Paa 4 Decoding Human Behavior and Personality

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Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022

MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality


Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

Table of Contents

PAA 4 - DECODING HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY .................................................. 1

A. Concrete Experience ....................................................................................................................... 3

B. Reflective Observation.................................................................................................................... 4

C. Abstract Conceptualization ............................................................................................................. 5

Personality Trait Models .................................................................................................................. 5

Big five Model.................................................................................................................................... 6

Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality ........................................................................ 7

D. Active Experimentation .................................................................................................................. 9

Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

A. Concrete Experience

I am a Data Scientist who reports directly to my manager regularly. I'm a hard worker who

always strives to give my best effort in the workplace. I followed my supervisor's instructions

and worked hard to meet the deadlines he set for me to complete. My supervisor's lack of

effort became apparent to me at some point, though. There are times when receiving a task

and working on it until it's finished is routine. Then reporting the results back to your

supervisor is a common practice. I said nothing about him individually, but experiencing to

question such a setup can be seen as my simple dilemma. I sometimes wonder for which his

attempt sets in the picture.

There is no doubt that there will always be disagreements or misunderstandings between

employees and supervisors in the workplace. Conflicts between supervisors and their

subordinates can be caused by a lack of clear expectations, a failure to communicate with

those who have problems, a lack of respect for due process, and a tendency to take matters

personally or move too quickly toward formal action. These are all examples of supervisory

failings that can lead to conflict. Before things go to their worst, one party can take charge

and start patching things up or discussing things with the other party for compromise to take

place. Any one of these critical causes, however general, can lead to serious problems in

working relationships.
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

B. Reflective Observation

That this person had a positive connection with the supervisor than I did wasn't something

that occurred to me. As for why he had such a good rapport with the group, I had no idea

what it was. The problem was that both sides had preconceived notions about one another and

were reluctant to let go of those biases. The fact that others have been able to maintain

positive relationships with one another makes it difficult to conclude that they were

completely correct. This superintendent was more concerned with tasks than people, and as a

result, they never considered the personal costs of the conflict and were therefore unlikely to

have any idea how to resolve it. Even though their supervisor was aware of the issue, they

chose not to respond with force, maybe because the work was always completed. We will

suffer greatly if we keep our mouths shut and miss out on the opportunity to make a

statement. This fear has another major effect, which is to miss out on professional and

personal development. To be effective, we must be ready for change and evolve along with it.

I know I need to get over my fear of failure so that I can take a chance on something

important, because I know I'll be glad I did in the long run.

Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

C. Abstract Conceptualization

Abstractly, conflict is neither right nor wrong, and it is neither good nor bad. As long as there

are humans who add value to conflict's meaning, its participants will understand what it

means. People's beliefs, values, and feelings play a major role in determining the outcome of

a conflict. The purpose of this chapter is to give you a few tools that can help you decode the

behavior of individuals by focusing on their personalities. We'll take a look at the rest of the

components in the future.. a belief that one's perceptions, psychological structures, and

beliefs serve as a foundation for how one interprets the world around them Individualistic and

personal perspectives, events, and objects can only be understood through the use of the

mind(Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). As a result of our unique experiences, we have a

different perspective on the world around us. People's perceptions of conflict are the most

important determinants of its outcome. However, as humans, we find it nearly impossible to

separate our thoughts, feelings, and values from our actions. Everyone has predispositions

about how conflict should be addressed or handled, whether they initiate it or become

involved in it. As a result of this, conflict tends to be structured in a certain way, and this is a

significant factor for determining the nature of the conflict (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner,

2006). That way they'd get the impression that my work style is quick and direct, which they'd

believe when I said I wasn't interested in the project until we could agree to collaborate on it.

A person's prior knowledge, learning objectives, and personality all influence their ability to

learn. Constructionism demonstrates how knowledge and its creation are derived,

collaborated, and interconnected, with a wide range of viewpoints.

Personality Trait Models

Traits are broad, predictable aspects of an individual's personality. When I describe someone

as aggressive, extroverted, self-assured, or detail-oriented, I'm referring to one of their

Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

personality traits (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the

Big Five Model of popular trait theories have both been discussed previously (MBTI).

Big five Model

Discovered that Personality is largely composed of "OCEAN" dimensions by studying the

Big Five Model, also known as a five-factor model (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). My

four personality types, extroversion, Conscientiousness, intuitive, Neuroticism, and

agreeability are all grouped in the classic five-factor model.

Openness to experience

To the extent that people actively seek out new and varied experiences, I am sensitive to their

feelings, and impulses, and am willing to be attentive to many of them at the same time

(Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). This dimension is called "openness."


To be dependable and trustworthy, as well as to adhere to social norms, I practice

conscientiousness (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).


When I use the term "extroversion," I mean how extroverted, sociable, and assertive a person

is in social situations. There are many hobbies and interests that extroverts enjoy (Osland,

Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).


The degree to which people are likable, cooperative, and considerate can be measured in

terms of their agreeableness (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).


