Hemenway Lesson Plan

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Jennifer Hemenway

Writing a Lesson Plan

Choice Activity (From curriculum map): Look for a bugs in a “spider web.”
Age: Toddlers 24-30 Months
Domain: Manipulatives
Theme: Bugs and Insects

1. Objectives and Goals (What is the standard/standards you will cover with this lesson)
-Fine motor development… use improved eye-hand coordination to explore and manipulate
-Begin to use math skills such as problem solving.
-Begin to develop skills that lead to science concepts such as observation of the world and
2. Anticipatory Set (What is your introduction to this lesson: Give Detail)
We will sing a song about bugs. I will then ask the class if they remember any of the bugs that
we have already learned about during the week. We will have a brief conversation about their
favorite bugs and talk about whether they will find those bugs in the “spider web.”
3. Required Materials for Activity
-Plastic basket with holes all over it… 3 or 4 of them (ie: laundry basket or something smaller
-Toy bugs
4. Direct Instruction (Define lesson step by step)
Have the “spider webs already made using the yarn and baskets. Make this activity one of the
center activities for students to do throughout center time. If you have a laundry basket, 3 or 4
students can explore the “web” together or have 3 or 4 small baskets for each student to
explore on their own. Students can use their hands to weave through the “web” to find the
bugs at the bottom.
5. Guided Practice (Scaffolding/Questions: How will YOU participate in this lesson)
I will participate mostly as an observer but will ask questions to help guide their learning.
Some questions I may ask… How many bugs do you think you will find, How are you going to
get the bugs, What bugs do you think you will find, Where do these bugs live, What do bugs
like to eat?
6. What will you assess during this lesson?
I will be looking at the children’s ability to use their fine motor skills- more specifically their
hand- eye coordination and also their problem-solving skills.
7. Closing: (Answer the following questions)
List DAP principles that relate to this lesson.
Have you looked at inclusion? Culture? Is it planned well?
1. All areas of development and learning are important.
9. Children learn in a variety of ways.
10. Play is an important vehicle for developing self-regulation and pro-moting language,
cognition, and social competence.
12. Children’s experiences shape their motivation and approaches to learning.
-Students that are unable to or do not want to participate in the “spider web” part of this
activity can explore just the bugs on the table.
-I think that it is planned well. Definitely room for/open to improvements. I do think that a few
smaller baskets might work out better than one big basket for 3 or 4 students. One basket could
possibly cause behavior troubles.

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