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Aerosol Processing of Materials

Abhijit Gurav , Toivo Kodas , Tammy Pluym & Yun Xiong

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Aerosol Processing of Materials, Aerosol Science and Technology, 19:4, 411-452, DOI:

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Aerosol Processing of Materials
Abhijit Gurav, Toivo Kodas," Tammy Pluym, and Yun Xiong
Chemical Engineering Department, Center for Micro-Engineered Ceramics, Uniuersity of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Recent advances in aerosol generation of materials are mation of quantum dots via aerosol approaches has
reviewed. Gas-to-particle and spray processes (spray also been demonstrated. The theoretical understanding
pyrolysis) for powder generation and various routes for of gas-to-particle conversion routes has advanced to
film generation are discussed from the experimental include the finite rate of particle fusion or sintering
and theoretical perspectives. The range of materials occurring after collisions of particles. The modeling of
generated by these routes has increased in recent years spray pyrolysis systems has provided insight into the
to include fullerenes and ceramic superconductors. control of particle morphology and reactor design. In
Many metals and various oxide and nonoxide ceramics this review, these recent developments in aerosol gener-
have also been added to the list of materials generated ation of powders and films via gas-phase and spray
by gas-phase routes. Established aerosol routes such as routes are discussed with an emphasis on the material
vapor condensation have found widespread applica- chen~istriesinvolved and the synthesis of nanophase
tions for generation of nanophase materials. The for- materials.

INTRODUCTION In the other approaches, semiconductor

Aerosol generation of materials has seen particles of materials such as CdS, ZnS,
many new developments in recent years. and GaAs are produced directly in the
New aerosol processes have been devel- gas-phase (Fujita et al., 1985; O'Brian et
oped, new applications have emerged for al., 1986; Flagan et al., 1991; Powell et a].,
existing aerosol processes, new chemical 1992). There are several examples of new
approaches have been utilized, the range applications of existing aerosol processes
of materials produced by existing pro- for materials processing. Vapor condensa-
cesses has been greatly expanded, and a tion has been studied for many years as a
better theoretical understanding of the method for particle formation, but has
processes has been obtained. An example only recently been exploited for genera-
of a new process/application is produc- tion of bulk nanophase ceramic materials
tion of quantum dots (Flagan et al., 1991; (Siege1 and Eastman, 1989). Several new
Saunders et a]., 1992; Sercel et al., 1992; classes of materials such as fullerenes (a
Wiedensohler et al., 1992). In one novel new family of allotropes of carbon, e.g.,
approach, nanometer-sized metal parti- C,,, C,,, etc.) (Rohlfing et al., 1984a;
cles are generated, classified in the gas Kroto et al., 1985; Kratschmer et al., 1990)
phase, and deposited, and then plasma and ceramic superconductors (Chadda et
etching using the particles as masks is al., 1991; Ward et al., 1992a, b) have been
used to form quantum dots of the sub- produced by existing aerosol routes (laser
strate material (Wiedensohler et al., 1992). reactors and spray pyrolysis, respectively)
in recent years. In addition, existing
aerosol methods have been used to pro-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. duce novel materials from purified
Aerosol Science and Technology 19:411-152 (1991)
0 1993 Elsevier Science Publishing Co., Inc.
412 A. Gurav et al.

fullerenes (Gurav et al., 1993). Although

Reactant A ( ~ ) A(g)
there have been a few recent reviews and Vapor
A(g) A(g)
book chapters on specialized aspects of

A(g) A(g)
aerosol processing of materials (Gleiter,
1989; Kodas, 1989; Segal, 1989; Kodas and Gas-Phase
Sood, 1990; Ichinose et al., 1992; Pratsinis
and Kodas, 1992), no recent articles have
gathered these advances into one source.

B(g) B(g) Vaporization a


This article reviews recent develop-

ments in aerosol generation of powders
and films with an emphasis on new chemi-
cal approaches and the synthesis of

Nucleation, Surface
Reaction, and
B(g) ~ ( g )
B(g) B(g)

nanophase materials, and brings together

literature from diverse sources and disci-
plines to show the versatility and interdis- Coagulation, I
ciplinary nature of aerosol routes to mate- and Coalescence
rials. Because of the depth and breadth of
this area, this review is restricted to devel-
opments related to materials generation
and does not address advances in mea- Powder
surement techniques or basic aerosol sci- FIGURE 1. Gas-to-particle conversion process.
ence and technology in general. The re-
view first discusses new developments in
powder generation by gas-to-particle con-
version. Next, spray routes (liquid/solid-
to-solid routes) to powders are reviewed. or laser beams, or hot-wall reactors are
This is followed by a discussion of aerosol often necessary. Depending upon the ki-
routes to films. Recent developments in netics, thermodynamics, reactor design
modeling are included for both spray and and operating conditions, the product
gas-to-particle conversion routes where atoms or molecules can form particles ei-
they have had an impact on processes ther by uninhibited collisions (collision-
used to produce materials. controlled nucleation) or by balanced
evaporation and condensation to and from
molecular clusters (evaporation-con-
Gas-to-Particle Conversion densation controlled nucleation)
Gas-to-particle conversion refers to pro- (Friedlander, 1977; Seinfeld, 1986). The
duction of particles from individual atoms newly formed clusters grow by further
or molecules in the gas phase. The physi- condensation of molecules and/or by co-
cochemical processes constituting the agulation with other clusters. A range of
overall process are well understood quali- particle sizes, from the nanometer- to the
tatively and are shown in Figure 1. Parti- submicrometer-scale, and spreads of the
cle formation is driven by the cooling of a size distribution, from nearly monodis-
supersaturated vapor or by the generation perse to polydisperse, can be obtained.
of atoms or molecules by chemical reac- Similarly, the extent of agglomeration,
tion of gaseous precursors. High tempera- particle shape, and composition can vary
tures and hence high-energy sources such greatly.
as hydrocarbon flames, Joule (resistive) The primary advantages of gas-to-par-
heating, plasmas, sputtering, ion, electron, ticle routes are small particle size (mi-
Aerosol Processing of Materials 413

crometer to nanometer range depending Particles with these characteristics may be

on the process), narrow size distribution, desirable in some cases (e.g., mullite,
nearly spherical and solid particles, and Moore et al., 1992). However, in most
high purity. The disadvantages include other cases, chemical uniformity is re-
difficulties in producing multicomponent quired within each particle (Reed, 1988).
materials, low production rates in some of Many different types of flame, furnace,
the processing routes (e.g., inert gas con- plasma, and laser reactors have been used
densation), and problems associated with to facilitate gas-phase reactions leading to
hazardous gaseous reactants and byprod- the formation of desired oxide or nonox-
ucts. Another major disadvantage is for- ide materials. The sections below discuss
mation of hard agglomerates in the gas recent developments in material synthesis
phase which leads to difficulties in pro- using these gas-to-particle conversion
ducing high-quality bulk materials routes with an emphasis on the genera-
(Kingery et al., 1976). However, some in- tion of nanophase materials and new
sight has been obtained in recent years as chemical approaches.
to the conditions required to eliminate
agglomerate formation (Wu et al., 1987;
Okuyama et a]., 1989; Nguyen and Flagan,
1991). Nanophase Materials
The use of gas-phase reactions of sin- The ability to manipulate matter and to
gle gaseous reactants to produce submi- assemble structures on the atomic to
crometer-size titanium dioxide, silica, and nanometer scale is currently a goal of
carbon black by flame synthesis is well many researchers in physical and engi-
established. These processes have been neering sciences. "Nanostructures," in a
used at production levels of millions of broad sense of the word, are collections of
tons per year in several industries. The assemblies of atoms that have dimensions
gas-to-particle conversion route can also in the range of 1-20 nm (Granqvist and
be used for the generation of multicom- Buhrman, 1976; Gleiter, 1989; Siegel,
ponent materials containing two or more 1990; Stroscio a n d Eigler, 1991;
elements in addition to oxygen and nitro- Whitesides et al., 1991; Sundaram et al.,
gen (Buchanan et al., 1980; Kagawa et al., 1991; Ichinose et a]., 1992). For aerosols,
1983a, b; Kagawa and Syono, 1985; Ono these include structures formed by depo-
et al., 1985, 1987; Pollinger and Messing, sition of individual nanometer-size parti-
1987; Akhtar et al., 1992b; Hung and Katz, cles onto surfaces and bulk "nanophase"
1992; Hung et al., 1992). However, it is or "nanocrystalline" materials which are
often difficult to produce multicomponent produced from nanometer-size particles.
materials with homogeneous chemical In this section we discuss the processing
compositions because differences in of the latter class of nanophase materials
chemical reaction rates of the reactants, via a variety of aerosol-based techniques.
and in the vapor pressures and nucleation The former topic, which is also termed
and growth rates of the products may lead "quantum-dot generation," is discussed
to nonuniform composition from particle later in the section on film formation.
to particle or within a single particle. For Nanophase materials possess some
this reason, coated particles or particles unique advantages with respect to proper-
with varying composition from particle to ties and processing (Epperson et al., 1989;
particle are often obtained (Kagawa et al., Gleiter, 1989; Siegel and Eastman, 1989;
1983a, b; Pollinger and Messing, 1987; Hahn et al., 1990; Siegel, 1990; Pechenik
Hung and Katz, 1992; Hung et al., 1992). et al., 1992): (1) The ultrafine sizes of the
414 A. Gurav et al.

atomic clusters and their surface cleanli- routes using furnace reactors, and more
ness allow densification/sintering of recently via spray pyrolysis which will be
nanophase metals or ceramics at tempera- discussed later. These aerosol methods are
tures substantially lower than those re- reviewed in the following sections. Only
quired for conventional materials. (2) the key features of the processes are men-
Nanophase materials have a large volume tioned with references to pertinent re-
fraction of atoms (20-50%) at the grain views.
boundaries. Hence, these materials can
deform easily at low temperatures via Flame Reactors. Flame reactors involve
grain boundary sliding (Coble creep) mak- gas-phase reactions of precursors injected
ing it easy to obtain desired shapes per- into diffusion or premixed flames (Ulrich,
haps without using conventional forming 1971, 1984; Shon et al., 1979; Zachariah et
processes. Conventional coarse-grained al., 1989). Oxides of Si and Ti, and most
ceramics are brittle; but in nanophase other metals in the periodic table, have
form, they may become tough and elastic been produced by the oxidation of the
or even superplastic (Karch et al., 1987; respective halides in hydrocarbon flames
Sherby and Wadsworth, 1989; Chen and (see reviews by Kodas, 1989; Kriechbaum
Xue, 1990). (3) The hardness and strength and Meinschmit, 1989; Pratsinis and KO-
of sintered nanophase ceramics are con- das, 1992). Additives can be introduced
siderably higher than those observed in into the flames to control the phase, shape,
conventionally processed materials (Siegel and size distribution of the product
et al., 1988; Siegel and Eastman, 1989). (4) (Mezey, 1966; Haynes et al., 1979; Akhtar
Nanophase materials exhibit novel or un- et al., 1992a, b). Particle formation in
usual optical, electrical and magnetic flame reactors follows the gas-to-particle
properties (e.g., superparamagnetism conversion mechanism described earlier.
(Shull et al., 1989; Deng and Chin, 1991; The crystallinity of the powder and the
Gangopadhyay et al., 1992; Lee et al., degree of particle agglomeration and coa-
1992); increase in Curie temperature of lescence are determined by the residence
ferrimagnetic MnFe,O, (Tang et al., time and the temperature distribution in
1991); stabilization of high-temperature the flame. Maximum temperatures in the
tetragonal crystalline phase at low tem- flame are often between 2000 and 3000 K.
peratures in ZrO, (Ramamurthi et al., Due to these high temperatures, this pro-
1990)). It is also possible to obtain cess can be applied to volatile as well as
metastable phases or alloys which cannot relatively non-volatile precursors. Primary
be formed by conventional methods particles having a size of 1-500 nm are
(Glavee et al., 1991). Thus, nanophase formed. Product particles contain from a
materials may provide unusual or im- few up to many thousand such primary
proved properties, net-shape forming of particles. Scale-up of this process has been
materials, and processing at lower tem- demonstrated for the production of car-
peratures. bon black, silica, titania, e t ~ .However,
The synthesis of nanophase particles due to the steep temperature gradients
has been carried out most frequently by present in the flames, this process offers
physical methods such as gas-con- poor control over particle size and mor-
densation (evaporation-condensation), dc- phology. The resulting product particle
and rf-sputtering, plasma processing, and size distributions are often broad (coagu-
laser ablation. Nanophase materials have lation controlled process) and hard ag-
also been generated by gas-phase reaction glomerates are usually formed. This has
Aerosol Processing of Materials 415

