Socioeconomic Status

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Mikoya Tisdel
Socioeconomic status is the position a person
holds in society based on their current social
and economic factors. This can affect a
person's education, resources, and mobility to
move up.
Why I choose this?
I chose to look into this topic because
The Ellen Show and Ellen chooses to
look into people on the lower end of the
socioeconomic totem pole. I love
watching the teachers she brings on
and how they have helped their
students, and what Ellen does to help
them. So it motivates me to work at a
school with less money and resources
so I can be that kind of teacher for those
Positive and Negative Impacts

● Students who were raised in a lower SES home tend to develop academic skills
at a slower pace because they possibly did not have the resources provided
growing up, like books, learning toys, or be able to attend an educational
● Kids who attend a school with a low amount of resources may not achieve to
the highest of their ability because they might have less qualified teachers, less
information about how to achieve life beyond high school, and not as many
books and forms of technology vs a higher income school


● In a classroom with different SES you can learn from others and their
experiences in life because they have possibly had different experiences than
you, allow you to get a new perspective you may not have had
● Being aware about SES around you can motivate anyone to get to the point they
want, and help to realize the effects if you don’t reach your intended goal

1) People who come from a low SES

are more likely to develop physical
and mental health problems
2) In higher SES homes education is
more stressed onto kids due to not
having to worry about food, shelter,
3) African Americans are at the
highest poverty rate in the US at
Yard Sale
Yard Sale is about a little girl whose family
has to down size from their house to an
apartment due to money issues. Her
parents are selling most things they own
in a yard sale because they can’t take it all
to their new apartment. Through the story
the little girl is upset people are taking all
of her stuff. By the end of the book she
realizes that the things don’t matter in the
move, it’s that she still gets to be with her
For this activity we will all stand in one straight line and I will
read a statement, then if the statement is true for you, you will
either take one step forward or one step back depending on
the direction.

This activity will allow us to see how socioeconomic status can

vary within a classroom, and all types of situations
socioeconomic status refers to.

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