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Advanced Manufacturing

Product Lite Cycle: Introduction, Need, Components/Elernents of PLM, Collaborative Engineering
Rapid Prototyping: Introduction, Classification of RP Processes (SLA, LOM, SLS, FDM, 3D
printing), Working Principle, Features, Models & Specification of Process, Application, Advartages
and Disadvantages, Rapid Tooling and STL format, Concept of 4D Rapid Prototyping. [Oniy theory

5.9 Powder Based Rapid Pronatpirg Sysers
PartI: Rapid Prototyping
5.10 Applications of Rapid Prttyoing

5.1 Introduction to Rapid Prototyping 5.11 Rapid Tooling

5.2 Categories of Manufacturing Processes 5.12 STL Format

5.3 Basic Steps In Rapid Prototyping Process 5.13 4D Rapid Prototyping

5.4 Benefits (Advantages) of Rapid Prototyping

Part I: Product Life Cycle
5.5 Limitations of Rapid Prototyping
5.14 Introduction to Produt Liecyce Managemert
5.6 Classification of Rapid Prototyping Systems
5.15 Elements (Componerts) cf PLUM
5.7 Liquid Based Rapid Prototyping Systems
5.16 Collaborative Engineering
5.8 Solid Based Rapid Prototyping Systems
4CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-2 Advanced Manufacturing Method
Categorles of Manufacturing
5.1 INTRODUCTION TO RAPID 1. Subtractive Manufacturing Processes

PROTOTYPING 2. Additive Manufacturing Processes

Prototyping or model making is one of the important steps in
a product
design. A prototype of a
product is made and tested 3. Formative Manufacturing Processes
for the performance.
Prototyping the product using CAD model and testing it with Subtractive Manufacturing Processes:
the help of simulation has its own limitations. This is
manufacturing process, the
because, the product behaves differenthy under actual In subtractive part
the removal of material.
conditions. Therefore. physically developing a model manufactured by
testing it for the performance is inevitable in the process of Examples of subtractive manufacturing process: Turning.
product development. Manual prototyping by skilled milling, grinding, etc.
craftsman is an old practice for many centuries, but it is time
consuming. Therefore, a technique of rapid prototyping is Additive Manufacturing Processes:
used for creating the physical model of product in short time In additive manufacturing process, the object is manufactured
duration, directly from 3D-CAD data. deposition of layers of material. In additive
Rapid prototyping is defined
the process
of layer-by- manufacturing, virtually there is no wastage of material.
layer crearion of three dimensional physical model directly
from 3D-CAD data. In rapid prototyping, a thin layers of Example of additive manufacturing process Rapid
paper, plastic or wax are stacked one on another to create a prototyping.
solid object.
3. Formative Manufacturing Processes:
5.2 CATEGORIES OF In formative manufacturing process, the forces are applied on

MANUFACTURING PROCESSES a material so as to fornm the object of the desired shape.

There are basically three categories of manufacturing processes Examples of formative manufacturing process: Forging.
bending, drawing, injection moulding. etc.
( S P P U - Dec. 15, May 16, May 17)

University QuestionsS
Q. Explain rapid prototyping (RP) systems in detail. (Dec.15)
Explain different steps in rapid prototyping (RP) systems
Explain basic steps in A. P. process.
3D-CAD Modelling Pre-Processing
STLFile Part
Support Checking o ransmission Slicing of
BGeneratop Orientation Generatlon STL Flles ofSTL files STL Mode
Prefer Manual
Generate Check SSTL
Suppot for Flles for ransfer
Overhang9 Gaps and
of Parts Parts Network

Trangulokan Post-Processing
Cleaning and Finishing) Part Bullding

Fig. 5.3.1: Basic Steps in Rapid Prototyping Process

CADICAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-3 Advanced Manufacturing Method

in the rapid process, shown sides is converted into (n - 2) triangles. For example. 4
The basic steps used prototyping
discussed below sided polygon (rectangle) is converted into two
in Fig. 5.3.1, are

triangles: 5 sided polygon (pentagon) is converted into

of Prototype
1.3D-CAD Modelling three triangles; 6 sided polygon (hexogen) is converted
The first step in the rapid prototyping process is creation of
into four triangles, as shown in Fig. 5.3.3.
dimensional CAD model of the prototype or part to be
manufactured. The three dimensional CAD model is created using
package and corresponding CAD file is stored.
any 3D-CAD
2 Pre-Processing :

The pre-processing is normally done on computer

workstation separate from the rapid prototyping machine

to save

the time and avoid the blocking up of the machine time. The pre- Fig. 5.3.3: Conversion of Polygonal to Triangular Faces in
STL File
processing involves following steps
STL fle generation (conversion of CAD file format to (ii) Part orientation:
STL file format): The orientation of part during the rapid prototyping is

The different 3D-CAD packages use different important. The orientation of part affects:
algorithms to represent solid objects. Therefore, in order (a) Prototyping time
to achieve uniformity and standardize the 3D model for
(b) Prototyping cost;
rapid prototyping. CAD file format is converted to STL
file format (.STL). All the major CAD-CAM vendors
(c) Number of layers
supply CAD-STL interface. (d) Strength of part
STL (Standard Tessellation Language or (e) Smoothness of part; and
STereolLithography) file format has been opted as the
(f) Material requirement .
standard file format by rapid prototyping industry.
In order to reduce the prototyping time, prototyping
STL file format represents a three dimensional surface
cost, number of layers and material requirement, the
as an assembly of planer triangles, like the facets of a
part should be oriented with minimum height, as shown
cut jewel, as shown in Fig. 5.3.2. The more number of
in Fig. 5.3.4.
triangles have to be used for highly curved surfaces. Z



Fig.5.3.2:STL Model and Representation of Triangle

The STL file contains the coordinates of the vertices of
triangle and the direction of the outward normal to each X
triangle, as shown in Fig. 5.3.2, Non-Preferred Preferred
The Orientation Orientation
triangles in STL file must mate with other triangles
at the vertex and there should not be any gap. Fig. 5.3.4 : Preferred Orientation of Object in Rapid

Process of Prototyping
approximating surfaces with triangles
Each 3D-CAD model is made out of In addition, the orientation of part in
print box also
polygon surfaces.
Each polygon is defined affects the strength of object. The part is strong if
by a flat shape bound by 'n'
sides, as shown in Fig. 5.3.3. Each oriented along X or Y axes and less
strong if oriented
polygon with 'n'
along Z-axis, as shown in Fig. 5.3.5.
Advanced Manufacturing Method
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-4
(vi) SlHicing ofSTI.
software on rapid prototyping
The pre-processing
slices STLL model into a number of
machine computer

layers of
thickness 0.1mm to 0.5 mm.
model is saved into new file formats
The sliced STL
Strong contour), format or CLI
like SLC (stereo lithography
(common layer interface)
This data is ready for use by rapid prototyping machine.