seriously limited applications of ceramic 20-80 nm and density of 3.60 g/cm3 were
powders produced using flame reactors. made by decomposition of titanium te-
traisopropoxide at 700°C using H e carrier
Funzace Reactors. These reactors in- gas (Kirkbar and Komiyama, 1987).
volve chemical reactions between precur- Morooka et al. (1991) studied the oxida-
sor vapors in a gas flow through a furnace tion of TiC1, in a plug flow furnace reac-
(see reviews by Kodas, 1989; Kodas and tor at 950-1200°C and produced TiO,
Sood, 1990; Pratsinis and Kodas, 1992). particles in the range of 55-65 nm.
The precursors are introduced into the Organometallic compounds are volatile
furnace either as a gas or as an aerosol and can react at relatively low tempera-
formed from a solution or solid. The lat- tures resulting in oxide or nonoxide com-
ter facilitates t h e introduction of low- pounds. This has recently motivated their
volatility precursors into the reactor use as precursors for several materials.
(Kagawa et al., 1983a; Powell et al., 1992) Adjaottor and Griffin (1992) synthesized
and allows use of lower cost precursors submicron A1N powders via vapor-phase
(Weimer et al.. 1991, 1992). Furnace reac- reaction of trimethyl aluminum and am-
tors provide excellent control over tem- monia at 700-llOO°C in a furnace reac-
perature and flow velocity, and hence over tor. Sercel et al. (1992) produced crys-
the product particle characteristics. Parti- talline nanometer-scale (10-20 nm) GaAs
cle formation via gas-phase reactions in clusters by vapor-phase reaction between
furnace reactors is reasonably well under- trimethyl gallium and arsine. Powell et al.
stood and detailed models have been de- (1992) synthesized nanocrystalline ZnS us-
veloped for systems such as silicon parti- ing a single-source precursor containing
cle formation by the decomposition of both zinc and sulfur in a single volatile
silane (Wu et al., 1988; Nguyen and Fla- reactant.
gan, 1991), silica by the oxidation of SiCl,
(Kim and Pratsinis, 1988, 1989), and tita- Gas-Condensation M e t h o d . T h i s
nia by oxidation of TiC1, (Landgrebe et method is the most extensively studied
al., 1990; Pratsinis, 1990; Pratsinis et al., and used technique for the synthesis of
1990); and reaction of titanium isopropox- nanophase materials. A material is evapo-
ide (Okuyama et al., 1986, 1989; Kirkbir rated under a controlled inert atmosphere
and Komiyama, 1987). In addition, a large followed by condensation to obtain small
body of more general models and model- clusters. This technique was pioneered in
ing results is available and can be found 1930 by Pfund (1930a, b) and Burger and
in recent reviews (Kodas, 1989; Kodas and van Cittert (1930), and later by Harris et
Sood, 1990; Pratsinis and Kodas, 1992). al. (1948). Gleiter and co-workers (Gleiter,
Furnace reactors have been used to 1981) adapted this technique for forming
produce a variety of materials in interest- clusters that were subsequently consoli-
ing forms. Weimer et al. (1991, 1992) pro- dated to make nanophase materials. It
duced boron carbide via carbothernlal has subsequently been used extensively to
reduction of boron oxide. Ultrafine amor- produce bulk nanophase materials
phous TiO, having a particle size of 17-60 (Gleiter, 1981; Siege1 and Eastman, 1989;
nm was produced in a furnace reactor by Averback et al., 1990).
vapor-phase hydrolysis of titanium te- The most common apparatus for the
traisopropoxide (TTIP) at low tempera- synthesis of nanophase materials is shown
tures (257°C) (Shirnakawa et al., 1991). in Figure 2. It comprises an ultrahigh
Titanium dioxide particles having a size of vacuum (UHV) chamber fitted with evap-
A. Gurav et al.

Liquid Nitrogen
currents of the inert gas to the liquid-
nitrogen-cooled finger where the particles
are collected by thermophoresis. After
evaporation, the inert gas is removed and
the particles are scraped from the cold
finger and funneled into a piston and anvil
device where they are compacted using
pressures of - 1-5 GPa. The main prob-
lem with this approach is that it is a
semi-batch and not a continuous flow pro-
cess, leading to low production rates. It
-izzz7 also cannot easily produce multicompo-
Sources nent materials.
Oxide ceramics such as TiO, and Al,03
have been produced in a two-step process
(Siegel and Eastman, 1989). First ultrafine
metal particles were formed by evapora-
tion of Ti and A1 metals. Titanium parti-
cles were then oxidized to TiO, rutile
phase by the rapid introduction of pure
oxygen into the vacuum chamber at room
temperature. In order to produce Al,O?,
FIGURE 2. Vapor condensation process for aluminum metal clusters were annealed In
generation of nanophase materials. (Adaptcd air at 1000°C resulting in their transfor-
from Siegel and Eastman, 1989).
mation to the stable a-phase Al,O, with
a small increase in particle-size. Subse-
quent room-temperature consolidation
produced nanophase a-Al,03 with a grain
oration sources, a liquid-nitrogen-cooled
finger and scraper assembly, and an in situ
size of - 18 nm. Magnesium oxide having
ultrafine grain-size (5 nm diameter) was
compaction unit to consolidate the pow- produced by direct heating of MgO in a
ders produced and collected in the cham- vacuum chamber (Siegel and Eastman,
ber (Gleiter, 1989; Siegel and Eastman, 1989).
1989). The vacuum chamber is first The main process parameters control-
pumped to a vacuum > Pa and then ling the characteristics of the particles
backfilled with a high-purity inert gas, typ- produced are the inert gas pressure, the
ically a few hundred Pa of He. The sub- evaporation rate, and the gas composi-
stance (e.g., Ti, Al, or Cu) is evaporated tion. The effects of varying these parame-
by resistive heating from a refractory ters were first examined in detail by
metal boat. A temperature corresponding Granquist and Buhrman (1976). They
to a vapor pressure of -
10 Pa for the
precursor is chosen as the evaporation
demonstrated that the particle size can be
decreased by decreasing either the gas
temperature. The free convective plume pressure in the chamber or the rate of
above the source results in cooling of the evaporation of the precursor. The particle
gas mixture which results in formation of size could also be decreased by using
small clusters. Average cluster diameters lighter inert gases such as He rather than
usually range between 5 and 15 nm. The Xe. Generally, in producing nanophase
clusters are carried by the free convective materials, these parameters are adjusted
Aerosol Processing of Materials 417

to produce clusters having the smallest Sputtering. The problem of low precur-
size while still maintaining sufficient evap- sor vapor pressures encountered for evap-
oration (production) rates. oration/condensation processes can be
The exploding-wire technique, which overcome by using other methods to in-
can be considered as a vapor-con- troduce species into the gas phase. When
densation method, was used by Saunders ions (e.g., Ar or Kr), accelerated to high
et al. (1992) to synthesize crystalline energies, are directed towards a surface,
nanophase GaAs clusters in the 5-10 nm atoms and clusters, both neutral and ionic,
range. The clusters were formed by homo- are ejected. This method of vaporizing
geneous nucleation of a vapor created by materials is called sputtering (see review
the explosive vaporization of a bulk GaAs by Gleiter, 1989). Yatsua et al. (1985)
wire in an inert atmosphere. reported the production of ultrafine parti-
Although gas condensation and related cles by diode sputtering. Hahn and Aver-
methods have been used for several years back (1990) used magnetron sputtering to
to produce nanophase materials, several synthesize nanoscale particles of Al, Mo,
challenges remain: Cu, Cu,,Mn,, Al,,Ti,,, and ZrO, with
diameters of 7-50 nm. The apparatus was
1. Chemical reactions between most met- similar to that used for the gas-con-
als and the refractory metal crucibles densation method, except that it was fitted
cause changes in evaporation condi- with a dc/rf magnetron sputtering source
tions and failure of the crucibles. instead of a resistive evaporation source.
2. The production of alloys, intermetallic The grain sizes for Al, Mo, and Cu clus-
compounds, composites, and multicom- ters made at different operating condi-
ponent materials is difficult since the tions were 30, 20, and 15 nm, respectively.
thermodynamic activities and vapor Oxide ceramics can be synthesized by
pressures are often quite different for sputtering in different ways: (1)postoxida-
the constituents, resulting in difficulties tion of metal particles prepared by dc
in controlling compositions. sputtering in an Ar atmosphere; (2) reac-
3. Most ceramic materials have high melt- tive rf sputtering in an Ar-0, atmo-
ing points and very low vapor pres- sphere; and (3) direct rf sputtering of an
sures. Consequently, this approach is oxide target. Route 1 often leads to
limited to ceramics with low melting grain-growth and agglomeration during
points or high vapor pressures, such as post-oxidation treatment. For example, the
CaF, and MgO. grain size of the as-prepared Zr sample
4. Post-oxidation of metallic clusters to increased from 20 to 30 nm on sintering
obtain oxide ceramics has seen limited at 900°C (Hahn and Averback, 1990).
success since the resulting material is Hence, routes 2 and 3 are of particular
often oxygen deficient and needs oxida- interest for the synthesis of oxide ceram-
tion treatments before or after com- ics. Recently Ying (1992) synthesized
paction. Such treatments are undesir- nanophase Pt-TiO,_, cermet (composite
able since they usually cause agglomer- of a ceramic and a metal) having a grain
ation, grain growth and/or surface size of 11.1 and 7.9 nm, respectively, for
contamination. Ti0,-, and Pt. Chow et al. (1990) utilized
5. Production rates are currently small sputtering at high pressures (0.2-0.6 Torr)
(milligram quantities) and the process to produce llanocomposites (particle di-
is essentially a batch-type reactor. Thus, ameter < 15 nm) of Al and Mo. Haubold
efforts to use continuous flow systems et al. (1991) prepared tungsten samples
are required. with 10 nm diameter crystallites.
418 A. Gurav et al.

