Romans, Eschatology. The Second Barrier

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Romans, Eschatology Part I :

The Second Barrier


Romans, Eschatology Part I. The Second Barrier


A debt of gratitude to my little sister Angelface Marekera, my two friends Leon
Chirauga, Natalie Chafa and Mitchel Moto for believing in me, this project and
actually pushing me to write novels.

A special thanks to one Mr. Peter Mavenga, for the enlightenment that also led to
having a clearer and better understanding for me to write such a provoking
controversial book but yet kept everything balanced.

All the same I am grateful to all my family members, friends and readers world wide
for genuinely appreciating my work from the therapeutic documents, contemporary
poetry projects and now this book.

In the year 1985, a hole in the ozone layer was discovered, this threatened humanity’s
survival but measures were taken to not further harm the ozone layer.

In the year 2019, a respiratory disease, corona virus tormented the whole world which
led to the halt of daily events worldwide including international travels, education
and work. A vaccine was discovered and people have been taking the vaccine in two
stage doses from late 2020 up until 2022 a third dosage was introduced for still the
virus has its hold on humanity and daily events.

The world’s largest scientific research facility Switzerland’s Conseil Europeen pour la
Recherche Nucleaire (CERN). It succeeded in producing the first particles of
antimatter. Antimatter is identical to physical matter except that it is composed of
particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found in normal matter.
Antimatter is the most powerful energy source known to man. It releases energy with
100 percent efficiency (nuclear fission is 1.5 percent efficient). Antimatter creates no
pollution or radiation and, a droplet could power New York City for a full day.

Although there is a catch. Antimatter is highly unstable. It ignites when it comes to

contact with absolutely anything, even air. A single gram of antimatter contains the
same energy of a 20 kiloton nuclear bomb, the size of the bomb dropped in

Antimatter was being created in few atoms at a time until CERN broke down the
ground on its Antiproton Decelerator, an advanced antimatter production facility
that promises to create antimatter in much larger quantities.

Author’s Note
References to all sites and the emblazon portrayed is all fictional, including the claim
of the existence of a Frederick Douglas scroll. The mention of Seraphim angels is
knowledge from according to tradition, bolstered by various passages from Sacred

Tanaka had flew from her stay in Hajahul after hearing from a very reliable
source that the scroll of Frederick Douglas was in the world’s biggest museum in
Akaras city. The best part of it all was that Akaras city was her home city and she
for one, liked spending time at that particular museum. She flew all the way to
Akaras city to get the one most important artefact the world had been hunting for
and was led to believe it did not exist. Obtaining that scroll was crucial, it meant
giving humanity its second chance to entering heaven and forgiveness from God.
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Hi. My name is Tanaka. Tanaka Kasuwa. I’m twenty-seven years old. Well, not
really. I don’t know how old I am. I stopped caring about my age thousands of
years ago. No, I’m not crazy and no, I’m not a vampire neither. I’m perfectly
human, we all are. Our existence today started with signs. Life threatening signs.
In the year 1985 researchers at the British Antarctic Survey discovered a hole on
the ozone layer. Our health became a concern. The depletion of ozone layer
increases the amount of UVB that reaches the earth’s surface. UVB causes non-
melanoma skin cancer and plays a major role in malignant melanoma
development. In 2019 a virus went viral. They called it Corona Virus. An acute
respiratory disease, it killed millions of people. Others believed it was a weapon to
lessen the damage on the ozone layer and others believed it was a strategy to
usher the 5G network which had a dangerous radiation level. No one actually got
to the bottom of it but today, we don’t really care. We living the dream. No
suffering, poverty, dying, sickness etc. Although, there is a lot of killing between
the rivaling groups. The righteous and the non righteous or as the official
reference names are The Sons, which are the righteous and The Prodigals, the non
righteous. The battle of deserving.

In the year 2050 the long prophesied and predicted life of the new buying system
was introduced to the world. The use of implanted chips in humans. The mark of
the beast, as it was considered to be resembling. Whilst half of the world accepted
the new technology, Africa and a select few foreign countries across the globe
refused. They were sanctioned of course but they thrived regardless and bettered
their economies. Three years following the introduction of the chips Iraq and Iran
joined the resistance as a political strategy to weaken the western powers. Starve
them of oil. The technology lasted a decade and it was revoked. The world shook
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hands again, reverting to the old ways of monetary transactions. Another decade
passed and another long predicted socialization came into existence. One World
Order. From this, all nations on earth ate from the same garden. Continents took
turns at providing an indigenous leader for all nations for a term of five years.
Yes, we finally became one people, race saw its end and so did military conflicts.
There weren’t any significant investments to protect anymore.

For two hundred years the world lived in one peace blindly. It’s unexplained how
they never noticed the changes that were taking place. In the year 2270,
humanity witnessed what it had only considered to being a theory, come to pass.
Pangaea. All continents came back together forming a single landform. This
sparked the first war in hundreds of years of peace. Borders were now in question.
The new world order had never stipulated anything concerning borders and now
they were an issue, resurrecting racism. Ten years of world conflict, the most least
country in the whole world put an end to the slaughter. Zimbabwe. She simply
took her border systems down and left herself naked. The United States of
America followed demolishing first the Mexican Wall. All other countries
followed suit. In the year 2567, I was born. Life during this time was more of
responsibility. Technological advancement had literally replaced the human
input. Population was now two billion, the Pangaea war took a lot of people as a
result of the nuclear strikes. In my century the radiation levels were now history,
old enough to be a myth.

2594. That’s when it happened. Ten years earlier, diseases began to lose effect on
all living organisms. Plants and crops no longer required special attention. Wild
animals became less vicious by the years and so did our fear of them. It was one
family. Scientists could not explain this anomaly. Then in 2594 the month of
April, the sun just never set. The weather conditions were favorable, then the
strangest thing of all happened. The heavens opened, a path visible to each living
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soul. Or only so we thought. A week passed and the path had not been used.
During the third week all the deceased of all time came to life. Yes, of all time.
From Adam’s time to my time. Miracle, in this great number we did not suffocate
the earth nor did we exhaust the resources. It was truly the end times. The chosen
one hundred and forty – four thousand came with the Messiah and alas began
judgement day. For a thousand years we went through judgement and as the next
stage was about to commence. The one thing humanity had only brought up in
discussions trying to clarify the Creator’s purity and holiness actually happened.

For the Creator so much loves us, his children. He gave a free pass to all mankind
rewriting the book of Revelations and denying Lucifer his thousand years of
torment and rule. Lucifer and his demons were obliterated by a single blow. They
seized to exist. Each person was granted paradise regardless of one’s
transgressions and ways during their time on earth. People began their journey
into paradise. The nature of humanity took place with only three years of people’s
journey into paradise.

Those who were righteous during their time got jealous, felt betrayed and let
down. They lost their way and started the great war which went on for another
thousand years and few hundreds of years later to this day, the war is still at its

The Arch Angel Michael, the Messiah. Like his father he loved humanity so much
he failed to raise his sword against The Sons. The Angels that tried to foster order,
failed and had their weapons taken from them. Witnessing this, Michael secured
a population that was caught in the crossfire. He ordered his brother, the Arch
Angel Raphael to watch over them. With his ability to take any form of
appearance, Raphael settled as a normal man watching over them but more
specifically a young couple that had remained together and faithful to each other
even during the course of judgement day. After assigning Raphael to this task,
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Michael approached the highest ranking order of the Angels, the Seraphims. He
asked of them to restore order along the path to paradise and shut the gates until
such a time the Creator wished it opened again for entrance. In haste, they
completed their mission as tasked in one day without effort. Any human that
dared to stand against them was struck out of existence. They cleared the path
and made it impossible for humans to set foot on it and closed the heaven gates.
Eternal punishment, we could see the pathway to heaven but at the same time
incapable of walking along it. God, the Creator. He secluded himself from the face
of humanity. Disgusted by the ways of man he insisted only Angels could access
him. Hence Michael assumed leadership for the time being. The couple Raphael
was assigned to watch over are meant to lead humanity back into the arms of the
Creator. Their child is to give back the ultimate gift and source of power that man
had lost. But the child is to have a partner and where the partner is to come from
is unknown. Knowledge of this child’s partner is unknown to all of us which
makes this prophecy a theta.

About three hundred years ago, rumour spread that the couple had given birth to
a son. Both The Sons and The Prodigals searched for the boy and failed to find
him. Not even a clue from all of their attempts. They finally gave up refocusing
their priorities on each other. The Sons believed the Creator acted out of ignorant
mercy. Mankind will always be mankind. They saw it their responsibility to
eliminate all Prodigals to cleanse paradise and never let it get infected by vile
ways of man for man will never change their ways. The Prodigals believed a
second chance had been offered and their acceptance meant they were the true
leaders, destined to be next to the throne. They were of the notion that their ways
during their life on earth were justified. Those of us, the regular people, who
chose to not get affiliated with either groups were left to live our lives with
neither of them to bother us. They see us as the sheep. The lost cause that requires
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awakening. They however, come after every three decades to recruit those of us
that would’ve changed their minds. Thousands do every time.

Myself? I just mind my business. Death and his brothers do not exist anymore,
well say for War. His still with us, his always been. I’m a social worker. That’s my
career. Only difference is, in this time we help people through the tough time of
making their decision whether or not to join the war. Most of them do it from
being tired of life. They want it all to end. Death is no longer a card they can play,
so they pick a side, jump in front of harm’s way and poof, that’s it. End of the line,
they seize to exist. They have lost hope. Personally I don’t know if I believe that
Raphael is out there. I just think true or false it is necessary that people think he is
truly out there. Hope is what can save us now and bring us our salvation back.

I haven’t told anyone this but I have been having strange dreams of late. In this
dream I give birth to a daughter. She grows up to be twenty-seven and meets a
young man of her age. This young man however is capable of miraculous acts
and has the gift. He teaches my daughter the gift and together stand strong and
bring an end to all this crap and peace to all this slaughter. The two of them teach
the remainder of humanity the gift and together they bring the Creator back to
his children and open the gates.

I never told anyone about this dream and I don’t intend to. Anything this
controversial will flavor this war more. I'll just wait and see what’s going to take

My days are make belief of late. I don’t get involved with what’s going around.
I’m just so focused on this new model car that’s about to get released in three days.
Over seventy horse power. Imagine that. I’m about to make literal what doesn’t
kill me only makes me stronger come to life. The time I was born, this was all
impossible. Well, we live the impossible now. Also, these goons have been trying
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to rob me of my engine collection. I’m now stuck between protecting all my

collections and collecting. I have a whole floor of antiques. Different kinds of
them the rivals would kill for. During judgement day humanity abandoned all
these things forgetting the power and significance they had instilled in them and
now our survival is more practical than ever. Civilized yes but fear of ending up
on the wrong side. Personally during the first hundred years I always thought
perhaps leadership was what we were lacking. I was wrong, in light of the fact
that we don’t die anymore, starve and or suffer from anything. We have evolved
into what our ancestors created ages ago created to better their lives, machines so
to speak. There is however a small group fighting for all mankind. They call
themselves The Pairs. They are the only ones worth of being considered human.
The curse of man from the beginning of time became their significance, their
strength. The seven sins that is. They are the only ones capable of exercising
freewill in all areas as it was before judgement day. Their power gets unlocked
soon as they meet their partner, their pair. What more they are truly capable of
no one really knows. But we all know you don’t wanna get in their way. They are
the most ruthless in their small numbers, tactful and precise both strategically
and combat wise. I met a Pair once. Years ago. They are the ones that told me of
the child’s birth being true. Told me we will meet again, working together even.
The one and only reason they spared my life and said I should stay alive no
matter what. Codswallop in my opinion. In any case it would explain the dreams
but realistically speaking, I am a nobody.

I travel city to city helping the few I can professionally and of course yes, in that
way too. I can’t say there will ever be better days. By better days I mean heaven.
Where others are. The population on the planet now is somewhere over fifty
billion people. No one knows the exact numbers. The ones that were wiped from
existence by the Seraphims were exactly two billion. Two billion in a day, imagine
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that. The ones wiped from existence in this war of ours range somewhere around
five million both sides included. This war is all there is, the only thing to believe
in. If by any chance I get an outlet out of this life, I’ll take it. Yes we have an
abundance of all that can sustain humanity for eternity but something isn’t sitting
right with me. I don’t know exactly what it is, which is why I go city to city
searching for answers and explanations. One thing I’m certain of is that it has
everything to do with my dreams. I'll figure it out.

It had been raining non stop for the past two weeks. Heavy rains with blinding
lighting and wild fierce roaring thunders. The way the earth shook felt as if the
earth itself was standing up on its feet. Even trees could not maintain balance
regardless how hard they are. But all these were not anomalies to the far eastern
provinces considering the earth quakes that tormented these lands in the ancient
times. Akaras city. One of the best cities on the planet. It was once one of the best
and most advanced countries during the ancient times, Japan, it was once known.
Living standards elsewhere were most favorable yes but Akaras city had
something the rest of the other cities did not have. Tanaka appreciated the rich
history lying dormant deep inside the mountains of Akaras city. During the first
three hundred years after the path to heaven became the dead road, hundreds of
architects collected various artifacts and built an all natural museum of sorts as a
reminder of their history and how far they had came. Work of art truly it was.
She always seemed to find answers here of whatever that may be bothering her or
going on and as a collector herself, she had dedicated herself to protecting
everything there, not that it needed any protecting but to her it required even
more. She felt the day humanity wakes up, all this will end up as currency one
way or the other. The last friend she took to this sight thought she was delusional
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and obsessed with garbage. She understood why he failed to resonate with the

The rain was now a little drizzle after two weeks of a cold shower in the summer.
Tanaka stood at the front porch of her home looking right at the space before her.
There weren’t any thoughts being processed or plans being laid down. She stood
as if she was having a mental breakdown. Her stillness would make one wonder if
she’s responsive or not. Subconsciously, she was alive however. Hastily putting
together the pieces of the puzzle information she had received about Fredrick
Douglas' scroll. The scroll is believed to have existed for over a millennium dating
back before Christ time to Moses' time. Through that very scroll, Moses was able
to complete the mission appointed to him by the Creator. Fredrick however, was
one of the ten that translated the scroll from Hebrew and likewise used it to end
slavery. It really was a wonder as to why the secret of its existence never got
disclosed in both the 20th and 21st century. The information it is said to be
containing would have changed the lives of all African Americans. It is also
believed that it is the very reason Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. The
abolishment of slavery in the south was a result of that scroll and so was the
victory of the civil war. Tanaka had tried finding both Fredrick Douglas and
Abraham Lincoln only to discover they had both made it into heaven. The last
means of saving humanity was that scroll. One thing for certain was that the
rivals were not looking for it. Problem out of her way. But the one issue she had
was that obviously The Pairs were looking for it and anybody who either finds it
or discovers its exact location will intend to sell it to the highest bidder. She was
in the very midst of war.

It then hit her, that when Geraldine last spoke of it before her vanishing, she
mentioned a tomb deep inside the caves. What bothered Tanaka was that, she
knew that cave in and out as if she constructed the place herself and lived there
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as well. And not once had she ever came across any tomb or heard one ever being
there. She had reached the very deep where the stream of the fountain of youth
flowed by. In there, were mermaids, friendly yet dangerous when provoked. They
were the only creatures whose behavior never got compromised. No human has
ever dared go that far deep but now, it appeared it called for it for her to do so.
She felt her whole world descending into a bottomless pit. She was about to do
something she knew she obviously would not be able to handle if anything went
sideways. The tricky part is the mermaids are unpredictable. Any off gesture
would most definitely, certainly end your life. She pondered on how she was
going to go about this without getting noticed by them. Her idea could serve a
great deal of mission given it be executed accurately. She gave a sigh and walked
back in the house full of determination. She took her backpack, already rightly
equipped. She drove to the museum not thinking about what she was going to do,
where she was going to look nor devising a backup plan in case things go
sideways. In her whole being, was the desire to acquire the scroll, it compelled
her so much so she was more than prepared to do whatever. After an hour’s time,
she arrived at the museum and parked at the entrance in reverse. She got out of
the car with the backpack hanged over her left shoulder. Birds were twittering,
raindrops falling from leaves and the woods were singing all kinds of different
tunes of cracking twigs and branches. An after rain atmosphere it truly was.
Inside, everything was all tidy and in place. No disintegrated fragments, no
fractures of any sort and no blow of dust. Everything was sparkling. She thought
to herself perhaps it could be the mermaids but it was a little far fetched. One
thing she was certain of is nobody would bother come to the museum, only two
out of ten would.

The museum was a maize and where to begin was a riddle. Without giving it
anymore thought, she made her way to the streams of the fountain of youth to
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enquire with the mer people. She figured if she was going to cross paths with
them regardless then there wasn’t any point trying to avoid them. When she got
to the stream deep in the cave underground, she felt lifted and more at peace. It
was warm, gentle and felt belonging. She knew very well not to give in to these
aspects but resistance took more than just focus and concentration. It only
required what had been lost, humanity. She advanced to the edge of the stream
anyway. From there everything went dark and she could not recognize where she
was, what happened or what was going on. She kept still and even her diaphragm
had put her breathing at ease. Fear had departed and only selflessness remained
sat. She thought she heard whispers a few feet ahead of her and so she advanced
in haste hoping to see someone and ask for assistance. Just as that thought seemed
fruitful, she fell into the stream and began drowning. For someone really good at
swimming she could not adjust her body into a position to swim upwards and get
out of the stream. It was as if her body was tied but rather she was being held
firmly she could not break free. She thought to herself that’s it. The end of it all.
An immense feeling of defeat, loss, failure, pain and depleting hope filled her up
as she slowly closed her eyes getting ready for what comes next. She'll probably
be stuck living a lifetime over and over again in agony since death was now a

In that moment she felt a lightning whoosh pulling her upwards and as she
opened her eyes, she was already outside the stream trying to catch her breath. As
she was breathing heavily kneeling on the stream floor, she noticed the two
mermaids looking at her impatiently. She starred back startled.

“Are you done? You’ve been kneeling there for ten minutes coughing. It’s a
tiresome sight honestly.” Urgripa said in a more or less annoyed tone.

“Urgripa shush! Be gentle with her. She’s disturbed, don’t you see?” Her sister
Jejek calmed her down.
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“Okay sister. Whatever you say. Have at it.”

“Thank you. You will forgive my sister. She’s not accustomed to meeting people
such as yourself. If you don’t mind me asking, who are you?” Jejek inquired.

“I’m Tanaka. Tanaka Kasuwa.” She replied softly still in fright.

“Right. Yes, yes. You see we’re going to need you to be more specific on the details.
Do not worry we won’t harm you.” Jejek smiled.

“Aaahh this is going to take a lifetime. What she means is what are you? Why are
you complete?” Urgripa intervened.

Tanaka looked more confused and failed to respond. Then a wind blew and the
queen appeared. Her appearance resembled perfection in every way and delicate
as ever and her sight was admirable. Tanaka shook as she approached towards
her. She was walking on land with feet. She had transformed into a human figure
as she got out of the water.

“Your majesty, queen Azas.” The two sisters paid their respect in the mermaid

“Tanaka. I am queen Azas. I felt your presence. Which is odd because never do we
mer people sense your kind from here. We usually meet in the city of Panta.” The
queen addressed.

“You keep referring to me as if you do not see that I am human.” She replied
boldly with respect and fright.

“Mm-mm. Shame. I see you truly have no idea. Come closer please, do not be
afraid.” Tanaka approached and the queen looked into her eyes for a moment.

“Ever met Pairs?” She asked.

“Yes.” She replied politely.

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“Then all will be revealed in due time. Now I must ask, what is that you’re looking

“I didn’t say I was.”

“Now now dear girl. Don’t be foolish. It appears to me you need all the help you
can get.”

“The scroll. The scroll of Fredrick Douglas my queen. I apologize for my


“Apology accepted. I have the scroll. And I am more than willing to hand it over
to you just like that if you just do one thing for me in return.”

“I accept.”

“Very well. Urgripa go get the scroll and Jejek see if Xanex can join us.” The two
mermaids bowed and dived deep into the stream.

In a minute they were both back with that which they were sort to acquire.

“You look amazed.” Said the queen.

“Forgive me my queen. Indeed I am. I imagine the stream is very deep yet the two
sisters came back in a minute with what you told them to get.”

“We’re most pleased you’re impressed Tanaka.” Xanex spoke.

“Yes we are. This is Xanex, Tanaka. His very loyal and the most humble creation I
have ever met. Why don’t you get acquainted with him.” The queen requested.

Tanaka walked towards Xanex. Upon locking eyes she hastily said no. The queen
snapped her fingers.
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“Impressive. Very impressive. I never imagined I’d ever meet you, your majesty.”
Tanaka looked at the queen as if she was crazy. Xanex then walked back into the
stream. Urgripa handed the scroll to the queen.

“Only you know exactly why you’re here. Why don’t you tell us.” She then placed
the scroll on the ground.

Tanaka advanced towards the scroll to pick it up but the very moment she
blinked there wasn’t only the scroll in front of her. There lied precious artifacts
capable of the most catastrophic things. There was the sword of Michael, the
burning sword of the garden of Eden, Gabriel's Halo and Lucifer’s harp. She knew
the wrong choice will definitely doom her with the mermaids. It is not in their
nature to be compassionate and merciful. She took a minute and reminded herself
the reason she was in this situation now and why it was crucial she acquires the

“The scroll is humanity’s last hope. It is the only thing that can lead us in the right
direction.” She said to herself lowly.

She then passed and gasped overwhelmingly. “Direction!” She whispered to


She had figured out which artefact to pick. She jumped to lift the flaming sword
of Eden without any doubt of her choice. With the sword in her hand she blinked
again in disbelief and excitement and just like that, the illusion was lifted and she
was holding the scroll in her hands. She began panting with a reborn hope.

“It appears you truly are as who we identified you to be.” Said the queen.

“And who is that your majesty?” She asked curiously in a polite way.

“All will be revealed in due time majesty. Take very good care and responsibility
of that scroll your majesty.” The queen said to her.
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Tanaka nodded back to the queen and she turned away returning into the stream.
The four mermaids bowed to her and three dived deep. Xanex remained with a
soft smile.

“Everything okay?” Tanaka asked anxiously.

