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Ann English Center
Present Simple Tense
Warm up!
Can you describe these pictures in English?

I often wake up at 7:10 a.m

Warm up!
What does she do every morning?

She does yoga every morning.

Warm up!
Where does the sun rise?

The Sun rises in the East

Warm up!
What does he have?

He has a cat.
Conjugation Verb “BE”: am / is / are + N/Adj
- Dùng để tên hoặc địa điểm, hoặc tính chất,
trạng thái của một người, con vật hoặc sự
kiện trong hiện tại
- She is a doctor
- This phone is white.
- I’m happy/ tired

Verb “thường” :
Ex: drink, go, eat, study, write, etc.

+ Positive: Khẳng định

Watch → Watches
Go → goes
Fix → Fixes
Miss → misses
Kiss → kiss

Study → studies
Fly → Flies / Play → plays

Play → plays
Enjoy → Enjoys
+ Negative
Từ hỏi + Do/ Does + S + V-bare?

Từ hỏi + Am/ Is/ Are + S + N/Adj?

Usages: → Habits, Daily routines

1. - He fancies a cup of tea every morning.

- I buy a new cushion for my sofa once a year.
Usages: → Hobbies

2. - I’m keen on surfing Tiktok.

- I’m sick of doing the household chores
- In my spare time, I have a passion for reading books.
Usages: → Fact about someone

3. - Currently, I am a full-time student at VNUK.

- My mother is a doctor.
Usages: → Natural laws, scientific truths

4. - Most rivers flow into the sea.

- Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
Usages: →Timetables and schedules

5. - I have Financial Accounting lesson on Mondays.

- The bus leaves every 20 minutes.
Usages: → Giving directions or instruction

6. - Go straight ahead then turn right.

- Add 2 teaspoons of sugar into the soup.
Signal words:
Adverb of frequency:
- Usually, Always : 90% → 100%
Every day/week/year

- Normally, Frequently, Sometimes, Often : 50% → 80%

Once/ twice/ three times a day/week

- Seldom, Rarely, Never: 0% → 20%

Signal words:
→ Đứng trước động từ thường/ đứng sau động từ “BE”
-Ex: Susan often goes swimming at the weekend.
I am usually kind to other people.

→ Có thể đứng đầu hoặc cuối câu (Usually/ Sometimes)

-Ex: Usually, I finish work at five.
I feel bored sometimes.
S + to be + V-ing
Is not = isn’t
Conjugation Are not = aren’t
S + to be + not + V-ing He’s reading a book

not + V-ing
To be + S + V-ing ?

Am I
Is he
Yes, I am Is she
No, I’m not Is it + V-ing ?
→ Yes, he is Are you
→ No, he isn’t (is not) Are they
Are we
Take - taking, change - changing, write - writing

Stop - stopping, plan - planning, shop - shopping,

begin - beginning

Tie - tying

Travel - travelling, spell - spelling


1. Diễn tả 1 hành động diễn ra ngay lúc nói

- He is sleeping like a baby right now.
- Be quick! I’m waiting for you

- I am reading a book at the moment

- She is playing badminton with her friends

2. Diễn tả 1 hành động diễn ra tạm thời, xảy ra xung

quanh người nói (không nhất thiết tại lúc nói)

- Windy is looking for a new house.

- I’m reading Harry Potter these days. It’s so fantastic!

- I am looking for a new job these days


3. Thể hiện sự bực tức, phiền toái thường xuyên xảy ra với
người nói (always, constantly, continually, etc.)

- Michael is always interrupting teacher when he is teaching.

- He is constantly coming late for the class.

- She is always making a messy in my house

4. Diễn tả sự việc đã được lên kế hoạch, sẽ thực hiện
trong tương lai gần, có địa điểm và thời gian xác định.
- I’m flying to Russia next week.
- What are you doing tomorrow evening?
- I'm hanging out with my besties.

