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Continuing of improvement (TQM)


Total Quality Management (TQM) refers to management methods used to enhance quality
and productivity in organizations, particularly businesses. TQM is a comprehensive system
approach that works horizontally across an organization, involving all departments and
employees and extending backward and forward to include both suppliers and

TQM is only one of many acronyms used to label management systems that focus on
quality. Other acronyms that have been used to describe similar quality management
philosophies and programs include CQI (continuous quality improvement), SQC (statistical
quality control), QFD (quality function deployment), QIDW (quality in daily work), TQC (total
quality control), etc. Like many of these other systems, TQM provides a framework for
implementing effective quality and productivity initiatives that can increase the profitability
and competitiveness of organizations.

The definition of quality:

(Deming, W. Edwards 1982)Quality as directed to satisfy consumer needs in the present and
the future.
(Crosby, Philip 1996)The quality is the compatibility with the requirements.
The British quality standards describing the quality as all appearances, and the
characteristics of the product, or service that affect their ability to satisfy specific desire or
The truth is that quality is all of the above, although the definitions, dealing with the various
different dimensions of the same phenomenon, despite the different intellectual assets,
hardworking and professional or interested in this subject, but the end result they are all
saying the same thing but with different expressions

Quality of Service:
In relation to the quality of service it can be said to exist almost agreement among many
researchers that the quality of service is to fulfill the wishes of the client, that the recipients
of the service at the level of governing quality by comparing what happened to him with
what to expect from those service.
That any level of service quality is a measure of relative varies from one person to another,
and depends on the quality compared with the expected between two types of perceived
quality has been characterized the technical quality and functional quality
They are presented to the client already, and relates to the need for basic seeks to satisfy,
while the quality is the degree of functional the quality of the way in which service delivery.
In terms of quality between the two of them, namely: (will expectations) quality is expected
to occur and (Should expectations), must be the first practical expectation of the level of
service depending on the assessment of the client for the provision of the service, the
second is what should be in such this type of service.

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Measuring the Quality of Service:
Following the study of (parasuraman, 1985), he have concluded
Reconnaissance conducted with many of the institutions providing the service in
America, in an attempt to develop a measure of the quality of service is characterized by
honesty and stability, he started on in-depth interviews with a group of customers these
institutions, it was possible to achieve five basic definitions used in measuring the quality of
service, namely:
Side of the concrete provide the service reliability, rapid response, confidence in the deal,
and sympathy, which was presented in the form of general measure called servqual
Is used to measure twice before the first customer for the service to measure the first called
quality expected, the second is the level of perceived quality, which is measured after the
customer receives a service, which is then compared between the expected and the
Perceived to determine the gaps, which express the degree of customer satisfaction with
the service provided and the dimensions of its various components.
 The measure of (servqual) is the most commonly used to measure the perceived quality of
service in solving the field studies.

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Figure 1.1 Servqual by (Zeithaml Parasuraman Berry)

The quality system in the institutions of service delivery:

which depends on the following factors:
1. Analysis service, the characteristics of their submission, the speed of response, respect
for the client, comfort, performance of technical and professional service.
2. Design methods of measurement and control, any lists of items the subject of censorship,
and control mechanisms.
3. Establish a policy for quality, commitment, or the work of an operational plan to reflect
 4. Create an ongoing mechanism for review.

Quality Improvement:
It is clear from the above that the definitions of quality are all giving us a vision of how they
can take the product or service to customer satisfaction, and so the evolution of the concept
of quality and develop ideas leading to the philosophy of total quality management did not
come all at once, but required a long period of time, and was the result of additions to

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scientific significant levels of intellectual and practical, and most of the literature
distinguishes between four administrative stages of history of the evolution of quality as it
culminated in the final phase of total quality management through as follows:
 First stage:

The stage of quality inspection is a system used to detect errors in product then corrected.
 Second stage:

The quality control, under this system based statistical methods for the performance of
the activities of quality control and verification of conformity of the product or service
Quality standards.

