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FRANCIS C LAUDA Oclober 13, 1973 • SI .25


The International
HOT 100 PAGE 52

Singles Hike Columbia in Give & Take: Seel(s Hilce

In Germany In Disks Price & l\/lulls Tape— $ Cuts
B> It\t \tl.-| iVUfW
Is 'Accepted' Ni:W >'()RK -C olumbia/tpic Recurdv as a result ol a 10 lo lH percent in-
WASHING ON -CBS ! has t iled requests) if no action has been taken
crease in S-track tape sales over the last 12 months, will "review" the S3.W
B> RK\ ANOKRSON request notices with the Cost of Liv- bv the COLC. the price rise can go
dealer price on a Sft.'JS lapc. with the possibiliiv of a dealer-price reduction,
ing Ctmncil for an increase t>f S.37 into effect aulomaiically.
HAMlil RG -Surveys Ljrncd nut according to Rick Blackburn, national director, sales and disinbuiion.
percent on pre-recorded records. (( "nitniii i>n pn'^c !-i
among record dealers and in the in- Blackburn stated that accepted ratio of tapes sold lo LP's sold was tormu-
6,45 percenton custom record pro-
dustry liuvc shown th;it al present lated some eight to nine years ago and (hat it was lime lo move away (Vom
business ver\ fix>d and despite the

rise in the price of singles there is no

the "myth" of a now incorrect ratio. He said that label catalog product ratio ol
tapes to LP's IS no longer the accepted 20 tapes sold to UXJ LP's sold, but 30-4(1
duction and .% percent on musical
instruments. Requests tor the price
hike on records and custom pressing
Pride's 73
iraeeahle drop in sales. In u ques- tapes sold to 100 LP's sold. " I he ratio with our lop eountrv artists is as high as
charges were filed Sept. 24. and lor
tionnaire cireuialcd
bers hv (he \;iiional Cicrman Asso-
among its mem- 60 lo UK)."' said Blackburn,
With the dealer cost on a S>M album being S3. 05. Blackburn also ques-
the musical instruments price rise on S4 Mil Tops
Sept. 26. These prcnotification
ciation ot' Music Dealers. 67 percent liimed whether the dealer should be "penalized" wiih a four lo live point dil-
requests must wail 30 days for Cost
salisliedwith their business.
}i perceni were more than sat-
lercnce in margins in light ol" the i-^creased S-track sales. "The strong sales
growth (if S-track producl over ih si I2 numths is the consumer talking."
of Living Council approval. At the Country Mark
end of that period (which uould be B> BILL WILLIAMS
isfied. continued Blackburn. He s;iid that 'abcl is exlremelv "bullish" on 8-track
anmnd Oct, 23-!15 for the CBS price
N.ASII villi; Combining
The sur\cy made it clear that the product and that a number of prog. are being scheduled lo further in- an
price rise has been accepted by the crease Ihe sales potenlial of lapc. over-S3 million d*)llar inci>me from
consumer. A Hamburg dealer said: One such program coincides with Oc r being "( ouniry Music Month

Senate Ratifies record royalties and publishing in-

terests, w iili perhaps the largest one-
iContitiuvii on pa^f 45)
summer take from ihe outdoor cir-
Piracy Treaty; cuit. RC.A's Charlcv Pride is des-

Caedmon, American Express £nter Disk, President Next

tined lo top
revenue. This will
%4 million
make him prob-
for 1973 in

Tape Linl< on Theater-on-Film Program lastweek voted to ratify the
ably the highest earning act in the
history of the countrv field.
Geneva anlipiracv treatv for the Pride's alfresco biKikings began
protection of recordings, by a unani- ,-\ug, 10 and ended Oct. 6. During
NEW YORK-Llnder a novel arrangemenl with The senes itself will be launched Oci. 29 and will be mous vole of the 95 members that time. Pride plaved 43 shows in
American Express Films and the Ely Landau Organiza- shown through Ma\ 1974. spanning an eight-month pe- present. The Geneva ireatv. offi- 28 days at 19 major fairs. The ap-
tion. Caedmon Records will i.ssue on both records and riod, on twti cttnsccutive days, alwavs a Mondav and
cially titledConvention for the Pro- pearances were b(K>kcd bv air Pro- I
tapes the complete original stiundlracks of seven of the Tucdsay, with malince and evening performances.
tection of Producers of Phonograms ductions. Inc.
eight pictures of the National Theatre on Film .scries lo American Express Films is a newly formed wing of Againsi Unauthorized Duplication Counting all but the last four ap-
be shown in 5(M) theaters in 200 comniunilics across the American Express, leading credit card company. of Their Phimt>grams, protects pearances. Pride brought a gross of
country and in C anada, Cacdmon's campaign will coincide with these per-
recordings of member nations from S503.4tM at nine major siale fairs.
("aedmon is mapping a vast comprehensive merchan- formances bv distributing to al least one kev record and/
illegal manufacture, import or distri- These include record-breaking per-
dismg lie-in campaign with the American Film Thealre's or book store a specially prepared display containing the
bution for sale, of pirate tapes. The formances at the Midland Empire
nationwide adveni.<iing. promoiion and publicity drive. (Coiuimied on pts^c Hh trealv will become effective for the Fair, the DuQuoin I air. and the
United Slates three months after the Minnesota State Fair,
President g*ies through the formaliiv Price also plaved at two state fair
of depositing this country's instru- rodeos and shattered rcct>rds al
i Conttnued on pa^c (Contsnued on pa^c 2f>)

Sinatra Returns With
A Surefire Ballad LP By KLIOT tif.(;ei,
LOS ANGF.LBS-Frank Sinatra, li.shcd and maintained unique
the "king" of interpreting ballads, standards for lyrical phrasing and
has C4,)me out of a nearly two-year re- interpretation.
liremcnl to give the record industry a
Eight of the tunes are unfamiliar
sales blockbusler album.
works; the ninth is from the Broad-
- A; Wiih no male vocalist of his stat-
way production of "A Little Night
ure or style currently on the LP
charts, thenew Reprise work. "OP
Canadian si.Tgei. s.-:ni;ftfiiijf Ken Tobias is flying high with his new single MARVIN GAYE s "Let s Gt\ It On" album, which shipped as a gold record Blue Eyes Is Back," consisLs entirely Concurrent with his return to
Fly Me High ' (R I46J4) (fom his |ust released album "The Magic's In turned platinum within three weeks This follows closely the remarkable of ballads. recordings. Sinatra has also moved

The Music" (SE 4917) Tobias, writer ot the hit single "Stay Awhile, success of Ihe title lune which has sold over three million singles since During his 30 years of perform- back into television, with a special
recorded his new album of sell penned songs m London for MGM Records. its release. (Advert isemenn ing. Sinatra is acknowledged bv his on NBC airing Nov 18. Five of Ihe .

contemporaries as having eslab- f Coniinucd on pa^c /Of

" I
Advertisemen» i

I Don't WantTo Be Jonathan's Voice,

I Want To Be His Heart."

The Original Motion Picture Soundtrack From The Hall Bartlett Film
The John Denver Tour Is Coming.
October 12th- Albuquerque, N.M.
October 13th- Houston, Tex.
October 14th - Austin, Tex.
October 25th- Atlanta, Ga.
October26th- Knoxville, Tenn.
October27th- Athens, Ohio
October 28th- Louisville, Ky.
November 2nd —Cincinnati, Ohio
November 4th- - Milwaukee, Wise.
So make sure you have enough of his albums far in. Featuring: I'd Rather Be A Cowboy
After his fans see him in concert the first thing they'll
go looking for is his latest album,"Farewell Andromeda'.' Jerry Weinfraub
Stock up now. Produced by Milt Okun

RCiFI Records and Tapes

-General NewSu
Calif. Attempt to Levy Sale-And-
Use Tax on Masters to Be Argued
LOS ANGELES-The attempt by the year. The state tax returns lo 6 A spokesman for the board here
the California Board of Equal- percent next April. explained that the tax bite on mas-
ization to enforce a currently 5 per- At a public hearing four elected ters could be retroactive to the third
cent stale sale-and-use tax on mas- members of the board and state con- quarter of 1970. as there is a three-
ters, which are leased or s<.>ld within trollerHouston Flouronoy will hear year statute of Jimitations on regis-
the stale with deliver)' in the state, arguments regarding the validity of tered businesses.
will be considered here in Pasadena an audit already made on an un- An example of the kind of assess-
or in Sacramento before the end of identified record company. ment which could be anlicipaled
came last week when GRT revealed

Country 8-track Sales in ils financial statement (Billboard,

Oct- 6) that iLs levy was $673,000 for
Ihe Jan. I, 1960. lo Sept. 30. 1972 pc-

Approaching Disk Pace ( Continued on page 58)

LOS ANGELES-Tapc cartridge cartridges on a proportionate basis.

bootlegging may be much higher For example, the tape cartridge of
than anyone has ever reali7.ed. ac- "You're Lookin' ut Country" by Lo-
cording to Rick Frio, vice president retta Lynn had 69 percent as many
of marketing for MCARecords. sales as thealbum. "Hello Darlin"
Proof? Country music tape car- by Conway Twitty had 66 percent as
tridges are far oui-selling pop music (Continued on page 58)

STANLEY GORTIKOV. RIAA president, with three of the six new anti-twotleg
posters being given retailers under Recording Industry Association of Amer-
ica auspkes. Posters were designed by Warner Bros, art dept. and 5,000
Brazil Facing PVC
apiece have been printed by Ivy Hill Litho. Different national distributors will
be giving the posters to their customers, one each month. The first two anti-
Shortage; Action Set
piracy posters were handed out by WEA Distributing. By HENRY JOHNSTON
RIO DE JANEIRO-The growth The price has tripled in three
of Brazil's recording industr)' is months from $500 a ton to $1,500 a
Latin Labels Unite being threatened by the shortage of
PVC raw material, causing the Bra-
ton FOB. but the raw material is
hard lo gel from the usual sources,
zilian Association of Phonogram the US and West Germany

To Combat Piracy^ By BOB KIRSCH

Producers lo ask the government to
reduce the customs tariff on PVC,
which was raised from 10 percent to
55 percent to protect domestic man-
and Poland were reported to have
available, but at the highest

The producers are absorbing the


LOS ANGELES-ln an effort to More than 80 people attended the ufacturers. costs for the lime being; LP's
about $5.00. with imported
still re- Child Care
hall ihe estimated 25 percent syphon meeting, including representatives tail for
of Latin record and tape product to
bootleggers, representatives of 10
of the FBI, the legal firm of Stgel-
man and Stein which will work with Tape Pirate records selling at $10.00. Bui, price-
jumps .seem certain with Christmas
Group Fetes
Lalin disk manufacturers and dis- and the group's ac- coming on.
Jerry Moss
the association
tributors met Thursday (4) to form
the Latin American Record Assn.
counting firm. Quczad and Navarro.
Venzor said the initial thrust
Fined 10G's own
Producers who do
pressing plants are desperate,
not have their

LOS ANGELES-A sentence of a LOS ANGELES - Founder-pres-

According to Osvaldo Venzor of would be in halting bootlegging at they have been warned that ihey will
$500 of 20 counts of
fine for each
Orfcon Records and al&o president the retail level in Los Angeles, with of the
be the first lo suffer. However, the ident Jerry Moss of will beA&M
violation piracy law
of the new association, the decision some action expected this week. biggest. CBS. reported that RCA honored as "Uncle of the Year" by
653{H) and three years of summary
to start the organization was made Shoppers have been hired lo spot continues to meet its pressing con- the Vista Del Mar Child-Care Serv-
probation was handed down to Ar-
following a recent trip through Ok- counterfeit material and letters ex- tracts. CBS is looking for raw mate- ice Alumni Association Nov. 3 at its
pad Joseph Loccsey. who pleaded
lahoma and Texas where he found plaining the group's goals have been rials and may have help from head- Winter Ball at the Century Plaza
nolo contentre to 20 of the 50 counts
"huge numbers of txx)tleg and coun- sent to Senators Cranston and Tun- quarters in the U.S. Reportedly. Hotel here.
charged against him.
terfeit Latin product. (Continued on page 49) CBS managed to gel enough lo The "Uncles' Club" is an honor-
Loecsey was arrested Jan. 18. in a
cover the forthcoming annual LP by ary organization composed of those
raid conducted simultaneously by
who make sizable donations for the
UJA Music Fete Rolling; local police and representatives of
the city attorney's ofTicc and repre-
lop-selling Roberto Carlos,
whose records usually are given an
initial stamping of 500,000 copies.
unknown and nephews" at
the home. The Moss family is donat-
sentatives of the FBI (Billboard.
Over 1 ,000 to Attend Feb. 3).
At the time of the raid, more than
Tapecar's president Manuel Cam-
cro said that he hoped to get a sup-
ing a cottage in memory of Moss' fa-
ther. Ir\ ing. Visia Del Mar started 66

NEW YORK -The United Jewish Levy's request, consisting of 30 to 35

(Continued on page 49)
ply of PVC "through friends." He years ago here as the Jewish Or-
Appeal Music Industry Division individuals who were instrumental not only needs it for current pressing phans Home of Southern California.
Dinner honoring Roulette Records in the growth of the record industry by others, but for his new ultra-mod- Tickets for the dinner, which be-
president Morris Levy .set for Oct. 27 will be honored as dais guests. They Engineers Form cm pressing plant. He hopes to have gins with a reception at 6:30 P.M.

has already sold in excess of 1,000 will be introduced and their contri- and dinner at 8:00 followed by en-
National Group (Continued on page 40)
tickets, according to general chair- butions summarized by Joe Smith, tertainment to be announced later,

man Herb Goldfarb. president of Warner Bros. Records. LOS ANGELES The $70 per couple. Information
start at
first meet-
A Pioneer Panel, prompted by (Continued on page 58) ing of the steering committee lo form REDDY'S GOLD can be obtained on the social eve-
ning by calling (213) 836-1223.
a National Council of Recording
N.H. Passes Piracy Law Engineers was held recently ai the
Burbank Studios. The 14-member
group elected TBS engineer Elmer
Rcddy has
fication for
"Long Hard

Knight Debut
NEW YORK-New Hampshire whose recx>rdings were unlawfully Climb" LP. Ms Reddy has now
has become the 17ih state lo enact duplicated.
New Hampshire
(Doc) Sigel to its ranks.
The organization hopes to draw
had four gold disks within a year, LP Orders Top
legislation making it unlawful to States other than including the single "I Am
manufacture or to sell pirated sound with antipiracy legislation are;
international membership from pro-
fessionals in the audio engineering
Woman" and the LP of the same 350,000: Kass
recordings. Arizona, Arkansas. California. name as well as the single "Delta NEW YORK Buddah Records is
fields servicing records, broad-
The new which goes into
statute, Florida, New York, Minnesota, Dawn."
casting and motion pictures. shipping some 350.000 units of
effect Nov. provides for injunctive Nevada, Ix>uisiana, Oregon. Penn-
Gladys Knight & the Pips' "Imagi-
relief; for the seizure of alleged pi- sylvania. Tennessee. Texas. Utah,
nation" LP to meet initial orders
rated product, as well as the equip-
ment used to produce it; and for
Virginia. Maryland, and Washing-
ton. Florida's law was declared un-
CTI Closes 5 Branches from the label's independent distrib-
utors, according to Art Kass. label
treble damages to the companies constitutional, and is t)eing appealed. LOS ANGELEIS-CTI closed ils been the first independent jazz line
CO- president.
five company-owned branches Fri- owning ils own distribution oper-
day (5). in Dallas. Atlanta, Detroit The album, which is the group's
Seagull Campaign Mapped and South Plainfield. N.J. and here.
New York-based vice president
ation. It started out last year with the
Los Angeles branch.
"There was no alternative to
LP debut on Buddah. contains such
selections as"Midnight Train To
Georgia" and "Where The Peaceful
NEW YORK-Columbia Records Teller said that the campaign will John Rosica notified all the person- close," Rosica said. "The idea
Waters Flow." Kass added that an
will back the "The Jonathan Liv- include lO-second and 30-second nel by phone, with each employee looked belter on paper than it ac-
additional 100.000 8-track units arc
ingston Seagull" LP with one of the television spots, geared lo coincide told he would receive a letter of ex- tually was; we went into it too fast."
with the film's premiere in all major being shipped through Ampcx.
•"most comprehensive merchandis- planation. In addition lo its stocking branches,
ing campaigns in the label's his- markets: 60-second radio spots in The label plans signing with a ma- CTI had just opened offices in Bos-
tory," according lo AI Teller, Co- both major and secondary markets, jor forils U.S. distribution. The eco- ton and Washington. D.C. Mire Late News
lumbia merchandising vice with placement emphasis on sta- nomics of maintaining branches was T^is week skeletin crews will an-
Continued on page 50)
See Pa^e 58
president ( the reason for the action. CTI had swer the phones of the branches.
Billboard ) puUlthtd >hly by Billbos'd PuMicalkxis, Inc Atlor Plaia, 151% Broadway. Naw York. N Y
. On« 0O36 SubacrlpiMM rata annual ral*. 140. tinglt-copy price. SI 2
paid at N*w Vorh. N.V.. »n6 «l addlllonal mailing oMkca*. Current and back copl«t ol Billboard ar* awatlabia on mtcroltlm tro«n 3M/1M Prtta. P.O Bei 720. Tlnw* Squa** !
Po»tmaai*r, pltaaa asnd fotm 3ST« lo Mllbowd PubHcattont, Inc.. 2tU PaUmton St.. ClndnntU. OMo
4S2I4. Aim Co<to SIX M1-MM.
Telecast Mktng. Joining TV Spot Record
_^Executive TufntQbte_J
Derby; Pushing $6.98 'Q' 4-LP Kid Set
MINNEAPOLIS-"Rockcd" ver- pretations of "classic" tunes. The fresh approach. Schoolteachers, par-
sions of 118 traditional children's singers and musicians, most of ents, and youth group represent-
lunes in a 4-channel four-LP sel will whom usually back up commercials, atives encouraged us in the test situ-
be sold for $6.98 in mass retailer were allowed to confiibute to the ar- ation." Roberts claimed.
chains nationwide to coincide with rangements. Same McCloud. TM's general
(he November ad
5th start of a TV Top 40? manager, slated that the sets are BELTRAN YARYAN SMALL HERSCHER
campaign produced and arranged Several singles will l^e released shipping currently. It's understood
by Telecast Marketing here. about the same lime. They will sell thai TM is readying a test campaign
Gil Beltran named division vice president and general manager
Telecast head D.V. Dewey Rob- for under S Like the set. the singles
I . on another kidish set prior to Christ- of RCA Records. He will have responsibility for all a&r activities
erts explained that the firm plans to will be sold through rackjobbers to mas. and marketing sales and distribution functions for RCA product,
saturate 12S markets with one min- mass retailers. all studio operations and the Sunbury-
as well as responsibility for
ute ad spots for "Cock A Doodle Do All sets will be so\6 on 100 percent 5 Col Toppers' Dunbar publishing companies. Beltran leaves the position of gen-
and Mother Gix>se T(x>." The pro- return, with TM paying freight to eralmanager and managing director of RCA Records, Brazil, a
motion will emphasize that the set and from the store. The retailer will 1st Coast Visit post he held since Sept. 1971.
was recorded in matrix quadrasonic. receive 25 percent of purchase price
LOS ANCiFLl-S hc I five senior
Roberts was not convinced at first for merely selling the set All TV executives of Columbia's new Man- * * *
thai quadrasonic recording was a spots will be lagged with participa-
hattan headquarters team made Ron Granger joins Fantasy/Prestige/Nilestone Records in San
sales plus, but he quickly changed ting retailers" names.
their first trip here as a unit, in order Francisco as executive assistant to president Ralph Kaffel.
his opinion "when the Sansui people The TV sptJt shows a group of
to meet with California-based artists Granger comes to the labels from a promotion post with John Levy
oiTered to help with the sound mix. small children responding almost
and managers about current prtxlucl Management and Junat Productions in Los Angeles. Prior to that
and then purchased the tape rights. spontaneously to the song excerpts
merchandising and future recording he headed r&b promotion for ABC/Dunhill and has also been as-
Many special music effects such as on the soundtrack. "We decided on a
moog. bells, and standard rock in- sociated with Ray Charles Tangerine Records and Capitol.
struments sound great even on ordi- London Deal Hosted by West Coast a&r vice
president Ted Fcigin were: CBS
* * *
nary stereos." Roberts continued,
"but they are terrific in quadrasonic. On Axe Disk Records Group president Goddard
Lieberson, Columbia Records presi- Yaryan appointed to the newly created position of director,
The firm, one arm of Carlson NEW YORK-London Records dent Irwin Scgclstein, marketing artist development, for MCA
Records. Yaryan's department will
Companies, specialists in premium has acquired world-wide distribu- vice president Bruce Lundvall, exec- incorporate existing departments of publicity and artist relations
plans, is making entry intoits tion rights "Could You Ever
for utive vice president Walter Dean and will include current staffers in each field. Before coming to
records with the campaign. "Mer- Love Me Again." a single by Gary and national a&r vice president
chandising this novel gifi item to and Dave initially released in Can-
MCA, Yaryan was West Coast artist relations director for Atlantic
Charles Koppelman.
parents, family friends, and even ada on Axe Records. Toronto-based Records. David Herscher named third general manager at
. . .

Artists or their representatives

youngsters themselves may open label. The single last week reached Warner Records, along with Clyde Bakkemo and Don
meeting with the Columbia manage-
doors for Telecast in this field." sug- No. I on the Canadian chart in Bill- ment team at Beverly Hills Hotel in-
Schmitzerle. He will coordinate production and merchandising for
gested Roberts. board. cluded: Lee Michaels. Dr. Hook. a number of label
artists. Herscher joined in 1969. writing and WB
Telecast assigned arranger Bob The agreement, completed by producing radio spots. Phil Casey appointed vice president in
Neil Diamond. Loggins & Messina, . . .

Piper to create interesting inter- Wall Maguire, vice president of pop charge of the West Coast concert department for American Talent
Billy Joel, Johnny Malhis, the
a&r. and Greg Hamblcion, producer Rowan Brothers and Percy Faith. International. Casey, who has been an agent for the last 14 months,
Brownstaff Booking , representing Axe, also gives London
will be responsible for all artist activities and agency hirings. . .

Agency, Is Formed rights to all future product from the

duo. Distribution by London will be
London Plans Joe Petry is acting as a distribution consultant for Daybreak
Records. Perry, who retired from Decca Records in 1969, after 35
NEW YORK-Brownstaff Talent world-wide with the exception of
Stones Push
Productions, a new booking agency, Germany. Austria, Switr.erland. the years of service, was one of the original six men who started with
has been formed in Lewiston. Mc. Benelux countries. Venezuela and NEW YORK-London Records is the label in 1934. Nancy Bush named publicity director for Day
. . .

The cx)mpany. a division of Brown- Canada, where Axe retains distribu- launching a major restocking and Artist Management in Los Angeles. She was formerly with Atlantic
stafT Records, a New England dis- tion rights. promotion program for the entire Records.
tributed label, will emphasize bix>k- The duo. Gary Weeks and Dave catalog of Rolling Stones single and
ing acts throughout the Northeast, Beckett, are on a 25-city tour of LP product recorded for London be- H * *
Western Canada with the Stampc- tween 1964 and 1971.
according to the firm's ctvowners, Is Horowitz returns to Billboard as New York Bureau Chief, re-
Dave Biron and Barr\ Wright. dcrs. Product will include the group's
placing Ian Dove. He will be in charge of the publication's New
earliest recordings and extend
York editorial operation, reporting to Editor-in-Chief Lee Zhito.
Eiseman Engineering through the two-record "Hot Rocks"
set with the program covering 17 al-
Horowitz had been with Billboard from 1948-56 and was its Music-
Radio Editor at the time he resigned to become Decca's director of
bums and 20 singles.
Songs for Film Traclis A four-page, three-color pictorial
order blank is being utilized to aid in
Classical A &
R. He remained with Decca until 1971 when he be-
came an independent producer. His production credits are with
By CLAUDE HALL product ordering, and the push will many labels and in the various musical fields, including classical.
LOS ANGELES- Movies are by Jamal. they'd put Jamal's ver- involve restocking in all tape and
still if
* * *
one of the greatest exposuremedi- sion into the film. record configurations, including
ums in the world for music copy- CBS OK Obtained eight track cartridge, cassette, open Marshall Reznick, formerly with William Morris Agency and
rights, but sometimes it takes an aw- Eiseman's problems weren't over. reel and LP form. partner in Reznick-Bemstein, has joined Howard King Agency as
ful lot of work.- Next he had to go to CBS Records, executive vice president. ... In a realignment of the public rela-
Herb Eiscmen. president of 20ih who had the original soundtrack tions and publicity departments at London Records, Bob Small
rights and get their approval. A new
Century Music's publishing firms,
recently performed something akin soundtrack album is underway and
In This Issue named director of advertising and public relations; Ray Caviano
named national publicity director: David Gest named West Coast
to the triple somersault on a trapeze, it'll feature the Jamal cut (giving press liaison: and Andy Vliele named publicity staff writer. Emil
CAMHJS 17 . . .

but ended up with a new movie tune, of course, to 20lh Century

credit, CLAfLSICAL 25 LaViola appointed director of Chappell Music's New York song-
a new album, and a new single. Records) along with the rest of the rOIJNTRY 2fi writers workshop. LaViola, a Chappell professional manager, has
The new tune is for a reissued old previous soundtrack. The new INTERNATIONAI 38 served as vice president of Screen Gems Columbia's New York
movie, which is unusual. 20th Cen- soundtrack is being pressed and JUKEBOX PROGRAMMING 23
tury-Fox is making new prints of the repackaged now. lATIN Ig music division. In his new post, he will be assisted by Bill Cureton.
film. "M.A.S.H." The new theme Other recent movie music ven- MARKETPLACE 43 . Jerry Loze.
. . A&M
Records eastern prometion manager, has
Ahmad Jamal. an instrumental Jazz tures haven't been as hectic, but usu- RADIO 21 been promoted to East Coast director of promotion and artist rela-
version. The original tune in the ally as profitable. From the film mu- SOUL 19 tions.
movie was "Suicide Is Painless." sic of "The Paper Chase." Eiseman lALEMl 14
* * *
Few radio stations played the record has a single by the Ferranie & Tci- TAPE/AUDIO/VIDEO 32
out of the movie because of the title, cher duo. Since there wasn't any Antoine Panel-Raymond appointed marketing manager for
The new Jamal tune is called lyric, contract writer Larry Weiss FEATURES Polydor Records, Canada. Panel-Raymond, who returns to Can-
"M.A.S.H." wrote lyrics to John Williams' music Stock Market Quotations 8 ada after a five-year .stint in Germany as the firm's director of spe-
But the song didn't come easy. It and it became John Davidson's first Vox .)o» 22 cial projects, replaces Clau.s Pelerman, who goes to Polydor's Ham-
when the movie studios
all slaried single on 20lh Cenlur>' Records. "I burg headquarters to assume a new slafT position. Patti Wright . . .

got enormous response to the film Want to Spend My Life With You." CHARTS
Soul 1 P-S 20
named national publicity manager for Capitol Records. She re-
when it was renin recently on a Maureen McGovern's recent hit places Lewis Segal, who resigned from the label. ... At Electro-
Hot Soul Singles 19
double bill nationally. The feeling single."The Morning After." was a Voice, a subsidiary of Gullon Industries. Philip Garnick elected
Best SellinR Classical LP's 25
was that the "M.A.S.H." TV series 20th copyright from "The Poseidon
FM Artinn 49 president, succeeding Joseph Marks, and Jahleel D, Woodbridge
had built up a following for rerun. Adventure,"
Hits nt the Wo rld 4? appointed executive vice president, marketing. Marks remains
The film was withdrawn, h is now And the late Jim CrcKe's recent
Hot Country LP s 30 with the firm as a corporate vice president. Harry Norman pro-
being relaunched with heavy pro- single, expected to be a hit. "I Got a Hot Country Sineles 28
. . .

motion and newspaper- radio-TV Name" is from the "Last American.'" Hot inn s?
moled to vice president, administrative operations division. In his
advertising. The new was
record Eiseman had to persuade the pro- HolLalinLP's 18 newly created post. Norman will assume a broad number of ad-
needed to help the renaissance. The\ ducer of the movie to hire Chariie Top 50 Easy Listening 29 ministrative resptmsibilities from J. Yale Sherman, who continues
came to Eiseman. who immediately Fox to do the music. Fox and lyric Top LP s 54,56 in his role as corporate senior vice president, administration. Nor-
turned to his counterpart with 20th writer Norman Gimbel wrote the man joined the firm in 1969 and has been vice president, sales. . .

Century Rcctirds. president Russ Cr<Ke tunc, .^nd. coincidcn tally RECORD REVIEWS Harvey Urman appointed national custom duplicating sales man-
Regan. Regan didn't like the origi- Eiseman also originally intrtxluced Altvum Revievys 46. 48. 49
ager for Ampex Music Division. Making his headquarter in Hack-
nal record. He was willing
a to make Fox to Gimbcll. They penned "Kill- Singles Reviews 50
deal. He'd release the instrumental ing Me Sofily." jContinued on page 49}
When a record will soon be
on the charts longer than any other
in history; when it is approaching one
million copies in
sales; when it is
climbing the

charts six months

after its release;
you ought to
know that record:
Kris Kristofferson's
u Why Me; "Why Me" is from Kris' album
"Jesus Was a Capricorn," his
first album with Rita Coolidge.
m ZS7 8571

His three previous albums, "Me and Bobby McGee,"

The Silver Tongxied Devil and I," and "Border Lord" have
made Kris one of the most notable singer-songwriters
anywhere in music.
Kris Kristoffftrson is on Monument Records,
where records break records. UKJinssn^fl /\
Distributed by Columbia Records ZZ:^^,z!r 1/ ^>
^ 30679-

General News
Billboard* Faiipidid laM Justice Dept Asks Highest Court
The International Music-Record-Tape Newsweekly
I ^^11
Billboard Publlcatlttiu, Inc., 9000 Sunset llvd., Loi Anfleies, Calif.
(JI3) 273.7040 Cabla: lillbor Ui NT Ttle>-620S»
90069 To Rule on CA TV Copyriglit Fees
WASHINGTON-The Jusiice copyright legislative revision ap- commodated to present require-
tDITM IN CHIEF: Ite Zhito (L.A.: EOITOR EMEHITUS: Paul Ackarnnan (N.V.I Department has asked the Supreme pears "uncertain" in Justice Depart- ments."
ment's view. The department does not lake
Court U) provide a final decision on
whether or not Cable TV systems In the long court hassle between but urges the high court to give
NEWS BUREAUS & REGIONAL OFFICES should pay copyright fees on their copyright owners and CATV inter- guidance as it did in the fortnightly
CIIICA60, III. 60606, 150 N. Wacker Dr.. Area Code 312. CE 6-9816 Bureau Chief, Earl Paige; prt>granis imported from distant sta- a Supreme Court decision in the
ests, decision. In that rather narrow deci-
Sllei. Jill Hart«i9. CINCINNATI, 0. 2160 Patterson St. Area Code S\13t>-6iX. lONDON: tions under the present 1909 Copy- caseof Fortnichlh vs. United Artists sion (he high court strongly implied
7 Carnabv St., London W. I. Phone 437.8090 Cable: Billboard London, Bureau Chief. Mike right law. The Department's amicus ruled in 1968 that cable sysiem.s* that Congress should settle all of the
Hennessey; Regional Publishing Director, Andre de Vekey. MILAN: Bureau Chief, Germane pickups of local TV slatiims could many facets of the Cable T.V. copy-
brief, filed in the CBS-Tele-
Duscilto. NASHVIllE, Tenn. 37203. 1719 West End Ave. Area Code 615, 329-3925 Bureau
PrompTer court battle, urges the not be considered "perfofmance" of right problem by legislation. Passage
Chief. Bill Williams: Sales, John McCartney. NEW YORK, N.Y. 10036, Astor Plaia, Area 1

court to give prompt guidance in this ihc program material, and so were of the current revision bill is not ex-
Code 212, 764-7300. Bureau Chief, Is Horowiti; Eastern Sales Vanager, Mike Eisenkrafl.
TOmrO: Comfy Homes 6.6-28, Akisaka, Minato-ku, 107. Tel: 03 536-0261. Bureau Chief, matter of "great practical signifi- not liable to copyright fees. How- pected until late in 1974.
Hideo Eguchi; General Manager, Henry Drennan. Washington, D.C. 20005, 733 ISth St. cance" to the industries involved, ever, in March of this year, a U.S.
N.W. Woodward BIdg. Km. S33. Area Code 202, 393 2580. Bureau Chief. Mildred Hall.
and to the pubhc. particularly since Court o( Appeals ruled in the CBS- R&H Archives Get
the long awaited s«»lution by way of TcIePrompTer tapes, that distant
EDITORS imports by cable TV systems consti- Writer interviews
CAMPUS: Sam Sutherland (N.V.); CLASSICAL MUSIC: Robert Sobel (N.Y.]; COPY EDITOR: tuted a "performance" of the NEW YORK-Slanley Adams.
Robert !N.Y.|; COUNTRY MUSIC: Bill Williams (Nash.), CREATIVE TRENDS: Nat Freed
land (L.A.): GOSPEL MUSIC: Bill Williams (Nash.); JUKEBOX PROGRAMMING: Earl Paige (Chi );
Gert Katzman program, and so were liable for ASCAP president Alfred
Anthcneum Books and Thor Wood,
Knopf of
copyright fees. TelePronipTer has
To Be Cited asked the
view of
Supreme Court
this decision.
for a re- chief of the research division of the
Performing Arts Research Center of
(WEST COAST EOITOR): Nal Freedland (L A ); TAPE/AUDIO/VIDEO: Earl Paige (Chi.); TAPE/- By Settlement The Justice Department brief, Linctiln Center jointly held a recep-

submitted by Solicitor General Rob- tion Oct. 2 when author Max Wilk
Bob KInch (L.A.J.
music director of WNEW-AM. will
ert H. Bork. is hesitant to rely on the presented to the RixJgers and Ham-
be the recipient of the Third Street
prospects of revision bill passage to mcrslcin Archives of Recorded
FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS Music SchiH>rs Annual Award at a
end the competitive .standoff and Sound a set of 44 taped interviews
balance the many competing inter- with major American songwriters
JLR6ENTINA: Ruben Machado, Lavalle 1783. Buenos Aires; AUSTRALIA; Jan Murray, 145 luncheon Tuesday (9) at the Plaza
Australia; AUSTRIA; Manfred Schreiber, 1180 Wien ests involved. "F.ITorts towards a leg- and lop music industry' figures.
JWarshall Sr., Ivanhoe, Victoria 3079, Hotel. The event, to benefit the
XVIII, Kreuigasse 27. Tel: 43 30 974; BELGIUM: Guido van Liefferinge, 12 Arsenaalslraat,
school's scholarship fund, will be
islative resolution of the problem, A number of the composers and
JSOO Mechelen. Tel: 015 47169; BRAIIL: Henry T. Johnson, Av. Rio Branco 25, Rio de which would be incorporated into a lyricists featured in Wilk's new
sponsored for the third consecutive
Janeiro. Tel: 233 4977; CANADA: Ritchie Yorkc, 15 Austin Crescent, Toronto 4, Ontario; proposed revision of the Copyright btH)k, "They're Playing Our Song."
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Dr. Lubomir Dorurka, 14, Zeleny pruh, Prarjue 4 Branik. Tel: 22.09.57; year by the recording and allied in-
Act have been under consideration were honored at the reception held
DENMARK: Knud Orsted, 32 Solhojvaenget, 2750 Copenhagen, Ballerup, Denmark. Tel: [01) dustries. Chairman of the affair is
since 1965. But because the process in theLincoln Center Library's Vin-
97.71.10; EIRE: Ken Stewart, Flat 5, Rolhgar Road, Dublin 6, Eire. Tel; 97.14.72; FINLAND: Tom Morgan.
FRANCE: Michael Way, 41, rue des Favor- of resolving the conflicting private cent Astor Gal!er>.
Kari Helopailio, Perttula. Finland. Tel: 27.16.36; The 78-year-old Third Street Mu-
ites. Paris 15. Tel: 532.81.23; GREECE: Lefty Kongalldes, Hellinikos Vorras, Thessaloniki. and public interest is complicated (Continued on pa^e 12)
sic School Settlement is the oldest
Tel: 48.000 and 43.329; HOLLAND; Sas Hagemtin. Hymnestraat 9, Apeldoorn, Holland. Tel: and dinicull, it is uncertain when or
community music school in the U.S.
62735; HUNGARY: Paul Cyongy, Derek Utca 6, Budapest, Hungary. Tel: 35.88.90; ISRAEL: whether legislation will be forth-
Avner Rosenblum, 8 Gerrer St., Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel: 23.92.97; MEXICO: Enrique Orlir, and has afforded thousands of un-
Writers Elect Cahn
Noelo Radie Mil, Insutguntes Sur 1870, Menico 20. D, F.; NEW ZEALAND: J. P. Monaghan, derprivileged children opportunities
c/o Box 79, Wellington; PHILIPPINES; Oskar Salarar, 1032 Matimyas St., Sampnioc. Manila; in music education.
Decision Needed NEW YORK-The Songwriters*
POUND: Roman Waschko, Warszawa 45, Magiera 9m 37 , 01-873 Warsiawa, Poland. Tel: In the meanwhile. Justice points Hall of Fame bixird of directors
Acct)rding to Morgan, the follow-
34-36.04: PORTUGAL: Jose Manuel Nunes, Radio Renascencr IDA, Rua Capelo 5-2 Lisbon. out, "The several economic interests have elected lyricist Sammy Cahn as
ing had already purchased scholar-
Tel; 3 01 72; PUERTO RICO: Antonio Contreras, 26 Gertrudis St-, Santruce; NORWAY: Espen involved and the public are entitled president of the a.SMK"iation. Cahn,
55.71.30; SPAIN: Maria An
ship tables at $500 each: ABC/Dun-
Eriksen, Bestumveien 21d, Oslo, Norway. Tel: Dolores Aracil, know where under recipient of three Oscars and an
dret Mellacb, 22. Madrid. Tel: 449.14.68; SWEDEN: leil Schulman, Brantingsgatan 49, 4 hill Records. A&M Records.
existing law. so that the develop-
they .stand
Emmy, will succeed fellow lyricist
tr. 115 35 Stockholm. Tel: 06.629 873; SWITZERLAND; Rod Cbapman, Swiss Broadcasting Atlantic Records. Bell Records. Bill-
ment of CATV and its relation to the Johnny Mercer, retiring after five
Corporation, CH.3000 Bern 16, Switierland. Tel: 031 44 66 44; REPUBLIC OF S. AFRICA: board Publications, BMI. Capitol
Peter Feldman, 51 van Riebeeck Ave., Alberton,Transvaal; URUGUAY: Carlos A, Martins, Records. CBS Records, CBS/Epic
broadcasting industry can be ac- years service as SHF president.
"Av. Luis Ballle Berres 4087 bis ap. 1"; U.S.S.R.:Vadim 0. Yurchenkov, 14 Rubinstein St.,
Records, London Records, MCA
Apt 15 Leningrad, 191025 Tel: 15-33 41; WEST GERMANY: Wolfgang Spahr. 2361 Bebensee.
Kremser Weg 9. Kreis Segebeig. Tel: (04552) 410; YUGOSLAVIA: Borjan Kostic. Balkanska
St. 30, I1O0O Belgrade, Yugoslavia. Retx>rds. RCA Records and United iAti.>r \ui•u^l i; Sctimn .W.^ I Ilk .W Uniu-J Siau-s t lxJcl

Artists Music. 1. T>ile<>f Putilioijon Blll^)J^d

2. Djic of Filing: Ociohcr ). 197}
MARKETING SERVICES 3 Fretjwency of Iwue: Wnklv
4. t.>tJiioni>rKiK.v«n Oflit* .V Putilitjum: I \-^..r Pla/a. }tit\ Floor, fl.-i BrojJ*u\. New York. Nc*
DIRECTOR OF MARKETING SERVICES: Marty Faely (LA.) Highlight Pacifica York 10036.

CHART MANGER: Candy Tusken (L.A.) S txKJiionorihc (IciMJqu^irtcrsoTOrncral Business OlTiccM'dhe PuMi^hert: 2160 Piillciwn Sirccl. Cin-
Linnjii. OhK> 4$3I4.
Radio Programs 6. N;imc^unJ udarc^^4:^.l^Publ.'.hcr. F.iJtUii. und M;inu)cmf! tJiloi Puhhsticr Hj> B Couk. WOO Sunixrl
SALES Bl\ J. ti'sAngelev ( jlir >Wll64 FiJiior Ue Ztiilx. 4000 Sun^cl BlvJ tov Angclrx. 40069 Uaniiginj. CM
DIREaOR OF SALES; Peter Heine (l.A.) ASSISTANT TO SALES DIR.: Steve Lappin (L A.) Issued on Tapes Ediior None
Owner: BillKurd PuM Millions. Inc.. 2160 Paucrvin Si Oncinnjii. OHhi: Mjrjoric t Ri>tv Pi Tliom».
7 .

RoH. Sr Tnislec for John W
Rons. Jr.. Jamrt S Rosv Rotmi F Row Fl. Ttiornat. Ky John W,
Willman, Mgr. (N.Y ); CUSSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER: Murray Dorl (N.Y. I.
NEW YORK Highlight radio Ross.
^ J .

luCuuodian Tor JamcsS. RiH<i. Rolicrl F. Rosv. Ft. Thomuv Ky.: June t. Sicgeman. Fi. Thomu. Ky

programs featured on the Pacifica R. S. tilllcford. Jr.. Naples. FU.: R. S tittkfonl. Jr.. Tru«(e« U/W Maruina tiitlcfonl. deccawd. Naplev W
radio stations willnow be available Fla D tilltcrord. Ro<.I>r Harbor. N Y R H. Stegemiin. It.. Ncwlon. Man Anne t. Wahti. Bcllermc.
W. W

N Y.: Michael K- tiiilcrord. Rashn Harbor. N.Y.: Mmim T Jotinsan. Aml>cr. Wash.: Joseph M. Townc. Ro^

$11.50 on cassette and reel-io-reel lyn Harbor. N.Y :M«r)orieS, Tyler. Nilcs, Mich Janet Tyler, Scoli t Tyler. Chntlophct T Tyler, Miiiihcw

SPAIN: Rafael Revert, 5.E.R- Ave. Jose Antonio 32, 2nd floor, Madrid 13. Tel:23-2B.00O;
via a new deal between the radio S Tvlei. Nilcv Micti Billhotird P^blicJlllMV^. Inc Rcciremcni Sjvinps Plan Tru^i. CiiK-mnaii. Ohio. t. M.

ENELUX, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, POLAND, SCANDINAVIA, WEST GERMANY: lohin Miiicnry. Fl Thonwv Ky Hal B, r.».k. An|ckv Calif: M. t. Rcuicr. PUml..m«. t F N Y W. B Syer.
Hoogenhout, Smirnoffstratt 40, s-Hertogenbosch, Holland. Tel: 47688; FRANCE: Olivier Zame
chain and Jeffrey Norton Publishers , . .

Gfcul Barrinjtlon. Mav^

Clkowski. 14 Rue Singer, Paris 16: MEXICO: Enrique Ortiz. Nueleo Radio Mil, Insurgentes here. 8. Known Bondholders. Morlnugecv and Other Set jrily HolderNOuninpor Holdirg I Pcn-cnlor More of

Sur 1870, Mexico 20, O F.; PUERTO RICO: Antonio Contreras, 26 Gertrudis St., Santurce. Pacifica stations include WhAl- loial Amouni of Bonilv M(>rlfa^c> or Ulher Sccunlic^: None
< For Opiional Completion by PubliiJicfi Mailing at the RcgttUr Rate^
Puerto Rico; VENEZUELA: Christian lioux. Radio Exilos 1099, Calle El Retire, Qta. Vilma, FM KPFA-PM in Los An-
39 t'.S.C 3626 provide^ in pefiineni part: "Nn pcr-Min who wihiM have been emitted to mad ntutier
El Rosal, Caracas, Venezjela geles, KPFT-FM in Houston, and under fonnei vclion 43$4orihi« (ttte^hall rnatl such mailer ill the rales prov ided under this subseclwn iinlcs'^ he
KPFK-FM in San Francisco. Their files annualh with ihc Posul Scr^ icc a wrilicn request ftw permission lo mail mailer ai <iuch raics

PUBLISHING In accordance with the provisions of Ihis statute. 1 hereby request penmmion to mail the publicalion
programs have been extremely con- named in Item I ai the reduced postage rates presently authorized by 39 LI S C 3626.
PUBLISHER: HaI 8. Cook CO-PUBIISKER: Lee Zhito troversial from time to lime. The (Signature and lille of editor, publisher, businevs manager, or owncrt

ASSOCIATE PUIIISHER: Sill Wdrdlow programs have been chosen from S/ John W
Ross Secrel.iry
10 For completion hy non-profit urganizaintni authmi/ed lo mail ai special raie^ Not applicable
SPECIAL PROJECTS: Andrew Cii4s (N Y.I; PROOUaiOH MANA6ER: Robert Fard [l.A.}: PRO- more than 10,(X)0 broadcasts in the
MaiON COORDINATORS: Ward M<chli», V4I Karches (Cincy}, PROMOTION DIRECTOR: Jeff non-profit chain's special collection Actual Number ofCopie*
Bdtes {L.A.l; CIRCULATION MANAGER: Cuoene Liiotte (N Y.l
dating back to 1949 when they be- Average No, Copies of Single Issue
1 Etieni and Nature of Circulaium Each Imuc During Published Nearest
gan broadcasting. These include J. 1


Robert Oppenhcimer describing the
fiecedin^ 12 Months lo Pilmg Dale

A Toul No. Copies Printed (Net Press' Runj 38.342 38.874

CHAIRMAN: R. H. Stegemari; PRESIDENT: W. D. Lilllefard; VICE PRESIDENTS: Maynard relevance of literature to science,
Group; Hat B Paid rircut,iik>n
Rculer, Sales; Joel Novak. Circulation,- Jules Perel, AmeriCAf) Artist 6. Cook, Marianne Moore reading her Sales ihrough Dealers and Camers
B- Syer. Consumer Publications. CONTROLLER: David Luppert;
Business Publications; Warren
poems. Pope Paul's 1965 sermon for Sireel VenJiirs and CL>uniei sales 4,2m) 4,200
larry Gatto;
peace. Jerry Lewis on comedy, and a 2 MaitSubs<riptions 29.3M 29.W

LABO (JOINT VENTURE): Ber Okarc documentary on the assassination of C Total Paid Circulation 33.6SS )4.I9S
Robert Kennedy.
D Free Dcuribution by Mail. Carrier or
The microfilm edition of Billboard is available from the Kraus-Thomson Organization Limited, Other Means
Route 100, Mitlwood, N.Y. 10546. For details, contdct Pamela Ouiers, at the above addreis or 1 Samples, Complimeniary. and other
c«l) (9)4)762-2300.
London Handles 2
free ci>pi«

Copies distnbuietl k> News Agents,

Subscription rat%i payable in savanca. One year, S40, two yeart, S70. three years. but niH sold 2.*) 36 3.040

$90 in U.S.A. rexcept Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico] and Canada. Rates in 'Mat)one' Single F- Tolal DisinbulK)n iSumof C and D) 17,;74 37.KI8
other foreign countries on reouest. Subscribers when requesting change of address should
Qive old as well as new addre::. Published weekly, Second-class postage paid at New York,
NEW YORK-London Records F OITiteuse. Un-over Unatcounied
\poilcd aAet priniing I.IKil!! 1.056
N.Y.. and at additional mailing offic*: ?
1973 by Billboard Publications, Inc. The
Copyright has obtained U.S. distribution rights
company also publishes Amusement Business. Discografia Inlernaiionsle, Gift & Tableware 'Two Mabone," single by West G TOTAL (Sum of F A F Should equal
to nei press run Shown in Ai JR.M2 38.874
Reporter, Merchandising Week. Record Mirror, The Architectural Forum, Music Week, Vend. Nkosi originally released in South
World Radio Television Handbook, American

High Fidelity. Modern Photography,
Photo Weekly.

C*4e 5IJ, 3ai-6450.




85 No. 41
^ Africa by FOB Records. The single
Ls credited as breaking "Jive Ma-

bone." a currently popular dance.

Song is based on a children's
street game.
1 certify lhai Ihc
correct and compleic
Matemenis made by me above are



( I I


) (



I (

I (


I (

I (

( I (

I (

I (

I (

I (

I ( I (

I (









An All-Capricorn Records Show. !

•check local listings for day, time an D CHANNEL*

finQnciol News.

OfflheTicker I LMorkel QuolQlions_

PHILIPS NV, .Holland, expects VIEWLEX INC Rolbrook. N.Y.. At of cfocing, Ttiunday. October 4, 1973

an earnings rise this year of "close to reported a loss of about $14.6 mil- MAME P-C ***^ Chwtgt
50 percent." said FJ. Philips, chair- lion in the year ended May 31. com-
man. The company increased earn- pared to an operating income of 27 Admiral 6 354 15% 15% 15% Unch.
ings about 46 percent in the first half $330,679. or 8 cents a share, before a 40 2% ABC — 1719 33% 32% 32% - %
1SH 5H AAVCotp 6 45 7% 6% 6% + H
from the year before. Earnings were special charge of $ 1 .2 million, in fis-
ish 3V, Ampex 13 963 5% 4% 5% + %
$145 million and sales in the period cal 1972. SH 2 Aulomatic Rftd« 8 49 4% 3% 3% - H
rose about 15 percent toS3.9 billion. company's first quarter (fis-
In the 20% 8% AvcoCorp 4 621 10% 10% 10% - %
15 6% Avnet 7 1376 11% 10% 11 * H
Ekctrohomc Ltd-. Toronto, ex- cal 1974). ended Aug. 3 1. it had a net 37% - H
. . .
731^ 22 Bell & Howell 11 11S8 35% 36
pects 1973 results to be bcller than in income of about $50,000. compared 14% 6'A Capitol Irtd - 138 10% 10% 10% - %
1972. said D.S. Sykes. vice chair- with earnings of $42,000. or cent a I
107 28% CSS — 1167 34% ^3% 34% * Hi
14Ib 4 Colutnbia Pwluret - 260 4% 4% 4H + *
man. He feels this year's results will share, in the same period a year ago. 3ft 2% Cfaig Corp 7 285 3% 3% 3% Uflch.
depend largely on what happens in 14 4% Creative Marugement 8 49 7 6% 6% - %
the fourth quarter. Sony Corp. 123^ 7I» Disney Wall 48 1797 78H 77% 77% - 2*
. . .

6 2% EMI 15 267 4 3% 4 - »
expects sales and earnings to be up SCHAAK ELECTRONICS INC 74* 56'^ General Electric 21 3415 63% 61% 63% + K
more than 20 percent during the cur- St. Paul, reported sales for the year 44% 21% Gulf -f Western — 1055 28% 27% 28% + »
16H 7% Ham morn) Corp 8 67 10 9% 10 Urwh.
rent fiscal year. endmg May 31 of $8,984,999 and
6% HarvHeman - 437 BK SH 8% - *
* * * earnings of $290,028. or 79 cents a 7 1'A Hanrey Group 44 81 IH 1% 1% - »
compared to sales of $4,276.- esv. 29% ITT — 4990 38% 36% 37% - ft
MEMOREX Santa CORP.. share,
BV, Lafayette Radio E tec 8 719 14% 12% 13% + ft
559 and earnings of $158,216, or 53 22% 22% -
Clara. Calif., and Control Data 35H 16% Watsustwta Elec Ind 8 587 24 ft
cents a share, in the previous year. 34% 4 Mattel Inc - 1726 S% 4% 5% + IK
Corp., Minneapolis, have ended
The company plans to open six 35% 18% MCA 10 226 25% 24% 25% + ft
talks on a lake-over of certain 27 'r^ 13% MGM 19 112 18 17 18 + ft
Memorex operations by Control new stores in the next two months, 82'/. 10 Metromedia — 1226 124 11% 12% * ft
bringing the total to 21. Richard L. 90 74'/. 3M — 2099 89% 64 64 - 6
Data. In turn. Memorex and its cred- 12% 14% +
40% 10V, Morse Etectro Prod 7 14B8 15% Itt
Schaak. president said that all six
itors have reached a financial ac- 64 42% Motorola — 1965 64 82 62% - ft

cord, with the Bank of .\mcrica and stores opened in fiscal year "arc op- 39% 20% No. American Philips 225 26% 25 26% + 1ft
crating profitably." 51 \4 22 Pickwicklnternational 18 177 33 32% 32% - %
other lenders agreeing to reorganize 2S% 6% Playtx>y Enterprises + 1ft
the company's debt and provide ad- 45 22% RCA 3482 26% 26 26H + ft

ditional credit. Sony Corp 38 1061 45%

39:i t1% Superscope 10 1315 i9V, 34 34 - 4ft
The agreement re-arranges Ihc KOSS CORP., Milwaukee, is es- 49 15% Tar>dy Corp, 15 1388 25% 23% 25% - ft
maturities of debt owed by Memo- tablishing manufacturing and
a 23 4% Talecor 7 107 7% 7% 7% Unch.
rex and its subsidiary. ILC Peripher- marketing operation in Canada, and 14% 2% Telex 1724 6 5 6 + 1
lOli 2 TennaCorp, 63 2% 2% 2% - ft
als Leasing Corp., to a group of will enter the Far East market in the 13% 12% 12% - %
32W 11 Transamerlca 1400
other lenders. Memorex owes the future, said John C. Koss. chairman 20 Triangle 116 15% 13% 15% + 1

Bank of America and other lenders and chief executive officer. 17 6 20tti Century 9 899 7% 8% + ft
SO 11 Warner Communications 6 '1493 14% 13 14 + 1ft
more than S200 million. The new The company reported fourth its
20 V, 10 Wurtitzer 59 11% 11% 11% + ft

agreement gives Memorex addi- consecutive year of new records in 12 1% V'lewlex 70 1% 1% 1% + ft

56H 32% Zenith 13 722 38 37% 37% - ft
tional credit. sales and income. For the year
Memorex expects its operating ended June 30. earnings were
$1,023,435. or 60 cents a share, com- As of closing. Ttiursday, October 4. 1973
cash inflow to be greater than its
cash outflow, beginning this month. pared to $687,022. or 41 cents a OVER THE VOL. Weel('t Week's Weefe'a OVER THE VOL. Wteli't Week's Week's
The new agreement will allow share, in the prior year. Shipments COOHTEH* High Low ClOH COUNTER* High Low Close
Memorex to carry out a projected were $ 10.788.8 1 3. up from last year's

operating plan for the year. $7,467,453. ABKCO lr>d 1 2V, 2% 2% Mills Music
Bally MIg Ccxp 78 SBVi ^V, 55% Recoton 0 2% 2% 2ft
Cartridge TV - % % % Schwartz Bros 22 2% 2 2%
Data Packaging 25 5% 5% SH Wallich'sM C % % ft

Gates Lsarfel 106 9% SH 8H Omega-Alpha 217 2% 1% 1ft

QRT 306 1% 1H 1% MMCCorp % %
Earnings Reports

Goody Sam 9 1% 1% See burg 522 28% 25% 2Sft

Integrity Ef>t - 1% 1% 1<A Orrox 8 2% 2% 2%
Koss Corp 77 14% 14% 14% Kustom 94 5% 5% 5%
UKAVtTTK RAIMO SCHAAK ELECniOSICS INC. M J0Mphsor> 22 12W 11% 12Vi Memorex 3% 3% 3ft
Year to
Mty3l: IVJi IW72 *Ovef-tht Counttr prlcei jhown art "bid" (as oppond to "aihed"). Neither the bi.4 w
$73,870,574 Salus 58.9tl4.999 MJ76J59 the »ik«J pricei rf imlijts<1 ••cofltie* repr«eM acliMl f ransaclioni. Rather, they are a guide
Income 3.983.867 3,933.330 Nclmwine 290.0;8 ISfl.!l6 to the rsnge within which these letur.ties could hivi. been ;ol<J or bought »i the time of
Spcvial tiems hn.64g i-3f*,S53 Pcrshwc 79 5? compi's'ion.
cNci income X97:.H9 Asmfe>.hirt^ HA.iOi 2%.636 Ntw York
4J99.883 The above eon'ributet; to Billboard bv B«he & Co., members of ihe Stock Ex-
aPerihin: l.fil
change Bic* «il prineip*! **'^•k eir*'cnq'».
a-Baxd on incomr bcfon: special items, b-
Tr.i.rroR inc
Dchil. c Cicdii. e B>|ual ki $1.63 a ihve m 1973
14 qlr. (D
anJSITAasharrm 1972.
Ai«.3l'. 1*73 1*72
SI7. 166.400 $I7.M.363
Net income 863. 1 887.997
Per ihare .}|
Average shares 2.887.027
Sony Reports 2.788.871
The International

Total Surge
Qlr. lo
(l.ev M Stereo)

Billboard Music-Record-Tape

Tokyo, reported sales gains Income 2.O8O.O0O t.069.000

SilSCIIIE siisniiE
in all
TBKCTcdii 1.734.000 1.035.000
pnxiucl categories, resulting in a 22 hNel income 3.814.000 2.104.000
percent increase in consolidated aPer share M 30
a Based on tncnme before lax cTcitii K- (-'quallo
earnings and a 30 percent sales gain
$1.07 a thare in 1973 and 59 cents a share in 1972.
July 31.
the third fiscal quarter,

riod last year.

compared to the same
July 31: 1973 fcI972
Consolidated net
$24.7 million from $20.2 million, or
37 cents an ADR {AmericanDepos-
increased to Sales
Net income
Per share
Billboard • 2160 Patteiwn Street • Cincinnati, Ohio 45214
itary Receipts) from 31 cents an Sales 865.100.000 661.200.000 Ptaan All m in on your eiclinive Radio TV Proframming cowratt and authori-
ADR. Consolidated sales rose in the Nci inmme 76.400.000 58.900.000 tativtcomraia of all phasei of the international music industry first thlnf, every
aPershare 16 ctj I
quarter to $297.3 million from $229
a Based on American DeposiurN Shares h-
million. Rn-laled r- Adjusted Ui reflecla rive-ror-four ktncfc
1 year J40 0 3 yean (90 new renewal
For nine months, earnings in- split paid in January 1973.
G payment enclosed
creased to $76,4 million, or $1.16 an AVCO CORP. bill me later

ADR. from $58.9 million, or 93 cents (CartrUtr Tr«ni«iiHi Ime.t above subscription rates for Continental U.S. & Canada
an ADR. Cons*jlidalcd sale, in the Qlr. (o
Please check nature ol business
Auk. 31: 1973 11972
nine months rose to $865.1 million
from $661.2 million.
hNct income
$ 67.539.000

$ 1 43 .789.000 n 1. Retailers of Records,
Tapes 6. Schools,
Colleges, Libraries,
12.808.000 Playt>ack
Per share 60 75 Distributors, Operators, One- Music Publisher, Songwriter,
Sony officials said the Japanese 2. 8.
Stops, Rack Jobbers Unions
market accounted for most of Sony's Sales 486.685.000 421.703i)00
3. Radio/TV Management t 9. Writers, Reviewers, Newspapers &
sales gains in the third quarter, ac- hlivi-ome 34.367.000 32.084.000
Speiial wtuTfc J4 .000.000
Broadcasters Msgazines
counting for $164.4 million while ex- 4. Mfrs./Producers of Records,
Nclkif.s 6.633,000 cl2.0M.()00
port volume rose to $132.9 million. u Resliilcd hi reflect an ao.T>uniing change h Tapes, Equipment
For nine months, audio equip- InctiidcMapljl k<s.M-ior$567.000in Ihc qLurlcr and
S424.00O in ihc nine months i>f 1973. com(>ared with
n 5. Talent-Artists, Performers, Other

ment and video tape recorder sales Agents, Managers (please specify)
capital piim oT $738,000 and $2,340,000. respec-
increased 34 percent to $49.5 mil- tively, in Ihc like pcnods of 1972 c- Based i>n in- Name
lion; radio and tape recorder vol- mmt before spciial charge, d WriteofT of inveM-
menis and u»t9> apfilmuMe in Carindgc Tch'vision
ume gained 33 percent to $84.6 mil- Company Address
Inc. e -Ina»mc,
lion; television sales rose 25 perceni On a fullv dilutL-d hasis, per thare earning were
City State t rip
to $121.3 million; and other prod- iTnis in the qiuncr and S1.53. beftwe spcvbl
ctiBi^. in the nine months of 1973. compared with •7100
ucts gained 35 percent to $41.9 mil- Type of Business TWa
56 ccnb and $1 42. rcspciiivcly. m the like periods
lion. of 1972.


who habitually sings hit songs

who habitually produces hit records


their first habit forming single together

distributed by United Artists Records

jGenefol News_
Frank's Ballad LP Return Atlantic Film Cartridge Club Chain Sued
Should Ignite MOR Blaze Wins a Medal
NEW YORK -The film "History
BOSTON-Four major
have sued the Cartridge Club House
of America, Inc.. charging the firm
labels righted sound recordings from the
labels' respective catalogs.
The which seeks an injunc-
• Continued from page I November of 1965 when Sinatra cel-
of Atlantic Records" won a silver with infringement of copyrighted tion to enjoin Cartridge Club from
ebrated his 25th anniversary in show
tunes in the LP were taped for the medal at the Atlanta International sound recordings. reproducing any of the labels' prod-
business and his 50lh birthday.
program. Film Festival, held last month. The Cartridge Club, which operates uct, also petitions local authorities to
Reprise issued two LP's including
The singer has been performing a( medal was awarded for the docu- nine reiail outlets in Mas.sachusctts, seize all tapes which allegedly in-
"Sinatra:A Man and His Music" was charged by Atlantic Recording fringe on copyright ownerships and
special benefits over the past eight mentary sales division in the festi-
and CBS and NBC both honored
months or so, leaving only (he night- val's entries. Corp., CBS Records, Warner Bros. to seize equipment used to produce
him with specials.
club field untouched. Produced by Atlantic adveriising Records, and Bell Records, of offer- the duplicated tapes. An acx;ounting
As for the new LP. it is a true labor
Last week Warner Bros, reported and public relations chief Bob ing to the public the use of high- of all sales and profits of the tapes by
of love between Sinatra, the word
advance orders of 150.000 for the Rolontz. and filmed by California- speed duplicating machines to re- Cartridge Club is also sought in the
picture specialist, and Gordon Jen-
LP, with three of its home olTice ex- based Braverman Productidns. the produce, at a fee. various copy- Joint suit.
kins and Don Costa, the creative
ecutives on the road promoting the film debuted at Atlantic's 2ih Anni-
musical arrangers. Jenkins also con-
LP. They included Joe Smith,
Warner Bros. Records president;
Don Schmitzcrte, Rcprise's general
ducts the large symphonic sounding
Much of the LP bears Jenkins'
versary Convention held in Paris last
April. Since then, it has been
screened in 12 foreign countries, in-
American Express
manager and Ron Saul, the two
bels* national promotion
Sinatra's return to recording
which many ob-
is a
uniquelywarm and
calling their collaboration
September of My
lush touch, re-

on "The
LP re-
cluding Japan, England, Germany.
Australia and Holland.
Most recently, the film was taken
Deal With
• Continued from page I
tributors in setting up area promo-
significant event by the U.S. Information Agency for
Ica-scd in the mid-l960's. tion on a cross-tie-in basis. The four-
servers believe will stimulate new re- screenings in several South Ameri-
There are three outstanding songs albums and cassettes where the film color artwork used by AFT in its ads
tail action. For if his LP clicks-and in the LP: "Send in the Clowns." the
can countries. It is also being shown
is being shown. These displays will is also being used as the artwork on
there aremore than enough tracks on educational film networks
Stephen Sondhcim work from "A feature a prc-pak in a self-contained Caedmon covers.
which arc powerful programming throughout the U.S.
Little Night Music," "Dream Away" 13x13 browser box. The first pack- The first three albums to be re-
for broadcasters— it could give
(from the film "The Man Who age will hold 13 boxed sets and is leased in the initial October kick-ofT
middle-of-the-road performers a
Loved Cat Dancing") and "Let Me being sold initially to the dealer as are "The Iceman Cometh," starring
new stature in competing on the
Try Again," a medium-tempoed
fYomo Exec Sues a unit only, listing at $292,28. The Lee Marvin, Fredric March and
charts with the likes of the
work with lyrics by Paul Anka and price for the unit to the dealer Robert Ryan; "A DeHcate Balance,"
"younger" singers like Paul Simon. Budget President is

Sammy Cahn. S160.75. Consumers may buy the featuring Katherine Hepburn and
John Denver and Isaac Hayes.
Sinatra has wisely chosen new LOS ANGELES-Sherman sets individually or as a unit. Paul Scofield; and "The Home-
The LP could also provide songs with the emphasis on slow to Some
Somers a.k.a. Jeff Clark, veteran 50,000 sluffers, including a coming." with Cyril Cusack, Vivien
Warner-Reprise with a rekindling of
medium ballads. They are his forte. promotion executive, recently insti- purchase coupon are being supplied Merchant and Ian Holm. The 13
activity for its Sinatra catalog, which
He reaches for the high notes and tuted suit, .seeking $160,815 alleg- by Caedmon in the initial run for boxed sets will consist of five of "Ice-
always led (he labePs MOR activi-
makes them, there is a smooth edly due him on a contract,and ask- use in back of the browser box. with man," and four of each of the other
strength in his voice which enables ing S250,000 punitive damages from the heading: American Film Theatre two.
A number of radio stations in him to glide and caress phrases, Elmer C. (Cleve) Howard. Budget Takes You to Broadway— Only on After the initial prepak offering,
New York and Los Angeles have ample mellowness in the low
there is Tapes and Records and Ramada Caedmon. orders for the rest of the series will be
been heavily programming advance
notes and there is enough tremor in Record and Tape Corp. The federal For American Express, the cam- taken on an indivudual set basis.
copies of the LP. WB plans major his voice to make things tingle. district court suit names Howard's paign represents an allocation of The records will also be offered
media campaigns for the LP's re-
The songs are simple works which franchise concept store chain, which S2.5 million, with the cost going to through the Caedmon Recording
lease and for the times prior to and
rhyme nicely. The LP puts writer Joe now reportedly numbers about 24 an advertising drive, mailings, some Society.
following the TV special.
Rapo6o in the spotlight since he is stores (Billboard, Oct. 6), and Ra- 10 million stuffers, and subscription The four other Caedmon pack-
The last time the label tied in an
represented by four tunes. mada, the now-shuttered distribu- coupons to see the films. All future ages are "Rhinoceros." with Zero
LP with TV exposure occurred in
"You Will Be My Music," the Budget
tion chain that serviced maiUngs, under the deal, will include Moslel; "Luther," starring Stacy
opening cut, sets the mood for the stores with product. a Caedmon reference. Caedmon's Reach; '*Three Sisters," featuring
power of the orchestra and Sinatra's Clark alleges that he entered into outlay is in five figures. Both AFT Sir Laurence Olivier; and "Butley,"
voice. Jenkins" touch is obvious: his written agreement with Howard Oct. and the record firm's field represent- with Alan Bates. The eighth film is
sections work independently, the 20. 1971. The pact, terminating July atives will work together with dis- "Lost in the Stars."

runKY strings acting as

gliding along gently
room for
gossamer support,
and then mak-
the reeds and brass to
theirown warm participations.
1979, called for
monthly pay-
Clark of approximately
$1,825 for eight years, in return for
which Clark was to act "in an advi-

STurr "Send In the Clowns" is the most

tellingwork and Sinatra's best read-
ing. He wisely uses mature tunes,
sory capacity for promotional ac-
tivities for
Budget or any affiliated
Clark charges he has not

isn songs for reflection and for reprising

Raposo's lyrics, like those of Kris
received a payment since June, 1972.
Clark seeks a Jury trial.
RCA RECORDS is seeking an executive

IMUTE! Krisiofferson (represented with qne

tunc), marry well with Jenkins'
sweeping sound.
Peer-Southern Dept.
To Be Coast-Based
to direct a
West Germany
newly formed subsidiary m
Tremendous oppor-
tunity for established record
proven capabilities, especially
"Noah" is the only tune using a
chorus and the song has a contem- NEW YORK -The Peer-South-
and marketing areas.

ern Organization professional de- Complete knowledge of German Ian

porarj' kick at the end. It is full of guage IS required- Send resume in-
symbolisms pointing to how one partment will be based in the firm's
cluding statement of accomplishn^nts
lives in today's world.
Hollywood offices, effective imme- in A&R and marketing and salary re

The man called "The Voice" in diately, according to Moniquc 1. quirements, m confidence to:

the 40's sings of "walking with the Peer, president of the company. The
professional department has been
lion, soaring with the eagle, singing
directed from its office here since the
with the nightingale." The "ark," P.O. BOX 7613

like the world today, "is getting

inception of the firm in 1928. HAMBURG 19, GERMANY
Raposo's "There Used to Be a
Ballpark" is a sad reflection of time

For Total Capability In Custom

whisked away.
"Let Me Try Again" enables Si-
natra to reach out and touch the lis-

tener. The .symbolism— or message-

of a key phrase becomes in effect the
story of Sinatra, the indestructible
Masterlngp Plating, Pressing^ Printing
man of music: "Think of all we had
let me try once more."
On a historical note. Sinatra's last
public appearance was at a concert
at the Los Angeles Music Center in
On. Sunday
1971. (30). he returned
rrsoAHOOL to thai
form at
same Pavilion
another black
stage to per-
tie benefit. 4-Channel
Ear Is Reactivated
has been reactivated by writer-pro-

Cutting Center, Inc.
ducer Johnny Cole in partnership
Dellte Records, Dist'd. by P.I. P.
with advertising executive Bill Ty-
RCA BIdg., Suite 500
Records, 8 Div. of Pickwick
Intarnationai, inc. son. First release is "The Sea/Rain; (213) 487-1166 6363 Sunset Boulevard
An Album for Lovers." debuting the Hollywood, California 90028
label's Sound Series. Direct mail
selling will be stressed.
1* OCTOBER 13, 1973. WLLBOAM)
227 radio statioos believe in "Together (Body & Soulin')"
by The Mission.
These days, it takes more time and work to launch a hit record.
"Together (Body & Soulin')" already has a following, coast-to-coast.
And more believers every day.

