Use of Continuum Robots For Remote Inspection Operations: Ian D. Walker, Clemson University

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Computing Conference 2017

18-20 July 2017 | London, UK

Use of Continuum Robots for Remote Inspection

Ian D. Walker, Clemson University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
320 Fluor Daniel Building
Clemson, South Carolina 29634 USA

Abstract—We discuss the potential of long, thin “continuum” an alternative and effective means to deploy sensors in a priori
robots to enable new and more effective approaches to remote unknown cluttered environments.
inspection. Resembling robotic cables, this new class of robots
can enter and explore congested and potentially unstable II. BACKGROUND/SIGNIFICANCE
environments, sending back information from sensors at their Continuum robots [9] are a novel and rapidly emerging
tips. This capability is of particular value in search operations in
class of robot [11],[14] with continuously bendable backbones.
disaster relief situations. We illustrate the potential using a thin
continuum robot in representative tasks.
Sometimes inspired by biological structures such as elephant
trunks [5], octopus arms [6],[15] and vines [16], continuum
Keywords—robotics; disaster relief; continuum robots robots are inherently more compliant and adaptable than
conventional robot structures based on rigid links. This
I. PURPOSE compliance allows them to gently maneuver amongst and
In many human or robotic incursions into unknown or through obstacles, while avoiding the generation of large
partially known environments, and notably in disaster relief contact forces.
operations, a priori remote sensing and inspection is invaluable Herein, we discuss long (length measured in meters), and
and often key to success. In urban disaster relief situations, thin (length two orders of magnitude or more than diameter),
lives can depend on whether the existence and location of cable-like continuum robots aimed at remote inspection
buried victims and/or dangerous entities (gas leaks, explosive operations [10],[13]. The large length (multiple meters) to
materials, etc.) can be established among damaged diameter (less than two centimeters) ratio of these robots, along
infrastructure. Further, inspection needs to be made without with their ability to bend continuously along their length,
further collapsing structures within the environment [8]. allows deep penetration into congested spaces, such as debris
There is therefore a need for alternative sensor placement from collapsed buildings.
technologies which can maneuver through tight space in Continuum robots have been proposed previously for
cluttered, complex, a priori unknown (or partially known) inspection of nuclear [1],[2],[4] and space [7],[16]
environments. In the event of contact between the deployed environments. Thin (but not long, in the sense of multiple
technology and its surroundings (either planned or meter length) continuum robots have found a niche in medical
inadvertent), the machine interface needs to be compliant, to applications [3]. However, apart from some early efforts [12],
prevent the generation of high contact forces which could in which the proposed robot was not long and thin in the sense
destabilize the environment. discussed herein, continuum robots have not been utilized in
Conventional robot technologies are based around rigid disaster relief operations.
elements (links, wheels, tracks,…), which inherently present a We next illustrate and detail the potential for long thin
relatively high stiffness mechanical interface to the continuum robots for remote inspection using as an example a
environment. While this is highly advantageous in traditional prototype long thin continuum robot, equipped with a small
robot application arenas (factories, hard floors/road surfaces, camera at its tip. We discuss the capabilities and operation of
etc.), enabling high precision and repeatability operations in the robot, and show examples of its deployment within, and
structured or semi-structured environments, it is less inherently remote investigation of, congested spaces.
suited to compliant and adaptive operation in unstructured and
potentially unstable environments. III. METHOD
Our work is focused on the development and evaluation of A. Continuum Robot Design
an alternative approach to remote robotic sensor placement in The prototype long, thin (length ~2m, diameter ~0.07m)
unstructured environments. The approach is focused on the use continuum robot used in the examples herein is shown in Fig.
of a low profile, highly maneuverable, compliant emerging 1. The flexible backbone consists of three concentrically fitted
robot technology: continuum robots. The key goal of the work carbon fiber tubes, spring-loaded to allow local
is to evaluate the potential of such robot structures to provide extension/contraction as well as two-dimensional bending of

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978-1-5090-5443-5/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE
Computing Conference 2017
18-20 July 2017 | London, UK
each section. The robot is remotely actuated by nine electric of a specific object to be searched for within the first
servomotors, which pull tendons. Sets of three tendons, spaced environment.
at 120 degrees apart as viewed from the backbone cross-
section, are terminated at each of the three sections. The A. Searching in an priori Unknown Cluttered Space
actuators are mounted in a compact assembly (not shown) at We deployed the robot in Fig. 1 in a series of congested
the base of the robot. A small USB camera was mounted at the interior spaces. Fig. 2 shows a tip camera view during the
tip of the robot. deployment of the robot in a specific interior space, the interior
of a recycling bin. In this experiment, the robot entered through
a hole at the top, and was remotely operated to locate a hidden
object (a cell phone) among the objects within the bin.

