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Toddler Observation: Interactions

Cognitive skills: A little girl was playing with flash cards that had different shapes in different
colors that had to be matched to the correct one. The child analyzed the shapes and colors and
made an attempt to match them all to the correct ones. She understood that although the shapes
on the wall were similar to the ones she had, she had to try and match it with the correct color as
well. The teacher stood by the little girl and watched as the little girl matched each card. The
teacher did try to use trick questions but with time the child was able to match each card to the
correct color and shape on the wall.

Social-Emotional skills: A child was trying to escape the gated fence that keeps children from
leaving the room. He was able to squeeze in between the side of the fence and the teacher was
quickly able to get him back inside the classroom before he could get to the door that leads
outside. That made the child very upset as he could see his parents leaving on the opposite side.
He began to cry and the teacher began recognizing the feelings the child was going through. She
comforted the child and asked why he was sad and allowed the child to express his feelings. She
reassured him that everything would be okay and asked if he wanted to color or play a game. The
child soon began to calm down and the crying eased. He felt comfort from the teacher and
replied with wanting to build a giant puzzle and that he was all better. The teacher walked over
and set the puzzle out for them to build together. She continued to ask questions and kept the
engagement between her and the child.

Language skills: A child that was playing in a bucket of toys was pulling out every animal he
could find. Most of the toys he was pulling were farm animals and as he was pulling them out, he
was naming each animal and handing it over to his teacher. As he is handing each animal to his
teacher, she is asking him what sound each certain animal made. She allowed him to try and
make the sound for the animal she was holding and once he was able to make the sound, she
repeated it with him.

Motor skills: A teacher is being introduced to a child that has just turned 2 years old and has
never been on a playground. The center has a playground that children can access so the teacher
walks the child outside and allows her to wander around and explore. The child is amazed by the
slight of the slide and makes an attempt to walk up the stairs. She stumbles a bit while trying to
hold onto the railing and the teacher is standing behind her in case she falls down. The teacher is
using encouraging words to motivate the child to keep going up the steps. The child is able to
walk up the steps with the support of the hand railing and sits down to go down the slide. She
laughs and has so much fun that she runs over to the railing to attempt it again.The child
continues being intrigued by the slide and makes attempts to go down it a few times before it is
time to go inside.

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