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Chapter 2


LOCATION AND EXTENT: The Asian continent is a part of a major landmass named Eurasia. The second
smaller part is Europe, which is more like a peninsula compared to the extent of Asia. Ural mountains separate
these two continents, which are not much high. Asia is a compact Quadrangular shaped continent that is
largest amongst all other continents in terms of area. It extends from Equator to Arctic Ocean and from
Mediterranean Sea to Pacific Ocean. The northern most point is Chelyuskin that is located 12 degrees South of
the North Pole. The southern most point of Asia is only 1 degree away from the Equator. North south extent of
Asia is about 8 thousand Kilometers and East West extent is 16 thousand Kilometers. The total area of the
continent is 46.62 Million Square Kilometers. It comprises of the one-third area of the total land area of the
world. While the two thirds of the world population lives in Asia.

SALIENT FEATURES: Many features make Asia different from other continents. There is no other
continent which has more population than Asia neither there are Higher mountains and vast plains than Asia.
There are many Cultural and Religious variation in the continent. The oldest traces of human origin were found
in the central Asia, it is said that the Central Asia was the homeland of ancient man. The four major religions
originated from Asia. The Buddhism and Hinduism originated in Ganges valley. The Christianity started in the
western Asian country of Syria and in Arabia the Religion of Islam appeared. Judaism and many other religions
also have their traces in Asia. The fertile Valleys of Asia are considered as the Centre of ancient civilization.
Another important feature of Asia is that it has more variation in climate and vegetation than any other

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066

PHYSICAL FEATURES: according to the physical structure, Asia is entirely different from other continents.
An intricate system of mountain ranges originates from its center and goes from east to west in the whole
length of the continent. The mountains surround many elevated plains and plateaux within them, which are
very dry and cold. These are areas not suitable from human population therefore these areas are sparsely
populated. The central Asian mountains and plateaux are so much isolated that the access to these areas is still
very difficult. Therefore gathering information about these areas is still a question mark. Many areas have not
been visited yet due to difficulty in accessibility. If we consider the mountains of central Asia as a whole, there
extent is 8000 kilometers from west to east. No other continent has a mountain system longer than Asia.
The many interior parts of Asia are the areas of inland drainage where river water does not reach any sea.
These rivers either drain into inland seas or lakes or the waters evaporates due to the high rates of evaporation
leaving behind the dry river channels. The five major rivers of this category are: River Volga and River Ural,
which fall into Caspian Sea. River Amu and River Syr in Aral Sea and Ili River falls into Lake Balkash. The
interiors of Asia are at least 3000 kilometers away from the sea.

PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS: according to physical features Asia is divided into 6 major parts.

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066
(1) North Western Plain (2) Central fold mountains and plateaux (3) North Eastern mountains
(4) Valleys and plains of Southern and Eastern Rivers (5) Southern Plateaux (6) Eastern volcanic Islands
1- North Western Plain: this is a triangular vast plain which covers an area between the Arctic Ocean and
Caspian Sea to its southwest it includes all the areas of Siberia where Ob, Yennisi, Lena and many smaller
rivers flow from mountains of central Asia and fall into the Arctic Ocean. The eastern Siberia is the most
undeveloped area of Russia but Forests, Mineral and Power resources are abundant. It is a fact that the lack of
arable land, severely cold climate and lack of transportation facilities prove to be an obstacle in the
development of this area.
In the western Siberia the Plain of Ob River is included. The Ob River and its tributaries flow in this very flat
plain; due to the poor drainage, this area has become a marshland. To the North there is a belt of Tundra and in
south of it is belt of forest belt of Taiga which remains covered with snow most of the year. In western Siberia
near 56-degree latitude Steppe grasslands are located to the south of Taiga forest belt. Dry cultivation is
practiced in this region due to the lesser amount of rainfall.
The southwestern part of western Siberia is comprised of marginal areas of Altai Mountains. Altai mountains
extend from northwest to southeast. This area is important for its mineral wealth. Another important change in
this area is that there is emergence of various major cities. The major source of transportation is Trans Siberian
Railways that traverses this region in east west direction.

2- CENTRAL FOLD MOUNTAINS AND PLATEAUX: Central Asia is an area of complex mountain
ranges and intermontane plateaux, which covers more than one fifth of the area of Asia and is in foirm of a
triangle. Many mountain ranges have encompassed this mountainous triangle in such a way that there have
emerged many intermontane plateaux.
The mountain ranges of central Asia join at Pamir Plateau. Pamir is the highest mountain of the world and
therefore is called ROOF OF THE WORLD. Pamir plateau is located to the north west of the Indian sub
continent from where many mountain ranges run in different directions.
In the East of Pamir plateau the southern most mountain range is the HIMALAYAS, which is highest in the
world. It is like a continuous wall in the north of the Indian subcontinent in form of an arc and runs for 3200
kilometers, separating the Indian subcontinent from central Asia. In the north of Himalayas KaraKoram Range
is located which runs in the east direction from the Pamir Plateau. In the further North, two more mountain
ranges Kun Lun and Altyn Tagh are located. To the north east of Pamir the Thian Shan Mountains, run parallel
to the other mountain ranges towards the east direction. From the eastern edge of Himalayas a mountain range