Another advantage of sputtering is that nH ,O or FeSO, H,O and CoS (Vissikov

the composition of the product is the same et a]., 1988). Ultrafine particles of differ-
as that of the target. Hence, synthesis of ent metals, alloys, and ceramic-metal
alloys and multicomponent ceramics is of- composites (cermets) such as Fe-TiN and
ten possible. One drawback, however, is Ni-TiN were produced in a 50% H,-50%
that it usually produces small amounts of
clusters and the spread of the cluster size
Ar plasma (pressure - 0.1 MPa) (Ohno
and Uda, 1984, 1989; Ohno et al., 1989;
distribution increases with decreasing Nakahigashi et al., 1992). Brock and Lim
cluster size (Gleiter, 1989). For example, (1991) have reported the formation of thin
production rates were - 100-180 mg/h
for pure metal cluster formation (Hahn
carbon fibers and hollow tubes in corona
discharges in alkane-N, atmosphere.
and Averback, 1990). The product yields, An interesting development in plasma-
however, reduced drastically when oxide based processing methods is the synthesis
powders were made since the main depo- of diamond particles and films (Johnson
sition of the particles was on the shield of et a]., 1988; Angus et a]., 1991; Frenklach
sputter source and not on the cold finger et a]., 1989, 1991). Production of fine dia-
(Hahn and Averback, 1990). Again, a ma- mond particles in a low-pressure mi-
jor challenge is scale-up while maintaining crowave plasma reactor using acetylene-
powder quality. Ar-diborane, and dichloromethane- and
trichloroethylene-0, mixtures has been
Plasma Reactors. These methods use reported (Frenklach et a]., 1989, 1991). A
plasmas to vaporize species followed by major challenge for plasma reactors is
condensation to form particles. Powders elimination of hard agglomerates formed
or gaseous reactants are carried into a by incomplete coalescence of particles that
plasma or arc discharge zone where com- have collided in the gas phase while main-
plete vaporization occurs. The vapor cools taining high production rates.
rapidly while exiting the plasma and ultra-
fine particles form as a result of the high Laser Ablation. This method uses
supersaturation (see reviews by Kodas, high-power pulsed lasers to vaporize ma-
1989; Kodas and Sood, 1990; Pratsinis and terials from target surfaces to provide high
Kodas, 1992). Powders of Mn, Fe, Co, Zn, supersaturations. The wavelength of laser
and Mo with particle sizes in the range of light has to be chosen depending on the
5-50 nm were synthesized by flowing re- target material characteristics (see review
spective oxide powders through a low- by Gleiter, 1989). For ablation of metals,
temperature plasma generated using pure UV lasers (e.g., excimer lasers) are re-
Ar or mixtures of Ar/H, or Ar/NH, quired as the reflectivity of many liquid
(Vissikov et a]., 1988). Nanophase nitrides metal surfaces in the infrared or visible
of Al, Si and Mg were synthesized by range is close to 100%. To obtain pure
passing the powders of respective metals metal clusters, laser ablation is carried
through an equilibrium electrical arc low out in inert gases. The resulting plumes
temperature plasma generated by Ar/N, are composed of mostly neutral atoms
gas mixtures (Vissikov et a]., 1981; (Gleiter, 1989), whereas ions and clusters
Vissikov and Brakalov, 1983; Vissikov et are observed during laser ablation of com-
a]., 1988; Vissikov, 1992). Similarly, using pounds such as YBa,Cu,O,_, (Izumi et
an oxidizing plasma (Ar/O,), ultrafine a]., 1991). The plume is entrained and
SiO,, A1,0,, Fe,O,, and COO were syn- cooled by the carrier gas which results in
thesized starting from SIC],, Al, FeCI, supersaturation and cluster formation.
Aerosol Processing of Materials 419

The resulting cluster size distributions are (1991) reported conversion of a liquid
often broad (Gleiter, 1989). organosilane precursor to intermediate
The laser vaporization or ablation tech- preceramic particles of Si,N,/SiC using a
nique is versatile and can be applied to high-power C 0 2 laser. This preceramic
any material that can be fabricated into material was converted to a composite
an appropriate target. Clusters of transi- ceramic powder having a bimodal particle
tion metals (Dietz et al., 1981; Morse, size distribution with modes having mean
1986), main group metals (LaiHing et al., diameters of 44.8 and 119.43 nm. Pechenik
1987), alloys (Rohlfing et al., 1984b), and et al. (1992) fabricated transparent Si,N,
semiconductors (Liu et al., 1986) have from nanosize, an~orphousstoichiometric
been synthesized. Another approach com- powders (mean particle size 16 nm) which
bines laser ablation of one metal with were made via laser-induced reaction be-
simultaneous laser pyrolysis of a gaseous tween silane and ammonia. Highly dense
precursor of another metal. Dem'yanenko compacts having high hardness were sin-
and Puretsky (1990) reported that tered at relatively low temperatures with-
nanosecond excimer laser pulses could be out using any sintering aids or applying
used to produce metal nanoclusters from pressure during sintering, approaches
metal carbonyls. Recently, Johnston et al. which are necessary for sintering conven-
(1992a) have reported the synthesis of tionally synthesized Si,N, powders. This
6-14 nm A120, particles via laser abla- demonstrates the advantages nano-par-
tion of A1 in oxygen atmosphere using an ticles offer with respect to subsequent
XeCl excimer laser. In another study processing. The major drawbacks to this
(Johnston et al., 1992b) an aluminum tar- class of processes are the complexity and
get was laser ablated (XeCl laser, 20 Hz) high cost of the equipment and the dif-
in a nitrogen atmosphere resulting, after ficulty in scale-up.
post-processing, in phase-pure AlN with It is noteworthy that one of the com-
an average particle size between 22 and mon methods of generating fullerenes in-
26 nm. The main disadvantages of laser volves conditions similar to laser reactors
ablation based processes are low produc- (Rohlfing et al., 1984a; Kroto et al., 1985;
tion rates ( - 10 mg/h; Johnston et al., Kratschmer et al., 1990). Substantial
1992b) and high production costs. amounts of fullerenes (primarily C60.and
Another class of processes which use C,, with small quantities of several hlgher
the energy of a laser to generate nan- fullerenes) are present in the soot ob-
oclusters involves gas-phase reactions. tained by laser vaporization of graphite.
Formation of 3-10 nm clusters of Si has Similarly, gram quantities of fullerenes
been reported by room temperature pho- were synthesized during arc-discharges us-
tolysis of disilane with the output from an ing graphite electrodes. Metal-incapsu-
ArF excimer laser operating at 193 nm lated fullerene particles were synthesized
(Jasinski and LeGouses, 1991). Films and using a composite of graphite and metal.
particles of several pure metals, and ox- Recently, spectroscopic studies of conden-
ide/nonoxide ceramics have been formed sible compounds and soot from hydrocar-
via gas-phase reactions driven by lasers bon combustion revealed the presence of
(Draper, 1980; Cannon et al., 1981a, b; C,, and C,, (Howard et al., 1991). The
Ehrlitch, 1981; Bilenchi et al., 1982; authors have reported optimal yields of 3
Haggerty, 1984; Jervis et al., 1985, 1987; g of fullerenes per kilogram of fuel car-
Cauchetier et al., 1987; Gupta et al., 1987; bon burned in hydrocarbon flames. Thus,
Borsella et al., 1992). Gonsalves et al. fullerene generation occurs in aerosol re-
A. Gurav et al.

actors where the sooty product contains a because the chemical characteristics of all
mixture of different fullerenes and other the precursors and products are not the
products. This area is only beginning to be same. The rates of chemical reactions and
explored and offers major challenges for thermodynamic properties, especially va-
aerosol scientists and engineers. por pressures and surface energies of re-
action products, determine the nucleation
and growth behavior of the different
products derived from the precursors.
Novel Chemistries: Tailored Precursors These properties are so different from
for Multi-Component Systems precursor to precursor that the composi-
Many materials including various semi- tion of particles formed in a multicompo-
conductors, ceramic superconductors, nent system is often nonuniform from
metal silicides, mixed-metal oxides, metal particle to particle and within a single
nitrides, glasses, etc. often contain two or particle (Kagawa et al., 1983a7b; Ono et
more elements that must be present in a al., 1985, 1987; Pollinger and Messing,
precisely controlled stoichiometry and 1987; Hung and Katz, 1992, Hung et al.,
must be mixed at the atomic scale in 1992).
order to exhibit useful properties. If dif- Figure 3 schematically explains the
ferent precursors are used for different origin of phase segregation or inhomo-
components in gas-to-particle conversion geneities in the case of a typical two-com-
processes, inhomogeneities often result ponent system with either a vapor-con-
Solid or Liquid
Solid or Liquid Solid or Liquid
Precursors Precursor Precursor

1 I
Vaporization and

B(g) A(g)
Reactions forming A and B


A(g) B(g)
B(g) A(g) B(g)
I Nucleation of A
Reaction B(g)

Nucleation and Reaction

C Coagulation


Nucleation and

Nucleation of B, '. . Coagulation

Formation of Desired
Product C=AB, and
Condensation of B
onto Particles of A and C,
r Coagulation

FIGURE 3. Particle formation in multicomponcnt systcm lcad-

ing to segregation of spccics: (a) vapor condensation and (b)
gas-phase reaction.
Aerosol Processing of Materials 421

densation or gaseous reaction route. One and E = P or As) from adducts such as
of the components often nucleates first. Me, In .PEt, (Bradley et al., 1988) or dinu-
This is followed by successive nucleation clear complexes such as [R, MiR; El], and
of other components which may occur on R,M(R;E),MIR, (Jones et al., 1989); (5)
the surface of existing particles or lead to aluminum silicate from [AliOSiEt?),],
formation of new single-component parti- (Landry et al., 1992); (6) late transition-
cles. Starting with such a nonhomoge- metal silicides such as CoSi from
neous material, it is difficult to obtain H ,SiCo(CO),, FeSi, from ( H ,Si),
homogeneous material having precise sto- Fe(CO), (Aylett and Colquhoun, 1977;
ichiometry in different regions by subse- Aylett, 1989) a n d M n , S i f r o m
quent processing steps such as reactive Mn2(CO),,( p S i H , ) (Stauf et al., 1988).
sintering. There are three methods (Figure 4)
The tailoring of precursors for genera- involving tailored precursors that allow
tion of multicomponent materials with control or prevention of phase-segrega-
controlled properties has been investi- tion or inhomogeneities in multicompo-
gated recently for aerosol processes. This nent materials prepared via gas-phase re-
approach has been used extensively for action routes: (1) single-source precursor
liquid-phase routes. Mixed-metal alkox- routes where a single, volatile precursor
ides, oxalates or citrates have been exten- contains all the required elements in the
sively used for the synthesis of multicom- correct stoichiometry required in the
ponent glasses and oxides (titanates) product as for the CVD precursors men-
(Clabaugh et al., 1956; Kiss et al., 1966; tioned above (Figure 4a); (2) employing
Mazdiyasni and Brown, 1970; Dislich, two or more separate precursors that have
1971; Hennings and Mayr, 1978; Bradley, been designed in a manner that results in
1989; Gupta and Cooper, 1989; Ma et al., similar decomposition rates as a function
1991). However, there are fewer reports of temperature (Figure 4b); and (3) use of
of the use of mixed-metal precursors for two or more volatile species which react
gas-phase synthesis of multicomponent with elimination of ligands thereby achiev-
materials. These are primarily for chemi- ing the required stoichiometry in the
cal vapor deposition (CVD) processes in product (Figure 4c).
which problems similar to those found in The single-source precursor approach
gas-to-particle routes are encountered. has been used to generate binary and
Some of the examples include CVD of (1) ternary materials by gas-to-particle con-
titanium, zirconium, and hafnium nitrides version. Zinc sulfide, a semiconductor ma-
from tetrakis(dialkylamido)metal(lV) terial, has been produced using a single-
complexes (Fix et a]., 1991); (2) titanium source precursor (Powell et al., 1992). UI-
nitride from its chloride-amide-amine trafine particles (8 nm grain size) of ZnS
complex (Winter et al., 1992); (3) 11/V1 were synthesized by reaction of
semiconductors (ME, where M = Zn, Cd, Zn(S,CNEt ,),(tetramethylenediamine
or Hg, and E = S, Se, or Te) from thio- [TMEDA]) at 500-700°C under nitrogen.
phosphinates (Takahashi et al., 1980; Ultrafine (30 nm size) Ge-Mn particles
Evans and Williams, 19821, thiocarbo- were formed by reacting a single-source
mates (Frigo et al., 1989), thiolates volatile p r e c u r s o r 1 , l - b i s - ( p e n t a -
(Bochmann et al., 1990; Osaka and Ya- carbony1manganio)-3,4-din~ethylgermacyc-
mamoto, 1991); or alkylmetalthio-carba- lopent-3-ene at 600°C (Powell et a]., 1992).
mates (Hursthouse et al., 1991, 1992; Ma- Rice (1986) reported the synthesis of fine
lik and 07Brian,1991); (4) 111/V semicon- Si/C/N powders by laser pyrolysis of an
ductors (ME, where M = Al, Ga, or In, organosilazane precursor. Similarly, Gon-
A. Gurav et al.

