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Lesson Plan

Nancy Osorio

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 214: Preparing Teachers to Use Technology

Professor Steven J. Saladino

May 8, 2022

• Name of lesson: StoryBook

• Grade Level Appropriateness: 5th grade

• Technology Content Standard Addressed: 1.B.5.1 Create an original, digital work as a

form of personal or group expression with minimal teacher support.

• Other Content Standard Addressed: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.A

Introduce a topic clearly, provide a general observation and focus, and group related information

logically; include formatting (e.g., headings), illustrations, and multimedia when useful to aiding


• Objective: The students will be able to create their own fictional short story using a word

processor. They will also create a slideshow presentation where they make a faux book with

illustrations to go along with the story using images from the media or uploading their own

illustrations to their digital presentation.

• Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Students will need their writing notebooks,

a pencil, and a computer with a word processor and slideshow program.

• Suggested group size: Students can work individually or with a partner.

• Procedures:

1. Explain to students that they will be creating their own fictional short story.

2. Students will spend some time creating brainstorming maps in their notebooks to

plan out their creative story.

3. After they have thought about their story, students will create a written rough


4. Next, students will peer review their rough drafts with their shoulder partners and

talk about each other's stories and how they could improve.

5. After editing is completed, the teacher will then instruct them to go on the

computers to type out their story on Microsoft Word/Google docs which should be

no longer than one page in length.

6. Once students are done they will proceed onto Microsoft Slideshow/Google

Slides and add images to create a story book.

7. Once both elements are completed students will present their slideshow while

reading their written story to the class.

• Assessment: For student assessment, the teacher will monitor students as they work

by going around the class and providing help where needed. The teacher will observe

how students work and understand the assignment. The final assessment will be the

finished products which are the typed short story and the slideshow presentation.

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