3. Part Building:
data is transferred to rapid
Strong Once the slice file

the computer, the part building

prototyping machine by

Fig.5.3.5 : Effect of Orientation on Strength of Part process starts.

size and complication of prototype or

(ii) Support generation: Depending upon the
machine takes from few hours to
In rapid prototyping system, the software allows
the part, the rapid prototyping
automatic creation and editing of support for all several hours for building the part.

overhang regions based on default support parameters. of part is created by depositing

In this process, the prototype
5.3.6 shows the problems arising due to missing
Fig. the materials like polymer, paper
powdered metal; layer
support for overhanging part. method of deposition
from bottom to top. The
by layer
depends upon the principle used in rapid prototyping

In most of the rapid prototyping machines,

the part building
automated. The operator may leave the
process is fully
machine on to build a part over night. The rapid prototyping
system can inform the users, via electronic

phone) once the part building complete.

cellular is
(a) Desired Part (b)Without Support,
Overhanging Portion of 4. Post- Processing:
Part May Peel Away is a post-
The final step in rapid prototyping process
Problem due to Missing Support for Overhanging
Fig. 5.3.6: processing
Part The post processing involves:

(iv) Checking of STL fles:

(a) Removing prototype from the rapid prototyping
The next step is checking the STL files for defects like
gaps, missing facets, overlapping
facts, flip triangles,
found. b) Cleaning; and
etc. The files are repaired if defects are

At this stage, defect free STL files are ready for useas (c) Finishing.
input to next step. Cleaning: In cleaning support structures are removed.
solvent to
part is cleaned with
(v)Transmission of STL files: Subsequently prototype or

format data is transferred to rapid remove unreacted resin.

The STL file
prototyping machine computer. the surface of the prototype or part
Finishing : Sometimes,
The data can be transferred either: finished by sanding, sand blasting. polishing. painting or eve

(a) Manually by disk; or

electroplating, to improve the appearance and durability.

(b) by network.
CADICAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-5 Advanced Manufacturing Mothod
tedious job of well in
5.4 BENEFITS (ADVANTAGES) OF depnrtment is relieved of a

advance forecasting.
RAPID PROTOTYPING the new product can be
ii) With rapid prototyping.
in market in short duration, therehy
The benefits (advantages) of rapid prototyping system are launched
simplifying the joh of marketing
broadlyclassifiedintotwo categorics:
Beneflts to Customer:
1. Direct Benefits (Benefts to Deslgm
the customer gets
and Manufacturing Departments) ) With rapid prototyping technique,
product at lower prices.
2 Indirect Benefits (Benefits to and consistent
The customer gets a product of high
Marketing Department and Customer) quality.
the diversified range
5.4.1 Direct Benefits of Rapid Prototyping: (ii) With rapid prototyping technique,
of products are available for the

the feedback of the customer

Direct Benefits of Rapid (iv) With rapid prototyping,
almost on real
Prototyping9 can be incorporated in the product design
time basis.
1. Benefits to Design Department LIMITATIONS OF RAPID
2 . Benefits to Manufacturing Department
machines are still cxpensive
1. High precision rapid prototyping
1. Benefits to Design Department: not economically viable.
and are

Using rapid prototyping, the product designer

machines can not build parts with
short period of time. 2. Low cost rapid prototyping
produce the prototype in relatively
reducea the cost of making high accuracy.
(i) The rapid prototyping
3. The parts manufactured by rapid prototyping are normally
prototype inferior to parts manufactured by
CNC machines in physical
the product designer can try
(ii) Using rapid prototyping, surface finish, strength, elasticity, etc.
different sizes and shapes of prototype so as to optimize properties such as :

will lead to
the product design. The optimization OF RAPID
improvement in the performance of the product. 5.6 CLASSIFICATiON


iv) With rapid prototyping techniques, product
increase the part complexity without significant
in cost and lead time. (SPPU Dec. 15, Dec. 16)
efits to Manufacturing Department:
The use of rapid prototyping leads to saving in tooling
of product is University Questions
cost. Therefore, the manufacturing cost
a.List various RP techniques.
lower. Classify various RP process. (Dec.16)
the material waste and
(ii) The rapid prototyping reduces Based on the initial form of the material used, the rapid
Hence, the material cost is lower.
waste disposal cost.

the degree of repeatability of are broadly classified into three categories, as

Gii) In rapid prototyping, prototyping systems
product is high. Hence, the quality product is better.
of shown in Fig. 5.6.1.

Indirect Benefits of Rapid

5.4.2 Rapld Prototyping Systems
Indirect Benefits of Rapid
Prototyping Powder-Based Rapid
Liquid-Based Rapid Solld-Basod Rapld
Prototyplng 8ystems Prototyplng Systeme Prototyping Systeme
1. Benefits to Marketing Department

1. Stereolithography 1.Fusod Doposltion . Selective Laser

2. Benefits to Customer Modellng (FDM) Sintering (SLS)
2. Polylet Modolling Laminated Object 2. 30-Printing
1. Benefits to Marketing Department: Manufacturlng
With the use of rapid prototyping, the production (LOM)
real time basis or with
capacity can be varied almost on Fig. 5.6.1
a notice of short duration. Therefore, marketing8
CADICAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-6 Advanced Manufacturing Method
5.6.1 Liquid-Based Rapid Prototyping 5.6.3 Powder-Based

In hquid-hased rapid prototyping systems, the initial materal
In powder-based rapid prototyping systems, the initial
material used is in powder state i.e. grain like form.
used is in liquid state. The liquid used is organie resin that
cures or solidifies under the enposure to light. Examples of powder-based rapid prototyping processes:
Examples of liquid-based rapid prototy ping processes : Seleetive Laser Sintering (SIS)

Stereolithography (SLA): and 2. 3D-Printing

Polyjet Modeling 5.7 LIQUID BASED RAPID

5.6.2 Solid-Based Rapid Prototyping PROTOTYPING SYSTEMS
In liquid-based rapid prototyping systems, the initial material
In solid-based rapidprtotyping systems, the initial material used is in liquid state. The liquid usced is organic resin that
used is in solid state. The
solid state includes: wires, rolls, cures or solidifies under the exposure to light.
laminates and pallets. However, it does not include
powder The layer of resin is formed and it is cured by exposure to
form light. Subsequently the next layer of resin is coated and
Examples of solid-based rapid prototyping processes cured. This process continues until the entire part is
1. Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Examples of liquid based rapid prototyping processes:
2Laminated Object Manufacturing 1. Stereolithography (SLA) Process; and
2. Polyjet Modelling

5.7.1 Stereolithography (SLA) Process

(SPPU - May 16)
University Question t
. Write steps in stereolithography process, with neat sketch. State its limitations. (May16)


Laser Optical Scanning



Wiper Blade

System Vat of
Computer Rasin

Fig. 5.7.1: Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA)
Advanced Manufacturing Method
CADICAM& Automation (SPPU) 5-7
to the slice data of
The stereolithography is the most widely used rapid layer of liquid resin corresponding
the first
prototyping technology. It is the liquid-based rapid prototyping one layer
2D cross-section to a depth greater than
one layer, the
Sixth step : scanning and solidifying
to one layer
Principle of Operation build platform is then lowered by a depth equal
settles on
thickness and left for short time so that liquid resin
The stereolithography (SLA) process is based on the
the cured solid layer.
following two principles : moves across the
Seventh step: A sweeping wiper
() In this process, the parts are built from photo-curable the solid layer. The
Surface to coat a new layer of resin on

liquid resin. The layer of photo-curable liquid resin

thickness of new layer of resin is equal to one layer thickness.
(themosetting plastic) is exposed to a laser beam due to
and solidifies the new layer of liquid
The laser beam scans
which it gets cured and solidify. is completely
resin. The process is repeated until the part
(ii) The part is built layer by layer by repeating the process.
is then raised out of the vat
Components of Stereolithography (SLA) System : Eigth step: The build platform
The stereolithography (SLA) system, shown in Fig. 5.7.1, and part is removed for the post processing.

consists of following components: Nineth step: As a part of post-processing, the part is placed
in an ultraviolet oven to
harden any uncured resin.
) Pre-processing computer
() SLA system computer Advantages of Streolithography (SLA)
(ii) Control unit
Advantages of
iv) Optical scanning system Streolithography (SLA) Process

(v) Helium Cadmium or Argon ion laser

() Unattended building process
(vi) Vat filled with liquid resin
(vi) Build platform (i) Good dimensional accuracy

(vii) Sweeping wiper blade

(ii) Good surface finish

Working of Stereolithography (SLA)
First step: The first step in the process is creation of 3D (iv) Capable of building complex parts
which () Unattended building process: The stereolithography (SLA)
Second step : The next step is pre-processing
automatic and machine can work unattended
process is fully
includes until the process is completed.
(i) STL file generation,
i) Good dimensional accuracy: The stereolithography (SLA)
(i) Part orientation, dimensional accuracy and can built a parts
process has good
(ii) Support generation, within a tolerance of 0.1 mm.

