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Hemenway 1

Jennifer Hemenway

Mrs. Denise Sidney M.Ed.

ECE 251

March 21st, 2021

The Environment

Student learning is definitely impacted by the learning environment. The learning

environment should be welcoming. When it is not welcoming, then children may not feel

comfortable being there, let alone, trying to learn new things. It is important for teachers to

create a space that children feel safe in and to provide materials that the children will be

interested in. When teachers are creating this safe and fun learning environment, they should get

down on the children’s level. That way they can experience, firsthand, how children will

experience each learning area. Something else teachers should consider when creating learning

areas, is to separate the loud areas from the quiet areas. A child is probably not going to want to

be in a quiet area reading if there is a lot of noise coming from the blocks area next to them.

There are a lot of things to consider when teachers are creating learning areas because they can

not only improve the learning experience but also harm it.

The learning environment connects to the curriculum by helping to create different

learning experiences. If a learning environment is set up properly, it should create learning

opportunities for students without the teacher even being present. If you are a teacher and you

are doing a lesson on healthy foods, you can find ways to incorporate healthy foods into all your

learning areas. For example, you could stick grocery store ads of fruits and veggies into your

dramatic play area. Students could “buy” healthy foods at the grocery store and then go home
Hemenway 2

and “make” a healthy meal. In the science area, students can explore different healthy foods, or

in math they can make patterns using fruits and veggies. You can even add books about healthy

eating to your library. If you are changing the items in the learning areas to go along with the

lessons you are teaching, your students are more inclined to be interested because there will

always be something new to learn and explore.

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