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Finite strain theory

In cont inuum mechanics, t he finite strain theory—also called large strain theory, or large
deformation theory—deals wit h deformat ions in which st rains and/or rot at ions are large
enough t o invalidat e assumpt ions inherent in infinit esimal st rain t heory. In t his case, t he
undeformed and deformed configurat ions of t he cont inuum are significant ly different ,
requiring a clear dist inct ion bet ween t hem. This is commonly t he case wit h elast omers,
plast ically-deforming mat erials and ot her fluids and biological soft t issue.


Figure 1. Motion of a continuum body.

The displacement of a body has t wo component s: a rigid-body displacement and a
deformat ion.

A rigid-body displacement consist s of a simult aneous t ranslat ion (physics) and rot at ion of
t he body wit hout changing it s shape or size.

Deformat ion implies t he change in shape and/or size of t he body from an init ial or
undeformed configurat ion t o a current or deformed configurat ion (Figure 1).

A change in t he configurat ion of a cont inuum body can be described by a displacement field.
A displacement field is a vect or field of all displacement vect ors for all part icles in t he body,
which relat es t he deformed configurat ion wit h t he undeformed configurat ion. The dist ance
bet ween any t wo part icles changes if and only if deformat ion has occurred. If displacement
occurs wit hout deformat ion, t hen it is a rigid-body displacement .

Material coordinates (Lagrangian description)

The displacement of part icles indexed by variable i may be expressed as follows. The vect or
joining t he posit ions of a part icle in t he undeformed configurat ion and deformed
configurat ion is called t he displacement vect or. Using in place of and in place of
, bot h of which are vect ors from t he origin of t he coordinat e syst em t o each respect ive
point , we have t he Lagrangian descript ion of t he displacement vect or:

Where are t he ort honormal unit vect ors t hat define t he basis of t he spat ial (lab-frame)
coordinat e syst em.

Expressed in t erms of t he mat erial coordinat es, t he displacement field is:

Where is t he displacement vect or represent ing rigid-body t ranslat ion.

The part ial derivat ive of t he displacement vect or wit h respect t o t he mat erial coordinat es
yields t he material displacement gradient tensor . Thus we have,

where is t he deformation gradient tensor.

Spatial coordinates (Eulerian description)

In t he Eulerian descript ion, t he vect or ext ending from a part icle in t he undeformed
configurat ion t o it s locat ion in t he deformed configurat ion is called t he displacement vect or:

Where are t he unit vect ors t hat define t he basis of t he mat erial (body-frame) coordinat e
syst em.

Expressed in t erms of spat ial coordinat es, t he displacement field is:

The part ial derivat ive of t he displacement vect or wit h respect t o t he spat ial coordinat es
yields t he spatial displacement gradient tensor . Thus we have,

Relationship between the material and spatial coordinate systems

are t he direct ion cosines bet ween t he mat erial and spat ial coordinat e syst ems wit h unit
vect ors and , respect ively. Thus

The relat ionship bet ween and is t hen given by

Knowing t hat

t hen

Combining the coordinate systems of deformed and undeformed


It is common t o superimpose t he coordinat e syst ems for t he deformed and undeformed

configurat ions, which result s in , and t he direct ion cosines become Kronecker delt as,

Thus in mat erial (undeformed) coordinat es, t he displacement may be expressed as:
And in spat ial (deformed) coordinat es, t he displacement may be expressed as:

Deformation gradient tensor

Figure 2. Deformation of a continuum body.

The deformat ion gradient t ensor is relat ed t o bot h t he reference

and current configurat ion, as seen by t he unit vect ors and , t herefore it is a two-point

Due t o t he assumpt ion of cont inuit y of , has t he inverse , where is

t he spatial deformation gradient tensor. Then, by t he implicit funct ion t heorem,[1] t he Jacobian
det erminant must be nonsingular, i.e.