WOKY. Milwtulcn, WiK. (Bob CoIUm) KCBN. Reno. Nevada (Dave Price) WCSO, New Orleans, Louisiana (Bruce Holberg) wrro. Toledo. Ohio (Tom Long)
WNEW-FM, New York (Scoll Muni) KBPS. Portland. Oregon (Darryl Conaer) WSMB, New Orleans, Louisiana (Marshal Pearce) KFI. Los Angeles, CaL (Rudy NagueriJ
WOR, New York (|ohn McCirlhy) KMj. Fresno, Calif. [Dick Shepherd) WREN, Topeka, Kens. (Darwin Jonea) WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa [John MonickJ (Collafa SUtloa)
WTIC, Hartford, Conn. [Ross MillerJ KSRO, Santa Rosa, Calif. (Merle Ross) WRBL. Columbus. Ca. [Bill Bowick) KICR. Iowa Cily. Iowa [College Slation)
WWWE. CleveUnd. Ohio (|oe Reitito) KGMS, Sacramento. Calif. [Glenn jobnson) WOOF, Dothan, Ala. (Steven McGowan) WJIM, Lansing. Mich. [Brian Hatter]
WKRC, Cincinnali. Ohio (jack Stuart] KjAY, Sacramento. Calif. [Teresa Powell) WKRG, Mobile. Ala. (Dick Wilton) KEXL-FM, San Antonio, Texas (Skip Ducbame)
WMMS-FM. Cleveland. Ohio (Mark Peltalre) KGLR-FM. Reno. Nevada (Robert Stoddard] WMOB, Mobile, Ala. (Ron Meyer) KVNO-FM, Omaha, Univ. of Nebraaka (Frvdarick Lalgk]
WNCR-FM. Cleveland. Ohio (Damian Sheridan] KBET, Reno, Nevada [Robert Stoddard) WLOX, Biloxl. Miss [Charlie Bruce) KRCB, Council Bluffs, towa (Mark Andrewa)
WBAL. Baltimore. Maryland (Jack Lacy) KPCS-FM, Pasadena, Calif. (John Gregory] WVMI FM, Biloxl. Miss. [Bob Ue| WSAV, Savannah. Georgia [Dick Richards)
WMAL-FM. Washington. D C. KVFM'FM, San Fernando, Calif [Jim Halladay) KEND. Lubbock. Texas [Casey jones] WVLD. ValdosiB, Ca. (jim jenning)
WNCl.FM, Columbus. Ohio (Damian Sheridan] KREL, Corona, Calif. (Brad Melton) KLBK. Lubbock. Texes [Kevin Stone] WMBR. jscksonville, Fla. [Tom Daien)
WSNY. Schenectady. New York (Rick Perry) KVON. Napa. Calil. [Jay Goetting) KSEL. Lubbock, Texas [Mike Deardoff] KRNT, Des Moines. Iowa (Del Hull)
WICC. Bridgeport, Conn, (jerry Knight) KPCS-FM, Pasadena [john Gregory) KGAR, Portland, Oregon [Jim Michaela) KUDU Kansas (Ron Brothera)
City, Kan.
WILM. Wilmington, Del (Ralph McKinney] KCRA, Sacramento, Calif. (Lee Kirk) WABB, Mobile, Ala. (Gary MItcheU) KXIC, Iowa City, Iowa [Bob Shellady)
WITH, Baltimore, Maryland (Ed Graham) KEST, San Francisco, Calif. (Tom Johnson) WDBC3, Dubuque, Iowa [Paul Hemer) KLBJ-FM, Austin, Texas [Don LincolnJ
WPLR-FM, New Haven. Conn, (jay Crawford] KOCO. San Diego. Calif. [Rowena Paley) KIKX, Tucson, Ariz. [Dick Martin] KRMH-FM, Austin, Texas (Allan Stone)
WTAG, Springfield, Mass. (Manard Allen] KEYS. Corpus Christ! [Johnny MarksJ KCEE, Tucson. Aris. [David Graham] KFOR, Lincoln, Neb. (Lydia Bare)
WGIR, Manchester, N.H. (Park Webster) KRYS, Corpus Chrisli [Dandy DanJ KTSM. El Paso. Tex. [Chris Russell) WMAY, Springfield, III. [Lydia Bare)

WTTM, Trenton, N.j. (Phil Allen) KZMF-FM, Corpus Christi [Jim Allen) WVIX, Pensacola, Fla. (Steve Edwards) KMNS, Sioux City, Iowa (Lydia Bare)
WPTR, Albany, N,Y, (Gary Peters] WCRG, Cedar Rapids [Wayne Johnson] WCOA, Pensacola. Fla. [Bryan Bennick) KRGI, Grand Island, Nebr (Lydia Bare)
WCPA, Easlon, Pa. (Bob Walklo) WLWW, Cedar Rapids (Bob Beck) WWTC, Minneapolis. Minn (Jim Tesaln] KOEL, OetWeIn, Nebr. (Lydia Bare)
WEAN, Providence, R.I. (Allen Monroe) WCCO, Minneapolis (Danny Long) KOY, Phoenix, Ariz. (Nat Stevens] KSAL, Salinas, Kens. (Lydia Bare)
WJjL, Niagara Falls, N Y. (Bob Rodgers) KLOL-FM, Houston, Texas (Tony lUven) KDB, Phoenix, Arii, [Tod Hall) KTOP, Topeka, Kansas
WKIP, Poughkeepsle, N Y. (john Belaudler] KLYX-FM, Houston, Texas (Don Armstrong) KMCR-FM, Phoenix, Ariz. [Mike Gillespie] KLVI, Beaumont, Texas (Bob Brown)
WKNY, Kingston. N Y. (Tim Haskell) KEMP, Milwaukee, Wise. WTNT, Tallahassee, Fla. (Bob Reynolds) KWIC-FM, Beaumont, Texas [Dave Kelly]
WHWH. Princeton. N.j. (Mike Klein] WISN. Milwaukee. Wise. WQDE, Albany, Georgia (Ron Brown] KTFM-FM, San Antonio, Texas [Tony Raven)
WCNY. Newburgh. N Y. (Brice Holsmen] WZMF-FM. Milwaukee. Wise. [Steve Steven) W6SR, Pensacola, Fla. (Chris Hampton] KTAP, Austin, Texas [Lee Thompson]
WBAZ. Kingston. N Y. (Fred Shafer] WRIT. Milwaukee. Wise. KROK, Shrevesport, Louisiana [James Lynn^ KWWL, Waterloo, Iowa (Dave Stein]
WCHO, Kingston, N Y. (Bill Skilling) WRVA, Richmond, Va. (Walt Thompion] KWKH, Shrevesport, Louisiana (Sam Bert] WDRO, Orlando, Fie. (Perry Moore)
WEOK, Poughkeepsle, N Y. (Ralph Arrlgale] WRNL, Richmond, Va, [Don Brown) KNOE, Monroe, Louisiana [Mike Cochran) WNDB, Daytona Beach, Fla. [Ann SpellmaD)
WEST. Easlon, Pa. (Bob Walkln] WTAR, Norfolk, Va. [Tom Looney] MONITOR RADIO, New York [Steve White] WROD, Daytona Beach. Fla. (Bob Bells)
WADV-FM, Buffalo, N Y. (Pat Vincent) WGAN, Portland, Maine (Al Anderson] KYMN. Norlhfield, Minn. (Paul Evans) WjNO, West Palm Beach, Fla. [Tom Reynolds!
WHLD, Niagara Falls, N.Y. (Rodger Smith] WGN, Chicago, Illinois (Charley Allen) WSM, Nashville. Tenn. [Don Smith) WAVS, Ft. Lauderdale. Fla. [Bruce ElwellJ
WSAY, Rochester, N Y. (Sybilla Reber) WEW. St. Louis, Mo. (Buddy Morino) WSIX. Nashville, Tenn. [Bill Gei»on) WAIL, Baton Rouge, Louisiana [Kinnon Tlioraas)
WVOR-FM, Rochester, N Y. (jim Mac Bride) WSJS. Winston-Salem. North Carolina (Randy GibsonJ WKDA-FM, Nashville, Tenn. [Ron Huntsman) WjBO, Baton Rouge, Louisiana (jim McKay)
WjR,Detroit, Mich. (Gene Elzy) WDNC. Durham, North Carolina [Dick Stock) WLAC, Nashville, Tenn. [Dick Kent] WjBO-FM. Baton Rouge, Louisiana (Jeanne David)
WWj, Detroit. Mich, WRAL-FM, Raleigh. North Carolina [Jim Rich] KHOW, Denver. Colo. [Jim Heath] KlOA, Des Moines. Iowa (Mike Welch]
KNBR. San Francisco [Laverne Drake) KDNT. Denton. Texas [Larry Weinstein] WATI, Birmingham, Ala. [Henry KimbeHin) KFH, Wichita. Kans. [Ron Maddox]
KMPC, Los Angeles [Alene McKinney) KDNT-FM. Denton. Texas WAHR-FM. Hunlsville, Ala. [Gayle Ue) KAKE, Wichita. Kans. [Gene Rump)
KLOL-FM, San Francisco (Don Kelly) WTRX, Flint, Mich. [Nick Avama) WAAY. Huntaville, Ala. (jim Lorin) WHO, Des Moines. Iowa [Robert Gilford)
KROY. Sacramento, Calif. (Terry Nelson) WCCO-FM, Minneapolis, Minn. (Paul Slagg) WOWL, Florence, Ala. (Rick Shane] WIBW-FM, Topeka, Kans. (Perry Chester]
KSTN, Stockton. Calif, (jay Stone) WFNC. Fayettevllle. North Carolina KMYO, Little Rock, Ark. (Dave McCreeJ KWKI FM. Kansas City, Kan. (Carry Steel]
KTAC, Tacoma, Washington (Darek Shannon] WFLB. Fayettevllle, North Carolina [Charlie Walker) KLAZ-FM, Lillle Rock, Ark. [Barry Wood] WKWN FM, Ijwrence, Kans. (Hank Booth]
KOMO, Seattle, Washington (Larry Wilson) KjlM, Fort Worth, Texas (Bill CrableJ WjDX, jackson. Miss. (Bill Cruse] WINK, Fori Meyers, Fla. [Jim JenklnsJ
KEX, Portland, Oregon (Vic Ives) KWXI-FM, Fort Worth. Texas (Welly BlanlonJ WMC-FM, Memphis, Tenn. [Mike Powell] WCAI, Ft. Meyers, Fla, [Bob jonea)
KMLO. Vista, Calif (Frank Manglo) WMAQ, Chicago, Illinois [Lee DavisJ WHHY, Montgomery, Ala. (Larry Stevens) WSPB, Sarasota, Fla. [Oorge Berber)
KGIL, San Francisco (Chuck SoulhcotI] KXLY, Spokane, Wash. [Ron NorwoodJ WZZQ-FM, Jackson, Miss. [Johnny Somer) WTRL, Sarasots, Fla. (Dave Barker)
KRLA, Pasadena, Calif, (johnny Hayes] KOB, Albuquerque, N.M. (Pat Garvin] WBML, Macon, Ca. (Don King) WSUN, SI. Petersburg, Fla. [Ray Madren)
KOLO, Reno, Nevada (Don Costa] KSL, Salt Lake City, Utah (john Ellsworth) WMAZ, Macon, Ga. [Steve Malone) KRMC, Tulsa, Okla. [Dick Ford)
KLYD, Bakersfield, Calif, (john Raider] CJAD, Montreal, Canada [Barbara PocockJ KRST-FM. Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Jay Burns) KROC. Rochester, Minn. [Dave Carr)
KFBK, Sacramento, Calif, [jim West] KCNW, Tulsa, Okie. [Chuck Adams) KCGM. Albuquerque, N. Mex. (Jerry Dumas) KDORC-FM, Rochester, Minn. [Dsve Carr)
KNX FM. Los Angeles [Tom McKay) KMOX-FM, St. Louis, Mo. (Bob Osborne) KDEF, Albuquerque, N. Mex. [Dan Evans/Paul Britt] KGHL, Billings. Mont. (Wayne Coffee]
KXl.. Portland, Oregon (Wayne jordan) WIS, Columbia, S.C (Dave Kirshner) KQEO, Albuquerque. N. Mex. (Chuck Logan) WKIS, Orlando, Fla. [Buz Lawrence)
KSHE-FM, Saint Louis, Mo. [Shelly Grafman] WBIC, Greensboro, N.C. [Henry Boggin) WWUN. jackson. Miss. (Rick Martin] WjAK, Jacksonville, Fls. [Lamarr Lynn)
KRE, Berkeley, Calif. [Ben Thumb) WNCG, Chsrleslon, S C. [Dave Lloyd) WOAI, San Antonio, Tex. (Mike O'Connor] KFAM. St. Cloud, Minn.
KLAV, Las Vegas, Nevada (Harvey Allen) WRR, Dallas, Texas [Hal King) WFAA, Dallas, Tex. [Ken Rundle) KFAM-FM, St. Cloud, Minn.
KGAR, Vancouver, Washington (jim Michaels) KLIN, Lincoln, Nebr, [Doug Lion) KWEB, Rochester, Minn. TOTAL 227 Stslions

Bill Gavin's personal pick

"A striking new hit" from "Wolfman Jack's Thundering Thirty"
Together Body and Soulin' by The Mission, Featuring Dorothy Lerner.

"Together (Body & Soulin ) by The Mission, " m 0213

Famous Music Corporation
A Gulf + Western Company
Kristofferson Song, MULTI-MIL TRAVEL:
& Oak Ridge Boys Sweep Dove Wins Complex Logistics
Kris Krisiofferson. a final nominee
in ihe upcoming Counlry Music As-
by Photographer Bill Grine won an
award for his photo on an album by
the Oak Ridge Boys. And the Florida
were other Hall of Famers: E,M.
Bartlett, J.R. Baxter Jr., Don Daniel,
Edger Pace, Homer Rodeheaver.
Bog Tour Pianning
sociation Awards, won the Gospel Boys again had the best syndicated A.G. Showalwalter, V.O. Stamps. By JOHN SIPPEL
Music Association "Dove" for Song show. Sid Hughes of inWDOD-AM Frank Stamps W.B. Walben, and which included screening of the
of the Year. Chattanooga, was named gospel R.F. Winwtt. (This is the second installment on
"Passion Play" fcaturette.
Itmarks the first time that the disk jockey of the year. Following the Dove awards, the louring the multimillion-dollar yeartv
"To accommodate the film, we
same song was nominated for both a An 8-piece orchestra, conducted
1 opening events of the six-day Na- cost of recording acts in the U.S.)
needed a special-sized stage. At the
major gospel and country award. by Rick Powell, performed the nom- tional Quartet Convention got un-
first arenas on the tour, we were
James Blackwood Sr. and the inated songs. derway. During the convention, LOS ANGELES-When 40 to the
charged from S2.000 to $5,000 to
Blackwood Brothers and the Oak In the living category* of the Hall most of the industry -related busi- SO-person entourage accompanying
have a stage erected. We simply built
RMfte Boys were the big winners nu- of Fame. LeRoy Abernathy was nesses sponsor various events. They Alice Cooper u^avel. air is the only
two stages and trucked them to the
merically in Ihe colorful "Dove" named a winner, while Denver include SESAC. Heart Warming, way. As men like Dave Libert, dates. Our costs broke down to
Awards presentation. They each Crumpler was elected to the de- Word, Blackwood Family, and the Cot>per's road mentor, and Eddie
$1,200 per show." Ellis stated.
walked off with three while the ceased category. Inducted formally Gospel Music Association. Kilroy. who recently left Jerry Lee
(Billboard's next issue will carry
Speer Family gathered iwo. Lewis as his road producer, have
the final installment about record
Some 1.200 paid spectators found, ihe performers must go
watched the ceremony at Ihe Grand UA Creative Depts. Traverse quickly from town to town, conserv-
acts' touring, citing several agencies
which now exclusively tour recording
Ole Opry House, held there for the
first time.
New Avenues For Spoken Sets ing the few precious hours they get
for sleeping and relaxing. Both

The Blackwoods won perhaps the Lewis and Cotipcr. coincidcntally.

most coveted awards: lop male vo-
By BOB KIRSCH use Lockheed Electra planes. Lewis, Musical Isle
LOS ANGELES-New and in fictitious convention bringing to- who has consistently purchased
calist(James Blackwood) and top
male gospel group. The Oak Ridge
some cases unexplored means of gether 3,500 black hustlers, meaning larger and larger planes over the
'Monster' Push
promotion willbe used by United fast talkers or "con men." offered
Boys won three awards from one al- past five years, was once asked when NEW YORK-TheSi. Louis, Mo.,
Artists for itsfive-record spoken some views on marketing strategics he bought his latest what the capac-
bum: "Sweet Gospel." It was named branch of the Musical Isle of Amer-
word series. "Word Arts." with the for this LP. ity was. "It will always be a couple ica has launched a special Hallow-
album of the year, and won for
graphic layout and design, and best
publicity, sales and artists relations "First of all." said Douglas, "we short." he quickly answered. een promotion on Boris Pickett's
department sharing the responsi- brought in Warren Lapier Enter- Libert said the Cooper plane nor-
album photo. successful London Records album.
bility with the promotion depart-, a public relations organiza-
The Speers won for best mixed mally carried 150 pieces of personal "The Monster Mash."
group, and best female vocahst in
ment. tion to help us.What we have with baggage. The local promoter sup- The push incorporates a min-
The LP's are set for strong promo- this LPan example of street art in
two lim-
Sue Chetuull. plied a 12-foot truck, imum of 36 one minute spots to be
tional efforts on college radio sta- the black lingo used. But we also ousines, two station wagons and a
The John Matthews Family was aired on radio station KSLQ-FM, as
tions where UA executives feel a have background music by groups
named the most promising new tal- bus when the plane landed to trans- well as an in-slore display arrange-
spoken word disk stands a better such as fCool and the Gang, which port baggage and personnel. Flo
ent. Eddie Miller, noted country ment incorporating the traditional
chance of complete airing, through makes this a combination spoken and Eddie carried nine people. The
songwriter, won an award for the Halloween colors of black and
back liner notes on the "Release
progressive FM stations, mailings to word-music LP. We like to consider Cooper performer group was seven. orange.
retailers and one stops clearly identi- it almost a soundtrack. The plane's crew was three with two
Me" album by the Blackwood The colors will be used in paper
fying the material as complimentary Si reel Promolion stewardesses attending the troup.
Brothers. He
look his country stand- streamers, hanging jack-o-lanterns.
and in book
for the owner's use. "One of the means of promolion." There was an advance man and
ards and rewrote the lyrics in Gospel a candy sticks, and special costuming
neighborhood retail outlets
stores, in Douglas added, "is to gel street press ofTicer. the later usually shep-
style, and then wrote the notes as with the same motif for some retail
such as barber and beauty shops in people involved as motivators. So herding four or five writers during
well. attendants.
the of certain ethnic LP's and we will give this disk to barbershops, each leg of the junket. The carpen- According to Norm Wienstroer.
Pianist Henry Slaughter was through ads in specialized maga- beauty parlors, pool rooms and any- and handy-
ters, roadies, electricians vice president. MIA in St. Louis, the
named top instrumentalist. For the zines. where else where people hang out men carried along numbered 18. promotion will encompass the
fourth consecutive time. Bill Gaither Alan Douglas, producer of "Hus- and music is played. With this type And. ihe promoter was requested to MIA's outlets throughout |he areas
was named songwriter of the year. tler'sConvention." a single disk on a of material, word-of-mouth is often have 12 stage hands, one electrician, served by the St. Louis and Kansas
the best advertising. We are also four tnickloaders and two forklifts City branches.
doing a mailing of 3.000 LP's to at the auditorium baggage entrance Also tied in with the "Monster
NEW YORK'S \ black one stops and record chains, as about the same lime the plane Mash" push is the Disneyland
well as to college-studios. And we landed. Cindy Smith doubled as budget priced LP. "Sounds of A
BEST will make sure the product is stocked costume maker and Magic Tooth. Haunted House." which, according
in record stores near college Usually there was at least one stand-
RECORD PRESSING to Wienstroer. has become a tradi-
campuses. We look at black dia- ard act. like Randy the Magician tional Halloween seller.
logue as almost an art form. For ex-
PUNT and his equipment on tour with

ample, the University of Michigan
has started a black dialogue course."
Another LP in the series is the

Amperage Minimum
CBS Seeks
Libert had difficulty playing some
three disk box set. "John Neihardt—
Flaming Rainbow." which will list
The electrical equipment used

by Cooper requires 600 amps, with

$$ Increase
at $1 1.98 and includes the stories of
• Continued from page I
900 amps even better. Some facilites In announcing dates on which
Neihardt, the poet laureate of Ne-

di/k- braska. Neihardt, age 93. is an

American Indian who talks of his
could not supply this minimum.
The tour had be booked way
prenotification requests have been
accepted for consideration,

mokor/ memories of Black Elk. an Indian fa-

mous for religious visions.
features a poster and
out ahead because 40 to 42 hotel
rooms were reserved nightly. Secu-
rity requires that, if

rooms be on one floor. When the ac-

possible, all
for firms
notes that "under Phase IV
regulations, a 'SO-day clock* begins
which submit prenoiifica-
forms to the IRS. If the Council
each of the three inner sleeves,
NY C. OHice Book Tie-In tual Cooper group members arrived has not acted to disapprove, modify,
160 East S6lh Street • (212) 966-3ia5 at ihe hotel, a roadie handed each an suspend or defer the prenotification
Barbara Scott, associate of Lloyd
Leipzig in publicity and artists rela- envelope containing his hotel key during the 30 days, the price boost
tions, offered some marketing meth- and information on the day's gig. If can automatically be put into ef-
it was an off day. and there were 29 fect." In general, firms making $100
ods for the set. "We will have a tie-in
StnitaHud with Simon and Shuster. who pub- of them on the 91-day junket, there million or more in sales annually,
lished 'Black Elk Speaks,' and we
were often tickets to sports events, must prcnotify on price increases
"or if we were near the shore, we under Phase IV of the adminis-
(Continued on page 45}
would rent a yacht for the day." Not tration's Economic Stabilization
only the principals went out for a program.
REMOTES, RENTAL, RECORDING Famous, Tara day off. but the entire troupe weni to
a hockey or basketball game.
Billboard's Sept. 22 issue stated
that CBS had received government
Distrib Tie Daily Allowance sanction for an increase in prices of
24 - 16 TRACK TAPE RECORDERS NEW YORK Famous Music Depending upon their import records. This information was re-
Corp. and Tara Records, a newly- among the troupe, each person was ceived from a CBS source. In fact.
Come and See the Mobile Studios and formed European label, have signed on a per diem hotel allowance.
bill CBS had not been given official
other Video and Audio Equipment an agreement whereby Famous will The Cooper plane was up with a set government approval but had
gambling casino and three lounges simply notified a number of its cus-
OR ASK the ARTISTS and ENGINEERS distribute Tara product in the U.S.
An offshoot of Tara International, for relaxation. Libert had to see that tomers of the pending increases.
the new label will be primarily re- promoters had six cases of Budwci-
WAR UA Records LEON RUSSEL Shellor Records

leasing singles from a number of Eu- iced and ready to go as Cooper
.ser R & H Archives Gel
ropean artists, including the group prefers beer, as do many of his
CALTJADER anusy • l BRAIN INGOLDSBY MC A Records Mocedadcs. U.K. singer Janey Mar- troupe. Lewis prefers a harder proof Writer Interviews
ED MICHELE - ABC" Dunlull BAKER BIGSBY Westlake Audio low. Austrian singer Ben Thomas. and carries a bartender with him, • Continued from page 6
TOM HARVEY • Sunset Sound And other Clientele
Canadian singer Joshua and Irish along with a portable bar. Attending the reception were
singer Larry Hogan. Negotiations Terry Ellis of Chrysalis Records Richard Rogers. Harold Arlen. Jule
for the pact were handled by Fa- left his post as partner in the label Siyne. Dorothy Fields. Sammy
mous Music president Tony Martell for some months recently to become Cahn. Irving Caesar. Lee Adams
(213) 465-9997 or (714) 465-9997 and Tara International president a roadie with Ihe Tull tour, Ellis was and Mrs. Oscar Hammerstein.
Dick Broderick. in charge of the visual production. among others.


.General News-
20th's Regan MCA Attempts LP Price Upgrading Witti Deluxe LP's
Signs Hrst LOS ANGELES MCA Records let. Like th« group's enormous hit of bums just released have $9.98 sug- a million units in both tape car-
has launched a wave of double LP "Tammy." this is a concept LP. It's gested list prices. The only/prtxlucl tridges and albums."
packages. b<ith in new product and the first LP in two years by the Brit- to feature prices higher than $1 1.98 Other double LP sets featured
Foreign Deal in older "twofers" as a means of ele- ish group. in recent times wa.s "Jesus Christ Su- Blues Project, Sonny & Cher, and
LOS ANGELES-Cclcbraling the vating the price status of music. Rick The Elton John album set "Yel- perstar," a double LP set. that re- Bill Cosby.

first anniversary of (he label with Frio, vice president of marketing for low Brick Road" is already shipping tailed forS12.98. Among two-fere, MCA just re-

three gold singles and a gold album, MCA Records, said that mtist of the gold and branch and dealer orders leased 49 different sets and the prtxl-
new product were double LPs be- "are our biggest initial orders to Logic Explained uct ranges from "The Bill Anderson
Russ Regan, president, just signed a
production deal with the Dick James cause of the "nature of the product date." Frio said. "We've had reor- Reason for the higher prices? Story" to "Louis Armstrong at the

organization, England, to give 20th ... the artists wrote the music that ders on top of orders before the LP "Our competitors have had no prob- Crescendo" and "The Best of Peggy
Century Records its first foreign way." could even be shipped." lem with selling double LP sets at a Lee." These arc retailing for S6.98

product This includes a heralded Both of these LP sets are suggested suggested list of $1 1.98. The recent albums and $7.98 tape cartridges.
The label started a year ago with a "Quadraphenia" by the Who that is retail prices of $1 1.98, the other six Leon Russell set went to No. I al that Mast of these are "Best of series or
close- to- the- vest approach. Regan
being shipped with a 41-page book- double LP sets of the total of 13 al- price. An Elton John LP usually sells "Storv" series.

fell that the best way to break down

the barriers of the tight playlist on

Top 40 radio was to release "cross
over" records that would start either
on soul radio and go Top 40 or in
MOR radio and go Top 40. "Love
Indie Mfrs. & Distrs. at '73 NAIRD Meet
Jones" by the Brighter Side of Dark-
ness and "I'm Gonna Love You Just
a Little More Baby" by Barr> White
were both soul records that later be-
came pop hits. Regan also per-
formed the same trick with "The
Morning After" by Maureen Mc-
Covem, which started on MOR for-
mat radio stations. White's "I've Got
So Much to Give" became a gold
The Dick James organization will
produce Philip Goodhand hit for
20th Century under an agreement
just concluded. Il was the team of

Regan and James that created Elton

John a superstar in the U.S. (Regan
was with MCA Records then.)
The label, which started out pri-
marily as a soul label, currently has a
bubbiegum hit with the DeFranco
Family and is getting deeper in-
EUGENE FINCH of Select-O Rax, Minneapolis distributor, chats with Arnie
Kaplan, Biograph Records president.
volved in MORmusic with the sign-
ing of John Davidson, co-star on the
television series "The Girl With
Something Extra."
GEORGE HOCUTT, National Association of Independent Record Distributors'
president. Rare Records, Pasadena, Calif., second from the left, at precon-
BLUE THUMB'S vention session, flanked by Mrs. Ellen Thomas, Tant Enterprises, Northville,
(pictures by John Sippel)

BAG PROMOTION Mich., recording secretary,

koma Dist., Santa Monica,

and Charlie Mitchell and Jon Monday, Ta-
and Billy Thomas of Tant,
Thumb Records is giving half a
million plastic record album bags
to retailer; nationwide as a pro-
motional device,
The orange bags show the la-
bel's blue thumbprint being
scanned by a magnifying glass
and the slogan. "Investigate Blue
Thumb." Rear of the bag lists ev-
ery artist on the Blue Thumb ros-

EIroy Adding
3 Units on
Long island SIDNEY WAKEFIELD, presklent of JACK KALL, left, Stinson Records,
Wakefield Mfg. Co., Phoenix, Ariz., Granada Hills, Calif., takes Bob
NEW YORK-Elroy Enterprises,
addressed the convention on the Koester, Delmark records preskient
Inc.. Oceansidc. plans to open three
impending scarcity of raw materials and Chicago vintage >azz and Blues
new units in time for the Christmas
PERRY COOPER, Sam Goody, and its possible effects on the indus- retailer, through his exhibit mate-
season, bringing to 1 1 the total dis- Inc., New York; Jon Monday, Takoma Dist.,
count and free-standing stores serv- Santa Monica, Calif., left to right taking in the advantages of handling Rebel
iced by them, according to Roy Im- Records with C.R. Freeland of the Mt. Ranier, Md., label.
ber. president of the company. Elroy
opened a record/tape department
on Oct. I in the new Times Square
Store in the Huntington Mall in
Melville. N.Y.
The other two units will be oper-
ated under the name Record Worid,
said Imber.and be located in the
Masters Shopping Plaza in Ccn-
(ereach. N.Y. and in (he Sun-Vet
Shopping Mall in fiolhr(x)k. N.Y.
Both Record World stores will carry
a complete line of audio equipment
and alt three locations will sell the
company's full catalog of records
and tapes.


NEW YORK -"Smoke on the
Water." a single by Deep Purple,
has earned a gold record certifi-
cation from the RIAA. The
MARVIN GOLDSMITH, second from left, and Gerry Valburn, second from the
group records for Warner Bros.
LEE B. HAGGERTY, Folk Legacy Records, Sharon,
right, both of Jazz Archives, explain their line to George Frijji, left, and Kim Pa. left and Mike Coutre of
Goldstein, right, of Karma Dist.. Indianapolis. Phik> Records, N. Ferrisburg, Vt., discuss the small label problems.
Stein Diversification
tastes, the resurgence of the-
au- rium, Nov. Washington (JFK
Concert Hall. Nov. 20). and New
^ ^i
Disney Gets

LOS ANGELES-The "Carousel

of Progress" exhibit at Disneyland,
presented jointly there by Walt Dis-
Sunset Sound Recorders, the Hol-
lywood facility where engineering
head Bill Robinson presides over a
gineer at A&M's L.
recently held a meeting for area en-
gineers to discuss reactivation of the
A. studios,

atrical stage shows and shifting York (Carnegie Hall, Nov. 29). ney Productions and General Elec-
venues for new acts have led How- Stein will also promote Mikis tric, will be moved to Florida's Wall
schedule of strong pop sessions, is National Council of Recording Engi-
ard Stein, head of Howard Stein En- Thcodorakis. appearing in Wash- DLsncy World this winter and make back in the forefront with news of neers, a move which this column will

terprises, Inc., here, and a promoter ington (JFK Concert Hall, Oct. 8) way for a new Disney musical ex- the next Alice Cooper LP. "Muscles report on shortly, as that process de-

whose activities in this and other and Philadelphia (Academy of Mu- hibit at the Anaheim facility.
of Love." completed at Sunset velops.
recently. Alice has departed from his
major markets have focused on rock, sic, Oct. 29) and expects to add "a lot Replacing the GE exhibit in the * * *
to diversify his promotions for the of concerts wc never would have "Carousel" theater will be "America past pattern of heavy metal
Yet another aspect of the business
triumphs, produced by Bob Ezrin
coming year. Stein's move, which looked at before." Sings," which will trace 200 years in is studio modification. And, while

will Hnd him promoting to classical That more wide-open approach to U.S. history through the perform- and usually recorded in New York's
urban studios have traditionally had
audiences in suburban venues, as ances of over 100 "Audio Anima- Record Plant, this time around. Jack
potential bookings parallels Stein's to hustle fornew equipment and ex-
well as to his ongoing rock audiences move toward suburban market, tronics" animals. Show will open Richardson produced, with engi-
the panded capabilities, rooms some-
neering from Jack Howard (im-
in urban and suburban locations, which he first tackled while promot- late in 1974. what off the beaten path are likewise
stems from the promoter's convic- ing rock shows at the Capitol The- Both the relocation of the "Carou- ported from New York) and assist-
mounting extensive renovation and
tion that growth in today's talent of Progress" and the develop- ance from Tom Harvey and Reed
ater in Port Chester. N.Y. Stein has sel modification programs in an effort
market is contingent on tapping di- since directed most of his activities at ment of the new program are being Stanley. Warners is the label.
to pull clients from their big-city
versified audience needs. urban venues, but his return to the directed by WED Enterprises. Dis-
Meanwhile. Rita Coolidge (Kris-
loffcrson) has been in. recording for
Highlighting Stein's upcoming suburbs signals his changing param- ney owned planning and design firm In Atlanta. GRC's Sound Pit has
schedule is the projected opening of ( Coniinued on page 18) of Glendale, Calif. A&M with David Anderle produc-
just returned to service after a wi.
ing. Sunset's John Haeny engi-
the Westchester Premier Theater of remodeling. A budget of $20,00.
neered, with Ric Tarantino assisting.
(Billboard. Oct 6). which will em-
body Stein's new approach by offer- Two Fund-Raising Concerts . For Blue Thumb, producer
. .

Tommy Li Puma has brought in Ar-

was cited for the move, which fo-
cused on restructuring the main con-
ing a wide range of shows that cover trol room for Studio A to permit re-
rock, pop, MOR, classical and chil-
Mark NAACP's 65th Year thur Adams with Al Schmitt engi-
location of the 24/32 track console,
NEW YORK-The NAACP cele- Andre Watts and the Sym- neering and assisted by Kent Ncber-
dren's audiences. pianist new positions for their four-track
While awaiting completion of that brates its 65th anniversary this year phony of the New World conducted gall. Also on Blue Thumb is
. . .
machines and additional monitoring
slated to open next fall. with its first concert series, compris- by Paul Freeman. Watts is donating Sylvester and the Hot Band, but this
facility, by Wcstlake Audio.
his time and talent for the concert.
project finds an unlikely choice in
Stein has structured his promotions ing two concerts to be held at Phil- Tom HkUey
of WesUake Audio
the producer's slot: directing pro-
for the *73-'74 concert season around harmonic Hall here. The series is ex- Chairmen of the benefit concert has redesigned the entire control
pected to be an annual fund raising committee arc Mrs. Ralph J. ceedings for the highly stylized Syl-
both his former strong suit, rock pro- room to maximize the acoustics, and
vester is one of the chief exponents
motions, and shows for an older au- event Bunche. Carlos Moseley. president Dolby M-16 noise reduction and
of the New York Philharmonic and of the laid back denim aesthetic,
dience such as his upcoming promo- The initial concert, set for Dec. 16, new 3M machines were added as
tions of Josephine Etaker in St. Louis features Roberta Peters and George John F. Small, president of the na- John David Souther, himself an Asy- . well.
(St. Louis Opera House. OcL 28), Shirley in an afternoon recital. Sec- tion's largest black owned advertis- lum artist. Haeny is engineering for
Since the completion, arranger
the sessions, which are expected to
Philadelphia (Academy of Music, ond show, set for March 31. 1974, ing agency. John F. Small, Inc. Paul Riser and a coterie of studio
Nov. 15), Atlanta (Civic Audito- will be an evening concert featuring The series will benefit the run for a month or so. ... As for
players from Detroit have arrived
NAACP's tax deductible commu- Elektra Asylum, they sent Linda
work with GRC artist Dor-
there to
nity programs nationally and Ronstadt back into Sunset to mix a
in othy Norwood, whose r&b singles
New York. Organization is being single from her new album, tracked
will feature players Eddie Willis,

NewonlheChorls handled by the NAACP's Mid Man-

hattan branch, which supports and
there a few months back and now
shipping. John Boylan produced the
single(J. D. Souther, the same as
"Bongo" Eddie Brown, Ueil Jones,
and others.
operates Project Rebound, a lax-de- Also stopping by was ABC's Dave
ductible rehabilitation program.
above, produced the LP set) and
Crawford, while studio manager
Tickets are being sold in subscrip- John Haeny engineered.
Tony DiMaria has been excited by
tions for both concerts in the series,
Finally, Tommy Li Puma has sessions for Canadian production
with roughly 500 of the hall's 2,800 quite a few other Blue Thumb irons company Much Productions, work-
in the fire. He's producing LP's with
seats reserved for sale at benefit ing on mixing dates for Copper
prices of $50, $75 and $100. Remain- Nick De Carlo and Paul Humphreys, Penny Sonny Turner, lead singer
ing sales will be at box office prices, with Al Schmitt engineering both
with the Platters, was also in, work-
from $8 to $20 for the series. projects and receiving support from
ing on tracks while playing at an
Benefit tickets are tax deductible Kent Nebergall.
area club.
except for the actual box office price. As for Sunset's other activities,

Tickets arc available for the series Robinson is gearing up for comple-
from the Concert Scries office at 50 1
tion of Sunset's newest studio,due to Blossom Center
58th St., New York, N.Y. Tickets at open November. One of the
in late

regular box office prices will also be larger rooms is being rebuilt and re- In Full Blossom
sold through the Philharmonic Hall furnished, and a new console, re- NEW YORK-The Blossom Mu-
box ofHce. ported to be quite a production in it- sic Center in Cleveland has reported
Z.Z. TOP self,will also be installed, Also its highest summer attendance sea-

London album. ner as Black Oak Arkansas and the

underway complete four-channel
is son in six years for promotions there
ZX. Top's third
capability, in anticipation of the day this summer, in all. 58 events were
"Tres Hombres," has been quietly Allman Brothers Band first built
making its way up the chart It is
now in the top thirties and continues
their reputations in the Southeast.
Like these other two acts. Z.Z. Top
LSigningsJ when the waters are calm and the in-
dustry is at peace with itself and
held at the facility, with several top
concert acts topping the figures.
plays good-timcy and unpretentious
cranking out some healthy quadra- Leading attendance figures were
to climb steadily, fueled by con-
Bill Wyman. Rolling Slone* ba&s phonic product. cited for Seals & Crofts, Pink Floyd,
sistently good word-of-mouth from rock "n" roll, a product which its au-
player, has signed a production deal Robinson also notes that Larry Stephen Stills, the Carpenters, Sha
tour appearances with established dience will apparently search for far
with Greene Mountain Records. Levine, studio director and chief en- Na Na and the Guess Who.
headliners. and wide,
Charles Greene*s label. First artist
Group consists of guitarist Billy
The El Paso trio man-
and their delivered is John Walker, formerly
Gibbons and bassist Dusty whoHill,
ager. Bill Hamm, have become a of the Walker Brothers David . . .

carry the vocals, and drummer

Steinbei^ has signed as a comedy
regional attraction in
state, much in the
same man-
Frank Beard. Booking is by
CMA. artist with Columbia Records.
Metromedia Records has signed
. . Tired of watching
singer Mike Jason to the label. Ja-
son's first

written by
Mark James and pro-
is "Blue Water," the studio clocic?
Hit Making duced by Al Corconi Composer
Rkk Segall has been signed to an Try our daily rate of $300 plus tape
RECORDING STUDIO exclusive contract by the music divi- Two day rate of $550 plus tape
sion of Columbia Pictures Indus- Three day rate of $750 plus tape
In Greater New York tries. Inc. The division will acquire a Weekly rate of $1700 plus tape
Location group of 50 songs that Scgall has
written over the last six years. He is Includes 16 track recording on
BLACK & WHITE BxlOs Looking for Expansion the father of "Partridge Family" star an Ampex MM-1000 and Stereo
Ricky Segall. English duo Bu- mixdown to a Studer A-80.
500--S22.85 IOOO--S35.00 Capital or Will Sell . . .

galli and Musker has been signed to

COLOR PRINTS Outright to Best
Johnny BienstockN RSO Records.
1000 -S200.00
Offer First RSO single for the singing-
songwriters is "Out of Town
Polydor has signed percussionist

^ )
One Asfor Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10036

to an exclusive recording
An LP is

Three new acis with dchui

. .

singles out on release signed with

(Continued on page 16)
slated for fall re-
300 Gilbert Avenue
Bloominglon, Indiana 47401

P,S. we use 20 channels of DBX for



the quietest tapes you have ever heard



(All entries for WHO-WHERE HHEN

_Who/Whe<e/When should be sent to Sam Sutherland. BiHboard. I Asior Plaza. New York. N.Y. 10036.)
KAY ADAMS (Capitol). Various Clubs. Oct, 2-7; Hollywood Hawaiian Hotel (8- 7, Egress Club, Vancouver, B.C (16- LETTERMEN (Capitol) McElroy Audilo- PAT McKINNEY (Mega): Nammy's Club.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Oct. 15-27 18) 20) num. Waterloo, Iowa. Oct, 12; Arte Tucson, Ariz Oct. 9-10; Mr Lucky s

CANNONBAU. AOOERLEY (Fantasy): RITA COOLIDGE (A&M): Civic Center. El LINDA HARGROVE (Elektra): The Crown Theatre. Chicago (13); Perform- Phoenix, Ariz. (12); Auditorium. Evans-
Shell's Manne Hole. Los Angeles. Oct Paso. Texas. Oct 21. Philharmonic Stables, E. Lansing. Mich Oct. 8-13 . ing Arts Center, Milwaukee, Wise (14); ville, Ind, (26),
16-21 Hall, N Y. (26) ALEX HARVEY (Capitol) Boarding Savanaugh Civic Center, Savanaugh. DON McLEAN (United Artist): City Hall,
AEROSMITH (Columbia): Music Hall. CHICK GOREA (Polydor) Case Western. House. San Francisco, Oct 16-21. Ga (19); Civic Center Auditorium. At- SheffiekJ. England. Oct. 21.
Cincinnati.Oct. 10, Auditorium Cleveland. Ohio, Oct, 13; Philharmonic SHERMAN HAYES (Capitol) Royal lanta. Ga. (20); Flamingo Hotel. Las SERGIO MENDES ft BRASIL 77 (A&M);
Theatre, Chicago (11); Masonic Hall, N Y. (21) Theatre. Victoria. B C Oct. 7; Walrus. . Vegas (25-Nov 14). Mill Run Theatre. Niles, Oct, 25-28. III. ,

Tempfe, Detroit (12). Massey Hall. To- ANDRAE CROUCH ft THE DISCIPLES Seattle. Wash (15-20). LORI LIEBERMAN (Capitol) Bitter End. BETTE MIDLER (Atlantic): Kiel Opera
ronto. Canada (I4); Auditorium (Light):San Diego, Calif Oct, 20; . WOODY HERMAN (Fantasy) New Faust N Y Oct, 17-22.
House. St Louis, Oct. 2i; Civic Center
Theatre. Rochester, N Y- (16); Syria Melodyland. Anaheim, Calif. (22); Ballroom. Rocktord. III., Oct, 10; LOGGINS ft MESSINA (Columbia) Coli- Auditorium. Atlanta (24); Civic Audito-
Mosque. Pittsburgh (18); Park Center, Maranatha Church, Portland. Oregon Marion Hotel. O'Hara. Chicago (11); seum, Dallas. Texas. Ocl. 10. Coli- rium, Jacksonville, Fla (25); Miami
Charlotte. N.C (20); Coliseum. Greens- (26) Rocky Ridge Ranch, Rocky Ridge, Mo. seum, Lubbock, Texas (11), Municipal Beach Auditorium. Miami Beach (26)
boro. N C (21); Palace Theatre. Provi- DICK CURLESS (Capitol): Lone Star (13); Grants Cabin, St. Louis (14). Ma- Auditorium. San Antonio. Texas (12- ROGER MILLER (Columbia): Baton
dence. R (24) I Ranch, Reedsferry, N.H Oct 7. Old .
rando's Supper Club, Milan. III. (15); 13); Hofheinz Pavilion, Houston. Texas Rouge, La . Oct 26,
LUTHER ALLISON (Motown): Cedar Sportsmens Club. St Albans, Vermont Holiday Inn, Rivermont. Memphis (17); (14); Memorial Coliseum, Atlanta, Ga, STEVE MILLER BAND (Capitol): Munici-
Raptds, Iowa. Oct 21 (14): JD Convention, Nashville (16- Cascade Plunge Ballroom, Birming- (24) Audilonum.
; Palm Beach. Fla W pal Auditorium. Austin. Texas, Oct 21;
ERIC ANDERSEN (Columbia) Palace 23), tiam. Ala (18); Piedmont Driving Club. (26). Ellis Auditorium, Memphis. Tenn, (23),
Theatre. Albany, N Y, Oct. 26 CYMANOE (Janus): Symphony Hall. Atlanta. Ga. (19). East Wind Ballroom. LOOKING GLASS (Epic) Barney THE MOODY BLUES (London) The Fo-
BILL ANDERSON (Decca) Tobacco Newark. N.J,, Oct 7; Nashville (14); Baltimore. Md (21). Googles, N Y,, Ocl 10, rum, Montreal. Canada. Oct. 24; Civic
Warehouse. Morehead. Ky., Oct. 26- Oop s Club, Philadelphia (16-20); HOLLY DOYLE (Capitol): Bloomington, LORNA LUFT (Epic): Latin Casino, Center, Pittsburgh, Pa. (25); Madison
ERNIE A5HWORTH (Hickory): Sanger Sugar Shack. Boston (22-28) N.J.. Oct. 12, Ft, Lee. Va (26). Cherry Hill. N Y Oct . 19-25. Square Garden. N.Y. (26).
Theatre. Mobile. Ala.. Oct. 12 MILES DAVIS (Columbia): European CLINT HOLMES Chattahoochee
(Epic) BOB LUMAN (Epic) Daytona Beach, GEORGE MORGAN (Decca): Sanger
BABE RUTH (Capitol): The Brewery, Lan- Tour, Oct, 24-Nov, 20 Valley Fair, Columbus. Ga Oct 10; . Fla.. Oct 25; Skyline Club. Cayce, S C. Theatre, Mobile. Ala Oct. 12; Civic ,

sing. Mich Oct. 8; Fairgrounds Arena. DAWN (Belt): War Memohal. Buffalo. N Y Classics III Supper Club, Camp (26-27) Center. Salisbury. Md (13); Nashville.
Oklahoma City (11); Rush-Up Club. Oct, 12; Mississippi State Fair, Jack- Springs, Md (22); Shoreham Hotel LORETTA LYNN (MCA): DJ Convention, Tenn. (1 5-20); Shynnep Valley Jubilee.
Chicago Convention Center.
(12-14); son. Miss (13-14). Louisiana State
Blue Room. Washington. D C. (23-26). Nashville. Oct 15-20. Coliseum. Ma- ChiHicothe. Ohio (21)
San Antonio, Texas. (19); Coliseum. Fair. Shreveport. La, (19-28). DR. HOOK & THE MEDICENE SHOW con. Ga. (26). MOTT THE HOOPLE (Columbia): Park
Houston. Texas (20); Memorial Audito- OELFONICS (Bell): Memphis, Tenn.. Oct. (Columbia): Boston Club. Boston, Oct, MAHAVtSHNU (Columbia): Music Hall. Center. Charlotte, N.C. Oct. 20; Coli-
rium. Dallas, Texas. (21). 7, Bermuda, W.I. (6-17), Ciros. Phila- 16-18; Palace Theatre, Albany. N Y Boston, Oct 19; Capitol Theatre. Pas- seum, Greensboro. NC (21); Palace
BACHMAN-TURNER OVERDRIVE (Mer- delphia (19-21); Sugar Shack. Boston (19): Timberlake Concert Hall. Lynch- saic. N J. (20); Armory, Manchester, Theatre. Providence. R I. (24); Radio
cury): Memorial Hall. Kansas City. Mo.. (25-30). burg. Va. (21). N H, (24), City Music Hall. NY (26)
Oct. 13; Brewery, Lansing. Mich., (15); XVON DESCHAMPS (Polydor) Place JOHN LEE HOOKER (ABC): Esquire MAINSTREETEHS (Polydor) Warner s ANNE MURRAY (Capitol): Bijou. Phila-
Academy of Music. N.Y.. (19); Aragon, Des Arts, Montreal, Oct. 15 Show Bar. Toronto, Canada, Oct. 1-13, Theatre, Washington, DC . Oct. 1 9-25, delphia, Oct 24-27.
Chicago (20); Seattle. Wash. (23-24). JIMMY DICKENS (Columbia): Grand Is- HOOKFOOT (A4M): Chicago, Oct 20; In- BARBARA MANDRELL (Columbia): NARVEL FELTS (Mega) Star Dust Club.
GATO BARBIER) (A8C): Koseinenkin land, N Y.. Oct. 21 Mattapoisett, Mass. ;
dianapolis. Ind, (21); Louisville, Ky. Opryland. Nashville, Oct. 21; Dyers- Waldorf. Md Oct. 12-13; Valdosta, Ga.

Hall. Tokyo, Japan. Oct. 7, Koseinenkin (22); Toledo. Ohio (26). (22); Chattanooga. Tenn. (23): Knox- burg. Tenn, (25); Pittsburgh, Pa. (26). (6); Auditorium, N Y (14)
Hall. Osaka, Japan. (8-9); Yuban Hall. DRIFTERS (Bell): Play Girl Club, Ana- viHe. Tenn, (24); Nashville. Tenn, (25). CHUCK MANGIONE (Mercury): Quiet PETER NERO (Columbia) Community
Hiroshima. Japan (10); Municipal Hall. heim. Calif . Oct. 15-22, LOIS HUNT ft EARL WRIGHTSON (Co- Knight, Chicago. Oct- 3-7; England (1 5- Concert. Greenwood. S C Oct, 25 .

Nagoya. Japan (11). ROY DRUSKY (Mercury): Paw Paw. lumbia): Arlington Park. Arlington 21): Ronnie Scot's. London (22-Nov. NEW RIDERS Of THE PURPLE SAGE
BIRTHA (ABC): Saturdays. Denver, Mich,. Oct 20. Heights, HI,. Kansas
Oct, 13; Wichita. 10) (Columbia): Tower Theatre. Phila-
Colo.. Oct 22; Tucson. Ariz, (25); OKIE DUKE (OOP): Rim Rock. Palm (21); Hyatt House-O'Hara. Chicago BARRY MANILOW (Bell) Kiel Opera delphia. Oct- 25; Orpheum (Aquarius).
Phoenix, Anz, (26-27), Springs. Calif,. Oct 2-30. (22-Nov 4) House, St, Louis. Mo Oct. 21; Civic ,
Boston (26),
BLACK OAK ARKANSAS (Atco): Acad- RONNIE DYSON (Columbia): Flamboy- BOBBY HUTCHERSON (Blue Note) Mu- Center Auditorium, Atlanta. Ga. (24); NEW YORK DOLLS (Mercury): Audito-
emy ot Music, N.Y.. Oct, 20; Orpheum ant Hotel. San Juan, Puerto Rico. Oct, seum of Art. Pasadena. Calif ., Oct. 21; Civic Auditorium. Jacksonville, Fla. num Theatre, Rochester. N Y.. Oct, 16;
Theatre. Boston (21 ); Philadelphia (26) 23-29 Inn of Beg. Cotali, Calif (22); Man- (25) Miami Beach Auditorium. Miami
Kleinhans Music Hall, Buffalo. N Y,
BLOOD, SWEAT « TEARS (Columbia): CHARLES EARLAND (Fantasy): The Vik- drakes, Berkeley. Calif. (26-27), Beach (26) (17); Shuberi Theatre. Philadelphia
Orpheum Theatre, Boston, Oct. 7; San ing, Cincinnati. Oct, 2-7; The Jazz Boat, LUTHER INGRAM (Stax): Sugar Shack, MARK/ALMOND (Columbia): Julian An- (19) American Theatre. St, Louis, Mo

Antonio. Texas (24); Dallas. Texas (25) N Y, (9-14); Walt's Mozambique. De- Boston, Oct, 8-15, derson Theatre. Springfield. Mass,, (20) Orpheum Theatre, Minneapolis.

BLUE OYSTER CULT (Columbia): Audi- troit (26-Nov, 4), INTRUDERS (Epic): 20 Grand, Detroit. Oct- 7, Agora. Cleveland. Ohio (15);
Minn, (22).
torium, Mlnr>eapolis. Minn, Oct. 1 1 Pal- ; BlUY ECKSTINE (Stax): Blightys Club. Oct, 19-28. Agora, Toledo, Ohio (16); Palace O'JAYS (Epic): Holiday Inn. Dallas,
ace Theatre, Dayton. Ohio (13); Mas- Er>gland, Oct Ringmer Club, Sus-1-6; IRISH ROVERS (Polydor): Barrie, Can- Theatre, Providence. R (19); Capitol l
Texas. Oct. 7; Flamtioyan Hotel. Puerto
sey Hall. Toronto. Canada (14); Mary sex, England (7-13); Double Diamond ada. Oct 25; Lindsay. Canada (26), Theatre. Passaic. N.J, (20); Philhar- Rico. (15-21)
Sawyer Auditorium, La Crosse, Wise Club. Caephilly. England (14-20); Fron- ISLEY BROTHERS (Epic): Dallas Memo- monic Hall. N.Y, (21); Alexandra Me- TOMMY OVERSTREET (Dot): Stamford,
(19) tier Hotel. Las Vegas (25-31). rial Audilonum. Dallas. Oct, 7;New morial Hall, Atlanta. Ga- (24). Texas. Oct, 20; Carthage. N C. (25),
BONNIE ft CLYDE (Virgo): Johns Supper STONEY EDWARDS (Capitol): Shoal Haven Coliseum. New Haven, Conn. AL MARTINO (Capitol): Columbo s, WEBB PIERCE (Decca): Fairgrounds, Ft.
Club, Springfield. III.. Oct. 2-7, Een- Creek Park. Lavonia, Ga.. D.J, Conven- (21): Scope. Norfolk. Va. (26). Philadelphia. Oct, 20-Nov- 4, Walton Beach, Fla . Oct 5: Bear Moun-
rici s. Park Forest. Ill (9-12). tion, Nashville,Oct. 15-21. MILUE JACKSON (Polydor): Fairfield DAVE MASON (Columbia): Philadelphia. tain, N.Y. (20).
OELANY BRAMLETT (Columbia): Ice EL CHICANO (MCA) Greek Theatre, Los Social Club. Winnsboro, SC. Oct, 19. Oct, 20. Delhi, N Y, (26), JIM POST (Fantasy): Amazingrace Cof-
Palace, Las Vegas, Oct, 12, Angeles. Oct, 7; Guatamala City & San STONEWAU JACKSON THE MINUTE ft
MIREILLE MATHIEU (Polydor) Capitol
feehouse. Evanston. lit.. Oct- 19-22.
JAIME BROCKETT (Capitol): Amazin- Salvadore (26-28). MEN (Columbia): Evansville, Ind., Oct,
Theatre, Trois, Rivieres, Oct. 25; Audi-
BIUY PRESTON (AftM): Deutschland-
grace CoWeehouse. Evanston. Ill . Oct, EL ROACHO (Columbia), Civic Center, 26 torium Dufour, Chicoutimi (26)
halle. Berlin, Germany, Oct. 21; Buda-
5-8 Columbus. Ohio. Oct. 21; Music Hall. LOftI JACOBS (Capitol) Bitter End. N.Y.. pest, Hungary (24); Warsaw, Poland
DAVID BROMBERG (Columbia): Capitol Omaha. Nebr. Oct 10-15; Earl of Old Town, Chicago
JOHN MAYALL (Polydor): Orpheus. Bos-
ton. Ocl, 23; Captiol Theatre, Passaic,
Theatre, Passaic, N J Oct. 13; Acad- BLAKE EMMONS (MCA) Toronto, Ont. (17-21) PUBUC FOOT THE ROMAN (Capitol):
emy of Music. Philadelphia. Pa (26) Canada. Oct. 20; Rochester, N Y. (22); SONNY JAMES (Columbia); Springfield.
N J. (26). Whiskey, Los Angeles, Oct. 10-14;
JAMES BROWN (Poiydor) 8th Street D/ Binghamton. N Y (23); Waterbury. Ohio, Oct 26 LETTA M'BULU (Fantasy) Ceasar s Pal- Cratishaw Corner, Sacramento. Calif.
I.Colorado Springs. Colo.. Oct. 21 Conn (24); Cranston. H I (25); New- WAYLON JENNINGS (RCA): Texarkana. ace, Las Vegas, Oct 1 1-31 (17); Bodega, San Jose. Calif- (18):
JIM ED BROWN (RCA): McAlister, Okia . burg. N Y. (26), Texas. Oct 26. '
COUNTRY JOE McDONALD ft THE ALL- Town ft Country, Ben Lomond. Calif.
Oct 26 BARBARA FAIRCHILD (Columbia) Arie ELTON JOHN (MCA): Sportatorium, STAR BAND (Vanguard) Oct, 7; Pea- (19-20)
BROWNSVILLE STATION (Bell) Crown Theatre. Chicago, Oct. 7; Expo- Miami, Oct. 20. body Auditonum. Daytona Beach. Fla RAIDERS (Columbia): Flamingo Hotel.
Hampton Roads Coliseum. Hampton. sition Bklg . Portland. Maine (12); Audi- ELVIN JONES (Blue Note) South Amer- (12) Las Vegas. Oct 11-Nov 7
Va.. Oct. 7; Sherville. Ind. (14); Boston torium, Worcester, Mass (13); Consis- ica Tour, Oct 23-Dec 15
KENNY RANKIN (Little David): Ebbets
Area (21); L.C. Walker. Muskegon. tory Auditorium. Btoomington. 111. (14), GEORGE JONES ft TAMMY WYNETTE '
Philharmonic Hall, NY . Oct 19
FieW. Denver, Oct, 23-28.
Miss, (23), DONNA FARGO (Dot) Jackson. Miss.. (Epic): Cayuga international Speed- RARE EARTH (Rare Earth): Fair Grounds
ELLEN MclLWAINE (Polydor) Exit Inn.
DAVE BAUBECK (Atlantic): Orlando Mu- Oct 9-10; Saginaw Civic Center. Sagi- way. Hagersville. Canada. Oct. 7. Pavilion, Reno. Nev,. Oct, 20.
Nashville. Oct, 10-13; Karma Coflee
nicipal Auditorium, Orlando. Oct. 24; naw, Mich Oct. 12; Civic Auditorium, Adamsville City Park. Adamsville,
(Continued on page 45)

House. Montreal. Canada (24-27).

Officer s Club, Perraacola. Fla, (25). Grand Rapids, Mich ( 1 3); Civic Center. Tenn (21)
BRUSH ARBOR (Capitol): San Oiego. Lansing, Mich, (14). Slate Fair. Colum- LOIS JOHNSON (MGM) Buffalo. NY.
Calif , Oct 7, CMA Convention. Nash- bia. SC (19). Oct. 2-14; Ft Polk. La (21); Athens.
ville Okmulgee. Okla. (22).
(18-20): FLASH (Sovereign): Baseball Stadium. Cia. (22-31).
ANITA BRYANT (Word/Myrrh): Fon- Miami, Oct 26. SAMMY KAYE (Dale): Fountainebleau
tainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach. Ocl. FLASH CADILLAC (Epic): Maggie' Hotel. Miami Beach. Oct 22. Waldorf
23 Breckenridge, Colo Oct. . 8; Memorial Astoria Hotel, N Y. (23).
SHERRY BRYCE (MGM): Palos Hilts, III.. Auditorium, Pueblo, Colo (9) THE KENDALLS (Dot) OJ Convention.
Oct 13 FLYING CIRCUS (Capitol): Canterbury Nashville. Oct. 17-20
BURNETTE DORSEY (Capitol) Caravan Court, Manhattan, Kansas. Oct 16-17; STAN KENTON (Phase 4 Stereo) City
East, Albuquerque, N,M Oct 8-9 . Dynamite Ballroom: Bettendorf. Iowa Auditorium, Pierre, S D Oct 19; Iowa ,

CARPENTERS (A&M): RPI Fieldhouse. (21-22-23) Wesleyan Chapel Auditorium, Mt

Troy, N Y,, Oct 20; Broom County Vet- TENNESSEE ERNIE FORD (Capitol) Mu- Pleasant, Iowa (22). Civic Auditorium.
erans Memorial. Binghamton. NY sic City Golf Tournament. Nashville. Forest City, Iowa (23); Ringling
(21); Kleinhans Hall, Suffalo.
Memorial Audilonum. Kitchener. Ont,.
Canada (23); Treasure Island Audito-
N Y (22); Oct. 12-14
MICHAEL FRANKS (Buddah) Bitter End,
N Y Oct. 17-22.
Theatre. Baraboo. Wise (24).
ALBERT KING (Stax) Playboy Club. St,
Louis. Mo Oct 5-13 .
^gVlanagement Ctee
rium. London. Ont, (24) KINKY FRIEDMAN (Vanguard): Music B.B. KING (ABC/Dunhill) Jubilee Personal Management
VIKKI CARR (Columbia): Palace Theatre. Hall, Houston, Texas, Oct 21. Theatre. Calgary. Canada. Oct 8. Kins-
NY, Oct 23-27 DAVID FRIZZELL (Capitol). Rio Palm (sla. men Field House, Edmonton. Canada for* performing - recording groups

JOHNNY CARVER (ABC) City Island Ball Longvww. Texas, Oct 12 (9); P ft E Gardens, Vancouver. S C..
Park. Daytona Beach, Fla Oct 25
TOMMY CASH (Epic) Germany, Oct 7-
Salisbury, Md Oct . 13
Civic Center. Canada
Carlos. Cahl
(lO). Circle Star Theatre.
(11-14); The Roxy
San Hon Singer
21; Italy. Greece & Turkey. Oct 22-29
HARRY CHAPIN (Elektra): Great South-
JACK GREENE/JEANNIE SEELY Theatre. Los Angeles (15-17); Memo- '^arryDunlap
(MCA) Grand Ole Opry. Nashville. Oct rial Field House. Huntington. W. Va..

east Music Hall, Atlanta. Ga Oct 23- . 19-20: Batchtown. Ill (26) (20) 213 273^7211
29, DON GIBSON (Hickory) Syria Mosque, JOHN KLEMMER (ABC) The Light-
RAY CHARLES (ABC) Freiburg. Oct 20; Pittsburgh. Pa , Oct 26 house, Hermosa Beach, Calif , Oct 16-
Frankfurt (21); Munster (22); Cologne MERLE HAGGARD (Capitol) Civic Cen- 28
(23);South Perth, England (25) ter, Monroe. La Oct 12, Hirsch Memo- , GLADYS KNIGHT ft THE PIPS (Buddah)
CHICAGO (Columbia), Idaho State Fair. rial ODiiseum. Shreveport, La (13), Mu- Public Audilonum, Cleveland, Ohio.
Boise. Idaho, Oct 8 nicipal Auditorium. Austin. Texas (14) Oct Convention Center. Indian-
JERRY CLOWER (MCA) Brownwood, TOM T, HALL (Mercury): Coliseum, Ma- apolis, Ind. (21). Jackson Coliseum.
Texas, Oct 22: Sheraton Inn, Biloxi, con, Ga Oct . 13, Pensacola. Fla (18). ,
Jackson. Miss (25); Municipal Audito-
Miss (23) Civic Center. Saginaw. Mich (25) rium. Mobile. Ala (26)
COMMANDER CODY (Paramount) ALBERT HAMMOND (Epic) Century II. SLEEPY LaBEEF (Plantation) Colum-
Tower Theatre. Philadelphia. Oct. 25; Wichita, Kansas. Oct 1 1 :
Assembly bus. Ga Oct 12; Groton, Conn (15-

Aquarius Theatre, Boston (26) Center, Tulsa. Okia (18) 27) 8961 Sunset "Vlvd. 'T^nthouse 'Los ^ngcles. C»- 90069
NORMAN CONNORS (Buddah) Key- JOHN HAMMOND (Columbia) Sohiiers & SAM LEOPOLD (Mercury) Great South-
Stone Corners Club. San Francisco, Sailors Hall. Kansas City. Kansas. Oct. east Music Hall. Atlanta. Ga , Oct. 9.



TalenlinAdion CfeQliveTrends,
NEIL YOUNG bcrr)' Winc." John\ charismatic impact on

GRAHAM NASH his audience was clearly on-iargcl. giving

ample support to the superstar status he has 'Midnight Special' New Elektra Act
The Row. Loi Angeles
Neil Young in pmhahly today's king of
achieved in recent years and neatly en-
hanced with three lop ^^inglcs in recent
Bows with $200G
the laid-back school of "my music
wrilcr smgcra, Bui his voice
stance are so distinctive, ihcy
i^ my
and perNonal

months His program here offered both
new material from his
chart successes and
forthcoming MCA
double album. Through-
Leaving Studio, Stage Spectacle
show in themselves. Young's audience atthe out, his band, the seasoned team of Davcy LOS ANGELES-Jobriath. the
giU Roxy Theater nilery opening was
predominanlly in their mid teens, because
these are (he only music Tans dedK:aled
Johnstone. Nigel Olsson. and Dec Murray
played at fuU-throlile. and. by the first en-
core. "Saturday Night's Alright For Fight-
Adding FIVI Stereo last artist signed by Jac
fore departing as Elektra president,

be presented to the public in a


enough to wait all nighl on the street Tor the ing," the energy output had dearly reversed By NAT FREEDLAM) will
unique theatrical spectacle. The
Ikkel trfTice to open. the u.sua1 pattern uf heavy rockers that beat LOS ANG£LES-"Midnighl catcd "Rock Concert" so far has 105.
Paris Opera House has been booked
Switching between piano and guitar with their crowds into submiwion: the entire hall Special." enteringits second season We have consistently been first in
his lead back up musician. Nils Lofgrin (of was on its feci, wailing on the choruses and for four days starting Dec. 14 for a
on the NBC television network, is our time slot and we just deliver the
Grin). Young revealed a previously unheard danang in the aislcs- "Hair"-style preseniation with Jo-
lode of Tine new songs, For the few familiar Complementing John was Island's young expanding its format this fall. A biggest audience of these shows."
crew of 20 and a videotaping truck More Location Shows briath performing his own music
numbers he performed, he was joined on- band, the Sutherland Brolhcrri Sl Quiver.
backed by a rock band. 12 dancer-
stage by Graham Nash, former partner in Actually the union between the Suthcr- were flown to England immediately "Midnight's" regular producer-
Crosby. Nash & Young, and a lands. a fine, rocking vocal duo. and a re-
singersand S200.0O0 worth of sets he
Stills. last- show Tues-
after taping the currenl director, Stan Harris, will take the
minute opening act who also won a standing spected English band. Quiver, the unit designed himself To follow will be a
day night at NBC's Burbank facility. series to San Francisco in December
ovation. shows considerable strength in a vocal lour of Europe with the show.
What made (he evening most memorable Three European shows are to be lo film two location shows with stars
sound that evokes the Evcrlys and other pro- According to his manager. Jerry
was its sense of oocasion. as the brand-new tean rockers, and in snappy, ebullient st>ngs filmed in ihe next two weeks. The based there. "Since we've delivered
Brandt who founded the Electric
Roxy opetted with the elite of the Western that return to the melodic richness and first segment will include at least 45 consistent ratings, NBC is giving us
rock community inside and a sur-struck structural economy of the mid '60's at least minutes of David Bowie performing. Ihe green light lo get out of our live
Circus in New York and Paradise
crowd out front. in spirit. This is a rough-edged young band Ballroom here. Europe is the ideal
Ringo Starr is among ihe other big studio setting every couple of
The Roxy stage was festooned with high- which clearly enjoys itself onstage, and that area to break an unknown artist in
names appearing in the European months," said Sugarman.
heeled boots decked on the piano and walls, feeling is transmitted to the audience. the theatrical glam-rock genre.
and boasted a fake^palm tree. After ordering SAM .SlfTHERLAND location shootings. Sugarman first won success as a
boy-wonder foreign car and mo- As Jobriath Boone, the 22-ycar-
the p«lm spotlighted. Young even felt com- Another new element for "Mid-
old Pennsylvanian played leads in
fortable enough to remove his dark shades GILBERT O'SULLIVAN night Special" will be stereo simul- torcycle dealer in Beverly Hills. He
nd Mare at the adoring crowd.
MAUREEN McGOVERN casting of the sound over NBC FM produced TV specials on Jose Fcli-
various "Hair" companies. His
NAT FUEEOLAND A verv Fisher Hall. New York outlets by the end of the year. "In ciano and Dionne Warwicke before
Elektra- Asylum LP. "Jobriath." is
due this week. Aside from singing,
ELTON JOHN Gordon Mills' latest import, Gilbert cities where NBC doesn't have FM bringing "Midnight Special" to
O'Sullivan. made New York concert de- writing, playing keyboards and pro-
stations, the simulcasts will be of- NBC.
but at the newly named Avery Fisher Hall ducing the album, Jobriath will
QUIVER fered to other broadcasters." said As for the series impact on record
(formerly Philharmonic) and found that he dance and mime in his show as well
Madison Square Garden, New York just may be next in line for the crown of Bun Sugarman. the series packager. sales. Sugarman gives the example
as directing.
Ellon John may not have brought five pi- this month's top teenybopper superstar. "Midnight Special" has kept of Jim Croce's "Big Bad Lcroy
Throughout the show, the MAM
artist was shooting new shows all summer, Brown.** which was dropping down
He painted the designs for all cos-
anos, legions of doves, celeb look-alikes or
Linda Lovelace, high points of his I..A. ap- greeted with squeals, aisle-rushing picture with no repeats shown. For its firsi the charts and was when tumes and sets to be used in his stage
at no. 7
pearance, to the Garden. But he did bring takers and faraway of "We love you.
cries extravaganza, which arc being con-
anniversary segment in Jnuary. a Croce performed on "Midnight it
his high-octane band, some of his best mate-
Gilbert," He duly acknt>wledgcd his lively structed by Design Associates of
worshippers with bashful thank yous.
complete show will be assembled en- Special." The record promptly
rial and apparently limitless reserves of
tirely of tape clips of million-seller jumped up lo no. .slot and Croce New Jersey.
energy to provide a packed house with two The young man is essentially a writer and 1

an able crafUman at that. His songs are lyr- gold records performed on previous gave the show most credil for this
One of the scenic effects in prepa-
full hours of often exhilarating contempo-
ical, easily remembered tunes about love,
ration is Jobriath's first entrance as a
rary rock. episodes. comeback.
Fnim opening piano chords of "Elder- (Continued on page 20) floatingclown head from a box. The
the Midnight Country Comes Croce was scheduled
lo hosi "Midnight Special" last
box then expands into a 36-fool
Next year will probably also see a
lower which becomes first a Kama
Monterey Finale: Parker monthly special of "Midnight Spe-
cial—Country Edition." probably on
month on the week he died in an air-
plane crash. Chuck Berry made his
Sutra altar and then the Empire
Stale Building, where Jobriath is lo
Saturdays at 11:30 p.m. starting hosting debut on that segment,

And Family Affair Nights lime. "We don't feel there are
enough oouniry superstars lo carry a
cancelling a Texas lour date to
on 48 hours notice.
fly in
re-enact the death scene of

(Coverage of the Monierey Jazz been together for some lime-pro- weekly 90-minute show like our rock
Festival, begun in last week 's Talent duced clean, crisp sounds in unison 'Midnight Special.' " said Sugar-
and individually. The emphasis was
section is concluded below.)
The Modern Jazz Quartet played on relaxed, happy music.
man. "A country star slays on top for
20 years."
Warner's Free Magazine
two of Parker's luncs ("Now's the
Sets A High Standard
The Heath Brothers, Percy on A pilot edition of alt-country
Time" and "Concentration") with bass: Tutti on drums and Jimmy on "Midnight Special" aired this sum-
their finely honed control and subtle saxophone, played sensitive, deli- mer actually had a 10 percent larger
asseniveness. And they also played cate music. Pianist Jimmy Rowles rating than the show usually gets, LOS ANGELES-Afier three lo our key users and opinion
some of their own tunes. Carmen and his 17-ycar-old daughter Stacey although Sugarman felt the regular yeare as a full-fledged weekly mini- makers."
McRae then offered her standard, on trumpet, were the only father- 1-2:30 Friday lime slot was too late magazine, the Warner Bros. "Circu- However, when any serious record
excellent bag of pop ballads. daughter act and she was very im- for most country aficionados. lar" has been imitated by many collectors take the trouble to write a
Dizzy Gillespie didn't play any of pres-sivc with a warm and mellow "We other major labels, but not with the request to Warner, they are put on
have 200 NBC-TV outlets
Parker's tunes with his own quinlct. horn sound on "Moment to Mo- covering 98 percent of the country," success or staying power brought lo the Circular mailing list.

but he did with a special group of ment." said Sugarman. "ABC-TV's 'In
it by WB
editorial director Pete The magazine's finished type is
beboppers including Max Roach. Concert" only has a over 150
Johnson. brought by Johnson lo Rod Dyer's
Tenor sax man Stanley Turrcntine little
John Lewis. Mill Jackson. Ray and Don Kirshner's syndi- Laurel Canyon design studio each
and brother Tommy on trumpet, stations As editorial director, Johnson is
Brown. Sonny Still and Frank Roso- Thursday afternoon, where the two
heated things up a bit only lo have responsible for proofing all Warner
lino. lay it out on drawing boards. "Circu-
husband-wife Jackie and Roy Krai. wordage seen by the public. "I'm the
Sunday evening was "Family company speller," he says. "Liner
lar" is printed that nighi and in Ihc
ctx)l things ofl' with their sweet har-
Night" and that wa.s an uneven af- mail Friday morning.
fair. Trumpeting brothers Pete and
Conte Candoli-a duo which hasn't
monies and
much too long.
scatting. They were on
LS'igningsJ notes are still rarely used, but
many albums have lyric sheets and
now so
"Wc do get complaints about mail
delays from readers who get the
ihcyall must be gone over carefully.
The Jones brothers. Elvin on magazine too late lo enter Dr. De-
• Continued from page 14 We're involved with the advertising
drums and Thad on trumpet, played menlo's weekly pop trivia conlest."
Sound Records, a Holly- copy too."
some straight ahead melodies, and Original says Johnson.
then Thad took his place in front of wmxi- based a be They a re L. A.
I 1 . In addition. Warner has pio-
Sophisticated Selling
Unsurpassed in Quality the 17-piece band with co-founder Walker ("They Gave Us Rock 'n' neered a new variant of liner notes, Of course, al bottom line the
Mel Lewis on drums. Roll"). Zapala ("Viva La Raza") known as 9x9s. These fad sheets are magazine is an elaborate but effec-
and Ron flolden{"Can You Talk?"). inserted inside ihc shrink wrappings
Although they have lots of energy
and power, the band lacks a distinc- , John Madara has signed wiih
. .

