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PRACTICE TEST 7 Ex 1: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. king B. know ©. kick D. kill Question 2: A. swarm B. swear c. swim D. sword Ex 2: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following. Question 3: A. surprise B. intelligent C. education D..competitive Question 4: A. present B.operation _—_C. preserve D. protection Ex 3: Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. Question 1. | decided to go te the library as soon as | A. finish what | did B, would finish what | did C. finished what | did D. finished what | was doing ‘Question 2. Had | studied harder, | better in the last exam. A. wouldn't have done B. had done C. would have done D. would do Question 3. Women have proved repeatedly that they are equal and often superior men in almost every field. B. than C.with D. over Question 4. 1 must go to the dentist and A. get my teeth to take care of 8. take care of my teeth C. my teeth be taken care of D. get my teeth taken care of Question 5. If ultraviolet radiation enters the atmosphere, generally blocking the ‘ozone concentrated in the atmosphere. 8. itis C.soitis D. then it Question 6. In Roman numerals, symbols for numeric values. A. are letters of the alphabet B, letters of the alphabet are C. which uses letters of the alphabet D. in which letters of the alphabet are 32 Question 7. The elegant hotel we stayed at was and bright and had a private entrance and patio with a view of the ocean. A. spacing 8B, spacious C.spaciousness _—_D. spaces ‘Question 8. Is the Siberian tiger an endangered ? A. habitat 8. programme C. expectancy D. species Question 9. Nowadays it is not easy to find a job. A. good-pay 8. well-paid . good-paid D. well-pay Question 10. This is the most difficult job I've ever had to do. A. by far B. by heart C. by chance D. by myself Question 11, Tony and Toby has their little differences at the beginning of their work but now they seem to be quite nicely A.getting through B.getting along ——_C. doing up D. doing by Question 12. | can't make what it says; it's a very old book A for Rup cout D. of Exercise Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions. Question 1. | would be happy to go along with the idea. A. disagree with the idea B. agree with the idea C. support the idea D. approve with the idea ‘Question 2. All of the students are obliged to pass the entrance examination in order to attend the university. A. forced 8. impelled C. required D. optional Exercise 5: Read the following passage and choose the best answer to fill in the blanks. SCHOOL SPORTS DAY When | was at school, sports day was the highlight of the year. Let me set the scene. First of all, on sports day, it was always bound (1) rain. Sunny weather? No such luck. Despite the previous two months of soaring temperatures, as likely as not, on the morning of 33 the games, the temperature would plummet. So imagine a hundred (2) small children, dressed in tight shorts and thin vests, shivering in the cold, unaware of the heartbreak that lies In store for them. Swept (3)__by the excitement and desperate to win, tempers soon get frayed. One girl finds herself disqualified from the egg and spoon race despite giving it everything she’s got, and another boy, (4)__jealous of the winner of the sack race, makes the mistake of being rude to him within earshot of the teachers. Scores of tiny children, bitterly disappointed at tasting defeat for the first time, break down and cry. Twenty years on, I'm certainly not (5), any younger, but | do have some really lasting memories of those days at scho Question 1: A. for Cby D. of Question 2: A. enthusiast B. enthusiastic C. enthuse D. enthusiasm Question 3: A. up B. over C. down D. off Question 4: A. fiercely B. warmly C. keenly D. strongly Question 5: A. putting B. getting C. going D. coming Exercise 6: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines eachpairofsentencesinthefollowingquestions. Question 1: | received a letter this morning, It really upset me. A. received a letter this morning really upset me. 8. I received a letter this morning which really upset me. C. I received a letter this morning in which really upset me. D, I received a letter this morning of which really upset me. Question 2: It was great summer. I'll never forget that summer. A. It was great summer that I'l never forget. B. It was great summer I'l never forget that. C. It was great summer of which I'll never forget. D. It was great summer of that | won't never forget. 34 Exercise Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions. Question 1. Were It not for the money, this job wouldn't be worthwhile. A. The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money. B. This job is not rewarding at all C. This job offers a poor salary. D. Although the salary is poor, the job is worthwhile. Question 2. Human beings are responsible for the changes in the environment. A. The environment changes the responsibilities taken by human beings. B. Responsibilities are taken with human beings in the environment. C. Human beings take responsibilities for the changes in the environment. D. The changes in the environment need human beings' responsibilities. Question 3. | wouldn't mind having a late meeting tomorrow since I'm quite used to going home late. A. I'm trving to get more accustomed to going home late, so | think I'll start the meeting late tomorrow. B. Why don't we start the meeting late tomorrow, even though I know none of us is used to leaving late. C.As it's rather normal for me to go home late, conducting a meeting late tomorrow would be no problem for me. D. It's rare that I go home late, but it'll be no problem if tomorrow's meeting is a bit later than usual. Exercise 8: Complete each of the following sentences with the correct form or tense of an appropriate verb from the box. suffer overcome | volunteer | repair comfort participate | join raise perform 1. Claire at the homeless shelter once a week. 36 2. I've never seen this play 3. He before. 4, He made a rash decision and now he 5. She He 10. We encourage students READING TEXT-GLOSSARY Would you mind if her difficulties to graduate. Some people were in the streets thousands of pounds to charity. It was too badly damaged to know that most students in the class knew even less than he, for it. money for charity. you fora drink in the bar? fully in the running of the college. Word Pronunciation ‘Meaning highlight (n) That, lait diém néi bat set the scene Zset da si:n/ tai hin Iai canh Bound fo V /baund/ chuan bj Despite 7dis'pait7 mac da previous (a) 7pri:vies/ tree soaring (v) 7'so:tin/ tang plummet (v) 7plamit/ giam manh Shivering (v) 7'Sivarin/ CO ro heartbreak (n) 7 ha:t breik/ bi budn ‘swept (v) /swi:pt/ x6a BG, dep bd desperate (a) 7 'desparit/ tuyét vong temper (n) 7'tempar/ cm xc get frayed 7get freid/ bj phai nhat disqualified (a) 7 dis, kwalifi'keifn/ hing da tu cach ‘egg and spoon race 7eg and spu:n reis/ cue thi cdm thia dung trong 36 jealous (a) d3eles/ ghen ‘sack race 7 sak reis/ ‘dua bao tai rude (a) 7rusd/ 6 15 ‘earshot (n) 7 r0r Jol t&m nghe ‘Scores of 7/sko:z 2v/ ket qua bitterly (adv) 7 'bitali/ hua chat, cay dang disappointed (a) / dise'pointid/ that vong defeat (v) J di'fi:t/ danh bai ‘break down 7breik daun/ pha vo Tasting memories 7"la:stin'memeriz/ ky Ge dai lau 37

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