The material deformation gradient tensor is a second-order t ensor

t hat represent s t he gradient of t he mapping funct ion or funct ional relat ion , which
describes t he mot ion of a cont inuum. The mat erial deformat ion gradient t ensor charact erizes
t he local deformat ion at a mat erial point wit h posit ion vect or , i.e. deformat ion at
neighbouring point s, by t ransforming (linear t ransformat ion) a mat erial line element emanat ing
from t hat point from t he reference configurat ion t o t he current or deformed configurat ion,
assuming cont inuit y in t he mapping funct ion , i.e. different iable funct ion of and
t ime , which implies t hat cracks and voids do not open or close during t he deformat ion. Thus
we have,

Relative displacement vector

Consider a part icle or mat erial point wit h posit ion vect or in t he undeformed
configurat ion (Figure 2). Aft er a displacement of t he body, t he new posit ion of t he part icle
indicat ed by in t he new configurat ion is given by t he vect or posit ion . The
coordinat e syst ems for t he undeformed and deformed configurat ion can be superimposed
for convenience.

Consider now a mat erial point neighboring , wit h posit ion vect or
. In t he deformed configurat ion t his part icle has a new
posit ion given by t he posit ion vect or . Assuming t hat t he line segment s and
joining t he part icles and in bot h t he undeformed and deformed configurat ion,
respect ively, t o be very small, t hen we can express t hem as and . Thus from Figure 2
we have

where is t he relative displacement vector, which represent s t he relat ive displacement

of wit h respect t o in t he deformed configurat ion.

Taylor approximation

For an infinit esimal element , and assuming cont inuit y on t he displacement field, it is
possible t o use a Taylor series expansion around point , neglect ing higher-order t erms, t o
approximat e t he component s of t he relat ive displacement vect or for t he neighboring part icle
Thus, t he previous equat ion can be writ t en as

Time-derivative of the deformation gradient

Calculat ions t hat involve t he t ime-dependent deformat ion of a body oft en require a t ime
derivat ive of t he deformat ion gradient t o be calculat ed. A geomet rically consist ent definit ion
of such a derivat ive requires an excursion int o different ial geomet ry[2] but we avoid t hose
issues in t his art icle.

The t ime derivat ive of is

where is t he velocit y. The derivat ive on t he right hand side represent s a material velocity
gradient. It is common t o convert t hat int o a spat ial gradient , i.e.,

where is t he spatial velocity gradient. If t he spat ial velocit y gradient is const ant , t he
above equat ion can be solved exact ly t o give

assuming at . There are several met hods of comput ing t he exponent ial above.

Relat ed quant it ies oft en used in cont inuum mechanics are t he rate of deformation tensor
and t he spin tensor defined, respect ively, as:

The rat e of deformat ion t ensor gives t he rat e of st ret ching of line element s while t he spin
t ensor indicat es t he rat e of rot at ion or vort icit y of t he mot ion.

The mat erial t ime derivat ive of t he inverse of t he deformat ion gradient (keeping t he
reference configurat ion fixed) is oft en required in analyses t hat involve finit e st rains. This
derivat ive is
The above relat ion can be verified by t aking t he mat erial t ime derivat ive of
and not ing t hat .

Transformation of a surface and volume element

To t ransform quant it ies t hat are defined wit h respect t o areas in a deformed configurat ion t o
t hose relat ive t o areas in a reference configurat ion, and vice versa, we use Nanson's relat ion,
expressed as

where is an area of a region in t he deformed configurat ion, is t he same area in t he

reference configurat ion, and is t he out ward normal t o t he area element in t he current
configurat ion while is t he out ward normal in t he reference configurat ion, is t he
deformat ion gradient , and .

The corresponding formula for t he t ransformat ion of t he volume element is

Derivation of Nanson's relation (see also [3])

To see how t his formula is derived, we st art wit h t he orient ed area element s

in t he reference and current configurat ions:

The reference and current volumes of an element are

where .




So we get


Polar decomposition of the deformation gradient

Figure 3. Representation of the polar decomposition of the deformation gradient

The deformat ion gradient , like any invert ible second-order t ensor, can be decomposed,
using t he polar decomposit ion t heorem, int o a product of t wo second-order t ensors
(Truesdell and Noll, 1965): an ort hogonal t ensor and a posit ive definit e symmet ric t ensor, i.e.

where t he t ensor is a proper ort hogonal t ensor, i.e. and ,

represent ing a rot at ion; t he t ensor is t he right stretch tensor; and t he left stretch tensor.
The t erms right and left means t hat t hey are t o t he right and left of t he rot at ion t ensor ,
respect ively. and are bot h posit ive definit e, i.e. and for
all non-zero , and symmet ric t ensors, i.e. and , of second order.

