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Pyactical No:3: Cchnect

compurler usihg
tnpoloqy t h tixtd media
should he
able to Cohne ct o
Labex atory ih
sar tepology
bahtmisSton meedia and ui
netw ok Canbol
The omtical 2ackqnund4
Proposition : Protocol
physica lauotct tachioh in
Conpute ota Smal ared are whicb
each thec connectcd to
2 TheTe aretwo ty
pes o topdoqe lopolg 9:Tt Te to the
ofthe Various hetusoKS Co mpon.entsincludinq
device lo.catiohahd Cable inctallatiob
The Shape o the Cablihq layout
is lled used to link devcce
te to po logy t the netwak
|Logi calopologyTtshoull how the clata
lous Withina netoork reqsodlegr af H
Phycical deLig h
Nettwork Topology
phy.ical Logica

Componehtt Arrangcments Data lo ih hetuuk

Prposttion 2:
Bu TopelogyTopology y pe
AKusopaloqy cohsict Cyclcm Butuuith maln
aCminaty each ha in at
which all compukng
Chode)art conne.ctedto the coble
A sqna om the Source -braue ih both
dimection t
ble until allComputtKcohhected the oh
it tinds the intChdod e ipitnt
T the Computcr addres
the intt hded doelhot match
addrelsor the dat, it iq hoxr tbe der
Cohcept auelu e:

Back Bone cable

Termi ha-tor Temntnettor


Rus Topolog y
21 King Topology
.Th thi all Computef Chades Conne cted

to each-other in Suth a
Uythat they
make q closed lo0p
tach omputty ic Connectd-to wo other omponen
on erthe2 ide, ard (ommuniCald ulth tus ad1a.cent
heighbovs ata icest aao.uhd he ing until t
70ahe da tivation
Page No.

Con cept sbuelaof

TMech T opol og y
This Lopolog y employ full meth and padia
melhTh ull mesh -topology each compucttr
directly to each ath e
Ih Patial meh -lo po lo9 come Computlen
are Cohhected to all stheaA, ahd fome a
Conneled only to thee othe hode uith cahich
they exchahg the mast clatg
COh Le pt Stau cluoC:
Slar opoldgy
thts eUeny hodt s cohneckd tb ccee n t z a l
hode Y devcecalledhuh ar cwltey
2] All the dala patie-thoouah the ccnbral
device be tmtYeaChinq he IrbChded
2) Ah advantage t Th -topelogy i the cim pli; cty
o addinq additlonal hoda he pimamy
ohuad vahteaithal the hubl cua itch eprerent
a cingle point ot Qllut
CONcept cuctu
ttpullce Pxocedue
Physicaoho ation a r topoloq
Powe oh tht Compuete-theut Lwahttto
cohnet h Starrtopo loqy qhd contocm Luhethe
operating ytthm ahd MICar popen ly wDkec
ote Oh the Lehtora de Vce je hub y Cwtch
Take cable ahd Conhe t t Ohe ehd pohe Cable
-to port_ot The twlth hub_qnd connectE the
othey chd ofthe Lqme Cable to ComPuttyl
Page No.
NIC pot
The ligkt oh port of the swtch o huh and
Compucte NLCpot choul4 Luah oh:
This i the phust cal tbrm ation ct slartapology

A Set ot compuetex with updaeked cehtiguoattem
Switch IHb
ran.sol.cioh Ha Medi4 dnd Lonne.cto
Pre Precaultiong
landLe Care-tuly netwcrk deuice
talleu Salely ra

K Conclusloh:
Compohemts arrange ment ih hetuueok dohe
ih Phusical topology

Page No.
Ththe laborauvy (ormpuutcz Conne cted
to Lwlth
aiatopalog y
3JHou many Cabler are tquire
Connett4 Cohmputtt utinq dollouina topulqie
a Bus- bRing 4 C:Har- 4 d:1eth-13
4 hich topology ituaed o pre4-ftred f ured
Luaht to Conhect 3 CCmPu ted to ealh ctherihg
2eh Topciegy In Merh topalogy, ut can onne
the3Compurleoito each otheT calily braure
i a chort nelwozk 3 Compurttt


what nttuecnk opoloqy

NebacTK topology i the a ragem trtt c the
elemeht communi.cdtion hetuoo-K Netuotk
Dpolqy cah e ured to detine_o dler(oriht the
aahge meht o yaziou typer 0 l e comhauni.cotloh
Cation htbocokt including tupe a tlecommubi.cctih
hetaark ncdudnq ammahd and cobeladio
hettcok industrial tield huies Qnd CompLce hetum-k

Gue advantaqe ahd diiadvartaqe of bur =apo.logy

Tt is the eatiet hetwk topoloqy tor conne cting
peripheall 6r Competoin a nedr fashon

Page No.

csheh TthdL LI_

COrkr e iCient ell

a Smol hetuoo?t
Leng-th c a Gble rezclh red ic eL thah
cther topolog
iadva tage
Kus topology it hot q2eat r laqe hetesork
lacubleshootingof induiddal clevice diffirult
iTWh ole hetwaz khard
Need 0t tsrmihator q e tqu red at both-
Cha OE maih Cable

z pie adyahta9 e ahd d'nadvamae n i n g

t scheap -o ihglallahd expand
himum Cltloh
t to manag
taual aCcess-to t e HjDLYOC EL

petb imahce_Conpaod to btu topalaqy
Tt I ex pentile
in oh Che Cable_
lota depehdeh (i
[hey A hotCCalab

ard duad vahtages of clar retom 9

081 qit advaeaqe
Ad vahtag
i L 7eliqble
wll ohtInue
Tohe table falls all cthe
ishigh perdorsing
TEiseXPehcise tointtol
xbra hard a t i equnced (dub y fwlt
G e aduanrtas.e diiadvatrtac of hncsh -topoleg93
2*Ad vah ta9e
A a tlur ohe deuice doel hot aure dL
break D the hetw oh 07-thtmsiom 0dota
Adeng cdld itLone devicefdoe hot in-tepou
data ahomiccton betweey Othey deviCep
Kuildinq ahd mdin-a inihd th lopalog y
dificu ahd m (ohryhainq

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