CEP54 Performance Assessment - Project Risk Management Plan

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Document Details
Author Modifications Date Version
Adrea Vui Draft 06.10.21 2.0
Cornelia Waradi Draft 06.10.21 2.0
Nitika Ram Draft 06.10.21 2.0
Vasitia Vuniwai Draft 06.10.21 2.0
Usaia Delai Draft 06.10.21 2.0

This document requires the following approvals:
Name Role Signature Approval Version
Steve Gates Director 08.10.21 2.0

This document has been distributed to:
Name Role Date of Version
TOP THREE RISKS............................................................................................................................1
RISK MANAGEMENT APPROACH......................................................................................................2
ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.........................................................................................................2
RISK IDENTIFICATION.......................................................................................................................4
RISK ANALYSIS................................................................................................................................5
RISK RESPONSE STRATEGIES...........................................................................................................6
RISK MONITORING...........................................................................................................................9
RISK MANAGEMENT REVIEW.........................................................................................................10
RISK REGISTER...............................................................................................................................11
SPONSOR ACCEPTANCE..................................................................................................................12

The growing need for energy throughout the years by third world Island nations who have
insignificant to no availability to energy (fuel) resources have become intolerable particularly
for societies who could not afford or obtain it, therefore the importance of renewable energy
resources was identified and encouraged the implementation of the ‘Power for Castaway’
project by Caring for others. It is essential when introducing such a project that risks are
carefully managed as it can affect the organizations reputation and incur capital loss.

To ensure that this does not happen certain guidelines and techniques provided by Caring for
others will help to identify, assess, monitor and manage the different key challenges and risks
associated with the Solar Energy Farm. The project manager established to overlook this project
will be solely responsible for safeguarding the organizations objective while providing essential
support to the projects valuation.


Some risks that play a major part in any project are from Political, economic, social, technical &
organizational backgrounds. Given the constraints from the current pandemic issue the top
three risks that were identified in this document are;

1. Delay in Schedules
Due to the limited transportation to the remote island, receiving resources on time will be one
of the major risks of the project. Also, due to the manufacturers not being able to provide the
ordered resources on time can lead to an overall delay in the project. Shipment of the
resources via sea freight can be affected by the weather; if the weather is bad, schedules of any
inter-island transport to the island, gets affected which causes issue with receiving resources on
time. This risk causes a delay in the project scheduling, which can lead to cost constraint as

2. OHS Issue
Due to remoteness of the island, having an injured worker is another risk factor of the project.
Though a community medical office is available at the island, there is a lack of a General
Practitioner. This will mean an unexpected rise in the cost to hire Medical transportation
(Helicopter) to transport the critically injured to a hospital. For those who are not in a critical
condition also need proper guidelines for emergency purpose. This results in the project
manager monitoring and reporting regular health checks with the staff on site.

3. Financial Constraints
A risk to the project completion can be the mismanagement of the funds that is allocated for the
project budget. Unpredicted events such as health and safety issues where a critical worker has to
Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
be transports to the mainland via air and scheduling issues affects the project. The costs in the
project should not exceed the budgeted fund as it may affect other operations of the project. Even
cost cutting will threaten the scope of the budget.


The process for identifying key risks will differ from project to project thus resulting in the
approach for this Risk management plan being generalized as depicted below;


Role Responsibility
Project Sponsor – this are the group people - decision maker of the project
or organization that financially supports a - ensuring resources are available for
project the projects need
- responsible for approving work
- settling of issues and changes in the
project scope

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Project Managers – This are usually the first - Identifying risks
line of defense for your business against risks - Assessing the risk
on a project - Ensuring the risk register is updated
- prepare strategy to address the risk
- motivate the project team
- Ensuring that all relevant legislation
standards and conditions are meet by
the project
- resource planning
- Monitoring and controlling
Project team – these are the group of people - full time or part time engaged in
on the ground to ensure that the project project team activities
objectives are meet - they contribute to the overall project
objectives and team deliverables
- Takes up issues on the work policy to
the team leader to be directed to
appropriate body that looks after
- reports to the project manager on the
work progress
- ensuring all project equipment’s are
calibrated and operating correctly and
supplies checklists are up to date
- all new materials and equipment’s
supplied by vendors and suppliers are
well off standard and supplies are not
- Ensure storage space for all
equipment’s and materials are well
maintained and shall not be in any
condition to reduce the quality of the
materials/equipment or product
- Ensure all safety procedures are
followed to avoid any mishaps or risk
Stakeholders – these are the group of people Local community
or community members that participates in - Land issue information’s
the project - Consenting to the use of project site
Local Government
- ensuring the project is safe for the
environment and the people i.e. not
pose any risk to the community
Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
for instance, Engineering plans, EIA,
HIA, SIA etc.