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066
make a southerly bend and is called Arakan Yoma, the same mountain range emerges again in Andaman
islands, Nicobar and Indonesia. And after that it reemerges along the eastern coast of Asia in a arc like form
covering Mountain range of Kyurile islands, Philippines and Japan.
There are two mountain ranges to the west of Pamir plateau. Northern range is called Hindu Kush, which runs
to west along the northern border of Iran. It is called Elburz. Second range is towards south which is called
Sulaiman range. This mountain range after crossing the Bolan Pass is called Kirthar range which separates
Sind and Baluchistan. It turns towards west covering southern border of Iran. These are called Makran and
Zagros mountains. Between Elburz and Zagros is Iranian Plateau, the Eastern part of it is called Seistan Plain.
The Elburz and Zagros join each other at Armenian plateau which is located in Turkey. From Armenian
plateau towards West two mountain ranges originate which cover the Southern and Northern coasts of Turkey.
Northern Range is called Pontic while southern range is called Taurus Mountains. Between these ranges is the
Anatolia Plateau. Parallel to this mountain range to the North is Caucasus Mountains which start from the west
of Caspian Sea and goes up to Crimean Peninsula to the West.
TIBET PLATEAU: This plateau is located between Himalayas and Kyun Lun mountains. Its eastern part is
3660 meters above sea level and towards west the plateau is vast and barren and reaches up to 4880 meters
above sea level. It is engulfed by Ice capped mountains from all sides which are more than 6100 meters high.
Vegetation and population is limited in the lower portions of the plateau. The major population center is the
Brahma Putra’s valley where Lhasa is located. Besides Tibet plateau there are intermontane plateaux like
Tsaidam Basin, Tarim Basin, Dzungarian basin and Western Asian plateau are included.
3- NORTH EASTERN MOUNTAINS: The range of North Eastern Mountains is a separate mountain
system. These are composed of the most ancient rocks of the world and have lost their folded form. Altai
Mountain is a narrow range that stretches from Siberia to Mongolia where it joins with Yablonovy and then
merges into Stanovoy Mountains towards the east. In the north the mountains ranges of verkhoyansik and
Kamchatka are located.
4- VALLEYS OF SOUTHERN NAD EASTERN RIVERS: To the south of central Asian mountains are few
vast plains which are made of the deposits brought by the major rivers. The main rivers are Salween, Brahma
Putra, Ganges, Indus and Euphrates and Tigris. These rivers fall into Indian Ocean. The rivers that fall into
Pacific Ocean and originate from central Asian Mountains River Amur, Hwang Ho, Yang Tze Kiang and
Mekong. These rivers are much longer and have water falls on their course because of which there are more
important for hydel power generation.
GANGES VALLEY: River Ganges flows from ice capped Himalayas to the low lands of India, with a length
of 2400 Km. And falls into Bay of Bengal. This plain is made of soft and deep fertile soil. It extends up to

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066
310800 square kilometers. With Himalayas to its north and central Indian mountains to the south. This is the
most densely populated area of the country. The major cities of this area are Patna, Benaras, Allah Abad,
Kanpur, Agra, Lucknow and Delhi.
BRAHMA PUTRA VALLEY: The length of Brahma Putra River is greater than the length of Ganges river,
from its source its covers 3000 kms parallel to the Himalaya. In north of the great Himalayas range from west
to east. In south of Himalayas its valley is enclosed by mountains on three sides. This valley is about 800 km
long and is not wider than 80 km at any place. It is the narrowest valley of South East Asia.

INDUS VALLEY: The western part of sub continent comprises of Indus valley. This is located between Salt
range and Siwaliks and Indian Ocean. Most of the Indus plain is covered with soft fertile soil. But in South
Eastern portion is a desert called Thar which is a result of weathering and erosion by wind. The tributaries of
Indus River cover an area of 650 square kilometers in the piedmont areas of Himalayas. The total area of Indus
plain is 362600 square kilometers. It has two prominent parts, in North 2/3 rd of Punjab and Sind in South. The
irrigation system in the Inter fluvial areas of Punjab is considered one of the best in the world. On agricultural
point of view Punjab and Sind are considered the wheat basket of Pakistan.

VALLEY OF EUPHRATES AND TIGRIS: This is the most important fluvial plain which has flat and
fertile land. It is also called Mesopotamia (land between two rivers) it has two parts Northern part is undulating
and is called Jazira and southern delta which is called Proper Iraq. Northern part is between Tigris and
Euphrates. This is a dry and vast plain. Agriculture is only limited to deep and vast valleys and trees are absent.
Southern delta starts from North of Baghdad to the Persian Gulf and slope towards the sea is very gentle. This
fertile plain is important for agricultural production.

5- SOUTHERN PLATEAX: In southern part of Asia are three major plateaux which form peninsulas in
1- Arabian Plateau
2- Deccan Plateau
3- Yunan and Shan States of China

1- ARABIAN PLATEAU: Arabian Peninsula is a vast plateau which has higher edge on the Red Sea. The
western part of Saudi Arabia is mountainous which is called Hijaz. Towards east from this place the slope is
gradual and reaches up to Persian Gulf. The western mountains are 900 meters high in North and towards

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066
South in Yemen are 3600 meters high. Excluding the South West (Yemen) and South East (Oman) all the area
is desert which is called Najad.

2- DECCAN PLATEAU: In south of Ganges plain all the area of India is called Deccan Plateau. Its terrain is
mostly rugged. The eastern and western edges of this plateau are like an escarpment. The western coast is
higher which is 800 meters

Translated by Syed Yasir Usman, Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, GC University Lahore.
03340147123, 03004168066

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