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Cooperative Learning Lesson Plan

Nancy Osorio

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 220: Principles of Educational Psychology

Dr. Vincent Richardson

April 17, 2022



I. Describe the Class:

The class consists of 16 students (9 female and 7 male). Twelve of the students are at grade level,

two are below, and two are above grade level. There is one male student with ADHD in the class.

II. Objective(s): By the end of this lesson, students will be able to


Order three objects by length; compare the lengths of two objects indirectly by using a third


III. Procedures:

1. The teacher will explain and demonstrate the assignment to students.

2. The teacher will work through an example with the class.

3. The teacher will divide the class into groups of four.

4. Each group will be provided three different colored strings of yarn, all with varying


5. Students will actively work together to order each string from shortest to longest. They

will complete a worksheet indicating their answers which will then be graded.

IV. Materials

The assignment will include three strings of colored yarn per group, a pencil for each student,

and a worksheet.

V. Grouping Structures

Students will be with their assigned seating groups which are determined by previous testing


VI. Modifications

The student with ADHD will be grouped with students who are known to stay on task. The

students group will also be located in a section of the classroom where they are able to move

around freely with space around them.

VII. Assessment

The teacher will observe groups by walking around, providing clarification and assistance as

needed. By doing so, the teacher will be able to see what students are actively engaging and if

they are understanding the assignment. The teacher will also make sure everyone in the groups is

voicing their opinions to help teamwork. As well as a worksheet that students will complete and

turn in for grading.

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