(iv) Checking of STL files, (ii) Good surface finish: The stereolithography (SLA) process
on the top surface
can produce the parts with glass like finish
(v)Transmission of STL files, and
of the part. It gives one of the best surface finishes amongst
(vi) Slicing of STL the stairs found
with rapid prototyping technologies. However, are

Third step: The real part

building process starts
machine on the side walls.
format data to rapid prototyping
transfer of slice file
(iv) Capable of building complex parts: The stereolithography
by system computer.
elevator build (SLA) process is capable of building parts with any complex
Fourth step: A SLA system
consists of an
of liquid resin. geometry.
mounted in a vat
platform which is
optical scanning system
Fifth step: The computer controlled
laser beain scans and solidifies
redirects the laser beam. The
Advanced Manufacturing Method
2CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) models : ereolithography (SLA)
The stereolithography (SLA) process i
() Concept
Limitations of Stereolithography (SLA) Process: prototypes
lor concept models,
used for making
design, analysis and funetional
Limitations of () Prototypes
Stereolithography (SLA) Process The stereolithography
(SLA) process is used
for design, analysis, verification and
making prototypes
() Curling and warping
functional testing.
The stereolithography (SLA) Dro ss
(i) High initial cost
(Gi) Patterns for casting:
patterns Tor investment casting, sand
is used for making
(ii) Narrow range of materials
casting and moulding.

stereolithography (SLA) process is used or

(iv) Requires post-processing The
(iv) Tooling:
low volume production
for tooling and
making prototype
() Requires post-curing9

(vi) High running and maintenance cost SOLID BASED RAPID

) Curling and warping: The resin absorbs water during
This results in curling and warping of part,
use of part systems, the initial form of
In solid-based rapid prototyping
especially in areas with thin sections.
is in solid state.
the material used
(i) High initial cost: The cost of stereolithography The solid state
includes wires, rolls, laminates and pallets.
system is high. include powder form.
However, it does not
stereolithography (SLA)
i) Narrow range of materials: The Examples ofsolid-based rapid
prototyping processes
the parts from
process is suitable only for making Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM)
are not durable and also not
photosensitive resin. Such parts Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM)
suitable at high temperatures.
The stereolithography (SLA)
iv) Requires post-processing
requires post-processing
which includes removal of 5.8.1 Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM):
is time
supports and cleaning. This post-processing Dec. 15, Dec. 16, May 17, Dec. 17)

and sometimes can damage the part.

(SLA) process, University Questions
(v) Requires post-curing: In stereolithography Write steps in fused deposition modeling (FDM), with
not fully cured by the laser inside
times the parts are
many a
neat sketch. State its applications. (Dec. 15
is normally
Hence, post-curing in ultraviolet
the vat.
Explain fused deposition modeling method of rapu
prototyping with advantages and limitations. (Dec. 16
maintenance cost The running and
(vi) High running and
maintenance cost of stereolithographys (SLA) system is high. Explain fused deposite manufacturing R. P. process.
(May 17)
Applications of Stereolithography(SLA)
Q. Explain fused deposition modelling. State
applications. (Dec.17)
Applications of
Stereolithography (SLA) Process
most widcy
Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is the second

() Concept models
Used rapid prototyping technology after stereolithograpihy.
is a solid-based rapid prototyping system.
(i) Prototypes for design, analysis
and functional testing In this process, the material used is solid thermoplasue
ABS plastic, polycarbonate, polysulphone, etc.) in the to
(ii) Patterns for casting
of wire-like filaments.

(iv) Tooling
Advanced Manufacturing Method
CADICAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-9
The step is pre-processing
Components of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) Second step : next

STL file generation,
The fused deposition modelling (FDM) system, shown in
Fig. 5.8.1, consists of following components: (ii) Part orientation,

(ii) Support generation,

)Pre-processing computer
(iv) Checking of STL files,
) FDM system computer
(V) Transmission of STL files, and
(ii) Control unit
(vi) Slicing of STL model.
with duel tip nozzle
Gv) FDM head stats with transfer of
Third step : The real part-building
(v) Platform heating systems machine by system
slice file format data to rapid prototyping
(vi) Build platform
process, the
Fourth step: In a part building
Filament (Solid)
polysulphone etc.) in a
material (ABS plastic, polycarbonate,
Drive Wheels 0.5°C
above (approximately
filament form, is heated slightly
in a FDM head using heating
above) its melting temperature
Liquifier (FDM Head)
material extruds through the
Heating Elements Fifth step : The semi-liquid
to create a two
movable nozzle that travels in XY plane
- Nozzle
Solidified Layers platform. This
of material on the build
ofPart dimensional layer
cake. A controlled
is like baker decorating
material. The build
extrusion helps to deposit a thin layer of
Build Platfom | Movement of
lower temperature so that the
Platform maintained at a
platform is
solidifies within
hardens. The material
thermoplastic quickly
short time (approximately
0.1 s) after extrusion and
a very
(a) movable nozzle is of duel
cold welds to the earlier layer. The
nozzle tip for producing the part geometry
tip, one
another nozzie tip for producing the support
Nozzle lowers and the
Sixth step: Once a layer is built, the platform
Molten Material another layer of material. The
extrusion nozzle deposits
very short time
after extrusion
material solidifies within a

cold welds to the earlier layer.

Part (approximately 0.1 s) and
process is repeated until the part is completely

Seventh step: The part is then

removed for post processing.
The support structure can be removed manually or

into solution. The material used

for building the
Movement of by putting
Platform is weaker than the material
used for the
support structure

times, a solvent soluble or water-

building the part. Many a

(b) Process soluble material is used for building the support structure.
Modelling (FDM)
Fused Deposition
Fig. 5.8.1:
Modelling (FDM)
Working of Fused
in the process
is creation of 3D
The first step
First step

1 Laminated ject
Advanced Manufacturing Method University Questions

CADICAM &Automation (SPPU)

in laminated o
The material used in FDM Write
accuracy of parts: Explain laminated object
Advantages of Fused Deposition Modelling in the form
of filament
(diameter in range of
process is
Laminated object manufacturir

Process: FDM process have

the parts produced by or
1.25 mm). Hence., a thin
Advantages of Fused Deposition In
Modelling (FDM) Process limited accuracy. Components ofLaminated
process is
The speed of FDM
(i) Slow buildings
() High strength of part from nozle. As
extrusion of material
restricted by the rate of

which have high viscosities,

(i) Temperature stability used are plastics
the materials
extrusion cannot be increased easily. Hence, the
removal the rate of
(i) Easy support
process is slow.
part building Unit
material wastage
(iv) Minimum of parts : The parts by built FDM
(ii) Poor shear strength
to built axis i.e.
(v) Safe operation direction perpendicular
are weak in