Precursor Precursor Precursor Precursors

M'L ,
1 Vaporization Ln

I Vaporization


M M' +
I Gas Phase

Uganda M + Uganda M' +

I Gas Phase

M M' + Llgands

Nucleation Nucleation

I @


/ Coagulation

e e@
. .
Growth @@
and ,@


FIGURE 4. Approaches to controlling segregation during gas-

to-particle conversion: (a) single-source precursors, (b) matching
reactivity of precursors, and (c) requiring reaction of precursors
with each other.

salves et al., (1991) synthesized Si/C/N Sood 119901 and Kodas 119891). There are
nanoparticles by ultrasonic injection of an several new developments which are in-
organosilazane precursor into a laser re- teresting from both the practical and
actor. However, in general, very few stud- modeling points of view. These include
ies have examined the use of these and control of aggregate structure and the ef-
related strategies for the generation of fect of charged particles.
multicomponent materials.
Aggregate Formation
MODELING OF GAS-TO-PARTICLE Aggregates (agglomerates, nonspherical or
CONVERSION irregular particles) have long been en-
The physicochemical phenomena encoun- countered during aerosol manufacture of
tered during gas-to-particle conversion in- materials such as carbon blacks, fumed
clude chemical reactions, nucleation, sur- silica, and pigmentary titania (Ulrich,
face reactions, evaporation, condensation, 1984). It is important to be able to model
and coagulation. Relative to spray pyroly- and control aggregate formation as the
sis, the gas-to-particle conversion route is performance of particulate conlmodities
well understood and has been modeled depends strongly on the morphology and
extensively (see references in Kodas and size of the particles. These factors deter-
Aerosol Processing of Materials 423

mine the electrical, optical and sintering lating the growth and microstructures of
properties of materials produced from the aggregates in two- and three-dimensions
particles (Kingery et al., 1976). The reason by several mechanisms, namely, Brownian
for aggregate formation has also long been diffusion, impaction, and phoresis ither-
recognized, namely, the slow particle coa- mophoresis, photophoresis, or elec-
lescence (sintering, fusion) rate (Kingery trophoresis), occurring simultaneously.
et al., 1976) with respect to the interparti- However, this work lacked iterative com-
cle collision r a t e ( U l r i c h a n d parisons of predictions from the model
Subramanian, 1977). However, due to the and experimentally observed aggregate
simplicity of handling spherical geome- microstructures. Although the model con-
tries and the difficulty in treating irregular sidered the effects of particle polydisper-
aggregate structures, theoretical studies of sity, mean-free-path, and spatial orienta-
aerosol dynamics have until recently been tion (for nonspherical particles), it had no
largely confined to spherical particles. provisions to incorporate certain situa-
Initial attempts on modeling aggregate tions encountered in practice, such as ag-
formation derived directly and logically gregate growth for which the deposition
from aggregate characterization itself. mechanisms evolve with time or aggre-
Medalia ( 1967) developed a two-dimen- gates which gradually evolve due to, say,
sional geometrical method for analyzing sintering (Tassopoulos et al., 1989).
aggregate shape from electron micro- Recently, the concept of fractals has
graphs and related it to the three-dimen- been used to characterize aggregates
sional aggregates using computer gener- (Mandelbrot, 1983; Meakin, 1988; Avnir,
ated flocs. Adopting a constant "bulkiness 1989, Megaridis and Dobbins, 1990; Dob-
factor" from the above study, Ulrich and bins and Megaridis, 1991). A single fractal
co-workers (Ulrich and Subramanian, dimension or power law exponent has
1977; Ulrich and Riehl, 1982) modeled comn~onlybeen used to correct the colli-
fumed silica aggregate formation by ac- sion rate and other transport behavior of
counting for the effect of sintering on the aggregates from those of ideal spheres
resulting aggregate structure which, in (Mountain et al., 1986; Kaplan and
turn, affected the particle collision rate. Gentry, 1988; Rogak and Flagan, 1990;
However, they treated particle coales- Wu and Friedlander, 1993). However, this
cence and interparticle collisions indepen- results in the interdependence of coales-
dently by assuming the dominance of ei- cence and collision not being taken into
ther one of the two mechanisms during account. This is a crucial problem because
any particular stage of particle growth. it is this interdependence that causes par-
Rosner and co-workers (Park and ticles to undergo continuous time- and
Rosner, l989a, b; Tassopoulos et al., 1989; size-dependent rearrangement throughout
Rosner and Tassopoulos, 1991; Rosner et their formation (Schmidt-Ott, 1988). In
al., 1991; Castillo et al., 1991, 1992) have addition, particle formation and growth by
done extensive studies on inertial and collision alone occur through various size
thermophoretic effects on formation and regimes so that the growth kinetics may
transport of aggregates in highly loaded not be described by a single fractal dimen-
aerosol systems. Tassopoulos et al. (1989) sionality (Scheafer and Hurd, 1990).
extended the ballistic aggregation and Therefore, the particle shape or fractal
diffusion-limited aggregation models dimension also evolves as a function of
(Witten and Sander, 1981; Family and time and particle size. This point is sup-
Landau, 1984; Meakin et al., 1986) to ported by studies by Kaye (1991), who
develop a discrete stochastic model simu- examined the structure of fumed titania
424 A. Gurav et al.

through fractal analysis. Within any one rate and the governing population balance
population of pigment powders, a range of equation was solved only for the total
boundary fractal dimensions was found in particle surface area and average primary
the two-dimensional projections of the particle size.
pigment particles. Weber et al. (1991) also Xiong and Pratsinis (1993) developed a
showed experimentally that silver parti- two-dimensional particle size distribution
cles produced by aerosol routes possess model that solves the general aerosol dy-
size-dependent fractal dimensions. How- namics equation explicitly using a sec-
ever, studies on flame-generated carbona- tional method. Figure 5 shows how the
ceous soot and silica indicated that while size and morphology of each particle can
the aggregate size and morphology are be described using the particle volume (v)
determined by the operating conditions and surface area (a). For an aggregate of
and the region of the flame from which volume v, which is composed of i = v/v,
the sample originated, the primary parti- primary particles of volume v,, its surface
cle sizes ( - 10-50 nm) and fractal dimen- area lies between that of a completely
sions (1.6-1.9) were narrowly confined coalesced sphere, i2l3a,, and that of an
(Megaridis and Dobbins, 1990; Dobbins agglomerate of i primary particles just
and Megaridis, 1991). This is an important touching one another upon collision, ia,.
result because it supports the assumption The particle surface area fractal dimen-
of using a single fractal dimension which sion (D,)can be obtained from v and a
drastically simplifies aerosol modeling. (Eq. 2):
Overall, however, a deterministic ap-
proach is needed to model particle growth
by simultaneous coalescence and collision.
Koch and Friedlander (1990a) first for-
mulated the problem of simultaneous coa- Both particle coalescence and collision
lescence and coagulation by including a rates are related to the shape and size of
coalescence term in the governing popula- the particles. The predicted evolutions of
tion balance equation in addition to coag- the particle volume and surface area dis-
ulation. The coalescence contribution is tributions lead to a direct characterization
based on a particle sintering rate ex- of the n~orphologyand average particle
pressed by the surface area reduction rate size of the product powder, and to an
(da/dt), which is given as the ratio of the estimation of the surface fractal dimen-
difference in the surface area of an aggre- sion of the particles from first principles.
gate (a) and a completely fused single The model was applied to gas-phase
sphere (a,,,,) of the same volume over a synthesis of titania and silica powders
characteristic sintering time ( T ~ ) : (Xiong et al., 1993a), and to the formation
of boron carbide particles by the rapid
carbothermal reduction process (Xiong et
al., 1992b). Figure 6 shows two snapshots
of the two-dimensional number distribu-
The charateristic sintering time depends tion of titania particles formed by TiCl,
on the sintering mechanism which is de- oxidation at 1700 K. For fully coalesced
termined by the particle material proper- particles the excess surface area is zero.
ties, temperature, and particle size (Koch Figure 6 indicates that the particle num-
and Friedlander, 1990b). However, this ber density is greatly reduced by coagula-
approach did not account for the effect of tion as the residence time increases from
aggregate structure on particle collision 1 to 1.6 s. Due to the rapid sintering of
Aerosol Processing of Materials

vo iv,

Surface Area:
ao ia, > a >

Surface Fractal Dimension:

FIGURE 5. Descriptions of particle morphology using particle

volume and surface area. (Adapted from Xiong and Pratsiais,

FIGURE 6. Two-dimensional number distribution of titania

particles formed by gas-phase TiCl, oxidation at 1700 K and
residence times (a) 1 s and (b) 1.6 s, respectively. (Adapted from
Xiong et a]., 1993a.l
426 A. Gurav et al.

FIGURE 7. Two-dimensional number distribution of (a) titania

and (b) silica particles formed by gas-phase oxidation of TiCl,
and SiCI,, respectively, at 1500 K and 1.6 s. (Adapted from
Xiong et al., 1993a.)

