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Myungjin Choi, Rae Young Kim, Myeong-Ryong NAM, and Hong Oh Kim

Abstract— The fusion of high-spectral/low-spatial resolution problem. Nunez et al. developed an approach to fuse a high-
multispectral and low-spectral/high-spatial resolution panchro- resolution panchromatic image with a low-resolution multi-
matic satellite images is a very useful technique in various spectral image based on wavelet decomposition [3]. Ranchin
applications of remote sensing. Recently, some studies showed
that a wavelet-based image fusion method provides high quality and Wald designed the ARSIS concept for fusing high spatial
spectral content in fused images. However, most wavelet-based and spectral resolution images based on a multiresolution
methods yield fused results with spatial resolution that is less analysis of a two-band wavelet transformation.
than that obtained via the Brovey, IHS, and PCA fusion methods.
In this paper, we introduce a new method based on a curvelet The wavelet-based image fusion method provides high spec-
transform, which represents edges better than wavelets. Since tral quality in fused satellite images. However, fused images
edges play a fundamental role in image representation, one by wavelets have much less spatial information than those by
effective means to enhance spatial resolution is to enhance the
edges. The curvelet-based image fusion method provides richer
the Brovey, IHS, and PCA methods. In many remote sensing
information in the spatial and spectral domains simultaneously. applications, the spatial information of a fused image is as an
We performed Landsat ETM+ image fusion and found that the important factor as the spectral information. In other words,
proposed method provides optimum fusion results. it is necessary to develop an advanced image fusion method
Index Terms— Image Fusion, Multiresolution analysis, Landsat so that fused images have the same spectral resolution as
ETM+ image, Wavelet transform, Curvelet transform. multispectral images and the same spatial resolution as a
panchromatic image with minimal artifacts.

I. I NTRODUCTION Recently, other multi-scale systems have been developed,

including ridgelets and curvelets [4]–[7]. These approaches

I N MANY remote sensing and mapping applications, the

fusion of multispectral and panchromatic images is a very
important issue. In this regard, in the field of satellite image
are very different from wavelet-like systems. Curvelets and
ridgelets take the form of basis elements, which exhibit
very high directional sensitivity and are highly anisotropic.
classification, the quality of the image classifier is affected Therefore, the curvelet transform represents edges better than
by the fused image’s quality. To date, many image fusion wavelets, and is well-suited for multiscale edge enhancement
techniques and software tools have been developed. The well- [7].
known methods include the Brovey, the IHS (Intensity, Hue,
Saturation) colour model, the PCA (Principal Components In this paper, we introduce a new image fusion method
Analysis) method, and the wavelet based method [1]. Assess- based on a curvelet transform. The fused image using the
ment of the quality of fused images is another important issue. curvelet-based image fusion method yields almost the same
Wald et al. proposed an approach utilizing criteria that can be detail as the original panchromatic image, because curvelets
employed in the evaluation of the spectral quality of fused represent edges better than wavelets. It also gives the same
satellite images [2]. colour as the original multispectral images, because we use
If the objective of image fusion is to construct synthetic im- the wavelet-based image fusion method in our algorithm. As
ages that are closer to reality, then the Brovey, IHS, and PCA such, this new method is an optimum method for image fusion.
fusion methods are satisfactory [1]. However, one limitation In this study we develop a new approach for fusing Lansat
of these methods is some distortion of spectral characteristics ETM+ panchromatic and multispectral images based on the
in the original multispectral images. Recently, developments curvelet transform.
in wavelet analysis have provided a potential solution to this
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The
The first, second and fourth authors were supported by KRF-2002-070-C0
next section describes the theoretical basis of the ridgelets and
0004. curvelets . A new image fusion approach for Lansat ETM+
M.-J. Choi is with SaTReC, KAIST, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, panchromatic and multispectral images based on the curvelet
Daej eon, 305-701, Republic of KOREA (
R.Y.Kim is with Division of Applied Mathematics, KAIST, 373-1,
transform is subsequently presented.
Guseong -dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of KOREA
( This is followed by a discussion of the image fusing exper-
M.-R. NAM is with SaTReC, KAIST, 373-1, Guseong-dong, Yuseong-gu, iments. Next, the experimental results are analysed. Finally,
Daeje on, 305-701, Republic of KOREA ( the proposed method is compared with previous methods
H.O.Kim is with Division of Applied Mathematics, KAIST, 373-1,
Guseong- dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-701, Republic of KOREA developed for image fusion, including the wavelet method and
( the IHS method.