(vi) Building of large parts shear strength. Computer

and distortion: The
ABS plastic as a material,
(iv) Possibility of shrinkage
High strength of part: With the Hence there is danger of
can fabricate fully functional parts that have material cools rapidly on deposition.
FDM process
moulded part. distortion of the part.
of the actual injection shrinkage and
strength equal to 90%
the (FDM)
The FDM process produces
() Temperature stability: Applications of Fused Deposition Modelling
stable over the wide temperature range.
parts which are Process:
removal : In FDM process, the supports Applications of Fused Deposition
(ii) Easy support
Modelling (FDM) Process
be easily broken or dissolved during post-processing.
In FDM process, the parts
wastage :
iv) Minimum material i) Concept models
only that much material is
built by extrusion process. Hence,

extrusion which is required to built a part. (i) Prototypes for design, analysis
and functional testing
used during
Therefore, the wastage of material is at minimum level.
(Gii) Medical applications
there is no use of laser.
(v) Safe operation: In FDM process,
models: The models made by fused deposition
Hence, it is a safe operation. () Concept
finished to look like the
FDM process can build larger parts modelling (FDM) process can be
(vi) Building of large parts: actual product. Therefore, such models are used as conceptual
easily as compared to other rapid prototyping
models for presentation of product.
Limitations of Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) and functional testing:
(i) Prototypes for design, analysis The laminated object-mant
The fused deposition modelling (FDM) process can produce
Process offollowing components:
Limitations of Fused Deposition
prototype of ABS plastic which has
85% to 90% strength of
Modelling (FDM) Process can
Pre-processing c o

actual part. Therefore, prototypes made by FDM process

LOM system comp
be used for checking the functionality of the actual product.
() Limited accuracy of parts ()
Control unit
ii) Medical applications: The fused deposition modelling (ii)
Optical scanning s
(i) Slow buildings process (FDM) be used for making the models of human
process can
organs like bones from ABS plastic for study purpose before (v)
C o , laser

(ii) Poor shear strength of parts patient goes for surgery. Supply roll
(vii) Take-up roll
and distortion
(iv) Possibility of shrinkage roller
Heated press
(ix) Build platform
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-11 Advanced Manufacturing Method
5.8.2 Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM): (SPPU May 16, May 17)
University Questions

Write steps in laminated object manufacturing, with neat sketch. State its applications. (May 16)
Explain laminated object manufacturing (LOM) modeling method of R. P. (May 17)

Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) is the solid-based rapid prototyping system.

In this process, a thin shet or laminate (plastic, metal or ceramic) coated with adhesive on one side is used as a material.

Components of Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) System:



Control Tile Heated-Press

Unit (Cross Hatch) Roller
Sheet Material

System Block
omputen Build Platfom

Take-up Roll Supply Roll

Servo Motor


Heated Roller

New Layer
Optical Scanning



Fig. 5.8.2: Laminated Object Manufacturing (LOM) System
system consists Working of Laminated Object Manutacturing (LOM)
The laminated object-manufacturing (LOM)

offollowing components Process

Pre-processing computer First step: The first step in the process is creation
of 3D-
(i) LOM system computer model
(ii) Control unit Second step : The second step is pre-processing which
(v) Optical scanning system
(v) CO, laser
(i) STL file generation,
(vi) Supply roll
Gi) Part orientation,
(vii) Take-up roll
ii) Checking of STL files,
(Vil) Heated press roller
(dx) Build platform
(iv) Transmission of STL files, and
(V)Slicing of STL model.
Advanced Manufacturing Method
CADICAM &Automatilon (SPPU) of Laminated Object Manufacturing
stats with
Third step: The real part building process
transfer of slice file format data to rapid prototyping
Laminated Object
Advantages of
Manufacturing (LOM) Process
by system computer.

A LOM process typically consists ofthree steps:

(i) Low material cost
thin sheet or laminate
G) Placing the
of materials
laminate to previous layer (ii) Vide variety
(i) Bonding the sheet or

layer data (ii) Faster process

(ii) Cutting the laminate as per slice

material consists of continuous and long

Fourth step: The (iv) High accuracy
metal or ceramic,
thin sheet or laminate, made of plastic,
(v) No additional part supports
adhesive form lower side.
which is coated with heat activated

roll. It passes over the

The mateial is rolled up on supply (vi) No post curing
roll. The sheet
build platform and finally goes to the take up in LOM process is
material used
the build platform. ) Low material cost: The
is unwound from a supply roll on to
relatively of low cost.
the sheet
Fifth step: The heating press roller passes across Any material in sheet form can
(i) Vide variety of materials :

the build platform. Due to heat activated be

after placing it on of the materials that can
be used in LOM process. Some
adhesive, the layer is bonded to previous layer. are paper, plastics, metals,
used in LOM process

Sixth step: The CO, laser beam cuts the cross-sectional composites, ceramics, etc.

2D cross-section, dose not

outline of the layer as per the slice data of ii) Faster process: In LOM process,
the laser beam
thickness. The optical but it only cuts the
to a depth of exacty one layer scan the entire surface area of each layer,
of laser beam. outline. Therefore, the process is fast.
scanning system controls the X-Y motion
In LOM process, there is no possibility of
The software then demarkets the outer iv) High accuracy :
Seventh step:
distortion or shrinkage, and hence, the accuracy of parts
perimeter. The unused material between the outer perimeter

and the part boundary is hatched by laser beam using

a cross- produced is high.

hatch platform into small rectangular pieces called tiles. This (v) No additional part supports : In LOM process, the part is
cross hatched part acts as support during building of the part supported by its own material which is outside the periphery

removed later once the build process is to built part. Hence, additional supports are not required.
and it can be easily
complete. (vi) No post curing: The parts produced by LOM process does
is the not require post curing.
Eighth step: After cutting of the one layer complete,
build platform is lowered by a depth equal to one layer Limitations of Laminated Object Manufacturing
thickness. The remaining portion of sheet in wound on a take (LOM)Process
layer is supplied by the supply roll.
up roll and sheet for next Limitations of Laminated Object
The process is repeated until the part is completely built. Manufacturing (LOM) Process

Nineth step: The last step is post-processing which includes ) Requirement of precise laser control
the part from its support material and finishing it.
(i) Inability to built holow and thin walled parts

(ii) Limited strength of parts

(iv) Tedious proces of removal of supports

Advanced Manufacturing Method
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-13
Requirement of precise laser control: In LOM process, the 5.9
has to be precisely controlled so that it cuts only
laser beam
laminate and does not of penetrate the initial form
curent layer of systems, the
In powder-based rapid prototyping
pervious layer. state i.e. grain like form.
of the material used is in powder
to built hollow and thin walled parts: The LOM processes
Inability Examples of powder-based rapid
not suitable for building hollow parts like bottles as
process is Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
well as thin walled parts. This is due to the fact that uch

walls are not rigid enough to withstand the forces applied to 2. 3D-Printing
remove the hatched portion, during the post processing.
5.9.1 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS):
Limited strength of parts : The strength of parts
made by 17)
i) (SPPU - Dec.15, May 16,Dec.
of the glued
LOM process is limited by bonding strength
such parts cannot with stand high tensile or University Questions method, with
layers. Therefore,
a. Write steps in selective laser sintering 15, May 16)
neat sketch. State its advantages.
shear stresses.

in detail, with
(iv) Tedious process
of removal of supports: The process of
Explain selective laser sintering(SLS) (Dec. 17)
removal of hatched portion is tedious, time-consuming,
and aneat sketch.State it's advantages.
laser sintering (SLS) process
hence, labour intensive. The basic principle of selective
The difference is, in
is similar to stereolithography (SLA) process.
Laminated Object Manuftacturing material used is
Applications of selective laser (SLS) process, the
instead of liquid
(LOM)Process powdered polymer or powdered metal composite
Applications of Laminated Object the
Hence, in selective laser sintering (SLS) process,
Manufacturing (LOM) Process
is sintered by selective
powdered polymer or metal composite layer
) Prototype for marketing purpose scanning of surface of powder bed, using