This decomposit ion implies t hat t he deformat ion of a line element in t he undeformed
configurat ion ont o in t he deformed configurat ion, i.e. , may be obt ained
eit her by first st ret ching t he element by , i.e. , followed by a rot at ion , i.e.
; or equivalent ly, by applying a rigid rot at ion first , i.e. , followed
lat er by a st ret ching , i.e. (See Figure 3).

Due t o t he ort hogonalit y of

so t hat and have t he same eigenvalues or principal stretches, but different

eigenvect ors or principal directions and , respect ively. The principal direct ions are
relat ed by

This polar decomposit ion, which is unique as is invert ible wit h a posit ive det erminant , is a
corrolary of t he singular-value decomposit ion.

Deformation tensors

Several rot at ion-independent deformat ion t ensors are used in mechanics. In solid mechanics,
t he most popular of t hese are t he right and left Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensors.

Since a pure rot at ion should not induce any st rains in a deformable body, it is oft en
convenient t o use rot at ion-independent measures of deformat ion in cont inuum mechanics. As
a rot at ion followed by it s inverse rot at ion leads t o no change ( ) we can
exclude t he rot at ion by mult iplying by it s t ranspose.

The right Cauchy–Green deformation tensor

In 1839, George Green int roduced a deformat ion t ensor known as t he right Cauchy–Green
deformation tensor or Green's deformation tensor, defined as:[4][5]

Physically, t he Cauchy–Green t ensor gives us t he square of local change in dist ances due t o
deformat ion, i.e.

Invariant s of are oft en used in t he expressions for st rain energy densit y funct ions. The
most commonly used invariant s are

where are st ret ch rat ios for t he unit fibers t hat are init ially orient ed along t he eigenvect or
direct ions of t he right (reference) st ret ch t ensor (t hese are not generally aligned wit h t he
t hree axis of t he coordinat e syst ems).

The Finger deformation tensor

The IUPAC recommends[5] t hat t he inverse of t he right Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor
(called t he Cauchy t ensor in t hat document ), i. e., , be called t he Finger tensor.
However, t hat nomenclat ure is not universally accept ed in applied mechanics.

The left Cauchy–Green or Finger deformation tensor

Reversing t he order of mult iplicat ion in t he formula for t he right Green–Cauchy deformat ion
t ensor leads t o t he left Cauchy–Green deformation tensor which is defined as:

The left Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor is oft en called t he Finger deformation tensor,
named aft er Josef Finger (1894).[5][6][7]

Invariant s of are also used in t he expressions for st rain energy densit y funct ions. The
convent ional invariant s are defined as

where is t he det erminant of t he deformat ion gradient .

For compressible mat erials, a slight ly different set of invariant s is used:

The Cauchy deformation tensor

Earlier in 1828,[8] August in Louis Cauchy int roduced a deformat ion t ensor defined as t he
inverse of t he left Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor, . This t ensor has also been called
t he Piola tensor [5] and t he Finger tensor [9] in t he rheology and fluid dynamics lit erat ure.

Spectral representation

If t here are t hree dist inct principal st ret ches , t he spect ral decomposit ions of and
is given by
Furt hermore,

Observe t hat

Therefore, t he uniqueness of t he spect ral decomposit ion also implies t hat . The
left st ret ch ( ) is also called t he spatial stretch tensor while t he right st ret ch ( ) is called
t he material stretch tensor.

The effect of act ing on is t o st ret ch t he vect or by and t o rot at e it t o t he new

orient at ion , i.e.,

In a similar vein,
Uniaxial extension of an incompressible material

This is t he case where a specimen is st ret ched in 1-direct ion wit h a st ret ch rat io of
. If t he volume remains const ant , t he cont ract ion in t he ot her t wo direct ions is
such t hat or . Then:

Simple shear

Rigid body rotation

Derivatives of stretch

Derivat ives of t he st ret ch wit h respect t o t he right Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor are
used t o derive t he st ress-st rain relat ions of many solids, part icularly hyperelast ic mat erials.
These derivat ives are

and follow from t he observat ions t hat

Physical interpretation of deformation tensors

Let be a Cart esian coordinat e syst em defined on t he undeformed body and let
be anot her syst em defined on t he deformed body. Let a curve in t he
undeformed body be paramet rized using . It s image in t he deformed body is

The undeformed lengt h of t he curve is given by

Aft er deformat ion, t he lengt h becomes

Not e t hat t he right Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor is defined as


which indicat es t hat changes in lengt h are charact erized by .

