Rob go into the toy shop. Gary looks everywhere in the toy shop. He cannot see his Mummy. The shopkeeper sees Gary and Rob. Look! There’s a Se She can help you. There are two policewomen. They help Gary. They all look around the toy shop. Her coat’s the same but she’s not my Mummy. Now the policewomen, Gary and Rob are in the street. They are looking for Gary’s Mummy. Gary is sad. The policewoman talks on her radio. ie S Lost boy in Park Street. His name’s Gary. Yes, Gary's here. He’s fine. Is his Mummy at the police station? Good! We can come now. Your Mummy's at the police station, Gary. Let’s go. | QD) Pussies ————— Look at the pictures. Write the right words. coats robots five three radios four a) There are boys, women and policewomen in the shop. b) The boys have the same c) The women have the same ie d) The policewomen have the same The policewomen, Gary and Rob are outside the police station. Gary can see a woman inside. Her hair is the same. Her coat is the same. But | can’t see her face. Now Gary is inside the police station. He can see the woman’s face. Mummy is happy. Gary is happy, too. Mummy hugs Gary. You were lost! | was lost! We were both lost! Mummy, Gary and Rob walk home. They are all very happy. Mummy, thank you You're welcome That’ $ a good name for a robot! What have you ie Gary? 7% This is my new toy. It’s a robot. You can call him Rob. QA | Puzzes |. Look at the pictures. Write the right words. 2. Read the sentences. Write the right words. were are was a) Gary in the park. b) Mummy and Gary both lost. c) Now Mummy and Gary both in the 20 police station. Gary and Rob are in the sitting-room. Gary is playing with Rob. ren’t. -, ran Ej h Yes. You're right. Mummy and Daddy come into the sitting-room. Look, Mummy. Rob is a robot, a clock and a game. He can walk. He can talk. | can play with him. | a2 | Questions ——— Page | Page 2 Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 9 Page lO Page Il a) What time is it? b) What is Daddy doing? c) What is Mummy doing? a) Itis dry/rainy, cloudy/sunny and warm/cold. b) When is Gary's birthday? True or false? a) Gary cannot find his watch. b) Daddy's watch is under the table. c) Daddy’s watch says ten to nine. a) Where is Daddy going? b) Where are Mummy and Gary going? c) How many toys can Gary buy? a) Where is Gary? b) Itis ten past/to ten. c) Gary buys a . a) How much is the robot? b) What is the robot’s name? c) Mummy goes into a a) ‘Let’s go in/to/on the park,’ says Gary. b) Gary is playing to/under/on a swing. a) Who looks for Gary? b) Where is Gary? a) What time is it? b) Is Gary’s Mummy in the cake shop? & Page I3 Page 14 Page I5 Page |7 Page |8 Page I9 True or false? a) Gary and his Mummy go into the toy shop. b) Gary cannot see his Mummy. c) Mummy is not in the toy shop. a) Who helps Gary? b) Can Gary see his Mummy? a) The policewoman talks to/on/at her radio. b) The policewomen, Gary and Rob are in Street. a) Where is Gary? b) Who can Gary see inside the police station? a) Is Gary’s Mummy inside the police station? b) Is Mummy angry? a) How do Mummy, Gary and Rob go home? b) Does Mummy like the robot's name? a) Where are Gary and Rob? b) What colour is Rob’s body? c) What colour are Rob’s eyes? a) Robisa ,a and Story Lettersound | Page Target vocabulary At the Beach a The Space Museum j *ch Gary's Lost! u p.1 Mummy, brushing, get up p.2 sunny, Sunday p.3 under, bus p.5 bus-stop, but p.6 rugby balls p.7 hundred p.10 tunnel p.18 hugs The Circus g 7h * The ch sound is previously introduced in Level 3 At the Zoo. The r sound is previously introduced in Level 4 Joey the Bird. Oxford Storyland Readers Enhanced edition Oxford Storyland Readers (Enhanced edition) is a 12-level series featuring interesting and lively stories. Each book for Levels 7 to 12 contains a thematically related factual section to support cross-curricular learning. Picture dictionaries, comprehension questions, games and puzzles reinforce target language and develop reading skills. To encourage young learners to read, the Enhanced edition includes wide and varied resources: + anew phonics guide at the end of each book facilitates phonics learning in context + CD-ROMs with interactive phonics games and audio recordings encourage independent learning + teacher's editions contain useful teaching notes and answer keys + online teacher's resources support shared reading activities with downloadable worksheets and teaching ideas + web-based parent's guides support reading at home Oxford Storyland Readers (Enhanced edition) is also available in packs (4 readers and CD-ROMs). Levell Level 5 Level 9 Thisis Ping Mickey Monkey ‘Amy and the Red Box You're a Cat! Charlie Hansel and Gretel Anna at the Supermarket Lucky Barney the Policeman The Picnic Jojo Jo Tells Stories Level2 azD Level 10 The Birthday Party Atthe Beach The Girl from the Sea The Red The Space Museum Typhoon! Grandma's Photos Gary's Lost! The Elephant Rock Daddy's Present The Circus Save the Animals! Level 3 Level 7 Level 11 My Friend Bip The Lost Cat The School Ghost Bip's Visit The Biggest Dad The Younger Brother Billy and Tom The Garden Fairy The Fishing Hook At the Zoo Mrs Mott How Sam Grew! Level 4 Level 8 Level 12 Where is Boo? The Giant's Garden The Snow Queen 1Can Swim Fireman Bill and the Happy and the Plums Superboy Dragon The Story of Tea Joey the Bird The Fat Prince and the Take it Away! Angry Man Beauty and the Beast OXFORD ISBN 0-19-596967-7 UNIVERSITY PRESS | | | | - 9 780195" 9696 72! fa] 5 3 ES & = (orsleh eco)

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