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Am stiut ca ea mai fusese in Madrid, asa ca am rugat-o sa-mi recomande

un hotel bun.
2. Mi-a promis sa ma ajute cand nu voi sti raspunsul.
3. He said that they            each other for many years.
 know  have known  knew  had known
4. I saw that she            to hold back her tears.
 tries  is trying  has been trying  was trying
5. He knew that she            as her eyes were red.
 is crying  has been crying  was crying  had been crying
6. I asked her whether she            there with me, but she said no.
 goes  is going  will go  would go
7. She said that the robber            her when she was opening the door to her
 attacked  has attacked  was attacking  had attacked
8. I wanted to see her but I didn't know if she            in town.
 is  was  were  had been
9. He told me that he would visit them when he            from Spain.
 has returned  returned  will return  would return
10. My younger daughter learned in class yesterday that the
Earth            around the Sun.
 revolves  is revolving  revolved  was revolving

1. They noticed they [No answer]   had been flying -or- had flown(fly) for

three hours already.
2. Tom said that it [No answer]   took(take) him an hour to get to the
3. She asked them if they [No answer]   played(play) tennis in the
4. Mary asked her brother if he [No answer]   could(can) tell her the way to
the shop.
5. Peter and John told me they [No answer]   went(go) to the Kremlin the
day before yesterday.
6. Mother said she [No answer]   had(have) a bad headache. Don't bother
7. Dorothy asked Margaret if she [No answer]   was(be) going to buy a new
dress in the nearest future.
8. They told us they [No answer]   would visit(visit) the Tretyakovskaya
gallery next Sunday.
9. Jack said that he already [No answer]   had written(write) the letter.
10. They asked if the work [No answer]   would be finished(finish) by


Fill in the blanks with an appropriate auxiliary (Remember to observe the sequence offenses.)
1. He died so that he --- save the flag.
2. They erected signposts in order that the road --- be known.
3. We eat so that we --- live.
4. Even if he paid me to do so, I --- not live in his house.
5. You --- go only if you have permission.
6. On the understanding that you return soon, you --- go out.
7. A bridge was built in order that the dangerous ferry --- be avoided.
8. He begs from door to door that he --- keep body and soul together.
9. He was so tired that he --- scarcely stand.
10. he went to England in order he --- become a barrister.
11. You make such a noise that I --- not work.
12. He asked again whether supper --- be ready soon.
13. In order that he --- learn the language quickly, he engaged a teacher.
14. He said that he --- do it.
15. The thieves stole whatever they --- find in the house.
16. He begged that we --- pardon him.
17. I wished that I --- come earlier.
18. He said that he --- try again.
19. He worked hard so that he --- win the prize.
20. We ran so that we --- arrive in time.
21. He said that he --- give an early reply.
Supply Verbs in correct concord in the following complex sentences:-
1. They sold the house because it --- old.
2. He solemnly assured them that they --- quite mistaken.
3. I come home when it --- to rain.
4. The soldiers advanced when the bugle --- .
5. I asked him what his name --- .
6. He had a cow that --- enormous quantities of milk.
7. When the sun set he --- home.
8. He told them that they --- wrong.
9. I heard that there --- a disturbance in the city.

10. Could you doubt that there --- a God ?

Complete the following sentences using an appropriate form of the verb.

1. Suddenly she gave a loud scream and ………………………… to the ground. (fell / had fallen / has fallen)
2. After questioning he …………………………… to go home. (allowed / was allowed / had allowed)
3. They would have won if they ……………………………. a bit harder. (played / had played / play)
4. She …………………….. to say that she disagreed. (heard / was heard / had heard)
5. Although they …………………………. defeated, they did not lose heart. (were / are / have been)
6. Our teacher taught us that virtue …………………………. its own reward. (is / are / will be)
7. The teacher asked the boys whether they …………………………. the problems. (had solved / have solved / will solve)
8. He declared that he would not believe it even if he ………………………… it with his own eyes. (see / saw / would see)
9. The room ………………………… but the police failed to find anything suspicious. (searched / was searched / had searched)
10. The government has announced that taxes …………………………….. (would be raised / will be raised / will raise)
1. 1. Suddenly she gave a loud scream and fell to the ground.
2. After questioning he was allowed to go home.
3. They would have won if they had played a bit harder.
4. She was heard to say that she disagreed.
5. Although they were defeated, they did not lose heart.
6. Our teacher taught us that virtue is its own reward.
7. The teacher asked the boys whether they had solved the problems.
8. He declared that he would not believe it even if he saw it with his own eyes.
9. The room was searched but the police failed to find anything suspicious.
10. The government has announced that taxes will be raised.