He laughed politely. “Yes. Everything is okay, going to be, rather. I do not get to
see humans often so I wanted a good mental picture for when we meet again.
Take care Tanaka.” He dived as well.

Tanaka stood for a moment amazed at everything that had happened. A lifetime
ago she did not believe in the existence of mer people and she had just conversed
with them and had also taken a liking towards their male species. She felt
wonderful. She put the scroll in her backpack and returned to the top and drove
away back to her place. The hour she got home she was feeling really cold and
exhausted, she made herself a cup of coffee and went straight to bed. She slept
peaceful and was awakened by something that sounded like a broken vase. She
went downstairs with a bat. Normally at the sight of a woman with a bat, men
register a lizard trying to decide whether to cross or not. She went to the sitting
room and found nobody, everything was in place. She crossed over to the door
and found it slightly opened and pieces of broken glass on the floor. She walked
into the kitchen and then realized she had valuables in the basement and she
hadn’t locked the door. She slowly walked to the basement with guard, prepared
for whatever that might come and mean her harm or steal her collections. She
stood by the basement door listening if there were any movements inside. She
heard whispers of two men. She pushed the door open quietly and counted three
instead. She got in and slammed the door shut to announce her presence.
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“Good evening gentlemen. I just wanna say, if you’re a man of pride, I suggest you
leave right now because you boys are are about to get your asses handed to you
by a woman.” She then held the bat more tightly.

“Kill her.” The first burglar said.

In the moment of thinking they had the situation at their advantage. The second
one close to her advanced boastfully absent minded. The moment he stopped to
address her she took a step forward and swung swiftly and damaged his head. He
just laid down on the floor unconscious. The other two rushed towards her in an
attempt to gain advantage of out numbering her. She stood back firmly. The first
burglar ran towards as the second one followed. She quickly dodged the first one
and attacked the second one. She hit his shin so hard his leg broke and then she
slammed him really hard putting his backbone disk out of alignment. The first
burglar tackled her and they both fell to the floor. He got up in haste and got on
top of her. He delivered two strong punches which she felt. Groaning in pain, she
hit the burglar on the rib and quickly grabbed him by the neck pulling him down
going head on with the floor. She got up and pulled him around dragging him
towards the bet. She quickly got hold of the bat and hit him hard in the head. She
sat there looking at them panting. It had been ages since she had been involved in
combat or a situation that required her to defend herself. She had had a long day
and all this physical contact had worn her out even more.

Just as she had finished putting the burglar bodies out, she had a desperate rattle
in the basement. She went to inspect what it was and she caught a fourth burglar
trying to open the window.

“Yeah… About that. You see, I couldn’t open the window either so I had the glass
window reinforced. I’m sure you tried breaking it. Tell you what. Give me what
you got there and I’ll spare you the pain.” Tanaka said to the burglar.
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“I’m not stupid.” The fourth burglar replied.

“Clearly you are. If you’re smart, you’ll hand me my stuff and I let you walk. Put it
down, empty your pockets and strip.”

The burglar did as required and she let him walk as promised. That night she
slept in the basement amongst her collection. She had successfully kept the
burglars from stealing anything but the one she let walk little did she know he
knew a lot more about what she had down in that basement including the scroll.
Sun up, she started putting everything in place and moved the scroll to a more
secure place. She made sure her alarms and locks were working. Now she was in
a big dilemma. She had the scroll but what to do with it. She knew very well the
artifact was of great importance, otherwise why else would the mermaids speak
in riddles and let her walk away with no harm and above all, treat her with
respect. She was discombobulated. She realized this meant she was a part of it
more than she realized. She wanted the scroll, and information concerning its
whereabouts came to her and in two weeks time preparation, she held the scroll.
In her head, she was busy trying to see to it that neither The Sons nor The
Prodigals learn of its existence and that it was now found. The Pairs too couldn’t
be trusted, they mean well but their methods were too bloody for the divine
ending they were devoted to. Their divine ending, that is.

Tanaka failed to consider that the last burglar she let walk away might have the
slightest clue of what he held in his hands. She assumed they were everyday hand
to mouth thugs trying to climb up the food chain for some recognition. She was
wrong. The burglars were looking for something specific but they just happened
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to come across the key to everything. One of them, who was a historian and
antique collector just like Tanaka or even more for that matter, knew very well
what the scroll of Frederick Douglas was and its capabilities. The downside was
where his true loyalties lie. After being spared, Gamiko went straight to The Sons
to sell his information for a seat at the table. The Sons high table consisted of The
All Father, his most trusted, the Orion’s Belt Trio, the first, second and third star.
They were the leaders. Then the top members occupying the last six seats in
descending order were The President, First Lady, who wasn’t his wife but title of
post, Minister, Commander, Akila, his responsibility was the organization’s
mission strategies and a Specialist in the academic fields specifically, history,
religion and science. The man occupying that seat had recently disappeared
presumed to have been captured by The Prodigals. This left The Sons vulnerable
in every sense. Gamiko knew very well that with him, The Sons will be writing a
whole knew revelations. He had been working for The Sons from the beginning
and his ambition had always been to be the All Father and he was going to
achieve it regardless.

He made an appointment with the minister all purposed to discuss what happens
next. The minister despite his knowledge of who Gamiko is turned him down. He
assumed Gamiko was looking to chance his way to having a seat on the table.
Which he was but turning him down had nothing to do with thinking he was
way over in his head or that he didn’t deserve but just that he didn’t believe any
seat can be handed down, it had to be earned. Gamiko did not take it personal. He
knew the information he had was vital and had to be brought to the table before
it was too late. He arranged for another appointment for the next day. That night,
he spend his evening fantasizing about what he will bring to the table and if his
promotion to a seat on the table did come through, he wondered if he was going
to be a worthy organ to be relied on. He stood out the balcony of his penthouse
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looking at the stars reminiscing about the days humanity found inspiration and
peace even in the stars. He put up a smile and took his last sip of the whiskey he
was having. Looking up to the Orion belt always made him think maybe he
doesn’t deserve to be the All Father. Growing up he always felt there was more to
what people display and portray about themselves. He studied history trying to
answer that question of his. When the end days began, he had been dead for
eighty years. When he resurrected for judgement day only to discover what
humanity had achieved since his time and from some of his work, meant a life to
him believing he was destined for greatness to which he had no dilemma picking
a side to be loyal to.

Early morning the next day Gamiko was at the minister’s office hours before his
secretary had open doors. The secretary tried to block and postpone the
appointment as instructed but Gamiko threatened the secretary’s job if did such a
thing. He had the audacity to cancel the first meeting the minister was supposed
to have with Akila. The minister hearing this an hour later after Akila had come
to his office was furious and wanted to crush Gamiko badly. The minister asked
Akila to join him with Gamiko.

“Gamiko, you have lot of nerve pushing my meeting with Akila setting me up
with a mindless whatever that was. You wasted my time! What do you want!?” A
raging minister Kelly fired.

“Minister. Finally we meet and yes I am glad you brought Akila along with you.
Please, gentlemen, sit. No minister. I can’t believe, you, had the nerve to cancel my
formally arranged appointment with you to gaze at the horizon knowing fully
well the situation we’re in, what’s at stack and above all not only who I am but
my department.”
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“Please Gamiko. I see you’re even more disappointed which leads me to believe
whatever it is you have for the minister is more than important, so why don’t you
get to it. I’m sure you heard that The Prodigals successfully captured San Tzu
from The Pairs and now hold him captive. The minister and I were supposed to
have discussed The Sons’ response to this but, here we are. So, all parties
considered we’re disappointed in each other right now. Why don’t we get this
over with and find something to cool our spirits.” Akila spoke with the tone of
someone at the tipping point.

“Right. Apologies to all on my actions. They had to be done. I need to speak with
the president…” The minister cut him off.

“Don’t get too good for your own good Gamiko. Just say what it is you want.”

Gamiko put a sly smile. “Mm-mm. I need authorization over the Fafez.”

“Gamiko I can’t grant you that. Only the President can.”

“Exactly. You’re not listening Kelly. I need to speak with the President. It concerns
the scroll.”

Akila sat up. “The scroll of Douglas?”

“Yes Akila.”

“For centuries we wasted resources and soldiers searching a myth. It doesn’t


“You’re not a specialist Akila Bakar, are you? The scroll exists. Tell this to the
President and know I’m not bluffing Kelly.”

“Keep your sit. Let me make the call. Good morning First Lady. I apologize for
intruding in your kitchen ma’am.”
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“I’m well aware you wouldn’t do it without good reason Minister. What can I do
for you?” The First lady responded.

“Gamiko has information concerning the scroll. His sitting with me right now and
Akila is here as well. Heard what he said and you know where Akila stands
concerning the scroll.”

“Yes I do. This is serious. It can’t be a coincidence with San Tzu getting captured.
I’ll reach out to the President. Breakfast tomorrow morning, my place at eight.”
She hung up.

“Well, you heard for yourselves. Don’t let your reputation down Gamiko. It
always gave you the attention you desire.”

“Eight it is.” The gentlemen stood and shook hands as they went their separate

“Gamiko always had a way of getting whatever he wants.” Minister Kelly said to
Akila Bakar.

“And that bothers you much?” Bakar asked.

“What bothers me is if we will have those loyal enough to follow where he leads.
The man is faithfully determined. It’s his ambition I would never bet against. His
ambition is all you need to trust.”

“Then all your problems are solved Kelly. Don’t worry about what you can’t see
and what’s uncertain.”

Minister Kelly looked Akila in the eye and nodded confirming what he had just
said to him. Meanwhile the President was up and about looking for ways he could
get his hands on San Tzu. Receiving the message from The First Lady he walked
out to the balcony of his office. He was busy pondering whether or not he should
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withdraw the efforts on getting San Tzu and chase the scroll. He figured it was
preferable if the decision was cast into a vote.

At this point things were getting even more tense by the day. One thing The Sons
knew for certain was that The Pairs would never go after the scroll since it was all
rumors. So they had to utilize all the time they had to acquire the artifact before
the The Prodigals received word and began their search as well. At this point the
The Sons had the upper hand for they had both the man who actually held the
scroll and knew the six figure grid reference of its whereabouts. The best part
was all this was recent and any disclosed information was relevant for the time
being. The President send word to ensure everyone will be at the breakfast
meeting the next day.

Gamiko on the other hand was lying impatiently on his lawn looking at the moon
in a disgusted manner. He felt that if he could, he would just strangle it for
moving so slow. It was getting on his nerves and it was unbearable. He took a
deep intended breath and slithered into fantasies as the head Specialist. In this
world of his he saw himself doing great for himself that he became The All Father
in a short time. He believed he was the one with the keys to opening the gates of
heaven. He believed in this so much that he considered the thoughts speaking
inside his head was the one and only voice of God. Nine centuries ago he
discovered a strange tablet in the Chinhoyi Caves. He never discovered this
discovery with anyone. He figured perhaps if people had an ounce of hope that
too could be their very demise. The tablet was one of a kind in a divine manner.
He fell asleep on the lawn, he woke up few hours before sunrise. He felt all folded,
crushed, torn apart and stitched back together unprofessionally. He dragged
himself into the house straight to the shower and took a nice cold shower to
gather himself. He left without having breakfast inserting his being into the mood
necessary for the approaching hours for they truly were going to be trying hours.
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The First Lady had her kitchen aides prepare a delightful light breakfast, one
suitable to cast the character out of her guests. She always had a way of reaching
out to people, appeal to their person and set the mood. She knew very well this
meant business and because of that she needed all the information she could for
when herself and The President will be presenting the issue to the Orion’s Belt
Trio and The All Father. Akila himself was all determined to downplay any
unfounded trust in Gamiko’s word. He wasn’t one to have ever believed in tales
particularly those that provided hope. He always believed the gates of heaven will
only open to practical works. Human’s effort and worthiness was the only key to
the gates. He had spent the previous night trying to get The Commander on his
side. She wasn’t a sides person when it came to in house conflicts. She always
rested with the most logical option available and Bakar intended to make his,
most logical. It was going to be a struggle. The President only wanted to know
which approach benefited the organization most, San Tzu or the scroll. It was
agendas 101. Gamiko himself knew what awaited him. His truth was all he
depended on and so was his confirmation. He had taken the liberty to get one of
the hired thugs he raided Tanaka’s home with to be his witness.

Eight in the morning all of The First Lady’s guests were at her residence all settled
and ready to dive in. The hierarchy indulged in a couple of laughter
conversations as the table was getting set and breakfast served. Fifteen minutes
passed and it was all business. The First Lady as the host said grace and it was all
dig in.

The President opened up. “So, Gamiko. I know you not to be one that goes for
reaches. The scroll? You’ll have to forgive us if we fail to believe you. But yes, you
have room to tell your side of the story.”

“Yes ma’am. I understand my position.”

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“And what do you want in return?” Commander Amanda asked.

“I think it’ll be preferable if we discuss that after your satisfaction.” Gamiko


“That I agree with.” Akila Bakar said firmly.

“So the scroll as you’ve heard about it, is here in Akaras city. Four days ago I
personally held it in my hands…”

“Then why is it we sitting here to confirm whether you’re genuine or not,

shouldn’t you be presenting it to us?” Akila challenged.

“Akila makes a valid point.” The Minister voted out.

“That is correct he does. I’m sure The Commander can vouch for me that with
vital information as this it’s better delivering the information than receiving a
soldier’s body put in a comma.” The whole table shifted their heads to The

She sighed. “Yes that is correct.”

The First Lady shifted in her chair to speak. “So what you’re saying is you were
attacked?” Gamiko raised his hand to signal.

“No. He wasn’t attacked. We were attacked. It was pretty smart of Gamiko to let
the scroll go otherwise he’d be lying in a medical bed in a comma right now.”
One of the thugs spoke as he approached the table.

He pulled a chair and sat next to Gamiko. He greeted everyone present at the
table formally as he was told to.

“This is one of the hired guns you were with?” The Minister asked.

“Yes sir. I am one of them.” The man responded.

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“Why don’t you tell us exactly what happened.” The Commander requested.

“We had our asses kicked. No. We had our asses whupped, like in the ‘I’m going
to teach you manners way’.”

“Details. Give us details.” The Akila barked.

“It can’t be more detailed than that. We got out of that place with no score at all.
Do you know how bad that is for business? All of my men including yours
survived because of professional courtesy. The lady is no ordinary lady.”

“So all of you got your asses whupped by one woman?” The President extended.

“With all respect sir. I challenge you to survive a minute with Commander

“Oh.” The President expressed.

“She just let you go?” Akila asked and The Minister added on right after.

“Yes!? Seems really strange she just let you go.” He said in a frowning manner.

“Exactly.” Alika sighed, locked eyes with the thug and looked over at Gamiko.

“What’s the plan?”

“I don’t believe this!” Minister Kelly shot.

“Me too but if there’s a chance for us to get ahead of this… We best take it.” Akila

“Gamiko . Since the beginning you’ve been loyal to this organization and always
had everything in it’s best interests.”

At this point things were getting even more tense by the day. One thing The Sons
knew for certain was that The Pairs would never go after the scroll since it was all
rumor and word had not spread yet. So they had to utilize all the time they had to
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acquire the artifact before The Prodigals received word and began their search as
well. The Sons had the upper hand for they had both the man who actually held
the scroll and knew the six figure grid reference of its whereabouts. The best part
was all this was recent.

“I say we divide our resources and go after the two once. By the time The
Prodigals learn about the scroll and our advancement on it, they’ll obviously
come after us. The very moment they do that, our patrol on standby will then
mobilize to get San Tzu. It’ll have to be immediate so that they do not have time to
prepare their defense and offense.” Akila said.

“Which means this operation will only exist to us here and the troops who will be
going after San Tzu. So, welcome to The Sons young man.” The Commander
looked at the thug.

The thug stood up in haste like a soldier, saluted and responded. “Ma’am, thank
you ma’am. My name’s Greg but it can be whatever you want it to be ma’am.”

The First Lady looked up at him. “You’re now Paul.” He saluted again in

The President stood up to give an address. “It is done then. Go do what you do best
Akila and Commander. And Gamiko, I’ll speak with the superiors. They will let
me know what we will do about your issue from here on. So I’ll be in touch.”
Gamiko bowed in response and the others followed.

Hours later Gamiko was in his office going through the documents written in
account of the scroll. He was trying to figure out if it was truly what they
perceived it to be. The documents never did mention anything about a higher
power. But they all however did spoke about being able to complete human
beings. The interpretations of this have been argued through out different ages
and generations. They never did help in any way to be for certain. He however
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held the belief that whatever the scroll contained had something to do with how
the world turned out and how they can move forward. Gamiko was prepared to
dismiss any blocks. He wanted the punishment to end. An end to all this meant
more than the power, he would betray The All Father himself just to see the gates
open and all humanity crossover.

The Commander was busy handpicking individuals she wanted to go and rescue
San Tzu. These individuals she had specifically trained using San Tzu’s
philosophy’s and methods. They were trained to think and execute as he would.
This organ was as dangerous as The Pairs, amongst other things what made them
lesser was that they lacked conviction. The Pairs failed to be matched, their whole
being and existence was more of a higher calling. They executed with precision,
they were just without fault. It was almost as if they saw everything coming. The
Commander felt very confident with her child, the small letter. That’s what the
troop was called and Paul was most lucky enough to be a part of it. She didn’t put
him to training so he moves as his new brothers and sisters. She had an idea that
since his exceptionally trained in combat already, his strategies and maneuvers
are somethings the group will need in terms of what to expect, how to react and
compromise in ways that are more flexible and less coordinated.

The Minister kept his cards close to him. He knew obviously Gamiko was going to
get The Specialist post. He had earned it to be frank. He however conflicted with
Gamiko when it came to ambition. For him it wasn’t about the power, he
understood very well that Gamiko was tired of this life and wanted the gates open.
No matter who walked in or not, the ideology of deserving had long left him. This
bothered Minister Kelly so much. He wondered what’s then to stop him from
trading his loyalty to The Prodigals or The Pairs. The only problem was that he
had nothing to prove his theory and besides, it had been voiced before. It was the
reason he had always been kept away from the table just to keep a close eye on
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him. Clearly the table had moved past from questioning his loyalty. He settled to
giving him a chance but not lose his eye on him for anything not clearly
explained. Gamiko himself knew Minister Kelly was on him sniffing real good. He
was being rather careful that if Minister makes any wrong move to attack him, it
was going to backfire on him with great impact.

The President himself was neither bothered nor worried about anything. He knew
getting San Tzu would win his organization a favor from The Pairs. He planned to
offer San Tzu to The Pairs right after he gets rescued. He was of the idea that The
Pairs and The Sons were fighting for the same cause only difference was in
principality, of what’s acceptable and not. Yes, he believed The Prodigals had to
be wiped from earth or go to hell as their fate had been determined. He believed
God had failed them, those who deserved punishment had to be punished. Their
souls had been tainted and there was no other way around that and this war was
proof of that. The Sons still used the bible, sort of, only a few scriptures which
they believed did not betray humanity and this included those of Judas, Cainnites
and Mary Magdalene’s etc.

Two months later The Prodigals were now wondering why they were no longer
facing resistance in all their missions. They had moved San Tzu from three
different sites without any encounters or attacks. Even in recruitment, their
numbers were beating The Sons numbers with a lot of digits. Two weeks in, their
General was now more obsessed with information. The Sons have been in silence
for a month and two weeks and they had no idea why, this meant trouble. They
appeared to have withdrawn from their usual missions and averted their interests
elsewhere. The General was having sleepless nights trying to figure out what it is
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that caught their enemy’s attention. This could be a new weapon or a way to get
the gate open. What bothered him more was that there was no activity from The
Pairs, they remained neutral. He then resorted to his Chameleons to get answers.
A very special unit of skillfully trained men and women in spying. They were so
good at blending in anyone could mistake them for being one of them and still
would disagree even with the truth having been revealed. They were deployed in
the cities The Sons had withdrawn from and another group was camped were
The Sons were still operating as usual and were ordered not to engage but
acquire information.

Another week passed without any report concerning The Sons movements. The
General was not surprised that there wasn’t any leakage of information. He
obviously knew the other soldiers had no idea at all about whatever that was
going on at the headquarters. He had to infiltrate the headquarters. At this point
he had shown his desperation as Commander Amanda was waiting for. She had
her troops waiting on Tanaka, watching her and keeping their distance not to
send a red flag. She then ordered the move on Tanaka to get the scroll and then
planted her own chameleon to spread information about the scroll and that The
Sons were on to it. The Prodigals Chameleons started picking chanter about the
scroll. They waited to dig deeper to see how official the rumor was. They never
found the source of the information and later heard there was massive Sons
activity towards Akaras city. They then realized they were already late. The
General still left his home unguarded as predicted but he focused his troops
elsewhere, something Commander Amanda did not see coming. The General
understood The Pairs will have to go after the scroll. He planned to out number
those that will be coming for it. He deployed troops in Akaras city, undercover
and ordered them to wait for The Pairs.
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This however meant a win still for Commander Amanda. She just had to cross her
fingers her troops will be a match against both The Pairs and The Prodigals. The
Prodigals were overwhelmed putting together strategies on how to best advantage
their encounter with The Pairs and The Sons. They dropped their guard on San
Tzu. It was almost as if they did not have one of the most greatest man to have
ever lived in custody. The Pairs themselves did not try to rescue for they knew
better. It was obvious they were going to be saved the trouble and the effort. The
two organizations were going to do it for them and all they had to do was walk in
and walk out.

The General had secured a plan to capture a Pair, preferably the one that
would’ve proved less coordinated. He planned to set a trap for the lot of them if
they tried to rescue their own. But his actual reason was with a Pair and the scroll
in their position, The Prodigals were all powerful and unstoppable. San Tzu was
moved to Dalgada city, then Poland. There The Prodigals had a special base where
they kept their prized positions and it was off the grid. Commander Amanda’s
small letter unit was already in place waiting for movement so that they can
intervene. Learning that San Tzu was being transported they agreed to follow and
take him when they reach their destination. All this was to learn more and
whatever that could advantage them against The Prodigals. The Prodigals were
too busy mobilizing troops to secure the scroll so much so they turned a blind eye
on San Tzu and what having him meant.

