Jafari Colledge of Science & Technology, Sedrana: Any One

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Seat No:_____




Times: 2 hour Marks:40

Date : 11/04/2022

Question 1
a. Any one (7 marks)

1. If A and B are two subspace of a finite dimension vector space V(F) then prove that
dim ( A+ B )=dimA+ dimB−dim ⁡( A ∩B)
2. If S is a non-empty subset of a vector space V then [S] is the smallest subspace of V
containing S.

b. Any two (10 marks)

1. If W 1 and W 2 two subspace of vector space V(F) then prove that W 1 ∩W 2 also a subspace
of V(F)
2. Show that subset A={ (−1 ,1 , 0 ) , (−5 ,1 ,−2 ) ,(1, 2 ,3) } of R3 is a basis of vector space R3
3. If W 1 and W 2 two subspace of vector space V and Z=W 1 +W 2 then Z=W 1 ⊕W 2 iff any
vector z ∈ Z can be expressed uniquely as the sum z=u+ v where u ∈ w1 , v ∈ W 2

c. Any one (3 marks)

1. A non-empty subset W of a vector space V is a subspace of v. iff x , y ∈ wand α , βϵ R

then αx+ βy ϵ W
2. S= {( x 1 , x 2 , x 3 )| x 1+2 x 2=0 } is a subspace of R3? Why or why not?

Question: 2
a. Any one (7 marks)

1. State and Prove Rank - Nulity theorem

2. State and prove Stock’s theorem.
b. Any two (10 marks)

1. A mapping T :u → v is a linear transformation iff T ( αx+ βy )=αT ( x )+ βT ( y ) , for x , y ∈u and

α ,β ϵ R

2. Using Gram-Schmith orthogonalization process obtain the orthogonormal basis from the

basis { ( 0 , 0 , 2 ) , ( 2 , 1 ,0 ) ,(−1, 2 , 1) } of R3

3. Solve the following equation system, Using row – reduction method

x – y + 3z = 1

2x + y – z = 2

3x – y + 2z = 1

c. Any one (3 marks)

1. Find Rank and Nullity of given linear transformation:

2 3
T : R → R , T ( a ,b )=( a+b , a−b , b)
2. A mapping T :U → V is non singular iff T is one-one correspondence.

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