Mee Case Study-20202281

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1. Why do you think from B-schools has not worked well for Navio? Suggest areas for improving
the process.

As they have experimented by hiring through B-schools. Management trainees have not been a very
positive experience for them and hence they only prefer hiring thorough references.


 They should be strict while hiring the B-school students.

 They should directly interact with the students and inform about the requirements.
 Ask government to keep some topics in the syllabus that students should create there interest.

2. What according to you are the reasons for successful hiring through employee referrals?

According to me the reasons for successful hiring through employee referrals is:

 As the references are thoroughly evaluated for their reputation in the market.
 They ensure check with seniors in their professional network for background checks of potential
 As they have Navio, philosophy, a lot of preference given to needy families. As commitment
levels of needy employees is higher than that of others by all standards."

3. Why do you think Navio does not prefer hiring through consultants? Analyze the cause of the
situation and recommend alternate solutions.

Navio does not prefer hiring through consultants because

 As in the past it has not worked well with them so Navio not prefer hiring through consultants.
The reason can be that they didn't provide the best person to the company.

As there the cause is not mentioned but the solutions can be:

 As they can make proper Job Description for B-school and consultancy
 The proper contract should be provided to the consultant.
 The procedure rule should be made and proper follow up taken
 about the requirements of the Job

4. What according to you is Navio's EVP (Employee Value Proposition) as an employee brand?
 Employee Value Proposition (EVP) encompasses different factors that constitute a great
company culture, which is made up of positive
 relationships with colleagues, managers and the company's leaders, and characterized by trust,
collaboration, team spirit and support.
 As take the example DOSTEA. Increases self-motivation and aim to generate more leaders.

5. How can they effectively communicate the same prospective employees?

As their actions speak a lot as they create the space for other leaders, thinks about the self-
motivation. To strengthen their recruitment and about the perish and the competition the HR
should the strong steps and make the meeting where employee should know about the
company and what exactly they need from the employees.

Swapnil Singh

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