Radska. The captain of the small letter unit, he was a very tactical and strategical
man. Nothing really did miss him. Arguably he was the best chess player to have
ever existed. He plotted many great battles that made the foundation of The Sons.
He was after all the one man that stole the carrier full of Angel weapons. The one
man that had lot of Angel blood in his hands. He understood one thing and one
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thing only, results. He was a student of Leonardo Da Vinci during judgement day.
His involvement meant precise.

“Paul. You’re infiltrating for information. I want to know what happens, why and
when. Study their schedule. Report back in four hours. Three hours you’re one of
them.” Captain Radska commanded.

“Yes sir.” Radska nodded. In his head he wanted to make sure how good Paul was
at compromising his objectives in tight spots.

The moment Paul got in. He reported over comms he was in. He then quickly cut
all communications with his team. Neither him nor them would be able to reach
the other. Radska intended to blow his cover. A bait. Paul somehow had beat him
to the thought. What Radska did not realize was that Paul was not at all looking to
impress him to be accepted as a full member and one of them. He never really
was the type to prove himself for acceptance. He always believed everyone pays
for a product or services for a certain reason or due to a valid satisfaction. Of
course, he was skeptical about his recruitment, regardless, he needed a purpose,
to belong. Which was why he was in his position. He had the most possible baits

The very same moment Paul reported he had infiltrated enemy territory. Radska
began working on how he was going to get the rest of the team inside. He took
three with him and the last four he had them guard all exit spots and to clear
their path on their way out just in case things didn’t go well inside.

Inside Paul headed to the control room. He studied all the cameras and the
movements of the guards and soldiers at the base. From the control room he
noticed one room was heavily guarded. It wasn’t a cell, an office rather. All
superior officers were going in and taking their time coming out and others did
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not. The hallway to the door was heavily guarded. It hit him. What are the
chances that’s where San Tzu is being held?

He knew he had to blend in flawlessly. He didn’t have anything to to lose. Perhaps

something Radska did not see coming. Paul was indeed the perfect man to sent in,
for he did not walk like either of them. To The Prodigals, they’ll probably take him
as a maggot, a new recruit looking for his place. He got hold of their uniforms
and walked down that hallway like one of them without breaking a sweat. The
confidence and certainty were overly overwhelming. One of the sergeants spotted
him walking down and admired his person, he was so collected.

“Soldier!” Paul turned to him in perfect response.

“Here. Take this package to major Zebz. Make sure he and he only gets it. If his
busy, wait for him to get relieved and hand it over to him. Tell him it’s A.X.” He
saluted and the sergeant went his way.

In his head Paul was putting a sly smile. He had just been given a pass and he did
not have to worry about being vetted by the other soldiers in there. The moment
he reached the door, the two at the door gave him a pass without even talking to
him. He did not hesitate and he quickly walked in mission oriented. Inside,
there were two office desks set in opposite manner each at the corner of the room.
Chairs and benches were set running along the the walls and a bar was set at the
far end of the room. Next to the bar was a door which led to another room. Upon
entrance he quickly studied the room and checked all the ranks of every soldier
in there. He noticed only one was a major but still he wasn’t sure if she was major
Zebz. He walked up to the bar and spoke to the bartender.

“Package for major Zebz.” He stood firmly as if he had given a command.

The soldier behind the bar took his time before responding. “You can leave it here.
I’ll see to it that he gets it.” Paul took a step and looked him right in the eye.
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“Package for major Zebz.”

“I said you can leave it h…”

“Soldier I did not ask you if I can leave it here for you to make sure he gets the
package.” Paul fired at the bartender.

All this was in the eyes of the other major across the room. She got up and walked
towards them. Paul noticed her approaching. He kept his firm gaze on the soldier
behind the bar. When she got to them she looked at Paul.

“He said he’ll make sure he gets it.” The soldier behind the bar reached for the

“Yes, he did. But his not major Zebz, ma’am.” He kept his calm.

She studied Paul with curiosity. Why was he so calm insisting major Zebz be
brought to him. He had no rank. She gave the package a close look. She advanced
towards Paul invading his personal space.

She leaned in and whispered to him.”Tell me. A…”

Paul turned to her and whispered back. “x.”

She nodded right away and led him to the door without saying a word. She
opened the door for him and motioned for him to enter. He nodded to her in
respect. She closed the door right behind him and she locked the door. Paul took a
deep breath and proceeded. Inside the room, ranks occupied the space. He was
the only lowest rank in there. He knew, that was going to compromise his
position somehow. The door had just been locked. Whatever that was going to
happen, he was on his own.

Radsksa and his team had found their way inside. They had knocked out couple
of guards along the way and had the map in their hands and they headed to the
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cells. Paul had no idea which one of these people was major Zebz. So he
proceeded to the first major he spotted.

With confidence he saluted and stood alert. “ Package for major Zebz.”

The major just pointed to him. He was washing his hands, they were all red with
blood. His heart skipped a beat. He quickly concluded it was San Tzu’s blood. He
approached the major and stopped at a safe respectable distance and then
addressed him.

“Major Zebz sir! Package for you.” the major looked over his shoulder and
responded to him.

“Drop it over there, I’ll see what it is later.” Paul advanced making his movement
known. He leaned towards his ear and whispered to him.

“A.X.” He then took two steps back and stood.

The major quickly finished washing his hands and dried them. He turned to Paul.

“Come over here.” they went into a corner.

The major opened the package. Something Paul never knew he will ever see was
right there in front of him in the major’s hand. He looked into the package and
saw two more swords, angel swords. This meant death. Not only death but erased
from existence, no heaven.

“Right. Let the execution begin. Bring both of them out here.” Major Zebz began
swinging the sword in air.

San Tzu and Georges Lemaotre were dragged in by two corporals. Georges
Lemaotre was choking in his own blood. A terrible punishment, torture had
become eternal pain without death. Paul was shocked recognizing the blooded
man. The major then approached the two men.
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“Humans celebrated with mad joy when God put the horseman of death out of
existence. Imagine humanity’s shock when the war began. The angels were
putting humans out of existence with just a swing of their swords. Then it so
happened mankind got in their hands the swords. Slaughter began. And tonight, I
end your lives. You should just tell me what I need to know right now monk.” The
major said approaching Georges Lemaotre.

“I already told you. You’re looking for answers that I personally was going to ask
God himself. Then you idiots started the war.” Georges responded.

“We did not start this war. Everybody knows who did.”

“Regardless. Your participation is proving their point.” Georges challenged.

“Perhaps. But nobody cares now isn’t it?” He put the sword on Georges’ shoulder.
“After you, I’m decapitating him next.” San Tzu just looked up to him.

Georges closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. Just as he was about to swing the
sword down, he felt a sharp pain running through him. He looked down his chest
and saw an angel’s sword protruding from his chest. He shrieked in pain as he
burst into flames exploded inwards, seizing to exist. Like explosion, how the
boom began with a light in the middle and just spreads into space wiping
everything in its path, the concept was similar only in the opposite direction.
After bursting into flames, the fire expanded and then just came together only to
vanish in thin air. The big bang in reverse, from something to nothing. Paul
caught the sword Zebz was holding, threw it to San Tzu and picked up the one he
used to kill Zebz and handed it over to Georges. They heard the soldiers in the
first room rushing towards the door. Paul knew any second the door will be open
hence he just jumped and started killing many as he could before the door swung
open. San Tzu joined in taking down thrice the soldiers that Paul did each kill. A
total massacre. Georges in his pain carried himself into a corner and killed any
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soldier that advanced to him. He however, enjoyed killing the two corporals that
helped beat him up. The room was all fire when the door swung open.

The remaining few majors backed up towards the door where their backup was.
Paul and San Tzu looked at each other for a moment. Looked back at Georges
who got on his feet and joined them. They looked at each other and nodded as if
to say, ‘Been a pleasure’.

As The Prodigals where just about to advance, Radska yelled.

“Duuuuuucckkk!!!!!!!!!!!” They began firing upon the soldiers. Fire just erupted
as they all exploded into nothing.

“So… That’s how the Seraphims did it huh.” Paul was just amazed.

“Let’s go!” Radska commanded.

To Paul’s surprise, a get away plan and a clean route had already been set. Fifteen
minutes out they had all regrouped over the hill. Paul looked over to Radska

Radska looked back at him as if he knew what his expression meant. He put a sly
smile and spoke to him.

“I know.” He took a detonator from his pocket and pressed it.

Good heavens, the whole base lit. It just disappeared and left the land clean as if
nothing had been ever built there.

“What was that? What just happened?” A discombobulated Paul asked calmly.

“I weaponized some of the swords I took during the war. Deadly gas, knives,
bullets, explosives etc. First time I ever got to use the explosives at this larger scale.
Spectacular.” Radska responded.

Georges coughed to speak. “And me?”

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“His our mission.” Radska pointed at San Tzu.

Paul interrupted. “That’s Georges Lemaotre…” Katia cut him off.

“You don’t say. The big bang theory guy.” She pointed out excitedly.

“He comes too.” Radska ended.

“Who are you people?” San Tzu asked.

“The Sons.” Katia responded.

“Great, another misplaced group of believers.” Georges expressed.

“We could still leave you here. You coming with us is just a bonus, otherwise you
aren’t a priority. Even major Zebz understood that.” Paul looked him straight in
the eyes.

“Okay fine. I’ll go with you. I don’t have a problem with The Sons. I just think
you’re slow, that’s all. You unnecessarily take your time when it comes to
engagement.” Georges fired.

“But the results, they’re unmatched yes?” Katia pointed out.

“Yes. Now let’s get moving.” San Tzu started walking ahead.

The unit dispatched to their vehicle. Paul up front to have a chat with San Tzu.

“I’m curious. Out of respect, aren’t you at all phased that we might not be any
different from The Prodigals? I mean, you know who we are and you’ve never
been affiliated with us before yet you’re so calm. Either this is going our way or
it’s definitely going your way.” Radska laughed from genuine amusement.

“He does realize all that. He just doesn’t care. At all.” San Tzu looked to Paul with a
soft smile.

“What he said.”
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“Yes but…”

“Young man. What is your name?” San Tzu asked calmly.

“Paul. Sir.” He replied.

“Right. Paul, thank you for rescuing us back there. Now, there isn’t any difference
between The Sons and The Prodigals.”

“But The Pairs…?” Paul looked him in the eye.

“Are a myth.” San Tzu responded intending to end the conversation.

“I don’t follow.” A discombobulated Paul was suddenly face down with

disappointment running all over his face.

“You do not believe in the savior. Your principles, inclusive with those of The
Prodigals are not at all at odds. You only disagree on the means. However, both of
you believe you’re the salvation. You’re like two brothers racing to prove
yourselves worthy. Along the run, miss the bigger picture.” San Tzu clarified.

“Oh. I just never thought of it that way.” Paul assessed.

“I know. You’re not meant to.” He said sarcastically.

“And what do you mean by that?” Katia took an interest in the conversation.

“Because whatever he may say to you to try and show you the bigger picture, you
still wouldn’t shift your loyalty and commitment.” Radska intervened.

“And how would you know that captain?” Katia asked him interrogatively.

“Lifetime. Alright! I want you two on guard and the rest prepare refreshments.
Katia and Paul tend to Georges and San Tzu. We’re wheels in an hour and in the
next hour I want us in air. Make it snappy, let’s go!” He barked his order and
walked away.
Ω 42

Katia was left with twenty-twenty questions. She was overly puzzled at how her
captain was always correct about everything and knew almost everything. She
never suspected him to being a traitor or spy, he had lot of honour to stoop that
low. She just brushed the thought and reported to her post. Paul on the other
hand, gave Radska a long curious stare as he walked away. He had a lot running
through his head. It dawned on him he had a lot to figure out and put together.
He put the thought on hold for now and followed Katia to their post.

Radska had nothing to hide really. Anyone who knew him during Judgement Day
understood Radska was one not to be meddled with. One should never bet against
his word and a guarantee to rest any doubt, he wanted peace. That was his only
objective. He stood for peace in the stead of opening the gates. Dangerous as he
truly was, he was all the same honest and for that, respect and trust showered
down upon him effortlessly.

Fifteen minutes had passed and it was getting restless standing in the coffee line.
Tanaka made a deep sigh, checked her watch and made a gesture to the guys on
the counters. One of them locked eyes with her. She kept staring and he stared
back. She got provoked instantly. He truly was getting on her nerves, she just
clicked her tongue and got out of the line to go and confront the supervisor. Just
as she stepped out the line a firm grip got hold of her by the bicep.

“A little system problem. It’s now fixed.” The stranger said to her.

“And you would know, how?” She gave him the don’t waste my time look.
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“The notice board. I took it you didn’t notice.” She felt like a complete idiot. She
slowly moved back in line.

“Thanks. I was about to make a fool of myself.” The guy smiled and nodded.

Tanaka got served her coffee and headed home. She had a lot going on in her
mind. She hadn’t even noticed the activity from both the organizations. She had
become reckless and clumsy ever since she got the scroll, everything the mermaid
queen said to her was still fornicating with her madly. Besides, she didn’t expect
acquiring the scroll to be that easy and it wasn’t even supposed to have been that
easy. She walked back home trying to gather herself and make out her next move.
She had invested a lot of her energy and focus in acquiring the scroll she had no
idea what to do with the scroll next after getting it. Seeing street paintings on
walls, she noticed one that said, “THE PAIRS ARE OUR GUARDIAN ANGELS. THE
PAIRS.” She figured taking the scroll to The Pairs would be the best move. After all,
they were fighting for what she was fighting for.

She saw a Prodigals vehicles drive right pass her and she didn’t pay any attention
to it. It was almost as if she didn’t notice it. Twenty-five minutes later, she was
two streets before her door then she saw two Sons vehicles in high speed coming
from her place direction. It then hit her that she had seen a Prodigals vehicle in
the neighborhood. She quickly awakened. She started jogging to her place then
stopped hundred meters from her yard to see if there’s anything conspicuous. She
stood for ten minutes then proceeded with caution. She paused for a moment
when she got to her gate. She observed and studied her vicinity, then her front
porch. It felt too good to be true to her. Twittering birds were too many. No
squirrels and too much wind. The silence seemed normal but the Yadamukas
weren’t sitting out their front porch as their daily custom. She checked her watch
and they were inside five hours early, which was odd. They never do that.
Ω 44

She assumed obviously someone had to be watching. She collected herself as if

she was satisfied and walked inside as if everything was in place. She got in, five
minutes later, she opened her sitting room and kitchen curtains. Put her music on,
started cooking and went on as if it was just another day. Tanaka had already
worked out a plan, she was just relaxing the enemy, make it think it had her
cornered. She had her meal, washed her dishes and then closed her curtains. She
made sure her movements were still stable and giving her off. She knew they’d
switch to heat vision. Thirty minutes later she went down two her basement.
Down there spotting her on heat vision would be impossible hence she made
three trips, make it as if she was busy with something. An hour before dark she
made a fourth trip down the basement and then disappeared. She had dug an
escape tunnel underground.

It was now dusk. The commander ordered a move in into Tanaka’s home. She also
ordered for her to be brought back unharmed and alive. When they got in, the
place was really chilled and felt empty like one person occupied as it was. They
searched the whole house and did not find her anywhere in there.

“Commander. She’s not here. The basement is the only place we haven’t checked.”
A soldier reported back.

“Any important stuff you see in the house?” The Commander asked.

“Negative.” He replied.

“Okay. Must be in the basement then. Proceed.” She ordered.

“Copy. Advancing to the basement.”

The captain of the team gestured to move in. They went down to the basement,
rocked the whole place and still found no sign of her.

“Commander. She’s not here.” He reported back.

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“You mean she’s not in the house?” Commander Amanda sounded surprised.


“How’s that possible? Do you see any artifact collection down there?”

“Oh ma’am. You truly need to see this. This operation was not a waste of time.
We’re onto something.” He assured her to wash away any disappointment.

“Okay, stay sharp. I’m coming in.”

“Yes ma’am. Alright guys! Don’t lose your guard, commander’s coming in.”

Three minutes in the commander was inside heading down the basement. She
stood froze as she was standing in Tanaka’s basement. She couldn’t believe what
she was looking at. She had to remove her comms wire to try and involve herself
with all that which was surrounding her, the magnitude.

“This… This is everything. My word. Gamiko was not kidding at all.”

“What do you want us to do with all this ma’am?” She turned to look at him
shocked he even asked that question.

“Read my mind captain. Surprise me.” She then walked out without saying
anything else.

“Alright team. Bag the basement and leave the house as it is! If you find anything
of importance upstairs, bag it! Hustle!!”

Commander Amanda’s brain cells were all fired up as she walked out to her car.
She then understood she really had to have a talk with Gamiko. She realized she
wasn’t at all giving him enough attention or to what he had been saying all this
time. She had her people arrange for his room when San Tzu came through. She
knew she had to play her cards real close with him involved.
Ω 46

Meanwhile, Radska was keeping his eye real close on San Tzu the whole flight. He
understood San Tzu had nothing to hide but he didn’t trust what he could do
having Lemaotre around and in his condition. San Tzu kept his composure
regardless, in his head he was so curious to learn what The Sons knew and what
their objectives were, particularly with him. Paul had noticed the alertness on
Radska, he paid no mind to that. He kept wondering what they could achieve
having San Tzu, Georges, the scroll and a Pair. But then again, the lady with the
scroll in her possession wasn’t going to give it up that easy. He would know, after
all, he had his ass handed to him by her without her putting any effort. He
understood she lived for her collection but the way she defended them meant
something else. What bothered him was what her plan could be. One can tell
someone’s intentions from fighting and with her he could not pin anything. He
kept wondering until he just fixated his eyes on San Tzu, thinking if it’d be a good
idea to ask him about it. San Tzu noticed and looked right back at him. He leaned
in just to intimidate him. The two kept staring neither saying anything to the
other. Paul lost his cool and thought to hell with it and he leaned forward to get
San Tzu’s attention that he was about address him. Just as he opened his mouth to
speak, San Tzu beat him to it.

“Whatever it is you want to say. I’m not interested and it’s obviously not a good
idea. Let it go.” Paul got confused and sat back.

“There you go. Just enjoy the flight yea?” Georges said in a calm tone.

Radska put on a soft smile. “His new to this San. Go easy on him.”

“Hahahaha. I tell you right now, this one is full of it. It’s just banging on his door.
Best to put him on the front like you did.” San Tzu laughed.

“Yea, he reminded me of someone.” Radska commented.

“You think? Same here.” San Tzu added back.

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“They always come flawless and for the cause.” Georges joined in the conversation.

“His a ten.” Radska said.

“You would know. His your man.” Georges sounded more rooted.

“I say fifteen.” San Tzu disagreed.

“Hhahahahaha. Really San? I say twelve” Katia joined in as well.

“Toothless. Mmm-mm. What you say Georges? His my man yes, but I don’t know
him all too well like that. So you have a shot.” Radska got comfortable with the

“Really?” Georges seemed suddenly interested, he sat up.

He studied Paul for a while. He looked at his hands then his head. He then turned
to Radska.

“Rules?” Radska shook his head and so did San Tzu and Katia.

“Right. Paul? Exploitation?”

“Power.” Paul replied.

“Motion.” Said San Tzu and he replied advantage.

“Precise.” Katia said to him.

He looked over at her and replied effective then he looked to Radska.

“My my, you fellas really making this interesting. Okay. Thirteen?”

“Nine.” Paul just sat waiting to have them explain to him what it was they were

“So, when you were nine you figured it’d be an advantage to you if you had
power or represented it and this mindset always makes you effective at whatever
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you do. Rough childhood. What year are you?” A member of the team broke it
down to him.

He stroked. He couldn’t believe how Talala was right. He felt a bit embarrassed,
he had his face down for a couple of minutes. He then stood up calmly to get a
glass of water. His mind readers just looked at him and said nothing. They were
all waiting for him to say something first. He drank his water, he put away his
glass and took his sit.

“I don’t know how y’all just mapped my life just like that.” The four just burst into

“Paul. We didn’t. You told us.” Gave him an awkward look.

“I did not. I would know if I did.” He defended, sounding so sure of himself.

Talala cleared things up for him again. “You’re taught to respond in alliance with
that which would’ve been said to you first precisely and descriptively too. It
usually helps with getting focal point info. Unbiased as well. So you responded…”

“Wow. I’m impressed.” Paul commented.

“We know.” Katia said then laid back to rest.

The small letter unit was a few hours out before base. Commander Amanda had
her head stranded in Gamiko’s work. She had been going through his projects
since she left Tanaka’s place. She needed a new perspective to help her best
understand Tanaka. The collection she had seen was not just any collection,
Tanaka was most defintely looking for something. She needed to be a copy of her
mindset but where to begin. She just sat there in a chair looking at Gamiko’s
documentary on the start of the war. She was sort of flattered how it described
and how it defined existence as they lived. She knew Gamiko would be of great
help having on their side, full trust being given to him as part of what he helped
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built. She was however worried how Minister Kelly would react. She didn’t mind.
She figured if she gets The First Lady to see this, her then Kelly would be the one
in question of where his loyalties lie.

Two hours later the plane landed and The Commander received word the small
letter unit had just landed and their mission was a success. She send for them to
be brought to the conference room. Georges for a moment got cold feet. He
wasn’t sure how the Commander was going to react seeing him on her base. He
followed through as they were being escorted to their rendezvous with The
Commander. Radska gave him a pat on the back and reassured him everything
was fine and he was also going to be. Georges took a deep breath and looked over
to San Tzu hoping to get some reassurance but San Tzu kept his eyes locked on
his path. Although he did sense Georges’ anxiety, he figured his better off not
relying on his word. A bit harsh, Georges rubbed his hands together trying to
compose himself and keep his feet on the ground.

Now Paul understood that the mission to rescue San Tzu was all purposed to give
The Sons an advantage the against The Prodigals. What he failed to realized was
that with Georges in the conversation now, this changes everything. From what
The Sons represented and what it was meant to uphold. Radska knew obviously
that having Georges was going to set new tracks on course but he too was all the
same oblivious to what reality and purpose they’ll all be serving now. San Tzu on
the other hand tried not get ahead of himself suggesting assumptions that might
blow his cover and his secret. All this kept one thing certain, that the conflict was
going to accelerate regardless. Commander Amanda treated herself to some
pineapple juice as she awaited for San Tzu. She had no idea what was going to
happen. For the first time she wasn’t sure if she wanted her post or not but she
was sure she truly believed The Sons had a bigger role to play in all this if
humanity was going to see heaven. The faction walked in, The Commander
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remained seated and motioned for them to sit. Her reaction did not change. When
she saw Georges she still did not shift all the same, she did not recognize him. In
her head she knew his identity was crucial otherwise he would’ve been put out of
existence. The meeting was only The Commander, Radska, Katia, Paul, San Tzu
and Georges.

