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Hello teachers and everyone, we are Group 6, and today we will present the analysis of

leadership through a cut scene from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.
First, we’ll talk about the Literature Review of this study
As we all know, leadership is known as the process of leading and persuading a group to
reach a common goal. A leader motivates people to take action while also directing the way
they act. They must be convincing enough for others to follow their directions, and they must
have critical thinking and leading skills to know how to best use the resources available to an
A great leader’s influence can determine how well common goals are met by using power as a
key tool. There are 5 types of power: coercive power, reward power, legitimate power, expert
power, and referent power.
Leadership has a critical role in determining the success of an organization. In the study of
leadership, there are three basic approaches or theories: the traits or psychological approach,
the situational or contingency approach, and the behavioral approach
1. Overview of the scene: “Harry Potter - Transformational Leadership”
In the scene, Harry Potter is the leader of Dumbledore's Army - a secret organization whose
purpose is teaching Hogwarts students practical defensive magic. He organizes classes
training the members on how to implement advanced magical techniques. Based on his own
experience and skills, Harry Potter shows his fellows how to do them and guides each
member on his own. Moreover, he always inspires all of the members to do their best job. He
encourages Seamus, George to do the magic; gives Ginny an incentive compliment when she
does a good job; and reminds Luna to stay focused. Harry reassures Neville, who is having
difficulty performing magic, and personally tutors him as well as Cho Chang on how to
implement those techniques. He cares about everyone and always praises the members
whenever they make progress. At the end of the video, after the speech, we can see that the
applause means that all the members love and respect Harry Potter.

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