In the Big 5 personality approach, I used the term "emotional stability" to describe

neuroticism, which is characterized by a proclivity to experience bad feelings such as self-

pity, insecurity, worry, and a negative self-image (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

I also discovered the importance of having high self-esteem, Machiavellianism, and the

ability to maintain focus.


I believe it is a person's sense of self-worth. Employees who have high self-esteem are more

likely to be content in their professions than those with low self-esteem. People with high

self-esteem are also more resistant to being influenced (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).


When it comes to influencing others, those steeped in Perfectionism believe that any means

necessary to achieve a goal justifies the means themselves.

Focus control

People tend to believe their destiny and fate are in their hands. People who believe in an

external focus of control, on the other hand, are more likely to believe that their

circumstances are dictated by chance, luck, or other external factors

Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality

A Cognitive-Affective System Theory of Personality by (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006)

People’s lives can be improved by rethinking their situations, behaviors, dynamics, and

invariance, according to my understanding of the concept.

I'm thinking about social and behavioral patterns (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). To put

it another way, managers need to know how their employees see the current situation and the

company as a whole, which can be a time and labor-intensive process.

An attempt to develop a model of personality that takes into account individual, situational,

and cultural influences is fairly comprehensive in this model. Even though research seems to

support this model, more testing is required before it can be considered fully validated

(Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). Further research into how it can be used in corporate

settings is required as well. With this kind of analysis, managers can learn to appreciate the
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

rich complexity of human behavior, which is especially important when dealing with

"difficult" people. "I should accept my manager's criticism and work to improve my

performance." If-then rules differ for different people in the same situation, then different

behaviors and judgments of that behavior will be displayed by observers. One of the reasons

people often say, "I would never have tried to act like these in his or her place," is because

this is the case.

My personality has taught me a lot about myself. I didn't need to build a long-term

relationship with the team, as they were located in a different location, so I made the most of

it. As a result, my goal was to win the battle at all costs, including the leadership (Osland,

Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).

Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

D. Active Experimentation

You have an even greater chance of achieving cooperation if you act appropriately, even if

you lack the power to influence others. Having negative experiences can be a good thing

because I can grow from them (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). Sincerely collaborating

with him and taking advantage of his strengths and my weaknesses, I am confident that we

could have come up with something better solutions and programs that would have been

more beneficial to our company.

Conflict is likely to result in a dysfunctional outcome no matter how we try to describe it.

Choosing to do nothing is possibly not the ideal option. However, it is up to the supervisor in

question to make the final call. This is a decision that should only be made by someone in the

situation who can assess the influences and strengths at play. Increasing the amount of

interaction between opposing groups by physically exchanging individuals is a novel way of

resolving conflict. As a result, better communication, better understanding, and less conflict

in the future should be the expected outcomes. The boss must realize that sometimes the best

course of action is to do nothing.

Using a combination of different personality types to overcome or create theories and

concepts that are superior to those created by a mono personality type is another concept I'll

have to learn in the future that I'll need to master (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). The

project manager and I, for instance, had very different personalities. My blunder was that I

was fixated on my virtues and mistook our differences for his flaws.

If the situation worsens, you can use your personality to help. The ability to better understand

and recognize the perspectives of others while also developing communication skills that

really can contribute to the ability to further tackle issues related to the workplace can be

provided by making the situation confidential and a private process of conflict resolution.
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality

People in the organization can gain clarity on issues that may be hazy to others through such

a process. To maintain a positive attitude, both parties must bring up their opposing

viewpoints and work together to resolve them. A willingness to listen and an open mind are

required by all parties (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006). The team's success will lead to the

formation of a new relationship that will benefit everyone involved.

I was able to break through and emerge victorious in this particular case. Ultimately. This

made me realize that I had gained a great deal of knowledge about myself and my personality

traits as a result of this experience. That said, looking back on the experience, it is abundantly

clear that these aspects are crucial when attempting to maintain a positive attitude, whether at

work or elsewhere in life; after all, there will always be a set of characteristics that have some

sort of Personalities.

My understanding was that the current emphasis on the interplay between genetics and

environment in the development of personality was an aberration. There is some evidence

that genetics play a role in shaping one's personality (Osland, Kolb, Rubin & Turner, 2006).

When it comes to determining behavior and downplaying the importance of the situation or

environment, I've found that even young children are active creators of their personalities.

Interactionist theories emphasize the importance of both the situation and the individual in

understanding and predicting behavior. In the future, I’ll keep an eye out for what criteria

affect my personality and try to focus on those that will help me, while ensuring that the other

party doesn't pay much attention to factors that could give them an advantage over me.
Aditya Bikram Dash, 13th of February 2022
MGMT 5100 PAA 4 – Decoding Human Behavior And Personality


Osland, J., Kolb, D., Rubin, I., and Turner, M. (2007). Organizational Behaviour: An

Experiential Approach, 8th Edition. Prentice Hall

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