Unit 13 A&b Vocab Test

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Vocabulary Short Test 13A Imię i nazwisko Klasa

1 W każdej linijce zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 ant rabbit cow donkey
2 cave waterfall landfill valley
3 rainbow lizard shower cloud
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty © Macmillan Polska 2018 Photocopiable

4 stem seed root coast ____ / 4

2 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.

1 People burn a lot of fossil energy / fuels.
2 Storm / Stormy weather can be dangerous in the mountains.
3 Thunder / Lightning hit a tree and set it on fire.
4 Dolphins and sharks / whales aren’t actually fish. They breathe in air like humans.
5 There was terrible fog / foggy and we couldn’t see the path in the forest.
6 Some factories pour their toxic pollution / waste into rivers and lakes. ____ / 6

3 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami. Niektóre litery zostały podane.

1 The heavy _ n _ _ f _ _ _ s last winter caused a lot of problems on the roads.
2 You mustn’t drop _ u _ b _ _ _ in the street! Put it in the wastebin!
3 The ice in the Arctic is melting, which is causing the sea _ e v _ _ to rise.
4 If the temperature keeps rising, some areas will turn into d _ _ _ r _ s like the Sahara,
and people won’t be able to live there.
5 The weather forecast says we’re going to have minus ten degrees and _ r _ _ t this weekend. ____ / 5

Vocabulary Short Test 13B Imię i nazwisko Klasa

1 W każdej linijce zaznacz wyraz, który nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 goat cow lizard pig
2 desert stem cave mountain
3 rainforest shower rainbow lightning
Repetytorium Ósmoklasisty © Macmillan Polska 2018 Photocopiable

4 seed flower leaf ant ____ / 4

2 Zaznacz poprawne opcje.

1 Air pollution is causing global level / warming.
2 The narrow path was very ice / icy and we had to walk carefully.
3 A sheep / hamster is a farm animal.
4 The village is located in a narrow valley / landfill between some mountains.
5 Solar fuels / power produces no pollution at all.
6 It was an extremely snowfall / snowy winter last year. ____ / 6

3 Uzupełnij zdania brakującymi wyrazami. Niektóre litery zostały podane.

1 It’s very important to _ _ c _ c _ e materials like plastic, glass and paper.
2 Some desert animals only go out at night because of the h _ _ t during the day.
3 The _ i _ _ r, one of the largest wild cats, is an endangered species.
4 The sound of _ h _ n _ _ r in the distance warned us that a storm was coming.
5 In the afternoon we sat on the beach and watched the beautiful _ _ ns _ _ until it got dark. ____ / 5

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