“Captain. Congratulations to you and your team on a successful mission.San. How

are you?” San Tzu nodded and then she leaned forward facing Georges.

“He could not be left behind.” Radska said and she nodded.

“I see you’ve done so well for yourself Amanda. Impressive.” San Tzu broke the

“Yes. Thank you. What have you been up to all this while?” She asked.

“Places. Spent some unpleasant time with the Prodigals, took you long enough.
Either way, I’m grateful you found me.” San Tzu smiled.

“Oh, you knew I was coming?” Commander Amanda shifted in her seat.

“I counted on it.” San Tzu replied.

“Right.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry, you two know each other?” Georges asked.

“Oh Georges please. Don’t tell me you haven’t met people all your time.” Radska
bought his way in and Georges frowned.

“I had them bring something for you. In the meantime, why don’t you tell me
what they wanted from you.” She asked.

“What does everybody want from me Amanda?”

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“It’s reckless thinking you can go after The Pairs. We’re not that stupid San. Come
on. What do you have to lose in just telling me the truth?”

“A seat with The All Father.” San Tzu made his bargain.

“That’s a loud call. Even for me.” She stood up to pour herself some more juice.

“Yes, but this is me. Hazuz was arranging a meet with me. Something tells me
even Orion would love for me to have a conversation with him.”

Commander Amanda laughed. “You know my hands are tied, either way you’ll
get what you want. So why are you making this hard for me?”

“The thrill Amanda. Forgot?” She smiled.

“Okay. Who’s this?” She asked Radska.

“Georges. Georges Lemaotre.”

“What! You don’t say.” A sudden interest grew in her.

“Paul found him together with San Tzu.” Radska added.

“Good job. San Tzu, you’ll have your conversation with The All Father. I’ll get hold
of The First Lady first thing tomorrow morning. Guard!! Please escort San Tzu to
his quarters. I’ll make sure they bring your meal before you sleep.” She smiled to

Everybody was shocked by her shift. This new founded interest in Georges posed
a lot of questions and stirred the room in a new confusion. Even San Tzu did not
see this coming. Georges was now all the same scared, what could be more
interesting about him than San Tzu. What the room was short on was that when
Commander Amanda was going through Gamiko’s projects, she ran into some
interesting theory concerning the dawn of existence. The research lab in
Switzerland made a great discovery back in the 21st century and humanity had
Ω 52

turned its interest on this, thousands of centuries ago and seeing those project
files shocked Commander Amanda and now hours later, Georges Lemaotre was
right in front of her. This was meant to be, she thought to herself. In the 21st
century, the world’s largest scientific research facility Switzerland’s Conseil
Europeen pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN). It succeeded in producing the first
particles of antimatter. Antimatter is identical to physical matter except that it is
composed of particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found in
normal matter. Antimatter at first was created in very small amounts until CERN
broke ground on its new Antiproton Decelerator. It made it possible to produce
antimatter in larger quantities.

Georges’ presence changed everything and she was pretty much starting to get
ideas. Safe, yes, but treason, for they stood against their protocol. The true
question of her heart was now about to be asked and she realized that. The
answer she already had, but the methods were not at all going to be approved.
She had to start detaching herself from the comforts she had been used to since
the war began, everything was about to change. Radska just looked at her
confused and without a clue at what was going on what he was looking at. He
and Paul had to pick sides now.

Two days had passed and Gamiko had been unreachable all this while. The First
Lady had arranged the meet of San Tzu with The All Father and he had agreed.
Commander Amanda had been trying to reach Gamiko but the man had been
missing. The third morning Gamiko woke up to eleven missed calls. Just as he was
about to check from whom, his phone began ringing. With fright, he dropped the
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“Gates!” He sighed, then picked up the phone, the caller ID said Commander
Amanda, he answered.

“Gamiko!! Where have you been?” She barked at him.

“Work.” He answered calmly.

“Drop everything you’ll doing now and come to my office, now!!”

“Aaah. I don’t know, I got th…” She fired at him.

“I don’t care even if it is Michael you have to meet at the gates Gamiko!!! Get your
butt here in an hour! Oh and Gamiko, for your own good. Make sure you’re here
in an hour’s time, not a mini second later. Do I make myself clear?” She clear her
throat or anything.

“Yes Amanda. I hear you. I’ll be there.” He looked terrified.

“You better.” She hung up.

Gamiko knew whatever it was he got the memo, she was not playing and he did
not want to get on her bad side after she reiterated the importance of his presence.
The presence of Georges had been kept a secret. Only the small letter unit,
Commander Amanda, First Lady and The All Father knew he was in their walls.
And they intended to keep his presence a secret until they had a tangible plan and
Gamiko was the bridge to that. He understood getting the post he wanted would
demand a lot, he just did not realize it meant until his officially put in the office,
he’ll have to be an errand boy all the way. Regardless, he was very much willing
to go all the way as well.

“I’m sure when they invented a cellphone, the whole idea was to always have it
on your person.” Commander Amanda addressed to him.

“Yes. I apologize for that.” He cleared his throat.

Ω 54

“Take a seat. What you’re about to learn in here is top secret. Only a few people
know of this. The Trio don’t even know, so you understand what I’m saying here
yes?” Commander Amanda looked him in the eyes.

“Yes.” He sat upright.

Gamiko knew one thing for certain. Nothing ever happens that The Trio don’t
know about. Those three were like the allowance of events. Nothing was ever a
surprise to them. But he had got what The Commander said, ‘The Trio don’t even
know.’ He knew right away The All Father has knowledge of this but it’s still in
the dark. This was a big deal truly and he washed off the negligent attitude.

The Commander pressed a button and a door in of Gamiko opened. He noticed a

figure but still couldn’t make up exactly what it was. Georges walked out into the
light. Gamiko kept starring at him slowly slipping into a trance of shock. He stood
up shaking approaching Georges.

“Tell me it’s an actual cup of coffee that I had on my way here. My gates. This
is…” Gamiko’s mouth couldn’t close.

“Yes.” Commander Amanda confirmed excitedly.

“But how did you come across him? I thought he crossed. Sorry. I apologize, this
is all overwhelming for me. Can I touch you please? Your arm at least?” Gamiko

Georges smiled. “Go ahead.”


“Welcome to the table, Specialist Gamiko.” Commander Amanda just addressed

him in the formality he had always desired.
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Gamiko’s hair stood as he heard his name coming after a title. He knew then on,
his in and it had come at the right time. He collected himself, turned to The
Commander and then nodded. He then went to his seat. Georges and Amanda sat
down as well.

“Okay gentlemen. Thank you for being here. Georges, this is our Specialist,
Gamiko. Very good at his job. He helped build the foundation of The Sons. And
Gamiko, don’t mean to insult your intelligence but I trust you already know who
this is.” The Commander gave a formal introduction.

“Yes. I’ve heard. The Grakka, that’s what they call you.” Gamiko smiled and

“Great. Since you both know of each others’ reputation. I trust we’ll work together
with one mindset.” Amanda sat back.

“Alright. So why have you brought us here? I can think of a lot but I’m sure
there’s one specifically.” Gamiko asked.

“Correct. I took some time to go through your projects again and one did caught
my attention. This specific one is about the antimatter at CERN. And it so
happened hours later the small letter unit brought with them Georges Lemaotre.”

“I’m sorry, CERN?” Georges asked for clarification.

Gamiko turned to him. “It existed in the 21st century. A scientist there brought to
reality your theory. The Big Bang Theory. Nothing to something. Before,
antimatter was being produced in smaller amounts but their antiproton
decelerator made it possible to produce it in larger quantities.”

“Wow. They sure did enjoy science then. And the church?” Georges asked.

“Guess it’s safe to say it distanced itself from everything and anything that taught
otherwise.” Amanda added.
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“So what are you proposing Commander?” Georges genuinely asked her.

“The future. An alternative.”

“Alternative? You’re already working on that!?” Gamiko shot.

“What if the gates never open? I’m not at all insinuating that they won’t. But just
as we’ve done with weapons, I’m hoping to do that with our future. We’re living
blindly and all hope has turned into myth. When was the last time a Pair has been
spotted?” Amanda said to Gamiko.

“It’s been over two centuries.” Georges confirmed.

“And the scroll?” Gamiko asked.

“Still in play. We’re not backing off of that. And we have San Tzu. We don’t have
anything to lose here Specialist Gamiko. Only what could be.” She reassured him.

“San Tzu know about the scroll?” Georges asked.

“His been informed, yes.” Commander Amanda replied.

“So what are we planning to do exactly?” Gamiko asked.

“The All Father is working that part out. He’ll get back to us and we’ll start from
there. I need the both of you to keep this to yourselves, is that clear?” Both men

“Georges you really want a part?” Gamiko asked.

“This way I get to be a part of something with my ideas not getting ridiculed for
no apparent reason. Besides, this whole thing is based on me. I don’t see why I
shouldn’t be a part of a descendant I created.” Georges answered Gamiko.

Gamiko felt where he was coming from. He could only imagine whatever it was
The All Father was going to task them with but he was already committed and
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impatient. The Commander felt shady in a way because this abandoned what she
once believed in. According to her, it wasn’t worth anything living in constant
battle for superiority against The Prodigals. Honestly she wanted something she
can control and know her job has been well done and no threats are coming for
her people. Convincing her mindset to The All Father wasn’t at all difficult as she
had imagined. Apparently, it so happened that The All Father himself had grown
tired of it all and he too wanted a guaranteed win. Having The Commander and
Georges on his side made everything clear to him and now he only had to work
on the how. The how, were they going to obtain their win against The Prodigals.

Whilst everything was falling into place for The Sons, on the flip side of that coin,
The Prodigals were receiving news there base was no more. General Tonderai
kept his cards close to him. He did not react out of impulse or thought of hitting
back on The Sons. The General began to regroup his already set plans. He had set
perfect plans but they all required enemy movement first. He then decided to go
over everything from scratch. The Sons had a two months head start on this race.
He had already lost it. Planting troops to capture a Pair was a good idea, he let
that pillar stand. Everything else he had to redo. San Tzu was no longer in his
custody, same with Georges Lemaotre. He could not make up what The Sons
could possibly want with him. That card was a long game and so he focused on
what he knew for certain. He did not need to get San Tzu back, what he needed
was the scroll. The focal point to the scroll was Commander Amanda and so he
had to place his men in her vicinity, let her lead them straight to it.

Three days later, a restless Tanaka made her first appearance in North Eastern
Oceans city, then Fiji. Bad choice for someone who has to lay low but she had no
choice. The city was a busy city with tourism and just good for those looking for a
good time. She needed to meet with an old friend whom she trusted could help
her make sense of everything and set her on the right path. The city was just filled
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with mad love and joy. It was one of the least cities one would expect to see a Pair,
Son and Prodigal. In these particular cities, The Pairs were straight up myths,
nothing more but made up stories to not lose hope. The people were pretty much
a lost cause. They only lived to see the end with no hope at all of expecting a turn
of events. Regardless, these cities were the playgrounds for the chameleons from
both organizations. They were the source of information, anything one needed
clarified or just a rumour, they were the right places to source. Tanaka
understood this very much hence she knew she had to be extra careful, her friend
was one of the city’s most notorious individuals. A person not to get involved with
at all and how they became buddies was a brutal story really.

A hundred years ago, Tanaka was on her usual collection missions. She was
looking for Cleopatra’s third egg. Source said the egg was last spotted in the Nami
dessert then Namibian dessert. She ran into one of history’s most notorious thief
from the 20th century, Bonnie. As amazed as she was to have ran into her, she was
all the same surprised to see her working alone. Another top mafia whom Bonnie
was working for had lied to her about knowing Clyde’s exact locations. Since the
war broke out, the two had been separated and Bonnie was doing all she can to
get back to her lover. So she had to find the egg for her current employer to get
Clyde’s location. The two had hidden their agenda’s from each other, both said
they were lost and were trying to get to Oasis town. The best town in any dessert
yet very difficult to locate. So it made sense to them to have ran into each other,
they had dressed as such. Three weeks of mutual interest led the two to become
fond of each other and find their way to Oasis town. There they went their
separate ways only to meet again in the exact spot, trapped, trying to steal the egg,
which they had discovered was actually in Oasis town and was not lost.

Surprised to see each other under same tight circumstances, they made a
temporary alliance to help each other get out and it’ll be one on their own once
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they get out. Still lied to each other about their true agendas, they managed to free
themselves and go their separate ways. One particular night, the town was
having one of its best and Tanaka was out hunting for the egg and so was Bonnie.
After they got free, Bonnie thought of a much more safer way of getting to the egg
and decided to associate herself with the head security. What man wouldn’t want
to have her knowing exactly what she’s capable of, then again, the head security
had no idea exactly what she was capable of. Tanaka on the other hand kept to
her ideals. She sneaked in to where the egg was being kept and cracking the safe
wasn’t challenging as she would’ve expected. Apparently whoever they were
stealing from did not expect anyone to come looking for the egg at all or just
maybe they had no idea what it was or it was worthless to them. Whatever the
reason was, Tanaka was grateful she did not have to put any effort. Exiting was
the surprising part. On her way out, she came face to face with Bonnie and the
head security headed her way. She stood for a moment waiting for any sudden
movements, she looked around trying to see if there were any exit windows.
There weren’t any. The head security gently pushed Bonnie back getting her out
of harm’s way.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you leave with the egg.” The head security said slowly
advancing towards her.

“Then maybe you should do a better job at securing it.” Tanaka started stalling.

“Come back four days later. I’m sure the Dixen will gladly hand it over to you.”
The head security said.

“Sounds too good to be true. I’ll take my chances.” Tanaka said.

“Very well. Suit yourself.” He then advanced towards her violently and behind
him Bonnie was silently advancing fully intended.
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He threw a punch at Tanaka which she blocked and threw one right back at him.
He caught the fist, pulled her towards him and quickly grabbed her by the throat.
He then threw her five feet away. He jumped to crush her with his right knee and
she rolled out of the way. She quickly got up and kicked him in the head sending
him to hit against the wall but before he reached the wall, Bonnie caught him
with her knee in the head diverting his direction and he hit the floor with his
head real hard and he laid there unconscious. The two women were breathing
heavily and they looked at each other neither putting their guard down.

“I’m sorry Tanaka, but I need you to give me that egg. I’ve come a long way for it.”
Bonnie said.

“I can’t do that still. Thought you were here for the town’s treats.” Tanaka said to

“I’m sure our marriage of convenience in that cage made it pretty obvious we
both lied why we’re here.” Bonnie swaggered.

“Guess death doesn’t change anyone.” Tanaka mocked.

“You have no idea what death’s like. Just as it is in your best interests to hand me
that egg love.” She threw one back at her.

“Definitive proof you missed the memo. Death’s a myth now baby.” She put up a
daring sly smile.

Bonnie shook her head with an insulting facial expression. She untied her hair
with her left hand. She was holding a remolded angle’s blade crafted into a small
hair pin but with one end sharp.

“Right then, I suspect you said goodbye to your loved ones.” Tanaka’s face
changed and for a minute there, she was really afraid.
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She had never been in a situation she had to fight for her life and this one had
come unexpectedly.

“Shit.” Then on Bonnie knew she had her in the right mindset.

Bonnie cracked her knuckles getting ready to fight and Tanaka tried to chance
her moment and attacked her. Apparently what she did not realize was that
Bonnie was doing mind games on her, she had her guard on. She evaded her
punch and tackled her. She fell hard on her back, she did not see that move
coming. Soon as she hit the ground Bonnie held her by the throat really hard. She
could not breathe and with the pain rushing through her body, she found it
difficult opening her eyes. Soon as she opened them all, she saw a fist ready to hit
her. As she tried struggling to set herself free, Bonnie punched her hard in the
head and she was knocked out.

She never did stood a chance against her regardless. Bonnie had intention and
that’s all, she needed to get what she wanted. She did not stab her out of existence,
for some reason she let her live. She thought about what the head security had
said about the Dixen giving the egg away. The Dixen only wanted the egg for
study and had no use for it afterwards. With a good word from the head security,
she got the egg as promised and left with it, no harm done to her. Tanaka on the
other hand woke up in shackles thirty meters under the earth’s surface.

Bonnie after getting the egg to the person who had proposed the job to her she
discovered he was playing her. He ordered his men to cut her head off as they
were going to the alleged location where Clyde was supposed to be held captive.
Unfortunately for them, she cut their heads off out of existence. One of the men
told her she was being played all along and that no one had any clue whatsoever
if Clyde made it into heaven or was killed during the war or if he was still on
earth somewhere. She cut his head off and headed back to decapitate the goon
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and took over his business which she expanded and moved to North East Oceans
city. Ten years later is when she then decided to search for Tanaka, gave her the
egg, became friends and lived together running the business for sixty years til
Tanaka decided to go her way. No love was ever lost between the two.

Tanaka knew getting to her was going to be somewhat difficult for it had been
over five decades since they breathed the same air. She hoped to find the usual
security she had left but she knew obviously Bonnie had changed that security
ages ago. She could not send word she was in town too because chameleons
would be on that information in no time and the city will be flooded with Sons
and Prodigals soldiers in a day’s time.

She made an entrance she knew even Bonnie’s people would not want going out.
She went to Bonnie’s most protected building and caused great havoc there. She
locked the entrance door and beat down all her security until she got to the last
floor, where her office was. She knocked out all the guards guarding that floor.
Instead of entering the office, she pulled a chair and sat right outside the door
and left one to report back to Bonnie that someone had broken into her building.

Even Bonnie did not believe it, receiving the news. No one in their right mind
would dare attack her or even make it through check point. She tried checking
through security but all cameras had been put down and signal was lost. Furious
she couldn’t log into her property, she had her most trusted guards go with her to
Kraize tower. When they got there she made sure everything looked normal and
people did not notice something was wrong. She stood a few feet away from the
door and it clicked open. Her security entered first.

“That’s weird. It’s as if whoever this is made sure no one outside knew what was
going on inside.” Zaddy said.

“Well, you’re not wrong about that.” Bonnie said looking around.
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Bodies were just lying around. No weapons appeared to have been used. They
were all secured in a corner. Others were gaining consciousness.

“Park the cars. Put everything back in order and help them. Aniko, Zaddy and
Samantha you’re with me.” Bonnie then made her way to the fifth floor.

“How many do you think they are?” Samantha asked.

“One or two.” Bonnie replied calmly.

“But no Pair would ever think of coming here, to Oceans.” Zaddy said.

“Radska?” Aniko suggested.

“Not his method. He would’ve reached out.” Bonnie said.

“Wait. Y’all are suggesting one person did this?” Zaddy asked surprised.

Bonnie looked at her. “Yes. Stay sharp, we’re here.”

Soon the elevator slid open, Tanaka stood up holding one of the guards right
behind him, using him as a human shield with a blade on his throat.

“Okay stop right there!” She shouted to them.

“You’re either stupid or you have no idea who you’re messing with!” Samantha
fired back at her.

“You trash my place, seek my attention and now you hide behind my security.
Who sent you!?” Bonnie shouted angrily.

“Give me your word you won’t fire then I’ll let him go!” Tanaka said.

“That’s curious. What do you think?” Aniko asked.

“If she wanted to steal anything she would’ve killed them all and stole whatever
she wanted.” Zaddy added.
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“Yes. She didn’t kill them, she reached out, waited and it looks like she never
attempted to to gain access into your office.” Samantha said prepared to execute
any command given.

“She wants to talk. Alright! You have my word, no harm will come to you. We’ll
come to you then you can let him go! How about that!?” Bonnie suggested.

“Deal!” Tanaka remained hidden behind the security guard.

The four women slowly approached her and stopped at a safe distance.

“Okay. We’re here. Why don’t you let him go now. Slowly.” Bonnie said.

“Sure.” Tanaka let the guard go and she dropped her blade.

Soon as her face became visible, Aniko ran to hug her with great excitement.

“Tanaka! Oh my gates! We missed you!” Aniko was very happy to see her.

Zaddy was right behind her coming with a hug as well. The three were happy to
be together again. The three sisters that terrorized and toppled lot of goons
building Bonnie’s business. They led the foundation that Bonnie’s new security
detail was now enjoying. They turned Oceans city diamond, they were the ones
that made sure no one dared attacking Bonnie. The three of them were trained by
both Bonnie and Radska. They were the three females one wouldn’t want to
meddle with.

“I never thought the next time I’ll be seeing you it’ll be anything like this.” Bonnie

“I apologize. My presence can’t be known. I had to make sure it was an in house

problem. No outsider had any idea what was going inside.” Tanaka replied.

“I’m impressed.” Bonnie mentioned putting her blade away.

Samantha stepped forward. “Hi, I’m Samantha.”

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“Tanaka. Pleased to meet you.” She returned the gesture.

Bonnie stepped forward and hugged Tanaka. “I’m very happy to see you all in
great shape. Well, sort of. Come inside and tell me what’s all this about.”

The five women entered the office. They all sat down and Bonnie poured Tanaka
a glass of whiskey.

She took her seat. “We’ll have lot of time to catch up. For now, why don’t you tell
me and the ladies what brought you back here.” Bonnie sounded serious.

“Please, please, understand I mean you no disrespect at all but I just met her.”
Tanaka was very expressive.

“It’s that serious huh?” Samantha said.

“It is that important yes.” Tanaka replied.

“I understand. I’ll make sure everything is being put out back into place.” Bonnie
nodded and Samantha stood up.

“Thank you.” Aniko said as Samantha walked out.

“Okay. So what is it Tanaka?” Bonnie was now even more impatient.

Bonnie reached for her bag and got the scroll out. “My sisters. This is the scroll of
Fredrick Douglass.”

“Get outta here!” Zaddy was surprised.

“Tanaka. What did you get yourself into?” Bonnie leaned forward.

“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need help, Bonnie.” Tanaka sounded desperate.

“Who else is looking for it? As in, who else knows you have it?” Aniko asked.

“The Sons. They were clocking my place in Akaras city.”

