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The Judicial Branch: Courts, judges  decide when laws are broken

Use pages 108 – 112 of your textbook to answer the following questions:
1. What are the duties of the executive branch of government?
Carries out the plans and policies of the government
2. Why is the King or Queen a necessary law making component?
The constitution states that all laws are made in the name of the Queen.
3. Who represents the Queen in the federal executive Branch?
The governor general

Name? David Johnson

4. Who runs the daily affairs of the federal government?

The prime minister and the cabinet and civil service (Government
5. Who is our present Prime Minister and what political party does he lead?

Title? Prime Minister

Name? Stephen Harper
Political Party?

6. Define the term "Prime Minister"

The leader of the nation, head of the federal government, and leader of
the party with the greatest number of seats in Parliament.
7. Outline the many important roles of our Prime Minister. (You should find

8. What is the definition of the term "caucus"?

A group of representatives from the same political party in parliament.
Some people believe that the word “caucus” comes from the Algonquin
word for “advisor”
9. Define the term "Cabinet Minister".
The group of ministers that decide what the government policy should be.
Cabinet members usually have responsibilities for particular departments
of government, such as Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Justice
10. Outline the various responsibilities of the Cabinet Ministers.
Cabinet members usually have responsibilities for particular departments
of government, such as Foreign Affairs, Defence, and Justice
11. What occurs in cabinet meetings?
Ministers may express dissenting views and even question the leadership
of the prime minister.
12. Define the term "Cabinet Solidarity".
The custom that cabinet members must appear united and in agreement
with each other
13. What happens to cabinet ministers who fail to support the decisions of the
They are expected to resign
14. What is the name given to the leader of the executive branch at the provincial
level of government?
15. Who is the present leader of the executive branch in Ontario and what party
does he lead?

Name? Dalton McGuinty

Political Party? Liberal

16. How is the Provincial leader's job similar to that of his federal counterpart?
The premier chooses cabinet members to direct specific provincial affairs
17. What are provincial cabinet members responsible for?
Minister of Education, Municipal Affairs and housing, health, and labour
18. What is the "executive council"? (only in Ontario)
The cabinet
19. Which part of the executive branch is hired to work for the government?
Public/civil service
20. Describe the functions of this part of the executive and why they are so
They are employees of the government, and are not elected or chosen for
their political beliefs.
21. Why do these individuals provide a very important element in government?
The carry out the daily business of our nation.
22. Name the occupations of the four different civil servants pictured on pg. 111.
People who manage drivers licences, doctors, teachers, firefighters
23. Name some jobs performed by Civil Servants at the provincial level.
Police officers, education workers, and health care personnel

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