Principle of Operation:
(i) Functional models in low stress environment is based on the
The selective laser sintering (SLS) process
material, metals,
(ii) Pattens for casting and moulding principle that powder of thermoplastic
ceramics is sintered layer by layer, under
w w 2 w w n 2 0 0 9 0 0 w w 2 2

heat produced by CO, laser to build the part.
(iv) Medical applications

Components of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

) Prototype for marketing purpose : The prototype produced
highly accurate. Therefore, such System
by LOM process are
shown in
be painted and finished to exactly look like The selective laser sintering (SLS) system,
prototypes can

actual product and can be used by marketing department for Fig. 5.9.1 and Fig. 5.9.2 consist offollowing components:

visual demonstration of product. ) Pre-processing computer

(ii) SLS system computer
(i) Functional models in low stress environment: The LOM
used (ii) Control unit
process is used for making parts that can be successfully
(iv) Optical scanning system
for functional testing under low stress condition.
(v) Co, laser
n) Patterns for casting and moulding: The LOM process can
(vi) Powder feed bed
be used for making precise patterns for sand casting. (vii) Part build power bed

investment casting and rubber moulding. Powder feed platform and cylinder
Part-build platform and eylinder
Q) Medical applications The LOM process can be used for (ix)
Roller mechanism
making the models of human organs like bones, skull, etc. for (x)
Process ehamber
study purpose before patient goes for surgery.
CADICAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-14 Advanced Manufacturing Method

Process Optical
Chamber Scanning Laser

Control Roller
Unit Mechanism Part

oo oo

Excess Powder
Feed Bed
PowderFeed Bed
Powder Feed
Take-Up Part Build Powder Bed

Fig. 5.9.1: Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) System

Optical Scanning

Control Environmental
Process Chamber o Control

Roller Mechanism

Computer Powder Part-Build 1

Motor Motor

Fig. 5.9.2 : Schematic Diagram of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) System

Working of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) System: Fourth step: A SLS system consists of powder feed bed

First step: The first step in the process is creation of

containing powdered polymer, (nylon, polyamide, etc.)
metals, composite or ceramics. The powdered polymers used
3D-model. in this process
Second step The
thermoplastic materials. The computer
next step is pre-processing which controlled optical scanning system redirects the laser beam.
includes: The laser beam scans a layer of
powder corresponding to
G) STL file generation, slice data of 2D cross-section to a
depth greater than one
i) Part orientation, layer thickness and carries out sintering of the powder layer.
The heat generated by CO, laser increases the
ii) Checking of STL files, temperature of
powder to a melting point, fusing the powder particles to
(iv) Transmission of STL files, and
form a solid
layer. The intensity of laser beam is controlled
(V)Slicing of STL model.
such that it melts and fuses the
powder only in the area
Third step: The real part building process starts with defined by the slicing data.
transfer of sice file format data to rapid prototyping machine
by system computer.
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU)
Fifth step: After scanning and Advanced Manufacturing Method
build platform is lowered by
sintering one layer, the part
depth equal to one
required. This saves time and material required for support
thickness. layer building.
Sixth step: A roller
mechanism convey (iv) High rate of
production: In selective laser sintering
material frompowder feed bed on top of athe new layer of process, the parts can be produced in short time.
sintered layer previously
tor the next scanning and sintering nrocese
process is repeated until the part is Tho(V) Minimum post processing requlred: The parts produced by
sintering operation is completely built. As laser sintering
process require only minimal post-processing
performed by high power CO, laser, the such as sanding.
build platform and the
powder bed has to be
certain temperature to
avoid part prcheated to (Vi) No post curing: The sintered
parts produced by selective
entire setup is kept in sealed deformation. Therefore, laser sintering are fully cured, and hence, does
and heated
process chamber
not required
filled with nitrogen gas. further curing.
Nitrogen gas prevents oxidation
during sintering process.
Limitations of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
Seventh step: After SLS
process, the part is removed from Process
process chamber and loose powder
simply falls away.
Eighth step The part or prototype is Limitatlons of Selective Laser
finished by post Sintering (SLS) Process
processing operation such as sanding. painting, etc. Selective
laser sintering process does not
require supports. This is due () Large physical size of unit
to the fact that not melted and
not fused
powder in
layer during process acts as a support. (i) High running cost

Advantages of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) (ii) Poor surface finish

(iv) Generation of toxic gases
Advantages of Selective Laser
Sintering (SLS) Process ) Large physical size of unit : The size of selective laser
sintering unit is large.
) Wide range of materials for Gi) High running cost:
parts In selective laser sintering process, high
power is required for sintering the powder. In addition,
(i) Capable of producing strong parts
process chamber requires continuous supply of nitrogen. This
increases the running cost.
(i) No additional part supports
ii) Poor surface finish There is limitations on the surface
(v) High rate of production finish of the parts
produced by selective laser sintering
process due to size of the powder particles.
(v) Minimum post processing required
iv) Generation of toxic gases : Toxic gases are generated
selective laser sintering process. This leads to pollution.
(vi) No post curing
Applications of Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
) Wide range of materials for parts: The powders of wide Process
range of materials like : nylon, polyamides, polycarbonates,
metals, composites and ceramics can be used for making
Applications of Selective Laser
parts in selective laser sintering (SLS) process. This provides
Sintering (SLS) Process
flexibility in using materials for parts in different
applications. () Concept models
(i) Capable of producing strong parts: Due to process and
type of material used, selective laser sintering (SLS) process (i) Functional models and working prototypes
can produce strong and tough parts. Therefore, functional
(i) Polycarbonate pattems
parts can be built directly.
i ) No additional part supports: In selective laser sintering (iv) Metal tools (rapid tools)
(SLS) process, the part is supported by not melted and not

powder. Hence, additional supports are not

fused excess
CAD/OCAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-16
Advanced Manufacturing Method
for designs with thin walls and fine features. These patterns
) Concept models: The selective laser sintering (SLS) process
are durable and heat resistant.
is used for making prototypes for concept models.
The selective laser sintering
(iv) Metal tools (rapid tools)
i) Functional models and working prototypes: The selective
tools for low volume
laser sintering (SLS) process is used for making parts that can (SLS) process is used for making

withstand limited functional testing. production.

(ii) Polycarbonate patterns: The selective laser sintering (SLS)

process is used for making polycarbonate patterns for using in

investment casting. The polycarbonate patterns are suitable

5.9.2 Three Dimensional (3D) Printing:

(SPPU Dec. 15, Dec. 16, Dec. 17)

University Questions (Dec. 15, Dec. 16)

Explain 3-D Printing, with neat sketch.
Explain 3-D Printing in detail, with neat sketch. State its advantages and applications (Dec. 17)
Three dimensional (3D) printing is the powder-based rapid prototyping system.

Principle of Operation:
In three dimensional (3D) printing process, in order to create 3D-prototype, the layers of deposited powder are solidified by injecting

liquid adhesive binder using multi-jet printer head.

This is like printing a physical prototype from 3D-CAD data.
The three dimensional (3D) printing process is similar to the selective laser sintering (SLS) process. The difference is, in 3D printing
process, the ligquid adhesive binder is used to bind the powder material instead of using a lascr to sinter the powder material.

Components of 3D Printing System:

Liquid Adhesive
Supply System

Roller Inkjet Print

Mechanism Head - Part

Control .. . .' :
Unit , ..

. . .

Part Build

Powder Feed Powder Feed Part Build

Platform Bed Platform

Fig. 5.9.3: 3D-Printing System

Advanced Manufacturing Method
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU) 5-17

The threce dimensional (3D) is finished by post-

printing system, shown in Eighth step: The part or prototype
ctc. For
Fig. 5.9.3 consists of following components: such as sanding. painting.
processing operation head
of multi-jet print
() Pre-processing computer multi-coloured parts, different jets
a combination of
different colour binder to produce
(i) 3D printing system computer deposits a

(iii) Control unit colours.