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“Akaras? Now they just made it personal. They blew it?” Bonnie asked intensely.

“I doubt. I got out through the tunnel an hour ahead. Couple days back the night I
got the scroll, some thugs broke in. I handled them but I assume one of them
recognized the scroll and tipped The Sons.” Tanaka replied.

“Which is why you avoided any noise about you being here. You’re not sure
Radska knows or not?” Zaddy asked.

“His the small letter unit’s captain. Of course he knows, his the best soldier
they’ve got.” Aniko added.

“No. They were negligent for Radska to have been there or heading the operation.”
Tanaka reiterated.

“You’re right about that. He was getting San Tzu from a Prodigals’ base. So he
wasn’t there and doesn’t know it is you with the scroll but obviously yes, he
knows the scroll is out.” Bonnie said.

“What is it exactly you want Tanaka?” Aniko asked.

“Guidance.” She looked over at Bonnie.

“Very well. Rest for now, you look tired. Once you’re back in shape, we’ll get you
what you need. You can secure the scroll only where you know and want. We
want nothing to do with it.” Bonnie said.

“Understood. Thank you, very much.” Tanaka appeared more relieved.

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Back at The Sons headquarters, sitting around had become an admirable practice.
The table had been busy trying to locate Tanaka and the chameleons were failing
the prove just how rightly named they were. Bonnie had kept her well hidden
and even those who tended to her had no idea who she was. Samantha was kept
out of the secret and never knew about the scroll. She was left to believe whatever
she wanted. Commander Amanda was getting impatient with The All Father, she
was beginning to believe just maybe, he was playing them. Minister Kelly was
more concerned on putting San Tzu to work. He was of the mindset that making
use of San Tzu would achieve them all their immediate goals. Capturing a Pair
being one of them but the bigger problem was identifying one. He then suggested
that they use San Tzu to eradicate The Prodigals. It was a stupid suggestion yet all
the way intriguing. Minister Kelly’s unfounded irrational thought processes
became a worry that The First Lady had to consider him a threat until proven

General Tonderai found his focus invested in finding the scroll so much to the
extent he was seemingly becoming incompetent in the eyes of his leaders and
colleagues. His vision rested with achieving what justified their role and
acceptance into heaven in the first place, that they were deserving and were
meant to do what they did. He sorted to prove that there’s no such thing as
consequences, there’s only what you set your mind on and everything else
unfolds afterwards. He finally tasked a chameleon to infiltrate the walls of The
Sons. The mission was to gain whatever information he can on the scroll. Its
whereabouts, the identity of the person with the scroll and what The Sons intend
to do with it. Infiltrating the enemy’s border lines was easy for the chameleon.
The Sons were breaking apart, they had no plan of action. Their priorities were
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divided but for one to tell, was an enigma, for only a few knew about Georges
Lemaotre. He had been given a base to operate with enough equipment. The space
he occupied, not one single soul knew about it except for those that were in on
the alternative plan scheme.

Lemaotre was helping Specialist Gamiko with some theories that they could try
out. He was very much equipped with theories that he made sense of the whole
war for Gamiko in a way he approved very much.

To him he believed salvation had to be desired. If one is to be saved, they have to

want to be saved otherwise you’re crippling a well set balance to justify or rather,
paving way to a system you approve of. Which means you’re no different from
the one you just forcefully saved, you both are what’s wrong with the society but
primarily, you are what’s wrong with the society for thinking you could do any
better. His ideal was that every human has a certain desire that makes them
unique to the other. In the sense that, there are those that crave for power, others
court war, others riches and others just want to see the world burn. The problem
with humanity is purpose. One goes out of their way searching for their purpose,
they forget to live. They prioritize making sense of their being, instead of
appreciating their being. Salvation was no longer a necessity because the purpose
of judgement day had been scrubbed by the thought that maybe, everything was
just a scam. Humanity failed to acknowledge its creator.

Georges saw a world that was deeply struggling to get what it already had, just as
the world did before judgement day. The world looked for answers it already had.
He never did involve the concept of belonging in the aspects of humanity. He
thought of belonging as a misplaced cause and effect, a societal acceptance that
denied one of personal growth. Specialist Gamiko had met his alternative and his
maker, he was very grateful to be working with him and was looking forward to
what they can both bring about.
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“So to you this war is basically selfishness?” Specialist Gamiko asked.

“Depends on how you look at existence since the beginning up until now. So to
me no, it is not selfishness but an issue of belonging.” Georges replied.

“How do you personally justify what God did?” Gamiko intensified.

“How do you?” Georges smiled.

“I think He played us all. Now humanity is lost to the point of no return.

Personally I want this war to end. Why did he even turn his ear from us after he
caused this havoc?” Gamiko’s tone sounded personal.

“So you blame God for this war? Pity.” Specialist Gamiko looked at Georges

“How do you mean?” He asked.

“Specialist Gamiko, everything you stand for is misplaced. God does not allow any
harm to come your way, confirm?”

“Yes.” Gamiko confirmed?

“So why blame him for this war? Humans. We are to blame for this war.
Remember what I mentioned about salvation?” He reached for Gamiko’s shoulder.

“Yes and…”

“There’s no and. You need to understand that God is a principled being. Now can
you say the same about you and I?” He nodded silently.

“And what of what they used to teach about Him creating us in his image?”
Gamiko tried to sound smart.

“I’m sure you had kids before judgement day yes?”

“Yes.” Gamiko looked curious.

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“As a father, did they turn out as you wanted?”

“Oh.” He looked embarrassed.

“Yea. So what do you stand for Specialist Gamiko?”

“The Sons. They need to prevail and it’s my duty to see to it that they lead
humanity to after life.”

Georges put up a sly smile and looked away. “Right.”

To him Specialist Gamiko missed the bigger picture. He didn’t mind, he did not
have any reason to argue with him or try and help him find his humanity for it
wasn’t his place and neither was he capable of doing so. How his humanity never
left like the others’ did was a mystery to him as well. He had a secret that he
thought mentioning would cause an even much greater havoc, something that
happened near the end of judgement day. He dared not think about it, it gave him
horrors and now he lived to remember that, he was a good man and his existence
was a part of God’s plans.

The Prodigals’ chameleon had survived three weeks in the The Sons walls and
was never suspected. They were too preoccupied trying to locate Tanaka and they
had no idea where to begin. General Tonderai was not surprised to hear this. He
had always imagined only the most deserving will be able to handle the scroll,
keeping it safe and out of the reach of the world. The disappointing news was
that the identity of the one in possession of the scroll was only being kept
amongst the table. He got the impression they really wanted to make this a
donkey carrot chase. General Tonderai at this point was feeling a little mocked, he
had always thought of himself as being smarter than Commander Amanda. In his
desperation to regain his people’s confidence in him, he thought of a new plan.
He decided to capture a Pair. How he was to do that was tricky, he risked being
taken advantage over, if supposedly things did not go his way. He had his
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chameleons spread the rumor that The Sons had both San Tzu and the scroll and
that they were headed to the Garden of Eden where the gates where to get in
contact with Michael. He had his chameleons spread the rumor that the scroll
was capable of summoning Michael to the gate and that San Tzu was the only one
who could read it.

The chameleons were snappy in spreading the rumor. Tanaka heard the rumor
and was all the way confused for she had the scroll in her possession. Bonnie
knew it was all a means to flush out the necessary targets, so she had Tanaka chill
and keep her cool. Back in the capital, Olympus city then Ethiopia, it had been
cats and dogs for the past two days. The Sons knew it was a trap and it stressed
things out even worse for they had no idea of Tanaka’s whereabouts and they
were now wondering if they should be worried about San Tzu’s safety.
Commander Amanda made sure he was well protected and assigned the small
letter unit to protect both the table and San Tzu. Akila Bakar then tasked a team to
handle the Eden situation. Their operation was just to scout the Garden and
observe the environment. What he failed to consider was the fact that this was a
rumor and any move The Sons make would prove everything to be true or half
true. That’s all General Tonderai wanted, a reckless move.

Two units where put out and set their course for Eden and four units from The
Prodigals where ordered to eradicate them all on sight. A push General Tonderai
was willing to make, all purposed to tip the balance in his favor. Back at The Sons
headquarters, a conference call was taking place with The President, The First
Lady, Akila Bakar and Commander Amanda.

“I’m confused here guys. I know we have San Tzu, I know we don’t know where
Tanaka is and I know we have no plans at all when it comes to the Garden. So
what’s this rumor I’m hearing?” The President seemed really stressed.
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“It’s a desperate attempt by The Prodigals. I imagine Tonderai is facing heavy

blow from his superiors.” Commander Amanda responded calmly.

“So in that regard we need not to worry much, correct? We’ll get ahead of this in
no time.” The First Lady asked anxiously.

“Yes, everything is being taken care of.” Akila Bakar assured The First Lady,
Commander Amanda looked confused.

“Right. Now what’s this I’m hearing that two of our units are set course for Eden
when you’re here assuring us it’s all rumor?” The President sounded a little angry.

Commander Amanda was genuinely surprised. “Wait, what!? What do you mean
set course?”

“That was my call.” Akila responded.

“Why would you risk our troops on a rumor Bakar!?” Commander Amanda was

“Relax Amanda. Tafadzwa, send a unit for backup. Sources tell me Tonderai has
his units set for Eden as well, already aired.” The President said.

“Yes sir.” The First Lady confirmed.

“Okay. That’s all I wanted to discuss with you. San Tzu is safe with us here and
soon things get stable, I want us to start working on our next move. Getting that
scroll remains an objective. So do not relax at all. I don’t care about Eden, it’s a
mess as it is. Focus on finding Tanaka and scroll.”

Akila Bakar felt justified regardless of Commander Amanda’s reaction. He knew

she was angry with him but she was not going to do anything about it.
Commander Amanda was now more worried about the plan B that The All Father
had her waiting for. Time was running out and more people were getting on the
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scroll and it was now only a matter of time when The Pairs got involved. Both
organizations were wondering why’s it The Pairs had not made any statement by

The two units send by Akila Bakar arrived at the Garden of Eden and what they
saw was not close to what they were expecting. There was no life there, people
usually did came from time to time but when they got there, no one was. They
suspected perhaps it’s because of the rumor. Two hours in they had been looking
around waiting to see anything out of the ordinary, they found nothing. They
reported back that everything was in order. Twenty minutes after the report, as
they were preparing to leave the place, they started taking fire. The four units
from The Prodigals made their arrival as well and they attacked both from air and
the ground. They had two jets firing from above and ground units surrounding
The Sons units firing from all exist points. They tried taking cover so they could
fire back but it was of no use. They all got obliterated. The sad part is that the type
of warfare left noting behind. Not even a leg or finger, everything got snapped
out of existence.

Just as the two jets were making their final rounds they were both shot down.
Soon as they touched ground they exploded out of existence. The ground units
began taking fire as well. It was just like karma came early, way too early. Most
men exploded out of existence and others made a run for it and made it. Only a
unit survived from the four units send by General Tonderai. The backup unit
from The Sons knew there was no need to land to scout for any survivors. They
made their last round and made their course back to their base.

The Sons had their arms in their hands, General Tonderai had played Akila Bakar
for a fool and word traveled fast. Things were tense in all major cities, wherever
the two enemies crossed path, it was a massacre, one that was claiming a lot of
lives as collateral damage from all the cross fire and stray bullets.
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Minister Kelly called back to base all Sons units and chameleons in every city, he
was desperately trying to mitigate the damage and stabilize the uproar that was
disturbing eternal operations and affairs. He even stopped recruitment. General
Tonderai took the advantage and recruited a week’s worth men and then called
back to base his units as well but left the chameleons with one mission and one
mission only, to capture a Pair. It was not going to be easy, so he did a numbers
game, he only needed a single Pair. As if someone was listening to the voice in his
head, a Pair happened to be scouting in Green city, then Madagascar. They were
looking for nothing in particular but at the same time were keeping their ears
open to any whispers concerning the scroll or San Tzu. Yes, word had got to The
Pairs that someone had the scroll of Douglas, they knew the mermaids wouldn’t
be that reckless as to give a random person the scroll. They also knew it was not
one of them, so they prioritized the rumor for they hoped that it be their missing
piece. The one person who was supposed to be Miles’ pair. They intervened
precisely but at the same time knew they needed real answers and so The Pair in
Green city was planted, a bait for whichever organization that got to them first,
they had non in preference.

The Pair was walking through the market making their way toward a rest where
there weren’t many people. They had already made four chameleons following
them. It was never to be mistaken, the chameleons were very good at what they
do and yes it was difficult to make them out which is why others were that good
to infiltrate enemy lines and operate without even getting discovered. But when it
came to The Pairs, they were just fairly without effort, no match against The Pairs.
They lacked one thing that The Pairs possessed, which is their humanity, they
were complete. This is what made The Pairs the destined ones to lead humans
back to God and lead them into heaven. The Pair went ahead to sit down on a rest
and waited for the numbers to grow. It was almost as if they were in General
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Tonderai’s head and besides, they had to be outnumbered for the chameleons to
at least by any chance have the opportunity to take them down.

Six chameleons were stationed at different positions all at fair distances waiting
for a move. The Pair, Panashe and Munashe ‘The Way Pair,’ sat, keeping eye on
their prey. Panashe stood up and blew a horn then fired smoke guns in the air
and panic broke out. People began running in all directions terrified for their
lives. Panashe went back and sat on the bench. The six chameleons had their
hearts in their palms already scared not knowing what The Pair intended to do
with that move. They suspected it was a signal and so they began advancing.

Munashe sighed. “Here we go. This one’s on you, I wasn’t prepared yet.”

“Oh come on Munashe. Do you even need to be?” Panashe asked.

“Yes. I was thinking about that meal we had last night. It was…” Panashe cut him

“Seriously? We’re about to start throwing fists and you’re reminiscing about last
night’s meal. Honestly?”

“Yes! It was the best.” Munashe defended.

“Good thing you called for backup! This is not going to feel good!” One
chameleon said as they got closer.

“He disagrees. I say his got the right idea.” Munashe mocked pointing to one of
them who seemed a little scared.

“Get it together man. There’s six of us and two of them.” The first Chameleon
barked out.

“Oohh. Numbers game. Munashe, they wanna play numbers. What do you
think?” Panashe mocked further.
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“Let’s give them a math lesson. Division. Those three.” Munashe pointed.

“Great. Let’s go then.” Munashe stood up fully determined.

The Pair jumped as if they were beyond gravity’s reach. The two chameleons at
the sides, took in punches in their chests at the very same time as if they were
being punched by one person at the same time. Before they hit ground, the one in
the middle got kicked in the chest and the stomach sending him much further
than the first two and the three touched ground at the same time. The Pair was so
fast even the other three did not see how they moved. Panashe and Munashe
stood with their backs turned to the other three. They started a silly debate as if
they were unaware that they still had three more chameleons to fight. The last
three just stood there shocked and now really scared, they did not make any
sound or tried to make their presence known. The Pair kept arguing, which
stunned the chameleons, they had no idea what was going on and they did not
know what to do next.

Five minutes passed and two trucks came packed with chameleons. The Pair did
not stop their debate, not even to check when the trucks drove through. In less
than two minutes the market place was filled with chameleons. Then one shouted
at them.

“Hey you two! You might wanna check your surroundings!” Panashe raised her
hand as a gesture of telling him to shut it.

“Yea we’ll be right with you!” Munashe shouted back.

A chameleon through a rope around Munashe and tightened it. Munashe looked
at the rope, he stood still wondering wherever the audacity came from.

“The disrespect…” Before he could finish three chameleons began pulling.

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Panashe just watched not making a move, not even trying to set Munashe free.
Munashe reached in his pocket for a blade and cut the rope. He stood up
effortlessly yet really angry and he threw the blade right at the chameleon that
had threw the rope around him. It hit him in the head and boom, he exploded out
of existence.

“Let’s go.” Panashe said as she got ready for combat.

The two stood their ground as a Pair should and eradicated thirty of them then
decided to see the plan through. They made it feel so real that another chameleon
actually called for backup. Munashe tripped himself and fell to the ground as he
stabbed one more chameleon out of existence. Panashe dropped her guard
attempting to assist Munashe. The chameleon she turned her back at, quickly hit
her hard in the head before she made it to Munashe. She then fell to the ground
unconscious. The same chameleon then walked over to Munashe and stood tall
right above him.

“You’re lucky we’re to bring you in alive.” He smiled and then hit him in the head
as well.

General Tonderai was very much pleased when he heard the great news that his
chameleons managed to drop a Pair. He had everything in place and couldn’t
wait for them to arrive at the base. Commander Amanda was troubled receiving
the news. It was something she never counted on happening, what bothered her
most was the fact that her plan was not falling into place and now it was a battle
of protecting what you have and obtain the prize, the scroll. The Prodigals now
had a Pair and she had San Tzu and now both their eyes were on the scroll. The
Pairs on the other end still kept their ground and were not mobilizing without
strategy, after all, The Way Pair getting caught was only a bait and General
Tonderai could not see right through his own ego. San Tzu was not impressed
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when he heard that The Prodigals chameleons had captured a Pair. He however
made sure that The Sons did not see right through him. He kept them in the dark
and let whatever that was happening unfold. One thing he understood most was
that not even five hundred chameleons stood a chance with a single Pair, so he
figured it was a plan obviously.

Back in North East Oceans city Tanaka was now six feet under, not knowing what
to do next or make up her mind on her next move. Bonnie on the other hand,
although Tanaka and her always had their differences, she always had respect for
her beliefs and so did Tanaka. That’s what made their bond even strong, two
opposites surviving together in harmony and thriving for the best. Even when
Bonnie took her in, she did not do much in training her and teaching her some of
life’s survival skills, she only enhanced what had already been there. Bonnie
understood how important all this was to Tanaka. It was all she talked about from
the very first days they met in the desert, the most she could do was offer her
assistance where as Tanaka would do for her as well.

She knew Tanaka would want her to come back with her to Akaras city, tempting,
but Bonnie had an empire to run in North East Oceans city. She however, could
offer her guaranteed protection till she arrived in Akaras city. For Tanaka it was
time up and she really needed to go, things were heating up everywhere. The
units getting called back to base, the massacre at Eden and a Pair getting captured.
Tanaka was getting more tense and unease by the minute, she could not help
wondering how in the world keeping that scroll safe mattered to her so much.
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The fact that unlike the organizations, she intended to use it to help all mankind
instead of seeing it as a symbol of power and superiority. Bonnie once again came
top her rescue.

It was midday and Tanaka was taking a stroll in Bonnie’s flower garden, she
really knew how to give a home a pleasant feel, being there actually composed
one’s soul.

“I see you found your way to your most favorite place in the yard.” Bonnie

She giggled. “Yes. This place always did brought me back to my senses.”

“Trust me, it’s not the place. You know, these past two weeks really meant a lot to
me. I had missed you Tanaka.” Bonnie said.

She smiled. “I had missed you too Bonnie. But you look sad when you say it, why?”

“I can’t go back to Akaras city with you. Neither of us can.” Tanaka frowned and
looked down.

“But will I get to be with you guys some time in the future?” She asked, lowly.

“You know I can’t promise you that. You live in a different world from us.
Regardless, we love you as a sister and we want you to live your life as you see fit.
I wasn’t hurt when you left. I was happy you found your path. Others never do.”
Bonnie extended.

“Thank you Bonnie. You’re always there for me. I saw you and I appreciate that.
So. What’s your call?” Tanaka asked.

“So the guidance you wanted… Right. Let’s go inside.” The two walked together.

Inside, in the lounge, Aniko, Zaddy and Samantha were waiting for the two to
come in. Samantha, even though she had been asked personally by Bonnie to be
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there, she still felt out of place. She was feeling some kind of energy from Tanaka,
she made her feel like she was trying to fit in where she does not belong and she
hated that for she did her part to earn her spot. When the two walked in, Tanaka
spotted Samantha and did not react or look surprised. Samantha herself was
shocked when she noticed Tanaka kept her cool and did not shift in any type of
attention. Tanaka sat down and Bonnie remained standing waiting for the room’s
attention so she can speak. A moment passed and then she finally spoke.

“Aahh Tanaka. I’m sure you’ve met Samantha. She filled the empty space when
you left.” Bonnie said.

“Not a replacement…” Samantha broke the silence in the room.

The five girls laughed for a couple of seconds and then Bonnie sat down next to
Tanaka. Then Tanaka turned to Samantha.

“No, it’s okay. I don’t think of you that way, really. If I know these three ladies,
you need to earn your spot, not have it handed down to you.” She gave a genuine
smile which was truly reassuring for Samantha.

“Thank you, she needed that.” Zaddy said jokingly.

“I’m glad you’re here. Forgive me, the first time I could not share the details in
your presence. You were a stranger to me. Now I know better, I had time to
familiarize myself with the new setups. Me likey.” The ladies giggled.

“So for what you came for. We gave a good thought and we came to a decision.
Go back to Akaras city with the scroll and make sure both, The Sons and The
Prodigals know you’re coming. This time The Pairs will intervene.” Bonnie spoke.

“What makes you certain they will?” Tanaka asked.

“Yesterday when we went for a drive. I made sure a few chameleons made you.
Don’t freak out. It’s alright, you’re safe. Word has already traveled. And this
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morning I had intel about your travel plans spread. So by now both those bozos
are waiting for you and working a planning on apprehending you and the scroll.”
Bonnie was as calm as ever.

“Okay. Wow. But if they know I’m travelling back to Akaras, of course they all are
waiting for me on all routes from here to Akaras. They’ll have both the scroll and
me, before I make it to Akaras.”

“We already have a plan set for that.” Aniko said calmly.

“Oh.” Tanaka felt relaxed.

“Plus a few of our people are accompanying you. Make sure you get to Akaras city
safely.” Samantha reassured.

“Okay. So when do I leave?” Tanaka asked.

“Whenever you’re ready sister.” Zaddy responded as if she was about to burst into

Tanaka was happy and relieved all the same. She knew she could always count on
Bonnie to help her and help her make sense out of everything. For Bonnie,
whatever the organizations were up to, she housed the belief, The Pairs will not
let it exceed to such extends where they get the notion they control everything
and can do whatever they feel like. Like the organizations, she too had no idea
when they planned to intervene or if they were even thinking of doing so but
having heard about the scroll and what it could do, she knew they eventually
will get involved. Knowing Tanaka, she believed they’d most definitely get
involved, she knew Tanaka not to be one who chases sands. So she provided what
everyone was short of. Clarification, location and Tanaka’s identity. She held the
cards now, she could take Tanaka elsewhere, deceive them all and set her up with
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a new identity and life but she knew this meant everything to Tanaka, so she
would not dare even though the thought did cross her mind.