titania particles at these high tempera- One drawback of this two-dimensional

tures, the excess surface area is nearly sectional model is its complexity. Re-
zero at both residence times indicating a cently, Kruis et al. (1993) developed a
low degree of aggregation for those parti- simplified version of the above model by
cles. assuming a monodisperse aggregate and
Figure 7, a and b, shows similar plots primary particle size distribution. This ap-
for titania and silica particles formed by proach is useful for capturing some of the
the oxidation of TiCl, and SiCl,, respec- key characteristics of aggregate formation
tively, at 1500 K and 1.6 s. Comparing without going through the elaborate com-
Figures 7a and 6b, the effect of tempera- putation of the detailed solution of the
ture on the particle sintering rate is seen. two-dimensional aerosol dynamics equa-
The excess surface area of the TiO, parti- tion.
cles at 1500 K is significant, indicating a The two-dimensional sectional ap-
higher degree of aggregation than at 1700 proach also has several other difficulties.
K (Figure 6). Comparison of Figures 7, a The model cannot distinguish between
and b, reveals a stronger effect, in this particles of different mass fractal dimen-
case, of particle material properties on sions, but of the same surface fractal di-
product powder morphology. Most of the mension or roughness. It is the former
SiO, particles, in contrast to TiO, parti- rather than the latter fractal dimensional-
cles, have a high excess surface area and ity that determines the collision behavior
small particle size at the same process of the particles. Thus, a constant surface
conditions. This prediction of a high area scaling factor, an adjustable parame-
degree of aggregation for aerosol-made ter, must be used throughout a simulation
silica powders is consistent with both in- to account for many unknowns related to
dustrial practice and experimental obser- the particle structure. An improved ap-
vations (Ulrich and Riehl, 1982; Xiong et proach would employ the mass fractal di-
al., 1993a). mension in calculating the collision fre-
Aerosol Processing of Materials 427

quency function of aggregates. However, or the use of ionic additives. Combustion

the present approach cannot provide this aerosols are examples where chemioniza-
parameter and, consequently, this dimen- tion is intrinsic to the formation of soot
sionality would just become another ad- particles (Burtscher, 1992). Additives are
justable parameter. Another problem in also used during fuel combustion and in
the two-dimensional aerosol dynamics gas-phase manufacture of powders to con-
model is the use of a single particle sinter- trol the size, morphology, and phase com-
ing rate expression throughout particle position of product particles. For example,
growth even though particle coalescence addition of trace amounts of various alkali
may involve changes in the sintering metals significantly reduces soot emission
mechanism (Koch and Friedlander, (Haynes et al., 1979, 1981). Small addi-
1990a). tions of various halide metals during TiCl,
An alternative approach which circum- oxidation in the "chloride" process can
vents the problems described above is the also reduce the size and polydispersity of
use of Monte Carlo simulations of cluster the product titania powder (Suyama and
formation to account for restructuring and Kato, 1976). A possible explanation for
sintering (Akhtar et al., 1992a). Various these effects is that the alkali metal atoms
growth mechanisms such as monomer- are easily ionized at the high flame tem-
cluster, cluster-cluster, free-molecular peratures. Some of these metal ions pref-
ballistic, and continuum Brownian (diffu- erentially adsorb onto the particle sur-
sion-limited) aggregation can be utilized faces and give rise to a unipolar or at least
together with simultaneous cluster sinter- an asymmetrical charge on the particles,
ing. This approach, however, is limited to which hinders particle growth by coagula-
very small cluster sizes due to its compu- tion.
tational intensity. However it can provide Xiong et al. (1992a) developed a simple
detailed, microscopic structural character- model to study the effect of ionic addi-
izations of the clusters from which both tives on aerosol coagulation using
the mass fractal dimension and the sur- Coulomb's law and Maxwell's images
face area scaling factor as well as the method for calculating the electrostatic
sintering rate can be deduced. These pa- repulsive forces between unipolarly
rameters, in turn, can be used in the de- charged particles. A thermochemical equi-
terministic two-dimensional simulation. librium calculation was performed to esti-
Preliminary simulations using the Monte mate the charging ability of the alkali
Carlo method indicated that sintering re- metals based on their ionization potential.
sults in compact clusers on small length The aerosol dynamic equation taking into
scales in the initial stages. As clusters account electrostatic interactions between
become larger with time, the sintering titania particles in the presence of ionic
process slows down and the fractal dimen- additives was solved by a sectional tech-
sion of the clusters decreases, consistent nique (Gelbard et al., 1980; Xiong and
with predictions from t h e two- Pratsinis, 1991). Figure 8 shows the evolu-
dimensional aerosol dynamics model. tion of (a) the geometric mean particle
diameter (d,,) and (b) the geometric stan-
dard deviation ( a ) of TiO, particles in
Effect of Particle Charging on Aerosol the absence and presence of 0.01 ppm
Coagulation alkali metal chlorides. When no additives
Particle charging is frequently encoun- are used, particle size increases rapidly by
tered during commercial powder genera- Brownian coagulation and the corre-
tion either due to the chemistry involved sponding a approaches its self-preserving
A. Gurav et al.

value (Friedlander, 1977). In the presence tions and large particle sizes using a two-
of additives, however, coagulation is sub- dimensional sectional technique. The
stantially reduced at different average model predicts the evolution of the charge
particle sizes depending on the charging as well as the size of the particles and
ability of the metal ions: 0.05 p m for takes into account electrostatic disper-
CsCl, 0.08 p m for KCl, and 0.17 p m for sion, ion recombination, and ion and par-
NaCl. The spread of the size distribution ticle production and loss. Except for its
is also altered by the additives. Potassium large computational demand, the model
and cesium chlorides reduce the polydis- can be adapted to practical powder manu-
persity of the particles substantially below facturing processes where high particle
that of the self-preserving distribution. concentrations from molecular clusters to
Therefore, strong particle charging can micrometer-sized particles are usually in-
result in narrow size distributions and volved. A further improvement in model-
small average product particle sizes. ing coagulation of charged particles would
In the above model, charging by the be the incorporation of the particle shape
metal ions was assumed instantaneous factor because charging depends greatly
with respect to particle-particle coagula- on the particle geometry.
tion. However, particle charging is also a
dynamic process (Pui et al., 1988). Oron
and co-workers (Oron et al., 1989; Oron SPRAY PYROLYSIS
and Seinfeld, 1989a, b) solved the prob- Spray pyrolysis is an aerosol process com-
lem of simultaneous particle charging and monly used to form or process a wide
coagulation for low particle concentra- variety of materials in powder form (see

- No Additives
yun=O.O1 pprn, M:
--- K
0.25 - - - Cs 1.6-

0.20 -
1.4 - \
0.15 - \
a \
b1.3 - \

u \
0.10 - \

_---- 1.2 -
- - _,,
- 1--.

0.05 -
1.1 -

0.00 1 I * a 1 Z I * a i I 1.o 1 I * a i t I I I '

0.1 1 10 0.1 1 10
t, sec t, sec

FIGURE 8. Evolution of (a) geometric mean particle diameter

and (b) geometric standard deviation of titania particles in the
absence and presence of 0.01 ppm alkali metals.
Aerosol Processing of Materials 429

review by Kodas, 1989), including metals, Several challenges, however, still exist
metal oxides, nonoxide ceramics, super- for spray pyrolysis. All the reactants for a
conducting materials, fullerenes, and particular material must be able to coexist
nanophase materials. Spray pyrolysis is in solution form in the proper stoichio-
also called aerosol decomposition (Kodas, metric ratio. Usually this is not difficult
1989), spray roasting (Ruthner, 1983), and precursor solutions can be made from
evaporative decomposition (Gardner et a]., inexpensive materials such as acetates and
19841, spray calcination (Vollath, 19901, nitrates. However, occasionally solubility
Aman's process (Aman, 1956), and other problems exist. Also, phase segregation
name variations in the literature. The pro- may occur for multicomponent materials
cess involves the atomization of a precur- due to the different solubilities of the
sor solution into droplets which are then precursors and should be eliminated, even
directed through a heated region, usually though the segregation is confined to the
a reaction furnace, by a carrier gas. Inside size of the droplet. Single-source precur-
the furnace the solvent evaporates and sors are one answer, but add to the ex-
intraparticle reactions occur that form the pense of the process. Also, product gener-
product material. ation rates are dependent on the droplet
Spray pyrolysis offers several advan- output of the aerosol generator. Gener-
tages over conventional material process- ally, if the atomizer produces a higher
ing techniques. The main advantage is the output rate, the droplets, and thus the
high purity of the product powder. In liq- product particles, become bigger and more
uid or solid-state processing, milling is nonuniform, both of which are undesir-
usually required to obtain a powder, which able. Finally, a challenge is to obtain
introduces impurities. With spray pyroly- greater control over the morphology of
sis the product purity is dependent only product particles. Often hollow or frag-
on the precursor solution purity. Also, mented particles are formed, which are
particles produced by spray pyrolysis are undesirable in most powder applications.
more uniform in size and composition than Solid particles are formed with proper
those produced by many other techniques choice of precursor solution and control
due to the reaction being confined to a of other process variables, but morphol-
micrometer scale (within the droplet) and ogy control is still largely an empirical
the lack of milling processes. Additionally, process.
multicomponent materials are easily made This section will discuss the types of
by spray pyrolysis. Each droplet contains materials produced by spray pyrolysis,
precursors in the same stoichiometry as different droplet generation methods, at-
desired in the product. This is an advan- tempts at particle morphology control, and
tage over gas-to-particle conversion routes the use of spray pyrolysis in the produc-
where it is difficult to condense several tion of nanophase materials.
reactants simultaneously from the vapor
phase in the desired stoichiometry. This is
especially important for systems such as Materials Produced by Spray Pyrolysis
Pb-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0, doped Ba-Ti-0, and The types of materials that can be pro-
several other ceramics where it is com- duced by spray pyrolysis are limited only
mon to have four or more elements in the by the precursors. Until recently little ef-
product material. Another advantage of fort was directed at developing and using
spray pyrolysis is the relative simplicity of new types of precursors. Metal acetate,
the process which has allowed scale-up to chloride, nitrate, lactate, citrate, and ox-
ton quantities. alate solutions were used extensively to
A. Gurav et al.

produce a wide variety of materials precursors have been utilized to eliminate

(Akashi et al., 1967; Kanapilly et al., 1970; this problem. Single-source precursors
Suyama and Kato, 1982; Chess et al., 1983; have been used to produce powders with-
Gardner and Messing, 1984; Imai et al., out phase segregation, since all compo-
1984; Kato and Hirata, 1985; Y. Liu et al., nents of the material are contained within
1986; Sproson et al., 1986; Ivers-Tiffee a single molecule and thus precipitate
and Seitz, 1987; Seitz et al., 1987; Kodas from solution at the same rate (Figure
et al., 1988, 1989a, b; Pebler and Charles, 9b).
1988; Setaka et al., 1988; Dubois et al., Chandler et al. (1993) used the single-
1989; Odier et al., 1989; Rossetti et al., source precursor X(diMeGlyc),Ti(O-Pr), ,
1989; Gadalla and Yu, 1990a, b; Pebler, where X = Pb, Ba, Sr, and Bao,,Sro,,
1990; Zhang and Messing, 1990; Ortega et (Chandler and Hampden-Smith, 1992)
al., 1991). These precursors have the ad- to produce lead, barium, strontium,
vantage of being inexpensive. However, and mixed metal titanates, and Pb(di-
when forming multicomponent particles Meglyc),Zro,,Ti0~,,(O-Pr), to form lead
from mixtures of the above solutions, dif- zirconate titanate (PZT) powder particles.
ferent components will precipitate from These precursors are water-soluble and
solution at different times causing phase formed unagglomerated, nanocrystalline,
segregation (Figure 9a). Recently, new phase-pure, submicrometer-sized titanate

(I> hiti: Yypiet

In Solvent Final
0 Solvent


I Evaporation

Further A => C Reaction
Evaporation A+B => D
B => E

8:": 1e

Solvenl B
Evaporates Precipitate
FIGURE 9. (a) Phase segregation during spray pyrolysis using
multi-source precursors; (b) single-source precursors for spray
The use of colloidal precursors in spray
pyrolysis has also been investigated re-
cently, mainly as a means of morphology
control which will be

precursors to form
oore et al. (1992) produced . TEM micrograph of 5050 wt.%
particles using colloidal silica C,,,/Rh nanocomposite particles produced by
and aluminum nitrate. In contrast, hollow spray pyrolysis at 550°C using N, carrier gas.
particles were produced when ethyl sili- (Adaptcd from Gurav et al., 1993.)
cate was used instead of the colloidal sil-
ica (Kanzaki et al., 1985).
The processing of fullerenes and the
f o r n ~ a t i o n of nanocomposites with
rhodium have recently been investigated ebler and Charles, 1988, 1989;
by Gurav et al. (1993) (Figure 10). The 1.. 1989a, b; Carim et al., 1989;
p r e c u r s o r s o l u t i o n s w e r e [(1,5- suchida et al., 1989; Gadalla and Uu,
COD)RhCI], (where C O D = cyclo- 1990a; Odier et al., 1990; Chadda et al.,
octadiane) and mixed fullerene extract 1991; Jin et al., 1991; Zachariah and
(C6(,,C7(J in toulene. The Rh-fullerenes
produced consisted of agglomerates of
20-50 nm sized particles, while the pure
a crystallite size of - 10 et al., 1989, 1991; Sarkar et al., 1990,
nn1. ard et al., 1992b), -Sr-Cu-O (Kodas
Other materials of industrial impor- al., 198917). T1-Ca- CLI-O (Kodas el
tance which have recently been produced al., 1989b), and ,CU,O, (1-2-4)
olysis are ceramic supercon- (Nishio et al., 1990; Chadda et al., 1991).
types of superconducting Superconducting powders are generally
oxides have been pro uced including: produced by solid-state and liquid-phase
a,Cu,07~,(1-2-3) (Setaka et al., 1988; methods which require milling and heat-
Tchge et al., 1988; Kodas et al., 1988, ing cycles and often require carbon-con-
A. Gurav et al.

