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Thank you, Lord, for everything you've given us.

We consider our self-fortunate for the life we, have

been given and the people you've placed in it. We know you're always watching out for us, supporting
us, and directing our life in the direction you want me to go. Today we are gather here to thank God for
the person of sr.Joythi who was with us in this beautiful community for one year, Lord. We are coming
to you today on behalf of our sister joythi. She's one of the most significant persons you've put in our
life, and we asking for your blessing. You have blessed us with a sister who is generous, loving, simple
and joyful. Lord bless her with kindness and intelligence. Give her the courage to stand up to those who
would try to harm her by leading her down dangerous paths. Lord, we pray that you would give her a
bigger heart for you, that you would make her more attentive to your voice and wise in her decisions.

Lord we pray that you lead her in the direction of a bright future filled with love and optimism. I request
that you provide her with friends who will support and protect her. I request that you provide her with a
career and a family that are as fulfilling to her as they are to you. Few people in my life are as important
to me as my sister, and I want the best for her. There is no one else I want close to me, no matter how
much we fight or annoy one other. I adore her since she is my sister. 

Lord, thank you. I know I wouldn't be able to do anything without you, and I am grateful for that every
day. You continue to put people and situations on my heart, and I will continue to pray for their benefits.
Thank you for everything you do for me, including the things I can't see. Amen, I pray in your holy name.

Every person has unique happenings in their daily life. One way I draw close to God is through prayer.
Praying for my sisters opens the door to communication and a relationship with Him. I am thankful God
has given me two sisters. God allows me to learn from them every day. Following their examples of
compassion, kindness, and love, I am able to share His love through words and actions.


Heavenly Father, thank You for my sister. I am thankful for the bond we have and the ways we share our
joys and concerns with each other. I lift up this precious sister. Please cover her with Your hedge of
protection. Please fill her with the peace and comfort only You can provide. Thank You, Father, Amen.


Father, You have blessed me with a sister. We have cried together. We have laughed together. We
continue to learn from each other. Even though we don’t live close to one another, we are bonded
forever. Whether we talk every day or not, the love we have for each other grows and strengthens
through You. I thank You that when I need my sister, she is ready to listen and comfort me. I pray I am
always available when she needs me. Please bless my sister and remind her of the love You have for her.
In the name of Jesus, Amen.


Dear God, Thank You for my sister. We don’t live in the same area and it’s sometimes hard to travel to
visit. I pray that my sister and her husband are healthy and happy. Please show them how much they are
loved by You. Allow their days to be filled with peace and joy. Give them opportunities for laughter and
to grow closer to You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for my family. Thank You for my sister. I am comforted to know I can
contact her at any moment, and she will be ready to listen and comfort me. She is a woman of God. She
shares her heart and soul with the world, in hopes of drawing others closer to You. I lift up my sister to
You and ask You to protect her physical, mental, and spiritual health. I pray she will know how her words
and actions have allowed me to find a closer relationship with You. Help my sister to know she is loved
and cherished. 

Simple in Attitude

Humble in Behaviour

Serene in Nature

Gentle in Approach

Genuine in loving

Sincere in Dealing,

Vibrant in Preaching
  Eager in Praying

Generous in Giving,

Youthful in Thinking,

Example in Living,

Enthusiastic in Serving,

Energetic in shouldering responsibilities … above all

A medium of Heavenly Blessings to all of us.

Yes dear father…. This is what you were to us… if we keep on adding, it will be numberless.

As only few days are left for leaving this beautiful and cherished place, we want to tell you dear father
that, we all love you, will remember you fondly and will pray for you always.

Dear Fr. ……

            In life some people know you,

                      Some people remember you,

Some people like you

Some people understand you,

Some people care for you… but

Those who love you does all the above and always hopes the best for you.

             This we assure you dear father. May the best of God’s choicest blessings be yours, always and
everywhere. You have given your best here and now God wants some other people, in different place, in
different parish, in different mission, to experience the same of what we have experienced here.

Yes dear father…

            Someone needs your SMILE

                      Someone needs your LISTENING EAR

                      Someone needs your ENCOURAGEMENT and gentle words of cheer

Someone needs your HELPING HAND,

Someone needs your CHEERFULNESS TO make their life brighten up.

So go to the destined place as a representative of God.

dear friends, today we have gathered in the presence of the Lord to taste the hidden sweetness of the
Lord and to thank the Lord for the person of our dear Fr. Ravi. Innumerable are the graces that the Lord
has showered on you dear father and uncountable are the blessings that we have received through you
for the past five years.

            Yes dear father, you were not only a priest, who fulfilled our spiritual needs but you are a
member of our family, whose presence we always felt in all our undertakings.

·         You were a brother to us in walking our steps

·         You were a friend to us in shouldering our responsibilities,

·         You were a leader in guiding us

·         You were a teacher in imparting the truths of the Gospel, through your experienced preaching,

·         You were an example in living our consecrated life

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