20th Century Music to administer

on most promotional album mail-
ings. And for new artists, Warner
tive tool for
WEA sales force
informing the far-flung
and general music
tive signature sound. On the three community about the stronger
1000 LOTS
PHOTOS »55«>
movement "Suite for Pops." pianist
Roland Hanna exploded with a
his publishing companies. Double
Diamond and Young Ideas with a
has been placing 9x 9s in albums sold
al stores loo. Naturally.
Johnson and
points of new Warner product, while
helping maintain the shine on WB's
1000 POSTCARDS marvclously spirited piano with Fr- catalog of 83 songs. hLs a.ssisianl editors, Joel Besser unusually hip corporate reputation.
roll Gamer mannerisms and plenty
. . . Joey Loren. Pyc artist, re-signed and Alli.son Wickwire. are respon- But "Circular" generally manages
of two-handed cadenzas. The band's with manager Kay Smith. Sammy . . . sible for preparing ihcsc nolcs.
toa>mment on the most inlcresting
CUSTOM »85 While has signed with Canary-Yel-
vocalist Dec Dee Bridgewater is a Ex Times Critic music happenings currently, even if
COLOR PRINTS Mr IM low Bird. Earl Miles' Portland-based
spirited singer with a pt»werful voice they don't invlove Warner. And it
Johnson, the first rock critic of the
COLOR LITHO 5175 who holds her own against all the
label. . . . Pop singer Shannon has
"Li>s Angeles Times" before joining regularly uses freelance work by re-
H' 10O0 signed with Flvitrure Recordings.
brass. spected music journalists such as
KI'Jl 'li'l^tiiUH.l: 'M There was one bit of irony: just as
First release is expected this month.
Warner, was and remains a dedi-
cated music fan.He served in ihe Todd Everett and Leonard Brown.
C"armen McRac began to sing Stevie Army concert impresario
with "What we really like is to give the
20*X30"30K40" Wonder's "You Are the Sunshine of 2nd Gold 'Superstar' Richard Nader and they used to gel
first deceni-paying a.s.signments to a
v.50 »10.M My Life" Saturday, it began to rain. new rock journalisi who has been
LOS ANGELES-The sound- and listen to old-
together lo discuss
Then it stopped. giving away his work to Ihe under-
track of "Jesus Christ Superstar" has ieswhenever duty didn't call.
The least attended concert tS.OOO) been ceriified a million-dollar al- Some 13,000 free copies of "Cir- grounds," says Johnson.
was the Sunday matinee devoted to bum by the Recording Industry As- cular" are mailed each week, "We
rhoioqrap herr the lop high school bands and sociation of America, thus making could easily double the circulation if
« Clr.ii.oii g| JAMES J.KRIEGSMANN soloists playing along with several the music a double winner since the it was feasible to absorb all those More Talent
165 W. 46th St., N Y. 10036 pros. They were quite good. original 2-LP set of the music sold mailing costs," says Johnson. "But it
;212) PL 7 0233 See Page 20
ELIOT TIECEL several million copies. only makes sense to send 'Circular'
(lompus News.
LWhol's HQppening_l Campus Doles.
(All entries for Campus Dales should be submitted to
By SAM SUTHERLAND Sam Sutheriand. Billlwunl I tsMr Plaza, ^ew York. N.Y. 10036)
Service Station: At Western Michigan V.. Kalamazoo. WMU K-FM s JUUIAN CANNONBALL AODERLEY LESTER FLATT (RCA): College. Kub- RICHARD NADER'S ROCK 1 ROLL
pfogicisive programming afTiliale. Icnown to us as "Crankcase," now has (Fantasy): Univ. of Main«. Orono. town. Pa.. Oct, 7: Juniata College. REVIVAL: Bowling Green Univ.. Ky..
TMincMbat the helm as program director. Predecessor Beth Rosengani Maine. Oct. S Huntingdon. Pa. <13) Oct. 26
has gone on to woric with Gunther Hauer at Atlantic Records in New AEWMMmi (Cotumbla): John Carroll FLYING cmcUS (Capitoi): Waah. ft Laa NAZMinH (ASM): Univ. ol Maiytand,
York. ... At WSSu-FM, U. of Wisconsin-Superior, new stafTincludes op- Univ., Ctmamd, OMa, (M, IS; OMo Univ Lexington. Va., Oct 7; Oeens
, BMmora. oeL 7; Madhen GeMa*.
erations manager Jim Brown, program director Ray Oakes and music SUta Univ. (!•> Maaon Collags, WaaMnglon, DiC, (M IMfiMui8,V«.pn
rector Paul Swanoski, who'll share his duties with Brown In beautiful
UimCR auiMN (PMoim): IMv. «l MWO mvE (Buddak): Bola* «Me ^ (CeliMMa): LeeliBMn
Now Dmw* 8oulh Mwd, IihL, 06l> 18!
Forest, 111., the
as WLFC. has changed status
AM carrier operation at Lake Forest Collejie once
and letters It's now WMXM-FM, H.09)
Uato.. Boiaa, ktaho, Oct.
KMY nU IMv. ol
(Ml. StMuni, IMai B«bsn. Oet. IS
18 kPa.(W)
ICelunMi): Tlie Palsetra. Univ. ol
and main men George Tyler and Peter Peterson will he around gradu-
till AimH)H,MUI»MY»« nra OaoMMH VdddriQc Meialwad lliiiiliielii. N.Y, Oct 12: Gym-MKMa-
WMtain M. Unlv.i SliSa CMagai Mnn, (M. 11; IMv. ol SBK Cei Oalagft Edhen, N.J. <14)i
ation. The music director's slot for this year hasn't been filled yet. so con-
OeLtS ..Cha mpegmCia); Bgti C eSige, M.
tact either of the above. ..
MMMUMIMNER OVERDIIIVe (ttf- .NjI^ (24): Vliglnia ComnonanaWi
« * * cwy): Wtat GMrgia CoSega, Cainii- OUm «M0 (RCA): IMv. el N, OHo- IMv„ RtohiMnd, Ve, (21)
some astute campus folk caught news of the upcoming Cali-
ton, (aa.. Oct. 18: Univ. at SwMto. lado, QunwrHall. Oiaa», Oct 21 Ml tXMIMUM (Cotumbia): Harper
Saallia,Waih. (21) OUNHIU MMD (BiaMalO: OMSsns tiol- Colaga^ PaMkie, n„ Oct 2B
romia Campus Radio Co-operative meet set for Oct. 27-28 at Califoinia MDKAVS (Stax): Virginia Union Univ.. loge. N.V., OoL 7 RMK EMm (Ran Eaidi); MadMn Col-
Polytech in San Luis Obispo. That story surfaced mysteriously in SB's ra- Ridlinond. Va . Oct. 20 GYPSY (RCA): CoSaga, Winona, Mmn.. lage. Harrisonbuiig, Va, Oct 13
dio programming news ia^t week, but. while our agents arc tracking down aiRTHA(ABC): Univ N Colora<lo. Colo .
Oel. 7 HELEN REOOV (CapHoQ: Univ. Ol Teasa,
that relocation, please note that the projected meeting, the second built Oct 21. Univ ol New Mexico Aibu- JOHN HARTFORD (Wamar Bros ): Calif Austin. Oct 17
quefgue (24) State. Sacramento, Oct. 7: Thiel Col- RIVER Crrv (Enterprise) Arkansas State
aratmii the ladio ooHip ihenic, wiU liy IP contaiidate tne niove for a fttte
wide assodation of both college and high school radio stations.
BUCK OAK ARKANSAS (Atco) Cho lege. Qreenvllle. Pa., (13): Wilkes Col- Univ ,
Jonesboro, Oct 12
wanCotlege. Murfreesboro. N.C Oct. .
lege. Wilkes-Barre, Pa (14): Calif EARL SCRUGGS REVUE (Columbia):
More infomwlion i$ avaibtUe ftom Stare Ttachcr and the folks at 8; St. Joseph Regional High School. State Unrv., California, Pa (18) Mount Union College, Alliance. Ohio,
KSDT-AM. FM. U. of CaUftHnia, San Diego, P.O. Box 109. La JolU. Montvale, NJ (12) WOOOY HERMAN (Fantasy) St Mary s Oct 13, Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre.
Calif 92037. BLOOO, SWEAT S TEARS (Columbia): College, South Bend, Ind Oct. 16 ,
Pa. (14). Washington 8 Lee Univ., Lex-
Bloomsburg State College, Blooms- DR. HOOK a THE MEDICINE SHOW (Co- ington, Va. (18). Tenn. Tech,, Cocfcaa
* * * lumbia) Mo Soulhern College. Cape
burg. Pa Oct 12: Concordia Teachers
. ville (20).Unnr of Charleston, S.C. (21):
ZBS Media, Inc., the programming production firm that last year of- College. River Forest. Ill (13): Adams Girardeau, OcL 11: Ark State Coliege. Elmhurst College, III. (26)
fend an extenaive ndio teiial to ooli^ bioadcaxten (The Fonrth Slate Cotlege. Alamosa. Colo (15). JcnedMio<12)[ StMaCoHoga. ailspaiy BOLA SETE (Columbia) Umv ol the Pa-
Southern Colo. State College. Pueblo. Rock. Pa. ask Tann. Tadi., Cookvlla, cific. Stockton, Calif Oct 12: Perana
Tower oT Inverness'^, is at it again. This year's event will be "Moon Over ,

Colo (16): S D. State Univ Brookings. (20) Community College, Oakland, Calif.
Morocco,*" a stereo serial that again utilises a variety of aural possibilities
S D. (17): Blaclthill State. BlackhlH. JOHN LEE HOOKER (ABC) North Texas (18): Cal Slate, Humboldl, Areata, Calif
to explore magic and mayhem in the Old World. N.D. (18): MorningskJe Colege. Sioux Slate College, Denton, Oct 24 (26-28)
This year, however, ZBS is having its share of problems securing fund- City. Iowa Drake Univ Des
(19), ISLEY BROS. (Epic): Florida ASM, Talla- PAUL SIMON (Columbia) Ga Stale
ing for the series. And, before they can Gnaliw pOiiiUe spononhip, they Moines. Iowa (20): Washburn College, hassee, Oct 13: Cenim Slala Univ., Univ ,
Atlanta. Oct 12: Miami Univ., Ox-
Topeka, Kansas (21), Coe College, Ce- Wiiberiorce. Ohio (igx State Univ., fonl. Ohio (13): Cornell Umv Ithaca,
need moie aocnnte audience flgures. So, the series this year win cost sta- .

dar Rapids, lOiMa (23), San Angelo Geneseo, N Y (20) NY (19), Kent State Umv Ohio (20);
tions some bread, and ZBS could use whatever listernership surveys and

State Univ., San Angelo. Texas (26) ELTON JOHN (MCA): Univ of Ind .
Univ of Va.. Charlonesville (20)
demapajphics on college radio in general Ihc) ean find. BLUE OYSTER CM-T (Columbia) North- BiDomington. Oct. 7: Middle Tenn. SLY a THE FAMtLY STONE (Epic): UnlV.
AsZSS^ Mike Roach comments, "We all know that college radio has a ampton Community College. Bethle- State Univ., Murtr«aaboro(12); Univ. ol of Maryland. Arbitus, Oct. 7
lot of Usteneis, but we've got to be able to prove it before well get any l>em. Pa Oct. 7 . Tenn. KnoKvMa (19)1 UMV. ot Gaoigla. SONS OF CHAMPUN (CokmiMa): IMv.
significant fespome from the big advertisen." DAVID BROMBERG (Columbia): Alle- Athena (19); Uiihi. ol Fla.. tlalBaevllle of Iowa.Iowa City. Oel. 7: Univ. el
gheny Univ.. MaadsviHs. Pa., Oct 20 (21) CaM., Riverside (28)
* * * DAVE BRUaECK (Atlantic): Tulana Univ., EOOIE KENDRICm (Motoam): Moigen BRUCE 8PRIMMTEEN (Columllia):
Jem Records, the import record distribution operation located in South Oct2S Stale Collaga FMd House, BaMnwn. Unhr. ol Bridgaport, Conn., Oct. 1ft

Plainsfleld. N.J.. has begun mailing its newsletter to interested stations AI«TA aRVMIT (Wonl/Mifnti); Pwdua Md..0eL2« FianMn Piaree CaSeg*. Rtidgai, NM.
tMv. W. Lalayatia, im. Oot 20 (20)
and friends of the industry.
Among other import titles available are all product in the Trojan cata- 1. 1^.. Oct 7 OeL7
loK tot tilose who might sinptct that this implies unsavory social possi- .a mm vtao/owttm nmmtem IMv. Onion. Mass dSk KMUand Cal-
tagii, CMon. N.V. (1% IMon Colege,
note that Trojan is a U.K. rerord label specializing in reggae.
biiites, Raabuig. Idaho. Oct. 11: Brtoham Rkrer Colaaa, Sacnmanio, Cdl., Oct
More information and catalogs on available titles are available from Veuag Untr,, Pram. Utah (12): Wasiam 18: LMngslon Collaga. Piseataway, 8elteneclei».M.V.<IW)
Walt O'Brien at Jem. IMl UMv„ Katamazoo, Mk;h. (25): N.J. (21) ALAN snVIU (PdirdM): Banaca Col-
MSlBla UMv.. Munele. Ind. (2«) FREDDIE KING HoMra Univ.. lage, ToRHiUi Del, 20
PICKS ANDPLAYS; WEST- California -CCIA (Cable FM), Cali- mm CMM (Columbia): Univ. ot Ind, Hempstead. N Y Oct, 8
. STORKS (Kama 8uM)i Lahaun Col-
fonnalnditaleoftlie Alts, Valencia, Don Stowne reporting "Full Moon." Tens Hiiila, Oct 13 LETTERMEN (Capitol): Georgia South- lege. BnMW, N.V., OeL 12; IMv. ai
(LP), Kria KristoffiRSon t Rita Coolidge. A&M: "Goals Head Soup," CUmnrn nUMLY (Columbia): Univ. ot western College. Americus. Oct, 8 N C waminglon (IS): Univ. ot Tam.,

(LP), RoMng Stones Rolling Stones: "Angel Clare." (LP). Art Garfunkcl. Montana, Miaaoula, Oct 12: Montana RAMSEY LEWIS (Columbia) Logan Hall, Ciarksviiie(i9): N C State Univ., Rodv.
Stale Univ., Bozenian (13) Tusitegee Institute, Ala Oct 7: Fisk
Odnmbia KSDT-FM. U. of California. San Diego, La Jolla. Linda . mount (20)
JCtMNY CASH (Columbia): Univ ol Univ., Nashville (10), Calif Slate Col-
Clark reptHting: "Deodalo 2," (LP), Deodalo. CTI; "Goats Head Soup." ilAontana. Missoula. Oct. 12: Montana Northndge
STRAWB8 (A«M): Carnegie Malton
lege, (12): Htgh School,
(LP), Rolling Sloacs, Rolling Stones: "Innervisions." (LP). Sievie Won- State Univ.. Bozeman (13)
Univ.,PMaburgh. Pa., Oct. 11: Pdnee-
Spnngfield. Ill (14). Univ. of Oenvar,
tonumv.. N.V.(12)
der, Tamla. . KALX-FM, U. of California. Berkeley. Pcl/.el & Steven-
. . HARRY CHAPiN (Elekira): III. Stale Univ. Colo (22): Univ of Akron. Ohio (23)
son reporting: "Cockroach Stomp," Blanchard & Morgan, Epic: "Love Auditorium, Normal. Ill Oct 16: Delta LOm UEBERMAN (Capitol): San Oiego STYX (Wooden Nickle-RCA): Western III.

Community College University Center. Oct 12-13 Univ. Student Unwn. Macomb. Oct. 19
Has Got Me?" (LP), Wendy Waldman, Warner Bros.: "A Dramatic Expe- State College. Calif ,

Mich (18): St NorbeM College, Pen- LIGHTHOUSE (Polydor): Geoiga Mason SirrHERLAND BROS. 8 OUIVER (Is-
rience," (LP). Dramatics, Volt. KZSU-FM. Stanford U.. Stanford, ning Auditorium De Pere Wise (19) washinglon, 0.C Oct. 26:
College, land): Univ. of Ind.. Bloomington. dcL
Paul Wells reporting: "Valley Hi." (1 Pi Ian Matthews, Elcktra: "Crazy CHICAGO (Columbia) Univ ot Montana, Washington 8 Les UMv., Lsidnglcn, Middle Tenn. State Univ., Murfroaa-
Eyes." (LP). Poco. Epic: "3 + 3." (LP). Islev Brothers T-Neck. KCSN- . . . Missoula, Gel 7. N M. Stale Univ. Va (7) boro (12): Univ. ol Tann., KnoxvMs
AM, California Slate L'.. Northridj^e. Dave Schwartz & To Sullivan re- Cnices. N M (12): Univ. ot New Um- LOCMINS a MESSINA (Columbia): Brad- (13); UMv. ol Ga., Athene (18): Unlv. ol
Albuquerque Eaalam - -
porting: "Amazing l ove," Charley Pride. RCA: "My Love is Deep. My ico, (13); llicti. ley Unrw Peoria, III Oct 18: Univ. ol III,

Love is Wide." Pat Daisy, RCA: •'Sawmill." (LP). Mel Tillis, MGM Univ ,
Ypsilanii (26)
COMMANDER CODY (Paramount) Duke
Urbana. (19). Western III Univ., Ma-
comb (20): Fkjrida Stale Untv Talla-
KPCS-FM. Pasadena City College, Leonard Leon reporting: "Wonderful Univ..Durham. N.C Oct 20: Virginia . hassee (25)
MMa. Qa.. Ot^^^BMiap Oetagei
World, Beautiful People," (LP), Jimmy Cliff. A&M: "Don't Mess With Commoniwealth Univ Richmond (21) , HAHAVISHHU (Columbia) Queens Col-

MisterT." (LP), Stanley Turrentine, CTI: "Introduction." ( LP), Thijs Van CHiCK COREA (Polydor): Umv ol Bul- Oct 7: Wake For-
lege, Flushing, N.Y.. THE TREND (Capitol) East N M Univ.,

Leer, Columbia KCHO-FM, Chico Stale College. Chico: "Child of fato. NY, Oct 12 Wmslon-Salem, N C. (11):
est Univ., Portales. Oct, 13

Nature." (LP). Jack Traylor & Steelwind, Grunt: "Rainbow Concert."

LARRY CORYELL (Vanguard) N Y Stale Univ of N.C
Chapel HIH (12). TANYA TUCKER (Columbia); CoMaga.
Univ., Buftaki. Oct. 12 MELISSA IMANCHeSTER (Bell): Sanders
(LP), Eric Clapton, RSO: "Countdown to Ecstasy. (LP). Steely Dan, "

CYMANDE (Janus). Tuskeegee College. Theatre. Harvard Univ., Mass.. Oct. 12: |ihamiila,Taaaa(K)
ABC/Dunhill. Oregon -KLCC-FM, Lane Community College. Eu-
. . .
Tuskeegee. Ala.. Oct.. 12. A&T Col- Farieigh [Dickinson ^niv.. N.J.. (13):
gene. Dave Chance reporting: "Deliver The Word." (LP), Nebraska— lege, Greenstioro. N.C. (13) Univ of Bndgepon, Conn. (19)
KE • TMA TUMER (UnRed AilMa):
EL ROACHO (Ck>lumb<a):
sua TaaohacB Colaga, Valdoata. Oa.,
RRNU-FM, U. of Nebraska. Lincoln, Jay Hansen reporting: "I Got a McMinville Col- MARK/ALMOND (Columbia): Widenar
Oct, 10: Univ. of S O,. Vermason (12);
Eugene. Oregon. Oct
Name," Jim Crote. ABC/Dunhill: "Nutbush City Limits," Ike A Tina lage. 10. Calii College. Chester, Pa., Oct. 14
State College. Murray. Ky (26)
State. Long Beach (14) DAVE MASON (BHlS TMltlti): UMV. ol
Tncr, United Artists: "Hurts So Good." Millie Jackaoa, Spring. MAYNARD FERGUSON (Columbia) Pur- LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III (Columbia):
* *
N Y,. Osnego. Oct. 7! Chase WaalMn
due Univ,. W. Lafayette, Ind Oct, 8; Dartmouth Collaga. Hanovar, N.H.,
Raaane CI«raland(t9)cCllhole
As personnel chunj^f.s tint/ nihcr forte %<hih' /ntufniioij Pick Univ of Wise.. Wausau (9): N.D State Oat 13
nt'\\ \ \ ft>r \ ($ IMv.. Washington (14): Tsaiiila UMv..
Phyt during the /ir.ii weeks oj Ihe tall, lisiingx will ruiule geogrupliU ally. IJ
Univ.. Fargo (11):Southwestern Col-
Kansas (13): Washburn
PNMaiphia (20): State Univ. ol N.Y.. JM WIUH (ABC): umv. a«a£.. Celiac
you ltd not appear in this week 's listings, much this eolunm for your area to
lege. Winfleld.
Delhi (26) Ha, Oct 10: IMM SteleColeae, Cleve-
Univ.. Topalta, Kansas (14); Drury Col- Hmd. Mise, (19): Unlv. of MIee..
laga. Sprlngtlaid, Mo (IS): Lynchburg JOHN MAYALL (Polydor): Convention
Toronto, Toronto. Oct. Slailnviae (IS): North sai l La. Stale
Hall. Univ. of 7,
College. Lynchburg. Va.. (17): Appala- Univ Monroe (17)

SMBd Fdr OnUulo Fanshaw College, London. Ont. (9): Al- ,

NEW YORK-The sixth annnal space available to (
cxian Univ., Boone. N.C, (18-19): Bath-
any CMIege, Bethany. W. Va. (20): Walt
WtiSman High School, Bathasda, Md.
bany suite College. N Y (19): Stoney-
brook College. Gym. N Y. (20)
Stillwater (26)
Ruston. Oct.
9: Okla. State Univ..
La Tech.

(22): Va Inlannant Collsge, Btlslol

CaniKlian Entertainment Confer- creased since lasi year's meeting. (^ J.R. TucHer High School, Rich- Umv. ol Toledo, Ohio. Oct. 7: Dart- DOC WATSON • SON (United Aitlata):
ence will be held at the Holiday Inn. Evening showcases are expected to mond, Va 04: Duquaaanc Univ., Plita- nuuth Collaga, Hanovar. N.H. (13): Sandara ThaaHa. Htrvaid IMv., Cam-
Kitchener. Oni Nov 9-13. College
. offer an average of eight acts during taiii^l>B.m Pilncaion Univ., N.J. can feddgs. Maae., Oct. 7: Manlah Colle»

and university talent buyers will SIM iMMBIMOII (M): New Maxlee lUBN McR-WMNE (Polydol): Univ. ol house, Mich. Stale Univ., E. LansMg
each evening's slot The conference
ttiK Univ., US Cnioas. Oct ft Bilg- Ala. University. Oct. 19: Univ. o( Minn.. (26^
meet this year with reprcsenialives b again being supported by a gram ham Young Univ., Pravo, Utrii (IDk Minneapolis (23) WEATHER REPORT (Columbia): Univ. Of
at the non-lfaeatrieal nim industry from the Fedemlion of Studenu of Univ. at MlHeuil. Cekanbla Otk l«m MOTT THE HOOPLE (Columbia) John Nabr.. Lincoln. Oct 12
and theater groups, as well as with die Univenity of Waterloo, Ont. 8IMeUnlv..Am«a(17) Carroll Univ Cleveland, Oct 13. Ohio
HANK WKUiUMM. (MOM): Belennlne
record company personnel and (Epic):
State, Columbus (19)
Additional informiNionon the College AudlkMlun, teu avllle. Ky„ l
booking agencies as in the past. San Menio, Tana. Oel, 11: umv, ol
SouBnm fit, TaaiM Cl^k FMda MAIITIN MULL (Capricorn): Oa Pig* Oct7
An expanded range of oonfercnce is avaihMe from the
SMa UHVh THWnstae tlQi IM*. el Unhr., OMi Btm, ., Osi 20
highlighted by the addition of film
of theater, has been set. and display
CEC ofliccs
Kitchener, Oni.
at l»4 Wdier St East.
wnai naiMa. P i ns s eela (20): vewoata MM iWMMy (CaMoQ:
Adrian Col^ (MM Jh4:
Unlv,KingaiiWe. 0et1l
-lenae Hai, Texas AU
Latin Music
Bmbwrd SPECIM. SURVEY fw Week Endini 10/13/73 Tico/Alegre Latin Scene.
NEW YORK Beach. Shows are scheduled for (he
All-Stars in
sp«^'^4Hol Latin LP's artists
A number of Caytronics Records
are currently involved in a
group Thursday
l^i|;i, dance studio operator and
through Sunday

IN CH CAGO 2 Concerts roaming "caravan theater" show-

case, according to RInel Sousa, a la-
dance club owner, may be moving

TITlE-AniA, UM ( >
I TITIE-Altilt, llWI (
Nunlnr (DilliiMlin UM)
NF.W YORK - Tico/Alegre bel executive. said that the from Miami Beach. So far. two of his
^1 former clients have opened their own
Records, a division of Rouletic caravan is touring throughout Il-

LOS DIABLOS Records, will present ihc Tico/ linois and includes acts such as Jose dance clubs—one featuring Luis Va-
Rio Rebelde " AJhjmbri 10 "Que Vue>va Conniiso, " Miaimex 5030 Alegre All-Stars in two concerts at Jose, Expela Nunez, Felipe Arriaga. rona*s music and the other, located
SOPHY Carnegie Hall here May 24, 1974. Balmar Azteca. Los Dondes, Miguel at the Casablanca Hotel, featuring
73, Monlilla 261
Locura Tengo Pw Ii, ' VelMI 1464 according to Joe Cain, general man- Acoves Mejia, and Las TIlKuerillas. the Vincent Ixipez band. Paul, . . .


"te Se Compone Un Son Fama 00437
ager of Tico/Alegre. The bulk of their performances will formerly of the La Playa Sextet, is
Jibaro Soy." Bormouen 1245 "
be in the Chicago area. Jcit)' Ma- . .
currendy playing the Sands Hotel
Cain said that "the concerts are

WILUE COLON VICTOR ITURBE succi, Fania Records president, said here with his newly formed group.
"VeronKa.' Miami 6043 designed to signal the rebirth of the
Lo Mjlo, Fania SIP0044*
that the Fania All-Star album and . .Dino Ramos on his way lo his

Alegre All-Slars. as well as to point

LOS ULOS YOUNDA DEL RIO film will be released Jan. 1. Joe new home in Mexico, stopped here
GUI the strength of current Tico art-
. . .

"Mbum De 0(0." Psinsso 1110 "la Hi|a De Nadie. Arcane 3202

long enough to hear Sergio FialloN

Cain, general manager of Tico/

ists, and to create additional market
Alegre Records, tells us that Charlie new single of his "Aqui" on Sound
IN NEW YORK exposure for all label acts. Fic said
that plans call for the recording of a
Palmieri^s recovery from a mo- Triangle Records. Ramos also
torcycle accident is coming along picked up a copy from a local dis-
ISMAEL MIRANDA NORMAN PONCE live- in -concert album of the concert
fci Se Compone Un Sofl. " Faoia 00437 Normm Ponce." CIS 1372 fine. While Palmieri still cannot play tributor. . . . Tipica Novel's new TR
and the creation of a major market-
Records release
ORCH. U SaEQA ISMAEL RIVERA ing and promotional campaign to
the piano because of a broken col-
here. Ultra Records Jose PenI-
is gaining attention
"JibafO Soy," Borirquen 1245 "Vengo Por la Mxeta. ' Tico 1311 larbone, he is playing the portable . . .

back the product.

PEaiN RODRIGUEZ DANNY RIVERA organ on dates. chet recently was in New York for a
"Mi Amor Por Ti, " Bonnfluen 1244 Danny Rivera," VHvel 1467 Scheduled lo appear for the two Orchestra Power will be leaving sales and promotion campaign. . .

WIUIE COLON SOPHY performances are Tito Puenle and Puerto Rico soon in order to play a Rafi Levitt's latest LP "Jibaro Soy"
"Lo Malo," fama SLP00444 iKua lenio Pot Ii, " Vel»il 1464 his orchestra, Ismael Rivera y sus has been relea.sed by Borinqucn
number of dales here. Jean . . .

CAMILO SESTO EDDIE PALMIERI Cachimbos. the Joe Cuba Sextet, La Kaplow. executive director of the Records.
"Amor . Amar." Pronto 1006 Senlido." Maogs 103
Lupe, Charlie Palmieri and his or-
. ,

New York chapter of NARAS. said

chestra, with Vitin Avilcs. Vincen-
IN MIAMI lico Valdes, Hecor Rivera and his or-
that while artists such as lAvry Har-
low and Johnny Pachecco have Producers
CONJUNTO UNIVERSAL TIPCA NOVEL chestra, with Julian Llanos, Yayo El
Que Se Sepa Vilvel 1466 "Se Colo La lipca." TS
joined the a.ssociation there still are

"Aa N Memos Alhambta '

luntos." Borfliquen 1472
Indio. and Javier Vazquez.
Cain staled that the concerts
not enough Latin artist members to
create a voting committee for Latin
Stage Meet
ROBERTO LEDESMA TIPICA 73 would be promoted with a number product in the Grammy award nom- NEW YORK -The VHI Congress
El ftomanlico de Siemixe.* MU 1611 ManonQ." Inca 1031 of radiospoLson local Latin stations, inations. She stated that the chapter of the Federation of Latin American
ANGILICA MARU WILLIE COLON as well as consumer and trade adver- will continue to try and recruit pro- Record Producers (FLAPF) was
'Ansilica Maria.' Carmo S118 "Lo Mato." Fania 424
tising. He said that the label will also ducers, engineers, artists, and execu- held in San Salvador. El Salvador
HILDA MURIUO LOS ANTIQUES be working "very closely" with its lo- tives from the Latin music industry. Sept. 30 through Oct 3.
P,:l,iSfis P3l.5bia^~ Remo 1606 "Dias Como Hoy." Funny 50? Norman Ponce will be featured
cal distributor Skyline Distributors . . .
Sponsored by the Asociacion
on the Goya Television Show-
IN TEXAS in promoting the event and tying
in with local retailers.

scheduled to be aired in Miami. Los

Cenlroamericana de Productorcs
Fonc^raficos (APROFONO), the
VINCENTE FERNANDEZ ALFONSO RAMOS Angeles. Chicago, Philadelphia and meetings scheduled included dis-
"Un 1026
"La Misina," Caytrcmics 1359 Cielo," Capii
New York Roberto Torres comes cussions on such topics as: the con-
of Latin Breed," GC 106 "Cofaion Vagabondo " TeiMe» 7015 Changing Tastes to town shortly for a number of local
dances. He will be playing Hartford.
sequences of tape piracy on artists,
composers and producers: the
FREDDIE MARTINEZ LITTLE JOE-LA FAMILIA • Continued from page 14 Conn, and Union City, N J., as well
Para La Gente,
growth of video-tape: the cultural
"farolito De Amor," FreiMie 1009 Biiena Suerte I03B
as New York Heleno, an Argen- impact of records and tapes; and the
SUNNY I THE SUNLINERS RAMON AYALA eters in his intended goal of even-
tinian singer, is preparing to embark legal restrictions placed on foreign
"D Piefeiido, Keyloc 3018 "Tib Pucheros, ' TeKMex 7012 tually offering such fare as "Totie
on a promotional tour of Los An- product through both trade laws and
VICENTE FERNANDEZ ANTONIO AGUIIAR Fields one night and Alice Cooper
"Corridos Oe Caballus Musart 1563
geles. Chicago and Miami Latin local content regulations.
"Votrer Volver. '
Cartioracs 1333 " the next."
N.Y.. a consumer oriented Latin
Rock Theater
IN LOS ANGELES At the same time, his rock promo-
rock magazine is on the market.
LOS FREDDYS Latin emcee and graphics designer
tions will be more elaborately pro-
"Quiero Sei Felii ' Echo 25109
En Esuanol." COLKC 31470
duced than in the due. Stein
Izzy Sanabria heads the operation. Fania Operation
Cora;on Vagabondo," ArcanoDKLl 3224
Toila Una Epoca. CYS 1379
notes, to an increasing demand of
professionalism and theatricality
MIAMI Set in Panama
VICENTE FERNANDEZ INDIO from rock and pop acts.
Kubaney Records artists Johnny NEW YORK-Fania Records has
la Misma, CYS 1359 "Sin lo Amor," Miami 6069 Ventura and the Miami Brass played opened a distribution and sales op-
Indicative of that approach is a
LOS BABYS VICTOR ITURBE a dance at the Dinner Key Audito- eration in Panama, according to
"Am« Itaieionwo. Peedess 1699 Miami 6070
projected week-long run at the
Longacrc Theater, a Broadway rium here Sept. 29. . . . Norman Jerry Masucci. Fania president.
JUAN TORRES LOS DIABLOS Ponce is in town for promotion a The new firm, Fania de Panama,
"Vol gl7 " MIJ
1610 "Oue Vuetva Confiii^;i " Musime* 5030 venue, for Sha-Na-Na, which would
tour. He records for Caytronics will handle all Fania product, as
balance that act's '50's greaser image
Copyright 1973 BillbOBfd Publications. Inc No pan of this publication may b« r«produc«d. Records. Orchestra Suprema,
. well as product from Fania's subsid-
against a different '50's theme, that
. .

ttOfWjin a retneval system, or Iranamittad. in any form or by any means, eleclronic. mactxnical.
photocopying. r«cordtng. or oth«rwi««. without tha prior writlen peirmssion of tha pubtiahar of a popular Broadway show of the recording on Sound Triangle Rec- iary labels Inlernalionat. Cotique
ords, is curtcntly playing the La Fe- and Vayii. Hugn Radino will head
Stein is also promoting a Hallo- ver Club here in North Miami the operation for the label.

ween party and costume ball at the

Waldorf- Astoria's grand ballroom,
with the New York IX>lls to perform.
Thai Oct. 31 date marks the first in-
trusion of a rock audience into that
hall, and will be followed by yet an-


theatrical presentation
when Stein presents Martin
Avery Fisher Hall in Lincoln
The Mull show will expand

CARIDAD on that artist's stage set by offering

art deco furniture, a full band, danc-
ing chorines and other Busby Berke-
ley touches.
en el sello
Stein still feels rock is "the most
viable medium for the concert
y tambi6n en
promoter." but he notes that the mu-
8 tracks.
sic itself and its avenues of exposure
are changing. Many vehicles for
Distrituido por: breaking new acts, notably smaller
halls and riKk clubs, arc choked with

CASnfRONKI established talent, and Stein points

toward the "gay" club circuit here as
LACOMPANIADEMUSICALADNA a significant new testing ground for
240 Madison Avenue talent, particularly in terms of more
New York, N.Y. 10016 theatrical acts. VELVET RECORDS artist Danny Rivera, second from left, was recently the
(212) 889-0044
Stein's will be rounded guest of honor at a label receptktn at the Chateau Madrid In New York. Join-
out by st>mc 34 other dates in mar- ing together for the occasion are, from left to right, Roberto Page, president
kets such as Chicago. Miami, Wash- of Velvet, Rivera, Jim Metanson, Billboard Latin editor, and Fernando Ig-
When Answering Ads . . . Say You Saw It in Billboard ington. Boston. West Palm Beach, lesias, president of Igleslas Records Distributor, a New York-base firm. Rivera
Minneapolis and Atlanta. is currently In the studio preparing an upcoming LP.


Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY loi Wetli Ending 10/13/73

Billboard -Squcg-
Hot Soul Singles Taylor Sees
Copyngni B-Kboard PuOdcalions Inc No pari ol mi« putHication may be fffprOduceO.
1 Mil-Seller

stored m
a teineval systen) or tfansmiHed any torm or by any means electronic mechanical
ph0locopyir>g recording or otherwise wittioul Ihe pnor wrillen petmisS'On ot (he publisher

*Sni fif1«n«tr-iri rtfnttmi fruM

Starter Only
prapertiMik i^"*'' pfarro this Mtk 1 1 By LEROY ROBINSON
w 1 B 1 s il
iKt " S
Knttr LiM
t Number (Diit. LiM) (rubhttMf. LtcentH)
e 3 H Tiiu.Mmr
Nritaf Llb«l t Number (Dm LiM) (PuMldWf. LMMM) 1 •g TITLE, ARTIST
Wider, Label 1 NuiKier (Dtil. Ijfeil} (PuMitkcr. LicaniM)
leatlcrihip echelon is
soul music
a large and im-
9 KEEP ON TRUCKII1'-E4<M 34 li 13 TO KNOW YOU 67 3 YOU'RE GONNA MtSS ME-iu. Seit»
pressive group of artists. But. wJiat
1 1 bertrtcis IS TO 71
(F Wliion A Pant I C«ton). Tinti 54}4B
LOVE VOU-> bii
(Paul KeHy). 77 ftecorits 133 aree. BMI) makes this special coterie of per-
OUtomti) <Stm Dumortd BHI»
($ Wondei/S Wiight) WC 113/3 ISttm ( Vjs
59 KOKE, Pt 1-Tr*e formers additionally rare is tJieir
Stock/BUcli Bull ASad' 68 12
2 3 t MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO (Dee Ervin), ABC 11366 (A8C/0unh.ll, BMI) ability lo sell a million records.
GEORGIA-Qodri uniftit i hm hpi it so 3 YOU'RE « SPECML PART
69 76 ' 1 tE got to GO ON WITHOUT YOu- Siax recording Johnnie Tay-artist
(Jim Wtlh<ttY). Buitditi *8J (Kkj. ASUP) OF ME-OuM Ion 1 Harm Cq«
(G WriEhrW lonnuMi/A Portti) MctDvn 1280 lor is for two very
high on that list
• (larry Hcbitosh AJ iacksoni Stai 0175 (Columbia)
3 4 be) II lUliClntK— IM MCklH3 (Siciit & Vin Slock ASCAP)
(B. Gcrdir. H Oavid. 0 Fldchcr, I ttwcBino. M
(UsI/Memphis-'Soulh Memptirs, BMl) obvious reasons, he has a special

Lirun). Motown 1277 (hibeti. A5CAP) 30 39 6 YOU OUGHT* OE HERE WITH
ME— AiHtlt SmI W ~ 1 ROCKIN ROLL BAST-SiiiWici
(Tlioai Bell. Imitt Creed) Ako 46?S
pzazz as a live concert and nightclub
performer, and he has stacked up.
it 7 10 HURTS SO GOOO-Muii. iKkw (P Kelly). Dal 1012 (Ptwnocrim) Out. BMI) (Miihty Three. BMI)
IP MilctwII) Spr>r«E 139 (Polydor) (Muscle Shotb/
CeHlion ewt) W 45 3 JCMt — nMrU rlaCl
(J»is Un). AlUniK 79S? (Frank, 4SaU>)
71 78 2 HEY UTTLE GIRL-fMiit Sitwn
(Dorian Burton. £if(ene Randolph) MGH 14630
since being with Stax. a considerable
number of million sellers, which to
5 2 9 HIGHER GROUND-stm <iMd« 30 43 7 SHARH PANTS-Fim CMea iFrost. BMI) Taylor is only "scratching the sur-
(Sttwi« Itwim Timli (M<riOM) (Slam t
(Alan SeWer Norman Hirra) Ptiilly Groove 179
Van Slock/BlKk Bull UCAP)
ShaevSit Stnn|s
72 84 3 FOR YOUR LOVE-Om* HcCraa face."
(Bed) |N«:liei BHI)
(td Townsend). Cat 19S9 iBtechvrDod, BMI)
"With 200 million people in this
6 1 9 HEY GIRL (1 Uke 39 31 IS HERE AM (Come Tike Me)-N Snu
Your Style)— TMpt>i>Mi (Al

Green/M Hodiei). Hi 2247 (London) [kUU IS n LUVC3 ml, LIU H KuvK-' country." says Taylor, "a million
Olnt H«m«M(birdi
(HonMn WtMtticM). totff M31 (Motcwn) (Sim Green BMIi records is not a lot of records by
(Paul SMon) Peacock 319« (ABC)
Diimo^. BMI»
it 49 3 SOME GUYS HAVE AU (Otinni Cress. BMI) comparison. I think when we're
7 5 14 UTS GET IT ON-ibn« Sm THE LUCK-Pmuadtn 74 82 ALL THE WATDUWN-EHa Iiimi heard on the top 40 stations without
(C lomendt Timli M?31 (Molawn) {1 Fongant). *IU) E943 (KEC. ASUP) (C C. Wdluwuoii'I l*wreiK</C Mekler),
(M)(lc. ASCV) Own 2144 (Cashea. ASCAP/Heavy Music.
having to sell a million records on
41 46 3 rCLL run lUU— DriMatKs
FROM (Tour Hester). Von 4099 (Columbu)
Milsuffuner Nigtit. BMI)
the r&b can even
stations, before we
diAUonicn — JiiMi Brwi
(GrooveiviHe. BMI)
7S 77 LET ME LOVE RIGHT get a play on Ihe top 40 stations, then
94 uc Tn
(timo Braan). Polydor 11194 (Ctiltd/B«l<nd«/ 99 10 irTUU tMAHT
ir Vflll
ITHni Mt lU UK nKUnia-lcrry Wtihwiftaa I think we'll start seeing sales like
UiKlttM)tll. BMI) Hashmston) Eicello 2333 (NasMwro)
STAY-Sh A the Fanihr StwM (lerry

{Sihtlter Stewart). Ep« 5 11017 (ColiMntN)) (bcetloftc'Pop Top BMI) five million, and more."
(Pip Willoms) London lOM (Crnlil fuktbei. 6MI)
{StoneHoMer. BMI)
7f Bi LUVc 3 MAZl— Tamproes Considerable thought has ob-
43 35 ( TAKE MF AS 1 AM-Im rniB« (Harold H Scotl) We F^oduce 1811 (Columba) viously gone into the reasons for the
10 12 10 FUNKY STUFF-RDoi 4 m» bni (fames Biown), People 623 (Polydor) (Oynjlonc (Sinpe.'Last/MemptKs BMI)
<Koal i Hit (;*n£). Dc lilt SMI)
above. Taylor's initial gold record
BMI) 77 83 DIRTY ni' HAN-twm iwnM and
44 31 12 DONT ItJ IT END (Til You Let It iKeno) Gamble Leon Hut)) Ptnladelphia
million sellers. "Who'.s* Making
u t 10 GHETTO CHILD-SpiMin B«gin)-Hraela
Intemabonal 3534 (Columbia) (Mi|htr Three BHI) Love?" along with "Jody's Got Your

u 13 10
(8 C(Md, T B««). AltiniK ?973
(MitMy rhit« 8MI1

ECSTASY- Ohio PUmn 4S 40 8

(F Perren. C. Tanan), Timti 54237 (Motimn)
(tobele. ASCAP)

W vnirsF

IN Rfinn
lUU nC in uuuu
HANDS— knaaine
Huell. L Hi/ell).
Motown i2W (kbete. ASCAP]
Girl And Gone." makes him more
than qualified and concerned about
(Ohio PUivri}. W(3tbour>d 216 (Chnt/fintn) (Mytni Uvzh), Delu>e 45 152 IStarday/Kii«>
where the real success is as a record-
(SndEtpod. BMI) (Arnel''M>(ch on Music. tSCAP) 79 80 VISIONS OF PARADISE-i«ar wmm ing artist and seller.
(tdna ToJes) Today 1525 (Perception)
u IS 10 1 CANT STAND THE RAlN-tan PmWii 46 52 SLUn lUUK UniolLc- RX.
t in SaMMM |Pop<lri«. BMI) His most recent album, "Taylorcd
(Aw PMblK. D Bryinl. B M«e<) Hi 4^2748
- in Silk." a somewhat new direction
(HW Casey). IK 1001 (SAerlyn. BMI) STOP THIS MERRY-GO-ROUND-
(Lawliin) iitx BHIl
i!r Wii UmmU was pro-
for the satin voiced singer,
CHECK OUT-Tmr« 47 44 10 HAKE ME TWICE THE (Sam Dees Chnton Mcon Al(Wdner). Aware 035
PI It 10
OstKvn) Cipflol 3674 IHifmirkrl BHD MAN-Nm York City
(Moonsong Publisb^E Co BMI) duced with the marketplace in mind,
aim WtQueen). Chelsea 0025 (ROt) 81 85 THE BEST YEARS OF MY but most assuredly with Taylor's de-
WE CAN CAN-Mntif »An
it 19 i YES
(A TouuiMt) ttM Thumb 229 <Fiinous) (Warner/
(Pocket Full of luaes. BMI)
UFE-gmmm cwa cisions about what he wants to be-
4t SS THE RAIN-Arttaf (General book) Wafid 11260 (Sceplar) {Germaine/
Tanerbfie. BMI) 6 IN Prynck
Our Children s BMI)
come as a singer.
(Tony Hester) Old Town 100 iG'OOvtwiHe. BMI)
20 • nUlDUdfl UIT UMII3— lit & Ti» Tamtf - "You know what happens." ex-
(Tnu lurritt) Unitfd Arttili 2SB (Kuh.'Unirt BMI) 49 54 11 LOOK OVER YOUR SHOULDER- cic»ii
it 1 GO INVOLVED-Ceent Saah
plained Taylor, "you get caught up
w Fame 302
(George Kerr lany RobcrB). Wilbii 6052 (Itckwn. E Williams, ft Moore).

aOSER LOOK AT THE WOMAN [Ginnck BMI) (Urtited Artists! (Fan. BMII
21 t TAKE A in a recording-type of situation
YOUHE WITH-wiba. ncMt SO SI 3 YOU'VE GOT MY SOUL 83 86 IF 1 COULD REACH OUT-otit ciay where your public and disk jockeys
(Wilson Pckfll Shipiro). RCA 0)49 (Eni, BMI) (Georie lackson) Hi 2252 (Loodon) (Fame. BMI)
ON FIRE-E^Kin Starr
expect a certain thing. Bui when you
(Norman WhiMfldl. Molnn 1276
It } 13 STONED OUT OF MY Diamond 8MI)
14 87 I'H A WINNER NOW-Ematnf Seile
gel the dtxiropen with a hit record,
(Feldef/ Harris). Babyloti 1109
(L RKord/B AcUm), Brunswick SS500 SI 53 7 RHAPSODY IN BLUE-Oe<«at. (Assorted. Sii String. BMf) then you can ir) some other things."
(George Gershwin) (Hew World. ASCAP)
(Juli^Bnan, BMI) CTI 16
- WANNA KNOW YOUR NAME-latndtn Taylor's album having already
it 1

(K Gamble. L Hum Gamble 2S7 250S (Col«nib4)

spawned a top seller in "I Believe In
19 10 12 I'VE GOT SO MUCH TO
GtVE-latry NNt* HLK Ur a( TDv
Barif iiD arain —
IKT AuAin (Miihly Three/ Black-ood BMI)
You (You Believe In Me)," has
7H2 Fred Hctley 1 the J.B.'t -
lliww. BMI)
Hliite), 20lh Ontury (Si Vette/
(lanes Brown) People 627 (Polydor) (DyAatoni/ it SWEET UNDERSTANDING
LOVE -Four Topt
recently released "Cheaper To Keep

w 24 6 L£T HE BE YOUR
(C Retd, W Claikt Betty Wr<{hi) UstMi 4619
S3 57 7
Belmdi.'Un^hippell. BMI)

(twits T
#5-Earl Cikati
Shiw). Seventy Snren 77 131 (Cape
May/Btfl*ll/Cap(iin. BMI) t7 95
(R Bensoo. V


Rail BMI)
1 Hunter), Dutthill 4366 Her" which judging by previous
performances, is

(AtlHitKl (Sftertyn SHI) (While You're Looking For Someone To

S4 S( s FUNKY KEY-Oyniaki "Aclually. I've been doing things
Wm Love)-Sarfcara Jcai EwM
it 27 4 THE LOVE
I Hh Bhw IMm
1 LOST (Part l)-Hir<M {flomait Shannon). Black Gold 3 (Pickwick)
{Vi(ttettt. M4lioa Seller. BUI) (Enihsh. Rem. Hmt 6053 (H»r< O'Plenty, ASCAP) that way for a long lime." corrected
(Mony (^mMi. leofl Hvff). Philadelfbia
18 _ STORMY HONDAY-utimm Taylor, "Don Davis, my producer,
btlCmitMMl 3S33 (Cohimbx) (Mility ThrH BMI)
CtortttNiiiM (Hirtes, Edstme), Gladei 1716 (Warnet Bros who I feel is the best in the world,
(C Wri(kt/H JoACS). Dunh.ll 4J64 Husic. ASCAP)
22 23 10 HtOTHER LOUIE-siN« (Music Power. BMi)
and myself have been planning
(Brown. Wiljgn). lUmi Sulri i17 (Bwldab) 89 90 BEUEVE IN MIRACLES-iKbon Wir.
something like this album for a long
(BudiM. ASOP) 5C U 11 LOOK ME UP-BiM
(A Feldei Norman Hants). Aico 6938
Ha|k (B Taylor.

Caponn>). Prophesy 3005 (CobmbM)
lime, but we had to wail for the right
c IIV MFTFIinillf' niVC ADC
29 9 (WMOT BMI)
.'S>i Strirtfs.
90 98 WHEN YOU SMILE-uro. huHo. times. You know, liming Is so impor-
(H Rces, D Dava 1 Dttti), (Mtl M98 {Chest/ S7 St t YOU CANT HIDE LOVE-Cre«tt« SMrc* 1
(Hulson. CnmmaniJer. Rfpres) Curtom 1989
iinus) (GrDovmille BMIi (Skip StatborouiM. Sussei 5019 (Akicar/ . (BuiMihl (Si'f^l Giinl.' AOPA ASCtP)
Unichappetl/lnteriO'. BMI) " Timing has played a major role in
91 92 2 SISTER JAMES-Kno Tem«o t
PI 30 € imt Ur TUUK LUic— S|rl MnsM 51 61 t BABY LAY YOUR HEAD

(he 5lh IwriM Sai

most of Taylor's decisions, namely
(Carter. S labnwn. C. iotinsonj. 2250 London)
UUrin— n
[a*a floya <l<1 fiarry. Nrnc len^po) AAM 1161 (Sroadside his departure from Ihe famed gospel
(Jtc. BMII
(Eddie Floyd) SUi 01 M (Colnnibii)
fiMiaei{h. ASCAP)
Memphis BHI)
group. The Soul Stirrers, w here Sam

» 2t (
(M, PtKlofl) AIM 14&3 (W E



. BMI)

Debet. BMI)
Rice) Sin 0176 (Columbia) (Eitt/Mtmphoy
Dcflbc La Sail*
(Denise la Salle) Weslbound 219 (Chess.' tanus)
(Drdena/Bndgecxrt. BMI)
C(H>ke was one of his more notable
stablemaies. It was from the gaspel
SURE IS FUNKY-kp»te field that Taylor left to become a
(RiWie). GRC lOOl lAd : BWIi 60 63 5 WHAT IT IS-Litito HMMi 93 96 NliA WALK (Street Walk)-F.ttek Band major rhythm and blues singer. La-
(Hilton Campbell) Slai 174 (Colunibial Once. (Cwrtit W4liams. I>ipp>n SheMoO) Perception
27 IC 14 THEME FROM "CLEOPATRA BMI) 540 (Clita/Palnck Bradley BWi) bels, however, have recently become
JONES"— )M Smmm tutartni Hit Hak Slmtin 61 64 6 I'U CATCH YOU WHEN YOU CHEnO COWBOY-ciyd. a no-no in ihc Arkansas-born
(fee S<mo/i}. Spriftc 1387 (Potidor) iWirnei
94 73 irww.
lamerlinc. BMI) FALL-ljara Uc (P BurTt. A Be«) AllantK 452976 (Cotillion. singer's life. "I don't label myself an
(M Smith. R Dunbar). Hot IVai 731)5 (Bvddali) Ccct>« Bo*. BMI)
r&b singer." says Taylor, "but I can
2t 17 IS MEH THAT LADY-Wn Mtmi (Gold Fo4eicr. BMI)
95 97 HUM ALONG & DANCE-bre
(The tsleyt). I Neck 2251 (Coiumbii)
do r&b. consider myself a singer.

(Bonivi. ASCIIP) it 1
TENDER LOVE-T.rone Dav.1
(Norman WhittieU. Barrett Strong) five Earth 5054
(Motown) OobelO'-SicAe Afate BMH And feel my qualifications would

29 22 13 GYPSY MAN-Hit (Richard Pirliri Lirl OjvU) Dlkjr 4526

9( THE LOVE WE HAD STAYS ON MY allow me to dojust about any type of
(Allen/BrDwn/ Dc hrrun/ lordin/Hiller/Oaikar). (BrutiMict,) (iuln Srun Music. BMI)
HIND-lmi BuUn I Bimda Lm Eatir music."
Uaried Mists 261 (Far Out. ASCM>)
63 65 5 1 DONT NEED HALF
307 (United
A LOVE-u. m a Calliar L Wade), Mercury 73422 (Butler Hus>c And Taylor's receiving word that
Hill). Hill Artists) Chvpell A Co ASCAP)
31 2S 12 GOTTA RND A WAY-MoMnb BMi)
by Inc ,

(R Dahrouec, B Tnrell) $ljn| 5050 (AM Platinsm)

he is being considered for the lead in
97 99 I'M COMING HOME- Many Hrikii
(Gimtii. BMI) 64 70 3 NEW KIND OF WOMAN -twtan^ ootiH |TI>«wi BcU I Cre«4) Cohimt-a 4 45908 {M.(t<l> the film. "The Sam Cooke Story."
(Hollir>d/'I>oii«f /HolljAd A Witlie). Ihtee, BMI)
it 42 1 HAVING A PARTY-OiaiiM.
(Sam Cock). MM 11623 (K)(s. BMI)
Invictus 71254 (Colunbdl (GcM Foreter BMI)
DANGMA-ttanu 0*M«o
indicates that he is qualified lo be an
91 actor as well. All of w hich is an indi-
6S 67 7 GIRL BLUE-HtM Inr^iaat iManu 0>fa»ncD> Atlantic 2983 (Cotillion BMt)
32 37 4 YOU'D BETTER BEUEVE IT-Hiiiiuaa.s (Stene Wonitf Wr<iht|. ftCA 0046 (Stem A Van cation that things are moving well
0 Fo<rik«. Gcnpr) Columbii 4 45927
ft Stock/Blick Bull ASCIIP) 99 100 PRESS ON-Oi«d T. Hate
(Stvni. BMI) |D««id 1 Walker) Ode 66037 (AAM) (HoUenbeck.
and upward for Johnnie Taylor and
66 66 5 BASKETBALL JONES Featuring Tyrone Ml) that show business likes him. What
41 6 THIS TIME ITS REAL-W ai Pomi Shoelaces- ciMdi i ciwm
(Kopki. CosUlo, Btrtlett). Wartwr BraliMn 773J a Cboni. C Maria). Otfe 66038 (UM) 100 91 4 TEUJNG THE WORLD GOODBYE- lytoa. docs Taylor think of show business?
(Kapblo, ttOf) Oiidii Uk. ASCAP) (Iileiw CosKMi). Sunt! 504 (Mtrw, BHI)

(Continued on page 20)

Bilboard SPECI/U. SURVEy fw Week Endlnf 10/13/73 JblenL Billboard ^1 Billboard SPECIAL SU

TOP50 fc^^^l

B H^^^H I Coo»M9ni ,973
board Put>iical<ons. Inc
^to part ot mis publ'catton
may be reproduced,

stored .n a feifievai sys-
tem, or transmitled. in any
form or by any rnean*.
electronic, mechanical,

inAdion. Listening
pdoiocopying recording
or otherwise wr.tfiout tt»e
prior written permission o(
Itle publisher
^Copyrigtil 1973 BiMboard PuWicatw* tnc No part or ihis publication may • Continued from page 16
be reproduced stored m a retrieval system, or transmmed. in any form or by mathmunv and children. Hi& songwriter's
any means, electronic mectianicai ptiotocopying recording, or Otherwise, voice was comfortably cushioned under the
wiltioul tfie prior written permission ot the pubii5l»«f - . ,

baton of former Tom Jones conductor r These are best selinf mlddle.ol-th<'road sinfles coinp4led from

Johnny SpciKC replete with full orchestra. a5 lutiMul raljil nte iml radio staliiii lir plai l>ttd in nnk ordtr.

In fat.!. O'Sullivan sounds much belter with-

*S1M firf*nMf-wi|li* nfirti*«l •c
out the double tracked vocals so often used 1 1 g
MiMtk on his records. .10 UTIE, ARTIST
1 S 1 8 g It wjts alt vcr>' haiTnle» and pleasant as 3 1
1 B nru. MtnST UM l Himbet imtMrnSTUMtllMibar the Irishman stayed seated at his piano for
Label 1 Nambef (Did. Ljbd) (Publslitr, licaaaM)
.a X
1 1 (DM. (PiWislMi, Urait)
A, (Din. Libel) (PuHilwt. Ucewe) the most pan. singing spirited versions of I 4 ALL 1 KNOW
hits "Alone Again (Naturally J." ""Clair" and
1 1 5 irs on rt on 31 32 13 COSMIC SLOP Garlunktl. Columha 445926 (Caniw. tSC/T)
Mamn "Out of the Question." His music is now
Cjyt. I«fflli 3^9 tMolown) Finhidclic. Wcslbound HS 207? 2 t I'M (^MING HOME
1Chcu/iin«t) leaning more towards rock with "Get Johnny Mitliis, ColuiTilHa 445908 (Mifhtr Thee. BHI)

+ Down" a fine indKaiion as well as his latest

2 4 6 3 3 3 t S PAPER ROSES
bicy Brothen T Neck U 32453 BUCK BYRO single. "Ooh Baby." Mirie Osmond, MGM 14609 (Lewis. ASMP)
32 33 24 j
Maureen McGovern impressed as a
(ColumbiJ) l>l»4M M. Bhj< lloti BN LA 041 4 3 10 HALF-BREED
r flinrfed ArtBis) poised, attractive performer who handles
Oiei. MCA 40102 (Blue Monday. BMI)
3 2 9 INNERVISIONS herself on stage with an case found only in
seasoned professionals. Sadly, her set suf-
Stcvte Mondef. Ttnil« T 11% I
42 3 IT Paul Simofi. Columbia 4-45907 (Cliarint Cross, BMI)
M4li« Jickwn. Sprint SPR 5706 fered from generally bland material save for
(Pdrdw) Paul Williams' "I Won't Last a Day Without
6 7 5 LET ME IN
Osmonds, MGM/Koloti 1461? (Kolcb, BMI)
« 3 7 KiaiNG ME SOFTir You." Misi McGovcm's caressing vocal de-
fUxrti Fbck. Utintit SD 7271 livery was no more evident than on her gold
7 4 11 MY MARIA
34 37 51 I'M STILL IN
B.W. Slevenson, RCA (KI30 (ABC/Ounhill/Spied/Piopliec). ASCAP)
LOVE nhh you record and Oscar winning song, "The Morn-
5 ( 7 DELIVER THE MORO N &«««. Hi tSHl 32074 (londM) ing After " PHIL GELORMINE t 9 f KNOCKING ON HEAVEN'S DOOR
W*i Unittd Mi«tt US l>178 F
Bob (>)bn. Columbia 4 45913 (Ram's Hocn, ASCAP)

35 34 21 U«E AT THE JOE WALSH and 9 11 4 JESSE

Umta T m L (Motown)
Roterta Flack, Allantic 45 2982 (Fianli, ASCAP)


luic Haves. EnltrprM ENS
The Row. Los A ngeles Cross Country. Atco 45 6934 (Cottllion/East/Menphtt. BMI)
7S00S [Columbia)

7 i 13 POINTER SISTERS Combining fine singing abilities, excel- 11 -

Blue I^umb 48 (ramous)
lent musicianship, superb arrangements and Tlie tm Dimrnsion. Bell U66 (ABC/Dunhill/Soldiar, BMI)
a flair for showmanship
is not easy, but Joe
tamti Blown/ SwndtiKli. 12 19 3 NE MAY NEVER PASS THIS WAY (Afain)
1 7 U FRESH PdMoi PD 60IS Walsh aivd Barnstorm have managed to fuse Seals i Crofts, Warner Brothers 7740 (Dawnbreaher, BMI)
SJv I thf Slant. £pic KE these characteristics into ore of the most
37154 (Columbo) skillful and enjoyable acts in rock today.
2 ECSTASY Mlman 0027 (Warner Brothers) (No
ir 50
OlMe PUrers Westbounil HB 2021 Walsh is one of the rare performers using
Brothers. Capricorn Eiil. BMI)
g 10 22 CALL ME the so-called "heavy metal" format who
Deodalo, CTI 16 (Near World, ASCAP)
« Green. Hi XSHL 3207? (loirton) does go overboard on volume and re-
Oonny Halhawa) Alco SD 7029 of the show at all limes. His
tains full control
Dobie Griy. MCA 40100 ASCAP)
w 12 19 HEAD TO THE SKY recent performartce here opened with nearly

Evtli HSttd & Fn

YOU'VE GOT IT BAD GIRL 45 minutes of non-stop music, punctuated
Columbii KC 3?194 39 43 It Looking Glass, Epic 5 11001 (Spruce Run/Evie/Chapi»el1, ASCAP)
Quincv J<pn» AIM SP 3041 by nearly perfect segues from the hardest
rock to more restrained material, while em- 17 23 3 FRIENDS
11 1 14 HEY NOW HEY (The Other
ploying his fine guitar and unique vocal ar-
Bette Midler, Atlantic 2980 (Klingman/Piiiy/Kama Suira, BMI)
Side of ttw Sky) t« 51 7
Icnf Unlimited, 2Mh Century f 114 rangements throughout. In Barnstorm. 11 29 3 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL
Arethi FrinUin. MLintic SO 726S Charlie Rich, Epic 5 1ID40 (Columbia) (Gallico/Algee. BMI)
Wabh has a band with the kind of quality
generally not found in a backup unit. The 19 25 5 MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA
U n j2 SMOKEV 41 41 t EHA JAMES Gladys Knight t Ihe Pips, Buddah 3S3 (Kfca. ASCAP)
Cheu CH MHZ spotlight, however, remains with Walsh, and
SmoKn NeftimM. T»mli I 328 I
he is one of the few artists today who seems 20 2t t FAREWELL ANDROMEDA
capable of breaking through to super- loftn Denver, RCA 0067 (Cherry Lane. ASCAP)
stardom at any time. Every number received 21 20 4 SISTER JAMES
u n 14 TOUCH ME IN Warner Brothen BS 2681
"Rocky Mountain Nino Tempo S Ihe 5(h Aniue Sai. MM I4CI (Broadside. BMI/Lel|li. ASCAP]
Daw Rosj, Mo4o>n M Til I St 2 FUUY EXPOSED
Way" with
its clever lyrics and interesting 22 It It MUSKRAT LOVE •
WiHit Hutch iiDtnwn M 748 VI use of synthesized vocals. Amtrica, Warner Bros 7725 (WisHbone, ASCAP)
Tret Pure opened with a set of acoustic 23 35 2 TOP OF THE WORLD
WATTSTAX ll/THE UVIN6 tunes vnth bases in rock, folk and country. Carpenters, ASM 146! (Almo/Hammers ( Hails, ASCAP)
to* SinvM/Sminrfliick, Hirnei 44 30 5
BrdtKrs BS 2718 WORD She displayed a fine voice and showed tal- 24 21 5 SUMMER (The First Time)
Vanous k\\tn. Stai 2 3018 ent as a writer, and could develop into a Bobby Goldsboro, United Artists 251 (Unart/Pen In Hand. BMI)

19 f CHIUTES (ColumlM) strong force BOB KIRSCH 25 27 5 VALDO VIA

BruntwKk Bl 'MI97 Drupi, ASM 1460 (ATV, BMI)
Wrfson PKkell. RCA API 14312
STORIES iim Croce, ABC 1 1389 (Fos/Fanhre, BMI)
Carnegie Hall. New York 27 39 2 JUST YOU t ME
(Motown) 1 WILD & PEACEFUL Chicaso, Cplumbia 4 45933 (Bit ASCAP)
Credit the gusty, gritty vocals of lead Elk.
Kool ft Tlie Gan(. OHite 7013
singer Ian Lloyd for making Stories more 2t 32 2 1 WON'T LAST A DAY WITHOUT YOU
99 lU lUIUTf rUU Id lU kUfE
than a merely competent rock 'n' roll band. Maureen McGmem. 70th Century 2051 (Almo, ASCAP)
Gladys KnitM I the Pips,
At its New Yofk debut at Carnegie Hall, the 29 3t 3 POUR A UTTU MORE WINE
fi B. ABC *eC3 794
Soul S 737 I (Motown) five never really seemed to take off. Lloyd, Wayne Neaton, Chelsea 0091 (RCA) arousdatc. BMI)
naked from the waist up. fortunately de- 30 2t 7 GRAPEFRUIT lUICY FRUIT
23 5
4t 44 13 SOUL BOX cided to concentrate more on singing than Jimmy SuHltl. Ounhill 4359 (ABC/Duohill, BMI)
DcodatD CII W29
Grom )Vai>itfi|tan, li egtKentric showmanship and was good. Sto- 31 - 1 PHOTOGRAPH
Mu KU 1213 (CII) ries, Kama Sutra, can make fme records, the
million .selling "Brother Louie" a case in
Raigo Starr Apple 1865 (Richoroony, BMI)

Ciirln Miyficld CuHom 49 41 14 WAITING FOR 32 42 3 RAISED ON ROCK

OtSMIStBudiUtl) point, but even "Louie" lacked the cri^pncss Etv<^ Pm^cy RCA 0088 (Screen Gems-Columbia. BMI)
UHLE MILTON of the single. The barMl might loosen up
Uttt UiKon Sta> STS 33 34 9 WELCOME HOME
25 GOT SO more, relax and have fun. The promise is Peters t 40729 (Phonogram) ASCAP)
20 21 I'VE 3012 (Columbia) Lee, Philips (Bello,
50 45 20 TYRONE DAVIS Raspberries was something else— a group
Bwrr Wtiitc 20») Cenlurr I 407 Engelbert Humperdinch, Parrot 4540076 (loodon) (Felsted. BMI)
Dakar OK 76904 (BnrnMick) much tougher than that name might imply.
21 17 IS TAYLORED IN SILK Making no pretense to be anything more Perry Como RCA 0096 (Milent BMI)
51 49 4 SASSY SOUL STRUT than what they are. the Capitol recording
Minny Ttytor. Stii SIC
L(M DonaUsoo. Blue Note BN LA 3t 40 4 SHIDDLE-EE-DEE
3014 (ColuitHi) group brought back an era of mu&ic free uf
109 F (Unrttd ArliMs) CIml Holmes, Epic 5 11033 (Columbia) (Van lee/Emily. ASCAP)
excess and full of exuberance. No messages
with Ihisgmup. Kicking off with a snatch of
22 15 14 FACTS OF UFE -
52 1 SOUL CLASSICS, Vol. II Conway Twitty. MCA 40094 (Twitty Bird, BMI)
Bobbv WofflKt United M*sts the Beatles' "Ticket to Ride." Raspberries
lamet Brown. Polydoi SC M02 3t 1 LET ME BE THERE
LA 013 F made the direction of us music perfectly
OInia Ne»ton John. MCA 40101 (Gallico, BMI)
St clear Hits such as "Go Way," "I
All the
23 U 11 DOIN' IT TO DEATH IM \ Tm iHnw, United MiA UA
Want to be With You" and the new one. 39 4t 2 ANGIE
IB People PE »03 (Potydor) Rollirig Stones. Rolhng Stones 19105 (Atlintrc) (Promopub, ASCAP)
LA 064 62 "Tonight," are cast in a "ftO's mold and arc
quite refreshing 40 49 2 SOLITAIRE
24 2( 17 MA - Focal point of the g'oup is Enc Carmen, a Andy Williams, Columbia 4 4 5936 (Don Kirshner/Kec, ASCAP)
FtMC ExTh. Rve Eirih
Shirley BasuT. UA UA LA 111 H2 McCartncyesque look and sound alike, who 41 ^\ 3 OOH WHAT A FEELING
It 546 1 (Mdnn) Johnny Nasb, Epic 5 11034 (Columbia) (loliony Nash. ASCAP)
sings,plays rhythm guitar, piano and is
5S 55 3 ARMED & EXTREMELY quite adept at stirring up a crowd. The 42 4t 2 SPACE RACE
in 31
Fnui loff^ ABC 4fiO( S0U4 DANGEROUS group's tight harmonics, shared lead vocals, Billy Preston, A&M 1463 (W EP, BMI)

First Choice. Phiilr (koove 1400 varied inslrumcni.ition and feeling for the 43 1 OOH BABY
(Bell) music it pla\smadc for an evening of huppv. Gilbert O'Sullivan, MAM 3633 (London) (Maiuiement Agency & Music
GiMtvi Kniiht S IV Pips Soul S if niM heavy playing. PHIL GELORMINE Publishing, BMI)


Mandrill Poiidw PO MI59 Stevie Wonder, Tamla 54235 (Moloarn) (Slein ( Van Stock/Black Bull, ASCAP)

27 21 24 NATUMI. HIGH 1 Mil-Seller 45 50 2 LITTU GIRL GONE

BtiMMlslonf LDfi<>>n IPS 6?0 57 1 SIMON COUNTRY Donna Fargo, Dot 17476 (Famous) (Prima Donna, BMI)
loe Srncfl Sprini S705 (Poly<lo()
• Conlinued from page 19
21 25 t BE WH4T YOU ARE "\'\\ like show business as long as Oottie West, RCA 0072 (Shade. ASCAP/Tiee. BMI)
Stvit Smpn S<ii STS 3015 51 54 5 BETTY DAVIS 47 1 VENUS
it's lucrative." iclls Taylor. He'll also
lust Sunshine )SS J (Famavt) Christoplier Paul, MGM South 7026 (Kec. ASCAP)
lell you his philosophy, which is:
41 1 THE END
29 27 11 THEDE'S NO ME 59 1 CLOSER TO IT "A man must work hard lo Steve Laarence, MGM 14631 (Criletion, ASCAP)
WITHOUT YOU Brian Auger s ObliviM Eipreu. ffCA achieve whatever he wants lo gain, 49 1 HEARTBEAT, IFS A LOVEBtAT
kUnhittvt C«lum«it U 3?444 APt I 0140
materialistically. And whatever he OeFianco Family (eaturing Tony DeFranco, 20th Century 2030 (Schine, ASCAP)

thinks is righl for him. he should fol* 50 1 OH, WHAT A FEEUNG

3t 3 GET IT TOCnHER to 59 41 THE WORLD IS A GHEHO Mary Iravers, Warner Brothers 7731 (Lou Levy. ASCAP)
Kduoa Si aohn M TSSVI War. UMlCd Artms UAS 56U low ihal path."