(iv) Inkjet print head Advantages of 3D-Printing
(v) Liquid adhesive supply system Advantages of 3D-Printing
(vi) Powder feed bed

(vii) Part build bed Wide range of material for parts

(vii) Powder feed platform and cylinder
(i) High speed
(ix) Part build platform and cylinder

(ii) Simple to operate

Working of 3D-Printing System
First step: The first step in process is ereation of 3D-model. (iv) Minimal wastage of materials

Second step The next step is pre-processing which

(v) No additional part supports

(i) STL file generation, (vi) Muiti coloured parts

(ii) Part orientation,

The powders of wide
(ii) Checking of STL files. G) Wide range of material for parts:
ceramic, etc. can be
range of materials like : starch, plaster,
iv) Transmission of STL files, and
process. This provides
(v) Slicing of STL model.
used for making parts in 3D-printing
materials for parts in different
starts with transfer of slice
flexibility in using
Third step : The real part building
machine by system applications.
file format data to rapid prototyping
In 3D-printing process, each layer is printed
(ii) High speed:
consists of powder within seconds, there by producing the part in short
Fourth step : The 3D-printing system
materials machine is simple to
feed bed containing powder. The powder (ii) Simple to operate : The 3D-printing
are starch powder, plaster
commonly used in this process operate.
powder, etc. A multi-jet print head deposits The loose powder which is
powder, ceramic (iv) Minimal wastage of materials
of part build
liquid adhesive to the targeted regions be reused. Thus, there is minimal wastage of
(prints) a not printed can
cross-section, to a
to slice data of 2D
bed corresponding
thickness. These regions of powder materials
depth equal to one layer
it is (v) No additional part supports : In 3D-printing process, the
at locations where
are bounded together by the adhesive,
the part or prototype. The part is supported by remaining loose powder. Hence,
printed, to form one layer of
the part during build process. additional supports are not required.
remaining free powder supports
one layer, the part
build platform (vi) Multi coloured parts: 3D-printing process can produce
Fifth step: After forming
to one layer thickness. multi-coloured parts.
is lowered by a depth equal
mechanism spreads a new
layer of
Sixth step: A roller
Limitations of 3D-Printing Process:
feed bed on top of the previously
material from powder Limitations of 3D-Printing
of next layer. The process is
printed layer for printing Process
is completely built.
repeated until the part
of printing process, the () Poor strength of parts
Seventh step: After the completion
and loose powder
from the build platform
part is removed (i) Poor surface finish
simply falls away.
PCAD/CAM& Automation (SPPU) 5-18 Advanced Manufacturing Method CAD/CAM &Automa
strength of parts: The () Concept mocdels The 3D-printing process is used for
process are poor in
parts produced by 3D-printing Sr. Comparison
strength. making the prototypes for concept models. Leading shoe
Poor surface inish No. Parameter
The parts companies such as Adidas, Recbok, use 3D-printing process
process have
produced by 3D-printing
5. Support
relatively poor surface finish and post to develop the concept models of new designs.
processing is essential. Structures
(1) Mould making: The 3D-printing process is used for making
Applications of 3D-Printing Process the ceramic moulds which are directly used for castine

Applications of 3D-Printlng
Process (i) Functional models: The 3D-printing process is used for 6. Post Processing
making the parts from composite materials for functional
() Concept models silicon carbide is infiltrated
testing For example, with
molten material to makea composite material part.
(i) Mould making

(ii) Functional models

Comparison between Stereolithography (SLA) Process, Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 7. Post Curing
Process and 3D-Printing Process
Table 5.9.1 shows
comparison between stereolithography (SLA) process, selective laser Sintering (SLS) Process.
Table 5.9.1: Comparison between Stereolithography (SLA) Process, Selective Laser Sintering
(SLS) Process and 3D-Printing Process

Comparison Stereolithography (SLA) Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

University Questions
3D-Printing ProceSs a. List applications
Parameter Process Q Explain R. P. in a
1. Principle of The laser beam scansand The Rapid prototyping tee-
laser beam scans and sinters The layer of deposited powder
Operation solidifies the layer of liquid resin the layer of powdered polymer is solidified by injecting liquid
corresponding to slice data of 2D corresponding to slice data of 2D adhesive binder using multi-jet
cross section to a depth of one
cross-section to a
depth of one
printer head.
layer thickness.
layer thickness.
2. Material Used n
stereolithography (SLA) In selective laser
sintering process, In 3D-printing process, the
process the material used is the materials used are
powered materials used are
photocurable liquid resin
polymer (nylon. polyamide). like : starch powder, plaster
(thermosetting plastic). metals, composites or ceramic.
powder, ceramic powder and
liquid adhesive binder.
3. Surface Finish The stereolithography (SLA)
The SLS process
produces the The 3D-printing process
process produces the parts with parts with powdery surface finish.
produces the parts with poor
excellent surface finish.
surface finish. Applications of R
4. Dimensional The SLA process
produces parts The SLS process
produces parts The 3D-printing process Rapid prototyping
Accuracy with high dimensional accuracy. with relatively poor dimensional produces the parts with
technology in aerosp

relatively poor dimensional

ring Method CAD/CAM & Automation (SPPU)

is used for
Comparison 5-19
eading shoe Stereolithography (SLA) Advanced Manufacturing Method
ating process Parameter
Process Selective Laser
Support Sintering (SLS) 3D-Printing Process
process requires Process
for making Structures The SLS
support structures for process doesnot
for casting
parts. obverhangadditional supports. The partrequire is
The 3D-printing process does

not require additional supports.

Supported by not melted and not The part is supported by loose
used or Post Processing fusedpowder.
The SLA powder.
functional process requires post The SLS
ltrated with processing which includes process requires The 3D-printing process
minimum post processing such as
removal of requires post processing such
supports and
sanding. as: sanding, painting, etc.
cleaning. The post
prOCessing is
consuming and sometimes
damage the part.

ng (SLS) 7. Post Curing The SLA

process requires post The SLS
process does not require The 3D-printing process does
curing. post curing. not require post curing.


( S P P U - Dec. 16, May 17)

University Questions
List applications of RP. (Dec. 16)
Ocess (May 17)
. Explain R. P. in aerospace industry.

used various industries, of the industries are discussed below :

Rapid prototyping technologies are successfully by some

d powder
Applications of Rapid
ing liquid Prototyping

multi-jet Aerospace Industry

2. Automotive Industry

3. Jewellery Industry
s, the
.Coin Industry
laster 5. Architecture

der and
6. Arts

Medical Science

h poor
of Rapid
a e r o s p a c e industry.
d o n e of
Some Or th
tne examples ot use of rapid prototyping
used in aerospace
uSed in
been widely
Adpld prototyping in Table 5.10.1.
industry are
echnology in

Advanced Manufacturing Method

CAD/CAM & Automation
7. Applicatio

(SPPU) 5-20

in Aerospace Industry
Table 5.10.1 Rapid Prototyping Technology
Rapid Prototyping Proces Used
In earlier

Sr. Prototype Mode Purpose surgeries,

No. provided b-
Different processes
for different parts.
1. Parts of electrical generator for Visualization of parts may not sui

military and commercial aircraft Checking form, fit and compatibilityof Now a da

parts m e a s u r e m e =

Rapid tooling m e a s u r e m e

Stereolithography (SLA)
for casting) and subseq
2. Parts of engine Rapid tooling (Patterns
Selective laser sintering (SLS)
for casting) prototypings
3. Air inlet housing for gas turbine Rapid tooling (Patterns
A physical
engine Stereolithography (SLA)
Verification of CAD model surgens