The third stage: quality assurance

in this phase transition from the quality of the product or service to the quality of the
system, and the basis for the prevention of the occurrence of the error.

Fourth stage: the stage of total quality management quality a comprehensive system: the
leadership and operation of the organization depends on the participation of all employees,
suppliers and customers for continuous quality improvement. Through these various stages
of the evolution of quality we can say the following:
1) that the concept of quality has moved from control of the defects to prevent defects, a
principle (prevention is better than cure).
2) The concept and quality control (statistical control) are included from the perspective of
the product to the customer perspective.
3) The transition from operations to interest in the product and then to services.
4) Role of the Department moved from the craftsman, foreman, and the quality department
in the organization to the strategic role of quality as handled by senior Management

(T.Q.M). Total Quality Management

We will introduce the following definitions of the most important of the Total Quality
Management TQM)
Through the following: (Jablonski 1992) - known as a form of collaborative business
performance by moving the talent, and capacity of both workers and management to
improve productivity and quality on an ongoing basis, using teams work through the basic
components of the three for their success in the enterprise: the co-management,
continuous improvement of operations, the use of work teams.
 it as more than just administrative operations, it's culture and way of life, and through
which the organisation designed to bring about fundamental changes in the way each
individual, and all managers in the performance and proper conduct in the organization.
The British Society for Quality describes it: as a philosophy of participation in business
management, which recognizes that the needs of the consumer and objectives

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 of the organisation are not separate. And it can be concluded from the above definition
includes the previously mentioned in this regard as follows:
TQM is a set of principles and methods of the Organization as a comprehensive strategy
aimed to mobilize the organization to achieve its ultimate goal, which is customer
satisfaction and the lowest cost.

Total Quality Management concerns:

Through our discussion of the most important definitions of total quality management,
quality management becomes vital travel to deal with the following requirements in all
organization including the provision of service:
1. ensuring that the concept of quality in all parts of the organization, and in various levels
of employees and accept all the responsibility of participating in the investigation and bear
the consequences of their shortcomings.
2. Elaboration of the concepts of quality care and the need for comprehensiveness, and
philosophy of the organization, and formulated in a clear policy stems from a general
strategy aimed at deepening and install the meanings and mechanisms, and comprehensive
quality standards in the organization.
3. Confirm the relevant bodies of quality planning and identification of standards, and
follow-up implementation of their programs, and assess the extent of compliance.
4. Care to train personnel at all levels and areas of activity on the objectives and
mechanisms, and the requirements of total quality management,
And ensure continuity of training for the renewal of concepts, and treatment as may be
seen from the problems during the practical application of quality management system
5. Ensure identical specifications and performance of the product or service to the needs
and expectations of customers.
6. Ensure congruence between the specifications for the cough or to serve as its intended
design and specifications during and after production.
7. Ensuring the planning and implementation of all design, production, transportation, and
marketing to ensure that the product or service to the client
Target as soon as possible, and at lower cost compared to what could be the level of cost
competitors, and agree with the price levels.

From the foregoing it can be said that the issue of total quality management is basically not
the responsibility of an individual or individuals only in the organization, or belonging to a
particular sector but is a general interest in all-inclusive, with the same degree of
importance, and in all levels
Activity, whether the institution if the industrial or service, leading in the latter to satisfy
customers and meet their expectations

 The approach of total quality management is of particular importance in all organizations
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(industrial and services), being one of the entrances development
Modern verify effectiveness required at all levels of activity the organization.
 The requirements of total quality is no longer a technical issue relating to manufacturing, or
production of goods, but demand has become a humanitarian however it extended its
applications to the organizations providing the service, and even non-profit organizations.
 Total quality management a key factor in the development and sustainability of institutions
of various kinds so that poses the importance of to acquire and improve the competitive
advantage of the organization (the industrial or service), and its ability to meet the
competition of other.
 The management of total quality management approach, and philosophically integrated in
front of various organization, including organizations providing the service, they are the
outcome of the strategic objectives through participation to all individuals in the
organization and ultimately, to achieve customer satisfaction and earn their aspirations.


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