Finite strain tensors

The concept of strain is used t o evaluat e how much a given displacement differs locally from
a rigid body displacement .[1][10][11] One of such st rains for large deformat ions is t he
Lagrangian finite strain tensor, also called t he Green-Lagrangian strain tensor or Green – St-
Venant strain tensor, defined as

or as a funct ion of t he displacement gradient t ensor


The Green-Lagrangian st rain t ensor is a measure of how much differs from .

The Eulerian-Almansi finite strain tensor, referenced t o t he deformed configurat ion, i.e.
Eulerian descript ion, is defined as

or as a funct ion of t he displacement gradient s we have

Derivation of the Lagrangian and Eulerian finite strain tensors
A measure of deformat ion is t he difference bet ween t he squares of t he different ial line
element , in t he undeformed configurat ion, and , in t he deformed configurat ion
(Figure 2). Deformat ion has occurred if t he difference is non zero, ot herwise a rigid-body
displacement has occurred. Thus we have,

In t he Lagrangian descript ion, using t he mat erial coordinat es as t he frame of reference, t he

linear t ransformat ion bet ween t he different ial lines is

Then we have,

where are t he component s of t he right Cauchy–Green deformation tensor,

  . Then, replacing t his equat ion int o t he first equat ion we have,


where , are t he component s of a second-order t ensor called t he Green – St-Venant

strain tensor or t he Lagrangian finite strain tensor,

In t he Eulerian descript ion, using t he spat ial coordinat es as t he frame of reference, t he

linear t ransformat ion bet ween t he different ial lines is
where are t he component s of t he spatial deformation gradient tensor,   . Thus we


where t he second order t ensor is called Cauchy's deformation tensor,   .

Then we have,


where , are t he component s of a second-order t ensor called t he Eulerian-Almansi finite

strain tensor,

Bot h t he Lagrangian and Eulerian finit e st rain t ensors can be convenient ly expressed in
t erms of t he displacement gradient tensor. For t he Lagrangian st rain t ensor, first we
different iat e t he displacement vect or wit h respect t o t he mat erial coordinat es
  t o obt ain t he material displacement gradient tensor,

Replacing t his equat ion int o t he expression for t he Lagrangian finit e st rain t ensor we have

Similarly, t he Eulerian-Almansi finit e st rain t ensor can be expressed as

Seth–Hill family of generalized strain tensors

B. R. Set h from t he Indian Inst it ut e of Technology Kharagpur was t he first t o show t hat t he
Green and Almansi st rain t ensors are special cases of a more general st rain measure.[12][13]
The idea was furt her expanded upon by Rodney Hill in 1968.[14] The Set h–Hill family of st rain
measures (also called Doyle-Ericksen t ensors)[15] can be expressed as

For different values of we have:

The second-order approximat ion of t hese t ensors is

where is t he infinit esimal st rain t ensor.

Many ot her different definit ions of t ensors are admissible, provided t hat t hey all sat isfy
t he condit ions t hat :[16]

vanishes for all rigid-body mot ions

t he dependence of on t he displacement gradient t ensor is cont inuous, cont inuously

different iable and monot onic

it is also desired t hat reduces t o t he infinit esimal st rain t ensor as t he norm

An example is t he set of t ensors

which do not belong t o t he Set h–Hill class, but have t he same 2nd-order approximat ion as
t he Set h–Hill measures at for any value of .[17]

Stretch ratio

The stretch ratio is a measure of t he ext ensional or normal st rain of a different ial line
element , which can be defined at eit her t he undeformed configurat ion or t he deformed
configurat ion.

The st ret ch rat io for t he different ial element (Figure) in t he direct ion of t he
unit vect or at t he mat erial point , in t he undeformed configurat ion, is defined as

where is t he deformed magnit ude of t he different ial element .