Defining and qualifying the project risks will result in the output of the risks register. With
techniques such as brainstorming and expert interviews, identifying the possible risks related
with the project objectives will help obtain this register. The Risk register will be changed
occasionally upon obtaining results from the risk analysis and will be evaluated and
restructured during the project lifecycle as shown below;

Following initial, some of the associated key risks that are obvious with this project are:

1. The tight project timeframe,

2. There is a relative high risk of this project of encountering different conditions on site,
3. The potential for authority approvals to impact upon the schedule,
4. Poor workmanship and quality of project objectives on site due to inexperience,
5. Personal injuries ( OHS standards not up to par )

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
There are two different ways to assess risks and they are the qualitative & quantitative analysis. The
qualitative method contracts the individual risks while the quantitative analysis deals with the assessment
of all the combined risks. Due to the Covid pandemic constraints some assessments captured in this
document could only be obtained with brainstorming and limited expert judgement expertise. These risks
are categorized below resulting them to be ranked accordingly.

The tool that was essential in assessing the information provided to us was the risk analysis matrix. It
combined the consequence and probability of the identified risks for the individual tasks and were rated
accordingly. The following shows how these risks were categorized according to their lowest conditions:

 Probability: 3 levels assessment scale from 1 (lowest) to 3(highest) with relative ratios for
probability of it happening
 Consequence: 3 levels assessment scale from 1 (lowest) to 3(highest) for each relative influence
with relative ratios on how much the project deliverables( cost, schedule, safety, etc.) will be


Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Risk Risk Mitigate/strategy
1. Schedule
Delay in Mitigate • Project Manager has to ensure that all the resources are
receiving prepared to be delivered to the site beforehand, else, if
resources the resources are delivered 15 days late then the overall
project is delayed.
• When the project has commenced, operations team has
to do a daily checking of all the resources that is
available and update the Project Manager if more
resources are required.
• Project Managers will mitigate this risk by ensuring that
resources are delivered to the site beforehand to match
the schedule of the transportations to the island,
resources needs to arrive the site according to the
project schedule to avoid any delay in the schedule.
Not meeting Mitigate, • Report to the Project Manager should there be arise of
the Accept not meeting the due dates
milestones • Ensure that deadlines are met and the project is on the
set time line. Daily check up of milestones can be
• Advance work can be done in order to avoid not meeting
the deadline. For example, completing one or two steps
in advance to keep the work on-going.
• Should there maybe an occurrence of risk which is
voidable, acceptance of the risk can be suggested, for
instance, if the generator runs out of fuel or breaks down
this can leads to a halt of the work that requires
electricity. Thus the project will be put on hold till the risk
identified is fixed.

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Weather Mitigate, • During extreme wind conditions, it can make it difficult for
conditions Accept workers to work. Appropriate measures should be taken
where the workers can harness themselves to continue
doing the work.
• Thunder weather can also be a threat, project members
will have to construct a metal frame around he solar
farm, thunder strike which can cause a worker to be
electrocuted. Appropriate measures for this type of
weather conditions should be taken like building a tent
while the workers continue with work during thunder
• The Project Manager has to work with appropriate
weather stations to get weather forecast to avoid any
• This project requires usage of electricity in the out open,
rainy weather can hinder most of the project activities so
it is best to start the project during dry season.
• If unexpected weather events are bound to happened
that may bring harm to any equipments or even to the
workers, Project Manager needs to ensure that
appropriate insurance are bought, proper guideline are
followed and storing of equipments are done properly.
2. Safety
OHS Mitigate, • Strict health protocols will be implemented by the OHS
Regulations Avoidance Officer will go over these protocols with all the team
• Briefing of the OHS regulations will be conducted to all
the workers and any third party that will visit the site.
• Regular health monitoring protocols should be conducted
and reported to the Project Manager.

