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Lesson Plan Title: Understanding Animal Habitats

Concept / Topic To Teach: Students will learn about the six different animal habitats (forest,
desert, ocean, tundra, polar, and grassland).

Grade Level: 3rd Grade

General Goal(s):
● Students will know which habitat their favorite animal lives in.
● Students will know the different animal habitats.

Specific Objectives:
● After the lesson, students will be able to give clear examples of what types of animals
live in each different habitat.
● Students will have a clear understanding of the habitat that we live in, and the animals
that are around them/ in their general area.

Required Materials:
● Projector
● Youtube video:
● Poster board
● Pencil
● Paper
● Chromebook

Anticipatory Set (Lead-In):

Good afternoon class!
Today we will be learning about the different animal habitats.
Does anyone know what sort of habitat Las Vegas is considered to be?
Class Answer: Desert ?
That's right! Las Vegas is a desert habitat! Does anyone know if there are penguins or monkeys
living in Las Vegas?
Class Answer: Don’t penguins live in snow?
Yes that is correct!!

Step-By-Step Procedures:
● Students will watch the habitat video without disrupting others or paying attention to
other classmates/assignments
● After the video, students will take out their chromebooks and get into their assigned
habitat groups. (Each table is assigned to a different habitat: (forest, desert, ocean, tundra,
polar, and grassland).
● Students will use their Chromebooks to search on the internet for two things.
○ An animal that lives in the group’s assigned habitat
○ An interesting fact about the animal that the student has chosen
● Next, students will write the information found in the previous step on the group's habitat
● Students will now present their habitat poster as a group in front of the class.
● Students who are not presenting must write down three interesting facts about the other
habitats they didn't get assigned to.
● The posters and the student observations will be turned in at the end of class.

Plan For Independent Practice (Activity):

For independent practice, students will get in a single file line to walk out to the field or
courtyard. Each student will look around and see what kind of animals/insects are around them
and record their findings on a piece of paper. When the class is done writing down what they saw
outside, they will return to class and share their findings as a group.
● The lesson for today will be worth 40 points.
Closure (Reflect Anticipatory Set):
So class, now can you tell me what habitat a penguin lives in?
Class Answer: The arctic!
That's right! Does anyone remember where a dolphin lives?
Class Answer: The ocean!
Good job class! You all did amazing in today’s lesson.

Special Needs Modification:

- For visually impaired students, I will present the video to them on their chromebooks
with headphones so that they will be able to focus on the video better.
- While students are in groups, I will meet with special needs students to discuss animal
habitats in the back of the class.
- Instead of looking for animals/insects on the trip to the field, students will listen the best
they can to see what they hear.

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