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A cow is a domestic animal.

Cows are one of the most innocent animals

who are very harmless. People keep cows at their homes for various
benefits. Cows are four-footed and have a large body. It has two horns,
two eyes plus two ears and one nose and a mouth. Cows
are herbivorous animals. They have a lot of uses to mankind. In fact,
farmers and people keep cows at their homes for the same purposes.

Benefits of Cows

The most important thing is that cows give us milk. They are an
essential source of milk for mankind. The milk given by cows helps us
in staying healthy and strong. Milk has a lot of benefits which keeps
various illnesses away. Moreover, it also enhances our immune system.
The milk also produces a lot of products like butter, cream, curd, cheese
and more.
Even the cow dung is used for many purposes. People use it as a really
rich fertilizer. In addition, cow dung is also an efficient producer of fuel
and biogas. Cow dung is also used as an insect repellent. Plus, people
also use it as abuilding material and raw material for paper making.

Next up, we see how cow leather is the most widely used form of
leather. People use it for making soles, shoes, car seats, belts, and more.
The cow leather makes up for almost 60 to 70% of the world leather
Thus, we see how almost everything of a cow is useful for mankind. We
know it carries a lot of importance in the Hindu religion.
However, in India, there are a lot of cows that are not taken care of.
They are left to roam around on roads through which they get many
diseases. They also get into accidents and lose their lives. People and
government must take important measures to keep the cows in a safe
place so they do not get harmed on a daily basis.

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Cow in India

Cows are considered to be a sacred animal in the Hindu religion. The

ardent followers of religion worship this animal like a Goddess. A cow
has been honored with the status of a mother in Hinduism. This is why
people refer to it as ‘Gau Mata’ which translates to Mother Cow.

Many followers of religion consider it a sin to kill cows. Nowadays,

India has a lot of organizations with the sole purpose of protecting
cows. They work to help cows from any danger. They do not tolerate
any kind of harm to cows.

The government is also taking a lot of measures to protect cows from

any injustice. People are coming forward in alliance to safeguard them.
They do not prefer any kind of inappropriate behavior with cows. We
must work together to protect cows and become the voice for the

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