- I’m visiting Nha Trang on this summer

- I am doing my homework tonight.
Time expression / Signals

● Now / right now

● At the moment / at present: ngay bây giờ
● These days: những ngày gần đây
● Look! / Listen! / Be quiet! / Hurry!
Conjugation OTHER VERB
+ S + V2/ V-ed
TO BE → He drank beer last
+ S + was/ were + N/Adj Drink - drank - drunk
+ S + didn’t + V-bare
- S + was/ were + not + N/Adj → I didn’t study last
? Was/ Were + S + N/Adj ? + Did + S + V-bare ?
→ Did you study

+ S + was/ were + N/Adj S + V2/ V-ed
I/ He/She/It + was
- You/ They/ We + were S + didn’t+ V-bare
→ The pictures were
? very beautiful Did + S + V-bare?
→ He was a teacher
1. Diễn tả 1 hành động đã xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm xác định
trong quá khứ (biết được thời gian nó diễn ra)
- Tim travelled to London last 2 weeks.
- Vietnam experienced a famine in 1945.

Famine (n): nạn đói

I played football last week
I played badminton with my friends
2. Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra thường xuyên trong QK (thói
quen) nhưng bây giờ không còn nữa
- Kyle used to be a long distance runner when he was young
- I used to be a fan of milk tea, but now I prefer to drink tea.
used to + V-bare (nguyên mẫu)
- I used to drink coffee but now I prefer milk tea.
- I used to play basketball but now I like playing chess.
- He used to smoke a lots.
Like + V-ing
Like + to verb

3. Diễn tả các hành động xảy ra liên tiếp nhau trong quá
khứ, hành động này nối tiếp hành động kia
- She came home, then switched on the computer and checked her emails.
- As soon as I came to London, I went to the Big Ben and took photos.

Switch (n): công tắc

Switch (v): bật/tắt công tắc.
- I played computer then watched TV.
- As soon as I came to Hanoi, I went to Hoan Kiem lake.
4. Nói về một người đã mất
- Columbus discovered America
- Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.
Time expression / Signals
● 2 years / 2 hours / 6 months / 5 days… ago
● Last + week / year / month...
● In + time in the past ( in 2020)

S + was/ were + V - ing

+ He/She/It/I + was
You/They/We + were

- S + was/ were + not + V - ing

Was/ Were + S + V-ing ?

? → Yes, S + to be → Yes, I was
→ No, S + to be + not → No, I wasn’t

1. Diễn tả hành động ĐANG xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá
khứ. Chúng ta không biết điểm bắt đầu và kết thúc của sự việc

- At 7:00 pm yesterday, I was having dinner with my beloved family

- When I came to see him last week, he was packing suitcase for his journey


1. Diễn tả hành động ĐANG xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá
khứ. Chúng ta không biết điểm bắt đầu và kết thúc của sự việc

- At 7:00 pm yesterday, I was having dinner with my beloved family

- When I came to see him last week, he was packing suitcase for his journey

- He was washing dishes at 7 o’clock yesterday.

- She was opening a party at 7:00 p.m last night

1. Diễn tả hành động ĐANG xảy ra tại một thời điểm trong quá
khứ. Chúng ta không biết điểm bắt đầu và kết thúc của sự việc

- At 7:00 pm yesterday, I was having dinner with my beloved family

- When I came to see him last week, he was packing suitcase for his journey

- He was washing dishes at 7 o’clock yesterday.

- She was opening a party at 7:00 p.m last night

2. Diễn tả 2 hay nhiều hành động đang xảy ra SONG SONG tại một
thời điểm trong quá khứ.

- My friends were hanging out to the cinema while I was studying.

- While I was driving home, Peter was trying to contact me.

- My mother was washing dishes while I was playing mobile game.


3. Diễn tả 1 hành động đang xảy ra thì 1 hành động khác xảy đến
chen ngang vào trong quá khứ. HĐ đang xảy ra (longer action)
(QKTD), HĐ chen ngang (shorter action) vào (QKĐ)

- I was sitting on the sofa when she called.