Radio-TV Programming
Billboard's Country Music Charts Century 21 to
Bulwark 3-Hour Syndicated
Peddle Starr
Watermark/ Bowman Radio Series
LOS ANGELES-Walermark Inc. unveiled (he first "American Country
Year-End Sliow
Countdown." a three-hour weekly countdown of the top-selling country music
singles as based on the Billboard chart, for the weekend of Oct. 6-7. according
DALLAS Century 21 Produc-
tions here has acquired distribution
to Watermark president Tom Rounds.
The syndicated show is hosted by Don Bowman, a recording artist in his
rights to the annual "Opus '73"
own right noted for his humor. eight-hour countdown show pro-
duced by veteran radio man Dick
The show hit the air on at least 50 radio stations. Rounds said.
Starr. The year-end countdown
This is vastly different from the start of Watermark's "American Top 40." a
show has been carried by more than
ihrcc-hour weekly syndicated show that got its start on July 4. 1970, on just
100 radio stations in previous years,
seven radio stations. Today, this show is one of the most popular syndicated
radio shows in the world. It. too, is based on Billboard chart information, sup-
including such Top 40 station as
plied by phone in Watermark, who then records the shows and
advance to
WRC-AM in Washington. KLIF-
rushes them to subscribing radio stations. Casey Kasem is host of "American
AM in Dallas. WKEW-AM in Buf-

Top 40." which is produced by Don Bustany. falo. CKFS-AM in Toronto, and
Watermark will produce a special tw(,>-part year end countdown of the top 3AK radio station in Melbourne, GATHERING BACKSTAGE to welcome Donald Byrd, Blue Note Records
Australia. recording artist, to the Main Point, Ptiiladelphia, is a bevy of radio person-
100 countf)' records of the year for subscribing stations who lake "American
Country Countdown." The show will be sent to all stations to broadcast the Mike Eislcr. general manager of From left: Hill Johnson of WHAT-AM, Byrd, Tony McBride of WDAS-

weekends nearest Christmas and New Year's Eve. Century 2 1 . said he plans to build up FM, Tony Brown of WDAS FM, Jonathan Takiff of WMMR-FM and Larry Co-
ihc station roster for the show this hen, east coast promotion director for United Artists Records, which distrilt-
year. The show is usually aired utes Blue Note.
Country's Future Elicits about Year's Eve.
The show was written by Roy Nil-
son, Sherry Smith was music direc-
KFEQ-AIVI's FormaTurn tor.
Steed Richards was technical di-
Custom Jingles are being
Atlanta Bistro Launches Free
5.000-watt 24-hour station
over the
Register on his
show and
The number is 81 6-
done at Century 21 here. Starr Stu-
'Live' Concert Tape Service
dios. Miami, headed by Dick Starr,
here by Dick Krusc. has switched to 233-8881. ATLANTA— Richard.s', a leading broadcast the tapes of original con-
is completing promos, contests,
a counlrv' music formal. Program di- rock masic club here, has launched a certs held at Richards'. The live
Management also indicated that graphics, and station sales material
rector is Ed who'd been at
Riley, free concert tapes services to radio shows arc anywhere from 45 min-
another reason for the station going for the show. Kcysor-Ceniury Corp..
WONE-AM Dayton. Ohio. The
stations. utes to an hour long and include
country was Che advent of Los Angeles, will master and dupli-
such cities as
station's signal gels into Michael Bone, director of promo- such artists as King Crimson, Terry
Omaha, Des Moines. Topeka. and
AM in New York switching to coun- cate the show, which is available on
lion for the club, said thai already 15 Reid. Manfred Mann. Tower of
try music a while back. an exclusive market basis.
Kansas City. radio stations have signed up to Power. Bachmann-Turner Over-
Part of Ihe reason for the formal drive. Ihe New Cactus, Freddie
change, which had been basically an King. El Roacho. Spirit. Warm,
MOR station, was that "we are Jones' Fete a Success But Serious Robin Trower, Rory Gallagher and
aware of the interest and future in Sopwith Camel.
modern country music," said. CHICAGO-An undertone of se- to Provident Hospital on the South people here who couldn't afford not Richards' normally books acts
"We feel this change in our 50th year riousness reflecting the pressures and Eethany-
Side. Garfield Park to be." stirred a reference from Monday-Saturday, changing the
of broadcasting will attract more lis- surrounding blacks in broadcasting Brethcm on the West side,
hospitals Ewan Abner, president. Motown, acts weekly. The acts are taped by
teners both locally and regionally." ran through the gala testimonial Anemia Foundation.
the Sickle Cell who said he could be one of them. Sam's Tape Truck Service. Atlanta.
The station is billing itself as dinner here Sept. 28 for E. Rodney Urban Gateways and the WVON- He described himself as an old "crap Bone distributes the tapes free on a
"Country Sunshine." Jones. WVON-AM personality and AM scholarship fund. shooting buddy" of Jones' and later rotating basis. Record companies
also syndicated nationally. Around High spoLs during the long eve- said. "If anyone wants to make notes
Doing the morning show is Riley. have been paying for line charges,
Bill Foster, a veteran in the market 523 attended with 73 tables sold at ning included the presentation of a he should know that when you take the recording, and dubbing fees.
for 15 years, docs IOa.m.-2 p.m., fol-
$500 each, said Purvis Spann. $2,000 check from Jones to Al Ben- him (Jones) on you take me on and So far, the shows called "Live
lowed by Jerry (Jerry Carson) WVON personality and organizer, son, regarded as a pioneer black dee- you take on all of us." From Richards'" have been fea-
Schwemmer from KOKO-AM in
who estimated total income would jay, and a telephone message from Al Bell, executive vice president. tured on such stations as WRAS-FM
Warrensburg, Mo., in the 2-7 p.m. run only around $30,000. Stcvic Wonder, now recovering Stax. introduced as "Mr. Slax." said. in Atlanta,(which takes a live feed),
slot; Phil Clinton 7-midnighl; and Spann, who also heads Delta Pro- from a serious auto accident. "If it had not been for (Jones), you WVVS-FM, Valdosta State College,
Don Register in the all-night slot.
ductions, local talent production Rev. Jesse Jackson, president. Op- would not say "Mr. Slax." He also Valdosia, Ga,; and WROL-AM,
Country music artists are invited to firm, said uneasinc&s generated by eration PUSH, who has spoken out called attention lo Mrs. Amanda Knoxvillc. WKDA-FM. Nashville.
investigations of promotion in the strongly on industry subjects includ- Jones, who received probably the WJLN-FM. Birmingham. WHHY-
industry probably cut down on ex- ing payola investigations (Billboard. strongest standing ovation of the AM in Montgomery. Ala., and
New Premium pected support and attendance. The
hotel set 80 tables, many of which
Sept. 15). said.
"Any black person in
on the attack.
Paul Johnson. Atlantic, lauded
WQDR-FM in Raleigh. N.C..
is among others. Bone claims (hat the
were empty throughout a program "No politician, no teacher, no and evoked a
Jones' egalitarian ism broadcasts have helped sales by
LP for Radio that dragged at times as individuals preacher has the range of E. Rodney number of long words and phrases such artists as Mann "and most sta-
LOS ANGELES-Custom Fidel- and company representatives made Jones." Rev. Jackson said, in point- that drew much humorous response tions report good initial response."
ity's special prcxlucLs division here testimonial presentations to Jones ing to the importance of radio. "If he and obviously inspired songwriter
has launched a new double-LP on his 25 years in the radio business, only perpetuated mere foolishness to Ed Townsend. who said that.
package of oldies strictly as a radio Full accountability of the money our children and did not stand be- "Tonight I am drunk-intoxicated CKVN-AM Returns to
station promotion. The album of."24 willbe made, said Spann. "Anyone hind the Urban Leagues Southern with the exuberance of my own ver-
who has run one of these knows the Leadership Conference
Former CFUN-AM Name
Great Hits" includes uncut tunes by Christian bosity."
such artists as Rod Stewart, Step- records that have to be kept. Our and PUSH, our relationship would Townsend credited Jones with VANCOUVER. Canada-
penwolf. and the Five Man Electri- btx>ks arc open." He credited Kay have to start at st>me place else. being first to play such big hits as CKVN-AM has changed its call let-
calBand. David Pcrkus. president of Jones. Lacy Lee and Hazel Irving as "There's war going on around us "For Your Love." and said. "If the ters back to CFUN-AM. the same
the company which specializes in three of the top staffers in putting and if that war is successful, comput- FCC is ever worried about payola, call letters it held 1955-1968. The
short-order pressing of albums, said the program together. ers will have his (Jones') job. there "what 1 gave Rodney wouldn't buy station originally went on the air in

that already such radio stations as WVON-AM*s involvement in will be no more Motowns. no more Chitlins on the corner of I25lh and 1922 as CFCQ-AM. then became
KKDJ-FM Los Angeles and
in community activities was mentioned Slaxes. no Arelhas." 7th Ave. al 3 o'clock in the morn- CKMaAM in 1928 and CFUN in

KCPX-AM in Salt Lake Ciiy had throughout. A letter signed by Ber- Rev. Jackson's broadcasts were ing." 1955. Format will still be directed

signed up to use the LP. Each station nadineC. Washington. WVON-AM switched recently from WVON-AM A long line of Iribulc t)fTerings. toward an adult contemporary
gets their own customized jacket. vice president, was passed out telling to WGRT-AM in a move Rev. Jack- some amounting to supplication, sound under program director
Custom Fidelityis now preparing of a plan to send 4.000 children to son said came about because black was highlighted by veteran promo- Chuck McCoy. Staff includes Fred
(CoiUinued on pa^e 22) (he circus Oct. 4 and to donate funds sponsors wanted the show on black- tion man Dave Clark's plague made Latremouille. John Rode. Daryl B.
owned WGRT (part of Johnson up of a group of popular remedies M. Ronald Carabine is general man-

TM Productions Launching
WVON. owned by Globetrotter
including Preparation H. serving lo
lighten the program, which was

Communications and represented at punctuated throughout with laughs

Stereo Commercials Pacicet the dinner by Potter Palmer, was re- and Ihc obvious fact that all who Capitol CATV
DALLAS TM Pri>duclion>. has priKiuLtiuit music, five ol" sound ef- ferred to bv Russ Meeks. president. came to loasi E. Rodney Jones had a
launched "The Prtxlucer." a total lecis. two of holiday, seasonal, and Search for Truth. Inc.. who paid good lime,
Promo Experiment
commercial prtHJuclion service for special event material, and a record tribute lo WVON-AM opening its SAN FRANCISCO-Capitol
ruJii>- V stations, .said Jim Li>ng.
1 of power tags. It conies in stereo and mikes to programs. "I don't have
his Records is experimenting with
chief t>peraiing ofliccr <if the giant is -^ild cxdusivclv one station per much lo sa\ for white folks, but your Stax Uses Matrix on sponsorship of a weekly TV mu-
market. Long said. In advance, the station has given me a voice." Meeks sic show on Viacom's CATV sys-
broadcast serv ices (Irni.

The initial shipmcni is 32 records; package has been sold lo more than said, adding, "blackness is where
Hayes and Staples
tem here. Television Signal Corp.
four more records arc supplied on a 50 stations, including KEEL-AM in your mind is and has nothing to do NEW YORK-Slax Records has carries the syndicated three-and-
bi-monthly basis, Stations receive 10 Shrcvepori. WI BL-AM in Sv racuse. with demographics," He described utilized a matrix system in prixiuc- a-half-hour "Music Connection"
complete campaigns, including N.Y.; CHML-AM in Hamilton. Jones as "just black enough." and ing three Isaac Hayes LP's and a music programming on Saturday
copy. Iayt)ut for art. and camera- Onl.. Canada; and WAVL-AM in said he would support WVON-AM new Staple Singers LP for the label's afternoons. Capitolis sharing its
ready art. The initial package of Louisville. Ky. "as long as it is loyal to the commu- introduction into the quadraphonic spot announcements equally
records includesrecords ofeight TM. a major jingles manufac- nity." market. The comany back the
will with Record Factory, a local re-
commercial images, eight records t>r turer, is also involved in music pro- Jackson, who had earlier said releases with an extensive promotion tail record chain.
commercial production music, six of gramming services. there were al least a "couple of campaign. (See Billboard Sept. 22.)
Rodio-TV Rrogfomming

Radio-TV Editor

WMMR-FM. Philadelphia, cele- Productions, will, hopefully, be The fantastic Jack Gale reports in started and because at Holiday Inns joined WEEP-AM. Pittsburgh, in
brated its fourth birthday as a pro- helping us out in this endeavor. from WRRT-AM. Cocoa. Fla. "As we are the most accommodating the 2-6 p.m. slot. Other WEEP-AM-
gressive station by bringing back More on this later as plans begin to you know, my Love Broadcasting people in the world." Ah. but I re- FM include Jerry Mason 6-10 a.m..
some of the former personalities, in- jell." Company owns KFTW-AM in member your radio show quite Ken Wells 10 a,m.-2 p.m.. Steve
cluding program director Jerry Ste- * * * Fredericktown. Mo. I also have an fondly. Dotty. Ryan 6-midnight, and Larry Ford
vens, who has been ofT the air the last agency in Hollywood, Fla. We have midnighl-6 a.m. Program director is
Dave Barker reports in from * * *
two years. Among those coming justhad our first Pulse here and. al- Ed Salamon. Bob Paiva is the
WTRL-AM in Bradenion. Fla.. an
. . .

back for the day were Don Ernie though the book isn't in yet, I feel Alan Silverman, who has nine new program director of WLEE-AM
MOR station. Says the station is
Gladden, Don Herman now with this station is now on the right (rack years of experience in Denver and in Richmond. Va. Says that Dick
looking for another personality.
WNEW-FM in New York, and Mi-
"We don't pay a lot. but the living is and can run itself. I am leaving the can furnish references, is looking for Reus, the former program director of
chael Cuscuna, now a record pro- 30 years and will be here
air after a radio job in the Washington. D.C. the station, "is playing golf for a
good here." . . . Jim Mack, WTUP-
ducer for Atlantic Records. It's . only one day a week. I will .spend area. Can anyone help him? 5518 couple of weeks and was in the off^ce

Tupelo, Mi.s.s.. writes: "Sitting

KYRS-AM in Corpus Christi. Tex. here wishing for a Coor's; been a
more time with my agency and we Dowgale Ct.. No. 208. Rockville. the other day to tell me that he has
The gremlins goofed up the call let- are actively looking for our next sta- Md. 20851 Gary Semro. mid-day several things under consideration."
long time since I sipped them with
ters in the last issue Johnny Hol-
Larry Cox, Bob Rnnegan, and Ray
tion to purchase. I have apptiinted man at KLAK-AM, Denver, has (Continued on page 24)
liday of WWEKT-AM in Washington Mike Box as my new music director
Walters at the old KFDA-AM in
is up to his old trick called Free- Bas- here. The now is: Gary Ste-
ketball-Tickets. I'm kidding:
Johnny, besides his radio show, will
Amarillo, Tex. Also.
ing whatever happened to Paul Ma-
I was wonder-
vens 6- 10 a.m.. Don Zillman 10a.m.-
2 p.m.. Box 2-6 p.m., Danny B.
Nader Moves More Into
jors, who was program director of
assist on play-by-play
tal Bullets this year.
for the Capi-
He's a basket-
we were
in Indianapolis where
sockin" super soul?
Coode 6-midnight. Mike Brooks
midnight-6 a.m., and Lee Diamond
NtW YORK Richard Nader,
& Films
biggest performers are being paid
ball bufT and used to organize teams on weekends. I wil remain as consul-
Thought: When I started in '60. we scale wages to perform before mil-
worked at
for the radio stations he tant A mention of my home phone president of Music Production Con-
expected to pay the dues in the small
and occasionally would sneak in a number in your column will let the .sullanLs. Inc. and originator of (he lions of homes on television," he
markets before getting a taste of
ringer on his team such as Rich trade know I haven't died. 305-636- I950's Rock and Roll Revivals, is en- continued, adding thai the record
glory and money. Now, kids coming
Barry. 6415." tering the realm of television and and music industry should re-eval-
out of broadcast schools looking for
* * * film production. Plans, which paral- uate television exposure in terms of
two bills a week and instant glory * * *
lel the expansion of the Nader or- its effect on concert bookings, gate
Steve Elliott, 516-826-5501. is Whose fault? The schotils or the al- ganization through imminent staff and record
looking for full-time personality most weres and has-beens or the Lineup at WGAR-AM. Cleve- receipts sales.

land, includes John Lanigan 6-10 increases, focuson the development agree that we need exposure in
and/or production work. He was at modem climate in broadcasting? Or of "musical documentaries." rather
WJAR-AM, Providence. a.m.. Joe Mayer 10 a.m.-l p.m.. other mediums and welcome it,**
R.i.. as as- is the cost of living really that high?
Chuck Collier 1-4 p.m.. Loren Owens than televised rock concerts. said Nader, "but I still, to date, am
sistant production director and per- Lineup here at north Missi.ssippi's
4-8 p.m.. GeofT Fox 8-midnight. and Nader has signed with the Wil- waving the yellow Hag because there
sonality. . . . Okay, here we go again No. rocker is Jim (Jim Edwards)

Jim Buchanan midnight-6 a.m. John liam Morris Agency for exclusive are artists that may not be reaping
with the latest installment in the Bromley morning. Ron (Ron Mack) representation as a TV and
Lund is program director. Buzz film pro- the benefits, but might be raped."
WPGC-AM-FM caper. And here's McDonald mu.sic director and mid- . . .

ducer. Tony Ford, creative services

Godwin. 919-792-2481. says he has
the letter from Harv Moore, pro- day. Ray Scott from WNVX-AM in In as.sessing the potential com-
his first ticket and is ready to work: head for the agency, stated that pro-
gram director of the Washington sta- Pensacola. Fla., in afternoon drive;
gramming chiefs at the three major
mercial impact of his proiected com-
has five years of experience, loo.
tion: "Chalk up another misquote BillJordon in early evening. Tom . .

televisionnetworks were being ap-

bination of dtx;umenlary with mu-
for Vox Jox! On my note to you, I (Chuck Conner) Mead in (he all- Jay Thonus Smith, 213-380-4864, is sic. Nader felt that television could
a young black who has considerable proached for discussions on Nader's
said. *when it comes to contempo- night slot. Mack does relief and be used as a medium for restoring
experience and is seeking work. initial proposals.
raiy stations. WPGC-AM-FM is No. weekend. Incidentally, we're blessed
Two of Nader's existing con- live
the "human element" to both the
I.' I am enclosing some excerpts with the best chief engineer in the Could do a cooking late evening Top performers and the industry itself.
40 show. ... cert projects, the British RtKk Inva-
think I should give
from the July/ Aug. AR B. WRC- A M south Truman Patterson; the best I

sion and the I950's Rock and Roll

"There are enough mediums to
dropped from fifth to seventh, I've worked with in 1 3 years of radio.
Tom Adams a plug. He's the Electric present the song itself," he said, "but
Weenie and he hangs out at WIOD- Revival, have already been brought
WEAM-AM dropped to eighteenth. And I'm always looking for good
to television via NBC-TV's "Mid- limited media for presenting the in-
WPGC-AM-FM. meanwhile, in- men getting started who really want AM, Miami. If you haven't heard of formation" behind artist and music.
Adams, well, for some odd reason he night Special" late night rock series,
creased. We are now second. to learn, particularly from our area. with the Revival segment to be taped Such an emphasis on the "emo-
WMAL-AM. who also dropped, in Would like to hear from a Missis- continues to score as one of the best
later this month. tional side" of both artist
and music
only 3,900 persons ahead of us now. sippi soul brother looking for a iob.
air personalities in the nation. And
Commenting on his decision to should be "potentially very lu-
We are No. in men and women 18- Tape and resume to me." the reason is that he's FuNnY! Per-
avoid rock concerts for television, a dicrous." he concluded.
34 years old and No. in teens. As a haps because he reads the Electric
* * * concept he feels has been exhausted, Nader oXso stated that his ongoing
matter of fact WPGC-AM-FM has Weenie. Now he gives samples away
Mel Phillips 212-628-4251, says free: You can get one just by writing Nader cited a possible "over satura- activities as a hve concert packager
more men and women 18-34 than
the "biggest news in New York City him and mentioning my name in tion" of such programs as cause for and promoter will continue, with an
the next four contemporary stations
is of country at WHN-AM,
the rise Sanskrit.
induslrv caution. "In most cases, our expanded schedule.
combined." I'm tempted to add: "To
but the rest of the pack is about the
be continued." but I won't. * * *
same. As for myself. I'm still pointed
* * * in the direction of consulting, but
Dotty Abbott, director of enier-
Russell, program director of
Galveston. Tex., reports
would consider a solid permanent
position as program director or na-
tainmeni for Holiday Inns, 3754 La-
mar. Memphis, Tenn. 381 18. writes:
Randy Calhoon,
is now doing weekends
the midday
tional program director." Lineup
at KLIF-AM in Dallas has program
. . .

"I'm glad to see your lead item was

about women in broadcasting. The address for
KRLY-FM in Houston. Replacing director Dave Ambro§e and Paxton
There arc a lot of great gals out there Don Sanderson. Danny Kra-
him at KILE-AM is Dr. An Kelly. So Mills doing a duo show 6-9 a.m.. BIG DEAL RECORD DIST. mer, Jim Tate. Hal Whitney,
looking for a break but nobody
the lineup reads: Dan Gallo 6-10 John London 9-noon. Michael That Appeared In ad of BillHeywood, Mike Lana,
seems to want to help them. Well,
a.m.. Kelly until 3 p.m., Russdl 3-6 O'Shea noon-3 p.m., Mike Selden 3- Last Week's Issue as George Hamberger Jr., John
dammit. 111 help them. As a real
p.m., Steve Ryder 6-midnight. with 6 p.m.. music director Randy Robins Long, Jess Cain, Stu Collins,
trailblazcr among women in the in-
Jeff Taylor and Bob Ford doing 6-9 p.m.. Cuzzin Lennic 9 p.m..- Harv Moore, Phil Harper. Al-
dustry with surely the record of lon-
weekend work. Russell adds: "There a.m.. and Tony Booth 1-6 a.m. Both Box #60-A len Saunders, Bwana Johnny,
gevity as a female disk jockey (22 Mike Allen andGary Owens
has been some talk about a possible Scldcn and Booth do a syndicated .

years), nobody knows better than I Cheneyvllle, Los Angeles.

secondary market radio convention radio show called "Super-Rock"
what a tough battle to get in, but
for Texas. Chuck Dunaway. old-time produced by PAMS, Dallas. Show is
it is Calif. 90023 was in error
there's never been a better time to
announcer par excellence and Hous- now on KBBC-FM in Phoenix. Call
try. Any station looking for a girt an- It Should Be MOUTHS EVERY MONTH?
ton partner of Dunaway/Masky PAMS for further details. SEE WHAT IT S ALL ABOUT.
nouncer can write me at my office
and any girl looking for a job can
send me a picture, tape, and bio and Louisiana 71235. HVPE. INK . POB 69581
. . . .


I'll try to put them in touch with each
other. was manager of three all-girl
WEENIE HUMBLY (but only for a moment)

radio stations as well as producer-

PRESENTS THIS UNSOUCITED LETTER announcer of the successfully syndi-
4RE EREE RtOM JUST 1 OF NEARLY 400 USERS OF cated Dolly Holiday show for seven
OUR GAG SHEn . . .
and a half years until it went off the
air Aug. 31. This is something I will
TtiE ECRTIES Dear Weenie: A word to acknowledge receipt
of back Weenies and to tell you how valu do because I like helping kids gel at and with
4RE EREE able and rare you are in this business. Your
"bleep." and someday
helped, remember
the "bleep" you will
to build a
rag is

hope the guys you

have surely worked

New Premium LP
• Continued from pa^e 21
Rob Ruby
WWl New Orleans.
a new country music alOum and a
new MOR album for radio stations. STUDIO
Rick Donovan produced the rock 1 3 weeks of the funniest far-out episodes for contemporary
Just think, a monument to my "bleep!"
Send to:
Won't that blow my imitalots minds^
LP. with Ron Lewis researching the
audiences already major market success and you can
• •

DOUG ANDREWS For free samples of this "hard worh '

music. Custom Fidelity has been
Sell It!!!
THE POP CHRONICLES TOM ADAMS producing radio station oldies al-
P.O. BOX 1282 The Qectric
Salt* 4, Z30 imtm Omt
WMnic bums for the past three years. More Free Demo . . . Call Collect
LOS ANGELES, CA 90028 )Uf KiacafM. 33MI than 1 20 radio stations have used the

(215) 922-0607

LPs thus far.

Jukebox FVogfomming
New Spots, 45's W. Va. Topics
Shortages Pinch
James Boewadl.
Dr. Robert
Univ. ofFla. market-
ing expert, offered operators at the re-
V. Va.
has a full-time researcher seek-
new locations for jukeboxes and
games, the W. Va. audience was
Royal customers are not the same from one
day to the next, machines do not
have to be replaced as often.
A motel's take averages $40 to
45 Quality Push
cent W. Va. Music & Vending Assn. By EARL PAIGE
told 100 Molds S 100 a week, Dille said, and one par-
new ideas for marketing (Billboard, ticularly successful room was bring- CHICAGO-Jukebox programmers and home phonograph manufac-
According to Dille. over 100 mo-
Oct. 6} and Carl DUle. Royal Disi.,
ing in weekly receipts of S2.000. turers involved in the multifaceted efforts to improve the quality of 45's are
from Cleveland (o Knoxvillc.
Cleveland, fold of setting up arcade Gimmicks used to lure customers watching carefully the shortage of raw materials (Billboard. Oct. 6). While at-
have been set up through his com-
rooms in hotels and motels. The nieet- into thegame rooms include signs in tention is directed at the short supply of benzine, the main compound from
pany and that interest is slill build-
ing Mm also highlighted h v a talk on
the customers'rooms and "wooden which polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is made and hence LP's, experts point to an
ing. Operators in each area install
defective 45 s.
nicklcs" worth a quarter of free play. even more critical shortage of polystyrene used for singles. A chief worry of
and service the machines. Because
Missionary in his enthusiasm. jukebox people is that more and more singles pressing will be farmed out as a
Dille said 'Vc arc willing to share result of the crunch on LP's, and such farm-outs have resulted in poorer qual-
ity 45's.
our knowledge with anyone."
Carol Brack delivered a speech Bryce Johnson, industrial manager of compounds. Tcnncco Chemicals,
based on issues raised at Billboard's Piscataway. N.J.. said, polystyrene "is drying up faster than PVC. This would

Jukebox Programming Conference make sense it is low-end product and would be bough! up faster." A

in May. Her basic subject was 45 N.J. pressing plant manager said he believes some problems with 45*s stems
records which arc pcxjr in quality or from injection molding with polystyrene. "I don't even believe they should use
so long as to be profit cutting. styrene. but I suppose it's a cost factor again."

Brack passed out 45's which had

oval holes and which lacked labels
as examples of
finding themselves
what operators were
up against.
CHICAGO-Music Operators of America (MOA) member jukebox pro-
Too Thin grammers are voting on five top money-earning records for the past 12
Specifically, 45's came under fire months with awards to be presented at MOA's 25th anniversary convention
for being too thin, a condition which here Nov. 9-11. The nominated titles: "Tie a Yellow Ribbon .." "Dueling. .

can warpagc. uneven drop- Banjos." "Me & Mrs. Jones." ''Killing Me Softly with His Song," "I Am
ping, and spillage; for slipping on Woman." "Behind Closed Doors," 'Teddy Bear Song." "The Night the
the turntable; for having labels Lights .," "Bad. Bad Leroy Brown." "You're So Vain." "Satin Sheets"
. .

and "Funny Face."

(Continued on page 24)

1 ^^^^^^^
JukeboxCopyrightOutlinedin Va.
VIRGINIA BF.ACH. Va.-Nich- Allen reminded the Virginia oper-

^REME PIERRE ^ olas Allen of

America told the
Music Operators of
Music Operators of
any change they can expect a
from the jukebox industry."
Allen remarked. "You'd think
ators that MOA was organized in
1948 "for the very purpose of com-

i makes it happen Virginia meeting here recently that

MOA is optimistic about proposed

copyright legislation but that there

are still dangers to be faced.
that after 8 years something would
hav« been acted on, but the bill cuts
across a tremendous sweep of inter-
ests. Also, changes in technology—
batting ASCAP's efTorls lo obtain a
performance royalty on jukeboxes."
It's a battle MOA. with growing

support from state associations, has

RENE PIERRE, long regarded as the finest of Allen said the outlook for the in- primarily CATV (Cable TV) and had little respite from for 25 years.
footsball tables, is the only truly professional dustry getting what it wants in the data processing have delayed finish- Election
massive bundle of copyright legisla- ing the Holding their 15th annual con-
model. No other machine can compare in popu- bill."
tion is bright. "Our S8 royalty seems He noted that the CATV issue that vention here in the Tidewater re-
larity and in quality competitive features: tele- has hung up progress for years has gion, the Music Operators of Vir-
fairly well settled." he said. He cau-
scoping, hardened steel rods, unbreakable tioned, though, that there is pressure been resolved, but parties involved ginia elected Tidewater operator Jim

metal players, all wood and metal construction, for a "cost of living" factor to be and Congress arc still not agreed on Donnelly as president.

complete assembly, and heavy durability for worked into all fixed royalty rales, the rights fees CATV users w ill pay. Donnelly, headquartered at Nor-
under a system that would add an Complex folk, succeeds another Tidewater
low/, low maintenance costs. See for yourself additional annual fee based on the The industry's copyright allies. operator. John Cameron of Newport
why RENE PIERRE COMPETITION is the best percentage of rise in the consumer Allen reports, vary according to the News.
Elected first vice president was
footsball table you can put on location. Distrib- price index. issue. Wiiile the recording industry
"That's a very dangerous proposal favoR the recording arts fee (bitterly Ralph Craun of Harrisonburg. Jay
utor inquiries welcome. from our industry viewpoint." Allen opposed by the jukebox industry ) it Waters of Charlottesville was
said. "That could increase our roy- joinsMOA in opposing the cost-of- elected second vice president. Ar-
noff Pantelides of Portsmouth was
Exclusive lmport;ers: alty fee offer as much as 60 percent,
and you can see what that would do
living increase since the recording
industry already pays a mechanical elected secretary- treasurer and
to our compromise. We are going to Richmond was
peabody's inc. remind Congress, if need be, thai
our S8 was a and it re-
Joining with the jukebox industry
in opposing the $ recording arts fee
Louis Corso of
as assistant secretary- treas-

Serving on the association's board


P.O. Box 163, Virginia Beach, Va. 23451, Phone (804) 428-2049 mains our offer. I've told the com- is the National Association of
mittee members just that, and if Broadcasters, (Continued on page 24)

VIRGINIA jukebox industry people heard Nicholas Allen, Music identJohn Cameron (left) with his successor, Jim Donnelly. Claude Smith, Cameron and Mo* HoUand enjoy the AtlantK
Operators of America counsel, discuss copyright legislation at Onestopper Dean Hogue stands during talk by Billt>oard re- Ocean breeze.
the recent Music Operators of Va. meeting. Outgoing Va. pres- porterRay Brack on the defective singles topic. At right.

JUKEBOX industry people in Rorida met recently and heard to Bob Rhinehart, Florida Amusement & Merchandising Assn. John Hale, Rowe manager from Jacksonville; Margaret Wes-
Dr. William R. Kahn. Valencia Junnr College professor from director. Others (from left) Judy Deaver, FAMA secretary, and ley Lawson, Ernestine Tolisano and Marie Rowe.
Orlando talk on management. He is at left in left photo talking Wilbur Wendler, FAMA president; Seeburg rep Tony Ferrera:
Copyrighted material
Jukebox Programming
_yox Jox_
"We know ports in from KENI-AM in Anchor-
• Continued from page 22 me: all that every radio
station constantly searches for a new age, Alaska: "1 mean, just because

What's Ploying?. The Annual Zoo World Na-

tional Radio Spot Competition is
complete and I suppose that Ron
and difTerent
And when it fmds
way to
a means

do this
way the
mean it's
up north here
end of the
A weekly survey of recent purchases ana that's interesting, inexpensive, and world, although you can sec it from
Shawn, media production manager, KENI-AM rocks on and
current and oldie selections getting lop play. easy to use, they'll usually jump on it Fairbanks.
will be writing me with news of the
and promote. With Zoo World, our competition across town is going
ALBUQUERQUE: COU^^^RY NORTH BEND. NEB.: winner any day. Zoo World is being
we've created an excellent promo- MOR." Lineup at KENI-AM in-
PURCHASES POP * COUNTRY PURCHASES u.sed by more than 60 radio stations,
Mary RMh HKon,M»lac BoMc tional vehicle for radio stations all cludes program director Bob King 6-
including such as WDAl-AM in
5)«Ti(>MBIIiMt »t New Mexico lac Kort AoiitiMMal C«. over the country." The rock news- 10 a.m.. Rod Ewing 10 a.m. -2 p.m..
Fourth SLNWnrr 4I0W. IOlkSt.M70t Memphis, WXLO-FM in New York, paper is published twice a month Lany Wain 2-6 p.m.. Chuck R<^>ert$
(M5t «M
344- 1 <401)«SZ4irr
WKLO-AM in Louisville, and
"I Can't Believe That s All Over." Bobby and radio stations the centerfold 6-midnight, and Dan York mid-
"The Most Beautiful Girl," Charlie Rich.
Vmton. Epic 11038
in San Diego. If
of the paper for their own promo- night-6 a.m.
Epic 5- 1040 1
haven't seen a copy, I suggest you
"Midnight Oil" "Love Is All." Engclbcrt Humperdinck. lions. * * «
"Green Snakes on the Ceiling." Johnnv Parrot 40076 conuict Ron at 305-564-6471 and
David Hixson. afternoon air per- Heard that Bob McCallum from
Bush. RCA0041 "Midnight Train lo Georgia" have him tell you about how the
sonaUt)' on KITE-AM, San Antonio, KAHI-AM. Auburn, CaUf.. gol a
"Plastic Trains. Paper Planes" "The Most Beautiful Girl." Charlie Rich. rock newspaper is handled by radio
MGM Epic 1040 has been appointed operations di- job doing 6-midnight at KGEM-
"Paper Roses." Marie Osmond. 1
stations. As Ron recently stated to
"Farewell Andromeda," John Denver, RCA rector of the station. Trniy Raven
14609 . . .
AM. Boise, Idaho. Congratulations.
"Sing About Love." Lynn Anderson. 0067 left KLOL-FM. Houston, to join
Bob. Lineup at WBUC-AM-FM.
. . .

Columbia'45918 "Hey Girl (I Like Your Style)." KFMB-AM. San Diego. Ernes-
Rip Bad 45
. ,

Temptations. Gordy 7131


Hudson, N.Y,. includes music direc-

"Rednecks. While Socks & Blue Ribbon tineMathis is back in radio and now
Beer" "Muskrat U)ve." America. Warner Brothers tor J.C Willets 6-10 a.m.. Neil
married and using the name of Er-
• Continued from page 23 Young 10 a.m.-3 p.m.. program di-
"In the Midnight Hour" nestine Malhis Barber. Remember
CHICAGO: SOUL PURCHASES rector Bill Cranney 3-6 p.m.. and Jim
"( I Don't Wan to Love You Butt You Got which peel ofT; for uneven drag her? She was music director of Sullivan, recently acquired from
Me Anyway." Sutherland force; for sit-down and lift-off prob- WOKS-AM in Columbus, Ga. She's WKNY-AM in Kingston. N.Y.. 6-
Brothers & Quiver. Island 1217
73IF.7S(liS«.IMI9 lems; and for generally poor quality. now doing the noon-3 p.m. show on signolT. Format is Top 40 and Bill
"Tonight." Raspberries. Capitol 36 10
Country Suggested remedies for these WFDR-FM in Manchester, Ga.
writes that he could still use better
"Check liOui"
"Nice Place lo Live." Kcnnv Karen. Big problems included identifying the Says: "We really have power,
"Nobody Wanu You When You're Down record service "although it has im-
Tree 16007 pressing plant on each, design- 50,000-watts. Being relatively new,
and Out." Bobby Womack. proved 100 percent in the last two
"Carolina Sundown Red." Jack Blanchard/ ing a form on which defects could be we haven't made the waves of some
United Artisli255 years, thanks to Billboard." Play the
Misty Morgan. Epic 1030 1
"I Understand." Gene Chandler. Curlom precisely listed, and setting up a hot- of the oldtimer*, but it won't be long
"ll Takes Time." Dave Dudley. Mercury records and you'll get service. If you
1986 Rudy Rutherford is program director
73404 line for reporting record defects. don't play the records Ihe record
"Midnight Tram lo Georgia"
"IHate You" Fred Granger, executive vice and the staff includes Ron Allen, for- company may cut you off com-
"Gypsy Man"
'The Town Where You Live." Mel Sirccl. president of Mu.sic Operators of merly of WRMA-AM in Mont- For example, one Top 40
"Short Stopping." Veda Brown. Stax0163 pletely.
Metromedia Country 0018 America, and Marie Coffman, long- gomer, Ala.; and Pete Blalock and
"There ll Is" station in Phoenix." KRIZ-AM. now
ROCK ISLAND. ILL.: "HOT 100" time WVMVA stalwart, were Jesse Grifdn. We're 24-hour soul." has to buy the rewrds from at least
'Meet Thai Lady" PURCHASES presented honorary lifetime mem- Good to hear from you. Ernestine. one major record label. KRIZ-AM
Lb OirnlkanM* berships to the association. They * * wasn't playing the label's records
JolMMaa VmiAbi Scnkc lac.
were the third and fourth persons to
Dan former afternoon
Reilly, until they were hits. can't blame the
lOMSdiSl. tlZOI I
DENVER: "HOT 100" PURCHASES receive this honor in the 9-ycar his- drive personality of WSPR-AM
record label at all for refusing to
AHto-Swmi Ma«k Co. I*c "YesWcCanCan" tory of the group. them with free product. Be-
Springfield, Mass. ha.s joined ser\'ice
laMW. l-ftk A*e.
"Hcanbcal Lovebeal." DcFranco
It'sa New WVMVA officers are Ron- WRCH-AM, Hanford. as a membei cause, unless a radio station helps
Family. Twentieth Century ald DeHaven, president; Shellon
"You're a Special Part of Me." Diana Ross/ 2030 of the news department Bill Gla- sell product, the record company
Marvin Gaye. Motown 12H0 Price, first vice president; Edward son, who has Fun-Master, a profes- can't afTord lo manufacture it. And
"All 1 Know," Art Garfunkel. Columbia "(IDon't Want to Love You But) You Got
Oliver, .second vice president; and sional comedy service, demands the radio station must play it while
452% Me Anyway." Sutherland Leoma Ballard, secretary and treas-
equal time. You can gel a sample the record atmpany is working the
"I Got a Name." Jim Croce. ABC 389 1 1
Brothers & Quiver. Island 1217 urer.
copy of Billy's work by writing him record. If you wait too long to put a
"I Won't Last a Day Wiihout You," "Paper Roses." Mane Osmond. MGM New directors are J. C. Hunt W,
Maureen McGovcrn. Twcniiclh 14609 at 200 West 54th St.. New York, record on the air. il d<Ks absolutely
Century 2051
T. Cruze. Joe Dobktn, James K. N Y. 10019. .. Chuck Roberts re- no good. For God's sake. I wish some
"Let Me In." Osmonds. Kolob 146 17 .

•Top of Ihc World." Carpenters. AAM 1468 Hutzler. James Stevens, James of you guys would start playing
"Ramblin' Man"
"JustYou& Me." Chicago. Columbia 45933 "Midnight Train lo Georgia" Orum, M. Lee HayhursL Pat Sagace some new records from time to lime.
"Rhapsody in Blue." Det>dato,CTl 16 James James H, Ki.scr. Wil-
Royalty Outline It doesn't hurt to go on one or two


liam N. Anderson, Andrew C. brand new records a week, and I'm
Kni.ska, Jerry Derrick, Eugene R. • Continued from page 23 not talking about "proven" records
BcU« S4*B<ft«U Bobllcwb Wallace. WiUiam Edmond, Alfred that have already become hits some-
Jim SttofAeU Co. Inc. A.M. EMMAlMn of directors this year will be Cam-
Broom, and Richard Paxton. where else. I'm talking about a
eron, Harr)' Hcaley of Gloucester, R.
(«M)7SZ-7l8t Oii)Z5>4aoo Chris Bollard was reelected ser- record that you happen lo "hear"
W. Calude Jr. of Capron, Jesse Rich-
"We're Gonna Hold On" "Jesse. Roberta Flack. Atlantic 2982
* geant at arms.
ardson of Winchester, Kenneth and like and think might be a hit.
"Sawmill" "All Know," Art Garfunkel. Columbia
I The membership voted to hold its
"The Most Beautiful Girl." Charlie Rich, O'Connor of Richmond. Harry Fake Take a chance on it! Get Excited
45926 next annual meeting in Chariesion.
Epic 11040 "In the Midnight Hour." Cros.s Country. of Strasburg, Bill Hensley of Nor- about music again and your au-
"Sunday Sunrise" Atco 6934 folk. Richard Pcery of Roanoke, M. dience might get excited about you.
"(I Don't Want to Love You But) You Got L. Holland of Roanoke, Lewis Jones And your station. If Top 40 ratings
GREENFIEU). MASS.: "HOT 100** Me Anyway." Sutherland have been slipping, it's because of
PURCHASES Brothers& Quiver. Island 1217 [jukebox Meetings] of Richmond. Alton Lewis ofSlaun-
ihc lighl playlist and the program di-
Tin Sti*)M« ton. Bob Lewis of Richmond, Wayne
Mobawi M««ic Inc. Lewis of Staunton, Claude Smith of rectors who're scared to play new
Spinners MKhini Opefitori
ASSDMfftcWSLVIMl Od. U-Huh. StKe Coin fasa..
{4I3)7T4-43SI "Smoke on the Water." Deep Purple Roanoke, Charlene Lesnick of Rich- records.
Holiday Inn, Yakima

"Such a Nighi." Dr. John. Atco 6937 "Brother Louie." Stones

Oct 1S^21-HUIUI nndmi conmrliofl. McCormick mond. Robert Minor of Richmond. * * *
"Roland the Roadie & Gertrude the "We're an American Band" Place. Chicago C. E. Morse of Richmond and Rob-
Oldie Dave Land reports ihal he has
Groupie." Dr. Hook & Medicine Nov 9-IKM Bth animnarr csmmllen, Conrad Hil-
ert FHppen, Jr. of South Hill.
"Sounds of Silence." Simon & Garfunkel taken a weekend job at KCCO-AM.
Show. Columbia 45878 lon, ChKigo
One of the association's past presi- Lawton, Okla. The lineup at the Top
"Fcelin" Stronger Every Day" Feb 22-Muic Operators of Minn., five state football
PORTLAND. ORE.: "HOT 100" tourney (site to t>e Bfinounced)
dents, Gilbert Bailey of Gloucester, 40 station includes Ron Kirby 6-9
"Knockin" on Heaven's [>oor." Bob Dylan.
PURCHASES died April 28 and was memorialized
Miy 17-Hnc Opefiton of N.T., Stevensville Country a.m., Ty Dixon 9-noon, Bob Mason
Columbia45913 Club, Swan Lake during the convention here. noon-4 p.m.. Dick Lewis 4-6 p.m.
and Don Longfellow until signoff.
"All I Know," An Garfunkel. Columbia
45296 Land is in the army at Fort Sill. . ,

"Krce Ride" Seems as if WGNG-AM in Provi-

One Stop service for all dence.
R.I.. is

Staff there
Brad Pierce and now Bill
really shaping up for
includes John

Doa Aadtnon. kmOn SvakoN

AAA Aniitencnl Co. I nc. mouth. N.H. Lineup at WESA- . . .

I4.1M SK Start SI. •72.V» UERCHANDISI— l«if ball gum wrapped gum, charms, filled
upiutts, panntd candiei, bulk A vacuum packed nutt, ball AM-f-M, Charlcroi, Pa., includes
poini pens, combs, 1c lab, 5c packagt gum, Sc & )0c vending
"Ouitaw Man." Eagles, Asylum 1025 1
pack candy bars.
program director Gary Persons 6-10
"KntHrkin' on Heaven's Dotir." Bob Dylan. a.m.. music director Dave Rhodes
SUPPLIES- Empty captulri V-VI-V2, coin weigfiing scales,
Columbia459l3 counters & wrapptrs, stamp folders, decals. roule cards, pad- until 2:30 p.m.. Ken Williams until 7
"I Got a Name." Jim Croce. ABC 1 1389 locks, !pr«y paints, machin* cleaners & lubricants, paper cups
for tiot nut venders & hot beverages.
p.m.. Eric Bugaile 7-midnight and
"Summer (The First Time)." Bobby
Bttt Waliktr lOUIPMIMT-All Nortfiwestern bulk venders, cast iron stands, college students Mike Drawl and
Goldsboro. United Ariists 251
CAN SbIo Co. Ut. wall brackets, sanitary & stamp venders, new & reconditioned Bob Keller on weekends. Persons
"Basketball Jones Featuring Tyrone
bulk venders of all kinds, parts for all Inilk venders.
Shoelaces" writes: "Most of our parl-iimers
"I Got a Name." Jim Crocc. ABC 1 1 .W9 Uilk roupon ror d«Ulla and pfl««a ixt tiM NorUiwralam
have been college students and this
-We May Never Pass This Way Again." SUPER MXTY (tlluatralMl). Vando Kum^rharm*. AIkj a*k (or is their first job. Quite a few of them
SOUTH BEND. IND.: tnformallon on other Nar1hw*M«m machlnaa.
Seals & Crofts. Warner Brothers COUNTRY & POP PURCHASES have been failing ihc blcmcni 9 por-
Jeu MacQul*c> tion of the third class test, now keep
"Raised on
Rock." Elvis Presley. RCA 0088 Mm'i Macttinci Inr. FAST SERVICE.
COMPANY LOWEST PRICES in mind that these arc prclly intelli-
"Sing about Love." Lynn Anderson. 2«Z5MKIi«»aka A».4Mt!
Columbia 459 18 (Il912n-mil ADDRESS _ FROM LARGEST gent people and that they are used to
"In the Midnight Hour" "The Last Blues Song." Dick Curlcss. INVENTORY IN taking tests! It seems that the FCC
"Angie" Capitol 3698 changed the test without bothering
Fill in coupon, clip and ma\\ lo:
"Heartbeat. It's a Lovcbcal." DcFranco "Ballad ofBen Gay." Ben Gay. Elm 103
Send for lo change the study guide. There
family. Twentieth Century "Hetmaii Schwaru." Stonewall Jack-son.
2030 MGM 14569 T J KING & COMPANY INC. f»rices
and were questions about power that
had when I got my first phone."

"(I Dim't Want to Love You Bui) You Goi POP I 2T00 W Lake St. Chicago, III 606)2
Me Anyway." Sutherland "Paper Roses." Mane Osmond. MG.M Phone 1312) 533-3302
(Continued on page 25)
BroihersA Quiver. Uland 1217 14609
BHIboiid SPECIAL SURVEY lor Week Endm( 10/13/73

ilbssicd Music
Polydor Symphonies on Tape OossioQlLPk
Marks Anniversary of DG ^ CopY"g''i '973 Billboard Put)lrc«lK)ns Inc No part oMhts publtcalion may &• r»p(oduc»d
siorad m a retrisval srslerri. or iransmittM m any form or t>y arty means alvct'Omc m«chan<cal
photocopying racotding o' oth«rM>»e Mtthoul tne prior Mntlan parimsston ol lh« publtS^•r
LONDON-Last month Polydor era available on tape, and Polydor ber of Seville, will retail at $ 1 9.20. At
released its Symphony Edition- 13 planned to release three opera box the same time two box sets contain-
symphonies on tape to mark the 75th sets in October to help overcome ing two cassettes each and retailing
anniversary of Deutsche Grammo- this. The three boxes, featuring at $13.30 will be released. They are
II 1| TITLI, AMM. UM • Nuntat
phon. Tape marketing manager Verdi's Rigoletto, Mozart's The Bach's six Brandenburg concertos
Laurie Adams said it was a mam- Magic Flute and Rossini's The Bar- and Verdi's Requiem.
1 1 u scon WPUN: PUNO UCS, »0L 2
Joshua Ritkin, Nonesuch 71264 (EleMra)
moth project never attempted be-
fore, is the biggest classical series 2 S 9 PUCOM: LA MWEME
on tape released to date." he said.
The retail price of the total edition
CBS Sales Meet Is Shown 3 2 IS
Pavarotti/Freni/Von Karaian, London


OSA 1299

is more than $435.60. Each specially Scott Joplin (Schuller) Angel S 36060 ((^pitol)

packed box contains

and a booklet, and
six cassettes
retails at $33.75.
Seven S-LP Sets in U.K. 4 4 IS UCH:
BrandenbefK Ccnceftos
HB 73006
"It not very often a company has
is LONDON-New box set pro-
ano music of Maurice Ravel by the
such a prestigious release which is grammes of classical recordings National Philhannonk Orch- o( London (Gertiardt), RCA LSC 3330
late Robert Casadesus, and a
also too per cent saleable," Adams were presented to CBS sales force at
Tchaikovsky group with Ormandy 6 3 15 scon tOfUN: PIANO RAGS, VOL. 1
commented. the Stratford -on -Avon Hilton last
conducting the Philadelphia Or- Nonesuch 71248 (Elektia)
The Edition covers the sym- weekend by classical promotion
chestra and consisting of the Piano 7 t IS ACH: CompMe Fkite Sonalai
phonies by every major composer, manager Robert Walker, a total of
Concerto No. 1 with soloist Eugene Odyssey Y2 31925 (Columbia)
and to promote it in addition to seven 3-LP sets to retail at £4.72 un-
Istomin, the Concertos Nos. 2 and 3
heavy advertising Polydor is releas- til next Feb. 28. All are for release on 1 » IS tOB: CARMEN
played by Gary Graffman. the Vio-
ing a sampler cassette with Mozart's Nov. 2, and will be supported by M. Hofn/I McCtacken/L. Bernstein, OGG 2709 043 (Polydoc)
lin Concerto by David Oistrakh and
Symphony No. 41 (Jupiter) and leaflet and window-display cam- 9 10 u TNE CDPtAND AlBUM
the cello Rococo Variations by
Haydn's Symphony No. 94 (Sur- paigns nationwide. Columbia MG 30071
Leonard Rose.
prise) retailing at $3. They include George Szell and
Back into the catalog comes the 10 19 7 PIANO MUSKBY GEO«G£ GERSHWIN
The 13 packs include symphonies the Cleveland Orchestra playing all
William Bolcom. piano. Nonesuch E 71284 (Elektra)
complete performance of Kurt
by Mozart, Beethoven. Bruckner. four symphonies of Brahms plus the
Schubert Mahler. Haydn, Brahm.s, Academic Festival and Tragic Over-
Weill's rarely-heard opera The Rise U 15 15 SONCS or STEPHEN FOSTER
and Fall of the City of Ma- Nonesuch 71268 (Elektra)
Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Sibelius, lures, organist E. Power Biggs with
hagonny. with the original perform-
Mendelssohn and Schumann. theLondon Philharmonic Ortiitsira 12 7 15 MAX SDNER/GERHARDT/NATIONAL PWL No Vey>|<r
ance as Jenny of Weill's widow Lotle RCA 0136
Adams said recently there had under Sir Adnan Boult in 16 Handel
Lenya. Ormandy and the Phila-
been discussion over the lack of op- Organ Concertos, the complete pi- 13 22 15 VEROI: GIOVANNA D'ARCO
delphia play six of the best-known
Caballe Domingo. Angel SOL 3791
Richard Strauss tone-poems on
77359 with Don Juan, Don Quixote, 14 11 IS TKANS-ELECmONIC MUSIC PRODUCTIONS, INC.
Also Sprach Zaralhustra, Ein
_Vox Jox Heldenleben. Death and Trans-
figuration and Till Eulenspiegel. » 23 IS
Walter Carlos/Beniamin Folkman, Columbia

MS 7194

• Continued from page 24 And guitarist John Williams is star- Sutherland/Pavarotti. London Symphony London OSA 13105
lem that the station has had since it
Jerry P. Marcus has launced the P went on the air years ago; 1 don't red on 77355 in a total of 35 of his 1( 12 15 SAN FRANCISCO SYMPHONY ORCH. (Ozana)
B N Survey, a record tipsheel. You really beUeve there's a way to solve best-loved guitar recordings. BERNSTEIN: Symphonic Dances From West Side Stofy
can reach him for a copy at P.O. Box RUSSO: Three Pieces for Blues Band A Orch.
il. ... Dave Hull is no longer at Walker also announced for De-
268. Lawrence. Mass. 01842. His KGBS-AM. Los Angeles. John cember release a new recording of
. . .
DGG 2530 309 (Polydor)
phone is 618-686-4293. He's asking Wellman, who'd been with Pro- the popular Gustav Hoist suite The
from all stations. Says 17 13 15 BACH BRANDENBURG CONCCRTI: C<ll<(iiim Auraiin
for playlists gramming db, Los Angeles syndica- Planets, with Leonard Bernstein
Vl(^ 6023 (Victrola)
he'll provide, in return, his tipsheet tion firm, is now doing record pro- conducting the New York Philhar-
and record prtxluct connected with monic Orhcestra (73001) to retail at IS 3< 15 HOIST: The Ptancb
motion for Playboy Records. Los
Los Angeles Philharmonic (Mehta), London CS 6734
another operation he's also launch- Angeles. Los Angeles promotion ex- £2.45. spearheading a new release
ing—an independent record promo- ecutives tossed a party for him last of CBS classical single LPs and 19 14 15 MAHLIR: 8th SYMPHONY
lion firm devoted exclusively to pro- Chicago Symphony Orch. (Soiti). London OSA 1295
Friday (7). John was always cordial aimed at the market bound to result
moting Canadian artists in the U.S., to most promotion people and they from celebration in 1974 of the cen- 20 24 9 MIILOS ROZSA CONDUCTS HIS GREAT nLM MUSIC
At first, he'll limit his promotion op- hke him. tenary of Hoist's birth. Angel S 36063 (Capitol)
erations only to New England. 21 25 15 DEUUS FLORIDA SUFTE
* * * Beecham Seraphim 60212 (Capitol)

If you are a rock. Top 40. or con- Montreux Winners Listed 22 _ 1 KURT WEIU: Suite From Three Penny Open/DARIUS MILHAUD
temporary station that has from time La Creation Du Monde (Weisberg). Nonesuch MIC H 71281 (Elektra)
MONTREUX-Rea^rdmg world's our." always awarded a year in ad-
to time played classical music or mewl coveted prizes, the Grand Prix vance, is to go in 1974 to veteran 23 30 15 HOLST: TME PLANETS
thought about doing so, the Classi- Mondial awards of the international conductor Karl Bohm, who will be Boston Symphony (Steinberg). DGG 2530102 (Polydor)
cal Conspiracy', a newly-organized jury of record critics at the Mon- 80 next Augu-st and is still conduct- 24 1( 15 ANNA BOLENA
classical promotion organization, treux Festival in Switzerland, brought ing and recording regularly. The Beverly Sills, ABC ATS 30015/4
would like to hear your story. Ad- prizes last week to British recording 1973 award, chosen last year, went to
dress information regarding sta- companies and British-made issues. Artur Rubinstein, who received it at MGM. STE ST 13
tion's background, description of Of the four awards and one spe- the ceremonial presentation in the
audience, and any listener reaction cial prize, top opera was judged to Chinon Castle.
Seraphim IB 603E (Capitol)
to: The Classical Consipracy, High be Phonogram's "Benvcnuto Cel- As well as awards to recordings,
FidelityMagazine. Billboard Publi- Montreux this year honored record- 27 20 7 ALFRED NEWMAN CONDUCTS HIS GREATEST FILM MUSIC
of Beriioz, conducted by Colin
Angel S 36063 (Capitol)
cations Inc., Great Barrington. Davis and produced by Erik Smith ing engineers Arthur Haddy of
Mass. 01230. (Billboard Oct. 6), released here last Decca and Horsl Rcdlich of Teldec, 2S 33 3 BACH: The Well Tempered Clavier (Book 1)
* * * Berlin. Japan's JVC engineer Inouye
Sviatoslav Richler, Melodiya/Angel SRC 4119 (Capitol)
February, Tying with it was the Har-
KRAR-AM. a Top 40 station in monia Mundi recording of Mus- and CBS's Benjamin Bauer, the two 29 1 THE POCKET BACH
Cheyenne. Wyo., is looking for a cre- sorgsky's opera "Khovanischina," latter for their work in developing George Fields. Angel S 36067
ative morning personality. Talk to quadraphonic recording.
recorded by the Sofia Opera of Bul- 30 32 15 DONIZETTI/SUTHERLAND BONYGNC: Ucia it LammermouT
program director John Millinder. garia and not available here. Judging this year included Brit- London OSA 13103
who just recently joined the station In the orchestral section the award ain's Edward Greenfield, music and _
from KLCM-AM in Lompoc, Calif., went to Decca for the Mahler "Sym- recording critic of the Guardian, Into The Classics. Angel 36052 (Capitol)
where he was music director. Je- . . .
phony No. 8" by the Chicago Sym- and U.S. High Fidelity editor Leon-
remy K. Kacrcher is the new music 32 40 IS HANDEL WATER MUSIC
phony Orchestra conducted by Sir ard Marcus. Leopard, Philips 6500 047 (Phonopam)
dirtxtorof WCLT-AM-AM in New- Georg Solli (SET), with soloists
ark, Ohio. He needs records desper- 33 17 13 HENRY VIII AND HIS
Heather Harper. Lucia Popp,
ately, especially the softer tocV. and Yvonne Minton, Helen Walts, Rene
Octoiser Is T. V. Soundtrack. Angel SFO 36895

MOR disks. Guarantees quick and

lots of airplay. Lineup includes
Kollo, John Shirley-Quirk and
Martti Talvela, released here last
Gould Month 34 34 3 MAHLER: 5th Symphony
r. OUlM/ Ll1n.a])^ ^umnhnnv
^ntli/fhiraffn Ojf MfJtlUllj.
1 LuilUUII
1 T^A
nnrlnn l/^Pl ?77K
Chuck Koblentz 6-10 a.m.. Bob
Brocker until 2 p.m.. and Kacrcher
Soto instrumental prize was given
At Columbia 35 21 IS THE CHOPIN
Artur Rubinstein.
RCA Red Seal LSC 4000
until signoff. Bob Shaw does week- NEW YORK Columbia Master-
to DGG's recording by former War- 1 LEONARD PENNARIO: Warsaw Concerto A Other Favorite Shoapltca
ends. Fred P>1e is program director. saw Chopin Prize winner Maurizio works, in conjunction with its desig- Angel S 36062 (Capitol)
The FM features MOR and Dave Pollini for his performances of the nation of October being Glenn 37 37 3 MORMON TABERNACLE'S GREATEST HITS
Gelfer is in charge. 24 Chopin Etudes brought out here Gould month, is releasing five new Columbia MS 6951
* * * LP's from the Canadian pianist and
last November. This year a special
38 38 3 CLAIR DE LUNE (Almekia)
Big turnover or turnout at KRCQ- prize for a valuable historical is offering a 55-minute radio special Angel S 36064 Capitol)
AM, Los Angeles. Leaving the sta- recording was given to EMI's issue to classical stations, featuring con-
tion were Gary Bookasta, the presi- last year of the 1952 monaural versation betweenGould and Ken Columbia M 231008
dent: morning air personality recording of Wagner's "The Ring" Haslam on Wagner transcriptions.
Charlie Tuna, and air personalities The new LP 40 27 15 SAINT SAENS PUNO CONCOII
conducted by Wilhelm Furtwangler releases feature the
Seraphim 6081 (Capitol)
Jimmy Rasbitt and Shadde Stevens. on 18 LP's. works of Bach. Mozart and Beetho-
It all harks back to an inherent prob- Montreux*s "Diploma of Hon- ven.
ijountry Music
Anticipated Peal^ Turnout Forces Top Acts' Wives Star As
'Opry Weeli' to Use Color-Coding Models For Fashion SAvoiv NASHVILLE - Top recording Bare, Nal Stuckey. Lester Wilbum
artists, radio personalities and others and Rex Allen Jr.
NASHVILLE-The greatest in- They represent 1 1 major labels and As far as designated
booths for the
flux of radio personnel in years is many independents, as well as jockey sessions sponsored
joined the wives of singers and musi- Radio personalities such as Hope
cians in this year's "Sounds and Hines. Tony George. Russ Spooner.
anticipated for this year's 48th "Grand Ole Opry" regulars not on a jointlyby the "Opry" and the CMA.
the majority will be assigned to the
Styles" Show at the Grand Ole Opry Dave Deboh. Dick Kaiser and Ca-
"Grand Ole Opry" Birthday Cele- label.
In anticipation of the surge, (he
House. sey Jenkins also took part in the
bration, according to the color-code 1 1 labels participating directly in the
"Opry*" officials have on hand 6.500 convention One booth The event sponsored by the Mu- show, wearing costumes of "Grand
plan for this year's event activities. is
sic City Chapter of American Busi- Ole Opry" entertainers since 1926.
Registration officials have di- badges and official books for regis- set aside for the international per-
formers, while another
ness Women's was
Association, The priceless costumes were loaned
vided categories into colors, not only tration. is specifically
headlined by the Jack Greene/ by the artists.
to determine in advance what Color Badges for '*Grand Ole Opry" artists. Spe-
groups arc best represented, but to The color categories are broken cialarrangements have been made
Jeannie Seely Show, featuring Justin Grant Turner, veteran of WSM
on independent labels not
Tubb and Goldie Hill. Miss Hill, radio, was master of ceremonies. All
help in identity during the conven- down thusly; for artists
wife of Carl Smith, had not ap- proceeds go to a scholarship fund,
tion. Oct. 17-18-19-20. Red badges: Performing rights or- associated with the celebration.
peared publicly in some 15 years. and for the first time an additional
Early indications are that ( I ) reg- ganizations, publishers, public rela- They need show proof of a recently
Models for the fashion show were scholarship was awarded to a stu-
istration will run ahead of last year's tions personnel, record prcssers. recorded song, and will be approved
Mmes. Johnny Duncan. Justin Tubb. dent entering college to earn a de-
total of 5,300; (2) the majority of distributors, record company per- as they enter the door. In years past,
Bill Anderson. Jim Ed Brown, Bobby gree in music.
those registering are in the radio-TV sonnel. CountryMusic Association no such arrangement was made for
category and (3) the greatest number personnel. There are 700 such these artists.
of foreign visitors, perhaps as many
as 500, will attend this year.
As of this writing, there were 160
Yellow badges: Radio and tele-
vision personnel (primarily disk
Actual events in connection with
the gathering got underway last
week with a special CMA-sponsored
CMA Adding DJ Awards
artists confirmed for appearances at jtKkeys), and trade press. There are NASHVILLE-Reversing a trend given to air personalities in the
golf tournament strictly for the
the various shows. The figure may 5,000 such badges. of recent years, a new Country Mu- small, medium and large market cat-
working press. From that the mo-
climb to 200 before it is finalized. Blue badges: musicians, artists, sic Association award has been es- egories, as determined by a vote of
mentum picksup to include, in suc-
song writers. There are 400 such
cession, the Music City Pro-Celeb-
tablished to be" presented the first all CMA members in that category.

Tops Country badges.

Green badges: Promoters, agents,
rity Golf Tournament the CMA
lime this year.
Ted Harris, chairman of the mem-
Tabulation is by the firm of Touchc-
Ross & Co. The idea for the special
• Continued from pa^e televised awards show (Monday.
managers, relailers. club owners, ar-
Oct 15). rounds of private parties
bership committee of CMA, said awards was originated bv Ralph
each. At ihc Kentucky State Fair rangers, producers, music lawyers,
and functioas, and finally the offi-
that a special award lo disk jiKrkeys Emery of WSM- AM
here'and Bill
Rodeo he grossed S 136.000 and etc. There arc 400 of these badges. will be pre-sented at (he annual ban- Robinson, WIRE-AM. Indianapolis,
cial celebration, punctuated by a
played to 55,000 persons in five per- Spouses who accompany their
board meeting of the CMA. another
quet here Oct 19. It will nol be both CMA directors.
formances. At a similar rodeo in mates will receive the sames color awarded on the national television Harris said it might spur more in-
involving the Country Music Foun-
New Mexico, he played lo three sell- badge as their husband or wife.
dation, and the general CMA gath-
show. volvement of the radio station per-
out performances, drawing more Already more than 200 represen- The move reduce categories
to sonnel in the CMA. and to promote
ering,including the election of
than 36,000. tatives of the British Countr) Music was begun a few years ago in order incentive.
members of the board of directors.
The show is a complete, self-con- Association are registered, plus a 10 tighten the network presentation. At another time of year. CMA
tained unit which includes Johnny delegation of at least 50 from Japan. This convention, plus the cele- Since the award this time circum- gives special awards to stations
Russell.Alex Houston. The Four Other nations represented thus far brated Fan Fair in June, now bring vents television, the expansion is not which do the most to promote coun-
Guys, and The Pridesmen, Pride's include Australia, New Zealand. 10.000 "cclebrators" to the city an- in confiicl with the earlier action. try music month. This, however, is
band. Germany and Canada. nually. The disk jockey award will be geared to the individual.

He's shiMin'up the charts again.

^cofd World


WaylHi Jennings'
Ask Me
Specially rcTccoided for radio airplay.
W 1^/
Includes: Old Five and DImers (Like Me)
We Had It All Ride Me Down Easy
You Ask Me To Honky Tonk Heroes

RCil Records and Tapes

OCTOBER 13. 1973.


Doyle Holly •^2 hit singles in a row!

of the Silver Dollar^

followed by

Xila" (#B5027)

fhis week 72*

on Billboard's
Hot Country Singles
and now...
the album

(#BR 15010) Produced by Ken Mansfield

'published by Dobbins Music
«I973MGM Records, Inc.
Sainaid SPECIAL SUmEY lu Week Endmi 10/13/73

Plain Billboard

.Simple Hot Country Singles
* STAR PwtofiMr-tlnflM r«(l*ti>rinf grMtMt proporttonatt upward profrM* thti wMk.
B 1
K f 1
• Is
B m
z a'S
J s
.19 « e TITU. ARTIST
Vfrilfi Ljb«l i Ni/fflbc (Dsl lAH) (PuMohcr, licmee) W't'CT lJb«l & Nufnbfi (Dist Ubell (PuNistiFT lictnuc)
S s IMiler label t Number (DbI Label) (Publuher liceAsee)

w 4 Q RltHN'
(lohnny RodnEMi!. M;fcui» 73116 tl'lMmoinm)
(Nnm WlHin.
Billy Sheritlll Epic '>
1040 (Cotumbu)
84 YOU ASK ME TO-mayka
(Waylon lennints
(Baton. BMI)
Biily loe Shaver)

z 2 KID
IHillnoIt. SMI!

STUFF-hAn ftkom
CrutcMiHd. Don Etft) Columbd 4 4S903
(Gltfin Sutton). Coiumbu
(Fliphtp BMI)
(Ke«ny Prve). RCA 0DB3 (Blue Echo. ASCAP)
ME D0WN-Imi>i phm

(Ouehea BMr) 37 39 SUGARMAN-Pitii utm 70 72 COLORADO COUNTRY MORNING-

(G RkIwi N W45on C {px ^11078 TwMtiwt Emit tmi
3 3 YOU'VE NEVER BEEN THIS (Cohjmbii) (CiKito/Wgee. BMI)
(B. 0«Mc*fl, 1 CunninBiuni). Clprfot 3704 (Ctcnarood.
FAR-coMur T««T ASCAP/MiMlina BMI)
(Ccnni rwnlly) MU 40094 (I"'"* B*a KMt) 3> 24 15 THE CORNER OF MY LIFE-M h«tno.
(B Andmon). MCA 400/D (Stallion. BMI)
71 76 FOR OL' TIMES SAKE-Ei.ii PnUn
riony Joe WNte) RCA O0B8 ($«tmp FoI/W^rtehawen.
dim W*j]h(f),) Cclumbi* 4 4i889 lK«a ASMP)
(DofMl fireol. Dol Um iPiimi Dontu BMI)


(Bob Mihap)
Barnaby »?7 (MCH) (Dobbini. BMI)
RIBBON BEER-M<q bn<i GYPSY ROSE?-T«f(, suitvt
fBDb Md)ill Wiyland Chutt Nffie). RCA LntiH LR Bnmni Atiantc 4006 (l«>Fne &
0021 llxN
eMI/j3n<]o ASCAP)

Brmn, BMI)
YOU-lim Claw
Payne) MGM 14590
it 9 SUNDAT SUNRISE-Brntt in
(Mirk t«nnl Ma 4010? (Scieen G«m C«4unifeii/
41 26 OPEN UP YOUR HEART-t>cf.
(RaiM UAf) Columbii HWi
(T(K/'/Uihoad. BMI)
(Jim Clsser
(fitaie' Bros

Snci Gtofr BMII

7 1 THE MIDNIGHT OIL-tatin UmlM UFE-Lcit| Fitnti
1 (JAlien) Columtiii (4^04 (lit* Wt)
LOVE-Mftr 6.
(his. Ret. f<ct«i}. Mtltomtdu Caunliy 0075 <RCAl (S D Shater. Lefty Fnuell). ABC 1646? (Blue Crtct.
(AiMfiCus.''UKlc Ben t ASCAP) SMI)
0N-6Mr|i l«Ht 1 Tamar <<*«41e 43 46 KISS IT ft MAKE IT BETTER- be Oi.a 75 64 10 LEAVING'S HEAVY ON MY
IG«xgi Icmes f Monttomcrr) Lpic S 11031
(Colombo (AHam.'Hi. Mttning. BMI)
(Mic Dm). CohimlM 44»M (Sutcn Ctm MIND-SlMiry Brvot
ColitmbUr^ntpMnlei EMI) MCM
(J. Rater S Rtster) [Sa>tras. BMI)
9 10 D0N7 GIVE UP ON ME-kr., iui«. 44 30 SATISRED MIND-iH onOm •
(B*n Pelen) MCA 4011) (4 Sllr/Ben Ptlfis. BMI) 76 67 OFiiiTinii ciiMniv
Oor Httti JKk RtK-des). Meremy (Oamel Sccot R McQueen) Umteil Artifll 299 (Pit*
(Ptonoetam) in. Knot. BMI)
14 SAWMia-M.1 rm Full ct Kits ASCAP)
(Mel UUi Hotiu Whallnl MGM
(Cedlm»d BMI)
45 so LET ME BE THERE-ninia >) lakn
it - AMAZING LOVE-cnaiteT Pridt
|>ohn Rostill). MCA 40101 (GallKO BMII
(lohn Sctiaeers) RCA 0073 (Pi Gem. BMI)
11 6 CAN 1 SLEEP IN YOUR ARHS-kxn s<«r
(Hwk CtKhnn). MCA 40074 (Iin BMII 4< 54 AIN7 IT GOOD-Mtri. Whm 71 78 3 CfTY OF NEW ORLEANS-Sim»i Smrtu
\n vni^on, r
Ift MhJiivi
\i nicney. r
Dir-hBu rayiQf^ M*A
u Tau1ru\ kla FW?
wd/ jCillarjs/
(Slete Goodtntn).
Mega 615 0113 ( B odd a h Turnpike

(Ben Peien) MCA 40108 (Ben Peten. BMI)

47 47 nnni wi lU lUU Rai Cni — 79 81 IlL BE YOUR BRIDGE-nm iiritK
it (Fieddv VMei)
Columbia 4 45907 (Roadtnailer. BMI)
(Ttay Grin). Dot 17471 (Famous) (Blue [cbo. ASCAP)
(Rcfyce. Porter Huffman). Stunnon 813 (NSD)
(Acdaim BMI)
4g 55 tiHmv iFFP IT rniiHTW ...

14 7 BtOOO RED ( GOIN' DOWN-Taj^a Me. [Hank ThomcKon. P Cailev) Dot 17470 iFamottt) -
(C Putniml Columbia 4 45897 aiee B14I) (Bnzos Valley, BMI)
(Jerry Foster & Bill Ibce) Cinaamon 771

it H 1
IS 11 TOO FAR, (Jtct Btli ASCAP)


Shemll). Dot 17469 (Famous) (Gallico. BMI)


locie. F. Spieloui). MGM I4$09 ILe>a. ASCAP)
(Stan Knift)
Meltime SMI)
Le* LMni
Meroiry 73423 (lerTy Lee Itma/
(S Fam P WebMei).
(Warner Brothen ASCAP)
Cafiilel 3773



RUNNIN'-Bai -Cnak" Cia«Kt
(1 lerine. IR Bra«n). ABC 11379 (Pocket
Funei. BMI)


(Ben Pelen) Mvtury 73403 (Phwoiram)
Full ol



1 CAN7
SIT STILL-Pitii Pifi

Uo/ Algee. BMi)



SOUL-Stontf Edmr*
(Qailis Frtnei, A.I
laykii}. Epic & 1103? (Colufntx))

(hwnt) Ciprfol 3671 (Blue tiM'


85 3
LOVE ME-H«t| Mtan

fUWPd— naH BKMi
(lesttf Flatt)

MCA 40134 (Moa R«e.


7336 (Capiloi} (Peer IntT BMI)

(Ben Pelea BMI) Hill & Rin|e 6M1)

84 87 3 1 NEED HELP-c«fi SiiSti

19 16 12 1 RECALL A GYPSY llirOMAfl-Tofl...r cm* 52 60 4 SPARXUN' BROWN EYES-Dicfcn ut (G Davis) Columbia 4 45923 (Big S<nng/JOT
(Mltn RtynolA. Bob McDdl) Epic 5- 1 1076 <Co> H^bs) RU OOR? (Oix BMI) Geoe BMI)

I (Columtiii). (jKh BMI)

53 56 KENTUCKY SUNSHINE-War<« t»m 85 88 3 AUiGHENEY-M»T Crt i im CMtor

20 22 BROAD-MINDED HAN-jim ElB.a.o (ClurlH AfnnilonI MCA 4011? (Tfffli. ASCAP) (C Gtnlry). Columbia 4 45979. (Cofflbne. BMI)
(Jim Owtnl. RCA OOV) lUntchappell 8MI|

(Bob Wilb 'T Duncin), Atlantic 4^ ?979
it (Ben Pelen) ftCA 0087 (P>
Gem BMI)
(B Dans. DoQie West) RCA 0077 (Shada ASCAf/ (Pen (nil. BMI)

R 22


(BR Reynolds)


CHANGEO-kfo, Cm,
Allantic 4005 (RMnn.'Hentra ASCAP)

Ben Cltancerl ABC 11374 (ABC/





(Don Gitaonl.
(Chatlie Craig. Del flecvn) United
Whu/Tommy BMI)

H.eliiity m (MGM)
ON ME-on btm

i im nompMi
lAruF) Rik*.
308 (Gee

88 91 3
MORNING-ttq» c«iM
(D Fntts). Monuntnt 8581 (Columbia)


(Merl» HKiitfdl MGM
Mft36 iShjde Iree. BMI)

(lalwnr CarvFi
Dunbill BMI)

E it

(Bob luhnilon)
Glen levin


MCA 40116 (Ray Baker

SS 53 7
(Ftincei Rhodej)


CEILING -iohwif bah
iimirrf Peten
RCA 0042 (FaU

Fllon Williwj)

RCA 0041

« 100 2
AiRic. BMI)

ft Wmw

NDgers), Dol 17477 (Famou-s) (Peer Inl

bbt) Manlk W)7 (H«

1. BMI)

(Buck Cl«ens) Capilol 3699 iBIue Book BMI) (Acclaim BMI)

91 92 2 BAD, BAO, BAD COWBOY- Tom^i «n«

2t 21 DARUN' (Don't Ccdne 59 51 inc UCVIL 1^ H ftUHM— Brian Skn ffomp*)! Glaset) MGM 14677 ( Btotlteri. BMI)
MGM «K 14669 B3ch)-DtKiaT Bunitik Bo^hH Howard Goti) fKA O0S8 (Ounbw.
ISIete Stone Oortev Burnette) 367B (B(04lwi
Karl s. BMI)
92 99 THE nODLE MAN-M Stupi

ais 27 32 ARMS FULL OF EMPTT-kd o..

