Annotated-Post 20philosophy

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Post-Philosophy Statement

Nancy Osorio

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 203: Introduction to Special Education

Dr. Dale B. Warby

October 24, 2021


Post-Philosophy Statement

As this course began at the beginning of the semester, I wrote a pre-philosophy statement

where I expressed my feelings towards what an educator should be and the importance of a

child's education. While these are still strong beliefs that I hold, through my learning I now know

that there are other elements that come into play. Although teaching children to love education is

critical, it may not be as easy for some children. Before this course, my knowledge of special

education and all that it entails was little to none. Throughout these past weeks I have learned of

the difficulties children face in school when they have disabilities. In my previous statement I put

a major emphasis on a teacher being a source of motivation for children and their learning.

However, I did not include the importance of the role that teachers play in helping children with

disabilities. It is in school that these children can face various obstacles and here is when

teachers can play a significant role in their lives. I have learned that it is not only important to

focus on helping children with their education but also being a helping hand that helps them

through their everyday life. With special education children, a teacher helps them learn through

different methods that work best for them as well as helping with managing their disability. I

anticipate that I will have to learn specific measures and methods to teach children with special

needs. Every disability varies and methods that work for one child may not work for the next so

it is my job to provide students with equal learning opportunities. During my field observation, I

saw how the school helps children with disabilities to get the best education and support that they

can. For example, while taking an assessment a special education teacher came into the

classroom to guide a student with a learning disability through it. This is an example of what I

now add to my philosophy, that as an educator one has the responsibility of ensuring the best

learning for all children. To be effective when teaching children with special needs I believe

patience and empathy are needed. These are qualities a teacher must possess for teaching both

children with and without special education needs. In my eyes an educator should be passionate

about helping children learn as they grow and provide them with a safe space to do so. As a

future educator I hope to provide a safe and encouraging environment to my students where they

can learn effectively. With patience, empathy, compassion, and other important qualities children

can be guided through their education that will help them learn principles they will use

throughout their lives. Teaching is a critical job that demands a level of responsibility which I

learn more and more about as I go and will hopefully keep learning.

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