4. Support structure for hydraulic

system checking of form and fit parts 5.11 RA
Rapid tooling (patterms
for casting)

Automotive Industry
2. Applications of Rapid Prototyping in
Some of the examples of use of rapid prototyping
Rapid prototyping technologies have been widely
used in automobile industry. University Qu
5.10.2. Q. Explain
technology in automotive industry are given in Table
Table 5.10.2: Rapid Prototyping Technology
in Automotive Industry Write a
Rapid Prototyping Process Used Tooling is
Sr. No. Prototype Mode Purpose
1. Gearbox housing Verification of CAD model Laminated object manufacturing (LOM) manufactu

Visualization of parts heavily den

Rapid tooling Rapid too
(patterns for casting) the rapid
2. Engine block parts Verification of CAD model Stereolithography (SLA) Rapid tool
Visualization of partsS
5.11.1 Cla=
Rapid tooling
(patterns for casting)

5. Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Architecture:

University Qu
3. Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Jewellery a. List dif
Industry: In architecture, making the physical model of the building for them.
Innovation and creativeness are the base of jewellery presentation to the top management of company, financer and

industry. There are continuous changes and innovations in customer is must.

design of jewellery. Making a physical model of the building showing intricate

In computer aided jewellery design and manufacturing details is highly skilled and time consuming task.

system, the rapid prototyping processstereolithography The suggestions for changes come at every stage and the
(SLA) is used for verification of CAD model, visualization of physical model has to be modified every time the charges are Direct Tooling
parts and making pattens. proposed.
Use of rapid prototyping techniques helps in incorporating Use of rapid prototyping technology helps in creating the
the modifications in design in shortest time. physical model of the building with any scale in shortest time.

4. Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Coin Industry: 5. Applications of Rapid Prototyping in Arts:

Hard Tooling
In coin manufacturing, the rapid prototyping process Rapid prototyping technology is used by number of artists to
stereolithography (SLA) and selective laser sintering (SLS) build a scaled model of the sculpture. Fig.
are used for visualization of parts and for rapid tooling. This helps artist to visualize sculpture before creating it.
Advanced Manufacturing Method
CADICAM&Automation (SPPU) 5-21
ing Method 1 Applications
1s oof Rapid Prototyping In Medical [A Rapid tooling is classified into

Fig. 5.11.1:
dier days, during implantation and replacement
ss Used 1. Direct Tooling
urgen used to select part from a range of sizes
s u r g e r i e s

ovided b y manufacture However, standard sizes always 2. Indirect Tooling

ent parts.
all the patients,
not suit
a days, CT scan technique is used to take the
1. Direct Tooling the too,
die or

of part from human body. Using the of making
Tooling is the
Direct protobping
data, using
measurement data, 3D model of the body part is generated the CAD cavity,
mould directly from the main
the pattern for the part is made using rapid For example, in directly
and subsequently be produced
an can
prototyping technique. OCS,unner,
ejection system

used process.
model of the body part created is being by using rapid prototyping tools with
A physical produces
and explain complex surgeries. The direct tooling process
surgens to plan Advantages:

high accuracy.
2. IndirectTooling: the master patterns

(SPPU Dec. 15, May 16, Dec. 17)| ndirect Tooling is the

CAD data, using

die or
mould from
typing University Questions
for making tool,
(Dec. 15, Dec. 17) prototyping process.
rapid tooling in detail. epoxy
a. Explain (May 16) of silicon rubber,

Write a short note on Rapid Tooling. Subsequently a mould made

created using the
ceramic is then
slowest steps in the low-melting point
alloys a tool
expensive and is not
of the most process
Tooling is one
manufactured master pattern.
Indirect tooling
The quality of part is a
manufacturing process. process
production accuracy
quality of tooling. which gives good
upon the (SLA) process,
heavily depends Stereolithography
tools using tooling process.
manufacturing the indirect
is the process of and surface finish,
is used as
Rapid tooling is used for making
the rapidprotoryping techniques. The indirect tooling
Advantages: for
areas of industries. The single master pattern canbe. used
in many
is widely used master pattern. useful for
Rapid tooling indirect tooling is
number of tools. Hence,
Classification of Rapid Tooling: making
5.11.1 production of

- Dec. 15)

(SPPU material used, rapid tooling is


Based on the type of

into two categories:
University Question methods. State
benefits of
tecture: different rapid tooling (Dec.15)
Q. LIst 1. Hard Tooling
building for them.
n a n c e r and 2. Soft Tooling
Rapid Tooling

Hard Tooling:
1g intricate

Hard Tooling is the process of making the tool, die o r
Indirect Tooling protoryping process.
ge and the from hard materials like steels, using rapid
Direct Tooling
c h a r g e s are
2. Soft Tooling:
o r mould
Soft Tooling is the process of making the tool, die
silicon rubber, epoxy resins, low melting
reating the
from soft materials like :
ortest time. Soft Tooling point alloys, etc, using rapid prototyping process.

Hard Tooling
to Tooling
ofartists Classification of Rapid
Fig. 5.11.1

ng it.
CADICAM & Automation (SPPU) 6-22 Advanced Manufacturing Mothod
Pig. 5.12.2, The triangles in STL file must mate with other
5.12 STL FORMAT triangles at the vertex nnd there whould not be uny gap.

(SPPU - Dec. 17)

University Question
Explain STL Format
The different 3D-CAD packages use different algorithms to
represent solid objects. Therefore, in onder to achieve
uniformity and sMandardize the 3D model

for rapid
A Flg. 5.12.2 : Converslon of Polygonal to Triangular Faces lIn
STL File
prototyping. CAD file format is converted to ST1. ile format
Example of STI, Nle for facet (trlangular face):
(STL). AlI the major CAD-CAM vendors supply CAD-STI1
interface for conversion from CAD file format to S11. file
The STL (Standard Tessellation Language or
STereolithography) file format has been opted as the
standard file format hy rapid prototyping industry. V, (0.1/1)
The STL file format represents a three dimensional surface as

an assembly of planer triangles, like the facets of a cut jewel, 3

as shown in Fig. 5.12.1. Therefore, the triangular faces are V,(2,0,1)
also called facets. The more number of triangles or facets
have to be used for highly curved surfaces.

N %Y,n X

Flg. 5.12.3 : Typical Facet

TheSTL file for facet, shown in Fig. 5.12.3, is as follows
Facet normal 2.000e+00 2.000e+00 2.000c+00
Outer loop
vertex 2.000e+00 0.000c+00 1.000e+00
vertex 1.000c+00 3.000e+00 0.000e+00
vertex 0.000e+00 1.000e+00 1.000e+00
Fig. 5.12.1:STL Model and Representation of Triangle
As STL file format is
a facet model consisting of polygonal endfacet
surfaces derived from the precise CAD drawing file, it is an
Formats of STL filee:
approximate model of the part.
There are two formats of STL file;
The STL file contains the X, Y and Z coordinates of the
(i) ASCII format STL file: It is
vertices of triangle and the direction of the outward normal to larger in size than binary
format STL file, but it is human readable.
each triangle, as shown in Fig. 5.12.1.
(i) Binary format STL file: It is smaller in size than
Process of approximating surfaces with triangles: Each ASC
format STL file, but it is not human readable.
3D-CAD model is made out of polygon surfaces. Each
polygon is defined by a flat shape bound by 'n' sides, as 5.12.1 Advantages of STL File Format:
shown in Fig. 5.12.2. Each polygon with 'n' sides is (i) It provides a simple method for representing 3D-CAD data.
converted into (n 2) triangles, Porexample, 4 sided polygon (ii) It is used by most CAD
systems and rapid
(rectangle) is converted into two triangles; 5 sided polygon prototyping
(pentagon) is converted into three triangles; 6 sided polygon| (ii) It can provide small and accurate files for data transfer for
hexogen) is converted into four triangles, as shown in certain simple shapes.
Advanced ManufacturingMethod
&Automation PPU)