The next day Tanaka was set to travel back to Akaras city, where it all began. Both
General Tonderai and Commander Amanda had set their units and chameleons in
all the necessary posts in case she showed up. They were now even more
prepared, their certainty and ego over compensated by the bait, The Prodigals
were mistaking to being a capture. She had no idea she was going to be travelling
underwater with a submarine. Not just any submarine but a first class customized
Bonnie taste submarine. Undetectable and fastest model yet. For Tanaka, the
journey was all luxurious, for a moment she had forgotten she’s headed for war.
At the back of her head she kept wondering about the people that always get
caught up in these fights.

Radska was all prepared and looking forward to lay waste on some Prodigals.
Commander intentionally kept him on point on San Tzu and table’s high ranks.
Commander Amanda did not at all, see, all this as war coming. To her it was only
a race and whoever got to Tanaka first would’ve won. Although she had men
stationed and waiting, she still had other intentions, she kept thinking to herself,
so what, if Tonderai got both the scroll and Tanaka, plus he had a Pair. She could
not let him have all, it’ll be a lot of unlimited power for them to try and topple if
her plan B did not work. All this run for the scroll seemed all wrong to her the
very moment she laid her eyes on Georges Lamaotre but she owed it to her people
and her office to deliver that scroll to The All Father. What bothered her the most
was also that the Orion were silent and she remembered a time they would’ve
wanted to get involved. She figured perhaps it’s cause they have so much faith in
her to lead them through to victory.

In Akaras city, life was normal as always, or seemed so. Everybody else were just
living their day to day lives not knowing blades were being sharpened. Tanaka
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arrived in the city after a three hour drive but remained underwater for some
time thinking of a much safer way of getting to her place without getting noticed.
She did not want to stir up drama all of a sudden before she confirmed The Pairs
were in the city. The city was crawling with the righteous and non righteous all
with the single goal of getting Tanaka. A few hours in after reading the
atmosphere in the city, she fully understood going to her place was not an option.
If anything, the best play she had was to get involved in a catch me first run and
cross her fingers The Pairs find their place in the race. But the thought if that was
the right move to do kept ringing in her head. At the back of her head a voice
kept telling her Bonnie would most definitely think that, a stupid thing to do. The
guys that accompanied her to Akaras city had left and she got to keep the

General Tonderai felt on top of the world as he saw The Pair being brought in
and taken to the interrogation room. A reserved place in his heart came to life as
he took that breath of self envy and admiration, his guts were all over the place
knocking down concrete walls with reinforced steel. He followed ten minutes
behind them and he had that look on his face that he has just hit jackpot. When
he walked in the room, Munashe had his head on Panashe’s shoulder and
obviously, General Tonderai misread the situation.

He walked in, closed the door behind him and paused before he spoke. “Good
evening. I’d say I’m surprised you got caught by chameleons but I stopped
believing in fairy tales a lifetime ago.”

Panashe could not help herself she just burst into laughter. “I’m sorry. I’ve seen
the most priceless narcissistic vibes before but you just killing me right now.”

“Narcissistic. Funny, we just met.” General Tonderai said sitting down.

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“That’s it. I know everything about you Tonderai. Think of it this way… I know
every decision you’re prepared and not prepared to make before you make it.”
Panashe extended.

“That’s the problem with you people. You think You’re God.” General Tonderai
sounded sure.

“No. That we’re not. A preconceived misconception by you guys and The Sons. I
always wonder why’s that. Do you know? Do you even think you know? I know
you have no idea.” Munashe chipped in with his head still on Panashe’s shoulder.

“You’re a pretty close Pair aren’t you?” General Tonderai leaned forward and
noticed their mark.

Each Pair had one. The mark represented an aspect of life that particular Pair
represented. Others were not aspects but feelings, desires, the human negative
side etc. These marks were embedded in their skin like a scar of sorts, they were a
part of them and appeared once the individual accepted their fate. Pairs were
irreplaceable and once put out of existence, no other human would be worthy to
represent that which they did. It was like killing a part of your soul, which was
another reason as to why they were the complete ones.

“Aahh. The Way Pair. Wow. You’re a big score, I can’t wait to see how The Sons
will react after they learn I got you two in my dungeon eating from my scraps.”
He boasted.

“I wouldn’t if I were you but what hell, have at it.” Munashe mocked.

“Tell me something. Pairs… Your language, metaphors, references… How do you

communicate, more so coordinate? See I didn’t fully get the sense of what you just
said but she did. She smiled. Wanna school me on that?” The General asked.

“What do you think about heaven?” Panashe asked.

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“Simple. God recognized our necessity and capability to rule our lesser brethren
in the afterlife and they just couldn’t have that. Hence they started the war. So
much for the righteous ones, don’t you agree?” Tonderai sat back with an egoistic
smile on him.

“You do dress impressively though.” Panashe complimented him.

“Thanks. Now. Tell me about the scroll of Douglas. What exactly is it supposed to
do?” He looked serious all of a sudden.

“What do you suppose?” Munashe sat up and looked him right back in the eye.

“It doesn’t matter what I or ‘we’ think. You know for certain it’s purpose. What is
it? Just tell me.” Tonderai challenged.

“We can’t. We just can’t.” Munashe responded.

“It’s always about experience and being in the moment with you Pairs.” He
sounded obvious and less disappointed.

“Security is a thing. You’d know. Flaw with science is, anybody with the right
brains can get access but with this stuff…? It’s about who you are as you exist.
But you already had this conversation.” Panashe addressed him calmly.

“Right you are.” He stood up.

Munashe just watched him as he paced around the room. He did not want to be
feeling like a guinea pig any longer but he had to stay until the signal came. He
just wondered to himself if ever all this war was going to see its end and if he’ll
survive to see that happen. General Tonderai tried making sense of what Panashe
said. He was birthing new ideas of what the scroll could be capable of. He was
now suggesting that it’s either they’ve been looking at everything the wrong way
or they just did not realize what power rests with the one that possesses the scroll.
Panashe could see right through him. She could see him diving deep in the
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shark’s tank with bleeding knife cuts all over his body only to be ravaged by the
sharks and still survive.

Clearly General Tonderai had everything misunderstood. Both The Prodigals and
The Sons had no idea of exactly what was going on and how to get the gates open.
Their beliefs and self righteousness had them trapped in a state that only survived
ignorance and stubbornness to see the bigger picture. The problem was entirely
not knowing any better. Their souls were trapped in a place full of hate, rage,
anger, jealousy and bitterness. Imagine living all your life in that state, you trade
what could be for loyalty to a cause birthed from pain. These organizations
turned existence to only make sense in believing that they deserved afterlife no
matter God’s ruling. The Pairs understood this and it was their duty, their destiny
to lead humanity back to God and they had Raphael to assist them on this path
they were born to walk. The chosen boy had the answer, the solution to getting
the gates open and not even his colleagues knew what it was but they were to
help him carry the task out. Raphael knew and was to teach him how to properly
execute and mold it into its full capacity. Miles was waiting for his Pair but
already the people had lost faith in the prophecy, turned it to stories for laughter.

Commander Amanda on her end she was pondering just how exactly was she
going to beat Tonderai to Tanaka. She knew one thing he did not, that was her
place. She had the place surrounded but Tanaka was a no show. For a moment,
there she was, beginning to think perhaps for the first time, Oceans had this
wrong. Her top chameleon kept reassuring her otherwise.

The next day Tanaka made a few rounds in the streets of Akaras city where she
attacked two Sons soldiers and two Prodigals soldiers and she let one live to
report back to their superiors on both encounters. It had been a while since she
put someone out of existence but doing it now did not show any difference. She
was just as good as before, for a moment it bothered her how she could keep her
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calm whilst she does the most unspeakable thing. She showed the scroll to the one
she left to live for authenticity’s sake. Only Pairs could read the scroll and Tanaka
knew that. So she flashed the scroll to them for a moment so they have prove for
their superiors. When both the general and the commander received the news
that Tanaka actually flashed the scroll to their soldiers, they felt eager to find her

For Tanaka it was a message to The Pairs. She figured that if there was
confirmation out there that the scroll was truly up for grabs, perhaps they might
come in swamping the city to find her. Problem was, The Pairs were never
predictable hence she gambled wisely instead of making a run for it and hope a
Pair comes to her rescue. Between The Prodigals and The Sons, it was all minding
your own business. It was of no use to get on each others’ throats when they both
do not have the treasure map. So until Tanaka surfaced, it was best for everyone
to keep their weapons on their person.

Radska was caught up in between loyalty now. Facing someone he had trained
was something he never thought would ever come to pass. He had always kept his
skills for his unit only, people who’ll always be loyal to him and fight by his side.
Now it seems his relationship with Bonnie was haunting his principles. He had
always liked Tanaka ever since they met. Sharpening her skills was something he
enjoyed for she proved worthy. When he received news she left Bonnie’s crew
and was doing her own thing, he held no grudge against her and he actually
believed he would never see her ever again. Even when the scroll surfaced, he
never suspected it would be her but after Bonnie released her identity everything
changed now. he could not begin to imagine the probability of having to face her
in a hand to hand combat, without holding back. He kept his composure but if
things did escalate, he knew he would have to do what he has to do and he was
certain he was going to serve his people and that which he believed in. Tanaka
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herself, she knew Radska was in deep with The Sons and that at some point, she
might face him but she had not given it any thought for her to worry how she’ll
handle the situation or how awkward it might feel, she brushed that thought and
waited for whatever comes and decided she’ll just go with the routine of the

It was that time when the universe just reiterates whatever that be lurking in the
shadows of the streets in the city, every corner and dark avenues. The people
could tell something was off but what really, they could not make up. The Sons
were getting impatient with the hold up, so Commander Amanda mobilized her
soldiers and had them flood her neighborhood covering all entrances and had
captain Ali wait right inside her home. General Tonderai thought it a poor
strategy by Amanda and he instead moved his soldiers to all the possible hideout
places in the city. Seeing these movements, she knew they received her message
and were waiting for her to come out now. They could not flush her out because
they had no idea where she could be considering the source of the information on
her whereabouts. All this movement left the streets free to roam and Tanaka had a
safe path to go wherever she wants but for how long, she was not sure.

She decided to go to her house but she needed a bait if she was going to do that.
Something to guarantee her existence for as long as possible. She headed to the
museum first where she got the scroll. When she got there, she hid the scroll but
did not take it to the mermaids. She stashed it with some worthless items near the
entrance. She then took an Egyptian scroll with hieroglyphics telling the story of
the god Shesmu. She made her path to her house, soon she got twenty kilometers
close, Sons soldiers were all around her. She went with them without causing any
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trouble. Soon she arrived at her place, Commander Amanda was already there
waiting for her. When she walked in, she tightened her grip on the scroll. She sat
down right across her. Amanda had the room packed with armed soldiers just in
case she might get any ideas. Clearly she was not leaving anything to chance. She
lost her before and Tonderai was making it very clear his coming with everything
his got to get his hands on that scroll. Commander Amanda eyed the scroll for a
moment before she addressed Tanaka. Tanaka then broke the tension.

“I would invite you in, tell you to make yourselves comfortable and feel at home
but looks like you beat me to it. How rude of me.” She looked at the soldier who
had his boot on one of her favorite stools.

Amanda smiled. “You the world’s most powerful woman, you gave us all a scare
there you know. If I was in your position I would feel proud of myself.” Amanda
stared her in the eye.

“Of course you would.” Tanaka replied rudely.

“Right.” Commander Amanda leaned forward. “You. We don’t really need. What
you have in your hands there, is what we’re willing to put you out of existence
for. So would you please hand it over to me?” She said calmly and stretched out
her hand.

Tanaka was running through her mind trying to figure out what now. She was
finding it hard to make up her mind on what the best decision was to buy her
enough time. She kept sitting without moving a muscle. Commander Amanda
could tell she was caught up in a dilemma and she smiled. She figured she had
her cornered and she just could not decide on keeping her life and protecting the

“Look. I know you feel you owe it to yourself to do the right thing and protect the
scroll no matter what. But I ask you. Would you rather I have the scroll or
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General Tonderai gets it? Think of what this is in the hands of The Prodigals.” She
sounded convincing for a minute.

Tanaka sat back and smiled. “And what is it in your hands?”

“Okay, now you’re just trying to sound smart. That won’t go so well for you.”

“Funny you should say that. I have an idea of what Tonderai would do with the
scroll. But here you are, in my face. And you still can’t even tell me what you plan
to do with it. Or what you intend to use it for, even theoretical. And you consider
yourselves better than The Prodigals.” She coughed in a mocking way.

“I admire you. Either you’re very stupid or very bleak. I don’t think you have any
idea what you’re dealing with here.” Tanaka laughed.

“And you do?” A soldier advanced in her direction and slapped her.

She fell back and kept her eyes closed for a while. She sat up front and looked the
soldier right dead in the eye. She formed a fist with her right hand.

“Don’t do that again.” She then turned her attention to Commander Amanda.

“What” She asked.

“If you really wanted the scroll. You’d have just taken it from me. It doesn’t
require me to willingly give it to you. So what’s the hold up? Why haven’t you?”

“Smart, really smart.” Commander Amanda stood up and snatched the scroll from

Tanaka remained seated and did not try to resist and snatch it back.

“I was thinking maybe I could offer you a place in my army. Now? I’m beginning
to think otherwise.” Amanda said proudly.
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“Right. I still would’ve turned you down. Besides. Only thing that’s keeping me
from hurting you so bad and get what’s mine are those guns pointing at me.” She
sounded so sure when she said it that Amanda just walked out quietly.

“Do whatever you see fit Ali.” She closed the door behind her.

Tanaka smiled at Ali and started looking around the room counting the other
soldiers that were still in there with them. She then paused for a moment listening
very carefully trying to hear if there were others inside in the other rooms. There
weren’t any, she just had Ali and four soldiers. Ali looked at her in an
underestimating manner and walked closer. He stood up in front of her feeling
real good about himself.

“What do you think we should do Tanaka?” He asked her mockingly.

She looked up at him.”Ali? Wow, you got a clumsy right, if you ask me. How did
you make captain? Say. Do you think the five of you are enough?” She winked at

Captain Ali was thrown off guard by her composure and the question. He just
looked surprised and turned back to his soldiers to check them. The moment he
took his eyes off Tanaka she reached for his pistol holstered around his waste and
shot three of them and they exploded and the same time. Captain Ali and the
remaining soldier jumped for cover in complete confusion. He hid behind a
couch and tried to collect himself as figured his position and where Tanaka was.

Breathing heavily and his confusion all over the room, he shouted to his soldier
hiding next to him on his right side. “Do you see her!”

“No!” The soldier shouted back.

“Don’t worry, I see you!” Tanaka shouted to them and then shot the soldier and
made a run for it to the basement.
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Captain Ali was now a little frightened. Everything happened so fast he could not
keep up and could not find the right spot to secure his person. He slid for the gun
on the floor that belonged to one of the dead soldiers. He then followed Tanaka
firing at her aimlessly. Tanaka kept her head down and kept on running. She got
to the basement and hid there.

“Why you running Tanaka!? I thought you were a tough woman! Shame, it was
all an act huh!?” He followed her down the basement.

He looked around and he was a little hesitant. His aim was shaking and afraid, it
was clear he was trying so hard to keep it together.

Tanaka just walked out from the shadows pointing a gun to his head and he
never noticed. He froze when he felt the burrow touch his head.

“You never answered. How did you make captain, Ali?” She then pulled the
trigger right before he could breathe in.

It had been five minutes and no one had walked out after the four explosions.
Commander Amanda seemed a little worried, she ordered three men to go and
find out what was going on inside. As the three soldiers were running up the
front porch, she took two soldiers, got in her car and drove off. Tanaka had
already made her way out the tunnel again and she was already waiting outside
in an ally to see any unusual movement so she could follow. The three soldiers
broke in and scouted the room. Two minutes in, Tanaka saw a black suit car drive
by making a haste turn. Her engine was already running that she just stepped on
the accelerator and began following. The driver had not noticed Tanaka’s car
behind him that it was following him. As she was getting closer, the driver found
it weird the driver was not driving to the side so to overtake but was coming
straight to them. He began accelerating that the passengers were getting confused
why he was doing so but it was already too late to pick up some speed and put
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distance between them and her. She drove in really hard and hit the back of the
car that the motion send Commander Amanda forward hitting her head really
hard on the side window. The driver picked up some speed and Tanaka was
coming in real hard fully intended.

“This woman crazy really. Does she know who she messing with.” Commander
Amanda said angrily.

Tanaka hit them again that Commander Amanda yelled at the driver to step on it.
The first soldier then responded to the Commander’s rhetorical question.

“Clearly she does not have any idea at all. Steve. Take care of her.” The second
soldier, Steve, nodded and rolled down the window to shoot at Tanaka’s car.

He fired at her three times and missed but one bullet went through her
windscreen. She swerved out of their lane and accelerated to hit them on the side.
When Steve leaned out to fire at her again, she drove to the left side and hit on
the wheel and turned her stirring wheel to the right forcing the car to turn and it
rolled over out of the road. The car was lying upside down by the road side. Steve
was lying on the ground with a broken spine, the first soldier had broken his
neck and so had the driver. Commander Amanda had her leg trapped she could
not get it out and her left arm had broken as well. Tanaka walked over to their
car with caution. She stood over Commander Amanda with a loaded gun in her
hand. She knelt down to her and reached for the scroll.

“I could kill you right here right now you know? But for some reason I’m not
going to.” She stood up and shot the two soldiers.

Commander Amanda watched as her soldiers exploded out of existence. She felt
disrespected and mocked that Tanaka even belittled her that much. Tanaka drove
away and she heard the tires burn away. Commander Amanda yanked her leg out,
it was badly bruised she could not get up on her feet. She crawled away from the
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car and used a tree to get on her feet. She called for a unit to come pick her up
and get her some medical attention. General Tonderai was angry with how
Tanaka was handling herself so well it second guessed the capabilities of the
organizations. He was more angry with himself he directed his soldiers in the
wrong direction. The fact that Amanda for an hour there had in her possession
the scroll, kept fidgeting with his strategies more. He now had a better idea of
who he was dealing with, Tanaka was not to be underestimated, clearly she was
not just any regular citizen.

The Pair General Tonderai was allegedly holding captive sat in the interrogation
room cooperating with whoever that came in. When General Tonderai was out
dealing with the Commander Amanda and Tanaka issue, The Way Pair saw their
opportunity and simply walked out. To their surprise, there were not any guards
anywhere near them. Munashe felt disrespected. The Way Pair made their clean
escape but for detail it was not an escape really, for they never left the
headquarters. They remained inside looking for more answers and getting
information on what The Prodigals planned to do with the scroll. A few hours
later, General Tonderai received the news The Pair had escaped. He was furious
but kept his composure, he never send any soldiers to look for them, he just
brushed it off as if it did not matter and he took ten units with him for Akaras city.
He was at this point very mad, his operation plans were now far from being
professional and it did not bother him, anything to that scroll.

Commander Amanda was picked up fifteen minutes later and she did not order
any soldiers to chase after Tanaka. In her logic, Tanaka was determined to protect
the scroll no matter what and she was very desperate to do it at the same time.
Looking in her eyes, Commander Amanda noticed she’s all by herself and without
any backup, a team of sorts. She knew she would not get any further from her
reach and with The Prodigals on her back, her movement was limited. When
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Radska received the news that Commander Amanda had been in a fatal accident
and could have lost her life, he felt out of place and redundant. Furious with
himself and the Commander, he ensured The All Father and San Tzu’s safety and
flew to Akaras city. Along the way he was no longer in a dilemma of what he was
going to do and how he was going to handle his situation with Tanaka. He felt she
kicked through the front door of his home and that was a next level of pure
disrespect he could not ignore. When he landed in Akaras city Commander
Amanda send for him, she was already expecting him.

“You weren’t told to operate here captain.” She said sitting in a couch.

“My loyalty to The Sons orders me so. Ma’am.” He responded respectfully.

“I want you back on that plane and back to your post…” He intervened.

“I’m sorry. I will have to disobey that direct order.”

“To serve your purpose?”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Good. Do whatever necessary to get that scroll. But keep in mind any breach of
protocols and rules of engagement, you will have to answer for them.” He nodded.

“Yes ma’am. I understand.” He was very pleased and his ego had just been
brought to life.

“She was headed south. I’m not sure in which direction exactly but she was due
south from where she left me. She was very determined. I trust you understand
you can’t underestimate her.”

“Yes ma’am.” His tone had guilt in it.

Radska left and started on his mission. He had left Katia and Paul to watch over
The All Father and San Tzu. This mission was everything to him and deserved all
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maximum effort and he was going to bring that scroll back to the hands of the
Commander. As he headed south, a chameleon that was keeping him apprised of
any new developments on the scroll gave him the heads up that General Tonderai
had just arrived in the city and was personally hunting Tanaka down. To Radska
it was not really news. He expected him to get involved anytime and was
surprised it took him this long to. This just made the hunt easy for him now. He
decided to save his resources and follow him, it was three birds with one stone.
He felt he’d be doing the world a favor ridding it of General Tonderai.

Tanaka headed south to the ocean shores. There were abandoned industries there
and she felt whoever that follows her there will be more than a threat and she’ll
take care of them without having to worry if they were collateral damage. She set
herself well and secured her area with evaporation grenades. General Tonderai’s
chameleon was on her. He had her from the day she left Commander Amanda
trapped in her car. He was the one that reported back to General Tonderai what
had happened to Commander Amanda. After setting camp at the industries, two
days later, the chameleon reported back informing she had got comfortable at the
industries and had secured the area with booby traps. Radska just followed where
Tonderai led him at a safe distance. When General Tonderai reached the
industries, he rested for the night and the next day he was headed in Tanaka’s

The General had with him the escort of two units. The first unit he left with the
chameleon that had been giving him directions to keep watch and take care of
anyone that might come their way. He had ordered all Prodigals’ soldiers to stay
put in the city, so whoever that showed up was an enemy. When Radska
confirmed the General and the second unit where at a much further distance, he
attacked the first unit and annihilated all of them without getting any scratches
on him. He did not have to put any effort, he had a move on them before they
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organized themselves to their posts. He just used evaporation grenades, the same
ones Tanaka had set up as booby traps. They where made from the angel blades,
melted and trapped steam with small refined metal material within.