II. R IDGELET AND CURVELET TRANSFORMS We define multiscale ridgelets {wQ TQ ψa,b,θ : s ≥ s0 , Q ∈
In this section, we review the theory of ridgelet and curvelet Qs , a > 0, b ∈ R, θ ∈ [0, 2π)}, where TQ f (x1 , x2 ) =
transforms, presented in [5]–[10], which are used in the 2s f (2s x1 − k1 , 2s x2 − k2 ). Then we have the reconstruction
subsequent sections. formula
f= f wQ
A. Continuous ridgelet transform Q∈Qs
Let ψ be in L2 (R) with sufficient decay and satisfying the =
admissibility condition, Q∈Qs
Z 2π Z ∞ Z ∞
Z da dθ
|ψ̂(ξ)|2 hf, wQ TQ ψa,b,θ iwQ TQ ψa,b,θ db
Kψ := dξ < ∞, 0 −∞ 0 a3 4π
The curvelet transform is given by filtering and applying mul-
In this paper, we adopt Meyer wavelet ψ, which has high
tiscale ridgelet transform on each bandpass filters as follows:
smoothness and a compact support in the frequency domain.
We refer to [11], [12] for the definition and the basic properties 1) Subband Decomposition. The image is filtered into sub-
of Meyer wavelet. We will suppose that ψ is normalized so bands:
that Kψ = 1. f → (P0 f, ∆1 f, ∆2 f, · · · ),
For each a > 0, b ∈ R, and θ ∈ [0, 2π], ridgelet basis where a filter P0 deals with frequencies |ξ| ≤ 1 and the
functions are defined by bandpass filter ∆s is concentrated near the frequencies
[2s , 22s+2 ], for example,
ψa,b,θ (x) := a−1/2 ψ((x1 cos θ + x2 sin θ − b)/a).
∆s = Ψ2s ∗ f, Ψ̂2s (ξ) = Ψ̂(2−2s ξ);
The Radon transform for f ∈ L2 (R2 ) is given by
Z 2) Smooth Partitioning. Each subband is smoothly win-
Rf (θ, t) = f (x1 , x2 )δ(x1 cos θ + x2 sin θ − t)dx1 dx2 , dowed into “squares” of an appropriate scale

where δ is the Dirac distribution. For f ∈ L1 (R2 ), the ∆s f → (wQ ∆s f )Q∈Qs ;

continuous ridgelet coefficient is given by 3) Renormalization. Each resulting square is renormalized
to unit scale
Rf (a, b, θ) = f (x)ψ a,b,θ (x)dx. (1)
gQ = (TQ )−1 (wQ ∆s f ), Q ∈ Qs ;
Then any function f ∈ L1 (R2 ) ∩ L2 (R2 ) is represented as a 4) Ridgelet Analysis. Each square is analysed via the dis-
continuous superposition of ridgelet functions crete ridgelet transform.
Z 2π Z ∞ Z ∞
da dθ For improved visual and numerical results of the digital
f (x) = Rf (a, b, θ)ψa,b,θ (x) 3 db
0 −∞ 0 a 4π curvelet transform, Starck et al. presented the following dis-
crete curvelet transform algorithm [6], [14]:
Notice that (1) is also given by the wavelet transform of the
Radon transform f : 1) apply the à trous algorithm with J scales:
Rf (a, b, θ) = Rf (θ, t)a−1/2 ψ((t − b)/a)dt. I(x, y) = CJ (x, y) + wj (x, y),
Deans found that the two-dimensional Fourier transform of f where cJ is a coarse or smooth version of original image
is equal to the one-dimensional Fourier transform of the Radon I and wj represents “the details of I” at scale 2−j ;
transform of f [13]: 2) set B1 = Bmin ;
3) for j = 1, · · · , J do
fˆ(ξ cos θ, ξ sin θ) = Rf (θ, t)e−iξt dt.
a) partition the subband wj with a block size Bj and
Hence the Radon transform of f is obtained by the one- apply the digital ridgelet transform to each block;
dimensional inverse Fourier transform of fˆ(ξ cos θ, ξ sin θ) as b) else Bj+1 = Bj .
a function of ξ.
B. Curvelet transform
The following is the specific operational procedure for the
Let Q denote a dyadic square [k1 /2s , (k1 + 1)/2s ) × proposed curvelet-based image fusion approach. While the
[k2 /2s , (k2 + 1)/2s ) and let Qs be the collection of all dyadic operational procedure may be generally applied , Landsat
squares of scale s. We also let wQ be a window near Q, ETM+ images are utilized as an example in order to illustrate
obtained by dilation and translation of a single w, satisfying the method.
2 1) The original Landsat ETM+ panchromatic and multispec-
wQ = 1.
Q∈Qs tral images are geometrically registered to each other.

Fig. 1. Curvelet-based image fusion method.

