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Nancy Osorio

Professor Saladino

EDU 201.1001-1002

5 December 2021

Personal Philosophy of Education

Throughout my childhood, I was always the youngest out of everyone. It wasn’t until I

was a teenager that I had the experience of being around younger children. As I began to babysit

for people as a teenager, I soon came to the realization that I loved children. For a long time the

career path that spoke to me was pediatric nursing. However, after a year into my studies in this

degree, it did not feel like this was my passion. I always knew I wanted to work with children

and when talking to my academic advisor, it became clear to me that teaching was what I wanted

to pursue. As I reminisced over this decision I began to think about my past teachers and the

impact one in particular had in my life. It is because of my third grade teacher that my mind was

made up. This teacher proved to be an inspiration and source of motivation for me throughout

the rest of my grade school years and I wished to be that same source for children. School is such

a critical part of a child's development and I believe that a teacher should be passionate about the

work that they do which is why I want to be a part of that as a future educator. It is a profession

that requires patience, empathy, and efficient listening and understanding in order to be able to

reach students and make a difference in their lives that encourages a love for learning. I believe

that the education of a child also includes the teaching of being an honest, kind, and contributing

member of society. Teaching students the knowledge they need along with the qualities of how to

be a good person in the world is what I hope to achieve in the future. To be an effective teacher

the strategies I intend to use are those that I have witnessed be effective such as creating a
routine for my classes so that they can have structure and know what's expected. As well as

using small incentives like behavioral points for rewards or punishment which I have seen to

work during my observations. From my knowledge of the laws that have helped the

improvement of the school system I plan on embracing the diversity of students in the classroom

and helping my students understand that the world is a big melting pot full of people from all

walks of life. As I move into the final semester of my associates degree I hope to learn more

about the profession and hope that in my transition into a four year institute to obtain my

bachelors in elementary education where I can acquire the further knowledge and skills it will

take to be an effective teacher.

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