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HRM202_1st Group Assignment

A Case Study on Boring Indian Manger

Pema Wangpo (03200241)

Samten Wangchuk (03200278)

Phuntsho Wangdi (03200

Tshering Tobgay (03200421)

Pema Zangmo (032002

Sonam Yangden (03200

Tashi Wangmo (03200


Module Code: HRM202 Module Name: Organizational Behavior

Module Tutor: Dr. Alka Rathore Type of Course Work: Group Assignment

Date of Submission: 20th August, 2021

We hereby declare that this academic work is my own and those derived from other sources have been
appropriately acknowledged. We understand that if found otherwise, our academic work will be cancelled
and no mark will be awarded besides the legal consequences.

Name of student and Enrollment Number :

Pema Wangpo (03200241) Signature:

Samten Wangchuk (03200278)

Phuntsho Wangdi (03200256)

Tshering Tobgay (03200421)

Pema Zangmo (03200

Sonam Yangden (03200

Tashi Wangmo (03200

For Module Tutor

Marking Criteria/ Q. No. Marks Secured

1. ………………………………………………….. ( )
2. …………………………………………………. (
3. ………………………………………………….( )
4. …………………………………………………..( )

Total Marks

Comments: ……………………………………………………….


Signature of Module Tutor

Case study: Boring Indian Manager.


Our case study focuses on the Indian manager's managerial approaches or strategies, as well
ashow they view dull managers. Their habit of working early in the morning and late in the
evening for the company stems from a stumbling block they encountered as children. As a
result of their upbringing in a poor and developing country, they seek for basic necessities for
themselves instead of leisure and fun time as they are more concerned with saving and
earning money through work than with having fun. Junior managers, on the other hand,
believed that such practices had an impact on the company's employees and that such bosses
make work life monotonous. Junior managers believed that managers should concentrate on
fostering a healthy work-life balance.


i. Workplace Environment Variation

In India, the working atmosphere is considerably different from that of other countries. Other
places of employment provide appropriate working hours, a long lunch break, and a healthy
work-life balance. Managers in India, on the other hand, work till late at night, arrive early in
the morning, and sometimes don't have time for lunch, and even expect their employees to
keep uniform. As a result, managers were always focused on their work and had little time for
sports or recreation.

ii. Personal Interest Deficit

Managers aren't interested in honing their personal skills. Their goal is to save as much as
possible in order to purchase a house, support their aging parents, educate their children
overseas, and pay for their sisters' weddings, among other things. There is no free education
for children, no life insurance, no social security, and no unemployment compensation.
Furthermore, their work precedes their personal interest.

iii. Cultural Attitudes

Another difficulty is that Indians have a strong desire to follow anything outside of the
responsibilities bestowed upon their attitude that has been passed down through the

iv. Inherited attitude

One issue is the disparity in age and attitude among the older generations. The senior
management is typically over 38 years old, and the younger managers are compliant.
Younger people are not allowed to pursue other interests due to the attitudes of elder people.
there by tradition and society. Younger people are not allowed to pursue other interests due to
the attitudes of elder people. This issue occurs as a result of elder generations growing up
under a socialist rule and in poverty. In terms of careers, the only acceptable corporate
careers in India throughout the 1970s were in the public sector, and the only acceptable
degrees were medical or engineering.


i. Work hours that are reasonable.

It appears that striking a balance between work and leisure time is critical. When managers
allow subordinates to undertake more work, the end effect is tired and bored complaints. As a
result, it is the managers' responsibility to allow juniors to work in a reasonable manner, i.e.,
a balance of work and leisure. Incorporating leisure time into your schedule is not a waste of
time; rather, it helps to relax and rejuvenate the mind.

ii. Concentrate on self-improvement.

When the situation, the environment, and the workers' mind-set change.As a result of their
rich upbringing, the majority of youths are less burdened in terms of their education and basic
needs. They choose not to devote all of their time to work and instead seek out some leisure
reading material. Managers should place a greater emphasis on the development of individual
abilities rather than allowing subordinates to work the entire day. This includes creative
workshops, outbound trips, and far-flung conferences (Certo,T,S.2017).

iii. Get rid of the term "past-prisoners"

The term "prisoners of the past" refers to a manager's restriction of enjoyment in the
workplace. Which is why, when the company's income is low, subordinates should have fun.
Aside from that, top-level executives or managers should not impose restrictions, but rather
allow them to enjoy themselves in order to generate a positive attitude and a desire to work in
the firm.

iv. Creating a positive work environment.

Rather than having a structured working environment, consider creating a pleasant working
atmosphere. If this is not the case, workers are generally hesitant to carry out their
responsibilities. As a result, initiating team-building activities, giving praise, interacting with
positive employees, interacting with coworkers, and leveraging autonomy in the workplace to
preserve a cheerful work environment are all recommended.


i. Managing work force diversity:

As a corporation with a diverse workforce, this has become a worldwide challenge. Managers
are in charge of exercising control over and channeling behavior in the appropriate direction
with individuals and groups from various ethnic cultures.

ii. Humanize yourself:

In today's employees want leaders who are honest, sincere, informed, and available. Instead
of being ensconced in their corner offices, managers should promote a more human approach
to their team relationships.
iii. Possession of a wide range of talents:

in order to complete a mission, managers must possess a wide range of skills, including
technical, conceptual, and human skills.

Question and answer

Why are Indian managers so poor in people management?

Indian managers are poor in people management because of the following reasons:

 To keep aside the top management for their persona; skill there is tremendous
competition on supply side and hence no manager is indispensable. The managers
have to take of their job first and then the function. This hampers their performance.
 Dotted line reporting is very common in India and it is difficult for a middle
management person to understand professionally managed companies.
 The majority of the Indian use informal communication channel which can be more
effective than formal channels at time. A manager, especially in bureaucratic
organizations, as it can find reasons to not completing their task on time.

Why Indian managers are boring?

 Work driven by nature.

Managers in India are completely motivated by their work. They used to operate like robots,
following a set of instructions, early in the morning and late at night. They value hard work
and saving every penny for house construction, marriage, and education costs. New
managers, on the other hand, dislike such a culture.They frequently feel the need to take a
break in the middle of their task. Benita Raj, Puneet Raj's management consultant and a
manager, was displeased with Puneet's marriage. Puneet irritates her since he does not have
time to spend with his wife. Puneet was diligently adhering to his daily work manual,.

 Work-life balance is out of whack.

Managers in India spend less on leisure and recreation. They are indeed concentrating and
occupied with their tasks. People nowadays believe that organizations should have suitable
working hours. That is, leisure hours in the middle of a busy workday, such as coffee and
relaxation time. People become hesitant to work when they are required to work for long
periods of time. They despise being exhausted on a regular basis. Working longer hours in a
company will make coworkers feel burdened.

 Sociopath

Concentrating on one side of the road and without considering the expectations of coworkers.
Indian managers were not paying attention, whether juniors were showing less interest in
works or not. Because they were born with the brainwashed belief that they should work hard
in order to get paid by the organization. They pay less attention to leisure, which is why
bosses overlook junior managers' requests for fair working hours.

Spender,C,J.(2015).Modern management ;Origins and development,pp.675-681

Certo,T,S.(2017).Modern Management; concepts and skills. London: kendallville

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