GU . Solid particles of silver produccd at

600°C by spray pyrolysis. (Adapted from Pluym et
al., 1993b.)
Aerosol Processing of Materials 433

Droplet Generation main challenge here is scale-up to allow

larger liquid throughputs.
The atomization of the precursor solution Levi et al. (1988) have adopted this
into droplets is an important step in spray technique for electrohydrodynamic atom-
pyrolysis. The aerosol generator charac- ization of alumina. The tip of a thin a,?,
teristics determine the production rate rod was heated using an electron beam in
and droplet size distribution, and thus the a vacuum chamber. Owing to the intense
product particle size distribution. Numer- electrical fields, the molten miniscus at
ous generator types exist (Kerker, 1975) the tip of the rod adopted the form of a
and have different mechanisms and Taylor cone and led to fine particles as
droplet properties. The use of rotating explained above. Again, scale-up is a ma-
disk and rotating cup sprayers and air- jor problem which must be solved before
assist generators is well established and industrial applications are found.
has been discussed by Lefebvre (1989).
Collision nebulizers (May, 1973; Guss-
man, 1984) and TSI Constant Output At-
omizers are examples of the latter type of Control of Particle Morphology
generator. As stated previously, a disadvantage of
Ultrasonic droplet generators contain a spray pyrolysis in some cases is the lack of
piezoelectric transducer which vibrates morphological control over the product
underneath a liquid when a high- particles and the subsequent frequent for-
frequency electric field is applied, thus mation of hollow particles. Therefore,
causing droplet formation. Ultrasonic at- much investigation has been devoted to
omizers are commonly used in the labora- define the parameters controlling particle
tory, but give low production rates. Thus, morphology, and many attempts to con-
further studies must be conducted to de- trol these parameters to produce solid
velop droplet generators which will be particles have been made (Leong, 1981,
practical for industrial applications. 1987a, b; Odier et al., 1990; Zhang et al.,
Droplets can also be formed by electro- 1990; Zhang and Messing, 1990; Tohge et
static processes. When the surface tension al., 1991; Lyons et al., 1992a; Ortega and
of liquid placed in an electric field bal- Kodas, 1992).
ances the electrical force a stable cone is Hollow particles can be formed when a
formed called a Taylor cone (Taylor, solute concentration gradient is created
1964), and this cone emits a stream of during evaporation. The solute precipi-
droplets. Such a phenomenon is called tates first at the more highly supersatu-
electrostatic atomization or electrospray- rated surface if sufficient time is not avail-
ing. Pioneering work was reported by able for solute diffusion in the droplet. If
Slamovich and Lange (1988, 1990); the crust that is formed is impermeable to
Cloupeau and Prunet-Foch (1989); and by solvent, the pressure builds within the
Bailey (1988). The characteristics of the particle upon further heating and ex-
droplets produced by electrospray meth- ploded particle fragments can result (Fig-
ods have been studied by numerous groups ure 12). Hollow particles can also be
(Grace and Dunn, 1992; Fernandez de la formed from precursors that melt after
Mora et al., 1990; Fernandez de la Mora, drying if the gases evolved by reaction
1992; Meesters et al., 1991, 19921, and cannot easily escape from the interior of
submicrometer-sized droplets have been the particle and therefore expand the par-
produced (Park and Burlitch, 1992). The ticle volume.
A. Gurav et al.

and Solvent
and Solvent



I Porous and

00 0



0 ** *

FIGURE 12. Evolution of dense or hollow morphology in

particles during spray pyrolysis.

The above studies have shown that Zhang and Messing (1990) and Zhang
high-solubility precursors, low evapora- et al. (1990) studied the effects of salt
tion rates, small droplet sizes, low solution solubility and salt physical properties on
concentrations, long residence times, and the n~orphologyof zirconia particles pro-
precursors that form permeable salts pro- duced from five different salts. Two of the
mote solid particle formation. Low solu- salts (zirconyl chloride [ZC] and zirconyl
tion concentrations and long residence hydroxychloride [ZHC]) resulted in the
times are impractical for industrial pur- formation of solid ZrO, particles, while
poses, and thus the choice of precursor the other three salts formed hollow parti-
with the desired physical properties is an cles. The ZC and ZHC solutions had lower
important parameter for morphological initial relative solution saturations than
control. the other solutions, and thus precipitation
Aerosol Processing of Materials 435

of the solute did not occur until evapora- Also, small particles promote densifica-
tion had reduced the size of the droplet. tion due to shorter diffusion distances.
Smaller droplet size upon precipitation Since droplets used in spray pyrolysis are
decreased the diffusion distance for the usually micron-sized or less, densification
solute and encouraged solid particle for- is more favorable for this process than for
mation. Also, Z C and ZHC salts are per- solid-state processes which generally have
meable which prevents particle expansion larger particles. Examples of materials
and explosions (Figure 12), while the other which were produced in the form of solid
salts form a melt and become imperme- particles by aerosol-phase densification
able. Solutions with positive temperature include: Pd and PdO (Lyons et al., 1992b;
coefficients of solubility also favored solid Pluym et al., 1993a), Ag (Pluym et al.,
particle formation. 1993b1, Ba,,,Ca,,,,TiO, (Ortega et al.,
Leong (1981, 1987a, b) conducted an 1991), BaTiO,, and SrTiO, (Lyons et al.,
extensive study on the morphological con- 1992a).
trol of particles. Some control over parti-
cle morphology was possible by choosing
the proper precursor (high-solubility, per- Nanophase Materials by Spray Pyrolysis
meable crust), and controlling the temper- Spray pyrolysis provides a route to
ature and humidity of the process. nanophase materials (Figure 13) and is
Ortega and Kodas (1992) and Lyons et able to produce pure, chemically uniform,
al. (1992a) attempted to alter particle multicomponent, nanophase particles in
morphology for systems which typically gram or larger quantities from a variety of
produce hollow particles by using col- precursors (Chadda et al., 1991; Lyons et
loidal precursors and slowing the drying al., 1992b; Gurav et al., 1993; Pluym et al.,
rate by evaporating the droplets in a dry- 1993a; Powell et al., 1993a, b). This tech-
ing tube. The addition of colloidal seed nique involves droplet-generation, solvent
particles coupled with a slower drying rate evaporation, precursor precipitation, and
still produced hollow particles of ZnO decomposition of precursors within the
and MgO from nitrate precursors. How- particles. The grain size is kept small by
ever, the addition of large amounts of operating at temperatures which are suf-
TiO, particles when forming BaTiO, and ficient for complete decomposition of pre-
SrTiO, particles did affect morphology. cursors, but not high enough to cause
The normally hollow particles became excessive grain growth. Carim et al.
dense aggregates of smaller particles. (1989) g e n e r a t e d n a n o c r y s t a l l i n e
Therefore, limited control of particle mor- YBa,Cu,O,_,/Ag composite particles
phology was possible for particular sys- with grain sizes of Ag and 1-2-3 phase of
tems. 10-80 nm. Gurav et al. (1993) produced
Another method used to form solid pure fullerene powders with crystallite
particles is aerosol-phase densification sizes of 10 nm, and Rh-fullerene particles
(see Figure 12). Porous and hollow parti- which were 20-50 nm in size with crystal-
cles may densify upon heating due to one lite sizes of 3-5 nm. Pluym et al. (1993a)
or more sintering mechanisms (Kingery et produced nanophase PdO particles with
al., 1976) such as grain-boundary diffu- crystallite sizes between 20 and 50 nm,
sion, surface diffusion, volume diffusion, and Lyons et al. (1992b) made nanophase
viscous flow, or evaporation/condensa- PdO and V,O, with the same characteris-
tion. Temperatures near the melting point tics ( F i g u r e 1 4 ) . N a n o p h a s e
are necessary to densify the material, al- YBa2Cu,0,_, was also formed by Chadda
though complete melting is not required. et al. (1991).
A. Gurav et al.

Dried Salts 0dde
Solvent Evaporation

FIGURE 13. Generation of

nanophasc particles by spray pyroly-
Increasing Temperature sis. (Adapted from Lyons et al.,
and Grain-growth

- Densificationl
Sintering and


Another approach to synthesis of derstanding is required of the effect of

nanophase particles was demonstrated by process conditions on particle morphol-
Park and Burlitch (1992). A solution of ogy. Among the few results on modeling
T i ( 0 -i-Pr),/ T i ( 0 -i-Pr),acac in the literature, almost all discuss droplet
(acac = acetyl-acetonate) was electro- evaporation up to the onset of solute nu-
sprayed (electrostatic atomization tech- cleation. In addition, these studies ad-
nique) into a furnace reactor. Nanophase dressed spray drying conditions where
TiO, particles having a mean size of 20 large droplets (100-1000 pm) were em-
nm were obtained by controlling the con- ployed and did not account for the effects
centration and hence the hydrolysis and associated with multiple particles, and
condensation. In this case, however, it is heat and water vapor transport. No rigor-
not clear if the particle formation oc- ous modeling has been done after initial
curred by gas-to-particle conversion or by solute precipitation due to the complexity
intraparticle reactions. The ability to pro- of describing crystal growth and further
duce a wide variety of nanophase materi- solvent evaporation to eventually form
als in large quantities by spray pyrolysis dried particles (Sano and Keey, 1982).
may enable further progress in the study Theoretical studies on droplet evapora-
of the properties of these materials. tion began with the basic transport
(momentum, mass and heat) correlations
for droplets in a controlled air environ-
SPRAY PYROLYSIS: MODELING ment (Ranz and Marshall, 1952). The re-
As pointed out above, morphological con- sults explained many empirical observa-
trol is one of the major concerns in parti- tions on droplet evaporation such as that
cle generation by spray pyrolysis. The the rate of change of surface area of a
nature of the precursor (solubility, crys- pure liquid droplet is constant during
talline habit, and other factors) is the evaporation in still air (Charlesworth and
dominant factor determining product Marshall, 1960). These basic studies also
powder morphology (Leong, 1987a, b; indicated the existence of a solute con-
Zhang et al., 1990). In many cases, how- centration profile inside the droplet for
ever, the choice of precursors is limited many solution systems due to slow solute
due to either specific requirements of a diffusion compared to solvent evaporation
particular application or process con- (Sano and Keey, 1982). Consequently,
straints. Therefore, given the precursor precipitation often starts at the droplet
and solution chemistry, a theoretical un- surface where the highest solute concen-
. Nanophase PdO particles produced by spray pyrol-
ysis. (Adapted from Pluym et al., 1993a.)