(Bud Owens). Cifiital 368S (Blue Book. B44I)
60 5g lUU HUlrTl HULU
BACK-UHi OnM Whiia
(OaviiJ WiArftt lamM Lone). MCA (0115 (Fifieiald
(Red Steaiall). Capital 3724 (Palo Dura, BMl)

BLEEP YOU-Cai imtm

W Isle. BMI)
(Bobby BtwMock} MCA tO!36 0<tt. BMl)

HIT! 35 I'll


Barielt C
Mnefu SFSAC)
Buck. R Mloreno). 0c4 17474 (Fanous)
61 f5
ribi n
rniiifnv WKL

(Eddy Rartn)
inM Vwi
(1 Lore lOil

Hickory 30? (Vt(M) IMilene ASCAp)
94 95 2 SOUL DEEP-G«r stum^
(Wayne Carton Ihomn) Cinnamon '69
(Earl Barton. BMI)


Exclusively on LOVE AGAIN-iiM, <...m
it 77 IF rOU CANT FEEL IT (It Aint
TALK -tank ScntMS
(A IWIman D Manning M Markaell) HGM I460O
11l«fe)-Fr*d** tM (Hank Cochran). MCH 14619 (Tree. BMI)
(Ptanelart *SaP)
(FreddK Hart). Cjp<tal 3730 |BI«c Boot BMI)

X YOU KNOW WHO-BobtT Bare a 31 14 1 WISH YOU HAD STAYED-Bri.» c«i«
96 DIXIE FRIED-c«i PirtMi
(CatI Perkini) Mtrcwy 734?5 (Cedaraood Inc I'H
(STtte S'lvetslein). RCA m,3 lEuil Eye BMn (Rhelt Davisi Dot I74G6 (Fanvout) ((nv{n. BMI)
Lo Muwc liK BMI)

31 34 TALKING WITH MY LADY-Miiai Dima. 64 70 THArS WHAT I'LL c*w. DO-Dm

(Froy Seals D Goodman). Columbia 4 45977 (Danor/ (Don Gibson). Hickof) 306 |MGM) lAcutf Rou. BMI) 97 COUNTRY ft POP MUSK-Urd «b«t
Algee. BMI) (fohnny Elem) Toast 311 (Cianamoni lin'y Nugget.
Bookings: 65 71 THE UST BLUES SONG-Did 0>>ka

(Carl Bullei) RCA 740981 (Peer
A Dollr
(Bany Man*). Cynthia Weil) Capitoi 3G9S (Sueen
GemColumtiia/Sumtnrfhill, BMI) 98 90 CRYING EYES-PMi
(Van Hoy. Bowenl. MCH
w145 61 (Milefie. ASCAP)


33 37 CARRY ME BACK-swie. tm. ME-IMka 99 98 YOUR SWEET LOVE-ta-r fkm
r-J President <H Reid D Reid) Mercury 73415 (Phanoiram)
(Mrfea Monlcamtry. iKk SolotnonI ClektFa 45866 (lerry Ciulclitieldl Columbia 4 4S922
P 0. Boi 1701 (CoKtoy. BMI) (Wtfidm BMI) (Dwe lane BMI)
906 17tti Av* So.
NMlnNto. Tr. 37202 34 20 EVERYBODY'S HAD THE

(S15) 2*4-9222 BLUES-Meele Ha||ard (Bobby LewTs) Hearts 047? (Br«u(h)iiffl. BMI/
Gtvgt Hanllloa IV Aci^ ril

(Hede Hauafd). Cafiilol 364] (Slwde Free. BHD (Gomon li|Mknl). ftCA O0S4 (MooM. CAPAO Wmdoo/Tonuke. ASCAP)


Tanya Tucker is one of those rare
The Original things that arrives on the music scene
every few years and takes it by storm.
She's an original.
At fourteen she had developed a
singing style all her own .and a taste for
. .

a new type of earthy, true-to-life song.

Her first album included "Delta Dawn"
and "The Jamestown Ferry." Songs that
will continue to be coverea for years
to come.
Her second album has already given
Tanya two Number-One country
hits. "What's Your Mama's Name" and
. .

"Blood Red and Goin' Down."

Now, at fifteen, Tanya is on the
verge of exploding nationally. .

As all true originals inevitably must.

Tanya Tucker
On Columbia Records* and Tapes

John Kelly, personal manager.

John Kellv & Associates
P.O. Box 14927
Las Vegas, Nevada 89114
Phone: (702) 451-1041
(702) 451-8081
- .:i;»uUB«.-j||**>t«lcMil*(iil»*
_&>unlfy Music

Noshvilb Scene By BILL WILLIAMS

Rice Records has made a distribu- to a Shorty Lavender- booked date Eaton, the Hagers, and a new group
tion deal with Shelby Singleton*s in Rancho. Calif. She Hew part of known simply as Country.
Plantation. Dorothy Hess, for- . . . the way on commercial airlines, ABC's Johnny Carver will head-
merly with Buddy Lec Attractions, is switched to a private aircraft, and "Toys for Tots" December
line the
now with the Roger Talent Enier- made the final lap in a helicopter. campaign in his hometown of Jack-
priscs Marty RobUns had to call Earl Strickland and Bohby Stan- son. Mississippi. . . . Dolly Parloo,
off his scheduled birthday party at ley have .signed contracts with El- Del Reoes and Jerry Clower will
WSMbecause of hurting his shoul- vilrue Records, and will have debut represent country music on an up-
der while working on his nearby records this fall. The Sellers Broth- coming national March of Dimes ra-
farm. He also had to cancel some ap- ers and Blue Crass Expoience have dio spot campaign. MCA's . . .

pearances. jusl cut their first recordings for the Jeanne Pruett helped open the
Billy Walker, the MGM singer, is Wilmington. N.C., label. Great . . . Hamilton Hall in Hamilton. Ont..
now produced by Bill Walker, the producer Ken MansfleM, who now is when she appeared in a show with a
Australian who hit it big in Nash- totally country after his pop suc- lot of everything. She shared the
ville Dickey Lee and wife. Linda, cesses, is finishing an LP on Doyle spotlight with singer Ferlin Husky,
are expecting their second baby Holly. He also is producing Waylon pop artist Tony Bennett, and come-
sometime late in November Na( Jennings, Tompall Glascr, Connie dian-musician Victor Borge.
Stuckey may be the most honored

^ his smash pereon around. Previously an honor-

ary citizen of Lafayette. La., and a Billboord
colonel on the stafT of the Louisiana
Governor, he now has been made an
u M —
loi Weed Endini 10/13/73

album honorary citizen of Baton Rouge

Charlie Louvin is a believer in youth.
On his road show, his entire band
ranges in age from 9 to 2 Ivory 1 1

Jo Hunter is in Nevada for a lour of


Ronnie Prophet, ever expanding,

has signed a new group to a personal
e Copynght 1973 Billboard Publications, inc No part oi ih.s pubucatKxi may b« fepfoducw).
management contract. The group is stored m
a relneval system, or transmitted, m
any form or by any means, electronic, rnechanical.
photocopying, rocordirvg. o* otherwise, without the prior written perm«»ston o! the publilher
known as Blue Field. Two brothers
in the group are named Scruggs, but * SlJf Ppttorme' — LP'* rcj;i^'^'ing pfopo'tion.ilr upA.ud piat<t\\ thu MMk-
are not related to Earl. . . . Earl s
Owens has signed personal manage- s Chart

ment contracts with Brian Shaw and % on
r..H t Nytit-- •pilii.M,. UbWj
Del Oclamont. He already is han-
dling Charlie Louvin and Josie MCA
2 3 10 1 LOVE DIXIE BlUES-Mcrie Hiuard. cwioi si L1200

Bill Woods a pioneer in music in 3 5 6 LOVE IS THE FOUNDHTION-Loretla Lynn, act 955
Bakersfield. is toying with the idea
4 6 27 JESUS WAS A CAPRICORN -Kris Xristofferson, uonumem kz l\m (Coiumba)
of making a run for .sheriff of Kern
5 4 10 LOUISIANA WOMAN, MISSISSIPPI MAN-Loretti Lynn ( Conny Twitty,
Count). Composer Rick Segall
. . .
has been signed out of Nashville to 6 2 BEHIND CLOSED DOORS-OiarHe yiw
25 Rich, tpic ke (Colunbo)
an exclusive contract by the music
7 7 16 SATIN SHEETS-]«snne Pruell, wca 33s
division of Columbia Pictures In-
1 10 8 THE BRENDA LEE STORY-Bnflda Lh. mca iui;
dustries. The division will acquire
his catalog of some 50 songs Jim 9 8 10 TRIP TO HEAVEN-FtEdd) Hirt. Capital ST

Wagner of Concert Express has ac- 10 11 10 LOVE ft MUSIC-Porter Wagoner ft Dolly Partm, ftCA apl 1 o?lB

quired the Osborne Brothers and 11 9 8 ELVIS-Elvis Presley, rca i mi

Don Bowman for an extensive lour 12 12 19 WHArS TOUR MAMA'S NAME?-Tanya Tucker, Mm<n K im
with the Merle Haggard show this
38 2 FULL MOON-Kris Kristoftenon ft Rita Cooljdge, a&m sp 4403
fall. It closes Dec. I in Omaha. wK
14 13 IS DON WILUAMS, VOL l-iui im
Mac Wiseman set them on their
IS 18 15 CLOWER POWER-lerry Clower, mca 31;
ears in England. As the only fea-
tured performer on the bill, he sold
16 14 11 TOP OF THE WORLD-Lynn Anderson, UmM «C sm
out in advance for most of the eight 40 2 PAPER ROSES-Maiie Osmond, mw si 4>ii>

concerts he performed for Mer\yn 18 16 11 BILL-Bill Anderson, mca 3?o

Conn United Kingdom. Mac

in the 19 15 11 NOTHING EVER HURT ME (Half As Bad As Losini Tou)-Geor:e Jones,
also did a series of BBC radio and (p« m 3?417 (CtHumPii)

television shows. Jack Reno is . . .

20 17 7 IF SHE JUST HELPS ME GH OVER TOU-Sonny James. K 3Z»l

staying busy away from WUBE-AM MU

in Cincinnati. He's all over the place
it 35 2 PRIMROSE LANE/DON'T GIVE UP-Jerry Wallace, Iti

:omes doing personal appearances.

Unil Alberts, who has a hit record on
. .


INTRODUCING-Johnny Rodriguez,
1 EVER MEANT TO DO WAS SING-Jodnny Rodriguei,
Mncury SR 6137S iptnnaram)

M 00s Jioio <F,..aa.i

aarcar, 1 us

Toast, was driving a truck right up to

(he day he cut his session. 25 28 29 SHE NEEDS SOMEONE TO HOLD HER-Cooway Twitty, MCA 303

lARVEL FELTS' A couple of weeks ago. a group
calling itself the Lynn Anderson Fan
a survey sheet on the



CHARLIE-Charlie McCoy, Mwumai
AWAY-lean Shepard,
umiad Arnui ua la i44r
u 3;2IS (CUinha)

Club sent out 33 3 Russell, SMitai s» (Capital)

^greatest single great CBS artist.

she dtKsn't even have a fan club.

Now. it develops, 29
10 TOMORROW NIGHT-Chariie Ridi, hca api i om
30 ENTERTAINER OF THE rEAR-Loretta Lynn. MCA 300
Somebody's kidding someone. . .

31 28 S JUST WHAT 1 HAD IN MIND-Faron Vouni, Unoifi SUM 1 SM iPMaaiiii")

More than 10.000 showed up to sec
32 19 16 LORD, MR. FORO-Jerry Reed, «» apiio;3«
Roy Clarti perform at the Monti-
33 20 9 CAL SMITH- MCA
celio.N.Y. race track. Buck Owens 344

willdo the show next week. All this 44 3 SAWMILL-Mel Tillis. mcm St mi
was pioneered by the Fjistern Stales 35 39 17 SWEET COUNTRY -Charlie Pride, >ca apli 021;

Country Muiiic. Inc. with Mickey 36 21 13 MR. LOVEMAKER-Jolinny Paycheck, Ep.c v 3238^ <coiumb.a)
Bamett doing the bulk of the work.

IN rHE NAME . TheSoasof the Pioneers w ill ap-

. .

pear at the Texas Stale Fair at the

World Gateways Exposition. The
group is celebrating its 40th anniver-



CoAjmbta KC 32443

ft HIS WOMAN-Iohnny

Felts, cinaiawi

m uoo atst
ft June Carter,

Cash, Coiambia c 3;i4<l

sary in the field of country music

Tommy Cash and

on the longest continuous tour of
Tommy's career, covering 27 con-
his band are off




THIS IS-Totly Booth,


Capiui SI l!;io

T. Hall,

43 31 26 SUPERPICKER-Roy Clark, em OQS 76IXI8 (Famaas)

secutive dates in Europe Ronnie 44 32 13 HONKY TONK HEROS-Waylon Jennings, no <f oi 0240
Ses-sions and Patty Tiemey have af-
A FARAh pRodijcrioN filiated with Nashville's Top Billing
Caiaiaha 3242«

5 SI ll?l9
agency for personal appearances.
. .

Look for a duet single with Bud Lo- 47 1 TOUCH THE MORNING-Oon Gibson, Hicur, 4boi
NATIONWIDE SOUND DISTRIBUTORS gan and Wilma Burgess. Acclaim . . .
48 CARRY ME BACK-Slatler Bros., nmm, m
^1262, NASHVH.LE Tl
Music writer Jimniic Peters has 49 48 S DOYLE HOLLY-Bimiby liOlO (MGMi
signed a recording contract with 50 1 SUMMER (THE FIRST TIME)-Bol)by GoMsboro, UA LJII24 F
MCA. . Arlene Harden really flew
. .



HAVE DONE IT AGAIN! // you can't feel it (it ain't tt^ere)


Joe McFadden
OMAC Artist Corporation
1225 North Chester Avenue
Bakersfield. California 93308 CapHoli

(805) 393-1011


Pacific Stereo's Warner Bros,
2 Tapes Reactiing 15,000 Sales;
V Tape Success;
HiFi Weelfend
Span of Music Categories
Wet, Exciting LOS ANGELES-Warner Bros.
tor of tape operations Lou Dennis, disk and tape, whidi will include a
By EARL PAIGE Records received a lot of publicity
Ihe two releases seeing most action at new Neil Young LP, Alice Cooper's
ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, Ill.-Heavy rains thai soaked ihe free outdoor when they released their share of the
the present are Seals & Crofts' "Dia- "Billion Dollar Babies," James Tay-
rock concert part of Pacific Stereo's promotion at the racetrack here failed to WEA quadrasonic disk release sev-
mond Gir!" and the Doobic Broth- lor's"One Man Dog." The Mothers
dull what was regarded as one of the most exciting hi-fi events ever held in the eral months ago, but Warner's 4-
ers' "The Captain and Me." The of Inventions' "Ovemitc Sensation,'*
market. Dick Schram. merchandising manager of the chain with six oulleLs lo- channel S-track release is also doing
other five tapes in the release— Arlo
cally, put the expenditure for the Sept. 28-30 event here and one scheduled for well, with two of the releases hov- (Continued on page 34)
Guthrie's "Last of the Brooklyn
Oct. 5-7 at San Francisco's Cow Palace at between $250.0OO-$30O,0O0. Mixed ering around the 15.000 mark in
Cowboys," Frank Sinatra's "My
reaction was reported from reps and manufacturers with some complaining sales from branches to retail ac-
Way." the Mystic Moods' "Awak-
about poor acoustics and others moaning over the poor turnout midway
through the three days. (Continued on pa^e 37)
According to Warner Bros, dircc-
ening," and releases from Brad
Miller and the San Sebastian
CHICAGO-The Automotive
Slrings-are also moving well ac-
Parts & Accessories Association
Car Stereo Push in Premiums cording to Dennis.
Dennis added that while the rock
tapes seem to be moving fastest,
(APAA) show here Oct. 22-24 at
McCormick Place is up to 560 ex-
hibitors. Opening morning, the
CHICAGO— More audio equip- facturers, who can now olTer conti- range planning is involved, several
Warners will continue to offer prod-
ment manufacturers are focusing on nuity of a line and delivery guaran- said. organization will take a look at its
uct in a broad range of musical cate-
the mushrooming $4 billion a year tees, two key factors, said Craig's purpose with a seminar titled.
The premium field is also multi- gories. "We have no intention of ig-
premium market with Lloyds Elec- Jack Wexler. Yet another key factor "Our Show: Battlefield and/or
and folds over into catalog
facTted. noring any segment of the record
tronics, Muniz and Craig among is the trend toward more domestic Learning Field." Moderator is
showrooms, trading stamps and the buying public," he said. "The reason
first-lime exhibitors at the National manufacturing and assembly, as Dan Carter. Carter & Co. The
whole general area of promotion. In- the rock tapes are moving a little bet-
Premium Show here last week. mentioned by Shelly Rudin of buyer panel: Bernard Frank,
(Continued on page 36)
terthan the others is probably be-
Stereo compacts continue as a lead- Lloyds, a firm that has stepped up Charles Higgens. Charles-
cause the a)nsumer buying quadra-
ing item for premium users with domestic assembly via three U.S. Schwartz and Stewart Sloan:
sonic tapes is the same
and records
quadrasonic still not being pushed plants. manufacturer panel: John Argos,
consumer purchasing stereo disks
Allan Bloch, Stan Goff and Dan
as a standout item. Completely
new. however, is automotive stereo.
A main reason for new involve- mium
Of course, many hardware manu-
facturers have long pursued the pre-
business, pointed out Robert
EyeTape$ and tapes, and rock is still the big-
gest seller."
The label is already planning their
Gregg: manufacturer rep panel:
Ed Cadden. John Grant and
ment by firms such as Craig is the Shiff of Toshiba. It is not the easy (Story on page 1 Malcolm Shapiro.
November quadrasonic release for
steady maturity of hardware manu- field it appears at first and long-

Videocassette Mailers
Le-Bo Expands Case Mfg.
NEW YORK-Le-Bo Products and remain competitive, but will also betterwarehousing facilities, and di-

Add to TV Accessories Co. Inc. has acquired the assets of

the Brooklyn- based Amber Leather
play a major role in helping it to cir-
cumvent the major wixmJ shortage
rectfrom factory shipments."
With the acquisition of Amber
NEW YORK-Reliance Plastics tons are supplied flat, and can be as- Case Co. for a figure reported to be that Ls now affecting the industry-. Leather Case. Le-Bo plans to move
and Packaging has developed a line sembled without the use of staples or in the vicinity of SI million. The Bokor said that the acquisition of heavily into the merchandise
of corrugated mailers for U-Matic tape. "However." he added, "a tape agreement, in principle, was reached Amber Leather Case, while helping market, which it had serviced on a

vidcocas-setles in their standard vi- closure is recommended to prevent between Leslie Bokor and Leslie 10 increase Le-Bo's strength at the Umited .scale some time. The

nyl cases, and is making the line undetected pilferage during ship- Dame, president and sales manager, market place, will also ensure the company beef up its private

available for immediate delivery, ac- ment. The mailers arc being ofTered respectively, of Lc-Bo. and Adam maintenance of the company's price and negotiations are
label division,

cording to Marshall Weingarden, in a variety of sizes." Bustyn. president of Amber Leather structure, established in 1970. and already underway with prospective
president of the company. Reliance also manufactures a Case. unchanged since then. clients.

According to Weingarden. the complete line of heat scaled vinyl al- According to Bokor. the acquisi- He added, "Additional advan- According to Bokor, operations at
mailers arc of durable multi-wall bums and corrugated paperboard tionof the tape and record carry case tages include the maintenance of Amber Leather Case, already in
construction to ensure adequate packages for both videt^ and audio manufacturer, will not only give Le- prompt deliver)' schedules for which high gear with some 80 employees
strength for return trip use. The car- cassette programs. Bo the facilitiesneedsit to expand we have developed a reputation. (Continued on page 35)

Independent Dealer Takes on Shopping Center Giants

8-track tapes seUing well because it isn't big and bulky and
TAPE figures Importantty in Joe Henry's volume in his small
shop In Topeka. Kan. where he is pitted against giant retail or- holds a lot of tapes. Henry likes the 45 percent profit margin on
ganizations in the White Lakes Shopping Center. Henry is accessories compared with the 25 percent margin on tapes and
shown at left (center) with "Mike," deejay at the Grasshopper records.

(a Topeka night club) who plugs Henry's shop. Kathy Seymour Impulse trade in other accessories-guitar strings, picks,
specializes in special orders working through the FIND Bill- tape cleaning heads and related items— are brisk as a result of a
tward Publication service. 4-foot pegboard display at the back of the front cashier's station
where shrinkage is minimal.
Henry's background includes managing two J.L. Duckwall
company stores in Colorado Springs and Topeka. He nurtured
long-lime ambitions to own a business and decided on a record
shop because the capital outlay wasn't loo bud. Not a musical
sharpie, he says, his knowledge of retailing this product was
meager. But he did a lot to minimize that problem by hiring
TOPEKA, Kan.— Free-standing, independently-owned
Kathy Seymour, who had managed the music department at
record-tape shops competing in shopping centers against big
Penney's in the shopping center.
chains have their work cut out for them and matching prices
The shop has built a quick reputation for selling hard rock
with the chains and their buying power can pose a challenging
and st)ul music. Rock contributes about 60 percent of the vol-
dilemma. "But this type of competitive situation can be weath-
ered." claimed Joe Henry, who operates Joe Hcnr\'s Records.
ume and soul about 25 percent. The dominant buying group is
composed of 15 to 25-year-olds. A scil-oul in both record and 8-
WTiite Lakes Shopping Center here. "What you do is fill in
track was the Allman Brothers, "Brothers and Sisters."
missing links in the chain's merchandising and customer serv-
ice program. You may not be able lo stay even w ith him on hig- (Continued on page 37)
gun promotions but you look around and find inexpensive
ideas for pushing sales. The impressive aspect is that it's done with a S26.000 (retail
"And." he said, "you work to build a name for specializing inventor)' packed into only 320 square feet of space. The Inven-
one or two types of music and pull In people who don't shop tory breaks down about 16 percent 8-lrack tapes. 3 percent cas-
where the price is lowest but where they stock their music and settes. 16 percent 45*s. ab*)ul 6 percent in accessories and clean-
have knowledge of It. "One chain in our shopping center is kill- ing equipment and the remainder in LP's.
ing us right now pricing 8-track tape SI. 06 under us for the The iwt>bv-fi)ur space limitation creates a dilemma but ev-
same numbers." Hcnrv said. "This has cut our tape business but er)'inch Is made to count and the facilliies include a 5-foot
we know It is only a temporary slowdown because over the long table-lop display case for ca.ssetles and two cu-ilom-bullt 8-foot
haul all those good things we have goin^ for us will gradually high-rise glass-enclosed cabinets for a stock of about 700 8-
get thai business back." "All those good things" have been a irack tapes. Both units are located at the front of the layout. The
strong influence in keeping the volume always above S1.400 8-lrack cabinet features the conveyor line which transports tape
weekly and at a peak of $3,000 week. The shop was opened only to the front cashier station. An overhead canopy displays carry-
last May. ing cases, $1.77 to S7.95, with a S6.95 case with a capacity of 30


ilarial 1
Every possible way your installation. And much more. It all cassette players. One's a luxury
customer can imagine to enjoy car adds up to the highest fidelity, console that bolts onto the floor.
stereo. Panasonic has all the sounds. sensitivityand selectivity on the Another's an under-the-dash model
AM and FM. 8-track. Cassette. highway. with FM/AM/FM. There's also an
4-channeI. In all sizes and shapes. In 8-track we've 9 models in all. ultra compact player that fits in the
In every listening combination and From an economy compact that can glove compartment. Your customer's
price range. in the glove compartment ... to
fit sure to find the right styling and
In car radios we've 8 different one that's teamed with an combination of features he's
models. AMs. FM/AMs. And FM/AM/FM stereo radio. There's looking for.
FM/AM/FM stereo models. Along even a4-channel player. So your 8 car radios. 9 eight-tracks. 5
with customized radios for all 73 customer can enjoy the latest cassette players. 22 for the road from
Chevrolet model cars and trucks. dimension in audio entertainment. Panasonic. Ready to help you on the
It's the widest choice on wheels. Both in his car and at home. Simply road to sales success.
Matched by the widest selection of slide the unit out of its lock-tight
features. Pushbutton or manual bracket slide into an optional
. . . it

tuning. Variable tone control. AFC on home cabinet.

FM. Adjustable shafts for easy And we have five dynamite ahead
just slightly of our time

"Rventy-two for the road.


N.Y. Fair Trade Bills Show

Magnavox Aiiils Units
NEW YORK -The seesaw status was in-
peal the Fcld-Crawford Act, Bows Q' Units NEW YORK-The Magnavox tery meter and built-in mike. Other
features include jacks for optional
of Fair Trade in this state hangs in uoduced by Assemblyman Eugene Co, has released an expanded line of
microphone and AC auto
the balance once more with the
rein trod ucti on of two bills to repeal

A number of proponents and op-

& TV Systems tape recorder equipment with its
1974 catalog of product. The move,
adaptor, patchcord and earphone.
the controversial law, to the State's BERLIN— Philips signed a con- according to Magnavox officials, Magnavox has also added three
ponents of the bill showed up at the new 8-track units to its existing line.
legislature. tract for standardization of their was geared to meet rapidly changing
hearings held before the New York
One bill, designed to repeal the VCR systems with Hitachi during consumer requirements. The decks, according to Magnavox
State Assembly Standing Com-
the International Radio and Tele- The cassette player /recorder line officials, can easily be added to
non-signer clause, has been spon- mittee on Commerce, Industry and
sored by Senator Bernard Gordon,
vision Exhibition (Billboard, Oct 6). features pmh-button cassette ejec- existing component systems.
Economic Development, and the Se-
and Assemblyman Milton Jonas. If
In other areas of the exhibition here, tion, automatic level controls, solid- Top of this line is the model 3503.
lect Committee on Consumer Pro-
a new quadrasonic system called state engineering, and, in some an 8-trdck recorder/player that fea-
passed, it would have the effect of tection. They included General
rendering fair trade in this state vir-
UMX was introduced by Nippon units, AM/FM radios. tures push-button left and right
Electric. Coming. Lenox and War-
Columbia adding yet another sys- Among the featured models is the channel record controls, push but-
tually ineffective. ing for the proponents, and Jerry
tem to those already competing. TD 3252, a portable cassette re- ton for fast forward, program select
The second bill, designed to re- Rosenberg of Jamaica Gas & Elec-
German experts say the UMX sys- corder/player with built-in mike and eject, three-position slide con-
tric, and Fred Berg of AllBrands for
tem has a good chance. Other novel- and jacks for optional earphone and trol for replay, repeat and auto eject:
the opponents.
Lloyd's N.E. Dist ties introduced at the Berlin fair microphone. and slide control for stereo-manual
Sponsors of the bills feel that they were a color video macro projection The TD 3301 features a pop-up and automatic level control. Model
MANCHESTER. N.H.-Lloyd's stand a good chance of being passed by Sony which will be introduced in AM/FM radio in a compact cassette 3502 is a player only system with
Electronics has appointed R.S.L. next year in spite of the fact that they 1974 and Hitachi demonstrated player/ recorder system. It also fea- many of the features of the 3503.
Distributoni. Inc., a.s its sole distribu- were not reported out of committee Memory Vision, said to be the first tv tures digital counter, and volume and model 3501 is a companion to
of Maine. New during the last legislative session. ( Continued on page 3 7) 3502 with a budget price tag.

V Tape Success
tor for the states and tone controls, as well as a bat-
Hampshire and Vermont, according Also featured in the Magnavox
to Ed Stravitz. sales manager of 974 catalog are a number of 8-track
Warner Bros,

Lloyd's. modular music systems. Among

R.S.L. will distribute Lloyd's en- them is the model ED 1900 with
tire of 4-channel and stereo
tine * Continued from page 32 several reorders from his branches branches "because this means they AM/FM radio, right and lefi chan-
sound equipment, as well as cas.settc the Mystic Moods' "Clear Light" on the initial release. "This is a good are reordering material that has al- nel volume controls, jacks for addi-
and 8-track recorders, table and and several others. sign." he said, "because this signifies ready gone into the retail account. It tional optional tape recorder equip-
clock radios and calculators. Dennis said he has already had to us that the retail account is asking doesn't mean that the branches arc ment, and optional phonograph and
for more product from the branches. being loaded up. We're also looking headphone. The main unit and its

foreward to the two and a half speakers are finished in grained wal-
Q CTMMce Selective month period before

Ailentkm Christma.s, nut.

"We're tr) ing to get new product, since this is traditionally the time Model ED 1902 also incorporates
such as the Neil Young, out" Den- that hardware as well as software AM/FM radio in a 8-track player
nis continued, "because much of this sells well. For example, cassette system,and many of the features of
is recorded in 4-channel. But we are the ED 1900. Model ED 1906 is an-

retail musie
hardware .sales always pick up well
also taking some catalog product during that time and the software other 8-track system in the same
which is suitable for remixing into follows suit. It will be interesting to modular family. It features an auto-

quadrasonic. The suitability is very see if there Ls a comparison in the 4- matic cassette recorder/player sys-
important to us, and wc_also have to channcl field. In other words, if the tem that can supply up to 12 hours of

outlets... have the approval of our engineer-

ing department
and the producer in-
Wc refuse to remix a tape so
equipment sales pick up,
possible the software sales will be
bigger than ever."
it is quite non-stop music, and can also record
both sides of 12 cassettes automati-
cally.An AM/FM radio completes
AT LAST, A UNIQUE its nothing more than sound coming
from tt)ur speakers."
Warners has issued a special order the system.A full line of speaker sys-
tems has also been released to com-
form cowering quadrasonic tapes
IMAGE FOR RETAIL Dennis said that ads for the q uad- and disks for retail salesmen and re- plement the new line of audio com-
ra.stmic material is running in sev-
RECORD AND TAPE STORES eral cities and bag slufTers have been
tailers. ponents.

CHAIN OR INDEPENDENT! made available concerning 4-chan-

nel. The ads cover both disk and 8 CUT 8
"We move both
are attempting to
at the same time," Dennis said.
* Top Artists
"We're not really pushing one over
the other because it's our goal to pro-
k Major Labels including
mote the 4-channel mode, not just Ampex, Motown • CI SuperCart Cartridges
fmpl p» *plh foam pjd
tape or just disk." and QRT • Lear Cartridges
The artwork on the 4-channcl
* Latest Numbers
tape remains the same as on the
stereo tape, but the slip i.s a dif- Big Quantities • H-Track Lubricated Tape

fercnl color. The tape comes in a • Cassette Tape

grey case and "Quadraphonic" is • Cartridge Sleeves
Country Western • Easy
listed across the lop several times. • Splicing Materials
Listening • Roci( • Gospel
The list price of S7.97 is price coded
on the spine with a separate prefix
• Comedy $1 .35 Ea. • Assoctaied Accessories
indicating quadra.sonic.

Q Buyer Demographics
Ls one unique point about
Call us lor Special Discount
Price on 1000 or more
P 0 Boi lS6E<ce)tior Spfingv M<ssou>i 640?4
the quadra.sonic tape releases. 538 Baywsy Ave Etizsbetti. N J 07202
It is

Phone »U)/()J7-2iH(»
not Warner Bros, policy to release
ever) LP in tape format but in the
quadrasonic mode. ever>' disk issued
in 4-channel form will also be made
available in S-track tape form.
"Probably the main reason for this." TAPE CARTRIDGE WINDER
ITS ONLY THE Dennis explained, "is that we are
HOTTEST being extremely selective with what
we in 4-channel. We will
SYNDICATED have established product or new
ADVERTISING product bv established artists. And
we will also offer material from lime
PACKAGE to time which is basically sound ef-
AROUND! fects oriented, such as "Sounds of
the Southern Railroad Steam-
Dennis ofTered another reason for
* RADIO JINGLES ILLUSTRATED offering a broad variety of music in
ADVERTISING the initial quadrasonic releases. "Be-

sides the fact that
to all buyers, we
we want
to find • BRAKING SYSTEM $186.50
For Complete Information Contact
out what is going to sell best in the 4- ON ALL MODELS
MATERIALS channel configuration," Dennis
said. "There is really no way to dis- • Other related
items from
SPEC TAPES AVAIUBLE, cover this unless we mix up the kind
Pancakes to
PLEASE CALL OR WRITE. 341-8011 of music in the initial releases."
1580 Connally Drive
Talking about the current and up- East Point, Georgia 30344
coming releases, Dennis said he is (404) 762-6249
excited about the response from the

Dr. Franklin W. Gilchri«l, presideni. ATI reps helping out. indudtng William Weincr, (Ohio. W
Ph. SchafTer & Assoc.. 6034 N and Nev ); and BAB Elecironlc Products planar industrial and picture frame speak-
(Aptitude Testing for IndiuiryV will iJikus\ Fred Klem. Annln Heirera, Don COHum and Cicero Ave.. Chicago 60646(312) 545-2225 Inc 864 S. Lipan, Denver 80223 (303) 934- ers,and ICdcor address svstems to
psycholog)- techniques in hiring salesmen at Fjtc Siral of CENTs. 5940 W. Montrose. (N. E Wis ); New/Era Sales Corp., 5335
III.. 2123 (Wyo.. Uuh. Colo.. N,M.. E. MonL, S. his line of intercom equipment which in-

the Ekctronlc Reprrsenlalive^ Association Chicago 60634(312) 685-9500 Among lines N. Tacoma Ave.. Indianapolis 46220 (317) Ida.. Tex, Panhandle), cludes Aiplione. A.SACA. Grampian. Mor-
(ERA) Inlcri'acc 4/lnteracii%'e Marlceiing handled arc Dual. Pfaaw Linear and Recti- 257-7333 (Ind Kv ). Randers Salcw Co,
. tronkv Picker- BrigR**- Tapeathon. Wald
conference in Madrid Jan. 27-Feb. 3. iirtear. 13702 Gamma Rd.. Dallas 75234 (214) 239- Sound and Tnilone. The man in charge of
Widely- published author in the Held of * * * 0216 (Mtss.. La.. .Ark.. Okla.. Tex and
); Harr^ Barton and son JeofT Barton, and commercial sound and professional items at
evaluating employees through apiiiudc test- Cisio Inc, New York, makers of elec- H»ny Haugen Assoc. 4901 W. 77ih Si.. associates FrankWei«haar and Peter Schuy- GIM Sairt Cotp„ 3 75 N Broadway Jericho.
. .

ing, he will touch on ) how natural it is for a

tronic calculators, recently announced reps Minneapolis 55435 (612) 835-3292 (Minn,. ler have taken on Ihe amsumer and home N,Y. 11753(212)995-0429 isGeoTKe Brown.
tales manager tu gu wrong in Mjting up a for its new Consumer Products Div. (Bill-
W Wis.. N.D.. S D ) entertainment Telex lines for northern Cali- * * *
prospective employee: 2) ten rules in hiring Rep Rap). For the Western slates. Casio chose: and nonhem Nevada. Barton and
board. Sept. 29. fornia All pcrionnel from C. I_ Pugh & As<m>cI-
a salesman: 3} scldam-u»cd sources org<x>d Henry Jonca« Co.. 13026 Sunnvside N.. Barton will he displaying the line at show, ates. Inc.. attended the recent DMRConfer-
salesmen: 4) how lo extract truth from refer- Seattle98133 (206) 364-8609 (Wash.. Ore., rooms at the Western Merchandise Mart. cncc manufacturer reps) held
ences; 5) why psychological icsis arc cwcn- Midwest Casio reps arc: Milter-Puthofr W. Mont.. N. Ida ): Olsim SaU% 19 S. B St.. 1355 Market St.. ,San Francisco. The firm Buckeye and Keystone Chap-
jointly by the
lial (and how lo avoid pitfalls m testing): San Matct). Calif. 94401 (415) 347-7071 (N. has been located in the San Francisco area of ERA in Cambridge. Ohio. Sept 30-
Assoc„ 150 Michigan Ave.. Uelroil 48226 ters
6) sales cKpenence vs. sales aptitude. A fol- (313) 961-921 (Mich, and Toledo. Ohio);
Calif N. Nev ); Califomia MirkellRg
for nine years. (Xt 3 In Cambridge wore Dick Geisler.
low-up study of 97 top salesmen ten years Awoc 4130 Atlantic. Long Beach. Calif. * * * Bob Martin. Sam MacCallum. Glenn Schra-
I.B. Marieflng Inc^ 23600 Mercantile Rd..
ago will he presented- ERA at 233 E. Erie. Bcacbwood. Ohio 44122 (2I6| 292-6510 90807 (213) 426-0306 (An/., and N Calif Gil Miller has added Magilran (Lit pols- dcr and Ted Mattnumn.
Chicago 606 has a brochure outlining the
1 1 .

entire program in Madrid.

ERA managcmcnl conferences begin this
week in San Francisco at the Hyatt Bmbar-
cardero Friday (12) and will continue in
Chicago (Oct. 19). WaKham. Mass. Oct. 26-
27. and Nov. IS in Cleveland.

* * •
Featured for the six hour ERA "Manage-
ment By Objectives" seminar in San Fran-
cisco IS Dr. Gunther Klaus, managing direc-
tor and senior associate of the Intitule or
Ad%anci!d Planning.
Dr. Klaus will present highly successful
techniqueii in establishing objectives for
both the individual salesmen and the mm-
panv. He demonstrates how lo help each in-
dividual become aimmittcd lo his own per-
how lo encourage creative
sonal sales goals,
approaches for reaching those objcclivcs.
and how to monitor the groups progress and
keep the organiulion enthusiastic and
headed in the nghl dircclion. lCHUL-8 HOME OR OFFICE UNIT FOR
Dr. KlaiK. an iniemationally known busi-
8-Track Tapes
ness economist and management consul-
tant, received his doctorate in business cco- 50 up S3.00 each
nomll:^ from Frederic Alexander Univer- 100 up 2.75 each
sity. Erlangen-Nu rem berg. Gemianv. He 250 up 2.50 each
has been an instructor in management and
Quantities can be assorted
marketing at ihe University of California
and the Univcrsiiy of Southern California,
as well as a consultant to American. Mexi-
can and Huropean firms He is on ibe board
of directors ofa number of corporations, in-
50 up S2.75 each 50 up S2.65 each
cluding an electronic representative llrm
and a fast growing chain of hi-fi component
stores. for this tunfercnoc: S85 for ERA
100 up
250 up
2.50 each
2.40 each
250 up
2.45 each
2.35 each
mcmbcr\; $100 for non-members. Quantities can be assorted Quantities can be assorted

Craif! Premium
* •
headed up by John PRICES
K. Imu, 3302 Commcroal Ave. Norihbrotik,
III. 60062 |3I2> 498-6060. is now handhng

Ihe Craig line in the premium field (sec sep-

on National Prvintum Show ;ind
arate story
new emphasis on car stereo), Uoyds F.lec-
Ironin director of advertising Norman G.
RoUmoo is looking fur reps in the premium on Quantity Orders (500 pes &u P)
field. Llovds is kvaled at 5 Paul Kommer

Place. E.'Paterv>n. N.J. 07407 (201) 791- upon written request

* * •
All Cassette and 8-Track Tape cases are covered
PaciHc Stereo's "Hi-Fi Exlr;ivagan/a"
(see separate story recently found do/ens of handsome Alligator Vinyl. Velvet-like inside

New A/V IntI Chief We also manufacture 45 and

ZURICH- Rudolf Wendorff. #C-30 HOLDS 30 CASSETTE TAPES LP Record Jackets.
manager of the Bertelsmann Pub- 50 up $3.00 each
lishing Group, has been appointed #12 HOLDS 12 8-TRACK TAPES
100 up 2.75 each Also Tape Sleeves, printed or plain,
president of the Intemaiional Pub- SO up $2.50 each
250 up 2.50 each or Paper Bags for retailers. These can
li.shers Audiovisual Association Quantities can be assorted
100 up 2.30 each
(IPAA) here. He succeeds Dr. Tcu- be printed with music or your special 250 up 2.20 each
lingsof the Vercnigde Dederlandsc Quantities can be assorted 7
Uiigevers Bedrijven NV. Holland.
The other members of the IPAA.
founded in Februar\' 1971, are G.
Mondadori. general manager of
Mondadori. Italy: Essclie Bonnier
Audio Visual of Sweden: Editions
Rencontre of Switzerland: Libairie
Hacheltc. France: and the Thomson
Organisation. U.K. General secre-
tary is Herbert Winter.

Le-Bo Expands
• Continued from page 32
on the payroll, will be accelerated in
the coming months, with the present
#LP FOR YOUR LP RECORDS 50 up $1.90 each
staff being doubled,
50 up $2.55 each #LS« LAZY SUSAN-HOLDS 48 8-TRACK TAPES
The Amber Leather Case plant 100 up $3.50 each 100 up 1.80 each
100 up 2.45 each 50 up $3.75 each
covers an estimated 30.000 square 250 up 1 .70 each
250 up 2.35 each 250 up $3.25 each
feet of space, lis acquisition brings Quantities can be assorted
Quantities can be assorted Quantities can be assorted
Le-Bo's operating facilities lo over
100.000 square feet.
Le-Bo Products Co. is one of the Representatives Wanted. We do Private Label.
country's major acccs.sories produc-
Custom Case Mfg. Co., Inc.
ers.The major percentage of its busi- 6232 Bragg Blvd.. P.O. Sox 5625. FiyeHevilb, N.C. 28303 Phone: Area Code 919-867-«111
ness is in carry and storage cases for
tapes and records.
CBS Offer Sony Move Into Network
NEW YORK-In a move de-
TV for Fall Promotion
signed convince the consumer
that Columbia Magnetics blank NEW YORK -The Sony Corp. of used for the company's co-op adver-
tapes are among the best available America will use the facilities of net- tising program because, according to

on the market, the company is offer- work TV for the first time this fall to Gallagher, they pinpoint dealers on
ing a polybag special promotion that promote its line of consumer elec- the local level.
allows the customer to buy either tronics products, according to Dan A variety of point-df- purchase
blank loaded cassettes or 8-track Gallagher, the firm's national adver- displays will help round out the pro-
cartridges and get a prerecorded tising manager. gram.
tape of his choice free. The facilities of both ABC and
According to Ted Ctrficn, manag-
NBC will be utilized by the cam- Two Sony 8-tracks
paign scheduled for launching Oct. LOS ANGELES-Supcrscopc. BSR Mcdonald "lotal Turntable"
er of consumer sales for Columbia Model 260AX features magnetic
13. with a series of 30 second spots to Inc. has bowed two8-track playback
Magnetics, the offer applies to the cue/pause control, and
be aired during the World Series. decks from Sony.
firm's hne of low noLsc products, and
The ads, prepared by Doyle Dane Models are the TC-208. a stereo dust cover at $76.80 retail.
allows the consumer to choose a
Bembach will be aired in 12 differ- unit, and the TC-258, a 2-channel/
prerecorded tape from a random se-
ent programs every week for the du- 4-channel version. Both units in-
lection of rock, classical, jazz or
ration of the campaign. Spots will clude a repeat button, fast forward
country music each time he pur-
also be made available for Sony and automatic and manual program
chases a polybag of three C-60 cas-
dealers to use in their local areas. switching. The TC-258 also features STEREO headphone equalizer from
settes or three 80-minute 8-tracks at
The extensive ad campaign will automatic 2-channel to 4-channel Robins Industries allows each chan-
a list of S6.98.
also utilize the facilities of the print switching. nel to be adjusted individually. Ust
Columbia Magnetics is also offer- media one and two page full
via The TC-208 retails for $89.95 price for model R70O5: (20.
ing a three-pack polybag of its color insertions in about 20 major while the TC-258 carries a tag of
Soundcraft product for 99 cents, a magazines. Newspaper ads will be S 1 19.95. Both units are AC powered.
saving of $2.01 on the regular list of
the product

Cohen said that although there

were many three-pak offers on the
market today, Columbia Magnetic's
Car Stereo
offer was unique in that it offered cus called "Marketing Promotion
hub locks and
slip sheets, steel pins, Week."
solid windows on both the budget- • Continued from page 32 Ancillary activities include such
ELECTRET Condenser Cartridge C-
priced SoundcraA and the high end conferences as the one on the black
401S. utilizing Toshiba American's MODEL QM-211 professional bulk
deed. Point of Purchase Advertising new sound conversion principle, is
Cdumbia line.
Institute holds its show in conjunc-
consumer market at the Sheraton- eraser for pre-recorded reels, cas-
O'Hare Hotel Oct. 19 spo^ored by now available with matching equal- settes. and 8-track cartridges gen-
The offerbeing backed by spe-
is tion with NPS and .so does Incentive
izer, SZ-200, and In SR 80 tum- erates 60 Hz magnetic field. Hor-
cial packaging, and eye-catching Travel &Meetings Exposition with the Premium Advertising Associ-
Uble. Price: $129.95. tronics suggests $25.90 retail price.
point-of- purchase displays. ation of America tilled "Tapping the
the whole McCormick Place fo-
$55 billion black consumer market.*"
A dramatic growth area is direct
response marketing, which has gone
from 24.5 million in 1969 to 85 mil-
of34 different types of stereo efoA/liehl lion last year, according to Malcolm
F. Dunn, Batten, Barton. Durstine &
headphone cords, pitch cords.
Y conr>eclori, shietded adapters
and speaker cords NOW FROM
Q/ coble/ Osbora. Stereo is among the mix of
products and services going into di-
PFANSTIEHL! ftconneetor/ rect response.
Dunn, who said the aim of all
$175 RETAIL VALUE introductory assortment for only S7S with 100% good advertising "is a believable
exchar>ge privilege will put you into the cable and connector business with promise directed at the right au-
a steady fkm of repeat sales for extra profits. Write now for complete
dience." said direct response offers
details or send check for S7S and this assortment will be sent prepaid.
I) new distribution, 2) effective
measurement of advertising and
3300WASHINGTON ST. / BOX 498 product appeal, 3) test of new ap-
Pfin/iAiieAI WAUKEGAN. ILL. SOOeS peals that can be applied to all ad-
vertising and promotion.
Though still a handful, the num-
ber of hardware manufacturers here
included Panasonic. RCA, North
GENERAL ELECTRICS Model SC2005 is a compact system including AM/FM
stereo receiver, 9-inch turntable, dust cover, and two 14 inch speakers. At
American Philips. Pax. JVC. Morse.
retail tag of $125.95, unit gives "QuadraFi" sound when two more speakers
Triumph-General Time. Topp,
are attached.
Magnavox. Sony. Hear MufTs and
Fisher Radio.
The car stereo aspect was debated.
At Channel Master, another long-
time premium marketer, a spokes-
man said car stereo was a potw item
because of the installation factor.
But Amon Alnsficld, premium ac-
counts sales manager, Muniz, said.
"The premium field has many fac-
ets. 1 see car stereo as a very popular

incentive item."
Manufacturers have to gear to the
premium market, said Wexler.
Craig, for instance, is now offering
speakers two sizes for premium
in AT LIST of $119.95, Sharp Elec- rene with flocked interior. Custom
users, the9423 at 11'^ by 18 by 6% tronicsofferstheR0-7124track,2- Case Mfg. suggests a $11.95 net
and the 9424 at 12 by 22 by 8. channel, 7 inch reei-to-reel recorder price for the No. 54 case.
Some are using rep organizations deck. 3-speed operation is possible
You may not recognize our name. But, you'll dealing in the premium market as is

certainly recognize our product. Craig via John E. Lau here (see Rep
We're AVSCO. We mal<e Lear Jet Stereo Cartridges. Rap).
Price offerings differ too, of
Worlting closely witti Bill Lear, we developed tt>e
original S-track cartridge and we were ttie first course. One manufacturer's list

company to manufacture ttiem. shows 8-track players with a list

If It says "Lear Jet"... we nnake it.

price of $49.95 priced for premium
users at $25.95 and $28.15 if drop-
If you want Lear Jet quality... you get it from us.
shipped with four units per carton. A
We re AVSCO. model with AM/FM
stereo listing at
ArKl we'd like you to know our name as well as
ttie product we make. $139.95 is ofTercd at $72.45 and
$76.75 if drop-shipped.
For many manufacturers and reps
entering the field it means a whole

new lexicon of terms such as self-liq-

/ikS(D pussncs
uidators, free offers, consumer
sweepstakes, contests, retail pre-
mium promotions, community ac-
Call: Don Birkeness (816) 781-6050
tivities, all set forth in detail in SCINTREX new stereo headphones, IV circuitry, and seated speakers at
PAAA's premium yearbook. Model 10/10, lists at $39.95. $379.95 prKC tag.

Tope Duplicotof-
Yvette PanoiB, co-owner with shortage, but "things are rough, with reel, and will be adding new titles to cating, Sacramento, producers of print directly onto cassettes, to offer
husband Roy of Parsons, Inc., 6 to 7 week delivery on tape and 10 the existing 30 classical and easy lis- complete audio-visual presenta- *'from script to fmished cassette or
CherryHill, NJ. believes the mate- week delivery on other materials, tening titles available now, for the tions, recently purchased new Lib- reel" products. Rase is also Northern
rial shortages will ease with the oil with the result that jobs are held up." largest open reel catalog by Christ- erty/UA cassette loaders and Calif, dealer for TASCAM tape ma-
Parsons makes tape loaders, exer- mas. Electrosound splicers. They also chines and consoles and Pentagon
cisers, verifiers and duplicators, and Bill Rase Recording and Dupli- purchased a new olT-set printer to cassette and reel duplicators.

Berlin Show offers a blank loading service.

T^x Communications Div.*s new
• Continued from pa^e 34

set to givesuspended animation at

reel - to - reel, cassette - to - cassette,
reel-to-cassette build-on system.
Model 300. is pushbutton operated
Independent Kan. Dealer
the push of a button.
An ultra-sonic, cable-less ear- and can be operated by non-techni- • Continued from page 32 cassette players being sold today is

phone for TV sets called Solar-Phon cal people, a spokesman for the Hrm fantastically high.
Behind this retailer's fast start,
was introduced by Nordmende, said.
"The retailer who selLs a portable
said Henry, is the strong helping
West Germany, and Braun of West Quadrasonic reel-to-rccl is experi- cassette unit and two blank tapes but
hand-in display, merchandising,
Germany demonstrated Studio encing a rapid growth in custom du- walk the buyer over to the
promotions, stocking -of ABC fails to
1020. a high fidelity quadrasonic plicating, according to Bob Bilkiss, pre-recorded cassette display and
Record & Tape Sales, Des Moines.
system. national sales manager, custom du-
Phil Bernstein, district show what is available in good mu-
manager, is
Meanwhile, a new system for re- plicating division of Magnetic Tape sic is missing a bet." said Bernstein.
the guiding force Henry said.But an
producing stereophonic sound, Engineering Corp„ North Holly- 'That dealer is guessing that the cus-
accx>unt rep who keeps up an inven-
called Dummyhead Stereophony, wood, Calif.
tomer plans to use that player for ei-
tory of 150 top sellers also visits the
has been developed by three scien- Ampex Music Div., is mounting an ther taping music himself or record-
shop once a week.
tists with the Heinrich Hertz Insti- aggressive campaign to capture the
ing lectures. The problem is to get
tute in Berlin. It enables the repro- custom duplicating business in the The Joe Henr)' formula is heavily
people started thinking pre-re-
duction of two. four or even more industrial, commercial and edu- laced with lively promotions. First, a
corded music on all those portable
channels using just one channel of cational field as welt as recording tie-in with the Grasshopper, the or five days after everyone else has it
players being sold."
recorded information. The system is and marketing company business, largest nightclub in the city, seating
you get only a few laggard buyers."
discrete, in that it reproduces pre- with expanded lines, facilities and 3.000 persons. It features a deejay So far. however, the 8-lrack mar-
Ampex who sitsover the lighted dance floor ket is strongest in Topeka, with The special order service is in the
cisely the image originally recorded. personnel. is also experi-
playing records on the most sophis- blacks heavy buyers.
particularly competent hands of Kathy Seymour
Experts regard the system as a gen- encing a rapidly growing market in
uine alternative to quadrasonic. pre-recorded quadrasonic reel- to- ticated sound equipment. And the black market isn't as apt to who keeps a special order book at
tape its own music on 8-track. pre- the cashier's station. She lists orders
Joe Henry furnishes the club and gets them out at the end of the
ferring to buy pre-recorded tapes,
jockey single records at no cost, LP's days and makes intensive use of Bill-
Pacific Stereo Weeliend at cost plus a nickel. In return, the
deejay blurbs the shop name on an
said Henry.

Paradoxically, the black taste in

board's FIND Service. Her average
peated twice. Sansui 4-channel time getting in special orders: Nine
• Continued from page 32 average of five times an hour over this city tends more toward rock
seminars were also held. days.
the sound .system, giving source and than soul, which is where the Joe
Schram explained lhal booth Of the sound system for the con- Henry reputation is solid. But that Merchandise comes from ABC
address of the music. Also, several
modules were imported from Cali- certs. Schram "We've got a
times during the evening he gives isn't altogether an ideal situation, pre-priced. Prices are coded in signs
fornia and assembled so that the in- good portion of the Los Angeles
away free cards redeemable in free the dealer said, because country mu- in alphabetical letters which are
teriors would carry the Pacific Stereo Coliseum sound system out there
singles or LP's at half price to people sicfans tend to pass his shop up. Yet printed over displays. A "G" tape,
store image. It was hoped the generating probably over 20.000 for example, shows the list of $7.98
for visiting the shop. The deejay also the country music market is strong in
wooden construction would aid watts." Folk talent Steve Goodman, and the Heni^ price of $6.97. A tape
cuts the promotional tapes which are the area and these customers have a
acoustics, but one exhibitor said. Fred Holstein. Mississippi Flanagan
beamed from the shop out in front to tendency to seltx*t three or four LP club which gjvcs members the tenth
"They forgot about the ceiling. It's ani4 Ed Holstein as well as classical
tape after nine are purchased adds
the shopping center crowd. records or tapes per visit.
like we arc all in the same rotim music by the Chicago Brass Quintet an average of eight members weekly.
and the Chicago Chamber Orches- Weekend price promotions, "But if you're going to have an im-
blasting away " Others, though,
tra filled out the entertainment. pushed over the twin speakers in the age I'd rather have it in rock and
liked the wide open atmosphere
shop's baywindow are effective. The soul." declared Joe Henry.
compared crowded corridors at a
to Bars located strategically dis-
recent Marriott Institute of High Fi- pensed beer (60-cenls) and drinks specials include three top records,
such as the hot Allman Brothers Service
delity event here.

The chain generally held to its

($1, except for bonded bourbon and
Cutty Sark at $1.15) and refresh-
ment stands sold snacks and sand-
"Brothers and Sisters." at marked
down prices, a S5.98 album for $4.57
reputation for good customer
is also important to this re-
do you
program thrtiughoui with the rock need 8-track lubricated
wiches. or a $3.99 album for $3.57. An 8- tailer. He says that first and foremost
acts clearly drawing the pre- tope, cassette tape, C Ds
Participants listed: Stanton, track item or two is also included in he wants to be, first, in town have
dominantly young suburban people
Marantz, Garrard, Sherwood. the specials. An in-slore lie-up is a new item and. second, for going all or tooded cassettes?
(films "Fillmore" and "Yellow Sub-
Shure. Empire, Maxell. Dual. Ken- made with a 4-foot wide table dis- out on special orders. Getting new Get in touch with EMPIRE
marine" were also shown). Acts in-
wood. TDK. TEAC, Harman-Kar- play of featured items stationed near music on the double is a constant
cluded the Nitty Griity Din Band. MAGNETIC INDUSTRIES
don. KLH, SAE, Phase Linear. Cer- the front window. battle, he says. He points out that his
Freddie King. Paul Butterfield's
win-Vega. Memorex. BSR. Bose.
- the one stop (or oil
Radio advertising is highlighted customers are steady readers and
Better Days. Mike Bloomfield. Jose your duplication or blonk
AR. Wollensak. Superscope. JBL. by a tie-in with KTOP-AM. Topeka, when publications disclose several
Feliciano, El Chicano and Bonnie
Dynaco, Tandbcrg. ADC. 3M. Rec- weeks in advance that a record or loading requirements at
Koloc. and the program "Rip OfT' which
tilinear. Audio Technica, Speciro-
includes giveaways of records to tape Ls being cut he gets calls for it LOWEST PRICES.
tended, included
some sparcely
B. I.
C- Ventura
sonic Designs, Quadraflex, Sony.
Sanui. Pioneer, Koss, Altec Metro-
people whose names are called on long before it is

This happened to him on "Brothers

actually released.
the air. Winners pick up their EMPIRE MAGNriC INDUSTRIES
speakers. Phase Linear {high-pow- tec. Muscular Dystrophy. Discount and Sisters."
freebies at Joe Henry's and the .shop
ered amplifiers), JBL (speaker de- Records, WFMI-FM. WXRT-FM 543 Allen Ra Woam»re NY 11598
has about twelve spots daily on this "But one thing for sure, when it
sign), Shure (phono cartridge and WEA Disi.
station. Other spots are run on does come out, want to be first in
Itxxie 516 420-8558
Miomi Hondo f loglet Plti?o BIdg
trackability). and TEAC (tape Hours: 4:30-10 pm (Fri.). 10:30- KIWI-AM (KeeWee). which is the town to get it. When you drag in four
recording techniques) with some re- 10 (Sat.. Sun.). J'OOW Floqler Stiee'
Billboard Top 40 countdown sta- Phone: 305-448-9038


LARGE or small Volume 8tr Tape Production?

Twice monthly two 20-inch ads
are run in the Capitol, the daily
newspaper, and usually spotlights
EQUIPMENTS FOR YOUR EVERY NEED: some of the new releases. When al-
bums such as Sly and the Family
Here's a chance to profit on these fine cas-
Stone are featured for $2,99. regu-
sette recorders In original factory-sealed
larly S4.77, the operator says he usu- cartons with factory guarantee and service
ally picks up 25 or 30 sales.
in your local area.
Henry is sold on the potential of 8-
track and cassettes. He sees pre-re- •1-3 4 up 100 up
corded cassette sales picking up ttlSO Includes iniite.
carrying case. C-60 cas-
»4. S23.
more sales, pointing to the increas-
ing sales of cassette players to youth.
= 1420 (ALC) Includes *34. $31. $30.
He's already made sales to college
milte. carrying case with
kids with cassette players for school
storage compartment.
use by pointing to some of the gtK>d C-60 cassette, input/ *A(M 3% for alilpplng
SEMI-AUTOMATIC SPLICER EXACT TIME TAPE WINDER output cord. AC adaptor — 4 or more prejMld
music they can get for their units and
And ... A Wide Selecllon sf Otli«r SophisticoMd Eduipmeiilt play in their rcxims, in their cars, on
(Digital Timers, High Speed Duplicotors, Etc.) the beach, etc. "The day will arrive
ACCESSORIES AND SUPPLIES Tartnt: Check with order
when young people will play cas-
sette unitson the streets as they do
He 1776 Columbia Road, N W
Washington, D.C. 20009
TELEPHONE: (213) M-IW is

Bernstein, the
backed in this opinion by
ABC district manager, (Rets; Riggs Nat'l Bank, D&B, Better Business Bureau, Wash., O.C.)
who points out that the quantity of
Conodion News
Canada Back in Full Steam Mrs. Murray
From the Musk CopitQls
As Rail Strike Is Ended Completes
TORO>4TO~Canada's recenl rail RCA's national sales co-ordinator ^oflheWbfldl
strike caused some distribution
problems for major labels but every-
Pat McQuadc arranged an
trucking system right across the
alternate Peak Tour TORONTO tionson the DownchiM Blues BaiMrs
thing seems to have settled down to country. Bill Gale, traffic manager
TORONTO-Anne Murray has A&M in the final stages of set-
is "Flip Flop and Fly" and the latest
justcompleted a 17-concert home- ting up an a&r house
in Toronto. Lighthouse offering "Pretty Lady."
order again. for Quality Records, said his com-
Many companies resorted to ship- pany was unaffected by the strike.
coming tour of Atlantic Canada, National promotion director Peter WEA has set Cel. 1 7 as the release
breaking all existing house and gross Beauchamp will be much more date for the long-awaited Greg All-
ping by air during the strike which
continued for more than two weeks.
WEA plant manager, Dave Stur- figures. closely concerned with the a&r field man solo album, expected to follow
This naturally increased distribution
geon, reported use of air freight, The 17 concerts, which took place when the house is opened. A&M is "Brothers and Sisters" to the top of

costs but prevented any serious

which continued for more than a over 14 days, were all sold out. Ms. now located on the fringe of the city, the Canadian LP charts. Am- . . .

breakdowns in supply.
week after the strike ended. A&M Murray also received a variety of and the new downtown ofTice will pex's John Dee Driscoll reports thai
had an added hasslc-a shortage of and provincial honors. She was
civic provide a convenient clearing point the Wednesday single of "Last Kiss"
Columbia's national sales man-
cardboard for album covers which presented with the key to the city of for a&r and promotion. The com- (released through Sussex in the
ager, Bert Dunseiih. said there had
caused the postponement of several Halifax. N.S., during an open-air pany has been making some strong U.S.) literally expkxled across the
been problems, especially in the
West. The label trucks most of its releases. A&Mwas another com- noon-hour ceremony. The Province moves in the Cancon area and is continent this week-it would ap-
pany methods dur-
to use air freight
of Nova Scotia hosted a stale testi- staking a lot on the release of a new pear to be the biggest U.S. hit from
merchandise in Ontario and Quebec
and air shipments west were held up ing the rail strike, which generally
monial dinner in honor of its famous Keith Hampshire single "Big Time Canada since Eihtard Bear's "Last
by embargo problems. slowed business by up to a week.
singer. Operator." which it is hoped will Song." GRT has signed singer/
. . .

The Hon. Garnet Brown, provin- give them their first top 10 single in producer Adam Mitchell, respon-
Ms. Murray as
cial scCTCtary. toasted two James Leroy single
New Nightery to Key Recording the "Queen of Nova Scotia." He
the U.S.— Hampshire of course has
already had two quarter-million
sible for the
hits — Two
versions of the old Wil-
said, "we can think of no one who sellers this year with "Daytime son Pickett standard of "I n the Mid-
Acts in a Novei Approacti has enriched .so many lives or pro- Night-time" and "First Cut Is the night Hour" vying for chart honors
vided such an excellent example of Deepest." across Canada— Cross Country for
By RITCHIE YORKE how lo help others enjoy their leisure Atlantic and Skin AllevN rendition
TORONTO-Canada is to have a Wayne, who operated the Ne- time, ormore deserving of such an Columbia and WEA arc already
of Daffodil.
new style of international night- pentha clubs in Toronto and then honor, than you." operating downtown a&r offices in
Axe Records' Gary and Dave, now
club—and venue for hot
a unic{ue Acapulco. says that he was ap- Such provincial dinners are nor- Toronto and other labels arc re-
out with a debut album, accom-
U.S. record acLs-when the Constel- proached by the owner of the Con- ported to be seriously considering
mally restricted to foreign digni- panied Ihe Slampeders on the final
lation Hotel opens its Telephone stellation. George Kalmer. lo bring a taries and members of royalty. The
the move. Most of the major com-
20 dates of their cross-Canada lour.
Call club in December. totally new kind of conlemporar)' Hon. Peter Nicholson, acting pre- panies here are located in the small-
. . . Dr. John al Massey Hall (7) while
Utilizing a budget of S40.000 a nightclub to Canada. factory regions on the outskirts of
mier, made several presentations to Concerts Promotion International,
month, the new club's agent and de- "They wanted to make it the fore- M.S. Murray on behalf of the prov- the city. The CRIA has still not re-
the new Maple Leaf Gardens book-
signer, Thomas P. Wayne, hopes to most nightclub in Canada over- leased any report on the status of the
ince. Ms. Murray is now playing ing arm. has Gilbert O'Sullivan at
attract artists of the calibre of Bette night I investigated clubs and disco- concerts in Alaska, Tennes.scc. Ne-
Core Project, a series of nine propos-
the Gardens (3) Harry Hinde to
Midler, Gladys Knight and the Pips, theques around the world but The als put forward at the association's
vada and Philadelphia. Her current produce Celebration's Ann Bridge-
the Fifth Dimension, Donny Hath- Telephone Call will be something annual meeting last week.
Capitol single is "Send a Little Love forth. . . . Alabama\ first album for
away, Sergio Mendes and the unique anywhere. It* represents a My Way." Kini; Crimson drew sell-out Smile is called "Close to Home." . .

O'Jays. new approach to the building of Joe Walsh plays his

crowds Montreal and Quebec
in first solo date at
"The Telephone Call will be nightclubs."
Massey Hall (20).
City for Donald K. Donald. ... Re- Ottawa Jour- .

. .

heavily-oriented towards recording No expense has been spared in the Actor cent arrival in Canada is former Bill- nal is weekly
carrying a lengthy
artists, as opposed to the slick. Las design and construction of The Tele-
board London staffer Paul Allamby, series called "Maple Music" com-
ers," Wayne
told Billboard.
phone Call. The dance floor is 25
of solid brass, surrounded by 70
CRTC Advisor who wants to obtain a position in the piled by Sandy Gardiner.
OTTAWA- Pierrc Boucher, a lop
Canadian music scene. Nelll . . . UA hosted a party for (he opening
want to be more related to the music, speakers. There is a $27,000 comput- of Humphrey and the Dumptrucks al
Dixon is the new national promotion
more concerned with whal the pub- erized projection unit. The lighting French-language TV actor, has been
named special adviser to Pierre
director of GRT GRT appears to Mackenzie's Comer House. The . . .

lic is buying on record." creates several different atmos- be sitting on its first-ever U.S. hit new Flying Circus album "Last
pheres within the club and cost Juneau, chairman of the Canadian
single with (he Ian Thomas release Laugh" to be released here by Capi-
$71,000. Radio-Television Commission
Sllllxatll SPECIAL SURVEY on Janus of "Painted Ladies," which week and within seven days
tol this
The club has a capacity of
350 (CRTC).
lot WMk Ending 10/13/73
A commission statement said that
CKLW Detroit jumped on this in IheU.S.-lhc group is now on tour
persons and development costs have
Boucher would advise Mr. Juneau
week— label is also picking up sta- ( Continued on page 39)^
been $1,200 per seal, as opposed lo
and the Commission on broadcast
the usual ceiling of $300. Total de-
velopment costs are $500,000.
"We want Bette Midler to open
program policies.
Regarded as one of French Can-
CRIA Inclusion of Indie
The Telephone Call and we're work-
ing on it now."
ada's leading stage, radio and TV
actors. Boucher has appeared for
Disk Producers
Conodion Constellation owner George Kal-
mer recently completed the pur-
several years on
TV serial
"Rue des Pignons."
on the French
has been president of the
CBC net-
Recording Industry Association has
received what ii terms "immediate
Canadian social functions
New membership drives
and business meet-

are in ef-
chase of Montreal's Sonesia Hotel,
response" lo the recent revision of its fect being subsidized by the major
long a centre of Maple music indus- International Federation of Actors

Singles iry patronage. Wayne said that after

completion of The Telephone Call,
since 1970.
by-laws encouraging independent
record producers tu join the Associ-
record companies. The major fee
structure is as follows: For com-
ation. panies with calendar year net sales
he will be involved in the design of a
Membership of six independent in excess of S5-million. one-tenth of

similar entertainment centre on the
roof of the Soncsta.
CQnodo producers, all from Quebec, was ap-
proved at the recent general meeting
I percent of net sales; for companies

with sales of less than $5-mtllion.

1 § g Wayfle plans a aiver charge of be-
19 mtunsTUMiaiMtaf 'tween $5 and S7 per person which Executive of the as.sociation.
The new class "B" members are
one-twentieth of I percent of net
with a minimum
sales, contribution
§ 1 Dstributini Lalid should allow him access to many
Cinram Ltee., Franco Disque Inc.. of $500.
acts limiting their Canadian expo- _Tufnloble_ Lc Service De Musiquc Bonanza
sure the occasional one-nighler.
Cirr S Dm he
WEA Music of Caiiadj has an- Inc.. Solset Inc., Les Disqucs
6 stmni LIFE He said the opening date of The
Telephone Call has not been set but
nounced several further changes -n
its promotional department.
Campus Inc.. and Les Industries
Denis Pantis.
5 WEST COAST WOMAN that it will fall between Dec. 15 and

P>rrlt«. Elektta

Jan. 15.
"The Telephone Call will repre-
Paul Richards has been named as
new Ontario promotion
sentative, replacing David
welcoming (he new members.
president Arnold Gosewich
"Wc are conscious of a new-
On Policy
Cf>«t« (Cfr;fbttiio<i) OuBlit»
sent Canada's first nightclub for the
Seventies." predicted Wayne, who is
who is moving back
Elliot is taking over
into head office.
Mike Reed's po-
surge of interest by those involved in
the recording industrv' in Canada -
also president of Idea Consultants
12 2 HAPPy DREAMER sition of manager of merchandising pariiculariy the young people, The OTTAWA-The CRTC has an-
services. As announced earlier. Reed common and unanimous goal seems nounced a five-day delay in the
is now
kxiking after artisi relations. to be lo work together as a united opening of ils hearings on program

14 2
Tom Middklun
Coluinbi] Hibbs Signed Barry Paine has been named
Weslem district promotion manager
body to create a healthv financial
and creative climate for the industry
policy for
The hearing, scheduled
FM broadcasting stations.
for Oct. 24

LiEtithoiKt CRT
By Marathon for MCA Records (Canada). His
sphere of operations covers the
lo work in."
"B" class members, defined in the
has been put back until the 29th be-
cause of a shortage of public meet-
Ann Muitir. Cipitol
TORONTO-Marathon Music provinces of B.C.. Alberta. Sas- Association's letter lo potential ap- ing space in the Ottawa area. The
6 WAUUNG ON BACK has signed a longterm recording katchewan and Manitoba. He will plicants as prtxJuccrs and allied deadline for filing briefs was also ex-
Etfnid itv, C4(if1ol
contract with the TV host and coun- continue to be based al MCA's Van- companies, arc being asked lo pay tended to Oct. 8.
1 ar ME HIGH
Knn lobm. MCM
try singer. Harry Hibbs. couver office. SlOO in annual fees lo join the A Commission statement last
S e BONGO ROa Hibbs has earned a wide follow- The board of directors of Pickwick CRIA. They do not, however, re- April said the CRTC believes there
IncttAble Benio Band. (Prid4) ing with his "At the Caribou" TV International Inc., Toronto, bus ap- ceive voting rights. should be distinctly different pro-
scries through CHCH-TV. The pointed John Lcclham as vice presi- "C" class membership, with the gram material used on FM stations
scries has jusi begun a new season
Shflarh UpAd dent and general manager of Pick- same fees and designed for com- and that these stations should not
10 5 SPENDING Mr TIME with Diane Leigh as co-s(ar. Ms. wick Records of Canada Limited. panies providing services (o the in- play only background music or be



Leigh was recently signed by Mara- Lcctham has been with (he company dustry. aLsodoes not grant the appli- carbon copies of counterparts. AM
thon Music. The label said it hopes for 6'? years, staning out as sales canl any voting rights. However The CRTC is also formulating a
foot bi Coltfintcf. DHrfodil
to release a Hibbs album by Christ- representative and being appointed both "B" and "C" class members separate study on both the CBC AM
mas. general manager in 1971. will be entitled to attend Association FM
and radio networks.