1.  Although the police ______ every precaution, the robber managed to escape.
   (A) take  
(B) takes
   (C) has taken  
   (D) had taken  
2.  The boys ______ television every night unless they have homework.
   (A) watch  
(B) watches
   (C) watched  
   (D) watching  
3.  Maria ______ an appointment to see the doctor. It is at 10.00 am. tomorrow.
   (A) make  
(B) makes
   (C) made  
   (D) has made  
4.  They ______ when they are ready.
   (A) come  
(B) came
   (C) will come  
   (D) have come  
5.  Judy ______ watching horror films although she has nightmares afterwards.
   (A) like  
(B) likes
   (C) liked  
   (D) will like  
6. It ______ every afternoon for the past week. The weather forecast predicts rain for
next week too.
   (A) is raining  
(B) was raining
   (C) has been raining  
   (D) had been raining  
7.  I ______ the door before I realized that the keys were inside the house.
   (A) lock  
(B) locked
   (C) has locked  
   (D) had locked  
8.  When Sally ______ her first pay, she bought presents for her parents.
   (A) receive  
   (B) received  
   (C) has received  
   (D) had received  
9.  It's lovely to wake up in the morning and ______ birds singing.
   (A) hear  
   (B) hears  
   (C) heard  
   (D) hearing  
10.  Aaron ______ $80.00 for that bag.
   (A) pay  
   (B) paid  
   (C) pays  
   (D) paying  
   1D    2A    3D    4C    5B    6C    7D    8B    9A    10B  
Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.

1. The British explorer James Cook was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, on 27 October, 1728. But
his family soon moved to another village, called Great Ayton, where Cook spent most of his childhood.
2. As a teenager James Cook developed a fascination for the sea and travelled to Whitby where he found  
employment on a coal ship.
3. While he was serving in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Cook had  the
command of a ship.
4. After the war had ended, Cook took command of the vessel Grenville and went  to Newfoundland to
survey the coasts there.
5. While he was mapping the coasts of Newfoundland, he observed  a solar eclipse off the North
American coast.
6. Cook sent the details to the Royal Society, England's leading scientific organisation, and won  their
7. After Cook had published his observations of the solar eclipse, the Royal Society asked him to lead a
scientific expedition to Tahiti and put  him in command of of the HMS Endeavour.
8. From Tahiti Cook then went on  to explore the South Pacific.
9. He also reached New Zealand, which only the Dutchman Abel Tasman had visited  before Cook.
10. After Cook had mapped New Zealand's complete coastline, he sailed  to Australia's east coast.
11. Cook named the area New South Wales as it reminded  him of the south coast of Wales in Great
12. In 1772, one year after Cook had returned from his first voyage to the Pacific, the Royal Society hired  
him for another expedition to find the mythical Terra Australis.
13. On his journey, Cook discovered several islands and almost went  as far as the continent of Antarctica.
14. He made maps of the South Pacific and proved that Terra Australis did not exist  .
15. His third and last voyage for the Royal Society took him to the west coast of North America where
he tried  to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific.
16. He could not pass the Bering Strait, however; the ice forced him to return to Hawaii, which he had
discovered earlier.
17. While he and his crew were resting in Hawaii, some Hawaiians stole  one of his boats.
18. When cook and his men tried to get the boat back from the natives, a violent fight broke out in which the
nativesstabbed  James Cook to death.

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