tration is found, causing the formation of evaporation on droplet density and sol-
orous or hollow particles (Figure 12). vent vapor pressure was obtained an
Golli et al. (1974, 1977) s died the tated the droplet evaporation rate. Using
evaporation of saline droplets. he effect classical homogeneous nucleation theory,
of the solute concentration change during the onset of solute nucleation can be pre-
438 A. Gurav et al.

dicted along with the solute concentration

and droplet size at precipitation (Melia,
1965; Richardson and Spann, 1984; Tang
and Munkelwitz, 1984).
Leong (1987a) presented a mathemati-
cal model for drying of solution droplets
up to the onset of nucleation incorporat-
ing these previous developments. De-
creasing the starting solute concentration
decreased the droplet size at precipitation
which is conducive to solid particle forma-
tion. This finding is consistent with experi-
mental observations (Leong, 1987b; Zhang
et al., 1990). Given the droplet size and
o l # l ~ , c , 8 1 ~
solution concentration, other process pa- 0 20 40 60 80 100
rameters such as air temperature and hu- Reactor Axial Distance (crn)
midity had a negligible effect on the
FIGURE 15. Evolution of NaCl droplet diame-
droplet size at the onset of nucleation. ter along the axis of a diffusion dryer for various
Therefore, the particle morphology is initial droplet sizes and molalities at an inlet air
mainly determined by crystal growth and humidity of zero, a droplet concentration of 5 X
subsequent physicochemical processes lo6 no./cm3, and a constant wall temperature of
(Leong, 1987a, b). 50°C. Circles denote the onset of solute nucle-
All the above studies addressed systems ation. (Adapted from Xiong and Kodas, 1993.)
with controlled gas conditions and mod-
eled the behavior of single droplet evapo- NaCl droplet size along the axis of a dif-
ration. In practical spray pyrolysis pro- fusion dryer for droplets of different ini-
cesses, however, a large number of tial diameters (d,,). The droplet size de-
droplets are carried through the reactor creases gradually for large initial droplets
and the changes in carrier gas tempera- (d,, = 4 pm) and the droplets exit the
ture and relative humidity as a result of reactor far away from solute precipitation.
droplet evaporation cannot be ignored. In contrast, small droplets dry rapidly and
This is also important from an engineer- precipitation occurs within the reactor.
ing perspective for reactor design and op- Figure 16 shows how the point of solute
eration. nucleation is determined by plotting both
Xiong and Kodas (1993) developed a the critical supersaturation ratio and the
model describing the evolution of the actual saturation ratio for d,, = 2, 3, and
droplet size, solvent vapor concentration 4 pm, respectively. For NaCl, the smaller
in the carrier gas, and gas as well as the initial droplets are, the smaller the
droplet temperatures along the reactor droplets are at the onset of nucleation.
axis. The model also accounts for the real However, the solute concentration at pre-
solution effects, solute concentration pro- cipitation is the same for all initial droplet
files inside droplets, and the onset of so- sizes.
lute nucleation. The model was used to Figure 15 also shows the effect of vary-
describe the evaporation of sodium chlo- ing initial droplet molality on the droplet
ride solution droplets up to the point of size evolution along the axis of a diffusion
precipitation in air in diffusion dryers and dryer for d,, = 3 pm. For a given initial
hot reactors with axial wall temperature droplet diameter, decreasing precursor so
gradients. Figure 15 shows the change in lute concentration reduces the droplet size
Aerosol Processing of Materials

I I I ' l r I 1
- critical supersaturation ratio set of nucleation by varying process pa-
- - - - droplet saturation ratio
4- I rameters other than the solution concen-
I tration and initial droplet size is limited.
' Jayanthi et al. (1993) also modeled dry-
3- I
ing of droplets. Solutes with large differ-
ences between critical supersaturation and
I equilibrium saturation favored volume
I I precipitation and solid particle formation.
High initial concentration and equilib-
rium saturation also favored volume pre-
cipitation. A percolation criterion was also
proposed: solid particle formation was fa-
vored by sufficiently high solute concen-
tration for precipitation to give a volume
fraction of the precipitate higher than the
Reactor Axial Distance (crn)
critical volume fraction.
FIGURE 16. Evolution of NaCl droplet solution A model has also been developed to
saturation ratio and critical supersaturation ratio describe evaporative losses of volatile
along the axis of a diffusion dryer for various metal oxides from particles (PbO, Biz?,,
initial droplet sizes (d,,) at an inlet air humidity MOO,, and V20,) during their generation
of zero, a droulet concentration of 5 X lo6 at the later high temperature reaction
no./cm3, a constant wall temperature of 50°C, stages of spray pyrolysis (Lyons et al.,
and an initial solution molality of 0.036 mol/kg. 1992c; Xiong et al., 1993b) (Figure 17).
Solute nucleation occurs when the droplet satu- These losses can have profound effects on
ration ratio crosses the corresponding critical the microstructure and morphology of the
supersaturation ratio. (Adapted from Xiong and
Kodas, 1993.)
product particles (Lyons et al., 1992a).
Moreover, evaporation of volatile metal
oxides from multicomponent materials
at the onset of nucleation and as a result such as Pb-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 and PbTiO,
is desirable for making solid product par- leads to modified stoichiometries resulting
ticles (Zhang et al., 1990). However, this in degraded properties of sintered ceram-

rate (mass d;). -

also results in a lower powder production

The effects of droplet concentration,

ics. The model indicated that evaporative
losses of most of the metal oxides studied
are controlled by diffusional transport of
relative humidity of the carrier gas, and the metal oxide vapor to the reactor walls.
reactor wall conditions on the droplet size Some of the major remaining chal-
at the onset of nucleation were also inves- lenges for modeling are describing the
tigated. Control of droplet size at the on- complex liquid- and solid-phase precipita-

onto end
from walls
Formation .
Solvent 1:; :
Particle Slze
Evaporation Dlstrlbutlon
lntreparticle FIGURE 17. Aerosol dynamics with
a volatile reaction product.
440 A. Gurav et al.

tion, diffusion and reaction processes. mary goal being to achieve certain desired
Complex models are required because the characteristics in the films. These studies
particles can change from single-phase often lack a systematic treatment of the
concentrated solution droplets, to porous aerosol dynamics and also lack even the
shells containing liquids to dry particles distinction of the deposition mechanisms
during solvent evaporation. The solid-state involved in film generation. Therefore,
reaction processes occurring subsequently these processes offer great opportunities
at higher temperature also involve trans- for research groups working in aerosol
port processes through a porous material science and technology. The sections be-
in which reactions are occurring. The pore low discuss routes to films involving liq-
size distribution changes with time due to uid-phase precursors and solid particle
sintering processes, in a manner similar to deposition.
the changes in the agglomerates formed
by gas-to-particle conversion, further
complicating the problem. Liquid-Phase Precursors
Droplet Deposition (Spray Pyrolysis).
Processes using precursors in solutions for
generation of films are varied (Figure 18).
FILM GENERATION Spray pyrolysis involves deposition of
Aerosol routes offer a variety of ap- droplets containing reactants onto sur-
proaches for film generation. These pro- faces followed by solvent evaporation and
cesses have been used to deposit many chemical reaction on the surface and is
materials including ceramic superconduc- discussed in this section. Volatile precur-
tors, simple metal oxides, nonoxide ce- sors dissolved in liquids or solid particles
ramics, metals, organics, and composites of volatile precursors can be used for
at high rates at various temperatures. The aerosol-assisted 0and discussed in the
approaches can be divided into solution subsequent section. Brief mention will also
droplet deposition, vapor deposition, and be made of supercritical expansion of so-
molten or solid particle deposition pro- lutions and aerosol jet etching.
cesses. However, a clear distinction is not In spray pyrolysis for film generation,
always possible as when both solid parti- an aerosol of a solution is formed and
cles and vapor deposit as in particle-pre- then deposited onto a surface where sol-
cipitation-aided CVD. The majority of the vent evaporation and chemical reaction
work on film generation via aerosol meth- take place resulting in a film.
ods has been done by research groups Some of the advantages of this process
from fields such as applied physics, mate- include: simplicity and low cost (only sub-
rials science, and chemistry with the pri- strate heater and atomizer needed, atmo-

Films by Thin Films Thick Films

Thin Films
Spray by Chemical FIGURE 18. Film formation by
Pyrolysis Vapor
Deposition aerosol routes.
Aerosol Processing of Materials 441

spheric pressure), many choices for atomizer in which the solution and a car-
liquid-phase precursors (for example, ni- rier gas are passed through under pres-
trates, chlorides, acetates, etc.), wide vari- sure to form the droplets. Ultrasonic at-
ety of multicomponent materials possible omizers have also been used. Substrate
(Pb-Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0, YBa,Cu,O,- ,), ori- heating is typically carried out by placing
ented films, high deposition rates (0.1-1 the substrate on a 200-500°C surface, of-
pm/min demonstrated), scale-up demon- ten with a medium to promote heat trans-
strated (used industrially for coating fer between the substrate and heater. This
glasses and other materials). The primary process is usually carried out at atmo-
disadvantages include: porous films can be spheric pressure, often without any enclo-
formed, low purity in some cases, limited sure. In general, little is usually known
to oxides, sulfides, selenides, and other about initial droplet sizes and concentra-
oxidation-resistant materials. tions, and the aerosol dynamics. Only a
A variety of materials have been pro- few studies have examined theoretically
duced by droplet deposition. A particu- the behavior of these systems (Siefert,
larly large amount of work has been done 1984a, b).
with various systems: CdS (Chamberlin
and Skarman, 1966; Gupta and Agnihotri, Aerosol-assisted Chemical Vapor Deposi-
1977; Ma and Bube, 1977; Cumberbatch tion. Deposition of high-quality thin films
et al., 1987; Eboth6 et al., 1987); SnO, of electronic materials is required for a
(Garcia et al., 1982; Gonzalez-Oliver, number of applications. Spray pyrolysis
1986; Mulla et al., 1986; Orban de Xivry (droplet deposition) cannot in many cases
et al., 1987; Omar et al., 1990; Afify et al., produce dense oriented films. Physical va-
1991); ZnO (Aranovich et a]., 1979; Major por deposition (PVD) processes such as
et al., 1983, 1985); YBa,Cu,O,_, (Kawai sputtering and evaporation require high
et al., 1987; Chu et al., 1988a, b; Henry et vacuum conditions and cannot coat sub-
al., 1988; Saxena et a]., 1988; Langlet et strates with complex topographies. These
al., 1989; Derraa and Sayer, 1990; Golden methods are often not feasible or too
et al., 1990; Peng et al., 1991); and Pb-Bi- costly for industrial applications where
Sr-Ca-Cu-0 (Cooper et al., 1988; Henry large areas need to be coated. For these
et al., 1989; Hsu et al., 1989; Koo et al., reasons, and that they allow conformal
1990). Applications of the technique are deposition over large areas at high rates
for solar cells, oxide superconductor films, with relatively inexpensive equipment,
photochemical cell electrodes, gas sensing CVD processes are often employed.
elements, antireflection coatings, and An alternate method of depositing thin
thermal coatings (Tomar and Garcia, films is aerosol-assisted chemical vapor
1981; Kodas 1989). The types of precur- deposition (AACVD) (Figure 18). A solu-
sors that have been used most extensively tion containing volatile precursors is car-
are metal chlorides and nitrates. Metal ried in the form of an aerosol close to the
acetates and alkoxides have been used to substrate that is to be coated. Before or
a much lesser extent. near the substrate, the precursors evapo-
Droplet deposition systems typically rate into the gas phase. This is followed
rely on the formation and deposition of by decomposition of gaseous molecular
droplets in the 1-1000 p m range. Deposi- precursors on the heated surface (CVD)
tion rates as high as 1 pm/rnin have been to deposit a thin film. Alternatively, the
reported and film thicknesses of 1-10 p m solvent and precursors can be vaporized
are common. The most commonly used in a hot-wall system before reaching the
droplet formation technique is a two-fluid substrate.
A. Gurav et al.