Similarly, t he st ret ch rat io for t he different ial element (Figure), in t he direct ion of
t he unit vect or at t he mat erial point , in t he deformed configurat ion, is defined as

The normal st rain in any direct ion can be expressed as a funct ion of t he st ret ch rat io,
This equat ion implies t hat t he normal st rain is zero, i.e. no deformat ion, when t he st ret ch is
equal t o unit y. Some mat erials, such as elast omet ers can sust ain st ret ch rat ios of 3 or 4
before t hey fail, whereas t radit ional engineering mat erials, such as concret e or st eel, fail at
much lower st ret ch rat ios, perhaps of t he order of 1.1 (reference?)

Physical interpretation of the finite strain tensor

The diagonal component s of t he Lagrangian finit e st rain t ensor are relat ed t o t he

normal st rain, e.g.

where is t he normal st rain or engineering st rain in t he direct ion .

The off-diagonal component s of t he Lagrangian finit e st rain t ensor are relat ed t o shear
st rain, e.g.

where is t he change in t he angle bet ween t wo line element s t hat were originally
perpendicular wit h direct ions and , respect ively.

Under cert ain circumst ances, i.e. small displacement s and small displacement rat es, t he
component s of t he Lagrangian finit e st rain t ensor may be approximat ed by t he component s
of t he infinit esimal st rain t ensor
Derivation of the physical interpretation of the Lagrangian and Eulerian finite strain
The st ret ch rat io for t he different ial element (Figure) in t he direct ion of t he
unit vect or at t he mat erial point , in t he undeformed configurat ion, is defined as

where is t he deformed magnit ude of t he different ial element   .

Similarly, t he st ret ch rat io for t he different ial element (Figure), in t he direct ion
of t he unit vect or at t he mat erial point , in t he deformed configurat ion, is defined as

The square of t he st ret ch rat io is defined as

Knowing t hat

we have

where and are unit vect ors.

The normal st rain or engineering st rain in any direct ion can be expressed as a
funct ion of t he st ret ch rat io,

Thus, t he normal st rain in t he direct ion at t he mat erial point   may be expressed in
t erms of t he st ret ch rat io as

solving for we have

The shear strain, or change in angle bet ween t wo line element s   and   init ially
perpendicular, and orient ed in t he principal direct ions and , respect ively, can also be
expressed as a funct ion of t he st ret ch rat io. From t he dot product bet ween t he deformed
lines and we have

where is t he angle bet ween t he lines and in t he deformed configurat ion.

Defining as t he shear st rain or reduct ion in t he angle bet ween t wo line element s t hat
were originally perpendicular, we have

t hus,

t hen


Deformation tensors in convected curvilinear

A represent at ion of deformat ion t ensors in curvilinear coordinat es is useful for many
problems in cont inuum mechanics such as nonlinear shell t heories and large plast ic
deformat ions. Let denot e t he funct ion by which a posit ion vect or in
space is const ruct ed from coordinat es . The coordinat es are said t o be
"convect ed" if t hey correspond t o a one-t o-one mapping t o and from Lagrangian part icles in a
cont inuum body. If t he coordinat e grid is "paint ed" on t he body in it s init ial configurat ion, t hen
t his grid will deform and flow wit h t he mot ion of mat erial t o remain paint ed on t he same
mat erial part icles in t he deformed configurat ion so t hat grid lines int ersect at t he same
mat erial part icle in eit her configurat ion. The t angent vect or t o t he deformed coordinat e grid
line curve at is given by

The t hree t angent vect ors at form a local basis. These vect ors are relat ed t he reciprocal
basis vect ors by

Let us define a second-order t ensor field (also called t he met ric t ensor) wit h component s

The Christ offel symbols of t he first kind can be expressed as

To see how t he Christ offel symbols are relat ed t o t he Right Cauchy–Green deformat ion
t ensor let us similarly define t wo bases, t he already ment ioned one t hat is t angent t o
deformed grid lines and anot her t hat is t angent t o t he undeformed grid lines. Namely,

The deformation gradient in curvilinear coordinates

Using t he definit ion of t he gradient of a vect or field in curvilinear coordinat es, t he

deformat ion gradient can be writ t en as

The right Cauchy–Green tensor in curvilinear coordinates

The right Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor is given by

If we express in t erms of component s wit h respect t o t he basis { } we have


and t he corresponding Christ offel symbol of t he first kind may be writ t en in t he following