2) Three new Landsat ETM+ panchromatic images I1 , I2 the spatial information of the panchromatic image.
and I3 are produced. The histograms of these images are 9) F1 , F2 and F3 are combined into a single fused image
specified according to the histograms of the multispectral F.
images R, G and B, respectively. In this approach, we can obtain an optimum fused image that
3) Using the well-known wavelet-based image fusion has richer information in the spatial and spectral domains
method, we obtain fused images I1 + R, I2 + G and simultaneously. Therefore, we can easily find small objects
I3 + B, respectively. in the fused image and separate them. As such, the curvelets-
4) I1 , I2 and I3 , which are taken from 2), are decomposed based image fusion method is very efficient for image fusion.
into J + 1 subbands, respectively, by applying “à trous”
subband filtering algorithm. Each decomposed image IV. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY AND ANALYSIS
includes CJ , which is a coarse or smooth version of the A. Visual analysis
original image, and wj , which represents “the details of
I” at scale 2−j . Since the wavelet transform preserves the spectral infor-
5) Each CJ is replaced by a fused image obtained from 3). mation of the original multispectral images, it has the high
For example, (CJ for I1 ) is replaced by (I1 + R). spectral resolution in contrast with the IHS-based fusion result,
6) The ridgelet transform is then applied to each block in which has some colour distortion. But the wavelet-based
the decomposed I1 , I2 and I3 , respectively. fusion result has much less spatial information than that of
7) Curvelet coefficients (or ridgelet coefficients) are mod- the IHS-based fusion result.
To overcome this problem, we use the curvelet transform in
ified using hard-thresholding rule in order to enhance
image fusion. Since the curvelet transform is well adapted to
edges in the fused image.
represent panchromatic image containing edges, the curvelet-
8) Inverse curvelet transforms (ICT) are carried out for I1 , I2
based fusion result has both high spatial and spectral resolu-
and I3 , respectively. Three new images ( F1 , F2 and F3 )
are then obtained, which reflect the spectral information
From the curvelet-based fusion result in the Landsat ETM+
of the original multispectral images R, G and B, and also
image fusion presented in Figure 2, it should be noted that both

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 2. (a) Original Landsat ETM+ color image. (b) IHS-based fusion result. (c) Wavelet-based fusion result. (d) Curvelet-based fusion result.

the spatial and the spectral resolutions have been enhanced, in The combination entropy of an image is defined as
comparison with the original colour image. That is, the fused 255
result contains both the structural details of the higher spatial X
H(f1 , f2 , f3 ) = − Pi1 ,i2 ,i3 log2 Pi1 ,i2 ,i3 ,
resolution panchromatic image and the rich spectral informa-
tion from the multispectral images. Moreover, compared with
the fused results obtained by the wavelet and IHS, the curvelet- where Pi1 ,i2 ,i3 is the combination probability of the image
based fusion result has a better visual effect, such as contrast f1 , f2 and f3 , in which pixel values are i1 , i2 and i3 , respec-
enhancement. tively, for the same position. The combination entropy (C.E.)
represents the property of combination between images. The
larger the combination entropy of an image, the richer the
information contained in the image. In Table I, the combina-
B. Quantitative analysis
tion entropy of the curvelet-based image fusion is greater than
In addition to the visual analysis, we conducted a quanti- that of other methods. Thus, the curvelet-based image fusion
tative analysis. The experimental results were analysed based method is superior to the wavelet and IHS methods in terms
on the combination entropy, the mean gradient, and the cor- of combination entropy.
relation coefficient, as used in [2], [15]–[17]. The mean gradient is defined as
Table I presents a comparison of the experimental results of
1 XXq
image fusion using the curvelet-based image fusion method, g= (∆Ix2 + ∆Iy2 )/2,
the wavelet-based image fusion method, and the IHS method M N i=1 j=1
in terms of combination entropy, mean gradient, and correla-
tion coefficient. ∆Ix;i,j = f (i + 1, j) − f (i, j), ∆Iy;i,j = f (i, j + 1) − f (i, j),

AND IHS METHODS . The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude
to Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute for
Method C.E M. G C.C providing the Landsat ETM+ images for this research.
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V. C ONCLUSION (in Chinese with abstract in English).
We have presented a newly developed method based on a
curvelet transform for fusing Landsat ETM+ images. In this
paper, an experimental study was conducted by applying the
proposed method, as well as other image fusion methods,
to the fusion of Landsat ETM+ images. A comparison of
the fused images from the wavelet and IHS method was
made. Based on experimental results pertaining to three in-
dicators - the combination entropy, the mean gradient, and the
correlation coefficient- the proposed method provides better
results, both visually and quantitatively, for remote sensing
fusion. Since the curvelet transform is well adapted to repre-
sent panchromatic images containing edges and the wavelet
transform preserves the spectral information of the original
multispectral images, the fused image has both high spatial
and spectral resolution.

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