1 2 . 2 icadvantages of STL File Format:
D i s a d v a n

2. Degenerated facets ( bad edges)

file is and
STL larger than the
original CAD data When edges of two facets are
a c e t s a n d thesc
i) Man connection between t w o
especial. for complicate shaped objects. distinct, there is no are
bad edges
5.12.6). The
Tfiles carry much redundant information such as Cges are called bad cdges (Fig.
duplication of vertices and edges, as shown in Fig. 5.12.4. the process called
climinated by

Bad Edge

in STL File Format

Fig. 5.12.4: Redundancy
STL File
Fig. 5.12.6: Bad Edges in
files take several hours.
slicing of STL
number of flaws in STL files, and many a times, 3. Overlapping facets: coordinates
are STL file, the
(v There the flaws. When the vertices are represented in The
software to remove decimals.
require repair rounded off up to certain
of vertices are
Format: vertices
Problems of STL File coordinates of different
5.12.3 rounding off of
data. It creates only to overlap, as shown in Fig.
does not contain topological
The STL file
model. Due to this nature of STL file, there
polygonal approximate /
in STL files. The following types of errors

are certain problems

are exhibited
in STL files:

Problems of STL File Format

facets or gaps
1. Missing
Facets in STL File
5.12.7: Overlapping
2. Degenerated
facets ( bad edges) Fig.

3. Overlapping facets 5.13 4D RAPID


1. Missing facets or gaps :

Concept of 4D Rapid
errors at the
can result in

n e surtaces
with larger surtaces, also known as 4D printing, is a
facets or triangular The 4D rapid prototyping,
between shown in
in development stage. The 4D rapid prototyping
process still
as a
or holes along the new

eading to gaps process transforms

Fig. 5.12.5. stand into 3D shape; or

(ii) 2D shape into 3D shape ; or

into another 3D shape
(iii) one type of 3D of shape





Gap Format
STL File Fig. 5.13.1: Concept of 4D Rapid Prototyping
Facets o r
Gaps in
5.12.5 : Missing
CAD/CAM & omatic
CAD/CAM &Automation (SPPU 5-24 Advanced Manufacturing Method manufacturing cost but am

product lifecycle cost.

Principle of Operation The product lifecycle

In 4D
printing process, ID strand or 2D surface, having inception, design, manuf
multi-material features, is created using the same 3D printing made it necessa
This has
techniques available in market.
of product lifecyc
The 1D strand or 2D surface is made out of thousands of time of inception/ desig
particles of different materials. The distribution of different The Produet Lifecyele
materials in 1D strand or 2D surface is done with the help of
managing the entire life
special application software, loaded on system computer of
disposal i.e. from a bint
rapid prototyping machine.
(b) 3D Model
Thus, the 1D stand or 2D surface created is a single print with
5.14.2 Product Life
Fig.5.13.3: 4D Rapid Prototyping
multi-material features. The distribution of multi-material
Product lifecycle man=
features, which is done with the help of special application Advantagesof 4D Rapid Prototyping:
software, is as per the requirement of the final 3D model to be The objects that are too large to manufacture on relatively entire lifecycle of
product w
small bed type 3D printing machines, can be created using 4D 5.14.3 Phases (Sta
The multi-material use water as its activation energy. When rapid prototyping. These are five phases
the 1D strand or 2D surface is immersed in water or comes in (ii) The 3D structure can be manufactured from 2D surface using

contact with water, the different water absorbing properties of minimum energy. Phase I
the different materials in a ID strand or 2D surface activates Inception or C-
ii) t is a self assembly technique for manufacturing large scale
the self-assembly process and converts 1D strand or 2D physical structures.
surface into desired 3D shape, as shown in Figs. 5.13.2 (iv) All the existing manufacturing methods are static Imagination /
and 5.13.3. manufacturing methods. The object size and shape is Specifications
predetermined and can not be changed on application site.
The 4D printing is a dynamic and adoptable manufacturing
method, wherein size and shape of the object can be modified

(a) 1D Strand on the application site as per the demand of the conditions.

Application of 4D Rapid Prototyping

Phase-Inception o

4D rapid prototyping technique can create the object on
The first phase deal
application site as per the demand of the situation. It has potential
to be used in applications like It starts with the de

i) Tissue engineering and drug delivery system in human requirement and

bodies. requirement and

b) 3D Model product are propos=

(11) Space craft, aeroscope and automobile.
Fig.5.13.2: 4D Rapid Prototyping Phase II- Design:
This phase involv-
Detailed des
(ii) Analysis of
ii) Testing of p
5.14.1 Need of Product Lifecycle prototype.

Management (iv) Validation

(v) Innovation
The traditional philosophy of a product design is based on the
(a) 2D Surface Phase Il - Realize
principle of minimizing the design and manufacturing cost.
Fig. 5.13.3 (Contd..)
In today's competitive This is a phase
environment, where market is flooded
with large number of identical products, for a success of a take place.
product, it is not only important to minimize the design and
Advanced Manufacturing Method

(SPPU) 5-25
&Automation Design o fproduct;
(i) and
cost but also necessary to minimize the total i) Inception of product; product;
manutacturi Serviceof
p r o d u c tI i f e c y c l e c o s t .
ii) Manufacturingof product:(
et lifecycle cost consist of :cost of product (v) Disposal of product
The product Disposal of
manufacturing. service and disposal.
P r o d u c t

Inception of

it necessary
to devele a plan to manage all Product
from inception to disposal, at the
p h a s e s o fp r o d
Design of PLM
of product.
/ design Service of
eofinception lanagement (PLM) is a system of
The Product Lif
from inception to
entire lifecycle of a
life product Manfacturing of
ing to death of a product. Product

from a
d i s p o s a l .

Management :

Lifecycle Fig. 5.14.1

managing the
is a system of
Product lifecycle

lifecycle of
product Product Lifecycle Management
entire (Stages) of
14.3 management,
as shown in Fig.
Phase V:
of product Phase I I I : Dispose

five phases
These Phase II: Service

Phase II:
Phase I: Design
Inception or Conceive Retirement

Use Dispose
Maintenance Recycle
Designing Assembly Support
Imagination / Definition
Specifications Testing Delivery
o f the
Lifecycle c o m p o n e n t s

of Product
various followed
of is
(stages) the design out. It
5.14.2: Based on
carried of the
Fig. planning
and the
the c o m p o n e n t s

C o n c e i v e :
of the
m a n u f a c t u r i n g

idea of the sales

the to the
conceiving c u s t o m e r
product over
with the handed

is then to the customer
The first of product
c u s t o m e r

the product
definition the delivers

sells and
with the
starts of the which
It market

s p e c i f i c a t i o n s

the Phase IV Service:
c u s t o m e r

T e q u i r e m e n t

survey, i n t e r a c t i o n
of the

and where
r e q u i r e m e n t

This is
product are proposed. product by
product starts.
use of the
of service

of the
support by
PhaseII- Design design involves m a i n t e n a n c e

the It
c u s t o m e r
and repair
phase the organization.
of the
Thisphase involves:
of the Phase V Dispose: involves the
and / or

1) of the product and

of the product

design: last phase

of the c o m p u t e r

This is
about the

(i) through
of the product
product advise to and recycling
Testing the disposal
) replacement, environment.

its to the
prototype damage
design without
causing any
of the
V a l i d a t i o n

Civ) product,

of the
P h a s eI l l Realize: the

Is a

take place.

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