Some relations between deformation measures and Christoffel


Consider a one-t o-one mapping from to and let us

assume t hat t here exist t wo posit ive-definit e, symmet ric second-order t ensor fields and
t hat sat isfy


Not ing t hat

and we have




Define t he Christ offel symbols of t he second kind as



The invert ibilit y of t he mapping implies t hat

We can also formulat e a similar result in t erms of derivat ives wit h respect t o . Therefore,

Compatibility conditions

The problem of compat ibilit y in cont inuum mechanics involves t he det erminat ion of allowable
single-valued cont inuous fields on bodies. These allowable condit ions leave t he body wit hout
unphysical gaps or overlaps aft er a deformat ion. Most such condit ions apply t o simply-
connect ed bodies. Addit ional condit ions are required for t he int ernal boundaries of mult iply
connect ed bodies.

Compatibility of the deformation gradient

The necessary and sufficient condit ions for t he exist ence of a compat ible field over a
simply connect ed body are

Compatibility of the right Cauchy–Green deformation tensor

The necessary and sufficient condit ions for t he exist ence of a compat ible field over a
simply connect ed body are

We can show t hese are t he mixed component s of t he Riemann–Christ offel curvat ure t ensor.
Therefore, t he necessary condit ions for -compat ibilit y are t hat t he Riemann–Christ offel
curvat ure of t he deformat ion is zero.

Compatibility of the left Cauchy–Green deformation tensor

No general sufficiency condit ions are known for t he left Cauchy–Green deformat ion t ensor in
t hree-dimensions. Compat ibilit y condit ions for t wo-dimensional fields have been found by
Janet Blume.[18][19]

See also

Infinit esimal st rain

Compat ibilit y (mechanics)

Curvilinear coordinat es

Piola–Kirchhoff st ress t ensor, t he st ress t ensor for finit e deformat ions.

St ress measures

St rain part it ioning


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17. Z.P. Bažant (1998). "Easy-to-compute tensors with symmetric inverse approximating Hencky finite
strain and its rate (
s/373.pdf) ." Journal of Materials of Technology ASME, 120 (April), 131–136.

18. Blume, J. A. (1989). "Compatibility conditions for a left Cauchy–Green strain field". Journal of
Elasticity. 21 (3): 271–308. doi:10.1007/BF00045780 ( .
S2CID 54889553 ( .

19. Acharya, A. (1999). "On Compatibility Conditions for the Left Cauchy–Green Deformation Field in
Three Dimensions" ( (PDF). Journal of Elasticity. 56
(2): 95–105. doi:10.1023/A:1007653400249 ( .
S2CID 116767781 ( .

Further reading

Dill, Ellis Harold (2006). Continuum Mechanics: Elasticity, Plasticity, Viscoelasticity (ht t ps://b fbR3AC) . Germany: CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-9779-0.
Dimit rienko, Yuriy (2011). Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics and Large Inelastic Deformations
(ht t ps:// isbn=9789400700338) . Germany: Springer.
ISBN 978-94-007-0033-8.
Hut t er, Kolumban; Klaus Jöhnk (2004). Continuum Methods of Physical Modeling (ht t ps://b . Germany: Springer. ISBN 3-540-20619-1.
Lubarda, Vlado A. (2001). Elastoplasticity Theory (ht t ps://
ybL4oAgC) . CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-1138-1.
Macosko, C. W. (1994). Rheology: principles, measurement and applications. VCH Publishers.
ISBN 1-56081-579-5.
Mase, George E. (1970). Continuum Mechanics (ht t ps://
6yxC0xUC) . McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-040663-4.
Mase, G. Thomas; George E. Mase (1999). Continuum Mechanics for Engineers (ht t ps://boo UC) (Second ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 0-8493-1855-6.
Nemat -Nasser, Sia (2006). Plasticity: A Treatise on Finite Deformation of Heterogeneous
Inelastic Materials (ht t ps:// 0Bt MC) . Cambridge:
Cambridge Universit y Press. ISBN 0-521-83979-3.
Rees, David (2006). Basic Engineering Plasticity – An Introduction with Engineering and
Manufacturing Applications (ht t ps:// 1hcYC) .
But t erwort h-Heinemann. ISBN 0-7506-8025-3.

External links

Prof. Amit Acharya's not es on compat ibilit y on iMechanica (ht t p://


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