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The Lord of Sipan’s Tomb

Egyptian pharaohs were not the only known rulers who were buried amongst their

personal belongings and treasures in sarcophagi, for in the year 1987, a tomb was discovered in

the Huaca Rajada site in the North Coast of Peru which belonged to a former king of Sipan, El

Senor de Sipan. The discovered grave was placed in a 5x5 space enough for all the leader’s

riches to be laid to rest beside him. The skeletal remains of the highly honored war-priest were

placed in a sarcophagus likewise to those of the ancient Egyptians.

His personal treasures consisted of numerous gold and silver jewelries and an elegant

outfit that imply that the deceased person was not just treated as a leader but also as a powerful

god to the early people. Each of the accessories’ indigenous designs and intricate finishes proved

the fact that he was worshipped highly. Numerous artifacts found to be resting around him,

specifically the knives, bells, rattles, and idols, gave the archeologists the idea that these objects

were used in important ceremonies and rituals during the leader’s time and were buried with him

to guide him in his journey in the afterlife.

Even though it may seem that the king was buried by himself, there were actually a few

other crypts varying in multiple sizes near the main grave. Two full skeletal remains, that were

assumed to have belonged to soldiers, were discovered in the pit. It was rumored that it was a

part of the ancient ceremony that human sacrifices were performed. Other than the personal

guards, three women, possibly wives, and a child were found amongst the old cases of old,

decaying gold. Animal remnants of a personal pet and sacrificial llamas were later discovered.

The ancient grave showed the archeologists the rich culture of the early people of Peru

when it came to burying their dead, beloved officials. Similarly, to the ancient Egyptians, the
early people of Sipan worshipped their ruler as a god and believed in life after death. The

treasures and the human and animal graves were buried with their respective owner because they

thought that their belongings on Earth would move forward with them in the afterlife. And after

the striking of the first tomb, numerous more discoveries were found deeper in the ground

resulting to more unearthing of ancient secrets and mysteries surrounding early Sipan.

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