- She was going out when a fairy girl appeared.
- I was playing on the playground when she called.
Time expression / Signals

● While/ when/ as
● All day/ night/ morning, etc
● When/ while/ as + past continuous (longer action) +
past simple (shorter action)
● When/ while/ as + past continuous, past continuous

I/You/ We/ They + have + V3/V-ed

He/ She/ It + has + V3/V-ed

I/You/ We/ They + have + not + V3/V-ed

He/ She/ It + has + not + V3/V-ed

Have + I/You/ We/ They + V3/ V-ed?

Has + he/she/it + V3/V-ed?
Usages: cách dùng

1. Diễn tả hành động xảy ra tại 1 thời điểm KHÔNG xác định trong
quá khứ. Thời điểm xảy ra không được đề cập vì không quan trọng
→ nhấn mạnh vào kết quả của hành động

- Mary has bought a new mobile phone.

- He’s broken the window glass.
Break - broke - broken
- I have had a beautiful dream.
Have - had - had
2. Diễn tả 1 hành động bắt đầu xảy ra ở quá khứ và vẫn TIẾP TỤC
diễn ra ở hiện tại (kéo dài đến lúc nói, nhấn mạnh vào khoảng thời
gian mà hành động diễn ra)

- I have studied English for 15 years

- He has worked here for 3 years.
- I have played piano since 2013
→ I have played piano for 8 years.
3. Diễn tả hành động đã xảy ra trong quá khứ nhưng kết quả vẫn
còn ở hiện tại.
- Tom has broken his mom’s vase of flower
- They have done shopping.
- We have planted trees.
- I have played that videos.
- She has been ill since Monday
(be) ill : bị đau
Illness (n):
Plant trees (v): trồng cây
Affirmnative: (câu khăng định)
1. Since + mốc thời gian: kể từ khi ... → since Monday, since last month, since
last Christmas, since 2013, ….
2. For + khoảng thời gian: được ….. → for 20 years, for 2 months
→ 2015: since 2015, for 6 years.
3. Already: vừa mới (before now) → I have already done my homework (already)
4. Just: vừa mới → I have just taken a shower.
5. Recently: mới đây → Recently, I have (recently) been to my grandpa’s house
Recently → Already → Just Now
1. Yet (phủ định): chưa → I haven’t eaten dinner yet. → Have you eaten dinner yet
2. ever : bao giờ chưa ? → Have you ever met anybody famous?
a. I haven’t ever met anybody famous
3. How long : bao lâu ? → How long have you lived here?
How long have you get that restaurant?
4. Lately: gần đây (cuối câu) ? → Have you eaten Sushi lately?
5. Never: không bao giờ → I have never eaten Sushi.

Since + mốc thời gian : since Monday..

For + khoảng thời gian : for 2 months.
→ Not yet: chưa xong
Have/has been to: Đã đi đến và đã quay về
Have/ has gone to: Đã đi đến và chưa quay về

My mother have been to Nha Trang. There was lots of beautiful landscape.
Tom have gone to Ha Noi until 2022.
1. Yet (phủ định): chưa → I haven’t eaten dinner yet. → Have you eaten dinner
2. ever : bao giờ chưa ? → Have you ever met anybody famous?
3. How long : bao lâu ? → How long have you lived here?
How long have you get that restaurant?
4. Lately: gần đây (cuối câu) ? → Have you eaten Sushi lately?
5. Never: không bao giờ → I have never eaten Sushi.

Since + mốc thời gian : since Monday..

For + khoảng thời gian : for 2 months.
→ Not yet: chưa xong
Past Perfect Tense
Past Perfect Tense

Positive: S + had + V3/ V-ed

Negative: S + had not (hadn’t) + V3/ V-ed

Question: Had + S + V3/ V-ed ?

1. Diễn tả 1 hành động xảy ra trước một hành động khác cũng
xảy ra trong quá khứ. Hành động xảy ra trước chia QKHT,
hành động xảy ra sau chia QKĐ.

E.g: I had done my homework before my mom came home.

She had gone out when I arrived.
What had he thought before she asked the questions?
Yesterday, he went out after he had finished his homework.
He had cleaned the house by the time his mother came back.

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