InbrnotionQl News.
Videodisk Penetration, Potential From the Music G:ipibls
Giving Vidca New Importance
CANNES— The firsl real evidence • Continued from page 38 "Let the Good Times Roll." star-
Domestic demand for VTR and emerge as the market leader on the
of the penetration of videocassetle in
the European, Japanese and U.S.
VCR units in Japan has risen this consumer side and also possibly in Lighthouse
in the U.S. with
esis return to
Massey Hall (Nov. 8)
— ring Chuck Berry. Little
Fats Domino, Chubby Checker,
year to 100.000 units and
is expected the educational and industrial mar-
for C.P.I. -theband fared well last DMdley, 5 Satins, the Shirelles. the
Markets and the tremendous interest to rise again to 250.000 players in kets as well, despite the fact that it is

now being shown time out with Lou Reed. Encore Coasters. Dsnny & the Juniors and
in the potential of 1974 and 500.000 in 1975. a playback-only system. He pre- . . .

the videodisk for both home and in- doing a series of dates with Bruce special guest star Bill Hale)' & the
dicted that by 1977. sales of video-
On U.S. Market Cockbum whose new album is now Comets opened here Sept. 29 at the
stitutional use have combined to disk hardware will have passed
make Commenting on the U.S. market, out on True North.
New Toho Cinema 1. The Metro-
this year's Vidca. the Inter- those of tape and film equipment,
William Donnelly, Group Super- Periwinkle Records doing a big
media Producers Corp. feature film
national market for Videocasscttc building up to around 125.00 units
visor Special Projects. Young and promotion number on Killer Music. production was released here by Co-
and Videodisk programmes and per year in 1980.
Rubicam International, predicted Iaiwa and Lynn RuKKwurm with (Coniinued on page 40)
equipment, easily the most signifi-
On the consumer side, he esti-
. . .

cant to date. As Bernard Chevry. or- that hardware sales will eventually son Lance on lead guitar, play
mated that sales of videodisks in all
ganizer of Vidca. himself said in his be dependent on the growth of soft- Cousin Don's Tavern this week—
formats will be running at around
opening address on Friday, the pre- ware although the opposite is the
250,000 units per year rising to four
their new Columbia single is "Down Singles Hike
vious two Vidcas have been mainly case at the moment. He said that the Home in Newfoundland." ... BMI
and half million units by year 1980.
confined to exhibitions of prototype present approach with video might Canada's general manager Harold
hardware and speculation of the ap-
plications for the vidcocas-setlc and
make business sense in other fields
but that in the communications in-
There were also signs
year thai the Philips and
at Video
Moon will retire at the end of the
In Germany
tems might be compatible when they
videodisk and how the market will dustry, the market should evolve
both come to the marketplacc-
develop. from an artistic base and con-
which would be a welcome ray of
TOKYO Is 'Accepted'
"The first two Vidcas left a certain sequently the availability of good Three music tape manufacturers
hght in the current jungle of over
disappointment in some people's programming should stimulate inJapan arc raisirfg retail prices of • Continued from page I
rival and inaimpatible systems.
minds." he admitted, "because video hardware sales.
most new releases this month and "We have no negative reaction.
did not become the overnight phe- Also speaking about the Ameri- Philips MCA Talk next, in proportion to the 5 percent Apparently, today, rising prices are
nomenon they expected." can market was Robert Pfannkuch, Although both Philips and MCA commodity tax levied on all pre-re- such a normal thing that our cus-
This year, however, the atmos- president Primary Medical Commu- were reluctant to commit them- corded sound tapes sold in this tomers showed hardly any reaction,
phere here is very dilTerent. With a nications. He said that so far Sony selves, the two firms each confirmed country as of Oct 1. Nippon Colum- contrary to our fears." The last price

record 1.200 plus participants this had firmly established itself as mar- they had been talking to the other bia was the first to do so. on Oct 1 increaseon singles was in 1968.
year represenling over 600 different ket leader with its three-quarter inch and thai as the two systems were The Japanese manufacturer is being Phonogram has announced a 16
companies, the theme of Vidca 73 at U-Matic system. Around 50.000 fundamentally technically the same, followed by Pony, a member of the percent increase in business in the
the Palais des Festivals is far more three-quarter inch systems have the possibility of playing Philips Fuji-Sankei Group, on Oct. 10, and first six months of this year. Other
orientated to what has happened in been sold in the U.S. to date com- software on an MCA player and vice Toshiba-EMI on Oct. 25. Due to the firms, like EMI-Electrola. Tcldec.
the 18 months since the last Vidca pared with only around 10.000 units versa was not out of the question. As increased cost of raw materials, and Metronome,
rather than to what might happen in in all other formats. an MCA executive remarked, such a other member manufacturers of the arc also satisfied. At Phonogram a
(he future. Accordingly, the format lie-up would be logical for both Japan Phonograph Record Associ- spokesman said: "If you consider 16
The Sony system, he continued, companies as MCA has traditionally percent as an average rate of growth
of the conference aspect of Vidca ation in music tape production are
has proved its reliability and al-
has been changed this year. There always been a software company expected to follow suit before the for us. the repertoire, groups, classic
though there was no reliable sales
are in fact only two main conference while Philips is basically a hardware Japanese financial year ends next and German pop have developed on
breakdown information available,
sessions in the programme, an organization. March 31. an average scale."
he estimated that around 45 percent
inaugural session on Friday which
of the 50,000 units had been sold to
comprised market reports from Eu-
the educational market. 45 percent
rope. Japan and America, and a ple-
to institutional organizations and 10
nary session which will close the
percent to consumers.
conference on Wednesday. The rest
of the six-day event is being taken Pfannkuch added that Cartrivi-
up with a series of study sessions in sion has spent around 50 million
which Video programmes prcxiuced dollars to date on developing and
for a particular market are shown launching its system but that from
and then discussed and analyzed by the middle of last year to earlier this
a panel of international experts. year-the height of the company's
But it was in the inaugural confer- current marketing campaign—only
ence session that delegates heard the 5,000 units were sold. Pfannkuch

first real evidence of the penetration

was also the first delegate to express

so far of the new video systems. the feeling of many here that the po-

Pn^tress Report
Reporting on video's progress in
Europe. John Chittock, industrial
of the Videodisk
than was first thought.

It is ironical that

on the audio
far greater

tape is the new technology and is the
film correspondent of the Financial
medium which is expected to even-
Times, said the EVR and the Philips
VCR were the only two formats that
tually take over from disk as the Your acceptance of our entire catalog of English,
had made any real commercial
most popular sound carrier while in
the video field, many experts believe
Spanish and Filipino compositions for represent-
headway. Of these two. the VCR ation in the U.S.A. and Canada is the most sig-
the exact opposite is going to hap-
had comfortably established itself as
pen. When the Telefunken-Decca
nificant event ever to happen in the history of
the market leader at the moment.
videodisk was first announced, not
Philips claims, he went on, that it has
much was taken of it. How-
notice the Philippine music industry. Not only us. but
delivered 55.000 VCR units in Eu-
ever, the system has been creating a
rope to date and that this will rise to also forty million Filipinos, are so grateful and
tot of interest here this week and will
75.000 units by the end of the year.
be commercially launched in Ger- elated indeed for this heartwarming acceptance.
Although Philips would not give many early next year.
him a sales breakdown country by
country, he said the company had
told him that around 1.450 units had
DenMHtslration from
In addition, there was a most im-
been sold to institutional and indus-
pressive demonstration of the Phil-
trial organizations in the U.K. such
ips VLP videodisk on Saturday,
as Chrysler. Barclays. British Rail
which have a worldwide launch
and the Central Electricity Gener-
mid-1975. The MCA
ating Board. The progress of the
System, which has almost stolen the
EVR parmership has been consider-
show at the Vidca exhibition al-
ably less impressive, Chittock con-
though there is not even a prototype MUSIC PHILIPPINES. INC. (BAM!)
tinued, as there are only around
3.000 EVR units in use woMdwide at
being lipped by many as the dark &
the moment, of which about 1.500
arc in Japan.
horse in the video stakes, partic-
ularly in view of the wealth of pro-
Giving first-hand evidence of the
gramming material MCA
Japanese market was Tsuguro Mat-
to through Universal Pictures.
sui. Chairman of the video com-
mittee. Electronic Industries As.soci-
There arc also the RCA and Ze-

ft very nspectful end sincere way al ssyino thank you so very much ' in ihe Pilipino len^juaoe
nith videodisk systems, an un-
ation of Japan. Matsui told the
conference thai 1 10.000 VTR and
named British one and a Japanese

VCR units worth 67 million dollars one rumored.

were buih in Japan during 1972. Pfannkuch reiterated the widely
This year, 200,000 units will be man- held view that software costs are crit-
ufactured and half of this produc- ical and with the Videodisk having
tion is for the export market, includ- such a cost advantage over all other
ing around 40,000 units for the U.S. systems, the disk must eventually
OCTOBER 13. 1973. BILLBOARD Cc, 39
JnternotionQl News.
PVC Shortage Hits Brazil; From the Musk Capitols
Tariff Reduction Is Sought oftheWbfldl
• Continued from page 3 Other measures suggested were re- about 60 percent of its needs. Record • Continued from page 39 tion. My disks would be as near per-
ducing LP's to 10 inches and elimi- makers complain about the quality fect as possible and FNAC could
lumbia Pictures Bob Shad, presi-
the new equipment installed within nating compacts. One industry con- of Brazihan-madc PVC which fails have limited exclusivi4y. My prop-
dent of Mainstream Records, visited
four months. However, after a trip to sultant remembered that camauba to meet the demand by far. How- osition was accepted."
Japan for the first time. Sept. 21-29.
the U.S. and Europe, he believed wax, used in the past for making 78 ever,new Brazilian PVC plants are Besides conferring with Seijf llo, Canutti's first disk featured Core
thai the shortagemay continue eight revolution records, is a native Bra- under way but all suffer from the ris- managing director of Sunnyland Vaucaire. Called Theatre de la Ville,
months, at least. Top-Tape which zilian product from palm trees. ing price of crude petroleum. Brazil the songs were recorded in public.
Music Corp., Mainstream's Japan
has no pressing plant, has its fingers However, nobody considered going imports about two-thirds of its The were sold exclusively by
representative, he supervised the
crossed, while the directors hunt for back to 78s. Catalogs have been crude-oil mostly from the Near East. FNAC and included a booklet
recording of a live performance by
supplies. dropped. about the artist and lyrics. Accord-
Camero of Tapccar, which makes Sarah Vaughan at the "acoustically
In the meantime, manufacturers RCA. which presses records for a ing to Canutti the special promotion
tapes for most recording companies, perfect" Nakano Sun Plaza Hall on
considered pressing only their top. number of other firms including paid off well. He is now lining up
Sept. 24. The recording is scheduled
proven artists leaving the new. un- CBS. Fermata, Equipe. Editora reports a larger than usual increase
for simultaneous release in the U.S. other ariists but names are not avail-
tried talent aside for the time being. Abril and Editora Bloch, imports in orders.
able at present.
and Japan end of this year or
at the
early next. In Japan, the Profes.sor Decroix, at a conference

Pye Volume Up 100% for Period album will be manufactured and

distributed by Teichiku A music
synthesizer and 72,000 other instru-
in Strassberg. appealed lo the
French Government to take the pos-
sible elTectsof pop music seriously.
MAJORCA-Pyc increased turn- sets by Donovan, Kinks, Petula Precision of Lear Jet tape hardware. ments were played or displayed at He said that sound over 90 decibels
over by 100 percent in the first six and an
Clark, an easy listening pack John Mair, the 73 Music Instruments Fair held had an intensity equal lo that of a
.sales manager for
months of the current fmancial year opera set at S17.50. A&M. announced the launch of the here Sept. 28-30. compressed air pick and could cause
Walta Woyda, for precision, an- Six albums (four from Toho and deafness. This, he said, was already
and Pye distributed product showed Portrait series -middle-of-the-road
a 30 percent increase. This was the nounced a 5 percent discount incen- product selling at $4.98 and DJM is two from Toshiba) recorded under found in some musicians. He said
news delivered by managing direc- tive on Elton John product during to repromote and repackage the Sil- the Sansui QS regular matrix system nothing obliged musicians to in-
October, 25 hits from the Bell cata- vcHine series. Stewart Slater of are among the October 973 releases crease the intensity of they sound the
tor,Louis Benjamin, to the Pye sales 1

conference in Majorca. log only available on tape, the Bradleys announced a concentra- of quadraphonic records in Japan. way they do The Nancy Festival
signing of Trojan to Precision, the tion on single sales with seven re- Scheduled for local release by Victor committee has decided to organize a
Benjamin reported. "In our last fi-
nancial year, which ended in March, introduction of $2,48 cassettes and leases between now and Christmas. Musical Industries on Dec. 5 is the jazz festival because of ihe recent
cartridges and the distribution by collection of Beethoven symphonies upsurge in jazz interest Memphis
our were the second best in
the history of the company. This is a recorded by Kurt Mazur and the Slim has been named and Ray MC
Diaries will open the festival. Others
massive achievement considering
increased overheads and reduced K'Tel 'Testing' in Germany Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra un-
der the Victor Company of Japan's
invited include
Sun Ra. Teyy
the Brotberiiood of Breath.
profit margins." HAMBURG-K-Tel now been
has creased .speed of turnover will really discrete CD-4 system. Meanwhile,
He committee hopes to strike a medium
said that it was obvious from operating in Germany for some annul this loss is more than doubt- Toshiba-EMI has released two more
note between modem and tradi-
the first six months of this year that weeks, testing sales methods which fuL SQ quadraphonic records manufac-
tional Jazz, with the objective of
the result for the whole year would are new lo the German market. The From dealer circles doubl is al- tured from Angel classical record-
be the best proving jazz is very much alive.
ever. "In Precision Tapes, firm is taking current hits from the ready being expressed about the ex- ings "Yesterday Once More" by
Stephanie Grappely is to take up
despite the unfortunate loss of the repertoires of the Deutsche pected sales success. the Carpenters (A&M) continued to
WEA and residence at the Jazz Club in the Rue
Island product, this com- Grammophon, CBS and Bellaphon be the best-selling single at Jujiya's
pany's turnover currently 67 per- and incoporaling them into albums, main on the Ginza
St. BenoiL Danny Kaye has been
. . .

cent ahead of

last year." as has already been done in the U.S..

Island Takes Over fourth
week of last month.
on a gastronomic tour of France
He added: "Naturally, one cannot Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Cube Distribution also at or close to the top of the heap
Builders agree to hold up installing
the roof of the 42nd floor Paris sky-
achieve the foregoing results without Japan and Great Britain. The al- LONDON- Island Records has the same week other leading
at 14
scraper to allow Gilbert Becaud to
problems, and there is the natural bums are being presented using an taken over the distribution of Cube record stores in Japan. Along with
piano. There was no other
install his
possibility with a 100 percent in-
crease, that factory problems, short-
extensive advertising campaign on
radio and TV.
from Polydor. The deal, covering the
U.K., will become effective from
the single. "Now and Then" was the
best-selling pop album at Yamaha's
way —
Johnny Halliday will receive
S500a night for his first play -a frac-
age of stock situations, etc., may The firm began its test program Oct. 1. said Cube managing director 1 6 music stores throughout August.
tion ofwhat he receives as a singer.
emerge. In regard to resolving this regionally. Ii began in Saarland and Olav Wyper. HIDEO EGUCHI
potential issue, you must know by then extended its advertising to Wyper said: "We came to an ami-
. . . Tenri King the jazz singer who
now that we have had negotiations cover the broadcasting area of cable agreement with Polydor that PARIS has woiied in 67 countries is now in
Paris at Psssycat club. First re-
with certain overseas companies and Rhincland-Pfatz and Baden-Wurt- our contract should come to an end Jacques Canutti, formerly a Phil- . . .

A ports say no disk distinguished itself

the flow of product has been guar- temberg. further extension has and we jointly agreed to do it now so ips director, has reached an agree-
during holiday season in southern
Marketing manager. Jack Boyce,
been carried out and other exten-
sions are planned. Both dealers and
as to cause the minimum amount of
confusion at the start of the peak
ment with the Federation d'Achats
des Cardres whereby his own label France —
The Martin Orcus group
will appear in La Revolution Fran-
announced a dealer incentive department stores are reservedly selling season." will receive a special boost for three
casie, the first French rock opera
scheme involving a mystery shop- taking part in the experiment in or- Cube is the record label of the Es- months. During that period FNAC
per. A special promotion squad will der to ascertain what success can be will have exclusive distribution
Diana Ross gave her first concert in
sex Music Group and was launched
Paris on Sept. 27 at the Champs
be calling on dealers to explain the achieved with this new sales method. in 1970, with the first releases on Fly, rights. Canutti told Billboard:
company's product. This will be With "When I decided lo have a label of Elysecs Theatre. She sang for charity
costs of over 30 percent it is which later became Cube. Cube art-
in the presence of the wife of the
shortly followed by a visit from a hardly possible that dealers and de- istsinclude Harvey Andrews, JSD my own I intended limiting produc-
mystery shopper with queries about partment stores wilt be ready to con- tion to from five to six disks a year.
French Prime Minister. This was her
Band, Joe Cocker, John Kongos and
second appearance in France.
Pye product. The scheme is aimed tinue this procedure for a long pe- Jimmy Helms. My aim was to choose artists who . .

directly at the shop assistant who riod because the had make Johnny Halliday and Silvie Vartan
margin guaranteed Recordings by Procol Harum, T. failed to a great impres-
will be able to win cash prizes and a who I considered good. are to receive a gold disk for the
by K-Tel International is seen more Rex and the Move during the five sion but
chance in a draw for $250. Boyce as a commission which makes nor- "Following criticism by FNAC of record "J"ai un Probleme" which has
years each group was associated
also announced the release of five sold over a million. Halliday is lo
mal .sales procedure, with advice and with the company are also available the quality of records at last year's
Pye Presentation packs-four record service, impossible. Whether the in- on Cube. Midem, I came up with a proposi- ( Continued on page 42)


PETER USTINOV was the opening IN EARNEST conversation at the cele- PRESIDENT MEETS president. Polydor DGG INVITED Oliver Berlin, grandson
speaker on the occasion of the DGG bration party are, I, Dr. Hans-Werner International president Dr.Werner Vo- of Emil Berliner, the founder of the firm
75th anniversary celebrations at the Steinhausen, a former technical direc- gelsang (right) chats with West Ger- and inventor of the gramophone, to at-
Congress Center, Hamburg on Sept. tor of Deutsche Grammophon and con- man President Dr. Gustav Helnemann tend the 75th anniversary celebratuns
18. ductor Karl Boehm. In the tuckground who was a special guest at the DGG in Hamburg.
is Polygram vice president Dick van event. Next to Heinemann is his wife,
Amstel. HiMe.


Inbrnot'ionQl News

'Changes' Theme Sparks WEA Hong Kong Copyright Law

Bolsters Writers, Maimers
Sales Conference in London HONG KONG-New copyright formation regarding the title, year
LONOON-The thorn of the Monday fbr a month with taijKlt Reooiris, vin qwke about the lew legislation was recently enacticd in and place of publication and makers
WEA tales oonference held at graded according to localities. The Emetson, Lake and Palmer LP and Hong Kong and the provision which of original sound rccoidings and
Skindles Hotel. Maidenhead, last two represenlalives scoring the high- outlined promotional plans for it. came into force this vear will afford will also record simibir information
week was Changes, since the event est nurj^in .ibuve Iheir targets will W[-1A production manager Lionel greater protection to. among others, .1 bout composeis and authors of mu-

was also partially intended as a rcas- get a free tiip to Warner Bros, in Rose revealed details of the first composers and makers of sound sical works.
Mmaoe for the WEA ale* force and Buibank, Califoinia, in November. amdnphonic releases this month. reconiings.
All authors, composers and
Ike industry in general that Ihinp Smith told the conference during There wOI be 12 altogether, includ- In order to help the public and to
are good and are going to gel even
makers of sound recordings are in-
his address that more chart action ing product bv Frank Sinatra, provide a center of information, the
better, and to counteract any rumors was required. There had been a con- Aretha Franklin. .Arlo Guthrie, International Recording Copyright
viMd M
contact INTERCOR at

and misgivings caused unnecessarily siderable increase in sales during the Bette Midler and Denny Hathaway. Omce (INTERCOR) has been es-
GPO Bl» IS233, Hong Kong (TeL
S-247040), fbr information about
by the depaduie oTEIektn ftom the iiist sixmonths of this year com- The leleases will be in disc and car- tablished to maintain a center of
notilkation procedures.
gioup and the new diviiion of its op- pared with the same period in 1972. tridge form, with the quadradisc documentation, information and
eration. but nKst of it had emanated ftom having a K2 prefix and a retail price advice regarding property rights in- As an office of record,
In his address, WEA managing di- the catalog and special promotions, of $6.50 and the quad cartridges cluding copyright and neighboring INTERCOR does not give advice or
rector Richard Robinson explained and chart success had not been identified by a K9 prefix and costing rights. INTERCOR will include in involve itself in litigation relating to
the changes within the organization, great S8.75 retail. The launch will be its PuMie Inftarmatioa Register in- mikingement of copyright
and (tresed that they would not al- "We must make greater sales con- backed by trade advertising, and
tar or affect the sales force and field centration and effort to get singles there will be point of sale material in
proinolioa operations. He dedaied
that there was to be much more con-
into the chart." he said.
for higher initial orders,
"We must go
and we're
the form of a window streamer read-
ing WE.\ Quadradisc ComcsOf Age
Brussels Studio Opens;
centration on promotion and adver-
tising to gain more elTect and results
an extensive telephone
sales and ordering service as well as
with album details followed by
Quadradisc and Quad Cartridge 1,000 Attend Ceiemonies
from the separate labels. car slock of hot singles for repre- Available Here. There will abo be a BRUSSELS-More dian 1,000 Common Maifcel feoordsag indii*-
**With the benefit of this new or- sentatives." browser card headed WEA
Qui^n guests attended the opening of Mor- try. Itmeans that European musi-
ganization, we can take greater ad- Need for Hit Singles Disc with a list of titles, and should gan Recording Studios S A Brus- . cians can niiw record in what is ef-
vantage of our fantastic artist roster Atlantic general manager Phil be used to ensure that records avail- sels, including representatives of alt Iecti\ely aLondon studio without
to achieve much greater penetration Carson reiterated the need for hit able are displayed in their own the major Be^ian music companies running into problems « ith the Brit-
of both the LP and single charts," he •ingle*, and gave deuils of a dealer bnnnerqNwe. pta* fCBod people Ihni I.andaa, ish Musicians' Union.
concluded. incentive scheme beginning this With effect from Oct. the 8, Amsterdam and West Ger-
Dcs Brown delivered the Warner Monday for a month. Any dealer Warner from
Bros, label will operate many and Rick Wakeman. Eddie The new Morgan studio has a
Bros, label presentation, and further who orders KX) Atlantic albums premises at 54 Greek .St.. London. large recording area with a Steinway
Offord and Allan White of Yes.
emphasized the "veiy intensive pro- from light across the catalog will be W.I (01-4394511). WEA remains in concen grand and Hammond organ,
The studio, established by Mor-
natjca" thai aitiMa would be aetliag Buppfied with a dumper bin, two New Oxford Street, and wil con- a laige vocal studio which is con-
Bui of London in associa tion with
over die next six months, mduding trolled by the same console as the
streamers and a poster, plus a selec- tinue handling all manufacture, dis- Roland Kluger of Brussels is located
U.K. tours. tion of 200 full-color posters to give
main studio, plus a quadraphonic
tribution and sale* for die group in in the basement of a building in the
"The future depends on new tal- away to customers. Me also intro- parallel with the American oper- Avenue Moliere and Cadac deck, Dolby System, Studer
represents a
ent, and we've acquired some excit- duced Stuart Young of Manlicore ation. major step in the integration
quadraphonic and stereo recordeis
of the
ing aew taleal,* he said. "Well con- and a 3M 24/16 track facility. A
tinue and extend our policy of leslauranl and bar is located on the
putting our full promotional weight
behind each artist because we don't
Sweden's Folkparl^s, Foll^ Houses second floor and there are facilities
for hiring a complete range of instru-

believe in the mud against the wall ments and amplifleis. The studio
We an conlideot fliat with
promotion and' the tours by the
Weighing Pians to Consolidate has unique fiwilitiet (ot video film-
ing duiing I
artists themselves, the retailer will be STOCKHOLM -Representatives Nilsson and Mikis Theodorakis. But takes a seven percent commis.sion Charge for the studio is about StO
given much more opportunity to of Sweden's 189 folk parks and 800 presenting international talent has from the fees paid to artists appear- an hour, and there are no extra
move product out of his store." folk houses (which embrace such en- become more and more difficult be- ing in the parks and this pays for its charges for overtime.
tertainant ccnien a* dnemas, thfr- Two years
cause of the tax situation. operation costs.
New product highlighted by aters. and dancehalls) met here last ago foreign artists had to pay 20 per- In addition lo booking talent, the
Brown included albums by Neil week (Friday, Oct. 12) to discuss the cent of their fee in tax-but today it is Organization also has a central buy-
Young, George Melly, Frank Si-
natra (making an LP comeback after
possibility of a merger of
ganizations to provide one of the
their or- 30 percent. This means that if a for-
eign artist demands $2,000 for a
ing department supplying fair- Princess
ground equipment, amusement ma-
two years with Ol' Blue Eyes Is
BackX Back Door, Alice Cooper,
biggest enleitainment netmnks in
foUtpark appearance, we have to pay
S600 on top in tax."
chines, microphones, public address
systems, etc., for the folkpark.s.
America and new signingt Osibisa Sweden's folkparks, family enter- More WotV Says Malm: "We don't own the
and Badfinger.
Brown and Warner marketing
tainment centers which have no real
counterparts in other countries, pro-
The heavy tax situation was
signed by tile Swedish government
de- the parks own us. But our
main aim is to supply the parks with
To Be LP
manager Ron Smith will be trav- vide a wide variety of distractions in- to givemore work to Swedish artists. good entertainment and to keep the UmDON-nCHceosdaitlOK-
elling around the country during the cluding rides, slot machines, bingo, But Leif Malm, a producer with the seat prices to a reasonable level. The leatea Ivealbnni of the wedding of
next few months to talk direct lo dancing, swimming and classical Central Folkparks Organization in average price for a seat at a folk- Princess Anne and CapL Mark rail-
deakis and find out whether they and popular concerts and are impor- Stockholm says: "We are campaign- parks concert is about 10 krone. lips.

are receiving the right kind of sup- tant bookers of talent, having pro- ing for the Government to reduce (S2.30)." The recording of the marriage, on
port in the matter of merchandising vided 35.000 artist/workdays in the ta\ I'll foreign artists st) that we The central Organization main- Nov. 14 at Westminster .Abbey, is ex-
aids and point of sale material. 1972. A loul of 2.155 artists and mu- can draw the crowds back to the tains a set of books listing ariists ap- pected 10 be in the shops by Nov. 2 1
There will be video presentations for sicians appeared m the paries last folkparks The problem is that Swe- pearing atthefolkparics, their sched- Called Musk fbr a Royal Wed-
the dealers in the areas visited on year, earning more than $3.2 mil- den has no real showbusiness tradi- ules, ttavel arrangements, number of ding, die album will retail at gS.TO
new product, and tie-ins fixed on lion. tion and we need foreign artists to musicians, cost of travel and per- and will include a galefold sleeve
commercial radio. This .summer more than five mil- bring people into the parks. formance fees and it receives regular with souvenir pictuies.
Smith also announced a salesman lion people visilc-d the Swedish folk Already there are signs of some approaches from agents and man-
Although the narrative of the cer-
incentive scheme which began dtis paiks, two thirds of which only oper- easing of the situation because the agoi seeking artist booUngt, Some cmons will be meorporatej. the al-
ate in the summer months. The most Swedish government does waive the artists wOI {uiqf as many as SO iidk-
bum will be predominantly music.
popular park was Liseberg in Goth- tax in the case of certain "cultural" parks dates in a season although the
Pathe-Marconi enburg which was this year cele- presentations like ballet or puppcl top acts usually tourfora nuxunum
This is causing problems for BBC
because the sleeve is having to be
theater from the East European
Exec Changes brating
beic dosed
its 50th anniversaiy. Lise-
its season on Sept 16 oouiHrie* and ataO'in the case of di^
of 14 days.
Each year in the fall the oential
prepared blind. Princess Anne has
not yet chosen the music for the oc-
PARIS-Wilh the move of Pierre hanng ktsged 1.7 nilUan vUlon cus performances. Organization stages a talent parade,
casion and, therefore, no detail can
Bourgoin into the audio-visual field and seen in turnover go up 30 per- Boo Kinntorph said he is optimis- supported b\ the record companies,
be given on die cover. An insert may
as from Januar\' 1974. Pathe-Mar- cent to SSmUion. tic that the Government will give fa- which present a \ariet> of orches-
be added at a Uler stage.
coni has appointed Michel Poulain vorable consideration to the tax re- tras, singers and groups. Called Fo-
to succeed him as artistic manager of duGtiao campaign. In any case he it rum, the event hu ben rumung for Judging by the sales -44.000-of
French pop repertoire. Attractions at Liseberg include plannint a visit to London thotlly to 32 years and has produced such art- the recording of the Prince of Wales*
Poulain is working with Bourgoin the biggest Hume ride in Eunme see leoDid companies and artists' ists .ts Gwmar Wiklund and Luila investiture, the album should be a
and will assume lull responsibility (specially importedfram the US.) manageit to discuss ptqects for next Westersund. top-seler.
from Jan. I. Another new appoint- which clocked up 4.6 million rides year. Of all the Swedish folkparks, Lise-
ment is that of Attwft Emtalem lo throughout the season. But manag- Says Ldf Halm: 'ycnag people beig is die largest, covering an area
the post ofmanagerof the IV>p Artis- ing director Boo Kinntorph-former fai Sweden Kslen to artists like Gil- of IWMWO square yards, and al-
tic Promotion Service. Poulain was head of Phonogram. Stockholm- bert O'SuUivan on record and can't 10.000 people who paid just two
though two thirds of its total profit
formerly a programmer and pro- plans to place greater emphasis next understand why they don't see him krone each U> gain admission to the
comet from gambling gamc-s, Kinn-
ducer for the radio programme "Sa- year on presenting international tal- live in the folkparks." loiph regards a strong entertain-

IM Let C^opains" for four years and ent as a means of combating compe- The CenHal Folkparks Organiza- ment programme as indispensable. One of Ihe gambling wheels at
worked as artistic manager for tition from television which has Lisetierg offers LP's as prizes and
also tion is currmdy the biggest talent He plans a number of free concerts
singer Claude Francois for three reccntls hit folkparks attendances. booking agency in Sweden. It was next season because these draw hands out around 40.000 recoids a
years. Said Kinntorph: "In the past Lise- founded in 1905 when there were crowds to the park and they are then year and Kinntorph is now consid-
Emsalem came Pathe from the only 20 folkparks in existence. To- ering the introduction of a record
to berg has presented such great artists templed lo spend money on the rides
store so that the public can buy
pramotioa depaitnent of Disnuca a* Jusn iliailing. Miatii^iiell, Mau- dqr it has I JSC membcn, mchiding and gambling games. An open-air
Vogne and has been with the EMI lie* Chevalier, Saminy Davit Jr., nuny private promolen, and em- records they hear played over the
n«ecanoett by the Dutch group Ek-
company for five years. Paul Anka, a
iff Richard, Birgit phys SO people. The organization seplion this summer brought in
public address system.

OCTOBER 13, 1973, I

BiiboodHits of the
1973 BilKnard PublicaltonB. Inc Nopirtolttiis publication m«y be rsproducMl. tlored in a r«trtav«l tystom. or transmitted,
c Copyright
World in any form or by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwiae. without the prtor written permission ot (he publisher


Carlin (Quincy
Franklin (Altantk)-
Jonet/Aratha Roussos (PMMps) SOUTH AFRICA
(CourtMy o( Hime) 9 TAKA TAKATA-Joa Dassin (CBS) (Courtesy of Sprtnbok Radki)
(Ball)-Sdiroader (Hank Ma*ms/ Franklin)
SINGUS Dava Appall /Tokans) SHINE ON SILVER SUN-'Stnwbs 10 FRANK£MSTEIN-Edf» Winter Group
TMi 21 16 THE DEAN & l-*10c.G. (UK)-St. (A<tM)-Summer1and This
Anne* (Strawberry Prod.) OUR LAST SONG TOGETHER-Nett Weak
1 MY FRIEND THE WtNO-Ownte R«js«M 22 15 YOUNG LOVE-Donny Osmond Sedeka (MGM)- Kirshner/ Warner
(MGM) Cromwell (Mike Curb/Don Bros. (Neil Sedaka) ClAP YOUR HANDS AND STAMP YOUR
Costa) SMARTY PANTS-FWst Choice JAPAN FEET-Marb (EpMemk Rash)-aan
3 HURT-Bobbr Vinton (CBS) (B«ll)-Carlin (Stan Watson) (Courtesy of Musk Labo) BABY BLUE-Georga Baker Setaction
* Bryan Farry (IslaiMl)— Warner I THINK OF YOU-Dctro4t EmersMs
Tun (To«lij|>l)
Bros. (B. Ferry/J. Portar/J. (Westbound)- CarUn THs TAKE ME TO THE MARDI GRAS-Paul
5 PEmR80X-Th« PwMn (Slntouo)
Punter) Weak Simon (C8S}-LaetT«c
( ONC S ONE-NUi McKiait (bnpvlal)
7 IS ER EEN ANOERT-Jotin Tnrra (Birwn)
24 38 GHETTO CHILO-Detroil
(Atlantic}- AprU
Spinners DENMARK 1
CHKiERHA AI-HkWti Sai|o (RCA)-Gelel
ASHES OF LOVE-Dickey Lee (RCA)-Acuff
(Courtesy ot IPPt)
• OM MAMA-SMl Ana (Vofia) THAT LADY-lilay Brothers (Epk)- (AAM)-PMP ONE AND ONE IS ONE-Medklne Heed
25 31 SINGUS /LPs
9 RAOAR L0VE-Gol6»n Earlnf IFolrl't) Copyrifht Control (-) 3 SOUGEN NO KAGAYAKI-Agnes Chan (Polydor)-B. Fekjman (SarraO
LETTRE-Mwc A/yan This
10 LA (8«rel*y)
26 25 SKY WRITE:R-Jack»on 5 fTamla (Warner)- Watanaba MAORI LOVE SONG-DouWa Vlskm
Motown)-Jobttt LoTKlon (M. 4 ROMANCE-Garo (Mushroom )-Atfa (Epidemic Rash)-Jill/Clan
Larson/J. Marcelino) 5 KOKORONO TABI-Tullp (Express >-Shinko
27 29 TIE A YEUOW RIBBON -Dawn 6 TENTOU MUSHI NO SAMBA-Chertsh Laandros (Philips)- Intenong
BRITAIN (Btl) A Schroeder (Dave Appel/
Haanning (EMI)
Fidinand, Gitte
(Victor)- Victor SHAMBALA-B.W- Stevenson (RCA)-
(Cow^y: Musk Weak) Tokens) 7 IROZUKU MACHI-Saorl Minaml (CBS/ Laetrec
'Danolas local origin
3 GOArS HEAD SOUP (U>)-Roling Stones
Sony)-Nictaon TIE A YELLOW RIBBON-Dawn (BcH)-
28 23 UKE SISTER & BROTHER -'Drttters (COC)
(Bell)-Tte Toe/ATV (Oavts/Cook/ 8 WATASHI NO KARE WA BIOARI KIKI- Aaron Schroeder
Greene way) Megumi Asaoka (Vk:tor)-JI.K t Oliver (C6S>-April
5 ROTE ROSEN (LP)-Freddy Breck (BASF)
1 EYE LEVEL-'Simon Part Orthestn (Philips) MAM (Laurie Mansfield) Sawada (PQlyilor)-Watanabe
1 6 ROR VED MIG (LP)-Lecia A Lucienna
(ColuinblaHOa Wolfe
Carpenters (AMI) Rondor (Karen
(Mflb-onome>-Multttone A/S
10 KOJIN JIGYO-Finger 5 (Philps)-Nichk>n/
Tokyo Music
2 2 7 KAJ PA BLETTEN (LP)-Kai Lovring (Courtesy Radto Sweden)
Vlctar>-CNnolchap/RAK (Phi A
Richard Cvpm\tv) (Polydor)
Walman) 31 3S LfT'S GTT IT ON-Marvin Gaye SINGLES /LPs
8 ROTE ROSEN-Freddy Brack (BASF)
3 4 MONSTER MASH-Bobby "Born-
Ptchett & lha Crypt Kickart
(Tamta Motown)- Jot>ete London
(M. GayevL Townshend)
Reimar (Phikps)-Sl)g Artdarson
(Courtesy ot Radw Luiembourg)
(London) 32 22 PtCK UP THE PIECES-Hudson Ford 10 JOHNNY REIMAR PARTY NR. 6 (LP)- SINGLES 1 KILLING ME SOfTLY (LP)-Roberta Flack
4 - MY FRIEND STAN-*S4»da (AAN) Anarkarta (J, Ford/T. Johnny Rdmar (Philips) This (Atlantic)
(Potydcx)— Bam (Chas Chandtor) Aiom/R. Hudson)
NUTBliSH CITY LIMITS-lka A Tina FOOL-Elvis Presley (RCA>-
Week 2 KOM IGEN aP}-Lil Undfors (Metronome)
9 8 33 20
1 CAN THE CAN-Suti Quatro (Columbia) 3 GOArS HEAD SOUP <LP)-Rolllng Stones
Tumar (United Artl«ts>-Un)ted Intarsonf /Carltn
2 ROTE ROSEN-Freddy Breck (BASF) (Rolling Stonet)
Artlsta (Ika Turner) 34 - KNOCKIN* ON HEAVEN'S 0O0«-
481 CRASH-Sujd Quatro (RAK) JANNESHAFFER (LP)-Jan ShaHer-Jane
6 3 ANGEL nHGERS-*Wizzard Bob Dylan (CBS)-ag Ban GREECE 3
Shaffer (Four Leaf Clover)
(Harvest) Roy Wood (Roy Wood) (Gordon CarrdO (Courtesy of HHIiniuK
- Routioi (PItillps) 5 KILUNG ME SOFTLY -Roberta Flack
7 9 FOR THE GOOD TIMES-Perry Como 35 DECK OF CARDS-* Mai Bygrsves Vorras and Epikora)
5 ONE & ONE IS ONE-MedicInt Head (Altantic}~Multiitorte
(RCA)-Val«itin« (Chet AtWm) (PyeHCampbell Connety (Cyril
• 14 THE UUGHINC GNOME-'Dsvid Staplaton) SINGLES
SEHNSUCHT HEIBTJ-Bemd Cluver, (Decca)-Acutt Rose
Boiria (Daram)-E»Mi (Mihe 36 30 YOU CAN 00 MAGK-Limmw «. This
(Hansa) 7 SWEET FREEDOM (LP)-l'*iah Heap
Vamon) FamMy Cooking (Aifco)-lnt«rsong Week
7 THE FREE ELECTRC BAND-Albert (llUndV-Sooel
9 11 JOY BRINGER-* Manfred Mwtn-t (Steve Mett/Sarvdy Linier) 1 OLI THA ZISOUME-Yiorihos Klfwualt
Hammor>d (Epic) 6 TED (LP)-Ted Gardettad (PoUr)-$weden
Earth Band (VartlcoV-Faber/ 37 36 LET THERE B£ PCACE ON EARTH (ZodlK)
8 DER STERN VON MYKONOS-Kat|a Ebsteln 9 TRINITY (LP)-Ek$«ption (PhiHps)
FeUman (Manfred Mann) (LET IT BEGIN WITH ME>- 2 MEYIEMELE -PhWpos Nikoleou (PMHps)
(UA) 10 ANGEL CLARE (LP)-Art Garfunkel (CSS)
10 5 ROCK ON-OavM Essex (CBS) Jaff Michad Ward (PhillpsHPedro/ 3 PATCRAS KE YIOS-PaskaMs ArvanMides 9 I'M THE LEADER OF THE GANG (I AM!)-
Wayna (Jaft Wayne) C. Shane (Norman Newell) (Phiips)
Gary Blitter (Bel)
11 17 CAROLINE- 'Status Quo (Vertigo)- 38 28 SUMMER (THE FIRST TIME}-Bobby 4 AH 0 BAGLJWAS-Yiorghos DaHaras
Valay (Status Quo) GoMifaora (United Artiiti)-United (Minos)
12 6 OH NO NOT MY BABY-*Rod Artists (B, Montgomery/B. 5 TA RYALIA-Michiiis Violvfs
Stewart (Marcury)-Scra«n Garni- Gokkboro) 6 ORINKI DRINKI MANA MOU (Velvet
Cohimba (Rod Stewart) 39 44 AND I LOVE YOU SO-Perry Como Mornings)- Marinefla (Pfiikps) (Die Radki Hitparade)


•MoM the Hoople (CBS>-ltUnd
(RCA) United
Artists (Chet 7 I SYNTHROPHIA MAS (Jesui)-P«tkal>t MEXICO SINGLES
Arvanttides (Philips) (Courtesy of Ortiz)
(Mott the Hoopla) 40 24 I'M FREE-*Rocer Datbey (Ode)- 8 TARZAN-Themii Andraadit (Columbia). SINGLES
14 7 ANGIE-'RoWnc Stones (RoMng Fabulous (Lou Relzner) Ylsnntt Dounias (Philips). Dimitrls This
Stones) Essai (Jimmy MUler) 41 34 I'MTHE LEAOCR OF THE GANG (I Kontdazos (Odeon) Week CAN THE CAN-Suzi Quatro (RAK)
15 13 SPANISH EYES-AI Martino AM)- -Gary Glitter (Bal)-Leads 9 O BATIRIS 0 LOUKAS-Gregorts Bi^tkolsis DEJENME LLORAR-Los Freddy's GOODBYE MY LOVE, GOODBYE-Demis
(Caprtol>-Cartln/Gafna (Al (Mike Leander) (Columbii) (Peertess) Roussos (Ptilllps)
Martino) 42 - LOVES ME LIKE A ROCK-Paul 10 MIA TETfA MERA (Eu Kuaro E, Botar M«u EL-Los Strwcki {Son Srt)-Yndio (PMKps) ANGIE-Rolltng Stones (f^Hng Storm)
1« 43 GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD- Simon (C8S)-Pattem (Phi Bloco Na Rw)-Marina (PNkps) EN ESTA PfllMAVERA-Juan Gabriel (RCA) THE FREE ELECTRIC BAND-Albert
•(ENon John) (DJM>-OJM {Gus Ramona) Intarrutional FOREVER AND EVER-Oemii Roussos Hammond (Epic)
Owdfeon) 43 49 LAW OF THE LANO-Temptationi 1 VELVET MORNINGS/FOREVER AND (Philips) DER STERN VON MYKONOS-Katja Ebsteln
17 12 I'VE BEEN HURT-'Guy Darrell (Tamla Motown)— Jobete London EVER-Damis Roustos (Philips) PLAYGROUND IN MY MIND-Robert (UA)
(Sanb Ponsa) Lowery (Inrinj (Norman Whitfield) 2 MY RCASON-Demts Roussos (Phflips) Jordan (RCA). Clint Hotma* (Epic) OOH BABY-Gibert O'SuNivan (MAM)
Martin) 44 - SHOW DOWN-'Elecbk Ughl a CAN THE CAN-SiUie Quatro (Columbia) LA MONTANA-Robflrto Carlos (CBS) DER KLEINE PRINZ-Bemd Cluver (Hansa)
It 18 OOH BA8Y-*GttMrt O'Sulivan Orchestra (Harvest)— Jetl Lynn/ 4 SUZANNE SUZANNE-Pop Tops (Carrere) UN SUENO-U Tropa Loca (Capitol} THE BALLROOM BLITZ-The Sweet (RCA)
(MAM)-MAM (Gordon Mills) Cartin (Jeff Lynn) 5 WILD SAFARI- Barabat (RCA) ZACAZONAPAN-Tono Zamora (Capitof) ROTE ROSEN-Freddy Breck (BASF/
NIGHT--BarTv Bhit (Bell)-ATV FINE-Slaaters Wheel (ALM) Baby Michsel Olatunp (Paramount) Mendef (AAM) THIS WORLD TODAY IS A MESS-Donna
(Barry Blua) Bun (Lleber-Stoller) 7 VIENS VIENS-Maiie Uforel (Polydor) LA DISTANCIA-Roberto Carlos (CBS) HigMowar (Dacca)

From the Music Copitols of Ihe World

• Continued from page 40 will appear m Musicorama al RTE-TV .series The Music Makers" Light Music, which was held from (Rifi) and Cildia Giuliani (Arislon).
Olympia. arc Gryphon, the Freshmen. Tommy Sept. 20-22. became the latest event Among the international acts taking
make his final LP before starting a
Vogue is reissuing jazz albums in- Makem. Focus. Sieeleye Span. Gal- to suffer from the Italian Radio and part in the event were Don McLean.
theatrical career. . . . Refine left for
cluding the ctimplcie recordings of lagher and Lyie and Thin Li/zy. The Television company's new policy for Daniel Guichard. Rare Earth. Albert
America just before her latest single
Sidney Bechel. Other reissues will series began with Jimmy and Tommy covering sting festivals. The final Hammond. Artie Kaplan and Diana
was released by CBS. SM has an- . . .

include "Just Jazz" by Lionel Swarhrigg and the Times, followed nighl was the only one televised the Ross.
nounced a new label. Arc En Cicl.
Hampton with Charlie Shavers. Mill by a program taped by the late Jim first two nights were broadcast on Also appearing at the Venice festi-
The first issue will be by the Creche
Buckner and Slam Stewart. Croce during his visit lo Dublin last the radio only. Among the Italian val were the Italian duo Maila Maz-
Groupe who appear regularly on
July The two-hour musical "Up
. . . artists who appeared during the fes- zenghi and Emanuela Cortesi win-
television, with a number called
With People" will be presented at tival were Milva (Ricordi), Ornella
"Papa Tele en I'Air." They will also DUBLIN ners of the recent Casirocaro
the National Stadium from Oct. 22 Vanoni (Arislon), Marcella (CBS). Competition for New Talents, or-
be releasing an album. Kmcrald Gem has issued "Mary
through 28 D.W. Gonzo's Rock
. . . Domenico Modugno (RCA). Gig- ganized by Gianni Ravera who also
SM is also to issue the first single O'Hara's Ireland." a low-priced al-
Palace at Moran's Hotel has been liola Cinqueiti (CBS). Mia Martini promiited the Venice event. Ravera
by Angelique and Photis lonatos. bum of 8 tracks recorded before the
running disk shows in association (Ricordi). Iva Zanicehi (Rifi). Mino is currently negotiating a recording
Based on Greek folklore it is called County Sligo-bom singer became a
with CBS Records featuring records Reitano (Durium). Fred Bongusto contract for the duo.
"Resurrection." Yves Robert is to . . . nun in 1962. She sings such songs as
by the Rolling Stones and Bob Dylan
produce a television program based "The Last Rose of Summer." "Kilty
among others and albums given
of Coleraine." "Down by the Sally
on the first Paris caves. Launched
around 1950 the caves provided Gardens" and "Trotting lo ihc Fair"
away Solomon and
as prizes
Peres has released the new Decca al-
. . . German Contest To 'Das Lied'
stands for many American artists. to her own harp accumpanimeni or a
bum by Engelbert Humperdinck BERLIN The German Pop- it54 points out of a possible 60.
. Domaine Mu^icat. started in 954
. . 1 cappella. and recently received per- Song Competition 1973 has been For two years ihere has been no
called "King of Hearts."
by Pierre Boulez to introduce new mission to be interviewed by phone won by thenumber"Das Lied" (The German pop-song competition.
composers to the public, is lo close from England for RTE Radios "The KEN STEWART Song), composed by Horst Hennig However, instead of using the pause
due to financial difficulties. ... On Cay Byrne Hour" the new single and sung by Olivia Molina who lives to think anew and create ideas, the
. . .

the eve of his departure for the U.S. from ihe Sands, "Lonely Lady," is in Hamburg. A dozen songs were 1973 competition was in many ways
Manu Dibango received a gold disk on the Solo label and features Murly The
Piedigrotta 1973-New Songs chosen from 371. These 12 were a reflection of past competition win-
for his "Soul Makossa," which has Quinn. for Naples festival, which was to presented in a live TV show from the ners showing thai compo.sers and
now sold over a million-and-a-half. DJ. and the Kerry Blues entered have been held last month, was post- station Sender Freies, Beriin. A 12- producers were still relying on the
The award was presented by the Irish top 20 at 18 with "Almost poned until later this month man jury of six lay members and six old formulas. The singers, too. were
M. E. W. Pelgriim de Blgard. Presi- Persuaded." their first single for Re- of the cholera outbreak. The . . . experts from radio and television, fi- hardly the front line of the German
dent of IPG. On his return. Dibango lease . . . among those starring in the Venice International Festival of nally chose the winning song giving entertainment industry.



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2160 Poflcrson St.. Cineinnat;. Ohio -152 M. cr
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The Service of the SUrs for 30 Yrs.!
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BRITISH IS World Famous Sentry Blank Croup Subscription
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Write today for literature and samples. Available in red. blue green, trans- for total sound with JBL and Tascom Manuscript Package"— f 10. (usually (20)
LTD. (.ih\t: SENTIND parent acetate plastic. Highly Im- Equipment. RoxAn hati done Sammy Refund if not terrific. Cant losel VINCE
pressive, very distinctive, inexpen- Davis. Jackson Five, Buck Owens and HEALY, Box 66-B, New York City 10022.
SENTRY INDUSTRIES, INC. sive, yet attractive and practical. others. Available for tours or single oc27
10, South Wharf Road, 221 No. MacOuestcn Pliwy. For more Information and FREE concerts. Write P. O. Box 191, Nantl-
Mt. Vernon, N.T. IDUO mh30 sample:, send name, addresw, zip to: ookv. Pa. 18634. (717> 735-7192. oc20
DISTRIBUTORS SOUND-ALIKE HASTERS, CUSTOM 11,000 classified onc-Une gags, $10. CaU-
572 Grand St., YorK, N.Y. 10002 made! We use our own artists, and pro- log free; Edmund Orrln, 2786-A West
Worldwide wholesalers of UK duce the finest "legal" masters avail- Roberts, Fresno, CaUf. 03705. tfn
and European gramophone FOR SAU able. Jessup Recording Studios, Phone
(517) 782-3445. acI3
and official International sup- NOSTALG I A—CASH IN ON THE 16 TRACK RECORDING. COMPLETE
. .

for the Deejay! Comedy, books, air-


EXCELLENT CONDITION nostalgia craze. Old time RADIO SHOWS facilities, equipment, low Intro-
latest checks, wild tracks, old radio ahowa,
pliers of all Virgin Records' from the 4(t's and 50's on 8-track tapes. ductory. 6002 Graclosa, Hollywood, (213) ¥CC tests, and more! Write: Command.
Being replaced by outsmatics. 12 Adventure and comedy featuring the 463-27S8- ocl3 Box Z6348-B. San Frandseo 94126. tfn
material. inch RAM for 12" or 7" records, Stiadow, Saint, Lone Hanger, Sam Spade,
Suspense, Whistler, Jack Benny, Dean
'Caroline always satisfies' QUALITY RECORDS LTD.. Martin and Jerry Lewis, Fibber McGee
380 Birchmount Rd., Scarborough, and Molly, Al Julson and many, many
Ont. Canada i4t6> 698-5511 oc27 more. Low as 89r for famous Eagle
Eight Tapes. American Stereo. Box 333.
Inyokern. Ca. 93527. Call now (714)
377-4573. ocl3


BULK lUBE TAPE Over 175 currently available audio prod-
Mean More Profit for You EIGHT TRACK & QUAD CARTS
ucts. Testa, analyses, pricei. Send SL95
to High Fidelity's Test Reports. 2160
For efficient worldwide delivery of SLEEVES-LABELS Patterson St., Cincinnati, Ohio 45214. tfn
the latest olbums and topes with EXACT TIME LOADED BLANKS
regular special reductions contact POSTERS, BLACK LIGHTS. INCENSE, If you're a rieejay searching for a raiiio station, or a radio
PIKES PEAK TAPE beads, patches, stickers and decaU. Send
1409 S. 8th St., Colorado Sorings, for free catalog. (404) 876-4474, H 8c B station sean liinjx fur a tieejay. Billhoard is your liesl buy. No
Distributors. 951 Peachtrce St., N.E., At-
GRADUATE RECORDS Colo. 80906 (303) 475-1420 se29 lanta. Georgia 30309. tfn fttlior Iradi' publif-alinii is read by stt many air personalities
3 Broad Street
Wolverhampton. Englond and program tlirectors, as well af* llif sharp proKramming-
(Wholesale only) $1.00. Refundable on first order. Deal- 40's, 50's, 60-R oldies. RnB, RnR, Pop, (nienled jieneial managers. Best of all, general managers re-
er* weleome. Kwik Koples, Ltd.. 1713 C. W. Rockabilly, Soul. Big Band. Blues.
Scarth, Rcgina. Sask.. Canada. no3 port that Radio-TV Job Mart atli* can draw five time^ the
THE GOLDEN DI.SC SPECIALIZES resull.s eil' the ne\l leading radid-TV i)ublicalion.
In rare re curds CSUs). Enormoua Inven-
Perfect gift for
the D J.
Mailed anywhere. CataloK (2.00.
Bletcker St., N. Y. C. 10014 (212)
TKD" is ^>15^-iii advance^fnr two
25S-7e»9. limes. 2" maximum. Addilional .«ipa(-i! or variation from
$4.95 each. Silver or gold finish, MAJOR LABEL 8-TRACK CUT-OUTS regular ad .«lyle U ^^25 per inch, no maximum. No
Send check or money order to' Other lexai S-tracka, old radio ahows.
Exact time loaded blanks. Music. Inc.. WANTED: DEFECTIVE 8 TRACK TAPES charjie f<)r Ro\ numheis.
All-American Enterprises P.O. Box 1324, Conway, Ark, 72032. also L.P. Albums and 8-Track Tape sur-
P.O. Box 1141 (501) 3Z7-7188. oc20 plus, deletions, cutouts, etc. (any quan-
Uty). Write: Surplus. Box 15099, Tulsa,
"POSn IO^S OPKN" i> «15^in advance— for one time,
Pomona, Calif. 91769 o<U Oklahoma 74115. Call (918) B3&-8179. 2" mavimum. Additional space i>r variation From regular
price —
quality, best featuring Arapex ad style is $2^ per inch, no iiiavinium. Box number ads
tape— any length, 1 to 90 minute*
as6g<-. American Stereo. Box 333.
WANTFJJ BY WHOt,ESALEB: CUT- asking foi tape =aniples will be charged an added SI
FOR SALE kern, Ca. MS27. Call NOW (714) 213- outs, surplus and deletions of albums
Well established Record Company. 4573, ocl3 and tapeit. Any quantity. Send details to: for handling and poslage.
Box 638, C O Billboard. 2160 Patterson
Cincinnati. -- - -
Ohio 45il4. ^£20
BAKE A FAKE- THE GREAT IMPOST- .Semi riioney and adverlising cops In:
Catalog of iOO African, Israeli, Euro-
iTs cook up a Bcatle album. New stuff.
pean and Oriental LPs with explana-
tory t>ooks. For intormaficn write
Send S2-9a to Great Imposters. Box WANTED URGENTLY — A SERIOUS Radio-TV Job Mart, Billboard, 1515 Broadway, N.Y. 10030
11567. Studio II, Chicago, 606II. oc20 minded exporter of U S records, pro.
BOX 6061. Billboard. One Aster gresBive and Jan. We need access to
records released In U S before U S.
Plaxo. Now York. N.Y. 10036 ocl 3
cmment obllgallon. Blank tape. 7.200'
pancakes. 5'- per hundred foot. Surplus 6 BY. Yorkshirt Engla ocl3
and small
tiubs. Heavy duty
7-' & 5" LAHGK
^vhlte t>«xr»,
carl ridges,
labels, aleeveit. elc. Copy-
RecordhiRK. P. O. Box 8271, Albu-
W-M S;i1p«. 635 Woolscy. Dallas. Tex, querque. New SUHI'l.US CURRE.NT LPS WANTED-
Mexico 8710B. (505» 266- Sput Cash any amount plus cutouts.
7522'!. 12141 nn3 8484, oc2T Write to: Tony's Records, Shudehill
Markel, High Street, Manchester 4, IIJ tiRht board, good commercial.

Country Hlllliie
U .S.
One Astor
to travel any place In the
or Ciinadu. Dox 598 Billboard,
I'laia, New York, N.Y.
R&B vocal g r o u p from the ISSO's 1(IU36. 10/20


wanted. Best prices paid. Tom HIghl.

340 Burmont Rd.. Drcxel Hill. Pa. 19026.

NOW items. House of Ripps. 36 N. Mac
Qupsten Parkway.
York lOSSO.
Ml. Vemon. New
nini; retail record operation
Ptisilion in classical
metropohlan NVC area, Excellent gen-
eml, muslcul background. Box 639, Bill-
(215) MA3.8St4.

t'on seeks recorded and taped Beatles

Man Kmployer Wanted. Must be in me-
tionrd. 3IR0 PnlterHun SI . Cinclnnall niHlorlnl (It any kind IriflutllnM liitiT- MAIOR WEST COAST MARKET dlum or larse radio mnrket. Mu>t
be Hock or Contemporary M.O.R.
1. K A U I N G MANUFACTUKEK OF Ohio 45214. ocl3 views cflncerts. statements of associ- Need heavyweight morning man Must desire warm, friendly person-
SOUND-ALIKE B-lrack tapes rvaricly ates like Epstein. Martin, Voormann elc. ality, creative production, smooth
packK] looking for eslablljitit-il dlntribu- TtilM mater-ial will be used fur broad- for top-rated Country Music
torn to mcrchandUr our higti qualllv
taprs. Write: George Skarpaleaos. CUS-
twelve years in music industry «eeki>
casting purposes only as part of a docu-
mentary on the Beatles. Please send radio station. Willing to pay for
delivery, knowlcdee of contempo-
rary mu)(lc. five years experience,
telephone experience. Ihlrd claa*
TOM HtX:ORUING COMPANY, INC. opportunity In promotion, production trice lUt ;ind catalog of Items to BIAS right talent Send air check and tlckcl. dedicated worker. Interested?
P. O. Box
6668. North Aususta, South or related job. Eight yc.irs a musician, Berlin. Barry Graves. 1000 Berlin 62. mavailable. Call Pal O'Brien at
Carolina (603) 279-4334. nu3 three years a deejay, co-producer o( Kuf!>teiner Strasse G9, Went -Germany. resume. I
313 278-fi6Bl, or write 647 South
concerts and published critic. Han a ocl3 Waverly. Uearbom. Ml. 48124. 10/20
B.S. in BuHlness Administration, mar- Box 640, Broadcasting, c/o Bill-
ried and willing to relocate. I207l 846- board, 2160 Patterson St., Cin-
9352. Michael Flanngin. A24 Juniper
HCLP WANTIO E^kI Yarmoutli. M.ilne 04906. ocll
SCHOOLS a cinnati. Ohio 45214. oc20


(ravel, will relocate. Steve CLASSIFIED
REI FIVE WEI K COUHSE FOR FCC 1ST If you're a yuunf! DJ just out of

phone license. Six week course for
Radio TV announcer Call or write lo-
farundrasllnit school or a new man
with a eouptc of yeurm uf commer-
Lunch — Evening
S2 S. Palm Ave.. Sarasota.
cial experience, we may have just
what your looking for. Good voice,
tieht board & third ticket a must.
Informal Eostside Pub.

the required government license. Get
Also news man. Must sound like you
know what*s happeninK. OpiKirtunity COST,

Housing 3 beautiful acres near Albany.
your FCC
Phone at
Ontario in
1« knocking. Answer at Paxt Office
Box 2U333. San Antonio. Texas 78220 IT PAYS.
(212) 7514121 Ideal for school or theatre group. Call
I3I2I 649-0927. Ask for our free bro- 10 13
collect <405i 525-2484. oc27 chure. ocl3
New LP/Tope Releoses. 1»4l4«a444...6B.tO
LPSireSAS7407 1 2 7ia-101S-L...«9.n votmaTaoMMit
Do y«> SMI Nal *• SauM Why
Boogi* Woogi* BugU Olris
Look Out I'm Gonna Q«t VM At Memphia To* Years Are Gone
LPB'uo9w«kBL754195 LPVoltvOS6022 LPPalyda#PD2300512 7108211 X 37 98 RELIGIOUS & GOSPEL
12.711.1MM.. O ils
CT8F3-300S 96-710-82114. t9.9B
12417 0162 8 3b98
9e-713-206frO. ..«6 9S FRIZZELL, LEFTY CACF2-30a5 92-7tO«2l1-7.... 19.98
CA54194M 92-713-2060-3 16 95 Singa tho Songa «l it R oJa BW Mmm i OWWTH CAMEL
Gimfn* Somvthing RmI Back to Camagia Hall LP K;^>B SuicA KS8S2063 Haasan Mual Sa a BaauW ul Placa
FROST. FRANK LPWamerenn 2WS7 73'
LPWanwrBm B52739 Froat. Frank
Miraculoua Hump Raturna From tha
12 414 0445 3 '-9 98 Moon
12-414««4»e <S 98 LP Jewel LPS50t3 8T82731J 9B 414 0445S ',997
8T8273gM 96-414-0448-2 36 97 LPRep(i3elMS2108 12426-0483-0 S5.98
CAS2739M 92-414-0448-6 *6 97 CA52731J 92 414 0445 0 ^-9 97
aT82108M 9^28-0483-8.. .46.97
Cyelea CA52108M 92-41»4Ht3-B....M.87
Bananamour 8T85I38M 96-412-0188-3 36 95 SPRINGFIELD. RICK I Found tba Ana tae r
..6S.B4 CA55I38F4
LPS.r8SAS7406 12-71B-1017-4 S5 98 BT8198-20022M
CAS198 2022M
_ _
92412-0188-5 S6.86 Comic Book Heroes
LP Capitol 5MAS1 1206
LP Gospel Truth GTS27 1
BAILEY, JIM l2-l90.MM-r...9t.M
Q87198 2022C .,»7.B9 You Ain't Rollin Your Ro« RN* BUND BOYS
Liva At Carnegis Hall
LPUALA146H2 12-407-0SM-1... •7.96 QARFUNKEL ART LP Paramount PAS606 5 STEVENSON. B.W. Best Of
«Mia9n 12-71 4-522B-4....6B.98 My Maria LPPeaocliPLPiaa 11.7a»«07»«....64.00
BLACK NASTY LP VtdorAPL 1-0088 12-160-2760-1 SB 98 eiBOBB^iasx 90-7IM070-T....6Sja
Talking lo lha Paopla
u'Cllll»l>ll>eC3l474 MONTGOMERY. MELBA 8TAPS1-0O88 96-)60-2780-8...^6.95
1 .-ISM Wrap Your Love Arountl Mo BOONE FAMILY
LPEnlafpcliaENSIOSI «rCA3l474 ..<•.««
CAAPK1W88 92-18fr279»^8..-.>a.95
t»n»4M1-X....«(.n LP Eleirira EKS7S069 12-408«3B4'7....68.9B FanHyWIkaPiaM
eACI3l474 ..«(.n STRIDER IPUaikftUDaUtOOO
BRAMLETT. OaAMV MOTHERS Exposed ii'Oe»«ioM....tE.ia
OAVE, MARVIN Overnita Sanaatlon
MoWua Strip Lof* Gm It Oil LPWainei Bros BS3722
LPCohjml»KC3I420 lPTaiakT32>VI
LP0is<:TeetMS2l49 12-72MM1-B--6S.M 12418 P8W > ....6».9B
1S-WM0B»4....«(.9« THE DISCIPLES
ta-i«ttaM«..,i(.n MULDAUR. MARIA
OERSHWIN. TAYLOR. CHIP Chriatian People, v.1
BROVm. GENIE For Ooorge It Ira
MuMaur. Maria Laat Chance LPLambBLionLLlOOS
LPIImriSaMS2148 12-41B«41S«....69.9« LPWameiBros B52718 2-802-1 303-S....6B.90
LP Monmouih EveigiB 1
LPOMlMDSnOIH 1»I»1«M«... NEWMAN. ALPRED 12-414«4824.-
Captain From Caatila TAYLOR. LIVINGSTON We Love You Like a Rock
Tomll^Mll niliH Over tha Rainbotw LPPeecocliPlPt78 12 72»aO7B<«....64.80
124301256 0 35 98
Soul Claaaica. v-2
LPPo*ydoiSC5402 12-7108216 0 Sa98 WMUUyMMtOI l»-TH 9W7 -X.... 8TARS10184 96430 12566 36 95
8T 801 4M
1 4 12-800-0128-3 • 6.98 8T 8055 1 78X 96-72>«01»4....6S.0B
CAARkt 0184 92-430-1265-8 •& 95
1 •6>S00'O128-8 • 697 HIGHWAY OC'a
8TBF&402 96-710-8216-6 »6.98 CA50I14M 92-80M1284I •8.97
CACF5402 92-7ia«2IM....«B.M OLASER. TOMPALL SaAiRsBt
BUCKINGHAM NICKS LPM0M49ie 12-449-04225. • 698 Eaaantial Odette TAYLORS (LITTLC JOMNNYftTED 8r8055-1MX 88-7204079-8 'VlB-8B
Buckingham Nicka 9T813(M918M 98-44941482-X - •8.95 LP Vanguard VSD43/44 Super Taylora
SLORV New Dimension
BUCKLEY TIM Gkirv TEMPTATIONS LPPworkPLPlB? 12-723 6078-5 34 98
Setronia LP Avfltenctw AV LA 4BF 1
LPWeelboundW82021 Anthology BT8055 18/X 96-723 607B-9 3 5 95
LPOiicia«MS21S7 12.72t-ae0a-T....96.M 12-802-4704-9..,. 12-43»)024-7 •5 94 LP Motown M7B2A3I 12-40»aiB2«....6«.t8
BTai98202tM 96-438-0024-5 • 6 96 O'NEAL TWINS
BURNETTE. DORSEY 80LD8BORO. BOBBY CA5198-2021M 92438-0024-8 • 6 95 THOMAS. IAN Bast Of
Bunwtta, Ooia«y Suminar (Tha Rrat Tima) a87198-2012M 96438-0024- • 7 95 Thomas. Ian LPPeac«:l(PU>189 12-723 6
LPCacMSTII2l9 l2-1M'14e>«....«S.M LPUALA124F 1Ma7-aB77.«.... LP.ltinusJLS3068 12<4S74aB44...,6S.94 8T 8055-1 89X 96 723 60804I._.66,BS
irgxwii2ia 9a-iio.i4e»«....t«.M
CALUER. TERRY lam Hut Yam LPMGM4910 12-449-0434-1. QaUan Gamaof GaaoaL v.2
I JuK Cwi't Hak) MfM« LPRBOIMTt .•(.«• BT813(V4910M 98 448 049< 8... IPMOMSE4907 12 888 B82B t....«S.»8 kPlPia*i l7nM074-1....*4.BO
IFdMCUOMf -li4W«l4M....«6.*4 ..««.«7
PARTON. DOLLV ST8I304907M 98 489 »« »» » .. ..>«,96 B0.7»«eM«....<S.0S
trmCWKMIM «6-4W«l4M-...l«.M ..•e.«7
Bubbling Over TURNER. IKE ft TINA
CARR. VIKKI LP View APL1 -0286 12-18' .«f.<6 U«* . 1k8 WMil at Nw li Hn • Tina
. .

Goldsn Songbook STAPS1-0286 "

.«e.*s IPUAIAOMGl t»40»4B«S-a....6e 98
LPUAU\089F2 1 2407-0536-0 . .»S 98 LP Manny SimiS7a CAAPK1-02a6 82-ta6->7IH-- -•a-9v
BTEA089H 124t74*«T-t....t9.9« TUTOR. TIM
96-407-0636-5--.. 47.9B
HARTMAN JOHNNY Miilana'aBoy ulPk^PBIS lt-71i.M1T-*....6t.«a (MUSICAL)
CASH. JOHNNY. Hi JUNE CARTER I've Bean There LPVictotAPLl-0312 12-160-2758-7 35 98
Caah. Johnny, Hia
ft Woman LP Pefceplion PLP4 8TXPS1-0313 88-180-2758-1 •6 96 URIAH KEEP
LPColiimbiaKC32443 CAAPK1-0312 SM8»>7(«-«.. •6-9S Siivaat Freedom
12 100 3256 2 3 98
HORSLIPS LPWsrnorBios BS2724
8TCA32443 96 100 3256 7 36 98 Happy to Maat . . . Sorry to Pan POOO 12-414 0443-7 35 98 ELECTRA GLIDE!
CACT32443 92-100-32S6-X 36 98 LPAtcoSD7030 12403-0199-5 Craty Eyaa 8TB2724IU 98-4144)443-1 16 97
LPEp«KE32354 Soundtrack
(»52 724M
LPUACA062H U 80T8«8B«,...67-9«
HaH-Braod Fully Expoaad CAtT323b4 92-40»MaM..
M 784V S59e
.98.98 JER EMY
LPMCA2104 12-1904)089-2 •6 98 LP Motown 1 12-409-0164-2
«rMCAT2ia4 M-t«MI0St-7....te.M IPUAU147G2 ll40I-a«ii«-»a.9B
GAMCAC2I04 >»-t lB BBW X--6B.9B HWTTD. J.B., ft THE HAWKS Gregory Jamea EdMon Br»147H LPU*tAI460 1^40^8a•^o....«a-os
LP OaliarDK 76908 ia«IO.1B0»X....»S.9(
CM-UTES LPPalmaikOS636 12 706-30SS-5 3 5 98
l»Pb(boyP012f 11-T1ft0ai»O..-6B.0O
LPBnnaiiMi>l.754l*7 ISUEV BROS- UPCMMtniaa? 1S-1iB-l41»t....6B.98
ia-Ti>4Ma-a....«s.M ..•8.98
3-I-3 ..68-99 nNCON, SMITH
CLAYTON. LEE LPT-Neck KZ32453 12400-2501-8 • 698 Ofia Tlma for tha Oaav Original Caat
8TZA324S3 9»M0490l-a,. LPPlByhayP812l ».71»8ei»«.-..IS.99
Clayton, Lea
-»6 98
Love Has Got Me
12-10»a2»0.. ..60.90

Colin, Staphan
•MMMOBM-.M-SB Gat It Togathar
LPMotowi>M783VI 12 4094niB4....BV-9B
Biillli I
LPWamefB'os 8S2735
1 2-414-0a47-X....6S.9«
<TIl8 livta
i: m Booooo....»».oo

LP Motown M783V1 12409-0156-t....6Su98 JACKSON. MILUE i<tMABI1220

h Huna So Good 12-180-1412-0 15 98 HaiMaltaas
COOUOGE. RITA, aaa Krii KnitoHmoa. LPSoringSPH5706 12.80<V78O66 35 98 (T«Xrit220 t8-l80-M12-8....t8 98 1»44M8J1*...«».»t
CRAOOOCK, BILLY "CRASH " BT8F&706 9*«00 7806-X 36 98 CA4Xri12]0 •MiO.M124....l8.98 in-t....6«.B5
CACfS706 92-800-7806 2 36 98
Mr. Country Rock RAYE. SUSAN JAZZ
LPABCABCX78S 1241B4MB4.,.,6(.M JAMES. SONNY Plaalic Tf«iii8, Paoar l t8B>8 ita8f888l8ilt V.2
Sha Juat Halpa Mo Gat Ovar You LPCapd<ilST11223 tX.IMI-t414-;....96-88 idtftTMIM
8T BXTI 1 223 1»71>40»«-...6i.<S
Black Jack Davy LPColuml>eC33291 1I-100-ai81-8....(4.98
't8-IB0'M14.1..,.6B.BS CANNONBALL

LPPIayboyPBI?] 12-71»«01Ba..,. 61.98 JONES. GLORIA WALLACE. JERRY hUKlt, Oannonball. ft Friends
Share My Low*
ROLLING STONES Primroae Lana/Dan't Gha Up as Ma i»Cwwsvaoii333
DAVIS. SKEETER Goats Head Soup U>t4CA366 12-18M0aT-«....6S.9« 12-180-1416-8 >6.98

Cm't Ballava a All Ovar tPMo<oi>nM790VI 1Ma94l18B4....69-98 Sr8XIIV1123)

I It
LP Roiitng S lonei C OC ^-9 01
1 8TMCAr366 98.18B«0a7«...68.9« 80-1S0-I4I04L...60J0
LPVictorAPLI 0322 1 2-1 60-2761 -7 S5 98 JONES, JACK 12 B01-3a07-«...,6S.8a CAII4CAC366 92-18MStT«-<8.M
»TAPS1 0322 96-160-2761-1 •6 95 LOATO
CAAPK1-0322 92-160-2761.4„„*6-95
LPVctorAPll-0139 12-ieO-2751-X 15 98 LPFIyine Outctiman 01 58
Sinraa t Funky Steel 1

DaFRANCO FAMILY 6TAPS1-0139 96-160-27&1-4 36 95

LPJanuIJLS3063 1 2-43740(I«-.6B-84 12W»001T«-..6BJ0
Haartbaat. It'a a Lovofaaaf
DIETRICH. MARLENE Hank Wilaon'a Back, v.1 WATSOMOOC Body Talk
lPShalMrSVVa923 12-711-8021-9 •5 98 LPCTI 6033 12 720-7030-1 • 5 98
BaatOf lpTaraniotBilMS80t2 ST8XVV8923 96-711-8021-3 •6 98 l»V»H«aHV8l>4S/4a BTCT86033 9« 720-7030-6 • 6 95
LPColumtMC3224512 100 3246 5 34 98
12-7144ISI-«....«(.«t CA4XW8g23 92.711.8021.8 •6 98 CACTC6033 92- 720-7030-9 •8.95
Cookin' With Fats
WIW ft PM06hil Poam You Can Keep LP Warner Bros BS2720 POSER'S ORCH,
LPUAUM22F2 12407-0683-2. ..tS.gB OaUM DCP20U LPEMI5T11221 1220ft«001-8- 12-4144448-1 • 6.98 Ralalivity Suha
VTEA122F4 IP .