Tanaka saw the General and his men coming and on approach, Tanaka detonated
the first round of her trap which took three from the unit. The General did not
seem to care, he ordered to keep moving forward. She did not fire at them for she
was saving the bullets for those that might make it to her. She blew the last line of
defence and took four, three were hit and one was injured. he was meters away
from the grenades that the explosion pushed him and had him break his leg
when he fell down. Three days was a long time for General Tonderai that he
personally finished him off. The remaining two followed the General but were
mostly in fear of their lives from the General. They went with him regardless.
They reached the building in which Tanaka was hiding and an exchange of fire
began. The three men ran inside and were shooting to kill, at this point the
General was not at all concerned about keeping her alive. He just wanted what
she had in her hands. When he saw the scroll in Tanaka’s hands as she ran for
cover, it was as if he had just received an incentive, his aim became precisely
good. He aimed for her arm and missed with an inch and still the aim made
Tanaka drop the scroll all the way down to the floor from two storeys above.
Tanaka took cover for a moment to avoid the fire she was taking. Soon as the
shooting stopped, she jumped down firing back at them and the last two soldiers
from the second unit were taken care of. She landed on her side real hard that she
struggled getting up. General Tonderai and Tanaka exchanged fire till their guns
clicked empty.

General Tonderai did not hesitate to run to her. He threw the gun at her as he
jumped to gain some momentum and he threw a punch which Tanaka failed to
evade and got hit right on her right cheek. She fell to the ground dropping the
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scroll. As the scroll rolled away from her hand, the General shifted his attention
to the scroll and began walking towards it. Tanaka saw the General walk away
from her to pick the scroll. She quickly spun on the floor and tackled him. He fell
down and got up quickly breathing heavily and angrily. Tanaka stood between
him and the scroll with her fists put up ready to fight. The General looked at her,
smiled and nodded with an impressed face that Tanaka was willing to do
whatever it takes to protect the scroll. In his head he figured this young woman
had no idea what she was up against. Tanaka kept her stance and did not move
an inch, which arrived to General Tonderai as a mock. He advanced violently and
threw a punch which Tanaka perfectly blocked and gave him a straight punch in
the face followed by a left hook, she send a third one on his chest and a kick to his
thigh to disorientate his whole system. He staggered back trying to keep his
balance, the kick to his veins messed his blood transportation, his body was trying
hard to remain a part of the situation. He jumped around to regain his stamina as
boxers do when they take a hit. He advanced again with a punch to distract
Tanaka’s concentration, she took a step back and he jumped with a knife cut to
her shoulder targeting her veins for strength. She blocked the attack by the tricep,
pulled him inwards and put her right foot on his chest, dropped on her back
sending him in the air and he landed hard on his back hurting his neck.

He shrieked. Filled with anger, he got up quick and just walked up to Tanaka
aimlessly. Tanaka kept her composure and watched him approach. He got real
close up and put his fists up and kept eye contact. He threw a light punch and
Tanaka caught his hand and got hold of it. For a moment there she was thrown
off guard, surprised and wondering did he even intended to punch her. Soon as
General Tonderai noticed she dropped her guard, he quickly pulled his arm from
her grip and pulled her towards hitting her with his elbow on the head. She
staggered to the side completely lost. She had no idea how she lost this one. She
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tried looking back up and as she was about to gain her focus General Tonderai
kicked her in the face real hard which send her down hitting the floor real hard.
He readily jumped on top of her and got hold of her throat and began choking

Tanaka was losing her breath as she laid down on the floor gasping. She tried
hitting him in the face and scratching him but it was of no use. General Tonderai
was not letting go of her no matter what and she was beginning to tap out. At this
point the General could see his future and the future of The Prodigals and their
objectives coming to pass. From nowhere Radska just burst in, General Tonderai
did not even notice him. Radska ran to him and jumped on him grabbing him
with full strength pulling him off Tanaka. The moment Tanaka breathed she
immediately rolled to the scroll and picked it up and began escaping limping and
coughing trying to catch her breath. Radska did not give the General a moment to
gather himself, he quickly snapped his neck and killed him, but because there
was only one way to completely kill someone, General Tonderai had thirty
minutes till he woke up again. So in a way, he was unconscious.

Tanaka had put a fair distance but still it was not enough for it to be an escape.
Radska fired two shots in front of her and one behind her then she stopped, she
got the memo.

“I’m sorry I can’t let you leave with that scroll.” He said pointing the gun at her.

“I’m sorry I can’t hand it over to you.” She replied with a calm tone yet serious.

“To be difficult, it isn’t like you.” He started moving.

“That’s always been your problem. You never did knew me for me. You always
have these preconceived ideas, I’m not surprised you never did grow on that
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“Wow. Clearly I never did know you for you. I mean, the disrespect…?” He
started advancing towards her slowly.

“Yea well, you never were the smart type.” She started backing up slowly.

“Well, no one is coming for you. Not even her.” He smiled.

“At least on that you have an actual idea. But here’s the kicker. I’m not expecting
anyone. So…? What’s it gonna be?” She stopped and stared him down.

“You honestly think you can take me down? Wow.” He mocked putting his gun

“Good boy. There we go. It doesn’t matter what I think.” She stopped to prepare

“Well? You challenged. Show up then. Get down here and let’s see what you’re
made of.” Tanaka nodded.

As she was about to jump Radska pulled out his gun and aimed at her. He
intended to shoot her mid air and put an end to all this scroll chase that had been
going on. Tanaka was already in motion she could not stop, she was facing her
end. She closed her eyes and a rope came through a broken window behind her
and wrapped around her waist. She was pulled outside before Radska had an aim.
He fired aimlessly hoping to hit something but missed still.

Outside, Tanaka fell on the ground and was dragged for a few seconds till
whoever dragging her stopped. They were on the top of another building. She
hastily got up in shock ready to fight and noticed her rescuers were just standing
with their guards down looking at her as if she was the crazy one. She put her
fists down and starred back at them breathing heavily. Still with the scroll in her
palm on a tight grip, she just stood there waiting on them to speak first. One lady
broke out from the group and walked towards Tanaka but not in her direction.
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She was surprised, wondering what was she up to. She walked right pass Tanaka
as if she was not there. Tanaka turned to look behind curious to see what had
caught her attention.

As she turned, she saw Radska. He had followed outside, furious as ever. The
woman that had broke out from the group smiled at Radska and addressed him.

“Captain Radska! I’ve heard so much about you! It’s an honor to finally meet you
in person! I’m Kadira!” She smiled.

He coughed. “Kadira! Sister name to Radska! Well sister! You took something of
mine and I’d like it back!” He sounded so sure of himself.”

“No I didn’t! But my friend did! You can come get it if you really want it that
bad!” She posed a gesture of invitation.

“Is that an invitation!?” He looked straight at her.

“I suppose…!” She smile.

“You’re going to regret that!” He smiled back at her.

“That’s where you’re wrong little brother!” She said mockingly.

Radska felt insulted, he just took off running towards Kadira. Kadira advanced
towards him as well smiling. She just jumped up and landed right in front of him,
forcing him to halt and hit him with an upper cut which send him further back
from where he stood. His body broke into fragments as he hit the ground. Not
literally but the force was so much he could not get up nor stand on his feet.

Two soldiers had just arrived on the scene with Commander Amanda. They
hesitated getting involved witnessing their top ranking captain get put down by a
single strike.

“Whoa. That’s impossible.” The first soldier said.

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“That’s captain Radska. So that’s got to be a Pair.” The second one replied.

“I hate Pairs. They never play fair. So what are we going to do?”

“Evaporation grenades.” They looked at each other and smiled.

The first soldier launched evaporation grenades at Kadira. She jumped backwards
getting out of the way.

“Kadira! Let’s go! You’ll have your time with your supposed brother next time!
We have her!” Her Pair Jack shouted at her.

Kadira ran towards the other Pairs grabbing Tanaka by the hand who was still
discombobulated at everything that was going on. They jumped off the building
heading for the ground. In mid air, a foreign hand snatched the scroll from
Tanaka. Kadira noticed but did not try to pursue for she noticed Tanaka kept her
composure and did not try to grab it back instinctively. Commander Amanda was
now in possession of the scroll. As The Pairs hit ground, they made their way to
the sea where they had left their get away boat and left the city. Commander
Amanda approached Radska to help him get up and the two soldiers approached
them with their grenade launcher. The Commander helped Radska to his feet and
smiled at him as she waved the scroll in his face for him to notice. Radska had
mixed emotions running all over at once. He was very happy they now have the
scroll and disappointed in himself, he felt he could have acted strategically if the
situation was the other way round. Facing Tanaka even with her at gunpoint was
traumatic to him. How could it not be? After all, she was and still is his most
favorite and best student he ever trained. Nonetheless, the mission was dutifully
accomplished and they proudly took the win.

“Good job you two for causing that stampede. It was an advantage.” She said
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“Yes ma’am.” They replied full of themselves.

“Home?” Radska asked.

Commander Amanda sighed, giving off a relief energy with satisfaction and
elation. “Yes.”

The four walked to their car in which the Commander and the two soldiers had
come with. The two soldiers at this point were so full of themselves, they figured
as they get to Olympia, they will be receiving a promotion to higher ranks. The
certainty of that was yet to be confirmed by both Specialist Gamiko and San Tzu
but with the mood she was in, it is not overselling it to say they could just make
captain. In the car with an hour in their victory mood, Radska suggested they
open the scroll just for confirmation sake.

“I think we should open it. Just to be sure.” He looked into her eyes.

“But only Pairs can read the scroll. We have San Tzu for that.” She replied trying
to block any flood of doubt or anger.

“Exactly. If we fail to read it or make up any of the context. Then rest assured we
have the scroll.” Commander Amanda nodded in agreement.

She understood Radska made a lot of sense but a part of her did not want to find
out, yet she was now in her concern territory. She collected herself, pulled it
together and slowly unrolled the scroll. With her heart beating so loudly and
hard that she could not even swallow her own saliva without the worry of
choking herself, she went through the scroll trying to see if recognize anything
from the images. When she was done, she felt her soul lifting, there’s hope again
and now she was worried what if Radska reads it. The fact that he was once
Leonardo Da Vinci’s student, bothered her for the first time at this moment. She
calmed herself and passed the scroll to Radska quietly. Filled with ambition, he
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reached for the scroll and immediately glued his eyes upon it. He went through it
desperately trying to recognize anything, even one image. He was so desperate to
prove his Commander wrong. Not with a disloyal intention but because he was
completely overwhelmed with guilty conscience with how he handled his stand
off with Tanaka. He had her at gunpoint and still something inside him hesitated
to fire there and there. Instead, he just fired warning shots to stop her from
getting away. He was so disappointed with himself so much that he could not
stand his own reflection or his own visual image of his own hands.

Disappointed and happy, he sighed looking sad. He patiently rolled up the scroll,
tied it and handed it over back to Commander Amanda.

“I couldn’t read it. I didn’t recognize any of those images, couldn’t make it up.” He
gave a soft smile of congratulation to her.

She nodded to him. “Right. Head for Olympia.”

The Commander was very much proud when Radska failed to read the scroll. For
someone who spend ages of lifetimes with Da Vinci, he sure was not the type of
individual one should underestimate when it came to checking the authenticity
and how genuine something was. Radska at this point was now letting go of his
unfounded ego and was now genuinely beginning to accept and appreciate the
win. The Commander had not informed anyone in Olympia about their supposed
triumph, neither Specialist Gamiko nor The All Father and she was not planning
on doing so. She really wanted to drain the room’s energy when she presented the
scroll to the table, just so she can feed her ego and throw the bones to her

New plans where now in play, unfolding, as everyone was now strategizing
ahead in their favor, figuring out how their next move should play. General
Tonderai was down to earth at this point. His defeat was so much that he had to
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reconsider a few things about himself, his role and what it means to be a Prodigal.
First he had lost to Tanaka in a clean hand to hand combat and just as he was
about to have his moment of truth, captain Radska jumped him off and broke his
neck taking his moment right out off his hands. Not only that, but also, his self
respect. He wanted to turn back time and stab Radska right in the chest. He left
him lying there on the floor as if he was just some other low ranking soldier. He
could not let that go easily.

On the boat, Tanaka just kept to herself and just watched her saviors do what
they do. She stayed out of their way and just did whatever that was asked of her.
She had figured they were Pairs but it was all suspicion and they had not said
anything official to her or even had a conversation with her. They too had no idea
who she was. To them she was just a young woman who just happened to be in
possession of the scroll. How that happened was what they wanted to find out.
Last they heard of the scroll, they were told it was with the mermaids and only,
only a Pair could retrieve it. Their assumptions were perhaps a Pair did receive
the scroll from the mermaids and lost it along the way and somehow it ended in
Tanaka’s possession. But that too did not make any sense. She protected the scroll
and fought to keep it safe, that was unusual for a random citizen. So they had to
find out if by any chance she was a well trained chameleon. With San Tzu who
had been behind enemy lines for months, it would make sense that they broke
him till he taught Tanaka how to think and act like a Pair. Which was too much
of a reach but lucky for her they were all working theories, otherwise she would
have been killed if they were certain.
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After two nights of sleeping in the boat, Tanaka woke up to sounds of ships,
yachts and boats. She walked up to the deck and she was shocked to see she was
in Sydney city then Australia.

“Sydney. Why ever did you bring me to this ratchet city?” She asked politely yet in
a disrespectful tone.

“Clearly you missed the fact that it’s one of the best cities on planet earth.” Anna

“And due to that fact. I should not at all be in this city!” She talked back
emphasizing her concern.

“I’m going to have to ask you to please watch your tone.” Anna warned.

She nodded. “Right.” She walked away angrily.

“What’s all that about?” Anesu asked.

“It appears she does not like Sydney.” Anna responded.

“The hell what she likes. Finish up, we need to go.” Anesu walked away.

The Pairs had a plan, they were headed to a group of people that lived in Sydney.
A quiet city that somehow eventually became the home for all people considering
its history when it was a country before judgement day. Tanaka knew someone
from back in the day she used to be friends with that was said to be living in the
city, the reason she was so mad about being in the city was that the two fell apart
over disloyalty. Five years before judgement day, she was in a relationship which
she very much wanted to last forever but the guy cheated on her with her
childhood friend, Tanatswa. Tanatswa was now a dentist in the city, a very high
recommended one too and she had not heard from her since that time and three
months after the war started, she heard she was in Sydney. Thousands of years
later she still had no idea of how she would react meeting her, clearly Tanatswa
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would not share her feelings but for her it would be devastating, hence it was a
priority to avoid the memory and awkwardness.

Headed to the Dynasty Mountain, Tanaka was preoccupied in her head

wondering if they knew she no longer had the scroll or if they even noticed. One
thing she knew for certain was that Kadira knew she lost the scroll. She was
bothered how was it that she never asked or brought it to her friends. She decided
to keep what she knows to herself and just go with it, keeping her identity safe
was now a priority. They did not travel much, it appeared The Pairs were in a
hurry so they used a helicopter to get to the temple of Dynasty Mountain. When
they got there, they found the leaders already waiting for them.

“Wow. They knew we were coming?” Anesu asked.

“It appears so…” Kadira replied getting off.

“Welcome to Dynasty Mountain. Hoped your flight was great” The minister
extended his wishes.

“Yes, thank you. I see we had already kept you.” Jack assessed.

“Ha-ha. Not at all. We received word you had arrived in the city and were headed
here straight. This is all not to keep you waiting.” the minister replied.

“We’re impressed.” They shook hands.

“Come. The president is expecting you.”

Tanaka had no idea what was going on and she just followed. Jack was curious as
to why she was just so calm and not throwing tantrums, he could not wait to find
out. They walked in the temple and were showed to a comfortable room with
treats where they could relax, feel comfortable and have their conversation with
the president. They waited for only Twenty minutes and the president walked in
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with the minister, his vice, the governor and prime minister. As they walked in
both Tanaka and The Pairs stood up in surprise.

“Hooollyyy sshiit! You?” Tanaka surprised at who she had her eyes on.

“Yeah. What she said. You’re the president!? What are you doing here?” Jack said
trying to wrap his head around what was happening.

“Is this a joke?” Kadira asked seriously.

“I understand the whole concept of a joke, is that it’s supposed to be funny.” The
president said as he sat down giving a gesture to them to take their seats.

“Right you are Mr. President! And this is not!” Anna interjected.

“What are you still doing here, seriously?” Tanaka asked.

“Same reason you still are. We all have our roles Tanaka. And yours is a much
bigger one.”

“How big?” Anna asked sarcastically.

“Gates of heaven open, big.” The Pairs looked at each other.

“Wait, what?” Kadira asked already having figured out the answer to her question.

“Yes Kadira. She’s the missing piece.” The president nodded.

“I’m not following.” Tanaka said sounding confused.

“Turns out you’re a Pair. Which explains how you were able to identify the scroll,
had a strong sense of protecting it and why you’re different from the others and
are the same with us.” Jack cleared it up for her.

“Well Mr. President, you’re mistaken.” Tanaka was in denial and scared.
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“Young lady, apart from being the president and all. Most importantly, I’m Nelson
Mandela. Certainty is my genetics. The Order exists to keep the balance out of all
this mess. My intention is to maintain and protect humanity’s hope. The gates are
said they will open one day and all this while, The Pairs have been waiting for the
emergence of the last Pair, the missing piece. You’re that Pair, the missing piece.
The dreams you occasionally have…? You’re the daughter. ” President Mandela
brought to light her hidden identity.

To Kadira it made sense, typically speaking and she then finally brought into the
conversation what Tanaka had been dying to talk about. She sat in her seat and
leaned forward again as though she was uncomfortable, which caught everyone’s

“Oh I’m sorry about that. So you’re saying she’s one of us huh…” President
Mandela intervened.

“She is, yes.” He sat back to hear what other additions she may have.

“Okay. Tanaka. Where’s the scroll? I saw that lady snatch it from you but you
didn’t react. That got us worried. We figured perhaps you might be a chameleon
and all that you went through was just a scam to get us involved. We rescue you,
you spy on us and you report back. See where I’m going with this?” Kadira
sounded interrogative.

“She doesn’t have the scroll?” The minister asked confused.

“Yeah. She lost it. Commander Amanda took it from her as we were escaping. Not
that it’s an issue. Issue is she did nothing and said nothing about it.” Anna

“You did what!?” The prime minister snapped.

“Joe. Not yet. Relax.” The governor calmed him down.

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“Before we make any conclusions. Tanaka, what happened?” The vice president
asked delicately.

“Exactly as they have put it.” Tanaka responded looking at her, the vice president.

“Tanaka, this is serious.” Tapiwa warned, he was the soft one of The Pairs.

“They don’t have the scroll. I do.” Tanaka said softly.

“Wait, what? What do you mean…?” Kadira sounded a little surprised.

“So what was taken from you?” Jack asked impatiently.

“An ancient story of Shesmu. I didn’t know who you people were. So the more
uncertain and worried you got, the better.” Tanaka spoke honestly.

“Things could have gone sideways. Certain you could have handled that?” Kadira
asked mockingly.

“I’m certain I would’ve held my own.” Tanaka fired back in a challenging tone.

Kadira felt very much invited but Anna held her by the thigh so she does not do
anything stupid. Kadira got the message, she kept her seat but smiled as a way of
saying I gladly accept the challenge. They brought to light their grounds and
where they stand but Tanaka withheld the exact location of the scroll just in case.
The Order offered them couple rooms to occupy for the meantime as they work
out their next plan. The Order was not at all similar to The Sons or Prodigals. The
group was formed a few years after the gates were closed. When the righteous
and the none righteous were busy recruiting soldiers, there were those that got to
deal with the bleakness of those who deemed themselves worthy.

Nelson Mandela and a few others decided on creating a safe heaven for those that
still believed in God’s salvation and the prophecy. The objective was protecting
the future that could be, if God had given everyone a free pass into heaven, The
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Order held that then the third coming of Christ was happening and it would
complete the trinity. The Order maintained a level of logic and common sense. As
a people that were caught in between, a part of them that desired, was
understanding and forgiving remained with them still. Although all the same they
forgot what made them human, they were incomplete and needed saving just as
their fellow brothers and sisters did. The Pairs had came across The Order before,
fifty years ago, securing Raphael’s sword. It gave off a unique archangel energy
with a signature that could be traced and they figured it being parted from its
owner, the energy signatures would not reach further, it’ll just be lying dormant.
Then when they gave the sword to The Order, Nelson Mandela appeared as a
monk, for identity’s sake, it was between Raphael and monks from The Order.
Raphael had always told The Pairs that if ever in time of immediate need, they
could always count on The Order.

Arriving in Olympia on schedule reassured Commander Amanda that she was

achieving everything that she was sorted out to, which proved her worthy and
the answer to all their problems. Still she had not told anyone with a seat at the
table that she had the scroll and she denied captain Radska and the two soldiers
to share that information. If anyone was curious to know what went down, they
were to tell them that when they got there, General Tonderai was already lying
lifeless on the floor and there was no sign of Tanaka, she got away with the scroll.
With how much she had proved that she was capable of putting anyone down,
that story needed no convincing. What had the soldiers shaking in their boots
was that she had managed to put down both of the two top organizations on
earth’s army leaders. Commander Amanda was okay with that narrative but
General Tonderai had to deal with another incompetent result.

Commander Amanda wasted no time when she landed on her base back in
Olympia. She ordered Radska to come with her to Specialist Gamiko’s laboratory
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and called for Georges and Gamiko to meet there. Specialist Gamiko was treating
himself to a cool swim on a rich sunny afternoon. When he received the word
that the Commander requested his presence asap, he wasted no time and got
dressed heading straight to his lab. He figured if it was this urgent, she had
something that required his immediate attention. He did not want to spoil his ego
so he tried by all means to brush off the thought that perhaps she had the scroll.
When he got to his lab, already Georges, Commander Amanda and captain
Radska were there waiting for him.