Fig. 1. Thin tendril continuum robot (length: over two meters, maximum
diameter less than one centimeter)

The three independently controlled sections of the robot,

each with three degrees of freedom, result in a nine
controllable degree of freedom system. The bending stiffness
of the tubes forming the backbone, and the spring stiffnesses
determining the compressibility of the structure were selected Fig. 2. Robot deployed among dense unstructured objects. Cell phone target
to produce a system whose unloaded shape is easily is found “alive” (i.e. on) behind cans, paper, etc
controllable, but which is highly compliant to externally
applied loading. Full design and operational details of the robot The contents of the bin mostly comprised cans and bottles,
are given in [16]. mixed in with paper and cardboard pieces (typically folded
and/or crumpled). This environment was particularly
B. Operation of the Robot challenging due to the fact that the generation of high contact
The robot was deployed in two types of test environments, forces between the robot and the paper/cardboard tended to
detailed in the following section. The first task (section IV.A) collapse those environmental elements, significantly changing
focused on finding a known object (a cell phone) in an a priori the geometry of the environment, and blocking paths to the
unknown and collapsible indoor environment. The second task target Thus this environment was a good opportunity to
focused on exploring and categorizing elements of an a priori evaluate the ability of the inherent compliance within the
unexplored outdoor environment. In each case the ability of the tendril robot to gently explore potentially unstable
robot to manoeuver through the obstacle field while contacting environments.
but not collapsing the environment was recorded.
A representative sequence of images from the tip camera
Coarse base mobility for the robot was enabled manually during the experiment are shown in Fig. 3. The robot was able
(i.e. a human carried the robot to the boundary of each to negotiate the clutter without collapsing environmental
environment, and selected the initial direction in which to obstacles, locate the cell phone, and confirm that it was “alive”
insert the tendril). The tendons were then controlled to for fine (i.e. on). In this context, the mechanical potential and
navigation of the tendril through the obstacles in each capabilities of the tendril robot were validated. However, the
environment, guided by the operator using the video from the tip camera view of the environment proved confusing at times
tip camera. The camera image was the only feedback provided for the operator, who tried multiple times to direct the tendril
to the human operator. through the same impassible regions of the bin, before
ultimately finding a feasible path. This observation motivates
IV. RESULTS the development of sensor-based mapping and visualization
In the example deployments below, neither environment techniques to augment these types of searches. Note the
was modified for the reported experiments beyond the hiding analogy in this experiment to searching in cluttered

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Computing Conference 2017
18-20 July 2017 | London, UK

Fig. 3. Tip camera sequence showing tendril search. Top: point of entry
from top of container. Middle: typical internal view from robot tip – clearly
identifiable cans, largely occluded by paperr and cardboard. Bottom: ultimate
emegence into center of container. Visible (immediate top right of red soda
can) is search goal, a cell phone. Cell phone is seen to be on, i.e. “alive”

B. Exploring Outside in Natural/Artificial Environment

The robot was also deployed in outdoor environments. In
Figs. 4 and 5, tip camera views of one deployment of the robot
through dense undergrowth to locate, identify, and enter a drain
and explore its contents are illustrated. This experiment was
performed at night, in fairly dense vegetation. Unknown to the
robot operator was the existence of a drain (with a cover grill
over the entry), obscured by the undergrowth. The planned Fig. 4. Tip camera sequence showing tendril exploration through vegetation,
goal of the experiment was for the operator to explore, locate ultimately finding and approaching drain cover. Top: drain cover becomes
and identify the drain, and then enter and explore through the initially visible through vegetation. Middle images: drain cover and its
drain cover and down the drain with the tendril. However, geometry become increasingly clear as robot bends around and through
vegetation, approaching drain. Bottom: closer approach, as tendril tip bends to
unknown to the research team as a whole was that the drain
begin entry into drain
was filled with water to a short depth below the drain cover.

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Computing Conference 2017
18-20 July 2017 | London, UK
The author would like to thank Phanideep Gonthina and
Ryan Scott for conducting the experiments and obtaining the
images used in this paper.
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