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Practia No- Cohfiqure peea-to-pe ey netuwork

with at east thre ehot

Aim Sludent shauld be able -tn Caliqure

pe.e-to-pee he-tu2ok his uil be lp to
Underctahd dilexent istues invalued in pe e x
to-pee ne-tuwomk

Prepaition 2Peer to Peem Netuok

A peertopee CP2P) hetuwork is type o
dece rali2edand dittibuted nettark
architectuxe in ndividual nodo ih the
netwo.k ecompute r CCalled peer act
as b th cuPplies ahd congu me.
o ecauces
2Computesin a peentope ehe-ttuak Uh
the Same netuwoaking p tool and
Pe er hetworKS_are alto otte h
phycitally hea each bthetypi.caully lh
homesSmcullbysiheJseP o schoolk lco llege
3 Pee: to-pee netuoor ks are
qehera lly Simplen
the Uually do not 07 the
Sameperlormahce uhder heovy oacle

Concept Shruetue

Page Nop

iagq with NIC Cad inttalled

A Set of compctrte
onhe Cto
rahs hmisfi oh_ mediq ahd

APH Catioh
APPlicatidh Lo9 e r H 7 1 P ) |
Layer CHTTP)

La Yer CTC P)
ve tuu oT
NetuweTK Laye CIP)

Da ta LInR
Oata LihK

Mediq to7 data trd ns ter (eg. Ethernet)

Stepwise Procedue
Ths tcl ahd COnfiqune TCPLTP

Page No.
k Select_cohnectloh,ight Clck it_ahd select pamperdie

Click Thtall) theh. Click Prtocol and then clhck Add

click Have Dick T9Pe the location_ar cllihd awtlini
and then chek ok Click Intanet Proiorel CTCelIPu4land
theh Chck ok Selett Thtrnet Potoco Veich 4
CTCPlIRv4) double chck t chck P per tie

Page No.

there re tuoo cwaqs to configune the TCp LTP Paopelief

ASsiqned b DHCPSexe
Select 0btain an addrek aucom.atically ahd otqin
DN Seuer addes automati ally, fhece(ay Clitk O

2 AstiqhedManually


Confiquze Peer o Peer NetwokK

Le c0 CompuHe to be connected in peer tn
Peer nettuo.ok Connected two Computea Using UTP
Cabler that aecontigured o Ca0.[_arrahg ement
into the Pt Lan Caod n Compuute A ard
COntiqumatioh Conptkeatt Lomputr R
TP addes 12: 16R lo:(00 1921661o }l
Subnet mask 25S 25S25 5 0 256:255-255 0
COmpute Nae P-01 Prl02
Workqoup PRL LAB PRL LA8

tor computt A dhd open Cortro) panelz Netuoakand

Intc rhet Netuork and h a rinq ckahqe adaker settirg
Astgh TP cddaes to both ompueleog uing TcPIp

Page No.
beh tush of windous breLvall, so cohhectiahc Cah he
mohltre.duing cmdOpen Contarel Pahel yelen
ahq secu.rity wibd.otu Ficwell2 lush Wihdows ON ox OFE

Ih order -to connecE, wcaKgaoup both chauld be ram

Stagtz Ompu-le z Popertiep 7Advahce Syrtem Settihq

Page No.
To khot both comRtea ax Conhectedopeh
Command pompt and type tting pihq10 adde
Recouceg kequixed
CompuHE_tth NTCad
inclalled Inlt
A Cet ot Conne t y
Kahsmistiob media anc

KPreca utions
Follew alety pro cedunel
deuicee Care f u y
Handle hetwoK

Accenbling _ elCaal into palketf i
hmdhaqed bu TCP

TP4 is 32bit ad.doci cwheeIPv6is

128 bit address

3 TCPLTP proto col coh:tgins ly e

Use CohhectR 2 Conpuue ih_pee to

pe er hetwak theh 2 CohnPutT ah Seno
requ etto sthe7 compucdek wth in hetto.k
to 3et HJOUeJ
age No.
Date Que-tions
1 what i peer topeer Netuu ky
Pee to P YCompLutiha W0rKing iC q
dictributed applicatian qrchitectuae that paztition
tacks oY Cuo-Klaadi betwe eh peeA o pepr q
equaprivileged, equlpertent paticPant in the

2 How ipee to pe er i dlitexentbom

ClentSeYe hetwok9

The mdih derence betweehDeetopee

Ahd clieht Serer herttooak iL that ih pec
t pe en hetwoD K each nede Cdh eqseL

to CeVice_ahd provide Leruice while 1n

cherd-serier h.ade reiponds ulthSemuice
3 i e advah tagel o f pee-toPe er netuode
P No heedto a nettw ok ope t ihq ytem
2 Doei hot he ed ah expencive Sere r be ccuele
induidua woYKsta ttont ae-uted o acce1s
the tlea
3 Much easie to Set up thah d cltentcere y
hetuoorK does hat Spe cicadst Khoudledae

Page No.

d ediaduaneagel pe ecrtope er hetu-k

Recause each_Compute r migh_be helnq
acceLced hy_atheo t Cah slow down he
pertormahce o-the Ue,fielde _and
tolders Cahhot be Centall backec cap
dsdate te meahirg o DANCsea addaeL
A The doman name yctem CDMC Cohhe ct
ulS wth the l IP addrels with ON
Posible t o type Lwoadd ikcdead OE a hrihg
ohuobert ito a bouase allocuia people
-to ceach so wehctep ard ehd ema
LUlha anliq nahe

Page N

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