Noticing the impatience in the room, he apologized formally yet excited. “I

apologize lady and gentlemen, for keeping you.”

“Oh no. Do not worry yourself. Captain Radska returned with this from Akaras
city. Took it right out off Tanaka’s hands as she was escaping with Pairs.” Georges
gave a stung facial expression. “But on our way back, captain Radska raised a
very important issue which had me thinking the whole flight, which is why I did
not inform the table that I had the scroll and created a false narrative.” She
handed the scroll to Specialist Gamiko.

“We understand. You two tried reading the scroll I suppose?” Gamiko asked.

“Yes” Radska responded.

“And…?” Georges asked curiously.

“Nothing. We both failed to read and make anything out of it.” Commander
Amanda replied with holding her great expectations.

Specialist Gamiko kept his eye around her neck but he quickly threw it off and
focused on what was taking place. He paced around the room composing himself
and then approached the micro lance. He stopped for a moment to get a grip and
controlled his panting.
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“Alright. Let’s see what secrets you hide. He opened the scroll to full length and
gazed upon it.” Reaching her eye from three meters away, Commander Amanda
saw the light of excitement die down in Gamiko’s eyes.

She walked away quietly to sit on a chair angry and disappointed with herself.
Not reading the atmosphere, Radska approached his commander.

“What? What’s wrong?” He asked confused, at this point he truly wanted the
scroll to be real.

“You were right. It’s a duplicate. It’s fake. She was protecting a fake scroll.” She
sighed overwhelmed with self disgust and disbelief.

“Wait, he didn’t say that.” Georges said, thinking she was rushing to conclusions.

“I did not have to. She saw it. I’m afraid she’s right captain, Georges. Apparently
Tanaka switched the scroll and had us all chasing a fake scroll. These images are
hieroglyphics. An ancient Egyptian language before letters. It tells a story of the
god Shesmu.” He sighed.

“What!? No, no. You said hieroglyphics, I can read hieroglyphics.” He reached for
the scroll. “No, no , no!” Georges yelled and threw the scroll to the floor.

“We stick to your narrative commander. No one outside of this room needs to
learn the truth or know this ever happened.” Specialist Gamiko sounded cautious.

“Two other soldiers know what actually happened and that we have the scroll.
Correction, a scroll.” Radska mentioned.

“Should we be worried?” Radska shook his head. “Great. Tell them the truth and
tell them to keep the truth to themselves. Make them a part.” He nodded.

Commander Amanda stood up with her person everywhere in the room and
staggered to the door quietly.
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“Where are going?” Georges asked worriedly.

“I flew all the way to Akaras city and back for nothing. Where do you think?”
Gamiko paid close attention to her neck this time as she turned around to
respond to Georges.

“Wait! Stop right there! Turns out you didn’t fly out to Akaras for nothing.” He
approached curiously.

“What is it now Gamiko?” She stopped with a complaining tone.

“Where did you get this commander?” He held the item dangling on her neck,

“Aahh. In Akaras city. She’s a collector, you’ve been in her house before, you
know what it’s like, come on.” She responded ignorantly.

“Amanda. You do realize you’re wearing War’s ring around your neck?”

“War…?” She was surprised.

“Yes, the horseman of war, from the four horsemen. I recognize this one because
another just like it slipped off Death’s finger when he died.” He was excited now.

Captain Radska approached to inspect. He looked and confirmed it. He

remembered Da Vinci drawing them for him. Georges was confused at how they
were of great importance when the owner was none existent. Commander
Amanda as well failed to follow up as further the two men had gone. Specialist
Gamiko was drawn to the ring too busy admiring it he forgot he had people in his
presence. Captain Radska then took it upon him to explain to everyone why this
particular ring was still special.

“Alright. So when judgement day began, the four horsemen ceased to serve any
purpose and slowly one by one, they were being erased from existence. Like life
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on earth was being rewritten with new characters and without others.” Radska
paused for questions.

“So if they were deleted permanently. What makes this one special?” Georges

“Because we’re still fighting. War still has one eye open in this world peeking
through.” Specialist Gamiko clarified.

“We are killing each other as well. Why’s Death not in the conversation?”
Commander Amanda asked.

“Because we’re not really killing each other but putting each other out of
existence.” Georges realized.

“Right. Well I just received an urgent message. I have a meet with The All Father
tomorrow, so later.” Commander Amanda dragged herself out of the lab.


The next day, The All Father was on his way to the base to meet with the
Commander and discuss about their alternative plan. Commander Amanda had
considered telling him the truth about her recent failure, she decided to share it
with him if and only if it comes to it. On her side, she was pleased to hear from
him, she was beginning to think perhaps he had forgotten all about their
arrangement and that was threatening her purpose, not knowing what next.
Specialist Gamiko and Georges had great news to share at their meet and truly
they had cracked the next tech without having to depend on earth’s natural
resources. The All Father was on time and so was everyone else and he spoke on
other matters and then ended with the most important two.
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“I know what happened in Akaras city. Don’t worry, I’m not disappointed. I
would’ve thought you up to something if you had successfully brought the scroll.
I’m not saying you’re incompetent or a traitor. I’m saying this is the scroll we’re
talking about. A lot of souls need to be put out of existence for either to possess it
and be in control of it.” Commander Amanda nodded.

“I understand.” He looked at her for a while and then smiled.

“So, the reason why I’ve brought you here. I know you were all waiting to hear
from me concerning our plan B if things go side ways such as these. And I’ve
come up with one but how we’re gonna achieve it, is the challenge. But since we
have you two, I’m convinced you’re gonna make us get there.” Specialist Gamiko
and Georges exchanged looks.

“Let’s hear it.” Georges said.

“An alternative reality. What if we can travel back in time or create our own
world?” He said with belief in his words.

“Sir. An alternative reality?” Commander Amanda was skeptical.

“Yes. Think about it. If we can create a new world based on his theory and CERN’s
accomplishment, what do we have to lose? Or even time travel.” Commander
Amanda looked at him as if he was crazy.

“I’m following.” Specialist Gamiko was now brainstorming.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Sir. Time travel wouldn’t work because we’ll have to live to this moment in time
regardless. I mean, humanity is destined for this future. So time travel is not the
answer.” Gamiko canceled the time travel option.
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“True. And a new world, we do not at all have that pure energy source. God’s
energy. Technology can never match that.” Georges canceled the other option.

“So what are we going to do?” Commander Amanda asked.

“Wait. There’s still a way. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to this ever since I
joined the church. We could create a new world yes but not from nothing to
something but from us. We dream, we have visions in sleep and prior judgement
day, people used to get spiritual visions. We can live in such a world but we’ll
need archangel energy to create such a world.” Georges was now excited.

“This is all theoretical, yes?” The All Father asked for confirmation.

“Yes.” Georges confirmed.

“Yes and we can actually make that happen. I’ve been giving a lot of thought to
War’s ring. Like all gods in every mythology living off of mankind prayers, the
four horsemen were just the same. Humanity fathered them. As long as this back
and forth exists, the ring is filled with pure energy but I doubt it’ll be enough.”
Specialist Gamiko pointed out.

“Not enough to create a world yes but enough to test the theory.” Georges assured

Georges was most certain about his theory and he remembered when he detailed
the idea before. His journal, and he still had it on his person. Commander
Amanda was a little relieved watching Specialist Gamiko and Georges brainstorm
but she still had her doubts. As a warrior, she was expecting an alternative that
included military strategies and perfectly laid out plans. She figured perhaps The
All Father wanted to try different approaches and redefine what The Sons actually
mean. For her to question him was treason, he knew better, he had to after all he
was The All Father. Specialist Gamiko was so determined to prove to himself that
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he was what the future needed for a better life. Making this project work meant
the gates to him.

The All Father himself, wanted to chase and secure a world where existence was
as one imagines it. A world without weapons or an army set aside just in case. He
wanted a life free of authority and superiority. The Sons were now chasing new
objectives and The All Father finally announced they were working on something
great that would better the life of all people. The Sons began changing their
doctrines, regulations and their way of life. The soldiers deployed in each city
were now appointed to new tasks different from their usual tasks. They began
gathering raw materials needed for Georges experiment, the best technology and
minds that were left on earth. Radska was never fully briefed on the details of
what was really going on but he followed as any loyal soldier would.

On the flip side of that coin, General Tonderai was watching his enemies get
everything they want and accomplishing their objectives. This angered him so
much so he once thought of bombing an entire base in retaliation of what The
Sons cost him. He figured it’ll just spiral into another headless chicken war. What
he wanted was a donkey to his carrot and days in confinement weren’t doing him
any good. He was way in his head when he received the best news ever. A
chameleon told him Tanaka was spotted in Akaras city with a group of people
travelling with her. She had been to the library, her place and the church. The
Sons weren’t seen anywhere near her and that they had completely ignored her.
Something was not right, first The Sons assign their soldiers to new tasks and
Tanaka coming back to the one city she truly knows it would mean an end to her
and stir up things again. She was up to something, she had to be and the fact she
was spotted with people going with her everywhere she goes, sent red flags to
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He figured they had to be Pairs obviously. It then dawned on him that his
chameleons did not at all succeed at capturing The Way Pair. For a moment there,
he almost lost his shit looking for them until he decided to focus his energy on
confronting the ones he knew where to find. At this point, he had given up
strategies and plans and decided to make everything up as he goes. Tanaka and
The Pairs were in Akaras city to get the real scroll at the museum, she had refused
to tell them the exact location fearing they might go against her. Anna and Kadira
had their doubts about Tanaka, they could not accept she was the one they all
have been waiting for to lead them into heaven. Their beloved brother meant
more to them than having someone just joining up with suspicious movements.
Tanaka herself after being told she was one of them, she was not at all looking for
their acceptance or trust and being involved with them was her least concern. All
her life, hearing the stories of The Pairs made her realize there still was hope in
the world but being one of them was never part of the plan.

The Sons were all set on their new way forward, Georges was seeing to it that the
experiment is a success. Harnessing all the energy from War’s ring was what he
mostly needed to achieve, that primary objective secured and guaranteed their
breakthrough. Commander Amanda for the first time felt useless, this time her
and Radska had to sit and watch. Well, not so much in Radska’s case, being Da
Vinci’s student was paying off and he’d help with certain theories here and there
where they concerned the human mind and behavior.

The Prodigals were to perfectly put it, starving of purpose. Their whole existence
was to prove they were the superiors in all creation’s time but now it was looking
otherwise. General Tonderai had to get his hands on that scroll and an attack on
Tanaka was the way forward. He took with him six chameleons, loyal ones of
them all. He believed as every army leader in his position did, that, the objective
of war is not to die for what you believe in but to make the enemy die for what
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they believe in. He flew out to Akaras city without a single plan but an aim to get
the scroll, return with it and prove the whole purpose of being a Prodigal.

The Way Pair had been usefully busy inside Prodigals walls, learning and
gathering information. They were looking for one thing and one thing in
particular, what they intended to do with the scroll. It appears General Tonderai’s
obsession to obtain the scroll was rightly founded. The theory was the scroll
served the specific purpose of freedom. It helped the Israelites from the Egyptians
and the Africans during Anglo-American slavery. However, its specifics could be
manipulated to serve otherwise, intended obligations or purposes. The Sons plan
B was the alternative reality and for The Prodigals, it was a world without hope, a
higher calling to expect to come to any aide. They basically intended to dictate
existence and see to it they make use of the long life, no death, no diseases,
poverty and gain control of every part of the earth, pulling the people from God
to keep the gates closed for eternity until the sight of them is just a wonderful
work of art. The Way Pair understood they were up against real threats than they
imagined. All The Pairs had a preconceived ideology that their fight will only be
based on combat, only to realize it’s actually a fight for the soul, all the souls God
intended to enjoy afterlife in grace and harmony.

“We really need to contact everyone else and tell them about this.” Panashe
sounded terrified.

“No argument there. I never imagined it was this critical. Do you suppose Raphael
and San Tzu know about this? Or might at least have any slightest idea?”
Munashe asked.

“My opinion…? Yes. Nothing ever pass those two.” Panashe replied.

“This is sick. Looks like the end is already in course and we haven’t found the
missing piece yet. This is just too much.” Munashe was overwhelmed.
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“I think the missing piece is closer than we think. With the scroll resurfacing and
all this havoc going on, something’s definitely up. Come on. We got exactly what
we wanted, let’s get outta here.” She started walking.

Munashe felt the need to serve his purpose surge right through him with great
concern. He had always thought to himself that they’d find the missing piece first
before any wars break and they’ll save humanity just in time. But clearly he had it
all wrong. Most of all, he was afraid he will prove unworthy of his role, his
destiny as The Way Pair. Panashe had always been there for him all the way but
now the mission was different and this time it was results or failure and failure
was something they were trained not to have in any of their operations. Being
Pairs meant they were most complete and that was the greatest advantage they
had against those which they had to save.

General Tonderai had his soldiers in Akaras city, compass Tanaka’s movements at
a safe distance, he wanted them to feel as if they had everything under control yet
squeezed in to have any room to retaliate. He wanted to maximize the element of

Tanaka kept her cards close to her chest, she could clearly see right through
Kadira, Anesu and Anna. Jack and Tapiwa, she had no issues with them and they
too had none with her. They had a mutual understanding, getting the scroll
somewhere safe and figure out how to get San Tzu from The Sons. They stayed at
her place for a while figuring out how best they can get to the museum without
having to fight their way there. Fighting was obvious but they wanted to mitigate
that just so they can maximize their time in Akaras city and get Tanaka to
Raphael. If Raphael confirmed Tanaka as the missing piece, it meant their big
brother, Miles, the one Raphael had to come protect, will finally be able to stand
amongst them as a whole. His training and preparation will finally come to an
end. The tunnel was their best option getting out of her house unnoticed and an
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advantage for them since only The Sons knew about the tunnel. The Prodigals had
never been inside her place before. Anesu killed his dying hours going room to
room checking her place. He was stunned seeing all the items she had collected
and somewhere deep inside him, he was beginning to consider that just maybe,
she truly was the missing piece or another lost Pair, like San Tzu or she was his
Pair. It was just a crazy thought desperate to make sense of everything that was
just going on around them. He went to the lounge and found Tanaka sitting
cupping her head on her thighs.

“You okay?” He asked.

Jack and the others sitting across the room looked at them. “Yea, I guess. Thanks.”
Tanaka chuckled and then smiled to him.

“That’s Just it. You don’t look okay. It’s as if you’re trying to convince yourself that
you’re capable of committing. Discovering you’re a Pair and being one means you
can’t be alone. And I know you understand what I’m talking about.” He sat right
next to her.

“Wow am I that transparent.” She laughed sarcastically.

“I noticed the collection. What’s the story to that?” He asked patiently.

“Oh this? This is nothing. You should have seen the place before The Sons raided
it. I’m okay really. I’m worried they found one of the most prized collection. The
one item I wouldn’t want falling in the wrong hands.” She sniffed.

Jack sat up right curious. “What’s missing?” Anna asked.

“War’s ring. I found it twenty years ago in Jog town, and it stuck by me til the
night they broke in after I had just got the scroll.” She looked up to Anna.
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“Shit! Crap keeps escalating. Now we truly need to have that scroll in our hands.
That’s it. We leave in forty-five minutes, everybody get ready.” She walked out the

Back at The Sons base, Georges and Specialist Gamiko were up in their mental
state trying to achieve mankind’s greatest invention ever. They had everything
ready and all that was left was testing their theory using the ring as the source of
pure energy. Georges had the one last remedy brought to complete everything
they needed, a hypnotized person. Psychologists had always been capable at
helping their patients remember details lost deep inside their subconscious,
giving them access to their regression. Georges was of the theory that for it to
work completely work, they needed an individual with a wild creation, one also
hypnotized to stay in their imaginative world for as long as it takes to keep the
experiment safe both for the individual and them. One was provided and it was a
success. Georges and Specialist Gamiko managed to extract a world created from
imagination, bringing it into the physical world, creating a doorway to walk in.
Georges and Gamiko walked in to speculate their creation. And it was a definite
success and The All Father was present to see it for himself. Only problem was,
the world was limited to the source, the creator. However, he imagined it was
how it came into existence. It was not enough obviously but it was a success, they
had the answer to their problem and going inside someone’s mind was an
epiphany they held dearly. As they were in inside, the world began crumbling.
Everything was falling apart and the structures were all disappearing into thin air
and new constructs were appearing, terrifying animals and bad memories as well.
The ring was failing, it was running out of energy to keep the world stable and
the door open. They rushed out and everything just collapsed. They secured the
individual who had agreed to be the test subject but as for the ring, it broke into
fragments. They had their answer but what they required now was a more stable
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and regenerating source of pure energy. One that did not run out but kept on
reproducing on its own forever. The All Father understood what they needed was
an archangel but how to get to one was the issue for they were all in heaven
except for one, Raphael. Raphael was now their answer but how to get to him was
the issue, he had The Pairs surrounding him everywhere he was and they knew
that was a war they did not want to start. The experiment was a success and the
table had to come up with something fast or else The Prodigals would beat them
to actually gaining control of the world. For Commander Amanda, the
experiment was now demanding a whole lot, she argued they were in no position
to offer. Obtaining Raphael translated to erasing The Sons from existence.
Raphael was the one archangel The Pairs treated as their maker and would do
anything he says and for him. San Tzu was pretty much impressed but he too had
to keep Raphael from this and one thing he needed was contacting any Pair.

It was almost sunset in Akaras city with a little drizzle. The Pairs and Tanaka were
twenty minutes from with the museum, already with the actual scroll. Getting it
from where she had left it was no problem and getting there was not either, the
only problem left was getting out of Akaras city without having to write off
someone. Just as they were still clutching their hands together, a sudden boom
had their car swerving and crashing right into a tree. The crash had them dealing
with a rushing pain that was going up and down all over them. They got out of
the car looking around trying to see what was it that had happened. They saw
five soldiers standing in a line ten meters from where they were and other five
behind them. They were Prodigals soldiers. The chameleons General Tonderai had
come with to Akaras city walked up from behind the soldiers in the front
approaching The Pairs. General Tonderai then followed behind them.
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“I knew Amanda did not have the scroll! Getting the scroll from you means you
have to cease to exist. Her mistake was, she underestimated both you and herself!”
General Tonderai addressed them.

“If you figured out her flaws! What are you doing here repeating the same
thing!?” Tanaka asked.

“I just need the scroll! Hand it over!” He yelled at them.

“Come get it!” Tapiwa shouted back.

General Tonderai then gave the signal to attack. Tanaka handed the scroll to Jack.
They spaced out waiting for the enemy to get closer so the fighting begins. Just as
they began running, Kadira jumped and fired one shot in mid air which took the
chameleons who were attacking running side by side. When she landed the
soldiers were now hesitating. General Tonderai then ran pass them going for Jack
who had the scroll. They all followed behind. The fighting did not take long, the
ten soldiers that the General had brought with him were history, only two were
remaining. One held by the throat by Tanaka and the other lying flat on the
tarred road with a blade by his throat. Anna slowly slit his throat open granting
him the honor to experience the pain as he explodes out of existence. Witnessing
how brutal and heartless The Pairs were, Tanaka stabbed the soldier she was
petting and walked to Jack who was kicking General Tonderai’s ass. Jack jumped
and kicked him right by the chin sending him straight onto the ground painfully.
The General stood and tried attacking Kadira who effortlessly broke his left arm
pulling it downwards and dropped her knee at back joint of his left elbow. He
screamed in pain as he knelt down.

“I admire your resilience but you need to understand that to a Pair, it’s an insult.
Learn to stay down.” Anna broke both his legs to keep him from getting up.
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“We can’t let him live. He’ll just heal and come for the scroll still.” Tanaka pointed

Anesu smiled and took out his gun and pointed it to his head. “Right.”

General Tonderai just laid there finding it hard to believe this was the end of him.
He was very much filled with hate and rage but there was nothing he could do
about it except let whatever that was supposed to happen, happen. Just as Anesu
was about to pull the trigger, ten evaporation grenades were launched right at
them which just rained fire exploding and they were send falling in different
directions by the blast. Other ten were launched again and they began taking fire.
It was rain fire, they could not run for cover straight without being pushed by the
blast pressure. Jack was thrown to the far side of the road and he hit his back on a
hill. A rock rolled down and it crushed his right arm. The third wave was so
much that Jack lost the scroll, it fell from his hand. The Pairs were put in a tight
spot that they could not fire back or do anything to retaliate without exposing
themselves to harm. The other guys ran to Jack, rolled the rock off him. He was
badly hurt and was losing lot of blood. They helped him up and The Prodigals
soldiers began advancing coming out from the forest firing and still launching

“The scroll. I dropped the scroll.” Jack said groaning in pain.

“Forget it! No!! Leave it Kadira! We need to get outta here! You won’t make it, it’s
too much fire!” Anna pulled Kadira by the hand and dragged her along.

Securing the scroll was not a priority anymore, there was no way Kadira
would’ve survived the attack if she insisted on going back for the scroll, she was
sure to have been either blown out of existence or shot. Anesu and Tanaka helped
Jack as they ran for safety deep inside the forest. Kadira felt insulted having to run
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for her life. It was something she was not at all used to and it was the first time

All this while The Pairs were taking fire, General Tonderai was healing and his
bones were getting back in position. He sat up when the fire eased and the
direction had changed. His soldiers helped him up and checking if he was all in
shape, his left leg was not completely healed it needed more time. A soldier
brought him the scroll and handed it over to him. He felt his power and purpose
coming back to life as he tightened his grip on the scroll.

“You got one of them?” He asked the captain.

“No sir. They all got away.” He replied.

“Send men after them. I need at least one.” he looked so serious.

He limped his way to his car he had parked in the forest to wait there and receive
some medical attention. Tanaka and The Pairs were still in the forest running
away trying to put a safe distance between them and The Prodigals soldiers. Jack
was slowly healing, since he had lost a lot of blood. They kept on moving.

General Tonderai was sitting at the back of his car, still with the scroll in his
hands. He could not let it out of his sight. His main concern was getting a Pair. He
needed the scroll read and San Tzu was no longer a play. He just remained sitting
for hours waiting to see a Pair being dragged back to him. This was it, the
beginning for them all and what it meant to be them. His eyes were dark, dark
with purpose, moments from being set on course, the patience was birth enough.
He drenched with it.
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