96-407-0Bn-7....l7.88 -68-97 LPXOALP1006

ERNST. CHERYL KRisTDmmoli, low. •
Hm coot CA5270IM 92-4144M4**- -•8.(7 CRUSADERS
Aliways Baoinning IPWarrtetBros 8S2707 WELK. LAWRENCE At Their Bast
LPBell1126 12446-00SB-7 t5 98 KrisS Rita Full MOOtI 12-4140403-X •SBB Big Band Sound Of IP M,«™.n u 796V1 11 880 0I0T-7.-60.00
LPatusp4jn3 114l»«ni-I...«a.9S R7WBR2707C 99414-0402-X (7 98 LPRanwwdRBl 14 12 7113119-6 35 98
QLBS4 2707 16 414-0402. 9 S6 98 81803881 14iM 96 711-3119-0 • 6 95
WofW'a Graalaat AcconUoniata LAST. JAMES (UL9B2707 95414-0402 2 37 97 CA5038^8114M 92-711-3118-3.. 15 96 Basic Miles
lPVMiiaV42073 M-O-R- Janiaa Laat aa70384114C 88-711.11184.... 67-86 LPColuntbisC3202« 12.11«>«»S4...64.10
PERRANTE • TEICHER LPP(llvOorPOS53a 12-710-8214-4 35 98 SCRUBBALOE CAINE 8TCA32025
aT8F5S38 98-7I08214-9 t6 98 Round One WHITAKER. JOHNNY
KUIIng Ma SoMy LPVciof APLl 0263 12-160-2755-2 •6.98 Friends
LPUALA118F W4B7-0MM...66.16 «2-71M214-1...-«6 98
8rAPSI{1263 96-18»27B(.7.-68.9t LPCheiitaBCLl 0332 Va8M>08y.ToOBr»T8a
tTEAIIBG 12 718 0017 9 35 98 WNaaNaBBWAMIOl
CACA11BG SCRUGGS. EARL. REVUE STBCSl 0332 96 716-0017-3 36 95
Scruggs. Eari. ReviM CA8CK1 0332 92-71B-001 7-6 38 95
'LI>to^*BR*l39lftM<-74IT-ll-.6t.99 LPColumb«sKC32426 HOUDAV. IIUJI
LIGHTHOUSE A Monkey in a Silk Suit Is Still a Monkey
Can You Faal It SHEPHARD. JEAN LPCapnotrnCPOl 19 128004)127-5 12-700-7114-x iBga
lPfeMorni6aS8 12-718 il9»9,..,«9.9a
irBNoSB 8«-7t»«18*4....l8.M ^S'SaiaiSSP' n^ta-aiM.... YARROW. PETER JONES. ELVIN
9I-7IMM84....68.98 trEAI440 Thet's Enough for Me Mr. Jonaa
WkBrMll-OIIS lt-IW-I7*l.«....«S.M
LP Warner Bras BS2730 LPBhieNoteBNLAI tOF
(TAPSi^oits M-tM.27(2.2. .

UTTLE80MNV SHOOT 1*418 0480 X....6B.99 12-40 0 01il l ....«l.iB

CAXPK1-0196 92-160-2752-5 (BOB OalliaFiiiiiliat
Black ft Bluo Oft4144Ma04....6«.«7 KING, MORGANA
FLOYD. EDDIE IPEmtpilaaENSIOIB IPEMtMASIIlIB IMnHMm-7.. •9.9 CAHTMM 0141441480-7 ..taBT
Nmv SvfltMlfclSS
Baby Lay Your Hnd Down (Gmdy on 11-7l»4018-9 (B 98 VEUOW SUNSHINE iPFinoHiinSiao?
My Bail) Baal Of 1MI401M4...-6B-1S
LPSta>STS3016 l9.44MB7»4-...tG.0B IPVhnguatd VSD7932a LPQafnttUKZ32405 12 723 3004-X • S.98
FOURTOra IIVOS8020 12-708-50547 tS 98 SIMON. JOE 96-722-3004-4... • 8.98
OaMan Hits
NWll8mm P^obIo Simon Country YOUNG. FARON iPCekjmtMKC32490
muMKm** 11-4I74IIB0-1....I9.99 LPSpnngSPR5705 12-800-7806-7 «5 98 Juat What Had in Mintf 12 10a3274-0 tB 98
•ra^aoiuM I .

«*4i7-oiW«....t6.«s Mohanik D««nifct)tiv Komtnaraloh 8T8F5706 8840O-7808-1. IS OB - IP Matoiry 58141574 arCA32490 98-100-1274-5 ..•5 98
ek6iai'iat44M «i4i7-ott»«....ts.M l»A*MaP4397 IM1»ana-1....t6,98 CACF8708 92«0l>-7a08.4....«9.98 I24174014.T-. SACT124S0 S2-10»4174«....«a.00
OCTOBER 13, 1973, i naterlal
TurtU Bay Sonata For Violin Sonata For Violin Concerti For Organ (2) TIONAL PHILH
U>AllanticS01&42 12 140-0SB9-8 »S 98 Ricci. Ru9g»«fo/H(ndemiih: Son./Proko- Ricci, Ruggiero/Bartok: Son./Prokofi«v: Biggs. E Power: Columbia Sym Orch. Pe- Classic Film Scores For Bette Davis
tiev Son / Stravinsky: Elegie Son /Stravinsky Etegie ress. Maurice LPR9flSMlAnS1-0l83
NEW HERITAGE KEYBOARD QUARTET LP London STSI5I53 LP London STS1 51 53 LPCotumb4M32297 12-430-126O-S 15 98
N«w Heritage Keyboard Quart*! 12-170-137S-X 12 98 12-170-1375-X •2 98 12 100-3229-5. (5 98 $TARS1-0183 M-430-1260-3 >6 95
LP Blue Note BNLA099F 8TMA32297 »e'100-3229-X (6 98 CAARKI^iea 92-430-126O-6 «6 95
12-408-0387 7 15 98 CAMT322g7 92 100-322ft^2 (6 98
Concerto For Piano No. 3 in C, Op. 37 Concert! For Piano Nos. 1 ft 2; Totsntanz Moffo. Anna, Tucker. Richard; Bargonzi.
SHAW. MARLENA Arrau. Oaudio, Concengebouw Orch o( Brendel, Alfred. London
From ih* Depths of My Soul
Philh Orch.. Hait- SCHUMANN. ROBERT Carlo; etc.
Amsiordam. Haitink. Bernard mk. Bernard Ovenure. Scherzo Symphony LP RedSoattARLI-OISS
LPBhwNou eNlA)43F LPPr»l>p«6580078 1242B0684-9 16 98 LPPtxlips6S0Ote74 12-428-0«75-X
ft Finale,
12-40B43923 t$98 (6 98 No. ^ in B-flat (Spring) 12-430-1241-2 (5 98
Vienna Philh. Orch SoUi. Gaorg


Sonata For Violin & Piano No. 1 in G, Madrigals Sonata For Violin St Piano No. 1. Op. DELPHIA ORCH.
Op. 78 (Regan) Glyndebourne Opera Chorus (Books 3 & 4) 105 March Album
Makolm /Schu- LPPh.l.ps6703 035(31 LPCohimb<B MG3231 4 {2|
CLASSICAL Milanova. Sieika; Frager.
mann: Son 12-426-0690-3 (20 94
Milanova. Sieika. Frager. Malcolm
Brahms Son
12 100^3251-1 (6 98
LPBASFKBS21392 12-723-4094-5 15 98 IP BASF K882 1392 12-723-4094-6 (5,98
SMrTH. JIMMY DVORAK, ANTON IN Divertimento in B-Hat
PortugiMM Soul English Chamber Orch Elegie
Husaite; My Home: Noonday Witch; Wa- OL Vanguard VSa30010 (2) LPLondonSTS 15208
LPV»rv«V68S32 12 713-3217-5 t5 98 Ricci. Ruggiero/Banok: Son. /Hinderm- 12-170-1377-2 82 98
ter Got>lin
8T8 1 40-86321^ 9<-7 1 3-321 7-X *6.96 Mass in c. K 427 (Great) ilh Son
Son, /Prokofiev
London Sym Orch.. Kerlesz. Istvan
. .

London Sym Orch & Chorus; Davis. Colin LP London STS15153 12-17e-137S-X 62.96
LP London CS6746 12.170-1363-9 S5 98 .

TURRENTINE. STANLEY LPPhilip«6S00 235 12-428-0671-7 (6 96

Don't Mm* Wirit Mister T.
LPCne030 12 720 7031 X. VS 98 PROKOFIEV, SERGE
STCT86030 96 720-7031-4

(6 9S Seasons Sonata For Violin

CACTceoao 92-720-7031-7 t6 95 JarxwMtz. Gundula: Berry, Waller. Berlin
Ricci. Ruggiero/Banok Son /Hmdemith:
Philh Orch Von Karajan, Herbert

LPAne»JSC3792 12^19 091 S^X S17 98

Son /Stravinsky: Eleg« COLLECTIONS
Symphonies (Complete) 12-170-1376 X (3 98 FOXX, REDD
Music (Selection*) Hungarica Philh Dorati. Antal (v. 7 Nos CARUSO. ENTRICO
Dirty Radd
George (Harmonica)
Fields. 20-35) Graetest Hits, v.1
12-4190914-8 98 RESPIGHI, OTTORINO LP Doou) DTL858
LPAno«IS36067 LP London SrS 1 52 7 S / 6 2 (6 LP Red S«al ARM 1-02 79
818)^36067 9&419-0914-2 (6 98 12-170-137S4 *17 88 Tone Poems 12430-1263-3 (5 98 GREGORY. DICK
W*ll-Temp«r«J Clavier. S B46-93 HungarK^ PNIh Ooraii. Antal. (v 6 No( 36-
. Philadelphia Orch.; Ormandy, Eugene Greatest Hits, v. Caught in the Act
Rchter. Sviaiostsv (Book 1) 48) LP U>nckinSTS1S249/64(6| LPColijmtwMG32308 (2) LP Had Seel ARM 1-0280 LP Poppy PPLA176G2
LPAn0«(SC41l9 1 2-420-0206-6 IU9S 12-170-13784)17 88 12 10O-3232B 16 96 12-43^1264-0 (5 96 12-713-10S2-1 . »6.98

Columbia to Review Price

Of Tapes to the Dealers • Continued from page 15
Who/Where/When SONNY « CHER (MCA): Sahara Hotel, CAL TJAOER (Fantasy): Great American
• Continued from page I Las Vegas, Oct 16-23. Music Hall. San Francisco, Oct, 26-27.
the labels' gcc^raphical breakdown RED BUDDHA (Island): Brooklyn Acad-
emy. Brooktyn. N Y.. Oct. 23-Nov 11
SONS Of CHAMPUN (Columbia): La- ZX TOP (LoTKlon): Armory. Rockford.
Columbia distribution is offering of tape and LP sales point out the fayette International BaHroom. Long III-. Oct- 20-
DEL REEVES (United Artist): State Fair-
dealers over 80 8-track selections existing problem. The universal ra-
grounds, Cdumbus. Ohio.
Beach. Calif., Oct. 25. DIANA TRASK (Dot): Carthage, NC.
from the Columbia/Epic Custom tio of 8-track tapes sold on the West SOUND GENERATION (Dot): Wichita Oct. 24; Independence. Kansas (26).
Coast to albums sold is 17 percent to Ft, Stewart. Ga.. Oct. 21; Me-
Falls. Texas, Oct. 26. TANYA TUCKER (Columbia). Fort Polk.
country catalog on a two-time order Theatre,
RED SOVINE (Chart) JacksonviHe. Fla.. La.. Oct Worth. Texas
21; Ft. (22);
of five free on 100 basis. The pro- 2 1 .5 percent, while the Southeast has morial Hall. Springfield. Ohn (26).
Oct. 13; Lebanon, Pa. (20). Brownwood. Texas (26).
gram end Oct. 31 and will also a ratio of 32 percent tape to 22 per- JOHNNY RODRIGUEZ (Mercury):
will (Epic): Municipal IKE ft TINA TURNER (United Artist): Phil-
cent LP's; the East has a ratio of 25
Knottsberry Farm, Buena Park. Calif..
include special dating terms of an Auditorium, Atlanta. Ga., Oct. 11; Cur- harmonic Halt, N Y,. Oct. 20-
Oct. 12-14; Pensacola. Fla. (18); Soulh-
percent tape to 32 percent LP's; and tisHixon Auditorium. Tampa. Fla, (12);
additional 30 days. Blackburn stated larxl Mall, Memphis, Tenn. (21); Civic
West Palm Beach Auditorium, W, Palm
CONWAY TWrrrv (MCA): Spinning
that furture special sales programs the Midwest has a ratio of 24 percent Center, Sagmaw. Mich. (25), Wheel Club, Huntsville. Ala.. Oct. 7; DJ
Beach (13); Academy of Music. N Y.
for MOR, rock and pop 8-track tape to 24 percent LP's. Each per- DAVID ROGERS (Columbia): Sanger Cooventkjn. Nashville (15-20); Coli-
(19) Massey Han, Toronto, Canada
centage is based upon a 100 percent Theatre, Mobile, Ala., Oct. 12.
seum. Macon. Ga. (26).
product will reflect the results of (20) Kteinhan's Music Hall. Buffalo.
total sales figure for the U.S.
JIMMY ROGERS (Capitol): Whiskey, Los


the country campaign. N Y. (21). ft
Angetes. Oct. 17-21. (Motown). Monticello Raceway, Mon-
"The South and the Southeast are JIMMIE SPHEERIS (Columbia) Kansas
The increases in 8-track sales over KENNY ROGERS A THE RRST EDITION City. Kansas, Oct. 20 tiCBik). N Y.. Oct. 21; The Collaupa.
easilyour best markets for 8-track (Poiydor): Brandon. Oct. 20. Regina.
SPIRIT Beacon. Blaine. Wash.. Levittown. Pa, (24).
the last 12 months are "all the more product," said Blackburn. Best sell- (21-22): Saskatoon (23-24); Edmonton

impressive when you consider the Oct. 7; Detroit. Mich. (12); Warner TOWNES VAN ZANDT (United ArtlSl)-
ing product by such country artists (25), Red Deer (26).
Theatre. Erie. Pa. (16). Millersville, Pa., Oct. 20,
obstacles plac^l on tape sales," con- Charlie Rich. Lynn Anderson and BOBBY RYOELL (Perception): Satelitte
Club. Lincoln, Nebr,, Oct. 15-27
tinued Blackburn. He said that the Tanya Tucker has a ratio of 60 tapes Center. Washington, DC. Oct, 13.
JACK SCHECHTMAN (Columbia): Amaz- Opry, Nashville, Oct. 20.
obstacles include the inability of re- sold 100 LP's sold. Blackburn
to STAPLE SINGERS (Epic): Caribbean,
ingrace Cofleehouse, Evanston, III.
tailers, because of theft problems, to crediLs the high ratio to the increas- Oct. 11-14. LOUDON WAINWRIGHT lit (Columbia):
Oct. 12-15.
remove tape from behind glass: the STATLER BROS. (Mercury) Chat- Great Southeast Music HaH. Atlanta.
ing viability of southern truck slop TOMMY SCOTT-TIM McCOY (Request) tachoochee Valley Fair. Columbus. Ga Oct , 18-21.
non-standardization of packaging locations, especially with the incom- Sikeston. Mo-, Oct. 20; Dexter. Mo.
Ohio, Oct 9; State Fair, Jackson, Miss BILLY WALKER (MGM) Grand Die Opry.
for tapes; the tendency to under- (21); Paducah. Ky (22); Murray. Ky.
ing results from the efforts to shut
Paris. Tenn. (24); Dyersburg.
(11-12); CMA Awards Show-DJ Con- Nashville, Oct 19-20
promotc tape product; and the lack (23);
down pirate and bootleg operations, vention. Nashville (14-20).
Tenn. (25); Savannah. Tenn. (26).
of discounting policies. and to innate loyalty of country mu- (Polydor): SI Lawrence
Hall. Toronto. Oct. 21
Blues, Dallas, Texas, Oct 8-10; Holly-
sic listeners tocountry artists. N.C.SlateFair, Raleigh, Oct- 1 5-16;Civ- wood Sportatorium. Hollywood, Fla.
Pirate Problem SUPER SAX (Capitol): Jazz Showcase.
In the field of classical music. ic Center, Atlanta. Ga. (19); Municipal (26).
Chicago, Oct- 12-14; Jimmy's, N Y. (15-
One major reason for the label in-
Blackburn said that the label has in- Auditorium, Austin, Texas (24).
JOE WALSH (ABC) Kleinhans Music
creases in tape sales, according to THE SENSATIONAL NIGHTINGALES N.Y
stituted a preliminary study to deter-
(ABC): Youngslown. Ohio, Oct
SUTHERLAND BROS. « QUIVER (Is- Hall. Buffalo. . Oct. 21,
Blackburn, is the "drying up of the 14;
Sportaiorium. Miami. Oct. 20-
mine market growth patterns for B- Cleveland. Ohio (16-26)
lartd)- DOC WATSON ft SON (United Artists):
pirate problem." He said that the pi- TAJ MAHAL (Columbia): Cowtown, Kan- Great Southeast Music
track and cassette product. SHA NA NA (Buddah): Buffato. N.Y.. Oct. Hall. Atlanta,
rate problem is still "very serious." sas City. Kansas, Oct. 21 Auditorium, Ga,. Oct, 16-21,
And. in another scheduled cam-

1 0; Cincinnati (1 1 ); Louisville (1 2); Day-

SI. Paul. Minn. (25).
but that the efTorts of federal author- ton. Ohio Shreveport. La. (26). WEATHER REPORT
paign. Columbia is offering Andy (13);
TOMMY TATE (Stax): Sugar Shack, Bos- (Columbia): Indi-
and industry associations have
Williams catalog product on a six GUY SHANNON (Mega)
ton. Oct, 8-15-
anapolis. Ind , Oct, 13. Philharmonk;
helped clean up the marker Club, Houston, Texas, Oct 10; 10 Hi Hall. N Y. (20)
free for 100 LP's and five free for 100
Club, Clarkston. Mich (IB); Chappell
TAVARES (Capitol): Rudy's. Latham.
One area where the pirates 8-track tapes. The campaign in- N Y-. Oct 2-15. ERIC WEI8S6ERO ft DELIVERENCE
still Hill, Texas (14); Red Barn. Savannah.
THE TEMPREES (Slax): Pied Piper. Los (Warner Bros.): Grendat's Lair, Phila-
strongly affect tapes sales is Califor- cludes eight $5.98 selections from Ga. (22-27)
Ar>ge1e8. Oct IS: Booker Griffin. Los delphia. Oct 16-21
nia, said Blackburn. He stated that Williams' catalog. GEORGE SHEARING QUINTET (MPS)
Angeles. (16-18); Royal Bunny Club,
Ttw Warehouse. Denver. Goto.. Oct, 16- FREDDY WELLER (Columbia); Daytona
Kansas City. Kansas (19-21).
21 Worcester Music Festival. Memohal Beach. Fla . Oct, 25; Youngsville. N C,



Avenues for Auditorium, Worcester, Mass. (26),

JEAN SHEPARD (United Artist): T-Bird
Club. Danville. Va.. Oct. 6; Massey Halt.
N.Y-, Oct, 17: Shrine
rium, Springfield, Mo
Mosque Audito-
(19); Keil



• Continued from page 12 House, St. Louis, Mo. (20). ILY SHOW (MCA): Edgerton, Mo,. Oct.
cussed in Freedland's book of the Toronto. Canada (12); Palace Theatre,
21. Miramar, Fla
Providence, R.I, (13); Bushnell Memo-
will be tying in with other book- same name, will be marketed in a (A&M): Boarding House, San Fran-
Hartford, Conn DJ Conven- JOE WILLIAMS (Fantasy) Jim's Steak
stores, such as Doubleday and Pick- somewhat different way according rial, (14),
cisco, Oct. 23-28 House, Peoria. 111-. Oct. 8-Nov, 3
tion. Nashville
wick. We're going to set up window to Leipzig. TEXAS (Bell): State Fair Arena. Okla-
BEVERLY SILLS (ABC): National Sym-
homa City. Oct- 11; Assembly Center.
NANCY WLSON (Capitol) Beverty Hills
displays to tie in with the book. Most "Here." Leipzig said, "we will be phony, Washington, D.C., Oct. 20. Club. Newport, Ky,. Oct- 12-21,
of the retail exposure will be through going to the college and FM
stations, JOE SIMON (Polydor): Warner's Theatre.
Tulsa. Okia, (12); Convention Center,
Ft. Worth. Texas (13): Fairgrounds ROBERT "CHUBBY" WISE (Stoneway):
book and department stores, be- but we will also be going into book- Washington, DC.
Oct. 19-25.
Arena. Shreveport. La. (14); Civic Cerv Bluegrass MilarK). Texas, Oct, 20, Trail-
cause we feel this is the best area to stores specializing in occult liter- JERRY SINCLAIR (Capitol): Sports send Club, Baytown. Texas (24); Red-
ler, Monroe, La. (16); Ch/ic Center,
Arer\a. Los Angeles, Oct. 12.
market this sort of disk." ature and are getting together a list Lake Charles, La. (17); Hemisphere man Lodge, Coteman. Texas (26).
SKYLARK (Capttol): Municipal Audito-
Arena. San Antonk). Texas (19); South
of magazines focusing on the occult rium. Bangor. Maine, Oct. 11. MAC WISEMAN (RCA) Capttol City Jam-
Mail order ads will also be placed
for ad purposes. We are also explor- LYNRYO SKYNYRO (MCA): The Cellar.
Houston Coliseum. Houston. Texas boree Auditorium. Charleston. W. Va., .

in Scholastic Magazine, and Simon (20): Gamsville. Fla- (21 ): Sportatorium,

ing the possibility of mall order cou- Charlotte, N.C.. Oct. 13-14, Paramount Oct, 20; Mac Wiseman Day & Fall Festi-
and Shustcr is letting the public ." Miami (26)
pons in these publications . .
Theatre. Palm Beach, Fla, (19); Pea- val. Waynesboro. Va- (21)-
know about the set through Pub- txxJy Auditorium, Oaytona Beach, Fla.
HANK T>10MPS0N (Dot): Baileys
Dick Gregory's "Caught in the roads, Va.. Oct. 20; Henderson, N.C.
YES (Atlantic)- War Memorial. Rochester.
lisher's Weekly. (20); Augusta Fine Arts Theatre. Au- N Y,, Oct 20; Madison Square Garden,
Act," a double set of Gregory's last (22); Carthage. N C. (23); Jacksonville.
gusta. Ga. (21), N-Y. (22): Coliseum. New Haven, Conn.
Another set. Nat Freedland's night club appearance, will be pro- SLY A THE FAMILY STONE (Epic):
Fla. (24); Ft Walton Beach. Fla. (26).
(23). Civic Center, Roanoke, Va. (24);
*The Occult Explosion" which fea- moted through trade and consumer Sportatorium Auditorium, Hollywood. CARLA THOMAS (Stax) Tour of Japan, Auburn. Ala, (25); Hirsch Memorial Col-
tures interviews of personaUlies dis- ads. but also through placing the art- Oct. 12: Curtis Nixon. Tampa. Fla. (13); Oct- 17-31- iseum. Shreveport. La, (26).
ist on a number of TV and radio talk
U.S Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. RUFUS THOMAS (Stax) Place des Artes.
(14); Fairgrounds. San Jose, Calif- (19); FARON YOUNG (Mercury): Music City
shows and emphasizing the disk Monlreal. Canada, Oct 11-12; Tour ol
Pro Celebrity Golf Tournament. Nash-
Gold for Stories during his lecture tours, college ra-
Memorial Auditorium. Sacramento.
(20); Ice Palace. Las Vegas (21); Coli-
Japan (17-31 )- ville. Oct- 12-13; CMA Awards. Nash-

NEW YORK-Slories has earned dio interviews and news shows. THREE DOG NIGHT (ABC) Fairgrounds ville (1 5); OJ Convention. Nashville (1 6-
seum. Denver (22).
Arena. Oklahoma City, Oct- 1 1 ;
20); Tt>e Nashville Sourxl, Montgom-
an RIAA gold certification for the Kendrew Lascelles "Earth Sungus CARL SMPTH (Columbia): Herrin, III., Oct.
ment Center. Tulsa, Okla.
20; Hillside, N.J. (26).
(12). ery. Ala (25); NC O- Club, Alexandria.
single "Brother Louie" on Buddah and the Stuff of Stars." has a single
O.C. SMtTH (Columbia): Scott's Inn. Co- MEL 'PLUS (MGM): Lufkln, Texas, Oct La. (26)-
Records. Tune was culled from the set of poetry which will also be
lumbus. Oct. 22-27. 20; Waldorf. Md. (25-27). JESSE COLIN YOUNG (Warner Bros ):
group's current chart album. "About placed in college areas and with FM SAMMI SMITH (Mega): Baton Rouge JOHNNY TILLOTSON (Columbia): Sa- Cellar Door. Washington, DC. Oct. 23-
Us." and college stations. Fair, Baton Rouge. La., Oct. 25. hara Hotel. Las Vegas. Oct. 1 1-30. 26.
OCTOBER 13. 1973

loi Album Picks

Copyright 1973 Billboard Publtcations. Inc No pad ot this pub-

Top Number of LP's revewed this week 55 Inst week 71

may be reproduceO. stored m a retrieval system, or trans-
m any (orm by any means, electrofuc. mechanical,
photocopyir^g, recording or oltienwise, without the prior written
pefmission ot the puWisher

ELTON JOHN-Coodbye YelkM Brick Road. MCA2 10003. A superb set from the time. A number of potential singles plus the Lou Reed style make this his most
British aitist

and his vocals

who has not missed yet. As always, Elton's keyboaid playing
range from the raucous rock he has often been associated with to
is superb,
Pbp Picks comprehensnre LP
Best cuts:

"The Kids," "Lady Day." 'Th. Jim,"

extremely pretty ballad material. LP seems fuller in many ways than some previous Dealers: Reed is a super star who appeals to most pop music buyers. Display in
efforts, with strong guitar work from Davey Johnstone and eiceltent background rock and with Vehret Underground, his old group.
vocals from the entire group, John seems able to sing almost any type of material,

from rock to country to Jamaican flavored tunes, and this double set exposes this along in a long time. Most best ot sets Include a collection ot the group's greatest NEW RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE-The adventures of Panama Red, Columbia
even more. As usual, fine words from Bernie Taupin. hits, but since Procol have really enjoyed only two major hits In its distinguished KC 32450 This fine country rock group has come up with another top notch LP.
Best cuts: "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road." "Grey Seal." "I've Seen That Movie career, this set features the tunes which really show them in top form. From the featuring the excellent instrumental work they have become noted for as welt as
Too." "The Ballad of Danny Bailey (1909 34)," "Dirty Little Girl." first major hit- "Whiter Shade of Pale." with Its classical overtones, to the brilliant some fine singing. Ongmally a spinoff of the Grateful Dead and still thought of as
Dealers John ts a superstar; be sure to display this beautiful package. "Homburg," a biting social commentary never before released In the U S. In LP the same by many, the group has truly come into their own, with a distinctive sound
form, through the other early material brilliantly produced by Denny Cordell that they have taken a long time to develop. Band can handle material with a coun-
MVID CASSIDY-Dreams Are Niithln' More Than Wishes, Bell 1 132 The bub through the later material including "Conquistador " recorded with the Edmonton try tinge and acoustic flavor as well as straight rock, and manages to do both with-
blegum "
giant is going for a definitely more sophisticated sound here, trying an Symphony-the set captures the unique style ot the band. Featured are the words out appearing to strain at either.
ofder audience crossover as the Osmonds now are. What Cassidy does here ts a of Keith Reid, the organ piano base they were the first to employ and Brooker's Best cuts: "Lonesome LA Cowboy." "One Too Many Stories," "You Should
happy concept album on the theme ot daydreaming wishes, with all the material vocals. Truly a collector's album. Have Seen Me Runnin'.'"
sounding variations on the theme. It's very pleasant listening, mostly on the soft Best cuts: 'Whiter Shade of Pale." "Homburg, " "Shine on Brightly." "A Salty Dealers; Fine cover opens up to cartoon strip of The Adventures of Panama
side but wrth a pronounced beat. Not kiddie stuff but with wide MOR appeal. Dog" Red. Band plays both rock and country gigs, so watch lor them. They attract a wide
Best cuts:. "Daydreamer," "
Bali Hai." Dealers: Though never a "singles" act, Procol have always been fine album range of fans.
Dealers: In store play could win adult customers who would normally never sellers and are one of the tew bands to achieve a real cult following.
think of picking a Cassidy LP off the shelf. UNDA RONSTADT-Doni Cry Now. Asylum SD 5064 It's been two years since
DAVID GATES-First. Elekira 75066. The earlier single from this LP. "Clouds." Linda last cut an LP and that was lor Capitol where she started out. This is her first
ISMC HUm-Joy, Enterprise ENS 5007 (Slax). Hayes has devised a success deserved a much higher charting than it won. Current single, "Sail Around the for her new label and it is both fresh and reflective. Fresh In the sense that she
ful formula for his music: k)ng. melody lines, uncomplicated arrangements which World," ts just as good. There are superb moments on the LP. But song for song, the sings slower than we are normally used to hearing her and reflective In the sense
build in intensity, a sexual vocal approach and a tying together of all the ingredi collection does not have quite the same ethereal precision of a Bread album when that she looks back on her country folk background and leans on these influences
ents in a compelling manner. The impacting result is a sonic production which en- Gates was the group's leading writer singer. He seems to be going here for more tor her mainstay position m pop music. There is an uncanny resemblance to Joan
gulls and endears itself to the listener. This has been the case on his previous LP's Introspective personal statements rather than Top 40 hook format. Still, we don't Baez"s vocal quality when Linda sings sk)w|y. And she sings slowly quite a bit. Her
and It continues here. Hayes is the creative source for the Tive tunes with instru- have to worry about Gates not coming through as a sok}ist. He makes some of the support is strong and confident, with more than a touch ot country in the steel
mental support from the Movement and the Memphis Strings. Hayes gets into some prettiest records around. guitar and the overall charts. But this is not a country LP. She adds a lilt to Randy
screaming sounds on one cut and has a rap with his lady which ends with him Best cuts: 'Sail A/ound the World," "Clouds. " "Sunday Rider." "Soap." Newman's "Sail Away" for example, which shows us how she can interpret pow-
popping open a bottle of champagne. Then he speaks 'I Love You That's All" which Dealers: Gates, of course, was the leader of Bread. erfully powerful social statements in addition to the quasi country ditties.
is a tender discourse on his inner thoughts. The cuts are all long which means one Best cuts "I Can Almost See It," "Desperado." "Sail Away."' "Don't Cry Now."
needs patience and a calming attitude anent listening to this music. This is head ALLMAN JOYS-Early AHman, Dial DL 6005 (Phonogram). The Allman Brothers Dealers: stock in pop and country for she can sell m both categories.
stuff, geared for concentration. It shouldn't be used as background music; it's too are currently the hottest band in the nation, and this set traces their beginnings as
good and too involved. There is a funky feeling to "The Feeling Keeps On Coming the Allman Joys which included both Gregg and the late Duane Allman. The mate' THE HOUIES-The Hollies' Greatest Hits. Epic KE 32061 A fine collection from

which contrasts from the softer sound of the other cuts rial, cut In 1966 in Nashville and produced by John D. Loudermilk and Buddy one of the pioneer bands of the British rock invasion who always seem to have been
Best cuts: "Joy. ' "The Feeling Keeps On Coming," Killen, is raw m spots and obviously does not compare to the band at this peak as vastly underrated. This set contains a representative cross section of material from
Dealers: Mayes is solid gold in the pop and soul fields so let your customers they are today, but the beginnings are certainly there. Duane and Gregg both show their first hit to their last major hit, All of the material features the fine harmony
know this LP is available. tine vocal styles while the guitar work of Duane is superb. The band recorded these singing that has ahvays been a trademark of the Hollies and also traces the band's

tracks just before leaving for Calitornia, and are supposedly the earliest known development as songwriters, from early efforts such as "Slop. Stop Stop " through
GLADYS KNIGHT ft THE PlPS-lmagination. Buddah BDS 5141. There's no de recordings. In any case, they are certainly worth having for anyone who enjoys the "Long Cool Woman." Most ot the cuts include Graham Nash, a founder member of
nying that this is the time for this act. Having switched from Motown, the quartet Allman Bnsthers today. LP features much ot the country blues feeling still so preva- the group and all Include the distinctive lead vocals of Allan Clark (who after leaving
retains all its basic tight, soulful qualities While there are no surprises here, the lent In their work. the group briefly has now apparently returned.) The Hollies music always seemed
package offers the solid, vital musicianship which draws large crowds to its con Best cuts: "Street Singer. " "Old Man River." "Spoonful." "Oh John." deceptively simple, and it probably was in the beginning, but the development into
certs. The group's style centers around storytelling in an easy to understand man Dealers: As mentioned, the band is the hottest In the land and ttils material is a line vertical band Is seen well here.
ner. Backed by appealing large orchestration, the voices are given a classy show- not a rip off. It ts well done and well produced. Display heavily. Best cuts: "Bus Stop." "Long Cool Woman In a Black Dress." "Pay You Back
case 3S they interpret tunes by Jim Weatherly, Gerry Goff in/Barry Goldberg. Johnny With' Interest," "He Ain't Heavy. He's My Brother."
Nash and Paul Williams. In fact on "t Can See Clearly Now," Gladys ts not the lead SLADE-Sladest. Reprise MS 2173 (Warner Bros.). Slade has been one of the Dealers: Band has had more than a dozen chart hits over the past 10 years and
voice. There is an understated flow to the music. top British bands tor two years now, but they have yet to break through in this have almost a cult following.
Best cuts: 'Midnight Train to Georgia," "Where Peaceful Waters Flow,"' "I Can country as a major act. They have been known primarily as a singles band, with

See Clearly Now. each single an exercise in the controlled wall of sound style of rock. Noddy Holder's DR. HOOK & THE MEDICINE SHOW-BeUy Up. Columbia KC 32270. That one-
Dealers: display in soul and pop. vocals are frantic, Dave Hill's guitar ts loud and full of great riffs and the group's eyed weirdo and his gang have another brilliantly shizold LP. alternating sweetly
songs are full ot the drive and repetition good rock is made of. Now. on their first LP tender ballads with utterly raunchy chunks of satire. Both lead singers continue to
THREE DOG NIGHT-Cyan, ABC/Dunhill DSX 50158. The group's versatility is for Warners, the label has made an extremely smart maneuver. They have included grow in respective specialties, wnter Shel Sllverstein hasn't run dry and producer
emphasized in Its soft, sweet, tight harmonizing and in its driving, energized pas-
all of the group's maior hit records, which serves the dual purpose of introducing Ron Kattkine keeps improving the blend. Dr. Hook has got to have won over the
sion. Either way. the septet delivers. The material is delightfully simple, with lead them as a singles band as well as giving them an almost fresh start with the Ameri- critical who considered them lightweight at first
vocal blending Into the supporting voices and the organ riding the melody line with can listening public. This could be the real start ot Slade. Best cuts: "
Life Aint Easy. " "Acapuico Goldie."

pungent breaks from the guitars. This band has been together through some stormy Best cuts: "Look Wot You Dun. " "Mama Weer All Crazee Now." '
Gudbuy Dealers: This set already has a hit single with "Life Aint Easy.
times and their music has remained tight and hard enough for commercial tastes. T'Jane," "Cum On Feel the Nolze."
They sound like they have the potential to expand their musical horizons. But right Dealers: Band has an almost underground following and are touring the coun ROGER MILLER-Dear Folks Sorry I Haven't Written Lately, Columbia KC
now they deliver a solid, emotnn packed sound. try now. Display from stepdown. 32449. One of the strangest cases In pop history. Milter opened up a whole new
Best cuts: "Play Children Play," 'Storybook Feeling, " "Shambala" (their hit standard of contemporary country music and then stopped writing and making ma
single). LOU REEO-Berlin, RCA APLl 0207. A top notch set from one ot the most crea |0r appearances. This album is a heartening return, with Miller writing all of the cuts
Dealers: This California based band delivers the music and customers so show five artists on the pop music scene today, featuring Reed's highly distinctive vocal and producing material very much in his unique nonsense vein. The man ts good,
the jacket oft. style combined with his often witty, often sad songs. Songs are for the most part music owes him a tot, and lets hear a lot more from him.
low key, with the vocals In a half talk, half sing style. Arrangements are superb, with Best cuts: "I Believe In the Sunshine." "Day I Jumped From Uncle Harvey's
raOCOL HARUM-The Best of Pfocol Harum. A&M SP 4401. This is a best ot LP voice and Instruments blending almost perfectly. While Reed has not deviated from Plane," "Mama Used To Love Me But She Died."
whkh comes as close to being what the title says It is than any LP which has come his style to any degree, this is possibly the most potential LP he has done in some Dealers: Miller ts ot course a pop and country seller.

also recommended

CHRISTOPHER CLOUD-Blown Away, Chelsea BCL 1 0234 (RCA). This is an enter- quartet tries to work in the Four Tops Tempts vein. The vocals are strong and pretty AZTECA- Pyramid of the Moon. Columbia KC 32451. Columbia's latino-rock big
taining, oft beat group with a taste ot humor running through Its music. There Is a with plenty of masculine macho. Best cuts: "Society."" "What You Don't Know. band keeps on cooking with long hypnotic }ams in their second album Best cut.

tinge of country m the arrangement, with Cloud's lead voice crisp and assertive: his 'Mazallan"
vocal associates have a grand time repeating phrases In good tight harmonies ( "Zip QUEEN, Elektra EKS 75064. Far above average rock set from British band, lealuring

A Dee Doo Dah "). The LP is good for FM stations. Best cuts: Thank God For Rock'n' powerful lead vocals from Freddie Mercury and superb guitar work, acoustic and TED NEELEY-1974 A.D., RCA APL 1 0317. Good mix of hard rock and ballad mate-
Roll," "Celebration. "
"Cecilia," electric, from Brian May, Best cuts: "
Doing All Right," "Great King Rat." rial from this talented artist. Best cuts "Rock and Roll Spirits."" "Spin Away."

JAMES LEROT WITH DENIM. Chess/Janus JLS 3057. Good set of light rock material- TONY BENNEH-Tony Bennett's Greatest Hits. Vol. 7 MGM SE 4929. The fantastic CHRIS JAGGER, Asylum SO 5069. At Its best, this album s rockingly dense Stones-
Best cuts: Anniversary Waltz,"" "Make it All Worthwhile."
singer always in poised command and ahvays entertainment plus, excells on this like arrangements make Mlck"s little brother sound astonishingly like the other Jag-
album that features tunes last and bouncey as well as soft and low. Best cuts: "Tell ger. But Chris has his own thing to say as a songwriter and should be around a
' "

THE TRUE REFLECTION-Where I'm Coming From, Atco SD 7031 (Atlantic). This Her It's Snowing," "Let s Do II (Let's Fall in Love). while Best cut: "Let Me Down Easy,

THE MAIN INGREDIENT-Greatest Hits, RCA APL I 0314. These three gentle pens of Holland Dozier-Holland, Paul Williams and Rod McKuen among others, and
men working within the current framework ot modern can sing a funky manner backed by combo
ot gentle soul are fine talents

soul music which means easy going vocals. In addition to their assertive vocal ap Soul in

duction work of the Holland Dozier Holland learn

a or in front ol a full orchestra. Pro-

is superb, with Ron Dunbar lend-

proach, their music sports delightful background support from a large band con ing a very Important helping hand. This should be the LP that establishes this vet-
Dealers: These are cuts from the group's previous works and this LP should
ducted by Bert De Coteaux. The cuts include performances by the late Donald eran but still young vocalist as a true star m every sense ot the word.
pull fans.
McPherson. Cuba Gooding is the lead voice now and he maintains the fine tradition Best cuts: "Mother Misery's Favorite Child," "Mood for Love." "Rainy Days and
estabfished by McPherson. The group has the agility to be down home funky (try Mondays. " "If You Go Away."
FREDA PAYNE-Readiing Out. Invictus K2 32493 (Columbia). Ms. Payne has
"No Tears (In the End) " and also glide gently over the message. Dealers: Display In both soul and female vocalist sections.
put together a remarkably versatile album, showcasing her ability to sing straight
soul, easy listening material or rock flavored soul. She has picked material from the ( Continued on page 48)
Best cuts; "Everybody Plays the Fool, "
No Tears." "Make it With You.



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Top Album Picks
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• Continued from page 46

GATO BARBIERI-Chapter One: Utin Ameriu, Impulse AS 9248 (ABC). This is
new sound for American buHs ol the exciting tenor saiophonist. For producer Ed
Jozz This IS

legit lazz
the best damn reggae/jazz LP lo be released
blowing to satisfy jazz buffs with the added spice of a dancing, hip sway-
in the U.S. There is enough

MH:hel tias gone to Barbieri's turf in Buenos Aires to record his explosive avant Trinity Church and Phitharmonic Hall, both in Manhattan, the music focusses on ing rhythm to entice hardcore soul stirrers.

garde developments with a host of latin American musictans Mho think music is several extended works by Btlly Harper. George Russell and the composer-conduc- Best cuts: 'Temptation Took Control Of Me. " "Terra Nova," "Touch," "Island
well beyond the samba state. Consequently, the tempos are wild, the sounds of the tor arranger himself. The music combines all the beauty and ugliness, anger and Shakedown."
native Brazilian and Argentinian instruments are raw and pristine and ewen the frustration of everyday life. This could almost be called a confrontation between the
moans and shouts of the singers are sinister and nerve- tingling. This is music tor an artist and his society. It is symphonic avant-garde at its most alive state. BILLY COBHAM-Spectnim. Atlantic SD 7268. Spectacular is a more apt way to

elite audience which can sit through all the machinations of tempos varying and Best cuts: 'Blues In Orbit. " "Summertime describe the music herein. This is music aimed at Ihe Miles Davis freak-the cat
solo instruments exploring parts of the stratosphere. But there is warmth and Dealers: Evans is a well respected composer arranger. He hasn't been too who likes to hear electronic wailing, the pressing down of wings of a soaring spirit;

beauty which comes out clearly amid the lull blasting energy. These Latinos aie K\m on disks lately, so this LP should be displayed around your jazi section. the unleashed energy ol a roanng stallion. This is both lazz and contemporary rock
de'initety making a statement in terms of expanding the sound of their native mu- with dass. Cobham literally beats the stuffings out of his instrument. He plays dy-
sic as it melds with ia;; In past Barbieri has moved from a Latin base into lazz. now ROeiN KENYATTA-Terra Nova. Atlantic SO 1644 What a gas lo find a fan LP namic drums, at lackhammer speeds, criss-crossing snare and cymbals, yet main-
he moves into latin music from a \3zz base and it works. which makes the reggae come alive m a very legitimate manner Much of this LP taining an organized foundation for the horns and synthesizer effects. And the lat-

BesI cuts; "tncuentros." "Nunca Mas." was cut in Kingslon, Jamaica, and the opening cut. "Temptation Took Control Of IMe ter work well within the structure of the flutes and saxes. Cobham has written all

Dealers stock in under the leader's name: can also be stocked in avant- (And I Fell)" starts things off on a bouncy, lets groove together mood. Alto soprano Ihe tunes and they are quite melodic and open to line improvisations from foe
garde if you carry that classiftcation. saiman Kenyatta also scores with some simple blues tinged material like "Need Farrell on flutes and saxes; Jan Hammer on keyboards and Tommy Bolin and John
Your Love So Bad "
and "Island Shakedown. " But the emphasis on this small group Tropea on guitars The latter intrument is played as if it were pari of a hard rock
GIL EVANS-Svengali, Atlantic SO 1643 Evans' ingenious mind is running situation is to work with reggae. And for the African instrumentalist, this could eas group Ron Carter is on acoustic bass and Lee Sklar on Fender bass. Don't stand too
rampant here. This isn't a fun, sit down and tell me what's happening baby type of ily be the LP to break him big. It could also be the first instrumental LP to make close to the loudspeakers!

album. It cries out for all the attention one can muster There is a large orchestra reggae the broad appeal music it deserves to be. It's really that good an LP and one Best cuts: "Quadrant. " "Snoopy's Search.
replele with synthesizers. French horns, tubas, trumpets, saies. the leader on regu only hopes that the powers at Atlantic will take the time lo bring this LP to people's Dealers: Cobham is an in vogue drummer having worked with Miles Davis and
lar piano and an electric model plus various percussion instruments Recorded at attention The marriage of lazz techniques with the Jamaican rhythm is perfect John McLaughlin

JOHNNY RUSSEU-Rednecks. White Socks & Blue Ribtran Beer. RCA APL 1 IIMREEVES-Great Moments With. RCA APL I 0330. People spend part of their

hard to beheue that Johnny Russell kicked around as a songwriter long
established as a singer, for he may iust be one of the hnest singers in
Country Picks lives trying lo find

nicely packaged in
these old Reeves cuts
one bag. Long since departed, he
for their collections,

still (and will

and here
always be) one
it ts. all


the business. It hasn't hurt his songwrlting. either With the title of his smash the greatest. So, this is an opportunity to get your Reeves songs all together, and
single, he builds in this album, and demonstrates what he can do with a song; really enioy some great moments.
which IS plenty. And a nod to Jerry Bradley for another outstanding bit of produc Best cuts: "Bells of St, Mary's. " "Sweet Dreams.
Best cuts: "Four Walls," "He ll Have To Go, " "Oh, How I Miss You Tonight"
tion work Dealers: A picture of every one of the pickers, including Chester 8.. on the Dealers; A montage ol Reeves on the cover should help call attention to the
Best cuts: "The Baptism of Jesse Taylor. " 'Remembering," "She's a Natural cover, with identity on the back contents.

Woman," "(Drinking a Beer) and Singing a Country Song,

Dealers; Some recognizable laces on the front cover, JIM ED BROWN-Best Of. RCA APL 1 0324. Everything here has been out as a CONNIE SMITH-Greatest HHs, Volume I. RCA APLl 0275. Once agam. as part
single before, as RCA continues its "best of"' series, and it should bring throngs of of this general series of releases by RCA, it has packaged some of Ihe hit singles ol a
CHET ATKINS-Superpickers. RCA APll-0829. Leave it to Chet. He not only buyers for Jim Ed has been doing outstanding!/ well for years. All ol these weren't leading artist, and it becomes a sensation. These are the Bob Ferguson produced
rounds up the finest talent around to pick with him on his great album, but he hits tor him, but they're all good. And it might bring a revival or two. At any rate, it's hits Connie made while with the label, and each is easily recognizable. This shows,
features every one ol them, builds Ihe album around there. Here is a collection of an exceptionally good album, and it shows again that he can handle any sort of perhaps better than anything, her maturity as a singer over the years, but even in

outstanding musicians who wear Ihe badge of "sidemen. " and when the best come song. the formative years she was outstanding.

together, one can imagine the outcome As you listen, the instrumentation of each Best cuts: "Mwning, "
"Pop A Top." Best cuts: Once a Day, " 'Ribbon of Darkness
comes through, complimenting Atkms' great styling The names alone should sell Dealers: Most of (he cuts here are only a few years old, or less, so they should Dealers: Good cover concept, with all of her hits in gold on the front.

albums. be familiar

THE ROBERTA MARTIN SINGERS-The Old Ship of Son, KenWood 507 (Nash LP which should be welcomed by gospel fans and should also show those new lo
bm). If you would like a good idea of some ol the roots of today's rock, r&b and Ihe field just what gospel is all about. Backed by the simplest instruments (a guitar
gospel music, as well as being able to hear material that still stands up nearly 25 Religious only in most cases), he six-man group can handle the most frenetic material or Itie

years after it was recorded, then this set is a fine place to begin Set includes the softer tunes with equal ease. In this set. one can see |ust how much influence gos-
powerful lead vocals and highly harmonic, wonderfully rhythmic backgroud vocals pel has played in rock The vocalists move through complicated segues while the

characteristic of good gospel Ms. Martin was a pioneer m her field who influenced Best cuts: "Tlie Old Ship of Zion," "Come In Ihe Room, "
"Only a look." "Since lead singer can shout, move from one pitch to another or simply sing straight. Be-

such ma^r gospel stars as Alex Bradford and James Cleveland (both of whom ot- Met Jesus hind him. the group lends a simple, compelling chorus.
tered songs to the set) and who produced a number of fine soloists herself. Solos Dealers: Display tn gospel and vintage sections. Best cuts '
Over m Zion." "Children Pray On. '
'New Walk."
from Eugene Smith and Ms. Martin are exceptionally powerful, while the music is Dealers; Great cover featuring photo taken from Stsler Lucelle Barbee's Barter

brilliantly simple THE SWANEE QUINTn-N<« Walk, Creed 30S0 (Nashboro). A simply brilliant Shop in Nashville

also recomrnefKied
THE GOSPa KEYNOTES-Tid We Meet. Nashboro 7130 This is a modern, soul lar brand of gospel, with the voices singing the same lyrics at slightly different time
tinged group shouting with the fervor of its convictions and with an eye on Ihe vaguely r&b sax sound, but the set is gospel and a good example of some ol the very effective Best cut: "By the Help of the Lord
commerical market The background sound is especially r&b oriented. Best cuts: younger people becoming involved. Best cuts: It's My Desire." "Peace In the Val
"Move Satan, "

I Made a Vow." ley" DOROTHY LOVE COATES & THE GOSPEL HARM ONETTES- The Best of Dorothy Love
Coates ft The Gospel Harmonettes, Nashboro 7132. This is a good collection of joy
THE JOHNSON ENSEMBLE, Creed 3051. Nashboro. Fine grouping of old and new THE CONSOURS-Never Could Have Made It, Nashboro 7131. Powerful set from ous music by Ihe veteran Birmingham group, sparked by Ihe leader's soaring, driv-
gospel tunes from this relatively new ensemble of some 27 vocalists. Included is a veteran duo of Sullivan and lola Pugh capturing the frantic energy of their particu- ing voice Best cuts: 'I Won't Go." "That's Alright With Me."

NAT FREEDUtND-TTie Occult Explosion. United Artists, UA-LA067-G2. Based of Gregory's style evotvement as satirist activist during the past decade. Much of

on his critically acclaimed book of the

highly informative, highly interesting series of interviews with guests discussing

same title. Freedland has put together a
Spoken Viord the material
demonstration that Gregory
is his wide range
ol commentary on Watergate Album
most nghtful heir to the crown of
is convincing
Lenny Bruce.
such diverse subjects as UFO's, Satanism, witchcraft. ESP and astrology. Guests Dealers: If you are near a college, remember that Gregory is most popular
also include such tummaries as famed psychic Peter Hurk"s. For those never ex the characters in the cast provide excellent display. Leave a copy open for con- campus speakers in U S. (along with Nader and Ali).

posed to the occult, this is a hne primer. For those already i.,.o the field, it is a fine sumer to browse through Also, this is the launching of UA's spoken word series, so

addition to a rec library. The interviews are relatively short but complete, and the expect a push. KENDftEW lASCEUES-Earlh Fungus and the Stuff of Stars. United Artists UA
LA 066. II any lecent poetry reader album has a chance to sell respectably, it's this
fact that it is a double set allows more than |ust a surface look at the occult
Best cuts The discussions on witchcraft, UFO's, Alan Watts on meditation and DICK GREGORY-Cau|ht In The Act, Poppy PP LA 176 G2 (United Artists) This is straightforward and provocative set by the author of that anti war allegory, 'Ihe
Peter Hurkos on hts psychic powers the comic's Imal nitery performance as he switches his efforts entirely to college Box." which still wins strong reaction at every airing.

Dealers: Striking cover art and 12 page book discussing occult in general and lectures (300 campus appearances eacti year). Twm disk set is brilliant summation Best cuts: The Box," "'Junction'"

THE BLUE OYSTER CULT-Tyranny and Mutation, Columbia CQ 320 7 (CBS SQ 1 into a turklsh suite, but still the llavor is surround' type quadrasonic and you

matrix) Rock records, m many cases, are created to be played loud. The reason is
that groups today are piling music upon music m rifts and psychological corners-to
Quodrosonic can't pin down a given instrument defmitivety-

give their product more musical meaning, more depth. This ts why quadrasonic is so CARLOS SANTANA & MAHAVISHNU JOHN McLAUGHUN-Love, Devotion, Sur-
greal for a group like the Blue Oyster Cult; m quadrasonic they give you so much Quadradisc). Sometimes, in spite of the quality of Ihe group and of the material, render, Columbia CQ 32034 (CBS SQ matnx). Fantastic separation and musical
mae music than coufd be possibly available in ordinary stereo "Mistress of Ihe the quadrasonic version can be a disappointment . largely, it must be believed, excitement by two ol the major entries in the music field today. The sounds range

Salmon Salt (Quicklime Girl). " for example, has guitars in the rear and they stay because the quadrasonic remix engineer was afraid to tamper with a hit This ts the from bombastic crescendos to subtle bongos trilling on the end of a song from the
there: this is no illusion, as has been true often in the past on matrix records Ac case with "

Diamond Girl." However, the remix engineer redeemed himself with rear. "A Love Supreme " has music coming from everywhere and the listener is not

tually, there's lots of music around the entire spectrum here, making the record "Standing on a Mountain Top, "
where there is not only superb separation ol various aware of the old fashioned surround ' image that was all too common in early

extremely more musically exciting On "The Red Baby Ice Dog," Ihe guitar is left musical elements (guitar right rear, drums left rear, vocal harmony across Ihe matrix record. This is a masterful, dynamic quadrasonic masterpiece, totally de-

rear and often vocal harmony support comes from the rear, though the lead singer back), but lots of music around the entire spectrum One can only assume that re monstrative of the art of the medium and one of the t>est things available in matrix,

IS froni center. The separation is excellent on "Teen Archer." too. leaving the lis- mix engineenng will eventually end up in the hands of the producer or the record- "Naima" shows excellent separation, with a softer guitar coming from left rear to

tener to only believe that the encoding of matrix product is developing rapidly. ing artists themselves as quadrasonic grows into a more defimlive artistically and implement the work of Sanlana and McLaughlin up front "The Life Divine" gels

Checkmg out some earlier matrix records with this same playback equipment-the commercially viable medium with the pubk. Bui. to a great extent, many of the back to work with driving rock, music from everywhere: the voices of the choir,
Sansui QRX 6500 with the switch set to phrase matrix, which is the CBS SQ matrix cuts on this LP did not take advantage of the capabilities of quadrasonic . . basi chanting, is very impressive, since Ihey hang in the atmosphere. Guitar from rear is

system-you can ) achieve as much separation, as much total music spectrum, as cally the music is "expanded "

m scope, meaning that you gel more from the record definitive: excellent separation The separation is extant in "Let Us Go Into the
you can on this LP Possibly the best cut, commercially, is "O.D s on Life Itself." than two-speaker stereo can give you But most of the instruments are up front, just House of the Lord" where you have an organ left rear and a guitar right rear or right

Any dealer could merchandise this LP with confidence that his customer is getting like stereo. Even on "Wisdom."' wheie drums are put in the rear, you catch the front, depending on which way you turn your head or how close you are to the

not only good music, but good matrix quadrasonic product. drums also from front: in effect, the drums were "
blended" back to front and there speakers: it's an attempt to place the guitar center right and it works only when you
wasn't any true separation . . . the real qualities of discrete quadrasonic had been stand almost dead center of the room, Al Lawrence supervised the quadrasonic

SEALS i CROFTS-Dtamond Girl, Warner Bros. BS4 2699 (CD 4 discrete sacrificed. Best tune is "Nine Houses," where guitar and mandolin duet evolves mix; he's to be complimented.


Top Album Picks
Copyright 1973 Billboard Publications. Inc No part ot this put>-
may be reproduced, siored <n a retrieval system, or trana-
mrtted. inany lorm or by any means, electronic, mechanical.

201 -JOHNNY ROOMGUEZ.AI Ev« Hunt To Do W»Sin(,I Merciiiy SRM I 68e 213.-BEIIUUII, Chrysalis CHI! 1048 (Warner Bios.)
Just SunliiM, JSS 5 (Famous)
-POU YAKIlOW, Hat's Enoufh For Mo, Wainer Bros 0598 BubblingUnderThe TopLP's ?14.-LIVINGST0N TAYLOR, Over The Rainbow, Capricorn CP 01 14 (Wafner Bios
215. -SPENCER DAVIS GROUP, Glii{|o, Vertigo VEL 1015 (Phonogiam)
204 -BONNIE Mn. Takini My Time, Warner Bras 2729 216. -SESAME STREET UVE, T.V. Cast, Columbia KC 32343
20S -mv
WOOD. Boulders, United Artists UA LA 168 F 210 -UMES BMWN, Soul Classics Vol II, Polydoi PD 5402 217. -TM)SE GLORIOUS M6M MUSICALS, Band Wa|on/Kiss Me Kate, MGM 2 SES
206 -OniMDERS, At Their Best, Motown M /96 VI 21 1 -PKMIATA FODNEIIIA MARCONI, Ptiotos d Ghosts, Manticore 66668 (Allan 44
207 -IIMMT ClIFF. The Harder They Come, Mango SMAS 7400 (Capilol) tic) 218 -lOOK'NG GLASS, Subway Serenade, Epic KE 32167 (Columbia)
208.'HOIK«Nil KING. New Bepnninp. Paramount PAS 6067 (Famous) 212 -IKE ( TINA TURNER, Uve . . . The Norid 01 Ike 1 Tina Turner, United Artists 219 -AVERAGE VIHITE BAND, Show Your Hand, MCA 345
209 -EiiCTM GUDE IN BLUE SOUNDTMCK. United Artists UA CA 062 H UA U 064 G2 0693 220 -NEW BIRTH. It's Been A Lout Time, RCA APL 1 0285

101 -I
102 -LOVE
AU OVER, Skeetei Davis, RCA 74 0968
Loretta Lynn, MCA 40058
BubblingUnderThe HOT KX) 115 -LOVE
OONT CAPE. Perry Como, RCA 0096
-HUM ALONG t 'NCE, Rare Earth, Rare Earth 5034 (Motown)
103. -COSMIC SLOP. FunkadeUcs. Westbound W218 109. -SNARTY PANTS, First Choice, Fhilly Groove 179 (Bell) 117. -I JUST CANT STOP LOVING YOU, Cornelius Brothers ( Sister Rose, United
104. -OM WHAT A FEEUNG, lohnny Nasll, EpK 5 11034 (Columbia) 110. -AU TME WAY DOWN, Etta lames. Chess 2144 Artists. XW 313 W

105 -PASSION PLAY EDIT ff 10, lelhro Toll, Chrysalis 2017 (Warner Brothers) 111 -BACK FOR A TASTE OF YOUR LOVE, Syl lohnun. Hi 45 2250 (London) 118 -DANaNG ON THE MOON, ludi Pulver, MGM 14615
106 -KISS rr AND MAKE IT BETTER. Mac Davis. Columbia 4-45911 112 -YOU'RE IN GOOD HANDS, lermaine Jackson, Motown 1244 119. -DREAM ON. Aerosmrth. Columbia 4 45894
107 BACK IN THE HILLS. Blue Ridge Rangers. Fantasy 710 ll3.-SHIDDt.E EE DEE, Oint Holmes. Epic 5 1 1033 120. -EASV EVIL. John Kay. Dunhill 4360
108 -OPEN UP YOUR HEART. Rofer Miller. Columbia 4 45873 114 -YOU CANT HIDE LOVE. Creative Source, Sussex 501 121. -I'LL HAVE TO GO AWAY. Skylark, Capitol 3661

Pop album picks-tmet dMmad h«ad«d for a post airwng the first 100 places on the Top LP *ion>' Other category LP's are deemed to lireak in the lop and lower half of the their respective
chart Pop also rac»mmet>ded LP's are titles thought to wind up among the lower half posi- <*Mrt» i" • •l"'"*' fashion. Review edHor-Eliot Tiegel.

FM Action Picks These ore Ihe albums Ihot hove been added Ihis post week to Ihe nolion's leading progressive stolions
FM. Don Sylvester
. ITHACA: WVBR Fm. Ric Browde & Dan Boyle ROCHESTER: WCMF FM. Bernie Kimball
ATLANTA: WRAS FM. Drew Murray NEW YORK: WNEW-FM. Dennis Elsas SAN JOSE: KSJO FM. Douglas Droese
BABYLON. N.y.: WBAB FM. NORFOLK: WOWI FM. Larry Dinger ST LOUIS: KSHE FM. Shelley Grafman
Kathy Cunningham ORLANDO: WORJ FM. Mike Lyons TALLAHASSEE: WGLF-FM. Daryl Stewart
SALT/MORE. WKTK FM. Joe Buccheri PH/LADELPHM: WDAS FM. Harvey Ho///day TORONTO: CHUM FM. Benjy Karch
DALLAS. KAFM FM, Loretta Angeline PHILADELPHIA: WMMR FM. Dennis Wilen UTICA. N Y.: WOUR FM. Tony Yoken &
DENVER. KBPI FM. Frank Felix PROVIDENCE: WBRU FM. Marc Kirkeby Steven Huntington
DENVER- KCFR FM. Jeff Polleck RACINE: WRKR FM. Joey Sands VALDOSTA. Ga.: WWS FM. Bill Tullrs

KEVIN AYERS. "Banaitamour," Sire: WKTK FM ELTON JOHN. "Good-Bye Yelhiw Brict Road," MCA: CHUM FM. KSHE FM. KBPI FM. GERRY RAFTERnr, "Can I Have My Money Back," Blue Thumb: KBPI FM

AZTECA, "Pyramid Of The Moon," Columbia: WWS FM. KFMY FM, WCMF FM
D.F.," Grunt: WORI FM Cry Now," Asylum:

GATO BARBIERI. "Bolivia," Flying Dutchman: WOWl FM WHN KIEMMER. "Intensity," Impulse: WWS FM. WKTK FM SCRUBBALOW CAJNE. "Round One," RCA: KSHE FM
EDWIN BIRDSONG, "Supernatural," Polydor: WOWI FM GLADYS KNIGHT ( THE PIPS. "Imagination," Buddah: WNEW FM. WBAB FM SHOOT, "On The Frontier," Capitol: WOUR FM
BROTHERS, "Rainbow UUARUS, "A Fool's Paradise," BearsvUle: WBAB FM FM
Riders," Columbia: WKTK FM
TIM BUCKLEY, "Sefronia," DiscReet: KAFM FM. KSJO FM UGHTHOUSE, "Can You Feel II,"' Polydor: WRAS FM SOPWITH CAMEL, "The Miraculous Hump Returns From the Moon," Reprise: KBPI


LOVE UNUMITID, "Under The Ingluence," 20th Century: WDAS FM RINGO STARR, "Photognpb," Apple: CHUM FM
TERRY COLUER, "1 Just Can't Help Myself," Cadet: WOUR FM
SUNI McGRATH. "Child Gime," Adelphi: KCFR FM UVINGSTON TAYLOR, ""Over The Rainbow," Capricorn: WBRU FM
DR. HOOK. -BeHy Up," Columbia: WNEW FM, WVVS FM
ESPERANTO, "Rock Orcbestra," UM: KRST FM
MANOMLL, "Just Outside Of Town," Polydor WNEW FM. WUOG FM. KAFM FM. THREE DOt; NIGHT, "'Cyano," Dunhill: KAFN FM
BILLY FAIER, "Banjo," Takoma: KCFR FM
WWSFM TUCKY BUZZARD, "Alright On The Night," Purple (Import): WKTK FM. WUOG FM
THE FOUR TOPS, "Main Street People," Diinhill: WGLF FM
JOHN MAYALl. "10 Yeirs Gone," Polydor KFMY FM, WGLF FM. KRST FM. KBPI FM URIAH HEAP, '"Sweet Freedom,"' Warner Bros.: WRKR FM. KRST FM
GENESIS, "Livt," Charisma: WRKR FM FM. KFMY FM
ROY WOOD, "Boulden," United ArtisU: WCMF FM. KAFM FM, WOWl FM, WRAS
JESSE COUN YOUNG, "Song Foi Juli," Warner Bros.: WRAS FM. KRST FM.
HANSON, "Now Hear This," Manticore: WOWl FM GILBERT O'SULUVAN. "I'm A Writer. Not A Fighter," MAM: WKTK FM WGLFFM
HOME, "The Alchemist," CSS (Import): WCMF FM P.F.M., "Photos Ot Ghosts," Manticore: KCFR FM. WRAS FM COUNTRY GAZZITTE, "Don"! Give Up Your Day Job," United Artsts: KCFR FM.

Tape Pirate l-atin labels Unite

ExecutiveTurnbble. • Continued from page 3

• Conlinued from page 4

Fined 10G's ney of California. Congressman and disk situation is just as serious in
Roybal. the District Allomey. the the Latin market as it is in Ihc
• Continued from page 3 Mayor's office, the FBI and the IRS. ican pop market. We hope to make a
ensack. N.J., Unnan will be responsible for the firm's entire custom
Venzor also hopes to meet soon with dent in Stiulhern California and
duplicating sales functions. Officials of the new Grateful Dead
. . . 75.000 8-track tapes were confis-
Stanley Gortikov. RIAA president. then move to the Northern part of
label (see separate stor) ) are Ron Rakow, p',.sident; Andy Leonard, cated along with several pieces of
Bilingual ptistcrs will be offered to the state. Then we will move East."
Joshua Brown and Steve Brown, adverli.sing and promotion; and duplicating and loading equipment.
members explaining the differ- In addition to the election of Ven-
Bob Scidcmann, expeditor. Joseph P. SooHoo appointed pro- . . . Judge Ronald George ienienccd zor as association president, other
ence between a bootleg and legiti-
grammer for Polygram Corporation. He will perform computer Loccscy and placed him on three
mate tape for distribution among officers include: Jorge Borrego. vice
systems services for all Polygram operating companies, MGM years summary probation on condi-
their customers. In addition, a re-
president, Guiro Records; Valientin
Records. Phonogram Records. Polydor Records, and Chappell tion thai he pay a $10,000 fine plus Velasa>. secrelar)*. Peeriess-Musarl;
ward will be offered for anyone pro
Music. loliH H. Bermingham appointed staff vice president and
. .
penalty assessment or serve 1. 000
viding information concerning and Mildred Weiss, treasurer, MPA
days in prison. He also was sen-
counsel foi RCA Corporation.
tenced to three months in county jail
illegitimate operations at the manu- Records.
facturing or retail level. Letters will Initial members include: Orfeon
on each count (suspended) and was Records; Peerless. Musart Records:
Norman Gardner appointed East Coast regional promotion
go to persons outside the L.A. area
orderc*d to refrain from engaging in Musimex; and Gas Records; all
manager for Crossover Records. Gardner was most recently New any manner within the month. Dues will be $200
in the (ape piracy busi- manufacturers. Distributor mem-
York promotion man for Skyline Distributors. Steve Baker . . . ness. for manufacturers and $100 for dis- Guiro Records:
bers include: MPA
named director of a&r for Miami-based Earth Records and World Record manufacturers named in tributors. Records: Baly Records and Dis-
the complaint were MCA, Capiiol. count; Cal-Mex Records; Amex
Productions. Baker recently left MCA Rerords where he was a Venzor said. "Proportionally, we
A&M and Warner Bros. Each firm Records; Melo Records; and Pan
Florida promotion man. was represented in five counts. feel the bootleg and counterfeit tape American Records of Chicago.


Number of singles reviewed
this week 112
Lost week 128
Too Sinde Pkks. ^1
^ Copyright 1973 Billboard Publications. Inc No part ot ttiis puUicalion may b« reproduced,
storodin a retrieval system, or transmitled. m any form or by any means, electronic. mcchamcaJ.
photocopy r>g. recording, or ottwrwise, without the pfior written permission ot the publisher

THE MMSHAU TUCKER UND-Tahe The Highway (2:55); producer: Paul mm STDEIMND-TlK Way We Were (3:29); producer: Marty Palch: milers

Bros ). )s

Toy Caldweli; publisher: No
Jethro Tult me«ts the AJIman Brothers? No,
Exit, BMI. Capficorn 0030 (Warner
it's Capricorn's new wonder
Pop M. Hamilsch. A. ecrgman. M. Bergman: (kiigems. HSCKf Columbia 45944.

group with an irresistibly cooking single surefire to make them household words. NEIl DIAMONO-Be (3:21); producer: Tom Catalano: writer: Neil Diamond: pub
Flute, organ bits and fluent southern rock guitar work dominate the instrumental DEODATO-Super Strut (4:26); producer: Creed Taylor; writer Eumir Deodato; teller: Stonebndge. ASCAP. Columbia 4 45942,
jamming. Basically an FM sound, but so dramatically organized and enfro<>tic it publisher: Kenya. ASCAP CTI 16. Are the charts still open to offbeat instru mentals?

can't miss on top 40. Flip: no info available. If so, this IS one of the best. Deodato's "Rhapsody In Blue" had a pretty good chart REDBONE-Com and Get Vour Lon (3:30); ptoducen: Pat t lolly Vegas; writer
life and this is the former flipside. It has the joyfully churning beat and shimmering L Vegas; publishers: Blackwood, Novalene, BMI. Epic.

Sm.1 DAM-Wy Old School (4:11); producer: (Ury Katz: writers: W. Becker. surfaces of today's most original soul productions. Flip: "Rhapsody tn Blue" (3:45);

D. Fagen; publisher: American Broadcasting. ASCAP. ABC 11396. Those new producer: Cr^d Taylor writer George Gershwin; publisher: New World. ASCAP. ROGEil Mc£UINN-Dn||in' {JMY, producer Roger McGuinn; writer: R McGuinn,
pnnces of a slightly freaky AM single format have another hit from their production J levy: Blackwood. Patlan. Jackalope. BMI. Columbia 45931.

line. Opening piano nff sounds almost like Elton, but the high flying chorus hook is
also recommended
hannonued with unmistakable Steely Dan inventiveness. Verse lyrics can't be IAN i DEAN-Dead Mm's Curve (2:35); producer: Jan Berry: writers: J. Betry,

heard quite dearly enough to know what the song is about, but it sure sounds fine. Mr CHMMiS-Conie Livt With Me (3:19); producer: Ray Charies: wrilers: Bou- R. Christian, A. KornlieW, B, Wilson; publisher: Screen Gems-Columbia. BMI, United
Flip: ito info available dieux Bfyant. Felice Brvanl: House ol Bryant, BMI. Crossover 973. Artists 092.

Songs listed on this page are the consensus of a review panel which for the titles published this weel». Songs not listed have received a three
listened to the music individually and then collectively and then voted star rating. Review Editor-Eliot Tiegel.

lAISn MHin-Never. Never Gonna Give Ya Up (3:S(); producer Barry Wnite: This is the lollowup to Covay's story about discovenng his wife is up to extra-cur THE PATTERSON TWINS-Bxt In Love Agan (3:01); producers: Troy Shondell.

writer: Barry Whrte: publishei;: ba Vette, January, BMI 20th Century 2058. Isaac ricular activities at the same motel he uses. Now in hts strong vocal style he discov- George leinenweber: wnter: George Jackson: Fame. BMI. Kmg 6422,
Hay«s has made his mark on White. This song sounds very much like a Hayes pro- ers somebody's been sleeping in his bed and enjoying other sovereign rights. Flip:

ductioii, wth spoken word dialog, a soft vocal style, some beautiful string and flute no info available. TEIHIY FIIRIONG-Give Me One More Chance (3:05); producer lerry Furlong;
worli and a reliied story The message: Barry will never quit on his love. Flip: no writer: T. Furlong: publishers: Durange, Elterlane, ASCAP. Epic 1 1037 (Columbia).
info available.
also recommefKlecl
DON COVAY-Somebody's Been Enjoying My Home (3:36); producer: Don UTTU ROYAL-a Want To Be Free) Deni Want Nofeody Standing Over Me (2:40);
Cov»y; writers: I. Scott, E. Dart)y: U Van, ASCAP, Mercury 73430. Flip: "Bad CANDI STATON-Um Chain (2:47); producer: Rick Hall: wrilers: G, Jackson, producers: Huey Meaux/Hal Neely: writers: Ernest Cafe. Earl Gate: Flatriver. BMI,
Motitfiing" (3:26); producer: Don Covay; wnlers: E. Darby, N. Jean: U Van, ASCAP R. Moore. L Chambers; publisher: Fame, BMI. Fame 328 (UA). Tri us 917 (Starday King).

UN TWMAS-Painted Ladies (3:30); producer: lohn Lombafdo; writer Ian

FifslTimQ Around Thomas; Corinth, BMI. Janus 224. (There's a cross between the Eagles and America
on this flowing story about travelling around the thinking about reluming home. La
(These are new artists deserving airplay and sales constderation) la la.)