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Personal Mitigate • Minor injuries could be attended to by a First Aider or
Injuries Nurse, should there be a need of doctor, the team has to
organise for emergency transport (helicopter) to transport
the critically injured to the hospital since the island has a
lack of professional doctor.
• OHS Officer could put in a proposal to request for a
doctor at the island from the government to ease any
cost that could be a constraint to the project.
• Emergency procedures will be displayed at the main
office area at the site and all workers will be updated, it
will also have the emergency contacts listed.
• Disciplinary actions will be enforced should there be a
failure of reinforce or re-training of workers. These
actions will be temporary suspension, suspension,
3. Cost
Inflation Mitigate, • When there is a change in the country's budget, it can
Accept cause inflation in the rates of materials and labor cost,
Project Manager has to ensure that enough budget is
allocated for this event.
• Procurement Manager could ensure that resources are
cost efficient and obtained before the commencement of
the project in order to save the project from facing issues
with inflation.

Running out Mitigate • Since the island has no electricity, the cost of running a
of Fuel generator would be high. Project Manager has to ensure
that sufficient fuel is provided for smooth lifecycle of the
• In case of poor estimation of fuel, cost constraint could
be felt on the project. This would imply that the fuel has
been either over calculated or under calculated that has
cased a deficiency. In times of the latter scenario,
transporting the fuel to the island cause be an issue due
to the remoteness of the island and limited sea freights
going to the island.
• Regular check up and monitoring of the fuel usage will
be implemented and Project Manager will be updated to
avoid any shortages of the fuel.

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
To Monitor the Project Risks, it can be done two ways:
1. Risk Register
2. Through the Communication Schedule Plan

1. The Risk Register would have a detailed information with all the risks that the
project might or will encounter. With this register it will also have prompt
condition, reliant action, progress on action, reviewed dates, and dates if the risk
action has been resolved or actioned. There will be coloured coordination on the
severity of the risk which is:
 Green- being Low
 Yellow – being Medium
 Red – being High

Using the above colours in the Risk Register gives the Project Manager and whom has
been delegated to a particular risk aware of the severity of the risk and pays more
attention to it. The risks are monitored and reported every second week during a risk
Management meeting with the project manager. The Risk Register is also updated and
reported on as well.

2. The Communication Schedule is another way in monitoring the Risks in the

project. With Regular scheduled meetings with the project manager and
stakeholders and project team, the Risk Manager will give the team regular
updates, hence he/she will have to be on top of things with risk analysis.

Project Communication Schedule

Communication Purpose of Medium Regularity Who to Leading the

Communication Attend meeting
Project Meeting Induction to the In person Once The whole Director of
Project project the Project
Team Steven Gates
Toolbox Meeting Daily updates on In person, Daily Whole Project
the project and Project Manager
minor issues to Team
discuss as a team
OHS Meeting Discuss any OHS In person, Fortnightly OHS OHS
issues and ways to & Online members, Chairman
avoid issues Director,

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Risk Management Discuss the high In person, Fortnightly Director, Project
Meeting severity risks and & Online Risk Team Manager
minor risks,
triggers, and
related updates
Operational Meeting Update on the In Person Weekly & Director Project
progress of the & Online Monthly Manager
Finance Meeting Update on the In Person Weekly Director, Project
financial Status of & Online Finance Manager
the Project &Purchasing


Risk Management Review of a project will depend on the nature of the operations. For example, if the
exposure to risk is high the project management will need to review its risk management frequently on the
other hand if the projects exposure to risk is less and the operations is running at a stable rate than the
review may take a lap or conducted once every year or every two years etc. The plan of monitoring and
watching risks comprises the taking of apparatuses and techniques: risk reviews, practical performance
measurement, risk reevaluation, reserve examination and status meetings. By monitoring, the list of the
ranked risks that have been recognized for responding to risks and treatment activities will be the key
contribution to the risk monitoring and checking process
In projects such as Solar installation may be abit challenging because of its nature.
The review will be done when there is:
 Change done to the location of the solar installation e.g., when site 1 is regarded as high risk
where the solar could be damaged by animals or is exposed to flooding and there is a need to
change the location than there will be a need for the review.
 New Equipment or procedures – any changes in equipment and procedures may pose fire risk
and electric safety or even personal injury, so any changes undertaken during the solar
installation shall call for a risk management process review so hazards and risks can be
identified, and implementation of control measures will follow.
 COVID 19 – Pandemic poses new risk to the solar installation; all staffs will be required to get
fully vaccination. COVID 19 policy will be required to be incorporated in the work policy therefore
will require a review.

Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885
Nitika Ram – S11129482 Usaia Delai – S11177629 Vasitia Vuniwai – S11090351
Adrea Vui – S11192975 Cornelia Waradi – S98000885


Approved by the Project Sponsor:

___________________________________________ Date:____________________
Steve Gates


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