This approach has several advantages Park, 1990), ZnS (Maatman et a]., 1988),
for generation of multicomponent films Cr,O, (Qian et a]., 1990). Little informa-
with thermally sensitive precursors. Be- tion is available in general on deposition
cause the precursors are held outside the rates. Temperatures of 300-600°C have
reactor at room temperature or even re- most commonly been used. Ultrasonic at-
duced temperature, thermal degradation omizers have been used most extensively
of the precursors does not occur. The for droplet generation.
precursor delivery rates are constant with A material that has been studied exten-
time because the ratio and concentration sively is YBa,Cu,O, (Driessen et a].,
of precursors in the solution and the 1989; Koukita et al., 1989; Lackey et al.,
droplet size and delivery rate do not 1990; Tang et a]., 1990; DeSisto et al.,
change with time. This allows the repro- 1991; Matsuno et al., 1992; Salazar et al.,
ducible deposition of multicomponent 1992). Most studies have relied on warm-
films with constant composition as a func- wall or hot-wall reactors for precursor
tion of deposition time. Conformal films evaporation. The use of organometallic
are also possible because deposition oc- precursors has allowed substrate tempera-
curs by CVD. tures of 300-500°C and as high as 900°C.
This process has several other advan- Deposition rates as high as 5 pm/min
tages: multicomponent films, controlled have been obtained while producing high
stoichiometry, simplicity, wide variety of quality films. The most commonly used
materials, oriented or expitaxial films, high precursors are metal p-diketonates such
deposition rate, many choices for precur- as metal tetramethylheptanedionates (di-
sors, doping possible, conformal coverage. pivaloylmethanoates), but metal alkox-
One disadvantage is that a solvent is pres- ides, acetates, and chlorides have also
ent in many cases and may be incompati- been used.
ble with the precursors or the chemistry Figure 19 shows a typical system used
of film formation. Again, this problem has for generation of films by AACVD
been overcome in most cases by suitable (Salazar et a]., 1992). The aerosol droplets
choice of the solvent. were atomized using a TSI constant out-
A number of materials have been fabri- put atomizer. The solution consisted of
cated in thin-film form using AACVD in- Y-, Ba-, and Cu- tetramethylheptanedion-
cluding In,O,, SnO,, F<o,, Cr,O,, ates in toluene. The droplet diameter was
Al,O,, Y,O,, V,O,, VO,, TiO,, ZrO, on the order of 1 pm. A hot-wall reactor
(Blandenet et a]., 19811, Al,O, (DeSisto was used to evaporate the precursors while
et a]., 1990), CuO (DeSisto et a]., 1989), a substrate heater was used to heat the
MgF, (Joosten et al., 1985), InSe and substrate to a higher temperature.
In,Se, (Gysling et a]., 1992), A,0, These processes have not been investi-
(Lambeck et a]., 1986, yFe,O,-Fe,O, gated theoretically or experimentally as
(Langlet et a]., 1986) BaTiO, (Lee and far as the aerosol dynamics are con-


FIGURE 19. Aerosol assisted chemi-

Filter cal vapor deposition for film genera-
tion. (Adapted from Salazar et al.,
Aerosol Processing of Materials 443

cerned. Little is known about how to de- ular species such as acids (HF, HCl) which
sign and operate these systems in order to can react with a substrate to form volatile
achieve high quality films. Most of the species (Chen et al., 1987, 1990; Jurcik et
work in this area has concentrated on al., 1990). The substrate is usually heated
empirically optimizing film quality by vary- which results in rapid reaction and de-
ing temperature, precursor properties, and sorption of volatile products containing
solution concentrations. the atoms that compose the substrate. The
droplets are usually deposited by inertial
Supercritical Expansion of Solutions, and impaction. Films of SiO, and Hg,-,Cd,Te
Aerosol Jet Etching. Supercritical expan- have been etched. Anisotropic etching was
sion of solutions relies on expansion of a obtained because the droplets travel only
solution of precursors from the supercriti- in the vertical direction. Etch rates of up
cal state to the gaseous state with accom- to 1 pm/min have been obtained for
panying particle formation and deposition SiO, at temperatures below 50°C. These
of particles, droplets, and/or vapor onto a etch rates are of the same magnitude as
surface (Tom and Debenedetti, 1991). those obtained in conventional plasma
Thus, droplet deposition, particle deposi- etchers which require vacuum systems to
tion, physical vapor deposition, and CVD operate. Recently, Ahonen et al. (1993)
are all possible. SES has several attractive have reported the application of an
features including the ability to handle aerosol jet technique to develop and sub-
thermally sensitive precursors and the sequently etch photoresist coatings over
ability to produce unique phases. Other large surface area substrates which are
advantages to this approach include: the difficult to coat uniformly using conven-
ability to dissolve species that are not tional spin-coating or immersion tech-
usually soluble and that it is a low temper- niques.
ature process. The primary disadvantages
are that this is a complex process which is
not thoroughly understood, a limited
Solid Particle Deposition
number of combinations of solute and
solvents are available, and incorporation Inertial and Electrostatic Particle Deposi-
of solute into the product often occurs. tion. Films consisting of particles can be
Several materials have been produced by formed by a variety of deposition mecha-
this approach. Silicon dioxide particles and nisms including impaction, diffusion, sedi-
films, for example, can be formed by dis- mentation, thermophoresis, and elec-
solving SiO, into supercritical H 2 0 trophoresis. Inertial particle deposition
(Peterson et al., 1986; Matson et al., 1987a, has been used to form ceramic filters,
b). Deposition rates of 1 pm/min have sensors, and hard coatings. Typically a
been obtained. Numerous organic materi- carrier gas stream is directed at a surface
als have also been processed (Yeo et al., resulting in a flow field approximating
1993). Debenedetti and co-workers have stagnation point flow. Particle deposition
done extensive studies on modeling ho- takes place by impaction, in the absence
mogeneous nucleation and particle forma- of temperature gradients. Vacuum sys-
t i o n u s i n g s u p e r c r i t i c a l fluids tems have also been used to increase de-
( D e b e n e d e t t i and K u m a r , 1986; position efficiencies.
Debenedetti, 1990; Tom and Debenedetti, The primary strength of solid particle
1991). deposition by impaction is for generation
Aerosol jet etching involves the forma- of thick films. Typically, post processing is
tion of aerosol droplets containing molec- required to densify the porous films. The
A. Gurav et al.

structure of these films before and after Themzophoretic Aerosol Deposition.

densification has not been studied exten- Thermophoretic particle deposition relies
sively. Under suitable conditions, high de- on the thermophoretic velocity of parti-
position rates can be obtained. The disad- cles in a temperature gradient. The most
vantage of this approach is that porous well-known example is optical fiber pre-
polycrystalline films are formed. form fabrication by particle formation and
Solid particle deposition has been used deposition by thermophoresis (modified
to form coatings of several materials in- chemical vapor deposition, MCVD)
cluding ceramic superconductors- (MacChesney et al., 1974; Biswas, 1986;
YBa,Cu,O, (Koguchi et al., 1990); Fiebig et al., 1986; Kim and Pratsinis,
YBa,Cu,08 (Murakami et al., 1991); Bi- 1988; Biswas and Pratsinis, 1989). An-
Pb-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 (Matsuno et al., 1988; other example is formation of thick films
Baker et al., 1989); SnO, (Adachi et al., of superconducting ceramics by deposi-
1988). Deposition rates as high as 1-5 tion of ceramic particles formed by aerosol
,um/min have been obtained. The parti- decomposition (Kodas et al., 1989b). This
cles have been formed by virtually all process has also been used to produce
available methods including liquid-phase, Bi-Sr-Ca-Cu-0 films (Matsuno et al.,
solid-state, and gas-phase routes. 1988). This approach has the main advan-
A novel use of gas-to-particle conver- tage that high deposition rates can be
sion and electrostatic particle deposition obtained. Difficulties include providing
w a s r e c e n t l y d e m o n s t r a t e d by uniform deposition over large areas and
Wiedensohler et al. (1992) (Figure 20). producing dense films after post-
Particles of Ag were produced by vapor processing of the coatings.
condensation, classified using a differen-
tial mobility analyzer, charged, and de- Particle-Precipitation-aided C W . Parti-
posited onto InP substrate. The deposited cle-precipitation-aided CVD involves
particles were then used as an etch mask forming solid particles in a CVD system
to allow generation of quantum dots. and depositing the particles onto a sub-
In general, solid particle deposition has strate in parallel with deposition by CVD.
not been exploited as much as spray py- The system is designed so as to provide a
rolysis but the possibility of quantum dot temperature gradient towards the sub-
formation should motivate further studies strate to drive the particles onto the sub-
of this class of processes. strate. Particle precipitation CVD has

FIGURE 20. Quantum dot forma-

tion by particle formation classifica-
tion, deposition, and plasma etching.
(Adapted from Wiedensohler et a].,

Deposition chamber
Etching chamber
Aerosol Processing of Materials 445

been used to form films of AIN and TiO, velopments are required in aerosol-based
at rates of 10-1000 p m / h (Shimogaki methods to produce substantial quantities
and Komiyama, 1986; Komiyama et al., of ultrafine or nanophase materials. U1-
1987; Dekker et al., 1992). These rates are trafine structures (particles, patterned
much higher than those obtained with films, etc.) of magnetic, semiconducting,
conventional CVD processes. The precur- metallic, and superconducting materials
sors included TiCI,, Zr(C,H,O),, AICl,, are highly promising for future nano-tech-
and Ti(OC,H,),. These systems have not nologies, and the aerosol community can
been modeled. make many contributions for scale-up,
controlled processing, and in situ charac-
terization of such materials. The area of
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS film generation has, so far, been domi-
The range and versatility of aerosol pro- nated by physicists, materials scientists
cesses for the generation of powders and and chemists, and efforts are needed to
films have expanded greatly in the last few understand and model the aersol dynam-
years. For example, aerosol routes are ics and identify the mechanisms governing
now routinely used to generate nanophase film formation to obtain better quality
materials by vapor condensation and to and reproducible films. Apart from film
form superconducting ceramics by spray generation, further modeling studies sub-
pyrolysis. These are examples of existing stantiated by experiments are required on
routes that have been applied to new ma- nucleation, agglomeration, and morpho-
terials. Entirely new applications of logical evolution of particles under realis-
aerosol technology have also emerged as tic or practical conditions of materials
for the generation of quantum dots, dia- processing. Finally, emphasis needs to be
mond powder and films, and fullerenes. placed on scale up of aerosol processing
Thus aerosol routes to materials have the methods to larger levels of production of
potential to provide numerous new indus- metals and oxide/nonoxide ceramics while
trial applications in addition to existing maintaining powder quality.
processes such as TiO, pigment genera-
tion, optical fiber fabrication, and carbon
black production.
In order to fully realize the potential of Adachi, A. K., Okuyama, Y., Kousaka, Y., and Tanaka.
H. (1988). J. Aerosol. Sci. 19:253.
aerosol methods for materials processing, Adjaotter, A. A,, and Griffin, G. L. (1992). J. Arn.
considerable research efforts are needed Cerarn. Soc. 75:3209.
in certain poorly understood areas. For Afify, H. H., Momtaz, R. S., Badawy, W. A,, and
example, there is a need to develop physi- Nasser, S. A. (1991). J. Mater. Sci. 26:40.
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