MERU HWGARD-lf We Make It Through December (2:41); producer Ken Country lOHN AUTRY-bnas CHy's Hurtin' Kkld (2:47); producer: Willie Font Younc
Nelson; writer Merle Haggard; Shade Tree (BMI); Capitol 3746. Another change of writer lohn Aulry: Hip PKkel (BMI); Toast 312.

pace by Haggard, who keeps surprising with his various styles, and does so well ROY ClAflK-SomewtiefC Between Love and Tomorrow (3:11); producer: lim
with an. He is a complete artist. Flip: "Bobby Wants a Puppy Dog for Christmas." Foglesong: writers: B. Reneau. T Laiaros; Chess Music/Charlie Boy (ASCAP); Dot WYNH STEWART-lt's Rainmi in Seattle (2:41); producer: Bobby Bare: writer:

Same credits. 1 7480 One of the world's leading entertainers puts his soul into this one in a week Roger Murrah: Return (BMI): Rf^A DIHO 0114.
ol great ballads. He makes you feel it, Flip: no info.
BOB LUUAN-Stifl Loving You (1:57): producer: Glenn Sutton; writer: Troy BOBBY WRIGHT-L«in' Someone on My Mind (2:26): oroducer: Don Gant: writer
Shondefl; publisher not listed; Epic 5 11039. That smooth, deep voice gives this old PAT ROBERTS-t'm Gonna Keep Searcbing (2:27); producer: George Richey; 0. Cook Milene (ASCAP): ABC 11390

timer a new treatment that demonstrates ]ust how well Luman can do a ballad. It's writers: G. Richey. C. Taylor, N, Wilson; Al Gallico/Algee (BMI): Dot 17478. The
a change from his recent up-tempos. Flip: "I'm Gonna Write a Song;" producer: youngster takes one out of his album and runs with it, and the whole thing is off BOBBY LORD-loollini! for a Cold Lonely Winter (2:44): producer: limmy Key;
same: writer: Glenn Sutton. and running- He's improved with each release, and this one is exceptional. Flip: no writer: Ronnie Rogers: Newkeys (BMI): Rice 5063.


HANK WILUAMS JR.-Tbe Lut Love Song (2:43); producer lim Vienneau; LAWANDA UNDSEY-Suinlilne Feeling (2:09); producer Buck Owens; writer Jim
writer: Hank Williams
old theory that, if
it.: Hank Williams Jr. Music (BMI):
one wants the right song, he writes the song. Junior has done just
MGM 14656. There is an
also recommended Sfiaw: Blue Book (BMI); Capitol 3739.

that. It's a beauty, and Vienneau has brought out the best m him Probably the ANTHOHY ARMSTRONG lONES-I've Got Mine (2:46); producer: Glenn Sutton: DAVE DUOLEY-Rollin Ri| (2:17); producer: Jimmy Key; writer: Roy Baliam; Itew-

finest he's done. writer: Kenny O'Dell: House of Gold (BMI): Epic 5 11042. keys Music (BMI): Rice 73-5064.

Regulation #1527 'Seagull' to AI\/IRA Sues Decca Over

Electrical Transcriptions Get Flying $37.5G Unpaid Royalties
NEW YORK-The American and
(a) Recording Studios
Tax does not apply to the charges by a recording studio for the
Push by Col Mechanical
has brought a breach of
that to dale no portion had beet,

recording of a program on "wax." tape or wire if the "wax," tape or

• Continued from pa^e }
censingagreements suit against
AMRA also argues that upon in
formation and belief the defendant
wire is not delivered to the customer or to any person at the direc- lion's with a Top 40. progressive or Decca Records, in U.S. District
wrongfully and intentionally con-
tion of the customer and title is retained by ihc studio. If, however, MOR format; a number of sales C"ourt here, in an attempt to recoup
cealed from the plaintilT the true
the recording studio agrees to furnish finished records, acetates or aids, including posters, a mobile, an alleged $37,500 in unpaid royal-
and correct amounts of royalty pay-
other tangible personal properly which becomes the property of ties owed to it bv the defendant.
streamers, and display cards: and an ments due by rendering accountings
others, tax applies to the sale of such tangible personal property,
hour-long radio show, featuring Acco r d n g i i o la wy e rs fo r the which were false and which substan-
without any deduction on account of the rental of the studio facil-
Neil Diamond and selections from AMRA. an audit was conducted on tially understated the actual
ities, or other labor or service costs involved in the manufacture of
the defendants b<x)ks and records in amounts due.
such tangible personal property, even though such costs arc item- the LP. Teller stated that the radio
July year for the period Jan. 1.
ized in the billing rendered to the customer. show would be placed in a number In addition li> seeking recovery ot
1965 to Dec. 31. 1968. and it was al-
To Ihc extent that Ihc studio in making the recording rents tangible of markcLs with label advertising the amount of royalties allegedly
legedly disclosed that the defendant,
persona] property to the customer, lax applies as set forth in regu- backing. due. the plaintiff is also seeking an
in breach of its licensing agreements
lation 1660. additional SI 12.487.97 in exemplary
The with plaintiff, failed to report, ac-
ihru-si ol the campaign will
damages; as well as interests, costs,
(b) Processors follow the various market premieres
count for. and pay all the royalties
due plaintiff on behalf of its mem-
counsel tees and other and further
The furnishing of "masters." "mothers." "stampers." and finished of the Paramount Pictures film, said
bers, during the period covered by
relief which the court mav deem |usl
records by a processor to a producer constitutes a sale of tangible Teller. The film premieres here Oct. and proper.
the audit.
personal property and tax applies thereto. 24 and in Los .Angeles (31). with up-
The suit further argues that more
(c) Library Producers wards of eight other U.S. premieres
scheduled for November. National
than 30 days have elapsed since When Answering Ads . . .

Tax applies as explained in regulation 1660 lo rentals of records plaintiff demanded from defendant,
distribution by Paramount has been in writing, the full amount of royal-
Say You Saw It in Billboard
and other tangible personal properly by Hbrary producers.
slated for December. ties attributable to the audit period.


FACT: Record industry trade pcqiers cire
the most effective means of
influencing rcKiio
And Billboard (t the most efftctlve
of the record industry trade papers
. . . We can prove It.

Billboard commissioned the re-

search division of Hagen Com-
munications, Inc. to do m-
depth research lo disclose
-tor the first time— how ad-
vertising ir> trade publications
influences airplay.
Various record manufacturers
designated Si. Louis. Missouri
as a typical music market,
prompting the research team
to conduct in-depth interviews

^ '

— .
with individuals at
20 of the 21
Louis stations that program
music. Here's what they found:
Of the top ten sources of Infor-
mation used by radio programmers, trade publications lead
the field with a decisive 83.7 per cent margin.*
Most of the Individuals interviewed tn St. Louis admitted being influ-
enced, in variousways, by trade paper advertising.*
After determining that trade paper advertising does, indeed, influence radio program-
mers, the researchers wanted to know how the different record industry trade papers
compared against one another.
Within the Si, Louis Market, 92% of the key programming sources read Billboard.*
More time was spent reading Billboard than almost the combined time spent reading the
other two publications."
As you can see, trade paper advertising does, in fact, influence radio influenlials who pro-
gram a station's music and expose to the record-buying public. And Billboard has proven

to be the number one source used by radio programmers to learn about and evaluate new
releases through its news, reviews, charts and advertising. Projecting all this one step further,
you could say that trade advertising in Billboard indirectly
communicates to,and sells to, the all-important consumer.
Billboard. We take your advertising one step further.
For your own private videocas-
setle screening of Billboard's
radio influence, call: Peter
Heine, Director of Sales, Los
Angeles, 213/273-7040 (or)
Mike Eisenkraft, Eastern
Sales Manager, New York,
212/7&4-734a. It could well
be the most informative 15
minutes you've
spent this

. irniMT
» Minn. AMXOV. Sime«

ATM am

*Statistics compiled from independent research

conducted by Hagen Communications. Inc.. and
is available for examination on request

Char I Bound
•ocl«tlon Of America Stir dvtlgrtatn rae-

mllllofl k«lt«t "

upwsid mov*m«nl

(Producer) Writw,

Carrttl (w





Hiri 0*4*
(Dlslrlbutlna Label)

Jtl Capps,


(Ohio Pliytrt). Otw
Playaft. ffntboond 2IS (Ctien/ linn)

68 Al 5
(Producer) Writer. t.«bel

(Toeer «l Powei).
IT'S REAL-i.... of rmr
* Number (DMrlbuUr*t LaM)

lupU, Calilto. Bjrtlcll. Nimer Bros. IIH

(lohnAf Sjndhn tnd th< Wlnin
Brotben SjmI
ftrothfitt Bind) IbcJurd Bctlv
OF ME-Ottni
(Bwry Gordr), G
Hriilri, K.
I Horwi Cn<
Wmmi, K Portir. Hotavn 12B0
69 63 7 EVERYBODY'S HAD THE BLUES-h«i« Hwi'd
(Foot Omi). H«to Hafgird. CaprW 3U1

Cipncen 0077 (Mirntr Brvttitn) mil /U 65 11 EVIL-Eifth, Hind I Hra

36 38 6 LET ME IN-(hm«di (to. Meetl). H. Hhito. P Baiki. B. Ek. Calunibij 4 45ISt SCC
3 3 j4 lET'S GET IT ON-ujr*in cjt< (Man Onnond). Hfw Owmmd. Haynt (hRi<«d, Merrill (hmoitd,
(MirM G«Ti, Ed Tmncnd) Ed T«wtn«nd blab I4«17 (HCU)
TinliM;34 (MotoM) etr 71 83 3 COUNTRY SUNSHINE-oott»
37 19 12 THEME FROM "CLEOPATRA (BMy [ti«n), Bdy Dam. Dotlie Hed, KA 0077
4 5 q HIGHER GROUND-si..i.Ncnd«r JONES"-!.. n luhinnf the Hma SliHloit
{Sl«vi( Wonder). Slevie HMd«f. Tiffll* WVi (Moton) Hcr (IM Sxnon). toe I. S»nni 1U7 (PoTr^or) WBM it 98 2 LET ME BE YOUR LOVEMAKER-Beity Hri,M
(Mile Cbitc. Clarertce Reid). CtiretKt RtM. Hllbc Ctirbe,
it ( 0 ANGIE-RoiMi stMM
Hillir]. HKt lilTf. K«th hclurdt.
38 44 4 JESSE-b^ni nod Betty Nrt^. AtetM 4«t9 (Attanltc) $6C
Umhiii (M Doml, limi Un, iWtiitic 4S'79I2 FUC
Mini SiDMi 19195 (MtentK) W8M Ti 73 3 RIOIN' MY THUMB DOWN TO
THAT LADY— M«) lialhcn *
s ( 14 (Irrf Mordn), I Lari., Ipc VllOOl ((^ihiinta) CHA
(TiM Meyi), The tsleyv T Nnk 72251 (Cohjmau) (lern Kennedy). Mmny lodnivei. Mercury 7MU (PkooorM) CHA


(r*ul SimoM. PhK liniMC I Ihc Muule Shotll
w 76 2 I GOT A
(Terry Caihaian.
Tomnty Htst). MotnM CmiW, C. Foi, ABC 11119 79 8 BLOOD RED & GOING DOWN-t».t>
(Bitty Shcrnll). Curly Putnam, Cdurnbu 445192

W 11 J

Sifnon CchjmlM 4-45907 41 97 13 GYPSY MAN-H.r
lordin. C. Mllir.
D. A*(«, H.

L Oitkjr,
Brmn, B.
H ScotL
75 78 4 GOHA
(Tht Stin). F
FIND A WAY-M«n«.ti
Dihroui*. 6. TerreR. Stinf 5050 (All Plilinuml
GEORGIA— Gbdri li«<[tit t ttw Pvt
Arltsti 7SI t-3
(Tony CjmJIo). hm Hulheti), Buddih 31} SfiC RUBBER BULLETS-iocc
(Stnnierry Productim), GoAry. Creme. GoeMnin.
9 10 8 KEEP ON TRUCKIN'-EMw iitndrittt FIGHTING-ERo. MH. UK 4901S (LMdon) CHR
(Frinfe IVilv>fi Leorurd Cnlonl FFin4 tttlioe iL fOTM (Cm (Mieon), EKon loha, Berme Tiu^tn. UCA 10105 WBM
LMnrd Cnton, Tjmlj (Hatewn) NCP
56 3 JUST YOU & ME-chKai. it CHEAPER TO KEEP HER-toi..».Tqbr
10 4 12 WE'RE AN AMERICAN BAND-&..hi fua it (lamei Hilliim GiNrcio). Jjnin Pankn. Colunbia 4-4593] HUl (Dm (torn). Maa be. Stai 017( SCC
(Tedd Rundpeii), Don Brewer, Cipitol 3M0 NCP
11 14 9 1 LO TIL i«rin \#nn — renter a^iitri (Ito Tunorl. Toil Turnof. UmM h1i» 791 M It 84 3
(ton Hatrim), Roy Sewytr, Shtl Silnntein.
ItoDli l the Medkim ShM
Columbu 4 4S975
(Dt(«d RutirBM), Mien Touujini, Slut Thumt 729 (Fimonl WBM STONED OUT OF MY
45 43 MIND-c>.Lit..
(Hatt Hokell
MUflH, KMnedy,
IT'^ A tnVFRFAT-n.F»».
(« Hike Pott PrBductwai).
2tth Century 20» stc 46 46

(tocBM iKsrd),


EapM Ricsrd. Barhari AcUin. Btannick SS5O0 sec 79 89 3 WEST COAST WOMAN-p.-t.r
(Djiiny lowt). Owm Beiltit. Denny {am. Dektri 45K2

C SAKE -On Prnlty 80 87 2 MY PRrENDING DAYS ARE OVER-imii
it 2S 3 PAPER ROSES-HarlolM
(Somir Itmn)^ 1. Torrt. F. SpMean. HGH I4W9
(FcKm lirm). Mark lames/Taii| toe Nhrle. RU OOU sec
(Ooo Oitn), H. ton. D. Dura. I Oeofl. (ClNU/liMl)

in 47 32 16 IF YOU WANT ME TO it OOH BABY-eitoit o'Sotoi.

If lU rnLC nlUC— Edctr Wnlar Group ((loidofl Mdhl. Gdbctt O'Sullivon. MAN ]U3 (London) MCA
STAY-Sly k the famdy Stone •
(JKitk Deiiinter), Dm HutnMn. Epic S 11024 (Columbv) HM (Sly Stone tor Frtiti), Sytxeiter SlenrI,
__ -

15 15 Q CHINA GROVE-Doebw Brothtn

Epk 511017 (Coluflibu) CHA it SWEET UNDERSTANDING LOVE-fox
(Slon Borit Bnon Polto,. Doom Umbod). B.
Bonson. V B««Hfl. I
(T(4 Tempieman), Ton lehniliHi. Wamtr Brsthtn 7721 WBM Don't Want To Love You But) Hunur. (Miill tm WCP
4< 40 9 (I

16 12 12 MY MARIA-B W. Slenrtun YOU GOT ME ANYWAY — SNifterLind Bivltien 1 Quiver

97 2
(Urn* n. KenJienlMwn). OifiiH Ho«e, B.N. Simnwn. RCi 0030 WCP (Mutf Wmood), liw Swthertind. Ittarid 1717 (Capit.!) WCP it HELLO irS ME-iodd indr«
(Todd hindfien). Todd Ruedpen, Burtmlle 0009
17 20 6 BASKETBALL JONES featuring TYRONE 49 53 5 SUCH A NIGHT-h mh. (Wimer Brolfcen] SCC
SHOELACES— Qieecti i chom
(Mtn Toustaiot), Mac IMennia, Atco 45-B937 WBM
84 85 4 YOU'D BEHER BELIEVE IT-H.ntutt.M
(lav Uler), Ihotut Clwn|. Clwecti Minn. Qtfc 6U» (AIM)
4l 68 3 THE LOVE I LOST (Bcbbi Martin). I FMrtkei, R Genfer, Cahimto* M5927
U 9 \y DELTA DAWN-HrKn r»m, • (Part l}-HMold MeNiM S
(Kenny GamUe, Leen Huff). Kenny Gamble,
lh« BIm Plalei

lew HutI, it OH NO NOT MY BABY-m si.«n

Ctttlsno) JUti Harvvy Larry Collini. Cipitot B-3
A PliiladelfOiii InteriulioMl 735J3 (Uuntbii) B-B (Rod Slrnrl), Coffin, Kint Mertory 7342C SGC
29 5 ALL 1 KNOW-ciri..ui
(Gariwtkel, Rot Hikt). Jim Hrtb, CaJunlKj M5976 WBM 51 35 ]g HERE I AM (Come and Take Me)-Ai crom • 86 86 2 ROLLING IN MY SWEET BABY'S ARMS/I'M SO
(t^owi LariDnf, DOB i/pan, tawrneii
DOOR-m Dum
37 11
4S2247 (Undo.)


Al CrtM), Al (Jten. U. HodfM,

GIVE-sarry mit.
(IJ Cato,
I COULD CRY-H.r* when
AudN Ai^wifttL teon Rwuel. Denny
Later FUtt.'Hank Hilan, Shettet 733( {Capitol)

21 13 14 SAY,HAS ANYBODY SEEN MY (Barry Miito). Biny HMi, 2M Cwlsry 2042

88 4 I'M COMING HOME-tohn«yu.ti.»
SWEET GYPSY ROSE-OitM ftatorlni ro<iy Ortindo 69 3 THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL-ch»<.. ibci.
[Thwr Bel). Ttwm Bd, L. Creed, Cotunbu 445901 R-B
(Hank Medim, Dim Appefl mmI thi Tokim) Irwm levinc i (B«) Shtrntl), (totro Wilwn, Billy Sher(4l, Rery Boorkt.
L RuueD Bmn. Bell 4S.3T4 HM Epic 511040 (C«lumb>i) 93 ^ UHLE GIRL GONE-Donna Fir»
22 IS 17 BROTHER LOUIE-siorm • S4 58 5 NEVER LET YOU GO-BtoDdd»« [Stin Siher). Doniu Fjifo. Dot I747( (Fmious) SGC
(Ramy Ittncf, Bith« Ww), [rroJ Brown. Isey IHioo. (Ulia Htrnon). Niam. londaa 1051
Stitii 577 (Bt)ddati) CM Bro-iee
Si 62 3 FRIENDS-Betle Midler (Uckum Brovw). iickwn Brwni, EMtn/Aiylwn 11023 WBM
23 21 a WHY ME-Nrii Kristoflerw (BMfy MjMtoa. Geoffrey Hariam, llMntt Erleiua). M. Klinfnin.
Buny bnlun. AHiMk <5-7W 92 8
(Frod Feitor). Krii KiistofltrM, MoMmMl YOU'RE THE BEST THING THAT EVER
78171 (ColvMbij) cm 80 2 TOP OF THE WORLD-c.rpe.ien HAPPENED TO ME-RiyPr^
30 10 ROCKY MOUNTAIN WAY-b. iw« (Ibchtid Cerpenter. Kir.n Ca<venter, Jeck Dau|b.rt|). (Don Law ProductNm]. Jim Vtoitherly, Ctumbii 4 45SI9 WCf
Ooe IViUi, STymuytl. toe N«bh. lot Vitilt,
third Catiienltr, fghn bttit. AiM 146S
96 3
KaniTi PKurelli. Rocke CriM, Ounhdl 41fil MP 57 57 7 I CANT STAND THE RAIN-Ann Potbto.
LOVE IS ALL-ei«A«1 HMnpndinck
(Gordon Mills), let toed. Bliry Miton, Pirrot 45-40076 (Lonton)
(HKIud MjtMr. Tom bifd). UKtiiil
IN THE MORNING-d.» tm (mVtt Mltthel), Ann PMbl.t.
H 4&-2241 (London)
D. BryMt, B. Hitor,

81 5
Humt. SLIPPIN' AWAY-iun 9^nl
Hon M«or. Hotown 17n NCP 58 50 8 RHAPSODY IN BLUE-D«>d.t. (Larry Brfler), Bdl AnderiM, UMted Artittl 241 SGC
A (Crnd Tayto<>. Gnrie GmDvin. CTI 1£
(Bilr Ptostofl), BillT PiKtoii, UU laj 59 67 4 CHECK IT OUT-T,..,,.
(Bobtrt BowMsl. Butlor. Oitam. CopHol tt74 WOMAN YOU'RE WITH-HI»n Pickett
27 22 10 YOU'VE NEVER BEEN THIS FAR (Bnd $K«(>i'o. Nil»i> Picketl). Wilion Pickett. Brad SltapiiD. KA 0D»
74 2 PHOTOGRAPH-i>o„ «.„
BEFORE-coo«n T>«i (Gcorit Kirrnon, ibchiid Pttry), lUJt.rd Perry. Apoie IMS 95 2
(Own Brodler). CoitMT Tailtr HU WOM CHA/SGC HEY LfHLE GIRL-Fott.. vrea
SISTER JAMES-Xino (Kei tohnsoa. l«f ry PeUrs), Donin Bwtw.
7 61 71 4 T.nipo i Ihc 5tli Afenu. Sii
2t 21 GET IT TOGHHER-ua,. ri« (tofl Biiry, NiKi lempo), letf Barry. Nino Tempo. AU
lUl Eiiicne Ibndolpk, MGH 14(»
(8. GordT, H.
tW Hn^
Motown 1777
D. Fltlthtr. 1. Ibrt»llin«. M. Umn).
(Glyn MUKl. Dewd
Slue. Asyton 11075
29 34 6 HURTS SO GOOD-mi. (Carl Midurl). Pigl Wlliaim, Rofei Nichols. 20(h Century 2051 HAN
(Bnd Skjviro). P. HitcIiHI. S«iini 179 (PolHo'I WBM 63 51 11 TO KNOW YOU IS TO LOVE YOU-B.B. k-i
(Dim Cr>Bf«>d}, Slav* Wwider. S Nr>(M, ABC 1137}
94 5 FAREWELL ANDROMEDA- tohn d«.,«
30 31 9 IN THE MIDNIGHT HOUR-b« u^n HEY GIRL Like Your Style)- (Mitton Okw), tohn Dennr, RCA 00G7 WBH
(Motto. Sictol i Hof|o 1 M(4ion. Appon Prod i,
64 49 9 (I
(Norman Miillwld), Norman miilti.W. Gordy 7131
Mfaifl Ptckctt. StOTt Cioppo*. Atto SU4 WBM (

82 7 TONIGHT-fai,
41 4 WE MAY NEVER PASS THIS WAV 65 72 3 WOMAN FROM TOKYO-oetp Purpto (jMnney kener), Erii Carman, Capriol 3«10
(Dnp Puipl*). HiUhw BtieknMi*, lin Gifliin. B«|.r Gto*et,
AGAIN-Sooli t Crorb Jon Urd. Ian Pim, Wimer Brothirt 7737 STEALIN'-Uriab Hocp
<lo«c StwIlDfll, limn Seob. Diih Cielli. Wirnei BioUieri 77U WBM {Cony Bron). Kcesley. Wirncf Bnthen 7731
it 40 6 FUNKY STUFF-iw i o., m (Bonet Howe). Otnna Limbcrt. Briin Potter.
OM 1 ttw Gonil. Kod 1 Hm Cmi. Do Litt »7 (P.LP.) sec Bed 17»
(Dan Grocr), Sim Coek. MGM 14t23
33 39 8 SUMMER (The 1st Tlme)-aoib, cothtoi. 67 61 11 LOVING ARMS-ttob« Gr.y

(Bob MoMtomoir Bo^tr. GoMitofol, Mik? fiol«tB«l,

(Hwler KMienis tor Third Sen PrMudioni), KID'S STUFF-Serbr. FairchiU

Uaitod Brblts 791B 3

IM lint, MCA 40I00I (terry CrvtchfiMd]. IJ CrulchfieM. D. Eart.

ShHl mHN sopplm Katid art confined to piano/vocal iliMt Mnic capici and 4s Ml purport to represent niiied publkations distribution. BB = Big Belts; B^3 = Bii T?irec Pub.; GHA = Chappell Music; CPI = Cimino Pub.; HAN <

Pub.: MCA = MCA Music; NAK = North AmcFican/Kane; PLY m Plymouth Husk; P$P - Peer Southern Pub.; SGC = Screen Gems/ Columbia: WBM = Warner Bros. Music; WCP = West Coast Pub.; FMC = Frank Music Corp.

19 [»tBCr(erK)«epon BMI) 34
He«o II iMtCSceefl Genii, CdufnlM
HexlAmlCome&Tal^MeXJK 'M
I •«Go1S(>Mu(hTi>0ive[>«nuerv'Sa

Won ADay Wiltkoul Voo(Almo

LdwB Lml (Pari I)(MikWy Three

. . 50
|Good FriBrxM Barv.rinufk.

Paper Rotna»"V ASCAP)


6 61
tont(M(C A M U SA BMI)

I I lo«elsAIMF«lt1ed BMI) 9t 13 Sl.pp<r^' A)»y<SliHion SMI) ASCAP)

A/lCW(Pramc«ut).AXAP} 5 EwfTboiJy » H«J TPw6luM(St\»il«It.«,_ Gf««n BMI> ASCAP) 9! towns AfrnflAlmo ASCAP) 67 Pt<olQ(faph(RKr>anMnr BMI) 60 SpacePacefW E P BMI) ^ouc^M•ln thaMorrungCSIaln&Vart
AlhMToA*nM(ABC/DunMI'SoHI«. ^ ' HnGwIdLilieVou'Slylel IStorm JesMlFrnnk ASCM>) 31
li>i«t M. I •tw A RocA (Oi>»ni>B OoH RamMin' Man (No liA. BMI) 2 (Warner Brolherv ASCAP)
Slealin' Slot*. ASCAP)
8W) EnKHunmrt.BMI] 7C Jimmy lo*** Mary a/ina(S(>rucaftun Wa May Navw Pau T iw» Way A<ain
FerwaeH A/iiVomM)a (Chirry l^n* HoylittlaGirKFFOti 8MI) Evw'Cnappell. BMI) 3<
R*Wd On Roc* (Screen GemiCoiombia. Stoned Oul Of Mmd (Julio Brian
BasMRMl JemFMi^inelyrort. MdnigM Train ToGMrgiaCKKa, ASCAP) (Daanbreaker. BMI)
ASCAP) 9* Ground (! JutI you & Me<S« Elk, ASCAP) 4! We're An American Band (CranRenatf.
StW.leC0i0ndt>in*. ASCAP) RMlrtackfrMnd(Bancrvnarh. ASCAP) 99 SucPiA N«i>l(Wak)*« Orifer Cau>dron
FoaOl' T«rtMSai>t1S«r»mpFi» '
ASCAP) KaeoOn Trucl>>n (Storw Divnorx). BMI) The Mott B«mM(J GbtI (Calico/ Algw BMI) BMi)
Bknt. Rod A Gan' DtMTi (B« Tr fltiap*odvlnBkie(NewWorld.ASCAP) 49
WhitetuMn ASCAP) 41 Hurti So Good (Mutcle ShoaH ' CoNInn, BMI) WaM Coait Wom*n(p»,nler. BMI)
74 Sa Si^rwrtwdhaFoti Tim«|(Unai|, PerMn .

FrwR>da(&>wStM() BMI) 1' BMI) 2 <l »51uf<(C>ucr>MtllAuM.eMI) 100 MyMin*lAeC^Obntyi/S(W.tfy' Hand, BMI) 33 Why Ma (»•«<* BMI)
firoWw Voam (BuMiK ASCAP^ R<iin MyThumbDowiToMeBiiCO
fnvnOi (Klingmno Piggy ''Cape Sutra. I Got A NametFoi Fanfare BWI)
' 4 nodxn OnHMi«n t Door|Rem'i wn. F^tvhocy. ASCAP) (Hallnote.BMI) 73 SMalUndarilerxIingLavatABC,' Wonunf r«m Toli|«CMec OMI)
Chaapw To Har (Eai) ''Mamphn. Can-| Stand The Ram (Joe, BMI) 5 ASCAP) 20 MynaUnilfl|DaviAnOMt Dunhill Rail, BMI)
RockyMounleinWsy(ABC''Dunhill' 82 w.CanCan iWerrw Tamartana,
Don I Want To Loie Vou Bui) Vou Got '(SnnewSo Speedy. BMI) 24 Take A Clour looli Al Tha Woman Vou ra BMi)
Choc* It CM (M.,™*M1, ASCAP) » {W«HTo»BlherUobrte, ASCAP)

MeAr%>Vi>ay (AchM. ASCAP) 4 SherrilCMn^WI) 3 MMortMVouOo(Clwyi1alJuMlMW.BMI| Rollin(liiMr5wceiaat<ylArTni(Lnter WUhCEn^a BMI) 93 f ou'd Battai BalMw* It (Stami, BMI)
ChniGnMtWamv Tanie(t»n« BMI) datlaf md AWa^ tCambi BMI) rou Want Me To Stay (Slone Flover. Me Be You' Low«melB«'{Shenyn. BMI) S4 .86
II t In! l.BMl) That Lady (Bcv>i*« ASCAP) 6 ...
Bmt Tfwig Thai Ew
vou're The
GrpsyManlFarOut ASCAP) tfwij 7? PtuKMAltOtyLimrMtUnart BHD 44 Rubber Bu<M«{St Anne v BMI) 76 ThemeFrom Clec«atra JormfWamaf Happ«nadToMe(Kwa ASCAP)
CMIa Oa>wi(Un*.d Anisti/ai| Ax.
Ira., tijH Broed (HuTrmit
HawiigAF>v1y(Kagt BMI)
HeanbMt li t * owaMat (Schm* I
pii«l) 'mC«m<ngFto'ne(MUhty Three BMI)

inTK«M>dn«hlH[)u'(Coliil>i>n Eatt'
LelMeln (Kolob, BMI)
L>l«Ain'tEMv(Biacli«>ood Reaoop Emi
36 OnNaFtotHy(Uby(Sc(wnGamv
CdumlM) B!
78 Oofi Baby (MananiTMnl Agency &Uliwc
Saturday H«h(iAh<ghl For Fightir^
(Jamei ml)
42 Th>»
Temerlarie BMi)
Time 11 1 R»i (KupHillo ASCAP) 68
loKnowVoult To Lo«« Vou rSlain 1 Van
37 Vau'««P4Mr Bean TNeFar
{TiHRy Bird. SMI] 77

ASCAP) 18 ASCAP) Mamplwt BMI) 30 un)eGirlGooe(F>timaDonna.BMi) 68 F^AIarmg, BM) ,

Row(L«wi«& Br^wn BM() 21 Stock Siacli Bui. ASCAP) 63 S4ocl>. ASCAP) 3

A reflection of National Sales and programming by selected dealers, one-stops and radio stations as compiled by the Chart's Department of Billboard.
^ Copyright 1973 BilitXMrd Publications. lr>c Nop«rtottM« pubticalion may bvraproduced. stored m a retrteval system, or transmitted, in ariy form or by any means, electronic, mectianical, photocopying, recordirtg. or olhervnee.
without the prior wnttfln pe«mitsion ol the publisher.

... now the edited version of the most-requested

album cut... ... an exciting new single!
Arranged and Conducted by
Jacaranda, Ranwood
JACARANDA — Ranwood R B112: R 8112. Not too much has been heard
AND THE CRITICS AGREE! Apache Talk; Jacaranda; Gentle Rain; from
latelyfrom the Brazilian Latin
Master guitarist Bonfa' can
You or Not to Be; Strange Message;
Don Quixote; Song Thoughts; Danse change all that. This LP captures all
V; Empty Room; Sun Flower. the gentle beauty of South America, the
JACARANDA-Bonia- Ranwood R 8112 Personnel: Stanley Clarke, electric changing tides and ebbing breezes, the
What we're talking here is the con- lolling effects of chords and progres-
bass; Mark Drury, bass (tracks T, 2, 61
tinuation of the new birth of progressive sions emerging from his 6 and 12 string
Airto, percussion; Ray Barretto, conga;
pop-jazz. Deodato did much to further acoustic guitar. Eumir Deodato ar-
that cause with his smash hit. "Also
Idris Muhammad, drums; Richard O'-
Connell, drums (track 1); John Tropea. ranged and conducted the orchestra
Sprach Zarathustra" and others have which gives Bonfa the finest of support.
electric guitar; John Wood, electric
followed suit, but Bonfa'lends to some- There is much pop easy listening ap-
piano (tracks 2, 3); Sonny Boyer, tenor;
thing a bit different here. With Deodato peal to this album, for Bonfa' Is a gentle
Phil Bodner, flute; Bonfa, 12 and 6 siring
arranging and conducting, Bonfa' runs force in music. Ray Barretto and Airto
acoustic guitars; Sonia Burnier and
through ten solid tracks of that progres- are a dynamic duo on Latin percussion,
Maria Toledo, vocals.
sive pop jazz the highlights of which with Phil Bordner's flute and Sonny
appear on "Apache Talk," "Don Quix- Rating:""
Beyer's tenor sax infusing spice.
ote" and "Danse V," in attendance to This album contains some heavy Bra- Best cuts: "Apache Talk," "Strange
assist are the likes of some very fine zilian soul and a touch of Latin funk.
Message," "Danse V" (an unusually
musicians, including Airto, Ray Barret- gutsy guitar performance).
to, Mark Drury and Stanley Clark. All DOWNBEAT MAGAZINE Dealers: stock in jazz and Latin.
add to the overall effectiveness, but this Bonfa'is recognized for this bossa nova
is Bonfa^s baby and a beautiful one it is.

ComoiMd from
Chart DepaMTient ind the
Record Market Research Oe-
National R«(aii
Muuc PoMilarity SUGGESTED
/^^V Awarded
^•^tof sales
turers levet RIAA seal audit
or l

pertment of Billboard STAR PERFORMER-LP b Ctiirt

^va'latiif and optional to all
Bl regvlenng greatest prooortion- REEL 'rnaniitarM.-'''-. (Seal Indicated i
a c

a on WEEK
Ui e
ats upward progress this wt«k
wea on
by colored dot) •
o a! TO
u TO
3 e



a UBTWta
riUt, Label, Number ID
1 Title, Labd, Number m E
Weeks Titte, Ljbd, Number E II

(ObL Labd) i ^ 6

^ 1 (Dist. LibeO 5 3 (Disl. Libei) 3 c


M Goats Head Soup
^ 'III'',' Stwn COC ^'^1 III 'I^Minltf UI
36 27 26
Made In Japan
A-rni?r Brullitn 7WS 2701 UI t«
S.M LM Ml r.«i Ui
] 1 8 UUMN BROTHERS MND • 37 36 11 12. TOP 72 6. 18 GEORGE HARRISON •
Brothers & Seleis Ires Hombres Living In The Material World
.-.ii;' 1- CPOMl B««iw) S.98 1.97 U7 London XPS 63! IH CM U. Uiipir Smu -
J410 LM LM
Let's Get It On IM U7 73
iMiU T3?9V1 (Moto-n) m iM UI
a 44 1


: '" CP 0012 Wi'nei
S,:'1li»i, L17
Oiiirmtin HC 32*86 LM LM LM
Los Cxhinos UHVfflDII i£i£j iM C.9I fi.M Wirnr-- frcilh«nSS7eSI LM UI IM
Ode SP 77019 |UU> _IJI rvAtiir\ CDVc
- ^ m 33 20 CARPENTERS • 75 67 10 UAViU rKTt
Rtcbard Hiion; A Fantasy
Innervisions UH SP 3b!9 UI LH BDS
^„;.'.iri 1600 LM LH LH
m Mt UI 41 32 12 STORIES 76 62 15 ROD STEWART
Sing It Again Rod
i 4 9 GRAND FUNK About Us
We're An American Band Kims Sutn NSBS 2061 <luMlh) iM (» LM tnkrcrry SM UO 1 <PlwM4rMi) Ml LM LM
:,>iii<i'>SMS iin; !.» UI 42 37 17 CAROLE KING 77 70 31 11 irc rflAKD •
7 6 7 NU • Fantasy
Billion Dollar
ViKnff hiUMn BS 268S U7 L97
Delrvet ttie Word 0* SP J7018 Sitf Ml LU LM

Unled '^Qh (JA lltl?8 f IM CM 97 29 JIM CROCE

n 80 15 m
mahavishnu john
> 7 7 ROBERT* FLACK Don't Mess With Jim
ABC ABO Jbh US LM Mclaughlin
Killing Me Soltiv Love Devotion, Surrender
HImIic so 7? /I (.«
44 31 22 AL GREEN • Columbia KC 32034 LM LM LM IM
Long Hard Climb
• Call
5.M 1.91 (M n 71 « B.B. KING
To Know You ts To Love You
UDiti- SMASII2IJ S.SI CJI Ml 45 46 19 EARTH. WIND t HRE m tea IV LM LH LH —
10 II 17 nF Wil
JVC nnunCM Head to the Sky
Columbia KC 32194 SM iM LM n ti IS OSMONDS
The Snwkef You Dnnk The Ptjn
The Ptayer You Get
DunN-'i DSX WHO s.n 1«S (,»

81 72 8
MCM Knl;.b


SC 4902 LM LH LH —
HCA 2 1IDD0 ILM UM No Sweat
Angel Clare 17 i B.W. STEVENSON OiluiT-6.;, Be 32IB0 LM LM LM
Columbtt KC3U7I S.N UI Mv Maria (2 13 24 EAGLES
fi'APLiooaa Ml IlM Desperado
12 10 31 riNK aoYD •
The Ovh S»de of the Moon 48 41 POCO *(vu-nS0 5068:Atlf«kl LM LM LM
W»wslS«B 11163 L«.iot)
_ « UI
Craiy Eyes
KE 323U (Colunbii} LM LM
13 79 12 UVE & LH ME
Houses of the Ho(y 49 47 29 BREAD •
Uiil^t htisn UA lAIOO-G 7M 7M UI
AttjntK so 77Sb LM M7 C.)T The Best Of 84 85 14 SMOKEY ROBINSON
fitUtt IKS nuA UI U7 LI7 7.S5 Smokey
22 s ISLEY BROTHERS Um.i 1 -
I 'W ^ii.-i LM LM LM
3 + 3 SO 50 13 STEELY DAN
I MKlLWJ74M .i;>i..'-t .1 Itt
Countdown To Ecstasy ts 84 23 PAUL McCartney & wings •
_UI US Red Rose Speedway
/.p.-.- SMAl 3409 LM LM LM
Giu€ Th^^T^b 9TS 48 ' - ^'
US - I'inathan Livingston Seagull 86 87 19 CURTIS MAYFtELD •
16 IS 29 D006IE BROTHERS • Ounhill DSD UlU iM 7-« 7.M Back to the Woild
n>e Captain & Me 52 52 36 ELTON JOHN
CuFiw- CRS«li(Bi.dd»h> LM L9S LH US
S.97 u; 7J7 U7 IJ".
Don't Shoot Me I'm Only the 87 92 14 GUIDYS KNIGHT & THE PIPS
Piano Player All Need Is Time
17 12 14 CHICAGO • 1

COlMibu RC 32400 ua LM
MCA 71D0 S.M LM LM 7» SoulS 739LiV:-:.-) LM LM LM -
Leon Live Beginnings
11 13 12 CAT STEVENS •
Sh«lteiSTC0ni7 C.ipifofi IIM UM I3.M Mu: SO 2 LM
_J___ _ Ml «.« LH 54 S3 45 HELEN REDDY • 10 100 9 SUTHERUND BROTHERS
1 Am Woman
Touch Me In the Morning —- CT't.- SI IIDU Lifeboat

kktwn M m t i.n 1,91 S4 JJ SEALS 1 CROFTS •

ki>-v;si"r9a26 itc-m
Summer Bree2e 90 76 30 RICK WAKEMAN
St u ^ KEP PURPU • IM LI7 L17 TJt The Six Wives ol Henry VIM
Machine Head MM SP 4361 LM
U7 (.n i,99 S6 59 4 CHER
Hall Breed 91 86 45 NEIL DIAMOND •
21 1) 13 JCTHRO TUa • MCA 2104 Ml LM LM Hot August Nifiht
A Passion Play
MCA 2 i^yxf LM 0.91 •M 11.
t ir. ... CHH 1040 '^.v ' -1
in U7 iV 7.S5 •
Toulouse Street 92 82 25 J. GEILS BUD
22 24 II BOe DYIAN/SOUNDTMCK W»iitrr fc05 BS ?m Ml U7 L97 Bloodshot
Pat Garrett t Billy the Kid
Ap»ili[ so 7760 LM i.97 LM 7,97 LM
Uumtii KC 374M!l S.9I &« %M - Hard Nose The KKhway MARIA MULDAUR
144 4
23 21 10 DklHMIU
Huner Bioincri BS 7717 Ml L«7 LI7
¥L Htt'iv US 7148 LM L97 L9I -
CTI 6079 SlM t» 7.H LM
Hey Now Hev (the Other
Facts of Lile


Side of the Sky) XtMt) Af1«n LM IM43 F LM LM LM Mi
24 23 2( • Muntic so 776b IM L97 L97
Diamcnij Girl 95 95 27 BLOODSTONE
IhratT Brnnxn BS ^99 C.97 l.«7 in us 60 56 11 JOHN DENVER Nalurdi High
Farewell Andromeda kndnn HPS 670 LM LH LM
vn CM 96 96 5 CHI-LIUS
Tenli 1 327 L V.-r.^ni
ML ll 51 45 EDGAR WINTER GROUP e «1ri..pT»..t 7S4197 LM LM LM
26 26 4 ERK CLAPTON They Only Come Out at Night
Eric Clapton's RaintMnw Concert f; .
U 31M4 .::...TT,tii«i LM Ui LM 7M LM 97 90 26 BARRY WHITE
I've Got So Much To Give
RSO SO %ll i-'ii
ML ~H 61 27 BEATLES • ?:«h r<-nl r. 1407 SM LM UI
27 25 21 mil uynH • 1967-1970
There Goes Rtiwnin' Simon
s;: - SRBO J404 Ml IIM UM 112 3 OHIO PLAYERS
CdtuniM KC ilTtd SN S.9I ejt 63 68 CHEECH t CHONG • WrJfrxr J iffi 2071 1
C-'ifis Iwus) 9-14 LH 6.9S
Big Bambu
41 35 AM IrlnKt
Ode SP 7?014 99 99 41 WAR •
14- Life & Times M!
ucuo m «.H Ui 71 48 STEVIE WONDER
ine worio
IWrt«9 AMI UIS &6S2
IS i uneno
LM LM 691
t!r Talking Book
rt 2, 4 HANK WILSON T*mli T 319 I MvU.mi &M LM LM 100 102 25 DONALD BYRD
Hank Wilson's Back Volume
Blach Bvrd
m.r ttott BH \Mti t (UndM Mm) Ml LH
V- 1^ Sweet Freedom
^ui L» U7 101 93 22 ISAAC HAYES
WarriH Brattim BS 2724 •
Fresh Live at the Sahara Tihoe
fp.-K[ 32134 i^...^h.a in IM Ui 66 74 S TEMPTAHONS
[rfriitii.- stj.niS2S0OSir,ii„it:-..i 7.M 9M 9M -
11 34 32 UHS KRtSTOFFERSON V:.rai.n U «2A3 ________ Ml n.N n.M 102 19 18 RARE EARTH
Jesus Was A Capricorn
ManvHnl 31909 1. .r-..* S.U (.M Ui 67 66 45 BETTE MIDLER • Ui^t [Mik B M6 L (Mown) LM (M fiM
The Onine Miss M
40 7 AMERICAN GRAFITT) Atlant-c SO 7238 Ml U7 U7 7.J7 L«7 129 4 FOUR TOPS
it Soundtrack Tfir
Mam Street People

Ml WN 6< 64 27 BEATUS • ABC ISn »I44 SM L95 I9i

1962 1966 I—
33 30 M LED ZEPPEUN A, ;
i> SKBO 3403 Ml 11.M ll.M 104 a« 21 YES •
AttinlK SD im UI S.M Yessongs
69 60 14 DICK CLARK • »tan'i:SD3-100 IIM 1797 1297
Rock N' Roll lOS 90 7 CAPTAIN BEYOND
Buddth BD$bI33 2 7JI Suliiciently Breathless
101 22
Ci«i>:c<Ti CKii:'> iWi(n«t Brr»h«>^'

LM (91 6N


Closer To It Behind Qosid Doors
mtm Ui Ml UI autfi III40 Ml IpcK 32247 (CMumM) Ml LM
1 I"

Snuff GarrcH
"UJhenHou Con
Counl On ft Logo

Our n€UJ€sl Singles Produced bq Snuff Garrett...

on Bell #45,394


BELL RECORDS A Division of Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc.

C^i jterial
jgS^ AwinM niAA MaJ
(»oltar» at mtnuT»c- PRICE
rursrs l0v«l. RIAA m«i audll

rwglelanng graalaat proporlon*

r avalUbia and optional to all
manulacturara (S«al indicatad
s a B sg i
ata upwa/d prograaatttla waalt
ComtMM from National Ratall SUQOESTED LIST 1 by colorad dot),*
Storaa by ttM Muttc Populvlty pncc s
C m Z o
Chart Dapartmaitl and tti*


s e m AJtnST

Racord Market Reaearcti (>•- -J

a rith, Libd, Numbflf z S-TRACK

IMrlmattt ot BiatMard 1 Title. Label, Nunilier ALBUM


(DisL LjbaO o
< _e 1 1 (DisL L«bcO i__ s. iL
s 1

a '
Q s
HI ^

t .3. Ut II KE CEES 170 175 3 DOORS

i Se MTIST 3 < u i UJ
The Best 01
Best of Ihe Bee Gees. VoKime II

Tina, Labil, Kanibtr
(Dist. Label)
RSO so t7S 1
At jnli: 1

_ M Ul
139 131 30 DR. lOHN
lo; IM 14 miMiiiE
Taylored In Silk
;. iumh.i (M
In the Right
Atco SO mt
M (.97 U7
A Dramatic Enpenence
Volt 601) fOaiumtdi in — Ul
IW 172 154 11 PAPER MOON
w la
PaiMf Roses
MGMS[49ia i«
Lrve At Carnegie Hall
UnilH Midt U*1A 111 n; 7M Ml --
PmmMiilPASI01?'>i:Tt iM


Under the Influence 01

GtutesI Hits
CMiimbu KC 32IU in LSI
29ttt Tr-r.n I 411 S.M m Monster Masti
Innihn ffAS 'IMJ SH in in
III T74 153
1 Don'l Know How To Lov« Him Allanic SO 72M SM UT i.V 7.« ur LOKTTA LYNN
v« (tt Ml 170 2 ANDREWS SISTERS Louisiana Woman.
III 105 12 JO'S
To Outh 7.U
m in (.14

iu lis 12


sn itt Ul — 144 134 5 CONWAY TWITTY
175 169 11 ELCHICANO
IKA31? LM in Ui
You've Never Been
The Mofning After This Fsf Before DE FRANCO FAMILY
?Otll r , , K19 SM LM LM MCA Jb? iM «.« TONY DE FRANCO
Heartbeat It's A Lovebeat
Twice Removed From Yestenjay OTh -iiL:. \ t27 SH iM in
:rr,.> . on I03S iVMMf Bitfhffii i«7 ur Cobmbi* KC 31748 Itt i.M !« 7.11 Ul
177 lU 5 WATTSTAXtl
IM 17 TEN TEMS DETER I4« 152 4 HERBIE MANN The Ltvine Word
Recorded Live Turtle Bay sill StS7HIS rtiiumtRi) Ml
;« ttt ).« AriiatK SD IM? (.31 ui
in 27 GOOSPEU 147 145 44 ^FtV Dil
4l£LL1 Vftn • Aslws Are Bummfi
Soundtrack Can't Buy a Thrill i.j.'.'fir SI 11218 Cjpi:ti S.M in in
in (M L9B ABC Ma ;58 t« Ul
Til lU 7 •EM roM oous Hurts So Good
s« (U IN f: Get Toeether :.-f -i SPR W06 'Ml.rl:"l Ml in in
17) 2 inc iRuintlld Mi7<D«n M 7U VI s.» iM Ul IN 176 4 LOU DONALDSON
Over-Nite Sensation
Sassy Sojl Strut
0>5t »«i US «r--r ttaatnl ?m %H il7 ii; 149 13t 3< MANAVISHNU ORCHESTRA
BloctMt SN ^ 'i4 : F (UmHd 'Msld

Birds of Fire
119 93 ROlUKe STOKES iW IM
Hot Rocks. 1964 1971
KC 31996
Colli wtti S.M ~ 1 KOOl i THE GANG
bnfl*n m 606. • Wild S Peaceful
ll.M iiJi ISO 131 45 CARLY SIMON
Of Lite tlf 701] IH iH in
Lady Sini'S Ihe Blues Eltklii EKS 7iOIS If 182 184 3 CANNONBAa AODERUY QUINTET
Motnwii M \B IH 7M
m no i snruantaa
Be Wlut You 47e
151 137 34 ELVIS PRESLEY
AlotiaFrom Hawaii Vti SitvlMi
• Inside Straight
f-v, ^i:v,

Ul _iM in^
Slu SIS 3015. foiumhi*? in JH Ut

I'mA Writer Not A Fifhter
117 39 OEEP niRPU 192 IN « PETER BANKS man; ii^Jtyir.; SkH in in
Who Do We Think We 4/e! Two Sides of
HtanwBm BS n)» IM UT in -w r.;- SIUS 11217 (Cw4ll) Ml Ul 1 MAHDRIU
Just Outside Of Town
Song For Julie
153 ISO 13
Eilension of a Man
L. Ptit,.i<.> in

Mm« Bionieti BS 7734 yn 6*7 IJ7 Alu SD 70» S.H it7 itt Ul IK IK 4 lANMAHHEWS
VaRey Hi
154 151 5 ETTA JAMES Btkbi EHS ?SOil i« in in
V- SftM S'3 E»
. ,
1 .


155 Ul 13 ELVIS PRESLEY Boogie WoogK Buflf Girts
0 Lucky Man
Pnmowit PAS6a7b :F>i-:(iLi S.U iSS
Itimi 8rDli«ri BS 7714 MI Elvis

pi -A h I5( 147 13

1KS3 IM in in 117 195 3 BOBBY GOLDS80RO
Summer (ttie firsi Time)
UMM IMonUALA 174 r Ml SM in
D-j^ill OS! S0130 5.M (.H CosmK Slop
12« 30 DRWII feataraii Tony Orlaiido
194 U4 III 190 4 FREDDY HART
Iiip To Heawen
Tunetveaving 157 155 14 JIMI HENDRH
1117 &.M IM i.M 11197 Ml in in
In 121 52 DLfaKEH •
Soundtrack Recordincs
I'm Still in Love Willi You MUSICALS
laXSHL 37074 ..mSr- 151 1(1 14 CaOVER WASHINGTON, JR.
S.H ua Soul Boi
Singins In TtK Rain/Easter
la 127 a RtHHT LOGfilflS W/JIM IM«<L 171}. Clh IM Ml Parade
UGH 7 S^S « ST 7W us
Coamka C 31044 King of Hearts iM in
CWumhi* He in
More Creedence Gold Home To Myself
&M i« &» M 1173 S.H iM i«
Show BoiiyAnnie Get Your Gjn
KM 7 SI S 47 SI 7M I9i
1Love Dixie Blues ... So 1
Hollywood Dream Basic Miles
Recorded "Live" MCA lU S.H iM in Ci... iD.i KC 37075 ^91 iM in
CjDrtolST 11700 VM IM
a 137 24 UaUHHEEr lt2 157 ) NAZARETH 1)3 - '
Live Razamanai FullyExposed
Ifc-.j., Sa«l7 7»3 iP»oi»|rj«l 7M «» AW 1396 SM Mai(M>M 7U VI S.H in in
Iti 133 4 LYiiYiD smnm 1(3 15) 7 PINK aOVD/SOUNDTIttCK 194 - 1 RAY COMIFF
Kl &WIN11 c4 tlw Soitli 3(3 More Harmony
Hir.f&lS«Pin!lB(Cip<lBl> IM Ul 1
u. Cdhxnbu KC 37%S3 VM iM in
13. 1 123 «5 UBMn IM IN RKKGRECH
Soundtiack IM 2 JOHN MAYAU 3
IMOCt 7S7 7» r» t: 10 Years Are Gone The Last Five Years
n 7-3005 _2-M Ml lt»S0 87t'«ti<-'i Ml in in

1 109 9 SOUNDTIUCIIeatliriniJOE
IC5 174
Cleopaira Jones Still
S« flCA LSOD ZOOS 7.H kbnlcar* HC tUfi7 47UMK1 IM in in
n 13e FLASH fejtiirini Entland's - 1)7 _ JAN AKKERMAN
PEnRBtWlS Greatest HrTs
s«s*s;*07 ifat-.ti^i S9I
Out of Out Hands Columbi* KC313ba bM LM t« I

r , StUS 117ia.t4[>ital) IM Ul _

Alc«SO?l>74 191 in

is 130 20 QUINCT JONES Side 3
You ve Ikil It Bad Girl -
apii.- SHAS 11?70 LM itt IK 1 MMSEYLEVnS
4444 Se 1031 Ul Ul lU
13? 12t 17 NILSSON 1
Golden Hits
QjliNHlM KC 37490 1 VM in LM
A little Touch o< Schmilsson 20 1 CHUCK BERRY
Ka An 10097 i% &i Ml i.V ChMiCHU«3 Ml ifS l»
1 j

i 1

lOPlftftlAPE Jim Croc*.... LynyrdMhyRyrt 112

AZ(lSTB>irAnSI5) nCaunb PauHMcCartnariWInct 18
nidiardHanli Mauraan mXiifmn - 112
RAahBMchnu Ctrchaatra 1« Chwia Atch 106
ICO SmokayRoWmsfi 84
HandrtU 1B4 ...1.118 SloriM . 41
jMt AMiannan
146 1*,119 SuthcrtMdBradMnliQuivar BB
AMman Brathare land
Andrew 73 Jotmnb Taylor.. .............107

Sts tart

— IBS CartM Santana/MiflMdMlMn...

Ead Scni((i
T»««pUlion». „ M
John tUft» .Z1Z'.'.Z'.ZZ'.Z'. l«4 ..„_..„___.... T»nYa»»Allar 114
Bachtfnan- T umaf Oviiriflva ...
PMarBwikt CurlHMaylWd 86 Thundardap Nawwwn Ml

— 67
Tewar ot P iwwr .


DooWa Brelhan ThalSottMn'- 117 MarthalTudwrBand...

BaaGaaa.. ...

Eaclai 39 Conway Twitty 144

MartoMuUMV. «3 StyftThaFamHrmona... Conway TwrnyiLaraaaLynn^ 174
aloodSaMliTam.- Urth Wind* Fin...
Elian iohn... NawaMi ~ — tS2 UrtaAHaap
QutncyJonai NawVoriiOani
OMaPlayan — ...
ArrwricanGfafitti .- - 32
Joa Wirith
™ ™-IO. IM
Captain Bayond .n

Cypawlata .
B.8.KlnK MwteOumd lOB PMCarrattiBMyThaKW 22 GrevtfWaaMnflMJr... ..19B
CwoltKint..-.- Cabarat 133 WaHitBR II ...177
Ctadyi KnicMiThaPlfa- GIMO'SiMran - . 1S3 Barry Wtrita ... B7
ChUJtet... KooliThaGanc 173 HanhWiwn _. 2B
Km KrittoffariMi... PMRoyd ..-.12. lU 61
Oictiaafk ~. Krtt MitoHwaon 4 nti CMRd«l.- Poca...- 48
LadZappHn PahWat SMafa--. ........ 15
ClMach i Ctwnt 4 . :

Ray ComM _ Ramaay La<m CWt PrariajF.... —»..»-.--.- ...151. 1»

Alan Mca_ —— - 124 Sound ofMiHk.. JaaaaCoBnYounc..
Rv«E«th 102 Spinnart ZXTap
Evary car* lof ffia accuracy 04 augvaal ad kst prtcaa hai
a rwrtavaltintafn. ot Iranaminad. tn« priMocapying. racDidng. or oi
DCopvTl0Ml*T3 BtliboardPubacatwnt. me Hopart of ihit publKabonmay ba rapfoducad. t*Dr«0 in 1,
Only American has table for 4 dining on Play bridge.
both our DC-10* and 747 LuxuryLiners. And if you don't play, enjoy after-
It's not every day that you fly. dinner liqueurs and champagne.
So why not make the most of it. Next time you're going somewhere,
On an American Airlines LuxuryLiner, let your Travel Agent introduce you to
you can reserve a table for 4 in First the good life. On an American Airlines
Class. LuxuryLiner.
Wine and dine with friends. Hold a For First Class passengers, there
business meeting. isn't a more comfortable way to fly.

American Airlines LuxuryLiners.

'Most have it, soon all will have it.
"Tlie Good LilB" IB 1963. Paris Music Co., Inc. U«ed by pstmlsslon.
Late News-
Country 8-track Sales
Approaching Disk Pace Is there a settlement near in the CBS. Inc. lawsuu
against former CBS Records president Clive Davis?
ducior of the Utah Symphony Orchestra. Taylor will
perform it as guest soloist with Ihe orchestra on Jan. 25.
• Continued from page 3 Keccnl artist releases and the per- Spokesmen for both parties have told Billboard lhat the , Stan Gelz performed a special tribute to the lale tenor
. .

cent of tape sales to albums sales charges against Davis have not been dropped and that a saxophonist Ben Webster who died recently. Former as-
many tape cartridge sales as the al-
settlement between the two parties has not been
were: Jerry Clower 43. Osborne sociates of Webster, including Cab Calloway, Ray Nance,
bum. "Satin Sheets" by Jeanne reached-ycl the talk of such a settlement persists.
Prueit had 67 percent as many tape
Bros. 52. Loretla Lynn & Conway Milt Hinton. Jonah Jones, were on hand.
Twitty 55. Wishbone Ash 19 on one Following his 45-day European lour Ray Charles re- Loudon Wainwright III and Paul Siebel among the
cartridge sales as album sales. (See
turns to the U.S. Oct. 25and leaves for a Japanese tour
album and 23 on another. Jerrv first well-wishers to v^it Ramblin' Jack Elliott, in town
page one story in which Columbia Nov. "Don KlrNhner's Rtxk Concert" added seven
Wallace 59. Ronnie Dove 37. The 2. . . .
for one of his rare appearances lo play the Metro. West
confirms country tape surge.) new markets last week bringing the total to Capi-
Persuasions 21. Brenda Lee 60. Ro- 1 1 1
Village club now vying with Max's Kansas City and the
However, the general pop music ger Williams 46. Cal Smith 67. Bill tol Records and San Francisco retail chain. Record Fac- Bitter End. Ramblin* Jack, sans label or promotion, still
album-though sales on an artist like Anderson 64, Dobic Gray 39, Marty share spot announcements and Capitol Records has
packed the room, with Siebel commenting, "Some folks
Elton John or Neil Diamond go Robbins 58. Elton John 17. Cher 38. bought sponstirship of a weekly series on Viacom's cable get overexposed, and others don't gel enough. This isn't
.system in San Francisco, the three and a half hour. "Mu-
much higher overall— has only 20-30 Rick Nelson 39. El Chicano 23. Who even being exposed at all." RoHing Stones are putting . . .

sic Connection" on Saturday afternoons. Stan Gc(z

percent of tape cartridge sales com- 29. "Jesus Christ Superstar" 14, Bert together live set from their European lour, as their mo-
. . .

pared to the jilbum "Moods" hv Kaempfen 43. Bill Cosby 21. Jerry and Ahmad Jamal opened New York's newest ja/z spot. bile recording unit follows their progress. Tracks re-

Diamond, tor mstance. had 33 Jeff Walker 15.

Jimmy's on 52nd Street -formerly Toots Schor's. corded al Dynamic Studios in Kingston, Jamaica, lo be
percent as many tape cartridge sales Atlanta, incidentally, often out* Jem Records, New Jersey, has acquired the Trojan used in the event there's insufTicieni live material. . .

dollar volume tape cartridges Records catalog for distribution in the U.S. Deal was Paul Kantner and Grace Slick were on hand, along with
as albums. Wishbone Ash's "Argus" sells in
compared to albums when it concluded in London by Jem boss Marty Scotl. and Lee Grunt pre/ Bill Thompson, to fete Jack Traylor & Steel-
had 23 percent as many tape car- as
comes to counlry music, Eric said. Gopthal. who heads up Trojan, a label specializing in wind, here for their first concert al the Academy of Mu-
tridge sales and album sales.
Jamaican reggae whose artists include the Wailers. sic, al Le Jardin. fey art dcco nitery at the Hotel Diplo-
.ludKe Dread and the MavlaK Jem will be shipping im- mat. Ms. Slick is letting her frosting grow out and her
UJA IVIusIc Fete Rolling mediately, said Scott. Eric Mercur> has Ibrmed his
own publishing wing. Daddy Black Music (ASCAP).
. . .

. .
hair cuH once more, as revealed when she took the stage
to announce the band.
• Continued from pa^e 3 Set to attend so far are: Sam The Joint 9 Committee on Continuing Legal Education Dollhouse, Inc. co-managers Marty Thau, Steve Leber
Clark. Jerry Wexler, Milt Rackmil, of the American Law Institute and the American Bar As- and David Krebs are steadily expanding tour dates for
who will serve as master of ceremo- Al Massler. Harold Lipsius, Dave sociation is holding a course of study. Law and the Pub-
the New York Dolls, Mercury record act with headline
nies. Kapp. Art Talmadgc. Archie BIcycr, lishing and Entertainment Media, at L'Enfant Plaza Ho-
engagements set this month in Philadelphia. St. Louis
Al Bell. Cy Leslie, Clarence Avant, tel, Washington. Oct. 18-20. Registration is S225. Paul
The committee has provided for and Minneapolis. A thumb injury just prior to participa-
Florence Greenberg and Larry Ut- Wdkin. (215) 387-3000. has dcuils. Aretha Franklin ting in the biggest opening in five years at Whiskey A Go
. . .

continuous music for dancing and

Also. Allen Klein, Art Kass'. Neil
tal. sang the Black National anthem before the Grambling
socializing throughout the evening
Go put bass player Arthur Kane out for an extended pe-
Bogart. Jay Lasker. Jerry Schoen- and Morgan Slate football game last week. Proceeds of riod but roadie Peter Jordan filled in. Kane is expected
with the bands of Harry James and baum, Marv Schlaclcr and Joe Kol- the traditional game between the two black colleges went
back soon. Jerry Lee Lewis has recorded "Southern
. . .

Tito Puente. The "Man of the Year" sky. Elliot Blaine will represent his to the Urban League. Miss Franklin also appeared at a
Rtx>Ls." follow-up lo "The Session." featuring such
function has surpassed its original late brother. Jerry, founder of Ju- benefit concert last week for victims of West African
southern-country artists as Charlie Rich. Carl Perkins,
fund-raising dollar goal and prom- bilee Records. Linda Goidner, famine held al the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Doug Sahm. Steve Cropper. Tommy Cogbill and Chips
ises to be the biggest, best attended daughter of End/Gone pioneer New York. "Don't Let It Bring You Down" has been
Moman. . . .

and most successful dinner in the George Goidner and Ilene Bisco, Bob Reno has signed a long-term publishing affilia- rcleasetl from the Mercury Spencer Davis LP. De- . . .

eight year history of the UJA's Mu- widow of Ben Bcms. Bang/Shout tion agreement with SESAC Inc. His new SESAC firm is
laney Bramlett's LP features Mercury ariisi John Ussery
sic Industry Division, added Gold- founder, also have accepted the dais Basilone Music Inc. in New York. Johnny Winter is . . .
on guitar in several cuts Phonogram-distributed Dial
farb. back in the studios again with Rkk Derringer producing has released "Early Allman." featuring 1966 John D.
and recording material written by David Bowie, Alan Loudennilk and John Harley-produced songs when the
Toussaint and Shel Silverstein. DerTinf;er is now with act was called Allman Joys.

Use Tax to Be Argued Edgar Winter as permanent guitarist and his own solo al-
bum will be released this month. .Janis Joplin's up- . .
Connie Stevens lost an estimated $20,000 worth of
jewels when she left them in the coffee shop at the Fla-
• Continued from page 3 He noted that proposed clarification coming album has a title change to "Farewell Song."
mingo Hotel, Las Vegas. Doug Sahm featured on an
Jules Podell. who started New York's Copacabana
. . ,

nod. An additional assessment of of the regulation is being considered upcoming album from the Grateful Dead, recorded in
$200,000 for subsequent periods currently. Club 33 years ago. died in New York. Sept. 27. He was "

San Francisco, is also appearing on four dales with the

through June. 1973, was noted. He explained that dependent 74, For ihe last couple of years the Copa has remained
group. Sam Culler, of Out of Town Tours, is now Doug
Based on Regulations upon the terms of purchase or lease closed during the summer months and so far this year
Sahm's (Sir Douglas*) personal manager. Lavada . . .

The board representative would of the master to or by a company, the has not opened its door^ for the fall season.
Frick, 62. pianist and songwriter died in Lexington. Ky.
not pinpoint when the attempt to responsibility for payment of the ac- A musical, "Stanley,'* based on Stan Laurel's life,
She wrote many st>ngs on her own and collaborated with
levy the slate sale and use tax on tual taxes changes, The state also opens Oct. 1, in Bloomington, Minn., written by Dean

Harry Carlson and Haven Gillespie on "This ts Our

record royalties began. He pointed holds that the lax would apply when Kaner. a friend of the late comedian. U.K. group. . . .

Night" and others. "Wild In The Streets." Garland . . ,

out a regulation (#1527). which separate deals are made with sepa- Soft Machine, starts iu first U.S. lour in two years in No-
Jeflrej-s' new Atlantic single was "inspired by a recent "

covers Electrical Transcriptions (see rate parlies for exclusive tape and vember Mark 56 Records. Anaheim, Calif releasing
child-rape and slaying in New York's East Bronx, ac-
adjacent box) and (#1660). which record manufacturing rights, he an album of two radio broadcasts done in 1934 by
cording to his publicity material. Bell is releasing a . . .

covers leases, as basis for the levy. said. George Gershwin— it includes his brother, lyricist Ira
Donovan album. Ella Fitzgerald featured with the . . .

singing "Hi Ho" with composer Harold Arlen at the pi-

Cincinnati Symphony Oahcstra's first Eight O'CIock
ano. The original tapes have been donated to the Rod-
Series concert on Sunday (23) with Erich Kunzel con-
Senate Ratifies Treaty gers and Hammerstein Archives of Recorded Sound in
New York Public Library. The tapes were discovered by
ducting. Phillip Ruder, conccrlmaster of the Dallas
. . .

Symphony, has assumed a similar post with the Cincin-

• Continued from page I petitive practice or by penal sanc- author Ed Jablonski C'The Gershwin Years") when he
nati Symphony, replacing Sigmund Efffron, who retired.
tion. In the United Stales, the ena- was checking through IraGenhwin's library Taj Ma-
ment of ratification (Billboard 10/ Clive Davis in the audience at New York's Reno
bling law is the 1972 anlipiracy hal's next album will be an accoustic one with help com-
6/73). Sweeney club when Australian singer, Peter Allen
amendment to the copyright statute, ing from the Pointer Sisters. Mahal's sessions with Alan
Enforcement is carried out under opened last week. Richard E. Reed, vice president . . .

which provides protection against Tous-saint have been postponed until after the new year.
the domestic law of each member and general manager of AVCO Broadcasting WLW-T.
unauthorized duplication for copy- Release Records are presenting "Ireland's Best In
country, through grant of copyright Cincinnati, elected president of the Ohio Association of
righted recordings made on or after Concert" at Avery Fisher Hall (formerly Philharmonic)
or under laws against unfair com- Broadcasters. Producer Jack Tafoya will film New
Feb. 15, 1972. New York on Friday (5). featuring Brendan Grace. Ray . . .

York's Jazz Adventures noontime concert on Friday (28)

Lynam. Larry Cunningham and Dermot O'Brien.
Rosenberg Bows
. .


The Treaty does not require for a pilot for a series of musical variety shows. Head-
Mahavishnu's next album is still going to be a live LP
ber countries to provide protection lining at the St. Regis venue is Earl Hines and Ihe Chuck
Lana Cantrell is \o marry Australian talk show host
to any recording made before the Wayne, Joe Puma, guitar duo.
3 New Ventures contracting nation became a formal
Graham Kennedy. . .

the Beatles. Elvis Presley. Batman, etc.

. Lookalikes for Queen Elizabeth,
-who appeared at Richie Furay has lelt as lead singer-songwriter of
adherent to the Phonogram Conven-
LOS ANGELES~Ted Rosen- Ellon John's Los Angeles opening concert-did not make Poco to go solo, managed by Elliot Roberts. Poco an-
tion. In outlining treaty terms to the
berg, formerly branch sales manager the trip to New York for the performer's two sell-out con- nouncement says group will go on as foursome, but we
Senate. Majority Leader Sen. Mike
for W/E/A distributing, Los An- certs at Nassau Coliseum and Madison Square Garden. hear some rumors of disbanding entirely. Bell ship- . . .

Mansfield (D.. Mont.) pointed out ping new David Cassidy album this past week with his
geles, and a 29-year record industry . When We Win. a New York night club just opened

ihat this would not preclude mem-


marketing veteran, has started a new (with 1^ Homln starring) is on the site of the old Cafe very own autograph imprinted on each press kit. LP con-
ber countries from granting retroac-
company. Gift Wrap Ltd., a unique Society club. Cafe Society's owner Barney Josephson tains %omc material written by Cassidy himself. Mo- . . .

tive protection if they wished. How-

LP or tape giftwrap package which now runs the nearby Cwker>' restauranl-with-music. . .
town, a singles company selhng more albums than ever,
ever. Copyright Office spokesmen
he is marketing through the 1 west- 1 BMl is runningscreeningsof "The Score" which is not an is touring Diana Ross in Europe to coincide with over-
point out that this is quite rare in in-
em slates. He plans to go nationally exploitation film but a documentary film about the crea- seas openings of her "Lady Sings the Blues" film. . .

ternational copyright agreements,

through independent distributors. tion and recording of music for television and motion l.<oriUeherman taped a TV pilot for a projected musical
most countries prefering to use the
John Lott. Mighty f ine Disi., San pictures. BMI is making the film available on a limited series Barbara Christensen Public Relations retained
clear-cut date of formal ratification
Francisco, is handling northern Cal- basis for noncommmercial screening by qualified groups by Grateful Dead Records, the new label formed by the
as the effective dale for agreements
ifornia, Oregon and Washington and there is an abridged version (30 minutes) of the 59- Grateful Dead Rufus Thomas guest-acted on "Police
involving copyright to go into force. Story" TVer.
and Tony Jacobs. Los Angeles, is minuie film available. Documentary features Hugo The Addrissi Brothers will be produced
. . .

handling southern California and Exceptions may occur in instances Friedhofer. Quinc> Jones. Earle Hagen. Lalo Sehifrin by Bones Howe for Bell Records as part of the label's
Arizona. of individual agreements between and Jerry Goldsmith. Rod Stewart's solo single "Oh
. . .
agreement with his Mr. Bones Productions. Howe is cur-
is also becoming an art
Rosenberg two countries, where each extends No Not My Baby" (his first for over a year) was first a hit rently producing the 5th Dimension, Sergio Mendes and
broker. Investment Art is a local all statutory benefits to the copy- for Maxine Brown nine years ago. Program directors, . . .
Cheryl Ernst for Bell. The musical instrument house . . .

venture, in which he is buying and righted works by nationals of the disk jockeys, press and dealers on both East and West of M. Hohner, Inc., has added Hamilton music stands to
selling contemporary masters. other country. Such one-to-one coasts were hooked up by closed-circuit television to pre- its catalog. Issued two versions of the debut
. . . A&M
He is partners with Alan Patter- agreements would not be nullified in view Elton John's new double album. "Goodbye Yellow Franklin Ajays comedy LP, one "bleeped" for radio use.
son, who started in 1968 Sunshine any way by membership in the Ge- Brack Road." Five tracks were played and Elton John . Upstairs al the Parsons Table, new Philly nightclub,
. .

Records, local chain of five retail neva antipiracy treaty, according to was interviewed. opens this month. The main room has been designed to
stores.Rosenberg has purchased a the terms of the Phonogram Con- Billy Taylor has been commissioned to compose a pi- recapture the mood of the 1920's and 30's. Jackie Vernon
half interest. vention. ano concerto by Maurice Abravaiiel, director and con- and Lec Horwfai preview in the room.
is''soiiner"t]ianp think
That's right, Billboard is moving into the Okla-
homa territory and we're loaded for bear. What's
more, you'll be able to read about the phenom-
enal growth of the Oklahoma music industry in
Billboard's November 3 issue. So you don't have
much time to get yourself into Billboard's spe-
cial Oklahoma spotlight. Not with the ad dead-
line just around the corner. October 19 to be
And Billboard's "Spotlight on Oklahoma" is
going to be one special you won't want to miss.
Included in the Oklahoma spotlight are in-depth
stories on-
the country and pop music scene
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radio and television stations
radio and television syndication
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music publishers
artist management companies
Like we
said. Billboard's "Spotlight on Okla-
homa 'sooner' than you think and already the
excitement is peaking from Tulsa to the Okla-
homa panhandle. The "Spotlight on Oklahoma"
is your chance to show the entire music industry
what Oklahoma has to be proud of.
Don't miss Billboard's "Spotlight on Okla-
homa. It's coming in the November 3 issue. And
the ad deadline is sooner than you think:
October 19.
Ad Deadline: October 19
Issue Date: November 3
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